Cruising Sea

Skipper on a Yacht – The Ultimate Guide

passengers on a boat

When it comes to sailing trips and holidays, a lot of people appear misinformed that it requires extensive knowledge of oceanic navigation as well as operating a boat.

The comforting truth, on the contrary, is that a sailing trip can be enjoyed by complete novices as much as any sailing pro.

Almost all yacht charter companies these days provide a skippered boat with a crew in addition to regular bareboat charters.

In other words, you can enjoy the freedom of being all by yourself in the serene blue ocean without any stress and responsibility.

In fact, in my early experiences on charter boats, I almost always had professional and experienced skippers in charge of navigation and operation. Even now, I often go on sailing holidays with a skipper on a yacht.

In this article, you can learn all about the benefits of hiring a skippered boat, tips to hire a professional and experienced captain, what you can legitimately expect from the skipper during your sailing trip as well as other relevant information.

Table of Contents

Responsibilities of the Skipper

The primary reason for chartering a skippered boat is to hand over the navigation and operation of the yacht to someone who has the necessary experience and knowledge.

In the case of your skipper, you can expect him to ensure the safe passage of the boat through responsible boat handling and safe seamanship.

In the case of a fully crewed yacht, the responsibilities of the skipper include making sure the crew understand and carry out their roles and duties.

The skipper is expected to maintain proper coordination among the crew.

To sum up, the tasks and responsibilities of a skipper are both technical and interpersonal. Apart from operating the boat and navigating it expertly, he should also ensure that the crew is obeying his command dutifully.

People on a boat

Who Should Choose the Option of a Skippered Yacht?

People with no or little sailing experience would have to choose the services of a professional and experienced skipper to make their trip a success.

Skippered yachts are perfect for those who do not possess a sailor’s license but want to partake in the fun of a sailing holiday.

Also, if you are part of a large group of friends and family, and want to leave the responsibility of sailing to the skipper to enjoy the trip in a stress-free manner, then you should certainly consider a skippered boat.

A skippered boat is also ideal for people who want to sharpen their sailing skill under the watchful eye of an experienced and professional sailor.

Even experienced sailors can benefit from professionally skippered boats if you want to partake in regattas and require that extra bit of help and professional knowledge.

Planning Your Itinerary With the Skipper

One of the best advantages of having a skippered boat comes from the help you would get in planning your sailing itinerary.

The skippers on particular routes have extensive knowledge of the best locations, coves, inlets, and beaches that you and your friends would enjoy during the trip.

They can help you plan the sailing trip in a way that makes it possible for you to see and experience the most during your trip.

Also, skippers are intimately aware of the prevailing weather conditions and may help you tweak your itinerary in such a way that adverse weather does not mar your holiday.

Last, but not the least, skippers know the best and cheapest places to moor the boat so that you do not spend extra at expensive marinas.

Boats on the water

Does the Yacht Charter Price Include in Skipper’s Fees?

Yacht charter companies do not include the fees payable to a skipper when you lease their boats.

The fees commanded by the skipper is typically done at the base office, while the invoice for the same is generated and handed over to you after the completion of the trip.

The yacht charter companies only advertise the cost of hiring their boat, without the crew, complements, and skipper, on their brochures and websites.

  Accommodation for Skipper Aboard the Boat

It is required that you reserve one of the cabins for skipper and his crew to rest and sleep in during your sailing trip.

Typically, a lot of boats have a special version for charter companies featuring extra cabins so that more people can be accommodated on the boat.

It is not required that you reserve the stateroom or other luxurious cabins for the crew. Typically, yachts come with a dedicated cabin for crew and feature bunk beds.

Who is Responsible for Skipper’s Meals?

It is customary that skippers be provided meals along with the crew by the chartering party. There is no requirement that the food should be fancy or gourmet quality, and the crew and skipper would typically eat whatever you serve.

During your trip ashore in the middle of your sailing holiday, it is considered nice to take the skipper to restaurants along with you.

However, there is no such requirement or custom, and you may just hand him enough cash for a meal at the local fast food joint.

Do’s and Don’ts for Skipper on Board the Yacht

As mentioned above, the primary role of the skipper on board the boat is to ensure a safe and enjoyable trip for everyone.

This means taking care of the technical aspects of sailing, including the correct deployment of mast and sails, safe moorings, checking the weather conditions, guiding the crew, and advise on the route.

The skipper, however, is not obligated to take the route preferred by you if they deem it dangerous due to any reason, including weather.

Similarly, you should not expect the skipper to perform menial tasks such as cleaning.

Skipper on a boat

Cost of Hiring a Skipper

The cost of hiring a skipper dependent on some factors including his professional experience, the region you are sailing in, and the sailing season.

On an average, you should expect to pay between Euro 90 to 150 for each day of your sailing trip.

How to Tip the Skipper?

It is customary to tip the skipper at the end of the sailing trip. Typically, the tip works out to 10 percent of his total sailing fee.

However, if you liked his services and recommendations, then you may tip generously. The skipper will certainly appreciate it.

Advantages of Hiring a Skipper

Probably the best part of having a skippered boat is that it allows you to get the most out of your sailing holiday.

  • In my personal experience, I have noticed that the presence of a professional and experienced skipper enabled us to plan our itinerary better.
  • Many times, the skipper’s intimate knowledge of the local coastline and weather helped us see places that we did not expect and avoid rough weather.
  • Skippers know the best places to eat during your trips ashore and have their own local sources to recommend the best places to see and visit.
  • Also, you can truly enjoy a stress-free and blissful holiday with your friends and family safe in the knowledge that your boat is in capable hands.

In Conclusion

Skippered boats are probably a perfect way to introduce the joy of sailing holidays to those who have not experienced it before.

Even among those with sufficient sailing experience, there are a lot of benefits to having an experienced skipper in charge of the yacht.

There is no doubt that an experienced sailor would help you get more out of your holiday in every sense of the term. While it may be slightly costlier than bareboat charters, a skippered boat is certainly worth its price.

Need a skipper on your boat? Send your inquiry now, and you’ll receive a free skippered yacht charter quote!

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Have you already hired a skipper? If so, what was your experience? Please feel free to share it by leaving a comment just below, I’ll be glad to hear your feedback:)

Picture of Daniella

Daniella has been passionate about travel, the sea, and nature for many years. As a child, she frequently traveled throughout the Mediterranean and continued with her journeys throughout her adult life.

Her experiences have created the desire within her to share her love for traveling with other passionate and adventurers who want to discover beautiful horizons and new cultures.

7 thoughts on “Skipper on a Yacht – The Ultimate Guide”

Hi Daniella,

I just found out that I can charter a yacht with a skipper commandeering it. I was reluctant to go to the sea because I thought I have to go to a “sea” school first.

Especially, when you watch all the Hollywood movies that portray you can go on a cruise without a skipper. And then comes the storm. YUCK!

Now I can safely plan my trip with the skipper’s help. Thank you for bringing this to my attention and corrected my misinformation.

No problem. it’s a pleasure for me to inform the readers, this is the purpose of the website:)

I am happy that the misinformation has been cleared up! And, indeed, you can plan in complete tranquility your next trip with the help of a skipper, believe me, it is worth it:)

Thank you for the comment and wish you a nice day!

Thanks for the information on skippers on a yacht. I have never been on a yacht before and know very little about them except what they look like and are used for! So i enjoyed learning about the skipper as never actually heard that term before. It’s something that i would love to do one day, And the pictures make it seem like it is an amazing experience to have. Maybe one day!

Having a skipper on board is something fabulous:) You don’t need to worry about the navigation at all. They also know the environment well so you can count on him to bring you to best places as well:) Isn’t great?

Thank you for the comment and wish you a wonderful day!

Thank you for visiting my website and for the comment:) To answer your question, most charter companies offer to the client the option to hire a skipper for their sailing holiday. Skippers are not included in the price as they work independently and the cost per day will vary between 120 to 150 Euro, some, even more, depending on the skipper skill. If you own a yacht and you wish to hire a skipper, you can find one at “ Delivery Captain ” I hope it helped and if you need more information, feel free to contact me at any time, I’ll be more than happy to assist!

Have a wonderful day!

I really like your comment about how an experienced sailor would help you get more out of a holiday than sailing on your own. I imagine it would also be a good idea to work with a skipper if you plan to buy your own yacht as well, even if you plan on learning to sail (someone has to teach you, after all). I imagine that a skipper would have a lot of good information about different services as well, like yacht delivery if you plan to move for example.

I am glad you like the comment, thank you for the kind feedback:) Oh, yes, definitely, a skipper will not just navigate the boat, but he will also teach you a lot of things and will bring you to places you don’t know. A skipper is someone you can rely on!

Thank you again for the comment and wish you a wonderful day!

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Yacht Charter with Skipper | 15 Things You Need to Know

Yacht charter with skipper | the 15 essentials, our guide to hiring a skipper for a yacht charter.

Embarking on booking a yacht charter adventure brings a world of excitement and questions, especially when it involves a skipper. Navigating the role and significance of a skipper is key to a successful journey. From understanding the definition of a skipper to grasping their responsibilities and qualifications, each element plays a crucial role in shaping your experience.

Cost and logistics are central to planning your charter. Delving into the details like skipper fees , route decisions , and crew hiring provides clarity and helps set realistic expectations. Additionally, practical concerns such as feeding the skipper and tipping etiquette are aspects often overlooked yet vital for a smooth sailing experience.

Finally, the more nuanced aspects of yacht chartering, like discussing plans with your skipper in advance and navigating the complexities of charter agreements , reveal the intricate dynamics of this unique travel experience. Dive into each of these facets to unravel the full picture of what it means to charter a yacht with a skipper.

Charter Payment Protection

Insolvency protection, safe payment, muti-currency. lossless forex, low price guarantee, exclusive deals no hidden fees, introduction to skippered yacht charters.

Understanding Skippered Charters.  These charters are increasingly popular for their ease and expert guidance. Skippers are not only highly qualified mariners, but also adept at being sociable or discreet according to guest preferences.

You’ll also learn about some facts you might not have known, like it’s your responsibility to feed your skipper and your Operator or agent only act as “recruiters”, whilst they will bear natural responsibility for finding suitable and qualified skippers, it’s a typically a direct relationship.

Here at SailChecker, we work closely with our clients to help them make arrangements with their skipper that works for them.

Pre-Charter Access and Skipper Selection

Choosing Your Skipper. You get surprisingly little choice over or access to your skipper.  Typically detailed planning discussions won’t be possibile until you arrive at the base.

Whilst this sounds restrictive, it’s actually the most effective and efficient. It will mean that your skipper is not dealing with future client’s and be able to focus on you during your charter. It means that you won’t make planning decisions that are undone by local weather conditions.

The popularity and freelance nature of skippers has lead to high demand and high turnover. Operators will not always be in a position to allocate until the week leading up to your charter.

Here at SailChecker we work hard to understand your specific requirements, not all operators work in the same way, help balance all your requirements to ensure the best possible experience.  

Cost and Duration of Skippered Charters

How much does it Cost to Hire a Skipper? We’ll explore the typical costs and duration of skippered yacht charters, this segment provides crucial budgeting insights for those planning a charter.

SailChecker have independent options and their own skippers to give charterers a wider choice of crew.

Route Planning and Flexibility

Adjusting Sailing Routes: Skippers play a crucial role in route planning. However, pre-arrival planning is often subject to change due to local conditions. This flexibility ensures a comfortable and enjoyable journey, catering to real-time factors like weather and local events.

Role and Responsibilities of the Skipper

Expectations from Your Skipper. We’ll provide a detailed overview of the skipper’s responsibilities, emphasising their commitment to safety, navigation, and guest comfort, while clarifying limits in tasks like cooking and domestic duties.

Skippers are highly skilled professionals, it’s really important to understand what a Skipper will and won’t do for you.

Here at SailChecker, we use our independence to advise on different options and levels of service. 

Understanding the Skipper Hiring Process

Selecting the Right Skipper: Insights into the hiring process of skippers, highlighting how charter operators ensure they select skippers who are not only skilled but also have the right interpersonal qualities.

Here at SailChecker, we know which Operators are recruiting and retaining the best Skippers in their freelance pool.

Interpersonal Skills of the Skipper

Skippers’ Social Skills: Concluding with the importance of a skipper’s ability to be genial, teach, entertain, and also maintain discretion, ensuring guests enjoy their time aboard while feeling comfortable with their presence.

Here at SailChecker, we know how important the right personality is, whether it’s someone who’s great with kids, someone who likes to teach the basics or someone who knows the party spots, we’ll help you refine your choice and create a better and more enjoyable sailing experience.

  • 1. Definition of a Skipper?
  • 2. How much does it cost to hire a Skipper?

3. Who decides the Route?

  • 4. Can We Have the Skipper’s CV and Sailing Resume?

5. Can I Discuss our Plans with the Skipper in Advance?

6. is the route always certain on a skippered charter.

  • 7. Who actually hires the Skipper?
  • 8. What will the Skipper NOT DO on a yacht charter?

9. What will your Skipper ACTUALLY do on a yacht charter?

  • 10. Who feeds a charter skipper?
  • 11. How much Does a Skipper Earn on a Skippered Yacht charter?
  • 12. How much do you tip your Skipper on a yacht charter?
  • 13. Are Skipper’s Qualified?
  • 14. How do you become a Skipper?

15. When Booking a Yacht Charter with a Skipper why can’t we have Open Access to them in Advance?

1. definition of a skipper, how to define the skipper or captain of a boat during a charter.

Let’s start with a formal definition:

Skipper. noun. /ˈskɪpə(r)/ /ˈskɪpər/ ​the captain of a small ship or fishing boat.

You will find the word used worldwide but it is chiefly in use in Europe, especially the UK. In the US and in the Far East, you will see the word interchanged with “captain”, reserved for larger ships in British English. Whichever you choose to use, you are highly unlikely to be misunderstood or even corrected.

In essence, it’s the most senior person on board and in command of the vessel and has some pretty serious obligations under the local laws and the International Regulations for the Prevention of Collision at Sea ( COLREGS ). He or she can, if in international waters, even officiate legally recognised weddings under some circumstances!

In the end, you have to lawfully accept their decisions whilst underway which makes understanding exactly what their responsibilities are when chartering with a skipper (or captain!).

2. How Much Does it Cost to Charter with a Skipper?

Freelance skipper rates for yacht charter.

Chartering with a Skipper. Now that you know you need or want to go chartering with a skipper, how much will it cost to hire one?

Price. In 2024 the most typical price for a chartering with a skipper was between €240 or $240 per day. Whilst advertising rates are per day, it can be difficult to charter for anything short of a week as most skippers are seeking full employment at peak times. The exception is Assisted Sailing .

Assisted Sailing. This is where a skipper joins you for several days at the commencement of your charter. It’s particularly useful if you are a little out of practice, a new sailor, or sailing a bigger boat than you are used to.

How Much Does It Cost to Charter a Yacht. We do recommend you check out our blog How Much Does It Cost to Charter a Yacht  if you would like to piece the whole picture together.

Route Planning for a Yacht Charter

Many charterers are naturally anxious about knowing where they are going and who decides. For some, booking restaurants and other popular attractions along the way is essential.

The route selection is something that cannot ever be guaranteed. There is always a risk the weather plays a small or large part in your decision. Whilst the Skipper has the final say on safety, the primary guest will have a great deal of input into the route. Where there are restaurants that need booking, more than 1 week in advance, your operator will typically reach out to you, in the main, restaurants can be secured during your charter.

SailChecker has a great deal of experience in each location and, as importantly, how each base operates and treats guests. We aim to find what’s a priority for you and match you to the right operator and boat accordingly. 

4. Can We Have the Skipper's CV and Sailing Resume

How much you get to learn about your skipper in advance and can vary and can change at short notice.

On high-end charters, known as Crewed Charters (opens in a new tab), the crew on the boat full-time have resumes and CVs that will be sent to you before booking. On skippered charters, where the boat and skipper are hired separately, skippers more typically come from a pool and for operational reasons, might only be allocated at short notice. This might not always be the case, smaller companies may allocate well in advance and changes are rare.

Planning With Your Crew in Advance is Often Restricted.

Being denied access to your Crew in advance is a common policy from Operators. This ensures that the crew focus entirely on you when you are on charter, and not dealing with communications from charters in the weeks ahead.

In some cases, your  Operator may not know who your skipper is, or leave themselves the ability to move people around at the last minute. This is ‘priced-in’ when compared to Crewed Charters.

SailChecker will always honestly manage expectations about crew access. We are also a team of ex-crew members who can often answer many of the questions without needing to revert to the crew.

Your Planned Route Can Change at Very Short Notice

On many  yacht charter with a skipper,  the route will go exactly as planned and bear a remarkable similarity to the published itinerary by the operator and agent. In other cases, it may differ significantly once the skipper can talk to you and explain the different options available to you.

On top of that, factors like the weather,  sail weeks  (groups of yacht sailing together to party) that might turn idyllic spots into loud music all evening, might mean a tweak to the route without missing out on the a highlight.

The weather is a strong contender to play it’s part too; heading in the direction wind has been coming from for a few days can make the sea uncomfortable to give one example (there are many), but settled later in the week – your skipper will be an expert on keeping you as comfortable as possible. In other words, they won’t know in detail where you will go, only in outline which is always provided in  sailing itineraries  for the area.

7. Who Actually Hires the Skipper?

Freelance skippers are typically are hired directly by the primary guest.

Introduction . This might seem an odd thing to need to know when you’re chartering with a Skipper . But, it can be useful to know as it might not be quite what you were expecting.

Crewed Charter . If you are chartering a boat with a permanent crew , they are almost always salaried or won the boat. If they are employees, they will have contracts with the crewed yacht charter operator. They are very typically a couple who share a cabin which allows cabin space to be maximized for guest use.

Skippered Charter . If you are hiring your skipper separately it’s commonly referred to as a Skippered Charter  (New Window), you are, in essence, adding a skipper to a Bareboat Charter (New Window), like you might add a driver to a hire car.

Key Info . Keep in mind that every crew member will need their own cabin to comply with employment law in most countries. That said, there are lots of exceptions, but it pays not to assume.

Employment Status. When chartering with a skipper in this manner, they will typically be self-employed. The operator will have their own reputation to protect and will always try and work with the best they can find, yet they won’t always be directly responsible.

8. What Will Your Skipper NOT DO on a yacht charter?

Freelance skippers are skilled mariners and won't deal with every aspect of you charter..

Knowing exactly what to expect of your skipper when chartering is key to a stress-free charter from the outset avoiding any misunderstandings. It’s also the most challenging question to answer, as no two operate in exactly the same way, and it can even vary from skipper to skipper even when working for the same operator! All in all, this makes it even more important to know where the lines are and to get your agent’s support. Here at SailChecker, we take this part of organising your charter seriously.

Here is a list of SEVEN things you will typically find your Skipper is unlikely to do as part of your agreement:

  • Pay your deposit. Most boats have a non-refundable element to the deposit. As a charterer, it may come as a surprise to know that in many cases, you are still responsible to the operator and the skipper is responsible to you. If some damage is caused through some extraordinary event, say a surge in water, that the skipper could not have ordinarily made provision for, then the liability falls to the charterer, not the skipper. If the skipper damages the boat, say during docking, he will almost certainly cover that cost and many are insured, yet do not take that for granted.
  • Cook . Ok. So there are many great skipper cooks out there, yet it cannot be an expectation. It’s not even possible to demand one, it’s something you might be able to influence through your agent, so if it’s important to you, make it known at the start.
  • Serve Drinks or Meals. On the contrary, it’s actually your duty to ensure he is “fed and watered”. This need not be in the style you are feeding yourselves, although it is quite rare to discriminate, yet so long as you discharge your responsibility, the skipper will be more than happy.
  • Sail If Unsafe. No matter your crews’ experience, the decision to sail will always lie with the skipper. This can even be at a difficult time in the charter, yet the skipper will always put the safety of the crew and boat before any practical considerations.
  • Wash Up! Skippers will always tidy up after themselves if they are preparing their own food for instance, but they will not discharge any domestic duties whilst on board. They take more practical measures, such as stowing garbage, but it will be your responsibility to dispose of it ashore.
  • Late Runs Ashore. The way you will get ashore for land-based activities is via the tender. During the day this will often by the Skipper or other crew. Yet in the evening, they will not stay awake to run guests back the yacht after a certain time.
  • Provisioning . Your skipper will not do any provisioning. YOu will need to hire a chef or a hostess if you need this doing for you. Many good agents will help you do your initial provisioning remotely so that it is delivered to you on your first day without the requirement to go to the local supermarket.
  • Work All Hours. Your skipper will work hard during your charter and will always be on duty if you are underway. Not always on watch in some exceptional circumstances such as a night sail. Whilst when chartering with a skipper, they will always be available for advice and so on at the dock or at a mooring, their duties are considerably curtailed. Typically a skipper should not be working more than 8 hours a day.
  • Pre-Charter Support. Charters are pretty intensive for crew ensuring you have the very best time. The last thing you want on your charter is the crew being inattentive because they are dealing with questions from guests of upcoming charters. For that reason, most operators protect their crew by dealing with your questions and pre-charter support up until much closer to the day, if not the day of your charter.
  • Teach you to Sail. This is a strange one. This appears in what skippers won’t do and will do. I am yet to meet a skipper who doesn’t love teaching, yet willing students are difficult to find. I once encountered excitable students, only to find their interest wained when I asked them to learn the basic knots! For that reason, some Skipper’s will shy away from any formal teaching that’s not formalised in a syllabus.

A Look at all the Things you Can Expect from your Skipper

So now we have learnt a few things your host won’t do when chartering with a skipper , let’s focus on what you can expect from them.

Here’s our list of what you can expect when chartering with a skipper :

  • Meet and Greet . Expect your Skipper there when you arrive. If you are early, he might have some other duties to perform for the previous client before attending to you. As you can see, not much time off in this game.
  • Handover/TakeOver. Your skipper will do this on your behalf. It needs to be emphasised, this is typically on your behalf. As the charterer, the liability for the skipper and his actions ultimately rests with you. You can choose to be present or trust your skipper.
  • Planning . Whether you’re the type of person to have your trip planned with military precision, or the type to trust in your skipper, the wind, sea and weather might have their own ideas. This is very much part of sailing and the vast majority of trips exceed the client’s expectations because the Skipper, having learnt your preferences and experience levels, is so expertly able to direct you on what will suit your crew.
  • Host . Whilst it’s only your duty to ensure your skipper is fed, the skipper can often make a great dinner guest on abord and ashore. Much depends on your preferences and how the relationship develops, yet you will find most Skippers are the “hosts with the most”. Sit back and enjoy their stories.
  • Teach Sailing. If you are reading sequentially, this completely contradicts something I wrote in the last segment. It is possible to get teaching skippers outside of a syllabus so that you have some control over the route and what you do (unlike t a formal course). It will rarely lead to a formal qualification, but it will help immeasurably if you’re looking to do won in the future. Here at SailChecker we often go the extra yard to match the right skipper with the right crew to ensure you get the best possible experience.
  • Cook . Another contradiction! You certainly can’t expect them to cook for you, yet so many have great skills you might want to take advantage of if offered.
  • Tour Guide. Your skipper is likely to be very familiar with the area, and language, you should expect them to be willing and able to help with that.
  • Purser . Sometimes the skipper will ask you for a sum of money to cover incidental expenditure. It really helps the crew look after you paying for mooring, fuel, etc. without having to come to you each time. You will always receive a full break down and any unspent APA is returned. What is an APA? Read our comprehensive APA guide.

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Got a question about Yacht Charter or Sailing?

10. Who feeds the Skipper on a Skippered Charter?

You are responsible for feeding your skipper throughout the charter.

Responsibility. It’s a clear obligation for the charterer to ensure the skipper is properly provisioned for.

Provisioning on Board . How to provision for your Skipper is a matter of discretion and a decision you can amend as you see fit without upsetting your skipper. They will be more than happy preparing meals from food you have bought for them or to eat your meals whilst about (this is the most common).

Provisioning Ashore . In this case, it might be the Skipper who would prefer to eat alone on the boat to do some work or attend to other matters. If this is the case, you can simply leave some provisions to use, or provide an allowance.

Summary. In the end, chartering with a skipper and feeding them is not an exact science. You should not be afraid of making your own plan so long as they are catered for.

11. How Much Does a Skipper Earn on a Yacht Charter?

Skippers on Skippered Charters will typically keep all of the fee you pay them. This is a little higher than the salaried guys who are get paid whether they are on charter or not and who typically get bigger tips.

Some skippers that are retained by the operators lose a percentage, typically 15-20% for their compensation.

A skipper on a superyacht would get around $5,000 upwards per month dependant on the size of the boat and their experience (plus tips that tend to be bigger than on mid-range charters.)

12. How Much do you Tip your Stewardess on a Yacht Charter

Tips are always welcome and always at your discretion: they do vary from region to region.

How much you tip when chartering with a skipper can depend on a few factors; the price of the charter, location, number of crew, etc. Tips are generally higher in the Caribbean and North America due to the tipping culture.

The  Mediterranean Yacht Brokers Association (MYBA)  has suggested tipping guidelines, the general rule is to tip  between 10% and 15% of your weekly charter fee , excluding running expenses and taxes.

That seems about right to us although we do see more.

13. Are Skippers Qualified?

A brief insight into the qualification your skipper is likely to hold.

You’d hope that your skipper was qualified, but that largely depends on where you are sailing, possibly not. In the vast majority of cases, outside of the Caribbean, it will be a yes. In Europe, it will vary from a good qualification to a commercial endorsement.

Here at SailChecker, we have our own commercial endorsed skippers that travel out with our clients who want that reassurance. We do not knowingly charter with any operators not using qualified skippers.

14. How Do You Become a Skipper?

Thinking about being your own or professional skipper.

This is a complex question, there are many recognised schemes around the world and 100’s of training providers. It largely depends on what you want to use your qualification for and what do you want to leave open in the future.

If you care only about chartering and will only sail in these cruising areas then you should read our blog on the International Certificate of Competence (ICC) (New Window).

If you have further ambitions as a professional charter, flotilla, or delivery skipper, then you will find some m, more information here .

More on the Rationale Behind Withholding Skipper's Details

Having paid not an inconsiderable amount of money for the services of a person so central to your sailing holiday, it is inevitable you are going to want to know as much as possible about them. The reason why that might not happen is mostly answered above: In the end, a series of email exchanges will not get you much further forward, you are unlikely to detect the character flaws that the operator has not already been aware of. If you have a request like a yacht charter with a skipper who is:

  • Good with children
  • Enjoys teaching
  • Is good company
  • Is unobtrusive when not needed

Are all matters your operator will take into consideration when

Any Last Questions on Chartering with a Skipper

Are you considering chartering with a Skipper?

Give us a Call or Send us an Email.

We’re here to help., +44 8000988118, +1 8443351306, +30 8008481290, +61 730678907.

Christopher Lait

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Yacht Charter & Sailing.

Yacht Racing for Dummies – What Happened Next – Part 1

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skipper yacht sailing

Sailing with Skipper

Skippered yacht charter - sailing with skipper .

If you are not a skipper yourself, then having a professional skipper onboard a charter yacht is a must .  

Not only will the skipper make your sailing holidays comfortable and relaxed but will also share their local knowledge about the destinations, route, weather, restaurants, and mooring and anchoring places. In case of bad weather, the local skipper will find the best place to safely secure the boat.

What to Expect from and How to Treat a Skipper

Skippered Sailing Yacht

You will meet your skipper during the check-in procedure , where he/she will do the technicalities , after which he/she will help all guests with accommodation. When settled on the yacht, the guests will learn about safety onboard. The skipper on a yacht should get its own separate cabin (one of the inside cabins or the front cabin), as well as private time at the end of the day. Sleeping in the saloon is considered uncomfortable because it means that the skipper is the last to go to bed - and it creates discomfort if the guests like to stay up late.  

Regarding food, the guests should provide the skipper with at least one warm meal a day and enough water. It is highly important to note that cooking is not a part of the skipper’s official duty.  

Should there be any technical difficulties with the boat, the skipper is in charge to deal with those difficulties in accordance with the base. It is considered polite to give the skipper a hand in that process. The guests should be and feel safe at all costs.  

All in all, both the skipper on a yacht and the guests should act civilized, polite and patient, and have fun on their sailing journey.

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  • Bareboat Charter

Skippered Charters

  • Crewed Yacht Rentals
  • martinique catamaran with skipper
  • 50ft skippered yachts
  • skippered yacht for 10 people
  • skippered catamarans seychelles

Skippered charter is an excellent choice if you have never chartered before. When it comes to yacht charters, skippered options offer a world of advantages that can transform your sailing vacation into an unforgettable and stress-free experience. Whether you're a novice sailor or a seasoned seafarer, the inclusion of a professional skipper can elevate your journey in numerous ways.

Skippered Charters: Elevating Your Sailing Experience

Chartering a skippered yacht has many advantages. Hiring a Skipper on your charter yacht is an excellent choice if you have never chartered before, particularly sensible when you lack a sailing license or other relevant qualifications required for chartering a yacht on your own. Additionally, a skipper imparts their sailing know-how to the crew members and provides guidance on tasks aboard. The Skipper is responsible for a smooth sailing trip, considering weather conditions, local factors, and onboard equipment. The experienced Skipper possesses excellent knowledge of the desired sailing area and is the perfect companion for a yacht charter. A skippered yacht charter means you'll have a highly skilled captain at your service throughout the trip.

The Benefits of Charter Boat with Captain

One of the most significant advantages of a skippered yacht charter is the inclusion of a professional skipper. Having a skipper on board means you can relax and focus on enjoying your vacation, leaving navigation and safety to the expert. This is particularly advantageous if you lack a sailing license or other necessary qualifications for chartering a yacht on your own. Your captain is not just a navigator; they are your key to a smooth and enjoyable sailing vacation. Your skipper can act as your personal guide, suggesting the best anchorages, pristine beaches, and charming villages that are off the beaten path. With a skipper at the helm, you can enjoy peace of mind knowing that you're in safe hands. They are well-versed in handling the yacht in various conditions and can make quick decisions to ensure the safety of everyone on board. This is especially valuable for less experienced sailors or those who simply want to relax without the stress of navigating. Perhaps the most significant advantage of a skippered yacht charter is the peace of mind it brings. With a skipper on board, you can relax and fully immerse yourself in the vacation experience. Navigation, safety, and decision-making are all handled by the expert, allowing you to focus on enjoying the journey to the fullest.

Sail with Confidence: No License Required

Skippered charters suit many types of travelers and sailors. This type of charter is tailor-made for those who lack sailing experience or have just started sailing. There are times when you simply don't want to be in command or you are new to sailing and just want to grow your confidence. In a skippered charter, a skilled skipper takes charge of sailing the yacht for you. While sailing can be a source of joy for everyone else, it can be quite a demanding task for the skipper. For those interested in learning the art of sailing, having a skipper on board is an opportunity to expand their knowledge like no other. The skipper willingly imparts their sailing wisdom to crew members, offering hands-on guidance and sharing their passion for the sea. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced sailor, you'll have the possibility to deepen your sailing know-how while relishing your vacation.

Responsibilities of Your Hired Skipper

A skipper's responsibilities on a sailing or boating trip are extensive and vital. They ensure safe navigation, operate the vessel effectively, and prioritize the safety of the crew and passengers. This includes understanding weather conditions, handling sails and the boat's mechanics, and anchoring securely when needed. Staying informed about current and forecasted weather conditions is crucial. Skippers need to make informed decisions regarding when to sail, when to take shelter, and how to adjust the course based on changing weather patterns. The skipper is responsible for anchoring the boat securely when necessary and safely mooring it when docking or tying up at marinas. Local knowledge and adherence to environmental regulations are also part of their role. The skipper should set an example in this regard.

How to Hire a Skippered Yacht

Skippered charters are your ticket to a sailing adventure like no other, where relaxation and enjoyment take center stage. At YACHTICO, we understand that every customer has unique preferences. Whether you have your heart set on a sleek catamaran, a classic sailboat, or any other type of yacht, our diverse fleet has a wide range of sizes and configurations. This means you can customize your sailing experience to perfectly match your group's size and desires. Booking a skippered charter with YACHTICO is a breeze. When you make your reservation online, you have the option to include a professional skipper in just a few simple steps. We make it convenient for you to have a seasoned captain join your journey, ensuring that every moment is smooth sailing. It's important to keep in mind that your hired skipper requires their own cabin, as they are obligated to stay onboard. This arrangement is essential to ensure a harmonious and enjoyable voyage for all.

Skippered Yachts to Choose from

Best places for yacht charter with skipper.

The best places for yacht charters with a skipper can vary depending on your preferences, but here are some stunning and popular destinations worldwide:

Croatia's Adriatic coastline is renowned for its rugged beauty, crystal-clear waters, and its array of thousands of islands and islets. The coast enjoys relative shelter, making it an ideal destination for smooth sailing. The islands are conveniently close to each other, allowing for effortless island-hopping adventures. While many travelers opt for bareboat charters, there's a growing trend towards skippered yacht charters in Croatia, and it's easy to see why. This convenient way to explore the Croatian coastline offers numerous benefits. Experienced skippers not only possess an intimate knowledge of the waters but also a deep understanding of local culture, history, and hidden gems. They can recommend the finest local restaurants, helping you immerse yourself in Croatian culture and ensuring your journey is rich and authentic. Croatia's cuisine is a delightful fusion of Mediterranean and Balkan flavors. On a yacht, you can savor the freshest seafood, indulge in local wines, and relish traditional dishes at waterfront restaurants and taverns, embarking on a culinary journey you won't soon forget. Skippered charters in Croatia provide unparalleled flexibility when it comes to planning your itinerary. Whether you wish to explore historic cities such as Dubrovnik and Split, swim in secluded coves, or visit picturesque islands like Hvar and Korčula, your skipper can tailor the journey to your preferences, ensuring a personalized adventure. Croatia's historic towns, including Dubrovnik (Known as the "Pearl of the Adriatic), Split (with the famous Diocletian's Palace), and Šibenik (and its impressive St. James' Cathedral, a UNESCO World Heritage site. Nearby, the Krka National Park showcases stunning waterfalls.), are conveniently located along the coast, making them easily accessible by yacht. With a skippered yacht charter in Croatia, you'll create memories that will last a lifetime. Croatia's captivating coastline awaits, ready to be discovered.

Tip: Vis - This remote island offers unspoiled natural beauty, secluded bays, and charming fishing villages. It's an excellent destination for those seeking a peaceful and authentic Croatian experience.

2. Greek Islands (Greece)

With their timeless allure and diverse landscapes, these islands are a treasure trove of experiences for every traveler. The historical depth of the Greek Islands is unparalleled. Greek islands are home to some of the most important ancient civilizations, including the Minoans on Crete, the ancient Greeks, and the Byzantine Empire. The Greek Islands are steeped in mythology, with many islands believed to be the birthplaces of ancient gods and heroes. Greek cuisine is celebrated for its diversity and use of fresh, local ingredients. While the BVI offers its own delicious fare, the Greek Islands' culinary scene provides a wider range of traditional dishes, from moussaka and souvlaki to fresh seafood mezes and baklava. From the iconic architecture of Santorini to the ancient ruins of Delos and the medieval charm of Rhodes, the Greek Islands provide a more diverse range of cultural experiences. This historical richness can add a profound layer of exploration to your sailing journey.

3. Key West

Key West, with its unique charms, offers the perfect setting for boat rentals with captains. Thanks to Key West's temperate climate, you can enjoy sailing adventures year-round. Whether you're escaping the chilly winters elsewhere or seeking a summer getaway, Key West welcomes you with open arms. What truly sets Key West apart are its exceptional well-protected anchorages. These safe and tranquil spots provide a haven for sailors, making it easy to drop anchor and bask in the beauty of the surroundings. Whether you desire a peaceful night's rest or a serene lunch stop, Key West's anchorages have you covered. But Key West's allure doesn't stop there. The Florida Keys are renowned for their diverse marine life, featuring colorful fish, playful dolphins, graceful sea turtles, and breathtaking coral formations. Sailing in these waters not only grants you a picturesque experience but also opens doors to thrilling snorkeling, diving, and wildlife observation opportunities.

Explore More Destinations for Skippered Charter

With a skippered charter, you're in command of your journey while a skilled captain takes care of navigation and safety, ensuring a worry-free and personalized sailing experience.

Remember, a skippered charter isn't just a reservation; it's an invitation to embark on a unique maritime escapade where you can enjoy the voyage to the fullest, knowing you're in capable hands.

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Active Sailing

  • Skippered Charter


Set off on a unforgettable journey and discover idyllic Croatian islands from a comfort of a crewed catamaran or a sailing yacht charter. Renting a sailing boat in Croatia with skipper allows you endless holiday opportunities and a unique chance to explore this hidden European country in the most exciting way. Private yachting holidays is a genuine cruising experience where you can recharge and find harmony surrounded with unique landscapes, idyllic islands and sky-blue Adriatic sea. Take the advantage of flexible itineraries and exclusive accommodations aboard our skippered yacht charters and spend a unforgettable vacation within your best company.


Private yacht charter croatia.

Chartering a sailing yacht or a catamaran with skipper in Croatia is definitively the most unique holiday experience allowing you to discover Adriatic treasures at your own pace. Spend your precious holiday moments surrounded with untouched nature, idyllic Croatian islands and wonderful locations. Before you begin this journey, book one of our comfortable crewed yacht charters.

crewed catamarans in Split Croatia Astrea 42

Crewed catamaran charter is an exclusive holiday experience ensuring our guests the ultimate comfort during their cruising vacation. Spacious and modern sailing catamarans with impressive layouts guarantee a relaxing on board atmosphere and unforgettable cruising moments.

Oceanis 51.1 in Croatia

Yacht rental with crew is an indulging boating adventure in Croatia allowing you to explore sky-blue Adriatic from exclusively equipped sailing yachts. Yachts over 50 foot already include a captain. Skippered boats can always be upgraded with a hostess service to secure the provisioning on board.

Bavaria 46 style

Renting a sailing boat with skipper is not only the most exciting Croatia yacht charter experience but is also considered affordable for most groups. With flexible route itineraries a skippered yacht experience is the ultimate opportunity to discover hidden corners of Adriatic sea at your own relaxing pace.

Skippered yacht charter in Croatia

Skippered sailing charters in Croatia

Hiring a private sailing charter in Croatia with local skipper will allow you to truly uncover the hidden spots and woderful locations of this remarkable coast. And taking a 7 day yacht holiday is without a doubt the most unique cruising vacation assuring you to first-hand explore beautiful island beaches and historic stone-walled medieval towns. Your skipper will recommend all the itinerary highlights and sail the yacht to well-protected island ports, where you can enjoy and relax in a laid back fun-loving Dalmatian pulse.

Among carefully selected Adriatic sailing itineraries and premium yachting destinations in Croatia, you will certainly find your favorite corner under the warm Adriatic sun. Set sail through the maze of Croatian islands, breathe fresh ocean air and embrace easy-going Mediterranean hearbeat cruising across sky-blue seas within your best company.

Experience best yacht charter locations in Croatia

Less-known Zadar sailing itinerary is ideal for sailors that wish to keep their daily sailing distances short and love authentic natural atmosphere. Densely scattered islands of Zadar area prevent the waves getting too choppy and ensure safest sailing grounds in Croatia. Peaceful bays, spectacular panoramic views and emerald bays are ideal for water activities. That is why renting a yacht in Zadar is ideal for  flotilla charters or a  family yacht vacation . Iconic Kornati national park and Krka waterfalls are just some of the places you can't miss out. Best fisherman's taverns are located in this area where you can enjoy in fresh, local and tasty traditionally prepared Dalmatian delicacies.

Begin your sailing adventure in world-famous UNESCO site Split or hire one of  sailing yachts in Trogir old town to explore notorious island Hvar and impressive sandy beaches of Brač. If you prefer more tranquility, your skipper will happy to be navigate your boat to emerald lonely bays of Šolta, where you can enjoy in a peaceful natural atmosphere. Besides the popular Hvar, this classic 7-day charter route also includes Korčula and intriguing Vis.  Split sailing itinerary is best choice if you are a beginner or a first-time traveler to Croatia.

Dubrovnik sailing itinerary is probably best kept secret among Croatia charter routes including some of the most exciting and diverse locations and sailings. Famous stone-walled Dubrovnik and epic Korčula are amazing historic sites reflecting the original Mediterranean charm of coastal promenades. At a doorstep from these busy towns you can find natural environment within national park Mljet or emerald bays of Lastovo island chain. Southern Adriatic hides some of the best seaside island restaurants that you simply must explore.

Diverse northern Adriatic is a world-popular destination for family vacations.  Rent sailboat in Pula and visit Istria county  famous of its impressive Reinesance architecture, colourful holiday resorts and tourist attractions. Explore historic Venetian towns Rovinj and Poreč, and fragrant landscapes of island Lošinj, try superb Istrian cuisine, best Croatian wines and learn some facts about the epic Croatian history.

Island hopping is best way to discover hundreds of Croatian islands

Exploring the ultimate European sailing playground in a relaxing Mediterranean fashion is the most original way to really feel this country's heartbeat. Small distances between the islands allow you to hop from one island to another just within a few hours, while low winds and calm Adriatic seas ensure endless sailing pleasures for beginners or experienced sailors. That is why a 7 day live-on-board Croatia sailing adventure is the ultimate European yachting holiday.

Crewed sailing holidays Croatia

Yacht Charter Locations In Croatia

Explore wonderful diversity of infinite Croatian coastline from a skippered charter. Rent sailing boat in Croatia with skipper from ancient Pula city in the north or discover enchanting Dalmatia county. Charter yacht in Zadar and find seclusion among densely scattered central Dalmatian islands, or take the advantage of exclusive accommodations on crewed catamaran charters by starting your cruising holiday in UNESCO sites Split Trogir or world-known Dubrovnik town.

Crewed sailing charter Croatia


Renting a crewed sailboat in Split is best opportunity to explore the most popular Croatian islands Vis Hvar Korčula and Brač.

Zadar Sailing Tours


Charter yacht in Croatia from Zadar and explore scattered islands of north Dalmatia including Kornati national park and Krka waterfalls.

yacht charter Croatia with crew


Get inspired into one of the most secret and exciting sailing itineraries in Croatia. Set sail from Pula city and experience northern Adriatic.

Dubrovnik sailing trips


Visit south Croatian islands on  comfortable skippered family catamaran Lagoon 42 and spend indulgent all inclusive sailing holidays in Dubrovnik.

Hire skippered yacht in Croatia and enjoy the benefits

  • skipper will get a feel for the adventure you are into and prepare a genuine and relaxing sailing experience
  • skipper is your best tripsadvisor, so simply let yourself into his capable hands
  • don't worry about the weather; skippers are fully aware of maritime conditions
  • skipper takes responsibility over steering docking and navigation
  • you can refresh your sailing knowledge or learn how to sail
  • our crew will be happy to supply you with first-hand tips and recommend world-class restaurants where you can eat local fresh and authentic delicacies.

Crewed yacht charter in Croatia

What is better a skippered or a crewed charter?

Chartering a yacht in eastern Mediterranean offers you endless opportunities for a genuine  yachting vacation . What type of a sailing holiday you prefer basically depends on your travelling style, expectations  and the budget . You can  charter yachts  in Croatia in crewed or skippered option.

Crewed Yacht Charter

Luxury catamaran charter  is the most exclusive cruising experience with unrivalled privacy on board. Luxury Croatia Yacht charters  usually include fully catered services with personal touch and a relaxation beyond any compare. Carefully selected crew of minimum 3 (captain, stewardess and chef) are there to provide unforgettable holiday moments. Yacht rental with crew is available from all the premium locations at the Croatian coast. 

Skippered Yacht Charter

You will receive the most genuine cruising experience in Croatia by booking a sailing boat with local Croatian skipper. With flexible route itinerary this is the most rewarding sailing vacation in Croatia. Skippered sailboat charter is also a great chance to receive best internal tips and knowledge from your skipper. With extensive sailing experiences he is fully aware of maritime regulations and competent to navigate your yacht. Services can be upgraded with a hostess on board to prepare breakfast and small lunch, clean and provision the boat for you. Our crew is fluent in English and sometimes multilingual.

Skippered catamaran charter Croatia

Croatia Sailboat Charter

Rent one of these modern and comfortable sailing boats for an indulging cruising adventure with your favourite crew. Available from top coastal locations and Adriatic marinas these are best yachts equipped exclusively for chartering.

Bavaria C 42

With large master cabin Bavaria c42 sailboat is perfect for couples or families.

Dufour 460

Sail the blue Adriatic on our comfortable Dufour 460 yacht with 4 double cabins.

sailing charters Pula Croatia

The new Oceanis 46.1 is among most spacious sailing yachts in competition.

Private Yacht Charter FAQ's

How much does it cost to rent a crewed catamaran in croatia.

The overall cost for catamaran vacation in Croatia is between 7.500€ and  9.000€ per week during high summer season and around 7.000€ in  June or  September . The prices don't include food, port fees and fuel.

What is Included?

  • 7 day catamaran charter
  • final cleaning, bedding, towels
  • Wi-Fi on board
  • tender with outboard engine
  • skipper service

Optional Crew service paid at spot:

  • hostess from 160€/day (optional)
  • cook from 190€/day (optional)

What is the average cost of a private yacht charter?

All-inclusive  private yacht vacation in Croatia  will cost you between 5.500€ and 7.500€ in high summer months. In shoulder season about 5.000 euros per week.

What is included in the price?

  • premium sailing sailing yacht with 4 cabins
  • fuel up to 100€

What is included in a yacht charter fee?

The yacht cost usually includes: boat rental, end cleaning, boat handover, dingy, bedding and outboard engine . Skipper, food, fuel and port fees are not included in a private boat charter

How much does it cost to charter a yacht with crew in Croatia?

Renting a newer 45-foot  sailing yacht with crew will cost you between 6.500€ and 7.500€  per week in high summer and 6.000€ on average in June or  September . Skipper & Hostess included.

How much is a skipper in Croatia?

Skipper's fee ranges between 150 and 200 euros per day in the Mediterranean and basically depends on the boat size and type catamaran or a  sailing boat

How many charter yachts are in Croatia?

Croatia has a range of almost 5.000 yachts  available for charter. These are most popular boats you can charter for 1 week.

  • comfort-line sailing boat with 3 cabins  SUN ODYSSEY 389
  • 4-cabin cruising sailing boats  SUN ODYSSEY 440
  • budget sailing yacht with 4 cabins BAVARIA 46
  • comfort-line catamaran LUCIA 40
  • luxury sailboat with 5 cabins  OCEANIS 51.1
  • standard catamaran with 6 cabins LAGOON 42
  • premium catamaran charter  BALI 4.2

How much do you tip a skipper in Croatia?

Tipping a skipper in Croatia is not mandatory but appreciated. By tipping the crew after your cruise, you show gratuity and it is usually  5-10% of your yacht charter price .

Is Croatia good for sailing?

The cruising conditions in Croatia are prefect for a unforgettable adventure on the water. Short passages to charming anchorages and lively ports, ancient villages steeped in history and a maze of untouched islands protecting the waves from getting too choppy, Croatian coast is a ideal sailing destination on Mediterranean .

Why charter a yacht in Croatia?

Yacht charter in Croatia is an exclusive holiday experience allowing you to discover remarkable Croatian islands from a comfort of a private sailing boat . It is the most genuine vacation at the Croatian coast assuring you to spend a indulging cruising week in a unique maritime atmosphere surrounded with untouched natural beauties in the company of the people you cherish most.

Do yacht charter guests pay for food?

On all skippered charters the clinet has to take care of the yacht's provisioning or hire a hostess to supply the boat. For crewed yacht charters the food and beverages are provided through the Advanced Provisioning Allowance (APA). Provisions can be purchased by your hostess in advance. The unspent part of the charter APA is later returned to the guests or spent on marina fees and fuel during your week.

Is it better to hire a Cook or a Hostess?

Bareboat yacht charter in Croatia  also provides multitude of options to hire various crew members at skippered charters ( cook and hostess ). Please find below which option suits your holiday style better and what are the assignments they do.

1. Chartering a Hostess

Guests usually book our hostess when they want to have a relaxing and a care-free sailing holiday in Croatia. She can perform various tasks, on board and off board, that you usually have to take care alone when you hire a bareboat sailing charter in Croatia . Our crew is all fluent in English and sometimes also multilingual. Together with our local skipper, they will make sure that your cruising adventure in Croatia is and indulging and a one-of a-kind experience.

Basic assignments of a hostess

  • keeping all areas on yacht clean and tidy
  • handling the provisioning throughout the trip (shopping for supplies, stocking boat lockers before and during your trip)
  • she prepares and serves two light meals daily (breakfast and one simple lunch). Extra meals are option with an additional fee.
  • washes the dishes, cleans the galley and salon

A Tip: We advise to transfer her some APA money (advanced provisioning allowance) so that she can supply your boat before arrival.

2. Hiring a Cook/Chef

The general assignment for cook on board is to prepare 3 meals a day , considering the client's preferences and what kind of food do they want. Usual fee for cook starts at  170€ per day . However, it can vary and mostly depends the boats size and number of the guests aboard.

How much does it cost to hire a hostess?

That depends on the level of the tasks, requests and how many guests are there to cater. Her basic fee is 130€ per day and can go up to 180€ . This fee does not include gratuity nor the meals for the crew; They can join you for meals or allow 30€ pocket money per crew member per day.

Where does a hostess sleep?

The front bow cabins on catamarans are usually occupied with the crew, that is why we recommend to charter sailing yacht with 2 separate crew cabins. Most of the sailing catamarans in Croatia have such a layout. Sometimes, the crew can also sleep in the salon, but it is not something we advise, since everyone needs time to rest, so they can give you their best during the day.

It is also customary to take care of the crew's meals on your sailing trip. Feel free to invite your crew to join you at the dinner, they will be more than happy. If you wish to dine in privacy, they can east separately.

A Tip: When you hire a hostess you already have 2 meals included. That gives you extra time to explore the islands where you can dine in a local restaurant your crew will be happy to recommend. Here you can taste Dalmatian delicacies in fisherma's tavern called "konoba" - a must try!

How to book a private sailing charter in Croatia?

  • Choose preferable date in  inquiry form
  • Specify your vacation expectations
  • Let us advise you on what yacht and which of the beautiful Croatian destinations will best deliver for a unforgettable sailing experience

We will be happy to recommend our knowledgeable skipper and optimal boat for your group. Your charter is secured when the deposit for selected yacht is paid. Balance should be covered 4 weeks before your departure. Skipper fee should be paid to him personally at the check in.

Where is the best place to sail in Croatia?

These are top 8 islands that you need to visit on your Croatia yacht charter holiday

  • Unije - Best kept secret among Croatia sailing itineraries
  • Silba - Charter yacht in Zadar and visit Dalmatian island of love
  • Kornati - Picturesque national park of seclusion and serenity
  • Kaprije - A relaxing maritime vibe of this village is world-known
  • Mljet - Southernmost Croatian isle of unforgettable colors, smells and sounds
  • Vis  - This enchanting little island in the middle of Adriatic hooks you in a second and leaves you wanting more
  • Hvar - rent sailboat in Split  and sail around this famous island. 2 hidden gems of Hvar are Stari Grad and Jelsa town
  • Lastovo  - Discover this remote "island of happiness" and enjoy in a relaxing Dalmatian pulse surround with pure nature.

What is the best time to sail in Croatia?

Best time for sailing in Croatia is definitively in summer months June July and August when the weather is simply glorious and everything is in full swing.

Is it better to charter a sailboat or a catamaran?

It is all up to your expectations and your budget.

In Croatia you can charter almost everything that floats. To rent a sailing boat in Croatia with skipper assures you to discover the most beautiful islands at your own pace and with a flexible route itinerary. It is considered the most genuine and fashionable way of exploring Adriatic coast.  

On sailboats you mostly depnd on winds, but sailing yacht will give you more sailing pleasures with minimum fuel consumption. Catamarans are wider, more stable, and extra comfortable. Commodity however, also means higher rental price, larger costs on fuel and marina fees.

When it comes to quality of staying on board, catamarans ensure more privacy and space. Most of the catamarans for chartering in Croatia have cozy flybridge that provides extra places to chill or sunbathe. If you want to move faster and your main concern is not large fuel consumption, simply hire a motor yacht. 

If you think green, rent a sailboat

Less consumption means less exhaust into the sea. Especially if you are an active explorer, you will certainly try to stay most of the time under sails. Hiring a sailboat in Croatia is definitively more exciting, fun and authentic holiday experience with an opportunity to gain some sailing knowledge and participate in various activities during your yacht charter week.

Choosing a sailing boat to suit your travelling style and budget

To narrow your choice, you should first estimate how much space do you need and how high can you stretch. Larger the group, bigger the boat, bigger the yacht, larger the cost. When you plan  sailing trip with children , catamaran might be a better choice. If you stay on a budget, a sailing yacht with 2 steering wheels and bathing platform should do. Usually 2 families rent one catamaran to divide the costs. One hull for one family.

How long does a sailing trip last?

Croatia sailing charter runs on weekly basis from Saturday to Saturday. However, in shoulder season (September, May, October, June ) short sailing trips are also possible. To explore Croatia's coastline highlights and visit the most beautiful secluded treasures of the Dalmatian coast, we recommend to book one of our  7 day private sailing cruises .

Which islands are best to visit in Croatia?

Island hopping is one of the most exciting and authentic ways to travel around this hidden Mediterranean jewel. A week-long private Croatia sailing trip  is an exclusive way to explore some of the most remarkable Croatian islands, impressive marine national parks, hidden beaches with crystal clear water, secluded villages and genuine hospitality of the local people, inviting you to taste the topmost island culinary works of art.

Be sure not to miss these gems on your cruising adventure:

  • Hvar - is the "royalty" of Dalmatian coast, reflecting the perfect harmony between the old and the new
  • Unije - tiny isolated island located In  Kvarner , surrounded with crystal clear waters and one lovely village
  • Silba -  the island of love and intact emerald bays located near Zadar
  • Dugi Otok - the cradle of intact natural parks and a yachting heaven. Visit the highest lighthouse of the Croatian coast "Veli rat"
  • Kornati  - the natural beauty of the lunar Kornati national park is simply breathtaking
  • Kaprije -   charming fishing village near Sibenik is the fusion of unmatchable local cuisine and genuine people
  • Šolta -  the impressive blend of lush green landscapes and sustainable local products
  • Brac -  "stone kingdom of Croatia" for leisure seekers and explorers
  • Vis -  the "secret" island of legends, myths and natural wonders located in the middle of Adriatic. Spend one night in old town Komiža
  • Korcula -  Follow  Dubrovnik sailing itinerary and visit the island of travelers, rich cultural heritage and top Wines

Can you swim in Croatia in September?

September  and October are the perfect months for a relaxing sailing cruise in Croatia . The sea temperatures are pleasant for swimming and still above 20 o (70F). With abundance of sun (especially on the islands) the air keeps constant 25 o (77F) during the day almost until late October. Expect lower yacht rental prices, less crowds on city streets and ports, maritime traffic is lower and you can always get a free berth in marina. 

What should I bring on a yacht charter?

With plenty of sunny days and mild Med. climate, Croatia is among sunniest European destinations. Summertime on Adriatic is simply glorious. Sun-soaked Dalmatian islands are literally bathing in sunbeams, while the air is dry and the sea warm. If your sailing trip is in summer season, simply bring your summer wardrobe.

It is highly recommended to bring your soft handbag or a duffel bag  or rucksack instead of a plastic suitcase to gain more space in your cabin. Please read about the Sail Croatia Packing List for newbies and  remember to pack light.

8 Things that you don't want to forget:

  •   boarding pass/voucher
  •   sun protection items (sun lotion, sunglasses for UV protection, hat)
  •   bathing suit or a swimsuit
  •   your passport, or personal ID, enough cash, health insurance
  •   swimming towels
  •   your personal items (prescription pills, medicine for allergy...)
  •   a wind stopper or a wind breaker in summer a long-sleeved cardigan would do
  •   positive vibes (leave your worries at home)

skippered yacht charters in Greece

  • Cyclades Islands
  • Ionian Islands
  • Saronic Islands
  • Dodecanese Islands
  • Sporades Islands
  • Northern Greece
  • Booking Procedures

skipper yacht sailing

The ultimate way to discover and sail the greek islands is on board your own private, comfortable, economical and environmentally friendly sailing yacht..











skipper yacht sailing




Did you Know?


When you organize your family and friends to share in the trip with you, a yacht charter will cost less than booking a hotel would, and your transportation from port to port is included . Our yachts can accommodate from two up to twelve persons.

skipper yacht sailing


5-Star Reviews!

5 star review

From the moment of initial contact with Captain Yiannis, everything was seamless.

Our experience has been nothing short of exceptional.

From the moment of initial contact with Captain Yiannis, everything was seamless. This company and the entire team could not have been more helpful! We live in the USA and never had a problem with communication. The Catamaran we selected was the Lagoon 450F. It was beautiful, spacious, clean, and easy to live on for a week as we sailed to beautiful beaches.

The Ionian Islands we visited were breathtaking, especially Kefalonia – it was our favorite! Above all, the feeling of safety that Captain George ensured throughout our trip made our journey even more memorable. We can’t wait to experience it again.

So, if you’re looking for an unforgettable sailing experience around the Greek Islands with a professional company and a knowledgeable and friendly guide, look no further!

Caroline Groeneveld July 7, 2023

Read More Inspiring Experiences...

The Great Greek Adventure

We have seen many islands thanks to Yannis, who has an unsurpassed knowledge of the, and we might add amazing docking skills! Matoula has been an amazing hostess, a wonderful cook and always gracious with a beautiful attitude. We will never forget our Great Adventure!

Danny and Karen June 7th 2019

A safe pair of hands, experience and unlimited knowledge.

We’ve just spent a week sailing the Greek islands with Captain Yiannis. If your looking for a safe pair of hands, experience and unlimited knowledge of the Greek islands then Yiannis is the captain you need.

Jeff Brown May 10th 2019

Great knowledge of the area and its history.

Excellent week of sailing in the Greek Islands with Yiannis. He has great knowledge of the area and its history. He showed us unique beaches and key sites on the islands. A memorable week of adventure, drama, and weather. A great first visit to the country of Greece and its islands. Recommend Yiannis as a skipper and guide for your trip.

David and Suzanne Kelly September 25, 2021

The kids enjoyed jumping off the boat and even steering.

We made it back safely and happily to Paros today. Yianni showed us secluded beaches, surprising chortas and agreed to take us to santorini even though he hates sailing there! The kids enjoyed jumping off the boat and even steering it on occasion. It’s a beautiful part of the world and we’d definitely recommend exploring it.

Christine August 22, 2021

Yannis is a superb captain

First and foremost, Yannis is a superb captain. He is a true professional and puts the comfort and safety of the guests first. We had a superb week and thanks to the knowledge of Yannis we visited hidden beaches and places that were sublime. Yannis is passionate about sailing, and we all improved our sailing skills and learned about sailing this magical part of the world.

We cannot wait to return and know that Captain Yannis is our go-to Greek master of the seas.”

Kim Cornwall and friends October 14, 2021

The best tavernas for dining and the most interesting places to visit.

My friends and I had a terrific sailing trip with Cpt. Yiannis. We sailed islands from Athens to Milos for a week. [...] Captain Yiannis was not only an outstanding skipper, but he also is a very knowledgeable tour guide. [...] Also, he had tremendous knowledge of any island we stopped on the way and recommended the best tavernas for dining and the most interesting places to visit.

The captain was very professional and sailed extremely safe and responsible. Great guy, a great captain, thank you, Captain Yiannis!

Remis – Boston, USA June 26, 2021

Yannis gave us the ideal family yacht

We had a wonderful week of sailing in the Saronic Gulf end of August. Yannis gave us the ideal family yacht for this bareboat charter trip . Together with the charter company we felt us in very good hands, for all questions we had. Except in this year 2020, with these special conditions!

Thanks Yiannis.

Marc Schwarz September 6, 2020

skipper yacht sailing


“We are a Reputable Yacht Charter Agency with Over Two Decades of Experience. Our Authorization, Reliability, and Trustworthiness Have Been Affirmed by More than a Hundred 5-Star Reviews from Highly Satisfied Guests.”

“We Serve as the Authorized Representatives for All Yacht Charter Companies in Greece.”

“Our Expertise Allows us to Meticulously Search, Evaluate, and Provide You with the Best-Priced, High-Quality Yachts that Meet Your Requirements, Precisely at the Location Most Suited to Your Needs.”

  • We have 99 % Happy Clients in 22 years of Sailing.
  • Your number one choice for VALUE Yacht Charters around the Greek Islands!
  • Personalized Top-Quality Service.
  • With our knowledge YOU WILL GET The Perfect Yacht for Your Requirements.
  • Wide Choice of Top-Quality Yachts on 15 Bases for the Greek Islands.
  • Over 2,000 Top of the Line Monohulls and Catamarans.
  • Damage Waiver Insurance with Low Security Deposits.
  • Easy booking and payments.
  • Well-Equipped And Maintained Fleets.
  • Fully trained and experienced teams.

Book Your Sailing Holiday Now!

It's High Booking Season!

Save your dates for this Summer 2024 and get the Early Booking Discount!

What extra crew members will you need? Skipper Host/Hostess

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We'll get back to you with offers to choose from within a few hours.

This Summer Discover

  • The Crystal Clear Waters
  • The Herb and Salt-Scented Winds
  • The Secluded Beaches & Swimming Spots
  • The Temperate Climate
  • The Bright Sun
  • The Fabled Mountains
  • The Cycladian White Architecture
  • The Picturesque Ports
  • The Ancient Cultural Heritage
  • The Welcoming People

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Searching for boat?

  • Get a Quote If you are looking for yacht charter in Croatia, this is the easiest way. Just fill out the form and we will check for all available boats for rent and send them to you. You will also get a dedicated manager to help you out.
  • Online Boat Search We have 2 booking systems. Some boats are available in our online boat booking system and you can see them here. If you want to get all the boats, fill out our “Get a Quote” form.
  • Contact us We would love to hear from you. Contact us here.
  • Hire your skipper & hostess Looking for skipper, cook or hostess for your sailing holidays in Croatia? Hire your skipper & hostess for a yacht charter in Croatia.
  • Why rent a boat in Croatia with us Where Is The Difference? We go an extra mile for you.
  • Best price guarantee Its guaranteed! Boat rentals and yacht charter in Croatia at The Lowest Prices On The Market!

skipper yacht sailing

  • Skippered Yacht Charter If you don’t know how to sail or if you like some help, you can have a skippered yacht charter option. You can rent a skippered catamaran, sailboat, motorboat or gulet in Croatia.
  • Crewed yacht charter Get spoiled by a completely crewed yacht charter on your sailing vacations in Croatia.
  • Bareboat yacht charter If you have a skippers license and experience, you can charter catamaran, sailboat or motorboat and sail away.
  • All-Inclusive Yacht Charter Croatia It offers you the ultimate all-inclusive sailing holidays. Along with a knowledgeable captain and gourmet chef.
  • Catamaran charter Catamaran charter in Croatia with skipper or bareboat. From Split, Dubrovnik, Sibenik, Zadar, Trogir or Istria.
  • Sailboat charter Saiilboat charter in Croatia with skipper or bareboat. From Split, Dubrovnik, Sibenik, Zadar, Trogir or Istria.
  • Power Catamaran Power catamaran charter in Croatia with skipper or bareboat. From Split, Dubrovnik, Sibenik, Zadar, Trogir or Istria.
  • Motorboat charter Motorboat charter in Croatia with skipper or bareboat. From Split, Dubrovnik, Sibenik, Zadar, Trogir or Istria.
  • Motoryacht charter Motoryacht charter in Croatia with skipper or bareboat. From Split, Dubrovnik, Sibenik, Zadar, Trogir or Istria.
  • Gulet charter Gulet charter in Croatia with skipper or bareboat. From Split, Dubrovnik, Sibenik, Zadar, Trogir or Istria.
  • Luxury yacht charter Luxury yacht charter in Croatia with skipper or bareboat. From Split, Dubrovnik, Sibenik, Zadar, Trogir or Istria.
  • Available boat types Boat types available for charter in Croatia.
  • Online Boat Search Find available boat here.
  • Our marinas Where can you charter a yacht from in Croatia. Check out all our marinas.
  • Guide to Catamarans Charter in Croatia
  • Sailing areas About sailing areas in Croatia in general.
  • Split yacht charter About chartering a yacht from Split, boat rental and sailing holidays, with catamaran, sailboat, motorboat, luxury yacht or gulet.
  • Dubrovnik yacht charter About chartering a yacht from Dubrovnik, boat rental and sailing holidays, with catamaran, sailboat, motorboat, luxury yacht or gulet.
  • Sibenik yacht charter About chartering a yacht from Sibenik, boat rental and sailing holidays, with catamaran, sailboat, motorboat, luxury yacht or gulet.
  • Trogir yacht charter About chartering a yacht from Trogir, boat rental and sailing holidays, with catamaran, sailboat, motorboat, luxury yacht or gulet.
  • Zadar yacht charter About chartering a yacht from Zadar, boat rental and sailing holidays, with catamaran, sailboat, motorboat, luxury yacht or gulet.
  • Kvarner yacht charter About chartering a yacht from Kvarner, boat rental and sailing holidays, with catamaran, sailboat, motorboat, luxury yacht or gulet.
  • Istra yacht charter About chartering a yacht from Istra, boat rental and sailing holidays, with catamaran, sailboat, motorboat, luxury yacht or gulet.
  • Get inspired The greatest adventure on sea! Sailing in Croatia is fun. Get inspired.
  • Sailing holidays About sailing Holidays in Croatia
  • Set Sail in Croatia: Your Guide to an Unforgettable Adventure
  • Booking procedure Boat rental booking procedure
  • Skippers licenses For bareboat charter in Croatia it is a necessary to have this.
  • Take with you
  • How to rent a boat How to rent a boat in Croatia
  • Yacht takeover When you arrive to marina this is what you need to do
  • Yacht Charter Costs What to expect regarding all the expenses and costs
  • 7 days charter
  • Last minute yacht charter
  • Yacht Charter Check-in guide
  • What is APA
  • Nautical charts
  • Standard boat equipment
  • Boat petrol stations
  • Winds in Croatia
  • Frequently asked questions
  • Short term yacht charter
  • Early booking Early bird discoutns for yacht charter
  • Boat anchorages
  • Marinas in Croatia Croatian marinas
  • Important phone numbers
  • How to rent a boat How to charter a yacht in Croatia?
  • Weather conditions
  • How Sailing Works
  • Cabin yacht charter
  • One way yacht charter
  • Comprehensive Guide to Yacht Charter Croatia Costs: Everything You Need to Know

Yacht Charter Croatia

  • About us About SkipperCity
  • Our story How it all started?
  • Contact us We are looking forward to hear from you.
  • Our partners We work with hundrets of boat owners. Here is a list of our partner Yacht charter companies in Croatia.
  • Our Skippers We work with the best!! Here are some of our skippers details.
  • Client reviews / testimonials
  • Why choose us? Why rent a boat in Croatia with us
  • Best price guarantee Yes, we guarantee the best boat price on the market!
  • Booking terms and conditions
  • Data confidentiality and Privacy policy
  • Sitemap Lost? Here is a map for you.
  • Impressum Some boaring data about our company.
  • Yacht Charter Affiliate Program Start making money from yacht charters.

skipper yacht sailing

Ready to sail?

Yacht Charter & Boat Rental in Croatia

Best sailing holidays in croatia are waiting for you….

When it comes to chartering a yacht in Croatia , Skippercity stands out as the top choice. Whether you’re in search of a c atamaran, sailboat, or motorboat for your sailing adventures in Croatia, our team is ready to assist you. Reach out to us and sail at any of our locations including Split, Trogir, Dubrovnik, Sibenik, Vis, Hvar, Pakleni otoci, Kornati, and more.

skippercity reviews

What can we offer?

Skippered Yacht Charter Croatia

Skippered yacht charter

Croatia's stunning coastline is a sailor's paradise, and our yacht charter and boat rental services with a skipper ensure you experience it in style. Our expert skippers know the waters like the back of their hand, guiding you to the most breathtaking spots while you relax and enjoy the journey. Whether you're looking for a romantic escape, a family adventure, or a group excursion, our fleet of catamarans, sailboats or motorboats is ready to make your dream sailing holiday a reality.

Bareboat yacht charter. Sailboat, catamaran and boat rental in Croatia.

Bareboat yacht charter

Embark on a solo sailing adventure in Croatia by chartering a boat, provided you possess a skipper's license, VHF radio license, and sufficient sailing experience. Bareboat chartering in Croatia stands out as a highly popular and appealing option. Ideal for those with sailing expertise who prefer the freedom to create their own itinerary, it offers the best choice for a personalized sailing experience. Catamarans, sailboats, and motorboats are all available for rental in Split, Sibenik, Trogir, and Dubrovnik...

Crewed yacht charter in Croatia

Crewed yacht charter

Indulge in the ultimate luxury experience with a fully crewed yacht charter during your sailing holidays in Croatia. This opulent form of yacht chartering offers a bespoke and personalized touch, catering to the discerning preferences of those seeking an unparalleled maritime adventure. Croatia presents a diverse selection of fully crewed yachts, ranging from spacious catamarans and elegant sailing boats to classic gullet charters and high-end motor yachts.

skipper yacht sailing

All inclusive yacht charter

Experience the epitome of luxury with our all-inclusive yacht charters in Croatia, featuring a private crew to ensure an exclusive vacation tailored for friends and family, ideal for parties or special events. Our fleet boasts yachts with three to six double cabins, each equipped with an en-suite private bathroom. Indulge in the ultimate luxury by booking our all-inclusive yacht charters, complete with a private crew, creating an exclusive getaway perfect for friends and family gatherings, parties, or special events.

Your sailing vacation in Croatia begins here.

Available yachts for charter in croatia.

Croatia’s coastline is a sailor’s dream, and with our boat charter services, you can experience it in the vessel that suits your needs. From sleek motorboats to spacious catamarans, we have a wide range of boats available for charter. Whether you’re looking for speed, comfort, or something in between, our fleet has you covered. So why wait? Book your boat charter in Croatia today and set sail on the adventure of a lifetime.

Catamarans for rent in Croatia

Catamaran Charter

Charter catamarans are available for rental in various locations across Croatia, including Split, Trogir, Sibenik, and Dubrovnik. Catamarans offer more comfortable sailing experience. Opting for a catamaran rental in Croatia allows you to bask in maximum comfort while enjoying the thrill of sailing. If you lack experience with sailing catamarans, you have the option to rent one with a skipper. Choose from renowned models like Lagoon, Bali, and Nautitech for your charter. For those seeking ample space and stability, a catamaran charter is the ideal choice.

Sailboat rental Croatia

Sailboat Rental

Exploring Croatia through sailing with a sailboat promises remarkable and unforgettable moments, given the abundance of over 1,000 islands to discover. Sailing holidays in Croatia commonly revolve around two options: bareboat charter (which involves renting a boat without a captain) or skippered charter with a captain at the helm. Opting for a sailing boat charter in Croatia is favored by those seeking a more dynamic experience at sea, prioritizing the sailing sensation over sheer comfort.

Motorboat rental (charter) in Croatia

Motorboat Rental

Motor yachts combine speed and comfort, making them an excellent choice. If you prioritize good times and comfort at sea, motor yachts are the ideal option. We offer advantageous rentals of motorboats. Select from a range of options such as Bayliner, Elan, Prestige, Beneteau, and more from our charter offerings in Croatia. Our Motor Yachts and Power Boats cater to individuals who appreciate a dynamic pace, whether changing destinations daily or seeking a retreat from civilization. They provide a perfect means to explore the scenic coasts, numerous islands, and cities along the Croatian shoreline. Enjoy the freedom and speed of motor yachts for an unforgettable maritime adventure in Croatia.

Power Catamaran rental /charter) Croatia

Power Catamaran

Embark on a thrilling maritime adventure with our Power Catamarans available for charter. Whether you prefer a skippered rental or the excitement of a bareboat charter, our versatile catamarans, ranging from 37 to 70 feet, provide the ultimate cruising experience tailored to modern charter clients. The spacious layout ensures comfort and entertainment, featuring modern amenities seamlessly integrated for a luxurious onboard experience. With easy maneuverability, even sailing novices can navigate confidently. Choose a Power Catamaran for your next vacation and experience the perfect blend of comfort, modernity, and the exhilaration of the open sea.

Motoryacht Rental in Croatia

Motor yacht Rental

Renowned for their swift and efficient navigation, motor yachts allow you the freedom to chart your course, uncovering hidden coves, vibrant coastal towns, and secluded islands at your own pace. From the historic cities of Dubrovnik and Split to the tranquil beauty of the Kornati Islands, Croatia's diverse landscapes become easily accessible for exploration with the flexibility afforded by a motor yacht. Renowned for their swift and efficient navigation, motor yachts allow you the freedom to chart your course, uncovering hidden coves, vibrant coastal towns, and secluded islands at your own pace. From the historic cities of Dubrovnik and Split to the tranquil beauty of the Kornati Islands, Croatia's diverse landscapes become easily accessible for exploration with the flexibility afforded by a motor yacht.

Gulet charter in Croatia

Gulets Charter

Gulets and wooden motor sailors in Croatia offer a distinctive sailing experience and a relaxed approach to exploring the Adriatic. Our gulets are exclusively chartered, including the captain, cook, and additional crew members for larger vessels. Gulets chartering in Croatia represents a unique sailing class, crafted in the style of traditional Turkish trading ships. These boats vary in size from 14 to 35 meters, accommodating up to 20 berths, making them highly sought after for tourist charters. Uncover the beauty of wooden gulets in Croatia and charter one here to sail through Istria, Kvarner, and Dalmatia.

Luxury yacht charter in Croatia

Luxury yacht Charter

Indulge in the opulence of fully-equipped and luxuriously furnished luxury yachts in Croatia. The dedicated crew ensures that every detail on board is taken care of, leaving you to simply relax and enjoy. Our yacht rentals, available with a crew, come at the most competitive prices. Opting for a megayacht charter is an excellent decision as it offers comprehensive amenities and luxurious comforts, alleviating any concerns during your journey. For a stress-free vacation, choosing a fully-equipped megayacht is the perfect solution.

Working with the best!

Cooperating with the best yacht charter companies.

Great companies! Excelent service!

skipper yacht sailing

And many more ...

Croatian sailing holidays for your family and friends, best yacht charter.

There is recipe for a great yacht charter and best sailing vacations. Here is what you need:

  • A great yacht charter agency that understands you needs
  • A great boat to charter with good price
  • A great skipper that knows the area, the boat and is people frendly
  • A great support during your sailing

skipper yacht sailing

Catamaran, sailboat and motorboat rental in Croatia

Available boat models.

Find available catamarans, sailboats, motorboats, gulets and luxury yacht models for your yacht charter vacations in Croatia.

Boat rental croatia

About Boat rental in Croatia: Split, islands of Kornati, Dubrovnik, Zadar, Pula, Trogir and Sibenik.

Our marinas in Croatia

Where are boats are from? Check out a map of starting marinas in Croatia where we can rent you your dream boat

Online boat search

Look for available catamaran, sailboat, motorboat, gulet or luxury yacht.

Last minute boat rentals

Ready to grab your bags and go? Check out our last minute boat rentals.

One Way Yacht charter

Want to embark in one marina and leave the boat in another?

Short term Yacht charter

No time for standard full week boat rental? We might have a solution for you.

Early Boat Booking

Grab the best discounts by booking your boat early. You know how the saying goes? (Early birds...)

About boat rental discounts

Here are some informations about boat rental discounts.

Looking for boat rental in Croatia?

Set sail in paradise: explore croatia with – croatia yacht charter, unforgettable sailing adventures await in croatia.

Croatia, with its turquoise waters, picturesque islands, and charming coastal towns, beckons sailors of all levels. Whether you’re a seasoned skipper seeking independence or a curious first-timer yearning for relaxation, unlocks the magic of the Adriatic Sea, crafting dream yacht charters for every desire.

Explore Your Options: A Fleet for Every Preference

At, your Croatia yacht charter begins with the perfect vessel. We boast an extensive fleet exceeding 13,000 yachts , catering to diverse preferences and sailing expertise:

  • Catamarans: Experience unparalleled stability and comfort, ideal for families and groups seeking a luxurious and spacious adventure ( Croatia catamaran charter ).
  • Sailboats: Embrace the classic charm and thrill of traditional sailing, perfect for exploring hidden coves and reconnecting with nature ( Croatia sailboat charter ).
  • Motorboats: Discover the coastline at your own pace with our exciting motorboat charters, ideal for those seeking a faster pace and the ability to cover more ground ( Croatia motorboat charter: ).

Tailored Experiences for Every Sailor

We understand that every sailor has unique needs. Choose from three distinct Croatia yacht charter options to personalize your dream adventure:

  • Bareboat Charters: Experienced sailors with valid licenses can embark on an independent adventure and create their own itinerary ( bareboat Croatia charter ).
  • Skippered Charters: Relax and soak in the scenery while a professional skipper handles navigation, ensuring a safe and comfortable journey ( skippered Croatia charter ).
  • Crewed Charters: Indulge in ultimate luxury with a dedicated captain and crew catering to your every need, from gourmet meals to activity planning ( crewed Croatia charter ).

Explore Croatia’s Diverse Regions:

Embark on your adventure from various locations across Croatia, each boasting unique coastal landscapes and hidden gems:

  • Split: Sail from the vibrant city towards Brač, Hvar, and Šolta islands ( Split Croatia yacht charter ).
  • Dubrovnik: Discover the “Pearl of the Adriatic” and explore the Elaphiti Islands ( Dubrovnik Croatia yacht charter ).
  • Šibenik: Navigate the Kornati Islands National Park, a haven for untouched nature ( Šibenik Croatia yacht charter ).
  • Zadar: Explore nearby islands like Ugljan and Pašman, known for natural beauty and traditional fishing villages ( Zadar Croatia yacht charter ).

Hassle-free Booking and Expert Guidance:

Our experienced team is here to guide you every step of the way. We offer:

  • User-friendly website: Search for yachts based on dates, duration, and number of guests.
  • Extensive fleet details: Compare different yacht options and view detailed features and amenities.
  • Personalized assistance: Get expert advice and support throughout the booking process for your Croatia yacht charter .

Beyond the Yacht: Immerse Yourself in Croatia

Your Croatia yacht charter adventure extends beyond the vessel. Explore charming coastal towns, discover hidden coves, savor fresh seafood delicacies onboard or at waterfront restaurants, and create memories that will last a lifetime.

Start Planning Your Dream Today:

Contact today and embark on an unforgettable Croatia yacht charter experience. Explore the magic of the Adriatic at your own pace and create memories that will last a lifetime.

skipper yacht sailing

Charter Yachts from Split, Trogir, Sibenik, Dubrovnik,...

Sailing and boat rental guides.

  • How to rent a boat in croatia
  • Boat booking procedure
  • Boat take over procedure
  • Yacht charter costs
  • Marinas in Croatia
  • What to take with you on a boat
  • Valid skippers licenses
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • How sailing works
  • Nautical Charts Croatia
  • Boat pertol stations
  • Sailing areas
  • Sailing is fun
  • Split boat rental
  • Dubrovnik boat rental
  • Sailing holidays in Croatia
  • Šibenik boat rental
  • Trogir boat rental
  • Zadar boat rental
  • Kvarner boat rental
  • Istra boat rental

Who are we and what we do? You can read about it here.

What is our story? How did we start?

We would love to hear from you!

Our partners

We work with many great companies.

Our skippers

We gathered some info from couple of our skippers here.

Client reviews

What our customers have to say about us?

Why would you rent a boat with us? What makes the difference?

Best price guarantee

Yes, we guarantee the best boat rental price in the market.

Booking terms

You can find booking terms and conditions here

Maybe it will help you find what you are looking for.

A bunch of boring data about site owner

Find Your Yacht

A pristine beach reached aboard a bareboat charter in Greece.

We can offer you a yacht charter from Athens to sail to the nearby islands of Saronic and Cyclades or a yacht charter from the Aegean bases for Cyclades and Dodecanese, or a yacht charter from the Ionian bases.

Check sailboat or catamaran rental availabilities & prices online

Bareboat charter greece.

Carefree sailing with a bareboat yacht charter in Greece - Sailing Heaven

All the seaside places in Greece are so captivating that it is the ideal place to start planning your sailing holidays. You’ll find stunning turquoise waters, magnificent natural formations, quaint fishing villages, renowned tourist destinations… but if quiet is more your thing there are endless secluded coves to explore.

Ready to set sail? Get your personalized bareboat charter quote today

Skippered yacht charter greece.

Sailing holidays on a yacht rental is not just for sailors. It is for everyone seeking something more than the sea, the sun, and a sunbed. We provide professionally trained skippers for those who wish to rent a yacht and enjoy relaxing sailing holidays in Greece or those who wish to get involved and learn the ropes and the sails during a skippered yacht charter in Greece. After all, learning how to sail is easy. Depending on crew eagerness, our skipper will not only show how to navigate but will also provide firsthand knowledge of the Greek island destinations.

Skippered yacht charter in Greece - Sailing Heaven

  • need more experience and more confidence to take a yacht rental on their own
  • want to get familiar with the Greek waters (first time to Greece)
  • need a hand because no other in their crew may provide sufficient help
  • need a guide to be with them and show the best coves and secluded bays for moorage and/or swimming, as well as the best places in seaside villages to eat and drink
  • want to relax and enjoy leaving the helm and sails in the hands of someone who can be trusted

Our skippers are hospitable, friendly, discrete and knowledgeable about every destination and you will discuss together your preferences and plan your route. Choosing a skippered yacht charter, you also hire the skipper who will take care of the yacht for you and will ensure that you get the most out of your sailing holidays in Greece. When you select from our yachts for rent, keep in mind that you have to provide a cabin or berth in cabin for your skipper as he is obliged to sleep on board. Apart from the skipper’s fee, you have to also provide his meals either from the meals you prepare on board or at an eating place ashore. The skipper’s fee, regardless of the season and the people on board, is €140 to €190 depending on the yacht rental. You may wish to hire also a cook/hostess. The fee per day is generally 10 euro less than the skipper’s and you need to provide berth and meals as for the skipper. The running expenses for a skippered yacht charter are just like those of a bareboat charter (fuel, gas, water, meals, port/marina fees, etc.), plus the costs for the hired crew as above. Although some of our yacht rentals are offered only skippered (yacht charter prices include skipper’s fee), you may choose any of our bareboat charter yachts fitting your needs and let us know if you wish to have a skipper (select the check-box on the form of the yacht rental booking request).

The Greek unspoiled coastline and offshore islands have so many spectacular spots to visit that it is a natural start to any itinerary. Skippered yacht charter in Greece is all about your own private cruise where you can plan your own itinerary and visit exactly the places and attractions you want, from some of the world’s few truly iconic destinations to serene coves that are not accessible by land.

Want to experience a sizzling skippered sailing holiday in Greece?

With so many islands dotting the Greek archipelagos, the route options seem limitless. When you rent a boat with us you are free to compose your own itinerary.

Get custom advice on your destinations and itinerary to your liking

Featured itineraries.

A view of the port area of Mykonos Town

Reaching Cyclades destinations from Athens

Donkeys at the port of Hydra - Saronic Gulf Islands

Island hoping in Saronic Gulf and exploring Argolis

Oia of Santorini at dusk

How to get to Santorini (from Athens, Paros, or Mykonos)

More sailing itineraries in the greek islands E.

Lagoon Catamarans

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The Salamander Sailing Adventure,Salamander of Lymington,Yacht Charter,Skippered Day Charter,Corporate Charter,Private Charter,Salamander,Sailing,Adventure,

​ Y​acht Charter

The salamander sailing adventure.

The Salamander Sailing Adventure

The Salamander Sailing Adventure - Luxury Yacht Charter, Short Break, Weekend Break, Holidays, Boat Trips, Spectator Boat for On the Water Spectating, Sporting Events Cowes, Solent, Bournemouth & South Coast - Salamander of Lymington - Sailing cruise past the Needles Isle of Wight, South Coast - © Paul Wyeth Marine Photography

Short Break Sailing Lymington Solent

The Salamander Sailing Adventure - Luxury Yacht Charter, Short Break, Weekend Break, Holidays, Boat Trips, Spectator Boat for On the Water Spectating, Sporting Events Cowes, Solent, Bournemouth & South Coast - Salamander of Lymington - A great day sailing in the Solent on the South Coast - © Paul Wyeth Marine Photography

Weekend Break Sailing Solent

Salamander Sailing Adventure - Luxury Yacht Charter, Short Break, Weekend Break, Holidays, Boat Trips, Spectator Boat for On the Water Spectating, Sporting Events Cowes, Solent, Bournemouth & South Coast - Salamander of Lymington - A great day sailing in the English Channel heading towards France - www.thesalamander © Paul Wyeth Marine Photography


Get in Touch 2 Get on Board



Experience sailing in the solent, the uk south coast and the caribbean on a 58 foot yacht which has sailed around the world, salamander is a 58 foot luxury sailing yacht based in lymington, on the south coast of england, available for private and corporate charter   celebrations   sailing holidays   short breaks   weekend breaks   luxury boat trips to destination hotels and restaurants   spectator boat for spectating sporting events on the water , salamander is also available for bespoke skippered yacht charter sailing holidays in the caribbean, salamander - the best of sparkman & stephens and nauticat teak lined comfort.

Lower Saloon

The Salamander Sailing Adventure - Salamander of Lymington

Upper Saloon

The Salamander Sailing Adventure - Salamander of Lymington - © Paul Wyeth Marine Photography

Double Master Cabin


Salamander splits her time between the UK for the Summer Season and the Caribbean for the winter where she is also available for those typical warm water blue skies Caribbean Sailing Holidays.

Salamander usually departs Lymington for the Canaries in October and crosses the Atlantic with the ARC in November returning to Lymington in May / June each year.

The Salamander Sailing Adventure offer a bespoke service for up to 12 guests with a crew of three. We think this is probably the best crew guest ratio on the South Coast for any comparable sailing yacht.

Salamander has sailed over 60,000 nautical miles, including a world circumnavigation with the current owners and skipper.

We are delighted to offer  Salamander with her round the world skipper for private and corporate luxury charter in the Solent, Sailing Round the Island circumnavigating the Isle of Wight, along the South Coast, for sailing trips to France and further afield, for day sails, day cruises, overnight trips, spectating sporting events, including the America's Cup, Cowes Torquay Cowes Classic Offshore Powerboat Race, Cowes Week and the Bournemouth Air Festival, for unique and special celebrations for birthdays, weddings, honeymoons, anniversaries, reunions and much more. Salamander provides convenient, safe and luxurious nautical accommodation for the Isle of Wight Festival.  Call or email us now.

Salamander Sailing Adventure cruises, short breaks, weekend breaks,  holidays and boat trips are available to visit Lymington, Buckler's Hard, Beaulieu River, Southampton, Southampton Water, Portsmouth, Portsmouth Historic Dockyard, Gunwharf Quays and the River Hamble in Hampshire, Yarmouth, Cowes , River Medina , Newtown River and the iconic Needles on the Isle of Wight, Poole, Poole Harbour, Studland Bay, Sandbanks, Old Harry Rocks, Worbarrow Bay and the Jurassic Coast in Dorset.

On the way to Beaulieu River Luxury Boat Trip with The Salamander Sailing Adventure

Salamander of Lymington - your luxury yacht for the day or longer


Salamander is a traditional yacht designed by the celebrated Sparkman and Stephens, the American design house who designed yachts for the America’s Cup and built by Nauticat in Finland.

Experience an authentic ocean-going 58ft sailing yacht which has circumnavigated the world with the current owners.

Salamander has a warm deck saloon and pilot house with great all round visibility where guests can sit comfortably inside should the weather be grey or wet outside.

A classically designed solid teak interior with a choice of places to relax, sit and dine, in the large upper pilot house or the intimate saloon below.

Bespoke menus can be individually prepared to inspire your palette.

Salamander has spacious teak decks, for dining and spectating, with a solid teak hand rail all around the deck areas, for added safety of your guests.

Skippered charter with a minimum crew of 3, including a dedicated steward / stewardess to look after you and your guests all day.

A powerful motor-sailor, designed to both sail and motor efficiently, to keep to schedules.

Generous 2 metre headroom throughout.

Salamander is MCA safety coded to carry up to 12 passengers and 3 crew.


Your cruise will be on board the luxury 58 foot ocean-going sailing yacht Salamander of Lymington, which has successfully circumnavigated the world with the current skipper. You will be able to try your hand under supervision, if you wish, or you can sit back and luxuriate in the warmth of the teak deck saloon with great wrap round windows. Salamander is heated and perfectly suited for year round use, both sailing and cruising under motor.

Departing Lymington - Beaulieu River Luxury Boat Trip with The Salamander Sailing Adventure

The Georgian Town of Lymington from onboard Salamander

Lymington, where Salamander is normally based, is well worth a visit on foot, a charming Georgian town with cobbled streets, with many hotels, banks, pubs, restaurants and independent shops, lying between the New Forest and the Solent, the most famous stretch of sheltered water in the world of sailing, the venue of so many world class events, and just around the corner from the Beaulieu River, Cowes, Yarmouth, The National Trust Reserve at Newtown River, Portsmouth, Southampton, and last but not least the world famous and iconic Needles on the Isle of Wight.

The Salamander Sailing Adventure - Luxury Yacht Charter, Short Break, Weekend Break, Holidays, Boat Trips, Spectator Boat for On the Water Spectating, Sporting Events Cowes, Solent, Bournemouth & South Coast Sailing from Lymington Solent South Coast - The Yacht for 1 - 12 Guests 3 Crew in the Solent and South Coast © Julian White


"Although the weather was not ideal I had a very enjoyable day aboard this very classy sailing boat. We sailed round to Bucklers Hard from Lymington where we had time to explore this historical village after lunch. Motoring up and down the Beaulieu River is idyllic. It is like another world. Very peaceful. Seeing it from the deck of a boat is perfect. Especially one so well appointed with a large deck area to relax on. Sailing backwards and forwards across the Solent made the return journey invigorating. The power and majesty of the boat was enjoyed both by those who had sailed before and those who hadn't. The whole experience was memorable and to be recommended."   

JF - Dorchester, Dorset

The Salamander Sailing Adventure receives 5 Star Tripadvisor Reviews


12 knots sailing courses.

Weather forecast

Learn how to read clouds and winds like a pro

Weather forecast

Competent Crew

Introduction to sailing. Learn how to become an active crew

Competent Crew

Bareboat Skipper

Recreational sailing yacht skipper of vessels up to 78 feet

Bareboat Skipper

Issued documents

Bareboat Skipper

10 days live aboard course on power or sailing yacht. The key objective of the course is to teach candidates to become a recreational sailing yacht skipper and be able to charter and handle big cruising yachts on their own.

Ideal for those who already have little sailing experience and would like to learn coastal navigation.

  • navigation at sea
  • collision regulations
  • practice at sea 200nm
  • Skipper on a yacht up to 78ft. / 24m
  • 20 miles offshore in day time
  • in moderate weather conditions

Competent Crew

5-day sailing course on board of a cruising yacht. The main objective of the course is to teach basic sailing terminology, parts and functions, basic sail trim, helm commands, seamanship and safety.

Ideal for candidates with little to no previous sailing experience who wish to train to become an active crew member on a power or sailing yacht.

  • no special requirements
  • Crew on a yacht up to 78ft. / 24m
  • in sight of land and in fair weather
  • only with professional skipper

Choose your sailing program. Where to start?

Introduction to sailing, on the coast.

Sailing knots - 3 hours

Understanding of the boat - 3 hours

On the water

Basic keelboat - 3 hours

Basic cruising

Safety on board - 3 hours

Live aboard sailing boat - 5 days

Live aboard power boat - 7 days

Bareboat cruising

Mandatory shore-based course for navigation and collision regulations at sea

Passage planning

Collision regulations

Practice at sea

Sailing boat - 10 days

Motor boat - 7 days

Advanced coastal cruising

Take additional shore-based courses prior to practice at sea

Long-term passage planning

Tidal navigation

Night sailing

Celestial navigation

Live-aboard course in tidal waters

Sailing yacht - 7 days

Upcoming courses


Blue water sailing practice

Blue water sailing practice daniel-kuruvilla-tSJc5U6f1M4-unsplash.jpg

from ₽18,630


Competent crew

Competent crew Skipper 8.JPG

from ₽10,890

Marine weather forecasting

Marine weather forecasting Clouds_small.jpg

from ₽1,350

“Perfect boat”

A trust company. Very professional, one small problem we had with an error displayed on one of the oil pressure motors. They came after us and fixed the problem. We had a Lagoon 40 (2021) a very good boat.

Sailing School

skipper yacht sailing

+30 6937031331

[email protected]


Sailing Holidays in Kefalonia

Welcome to kefalonia sailing by seven. we offer sailing boat and yacht charters in kefalonia island, as well in lefkas and corfu islands. bareboat, skippered crewed. catamaran charters as well crewed yacht charters. base for most of the boats is agia efimia port and for few other base is in sami port in kefalonia. rent a sailing boat, yacht or catamaran in kefalonia. book a weekly, two weeks or any cruise you like. follow our suggested itineraries or make your own customized cruise contact us for any info or send us a charter request and we will get back to you the soonest to find together the best option for you. we promise that we will do our best to offer you unique sailing services in kefalonia. sailing boats rentals in kefalonia. charter a sailing yacht, boat, catamaran or motoryacht in kefalonia with us, and live your dream., change days for summer season are saturday and/or sunday but if you prefer start different day do not hesitate to ask us to check if there is any possibility.


We are looking forward to welcome you on board!

Spiros & bouchra karlis, bareboat charter.

Bareboat Charter

Skipper certification is needed. Become responsible for your own. Suitable for experienced sailors.

Skippered Charter

Skippered Charter

Sail in Kefalonia with a skipper. Relax and enjoy the cruise. Swim, and discover all the nature beauties.

Crewed Charter

Crewed Charter

We can offer you 5 star crewed sailing yacht, catamaran or motoryacht charter in Kefalonia and Ionian Islands

Catamaran Charters

Catamaran Charters

Luxury Motor Yachts

Luxury Motor Yachts

Day Trips Options

Day Trips Options

Ionian Sea School

Ionian Sea School

Combine your holiday and obtain an international sailing diploma. Contact Us for more info

Testimonials & Reviews

Testimonials & Reviews

Click here to let us a feedback or read what some of our clients say for us.

Sail & Stay

Sail & Stay

Sail & Stay in Kefalonia is a great option if you would like extending your holiday and see more of Kefalonia

Charter Request

Charter Request

Click here to send us a charter request. We will get back to you as soon as With our best offers

Flights & Transfers

Flights & Transfers

We can provide you with air tickets to/from Kefalonia as well to arrange your transfers. Find out more here

Kefalonia Flotilla

Kefalonia Flotilla

Kefalonia Flotilla Holidays are ideal for new skippers, families and group of friends

Sailing holidays Kefalonia

Sailing holidays Kefalonia

Why Sailing Holidays? Why in Kefalonia?

Sailing holidays offers you the absolute freedom, flexibility, comfort and diversity.

Calm waters and steady afternoon winds make sailing in Kefalonia and in the Ionian perfect for families and less experienced sailors

Feel relaxed to make your own schedule and set the itinerary. Discover Kefalonia island and other ionian sea islands and their safe bays at your own pace.

Your floating hotel with all the amenities and an amazing sea view every day and night

Swim and snorkel every day in a different bay and in a different island if you prefer. Avoid the crowded and noisy beaches and choose an isolated cove only for yourself.

Check all the reasons why you should try sailing holidays in Kefalonia Mikeli Davi 3, 28100 Argostoli, Kefalonia, Greece

E-mail [email protected]


Great sailings days — july 2019.

skipper yacht sailing

We have enjoyed beautiful sailing days around Kefalonia and the nearby islands. The region is wonderful for sailing. The boat was in good condition and well equipped.. Nikos and Spiros were always helpful and available. Thanks --- Bavaria 50, July 2019

We chartered a boat from Port Sami in…

We chartered a boat from Port Sami in Kefalonia. Seven seas were excellent in organising the charter. They even gave advice re hotel accommadation for the week we had prior to the sailing and put us in touch with a car rental company which offered great rates and were very accommadating in pick up and drop offs.. Would 100percent recommend this company. Liz and family. --- BAVARIA 36, SEPTEMBER 2021

Catamaran charter – August 2018

I would like to inform our satisfaction about the week we spended with catamaran odysseas. The boat was in excellent condtons and the places we visited very nice..Certainly we’ll back in this area supported by your organization. ---- Lagoon 450, August 2018

Echte Empfehlung: prima organisierter Familienurlaub! – Mai 2018

skipper yacht sailing

Spiros hat unseren ersten Familienurlaub in Griechenland perfekt organisiert – inklusive An- und Abreise nach bzw. von Sami zum Flughafen Argostoli. Vielen Dank dafür! Wir hatten uns für eine Bavaria 39 cruiser von 2006 entscheiden, die ein gutes Preis-Leistungsverhältnis versprach. Das Boot hatte daher schon einige Gebrauchsspuren, war aber insgesamt o.k.. Dank unseres deutschsprachigen Skippers, den Spiros uns auf Wunsch vermittelt hatte, hatten wir wunderbar entspannte, unkomplizierte und abwechslungsreiche Pfingstferien im Ionischen Meer und konnten eine Menge toller Eindrücke bei idealen Wetterbedingungen von Kefalonia, Ithaka, Kastos, Meganisi und Lefkada sammeln. Das müssen wir unbedingt bald fortsetzen, da waren sich meine Frau, meine beiden Söhne und ich uns einig. Bei Kefalonia Sailing zu chartern war eine gute Idee und kann ich wirklich empfehlen.

September 2018 Ionian Cruise

Our first cruise in the Ionian, and what a great time we had. The weather was kind & the boat reliable, well equipped and just right for four adults, and our adorable 14 month old grand daughter Nancy. We chartered a Bavaria 39 from Sami, which wasn’t the newest on the block, but well presented, clean and tidy with the massive benefit of Solar Panels which made a massive difference - fridge on 24/7, what a luxury. Well done guys for providing a well priced, great service. Kind Regards from us all in England, Clive, Sarah, Truan, Charlotte & young Nancy.

another day another bay – July 2017

Dream holiday, from start to finish was perfect. Our first trip on the Greek seas, our skipper was fabulous and took us to some secret locations that only an experienced person would know. Our boat was great and very comfortable - tip is always have a room extra if you can afford it! Kids loved every second - no one was sick. We would definitely use Kefalonia Sailing again! --- Skippered Bavaria 50, July 2017

A great holiday!

A great holiday! Spiros has arranged bare-boat charters for us all over Greece, as far away as bases in Rhodes and Kos. If you have any worries or problems, a quick call to Spiros and he'll take care of it. Spiros and his team really make sure your holiday is sorted. Looking forward to next season!--- DUFOUR 470, JULY 2021

Recommended and will use again

We chartered a boat for August 2020. The initial booking process was easy and communication was excellent. Spiros is very friendly, helpful and accommodating. He even put us in contact with a reliable car rental company. Despite all the uncertainty about whether our trip would even happen due to COVID-19, Spiros was great all the way through; reassuring us that even if it couldn't happen we would be able to move the booking and we wouldn't lose any money. The boat was excellent (only a couple of years old) and our Captain Niko was an absolute star; he quickly became part of the family and the children loved him too. We have a such a great time and make some amazing memories. We will definitely use their services again...LAGOON 39, SEP 21

Brilliant service — August 2017

skipper yacht sailing

Brilliant service from the first enquiry to the final check out. Excellent communication from Spiros who was very helpful as we booked the charter. Nice easy check in process on a great yacht which sailed like a dream despite the lack of wind on a lot of days. Final check out also nice and straightforward. In addition Ay Eufimia is a good start and finishe point for charters in The Ionian. Highly recommended. ----- Bareboat Charter August 2017, Bavaria 39

A real gem of a find! – June 2018

We are frequent charterers and have sailed in the Med for the past 43 year. I have not only chartered but for many years ran the operations of a major charter company. I can safely say that it is not very often that one comes across a charter company as efficient and flexible as Kefalonia Sailing .Spiros and his team were quite outstanding and nothing was too much trouble. Changes of charter dates, plans and island excursions were all handled swiftly and with courtesy. There is a lot to be said for using a company where the owners are hands on - something the mega charter companies lose with size. The boat was in excellent condition for age and we had no problems with her whatsoever. One other big advantage was the far cheaper flights to Argostoli rather than Preveza -amazing difference. We have no hesitation in recommending Spiros and Kefalonia Charters.  --- Bareboat Charter Cyclades 43.4 , June 2018

Welcome to Kefalonia Sailing  by SEVEN . We offer sailing boat and yacht charters in Kefalonia island, bareboat, skippered or crewed. Catamaran charters as well  motoryacht and mega yachts crewed charters.

Base for most of the boats is agia efimia port and for few other base is in sami port in kefalonia. available for charter in kefalonia are sailing yachts, monohulls, catamarans even few motor yachts and boats charter a sailing boat, yacht, catamaran or motoryacht  in kefalonia. book a weekly, two weeks or any cruise you like., follow our suggested itineraries or make your own customized cruise contact us for any info or send us a charter request and we will get back to you the soonest to find together the best option for you. we promise that we will do our best to offer you unique sailing services in kefalonia. sailing boats rentals in kefalonia. rent a sailing yacht, boat or catamaran in kefalonia with us and live your dream., change days for high season are saturday and/or sunday but if you prefer start different day do not hesitate to ask us to check if there is any possibility.


Spiros & Bouchra Karlis

skipper yacht sailing

New paragraph

Solent Sailing Logo


Skippered yacht charters and mile building mentoring from solent sailing call 07768 360420   for our latest prices and mile building dates.

Solent Sailing Skippered Yacht Charters


DATE: 6th, 7th and 8th September

EVENT: Confidence Building Mile Builder Weekend in the Solent

PRICE: £300 per person , which includes: RYA Qualified Skipper, Safety Equipment, Fuel, and Snacks Onboard

Are you a newly qualified Day Skipper or Competent Crew and want to progress? This weekend is great to brush up on old skills and build miles, confidence and experience.

For more information or to make a booking, please call 07768 360420




Click Here To Book Your Place >


skipper yacht sailing

“A wonderful week sailing in the Solent and around the Isle of White on Galaxy with Hugh and Pete… As a novice yachts man, I was given every opportunity to act as helmsman and was fully immersed in all sailing. Without doubt when time allows I will be booking further sailing trips on Galaxy, with Hugh and Pete!”

Jamie P Flanagan

skipper yacht sailing

“Great sailing weekend from Lymington. Thanks for sorting everything Hugh.”

“ahh missing the ocean thanks for a great time xx”, admin office.

All Rights Reserved | Solent Sailing | Site: CWGD

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  • Bareboat Charters Greece
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5 Star TripAdvisor rating

Private  Skippered Cruises  in Greece

 Visit Greece with a  sailing  yacht and enjoy our private  skippered  charters

Enjoy  the perfect serenity only sailing  skippered  charters can provide

Award winning boutique skippered sailing cruises

skipper yacht sailing

Perfectly equipped yachts

Sail with the amenities of a floating hotel. Browse in real time through our certified boat range. ISO standards and Lloyds certification. No experience is required. Just select the dates and leave the rest on us!

skipper yacht sailing

Premium professional crew

Our local, English speaking professional skippers honor hospitality in the Greek islands. Sail with them 'off the beaten path' away from the tourist traps, in a unique journey you will remember forever.

skipper yacht sailing

Custom itineraries

Create a route according to your preferences. Hundreds of positive genuine reviews! Dedicated travel assistant always free of charge. Unique trip planning with no hidden fees of surprises. Ask for a Sur-Mesure proposal

Main benefits of our private skippered cruises

skipper yacht sailing

5 star quality yachts

Constantly refitted, our private fleet is yearly inspected and certified by the Lloyds registry. Attention to detail offering 5 star hotel amenities supervised with ISO standard procedures.

skipper yacht sailing

Sail "off the beaten path"

Experts in the Greek seas, our professional skippers will be your host in this unique vacation. Custom routes based on your preferences, meet Greece as a real traveler away from the crowds and tourist traps

skipper yacht sailing

Financial Guarantee - Reliability

Operating since 1999, financially approved by the German VDC, comprehensive cost breakdown in all offers without any hidden fees or surprises. Direct communication, licensed Tourism ministry member

Sailing Greece Summer 2022!

skipper yacht sailing

Let's plan your vacation together

What's included.

  • Your sailing yacht
  • Outboard and dinghy
  • Bed linen for all guests
  • Full galley equipment
  • Full set of Towels, beach towels and tea towels
  • Hifi and cockpit speakers along with aux input
  • Comfortable cockpit cushions
  • Snorkeling equipment in customized sizes
  • All safety regulations equipment
  • 24h support line during charter
  • Weather forecast report
  • Trip planning with tips and suggestions
  • Generator & A/C (depending on the yacht model)
  • 3G Internet onboard for all your trip
  • Skipper (add during booking 1330 Euros/week)
  • Hostess (1330 Euros/week)
  • Stand Up Paddle (150 Euros/week)
  • Inflatable Canoe (80 Euros/week)
  • Underwater cameras (50 Euros/week)
  • Action cameras (70 Euros/week)
  • Safety crib (50 Euros/week)
  • Fishing rod (50 Euros/week)
  • Shopping onboard (free of charge)
  • Portable Bicycle (100 Euros/week)

We are happy to hear any request you may have in order to have everything set for your sailing cruise in Greece

Described as 'Impeccable Organisation' - 5 Star TripAdvisor rating -Read the reviews

skipper yacht sailing

“The Royale Flush on the Casino Royale!”

“highlight of our trip in greece - the big deal”, “unforgettable experience”, “excellent”, “2 families from ny with kids”, “the best vacation...what an experience”, “amazing staff go above and beyond to create your dream sailing adventure”.

What inspires you? Many things provide inspiration-seeing success stories and big accomplishments, hearing great person’s inspirational ideas or just the naked beauty of nature that will remind us how lucky we are to be alive.Escape the traffic and enjoy the perfect serenity only sailing skippered charters can provide.  Private sailing skippered charters in Greece gives you the freedom to enjoy the beauty of the Greek islands at your own pace, sail as much as you want and whenever you feel like it. There is no other vacation identical to a sailing cruise. You are seconds away from the sea, onboard a floating home. If not you then who? If not now, then when? Still not convinced? Visit Greece with our sailing skippered charters and enjoy a vacation paradise.

Experience sailing vacation with a captain

Practical information on our skippered charters.

Let me just point out some of the main characteristics of a skippered charter in Greece . Your yacht will be waiting in our home port, in Athens (Alimos marina) and will be ready for departure at your signal. For those of you that are visiting Greece for the first time we provide the ability to have a daily city tour in the city of Athens and visit the Acropolis and many other interesting sightseeing which have brought Athens in the first place of the global ranking in terms of historical interest. You captain will be on standby to serve you in the best possible way and sail you to the most efficient locations in accordance to the weather.

All of our skippers are licensed and fully trained to provide, professional and high standard services to all of our guests. Most of the times the skipper acts as a guide not only for the sailing part but also in the Greek islands. He will be heading you to choices known only to locals rather than the most touristic ones usually found in the front window of the islands. In most cases all of our guests invite our captains to share stories, moments and experiences together, while having dinner in various traditional tavernas. Meet our skippers in our separate detailed page with our crew profile information along with photos and comments.

In most of the cases our guests select to have onboard one of our hostesses. A hostess can prepare breakfast and dinner according to your taste preferences while she could be helping you in keeping the boat clean and in order. A hostess is also a great help if you are having young children onboard and you like to spend some time of free moments. She would be sharing some of the time to keep the kids occupied while you will be having a swim and enjoying your free time.

Most of our departures take place on Saturdays and operate on a weekly basis. This means practically that you can sail on Saturday and you will be returning on Friday afternoon, spending the time onboard having a cocktail or visiting the city center ( check here how to explore athens sightseeing ) while the next Saturday morning you would have to disembark (if we are talking for a one week cruise).

People wonder if a week is enough.. Well this depends on two main principles:

a) Where you plan to go and what you have in mind in exploring: To my opinion when you are on sailing vacation you need to consider various factors to have the best sailing experience. One would be to take under consideration how much would you like to sail per day. And when I mean you, I am talking about all of the crew. Many times women and children are less experienced and would not prefer to sail more than 2 hours per day-at least the first days of their vacation. This is something you need to take under consideration in order to prepare a successful route. The second would be the weather. You need to understand that the best vacation is a combination of weather and location. The most beautiful bay combined with an unpleasant weather does not add up to the best result. RELAX! That is the strong advantage when sailing from Athens. That is, you have the possibility, according to the weather, to plan a route that will be compatible with the nature conditions at the time of your arrival. In case of very strong winds you can sail in the marvelous Saronic gulf that is always calm and fully protected, while your skipper will take you to calm and isolated bays. On the other hand if you enjoy sailing you have the possibility to sail to the Cyclades and visit this complex of islands among which are, Mykonos, Paros and Santorini. If you are planning to visit Santorini, I would suggest that you would need a two week sailing skippered charter since you will need to cover a lot of miles for a one week trip.

b) The number of islands you want to explore: Again, my idea is that you are on vacation! Greece has approximately 2500 islands. There is no way that you will be visiting all the islands in just a single trip. Our suggestion is to enjoy the moment and spend as much time as you feel like it in every place. There is no harm done if you are having a great time in Milos, to leave ‘because the program says so’.. This is why a skippered charter in Greece is the ultimate vacation option. You have the freedom to sail, to stay anchored, to swim or to do as you please depending on your desire. Therefore, seize the moment and look around you. This is what vacation is all about! To lose the track of time and enjoy pure emotions and heartbeats.

Normally in a weekly sailing cruise you should be visiting aprox 6 islands during your trip. For some of you this is not sufficient, however this depends on the time that you have available for vacation. It is logical that the more time you have available the more islands you could explore. Moreover the weekly sailing charter is perfect for those of you visiting Greece for 10 days where you can still have some time to visit Athens and the suburbs nearby. For us the ideal length of a skippered sailing cruise in the Greek islands is a period of 2 weeks. This is simply because you may have more options in terms of more islands to visit-more than 12, flexibility according to the weather, availability to relax in an island for more than 1 day and many others. If you are one of the lucky ones who will get the chance to have 3 weeks available for their vacation then we can guarantee you will losing the track of time and you will have a great experience to remember.

As mentioned previously the key concept of our private skippered charters is that we will spend time with you to choose exactly the itinerary that matches to your expectations. It is not just a fixed route to follow with predefined stops. Of course we know the ‘must see’ locations and we will put them on the table during our sail planning, but one thing is certain. You will experience the island hopping ( click to see how to do island hopping in Greece ), a lot of swimming and diving in different bays and crystal waters will yacht will provide you with all the amenities of a hotel. Furthermore during your island hopping you will have the chance to discover why each of the Greek islands, is unique. Most of you may be familiar with Mykonos and Santorini but trust our word, there are equally beautiful islands such as the famous ones, such as Kythnos, Serifos, Sifnos, Milos, Paros, Antiparos, Kimolos and many others. Each with unique history and places to visit as well as different cuisine recipes.

According to the above we will determine the best route for your preferences and will be sailing to the first island shortly. A good tip is to have a shopping list, which we offer as a free service, this way you will be having all of your shopping onboard when you arrive and you will save energy not waiting in the lines of the local supermarkets.

In addition you have the possibility to ask for some of our optional extras. Among those you will find internet connection to have onboard during your trip, stand up paddles for those of you that are more active or you wish to keep your younger kids occupied, two-seated canoes that we guarantee that will cause a lot of laughter and action or underwater cameras to capture your adventurous moments.

Once you set sail, this is it. You are on sailing vacation. Your captain will be glad, for those of you that want to acquire some knowledge, to show the basics around sailing and navigating. This is mainly interesting for children but for adults as well that would like slowly to get familiar with what sailing is all about. Moreover in just about couple of hours you will be relaxing in the middle of a beautiful bay making plans on where to have dinner or walk in the little white stripped alleys throughout the islands.

Since we mentioned dinner, with a skippered sailing cruise you have the choice whether to have lunch or dinner onboard or in every island you may reach. In the islands there are the typical local restaurants called ‘tavernas’ where you will taste traditional food ( check this article for greek food you are going to taste in greek islands - videos included ) based on local ingredients and cooked with different recipes in each island. Each location is famous for a specific ingredient and product while there are famous recipes for different islands. A tavern is not a must if you are looking for something super fancy but we highly recommend trying this type of restaurant during your trip. Most of them are placed right beside the sea so you will most probably tasting the delicious meals while the little waves will be passing by next to you. The other choice is to cook onboard-your yacht is equipped with a fully functional galley which operates with gas and has 2-3 burners available plus an oven with a grill. If you have a hostess onboard then most probably in the morning you will decide what type of ingredients you would prefer for the day’s dinner and she would prepare everything to be ready for the day. In the islands there are super markets with super fresh material so we are quite certain that you will be more than happy with the result.

All of the above consist a super-premium vacation type. The type that you would probably pay a fortune to have as a result. But still, the skippered charter we offer in Greece is the most affordable vacation type someone could ask for . The value you will be getting for your money is incomparable to any other vacation type. If you compare the price of a skippered charter to a typical stay in one local hotel for a week you will notice that there is a huge difference to the service and experience you will be getting compared to the amount you will be paying. Moreover, you need to appreciate there is no other vacation that would allow you to wake up and dive into the most immaculate clear blue waters in just seconds.

For those of you wondering how easy it is to book a skippered charter in Greece with we answer at once. VERY EASY! Just select the dates (you will find at the top bar on your browser) you will be visiting, let us know the number of guests on board, add the skipper and that’s it. Your sailing dream has just started. We encourage you to contact us via email in case you would like some clarifications and suggestion on possible questions you may have. We expect to see you onboard soon.

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IYT Instructor International Bareboat Skipper Sail

Yacht handling experience since 2006



IYT Instructor International Bareboat Skipper Sail

Yacht handling experience since 2017


IYT Instructor International Bareboat Skipper Sail

Yacht handling experience since 2011


IYT Instructor International Bareboat Skipper Sail

Yacht handling experience since 2014


IYT Yachtmaster Coastal

Yacht handling experience since 2012

Captain. Participation in regattas and touristic cruises.

Regions of sailing:  Mediterranean (Italy, Croatia, Greece)


IYT Yachtmaster Coastal

Yacht handling experience since 2009

Captain. Participation in regattas, flotillas and touristic cruises.

Regions of sailing:  Mediterranean (Italy, Croatia, Greece, Montenegro)


IYT International Bareboat Skipper

Yacht handling experience since 2013

Captain. Participation in regattas and touristic cruises.

Regions of sailing:  Mediterranean (Croatia, France, Greece, Turkey)


IYT International Bareboat Skipper

Yacht handling experience since 2013

Captain. Participation in regattas and touristic cruises.

Regions of sailing:  France, Norway, Canary Islands, Croatia, Greece


Home / School, courses also ONLINE / Russia

Sailing schools and courses (ISSA, RYA, IYT) in Russia

The possibilities for yachting in russia are unlimited, since this is a country with a long maritime history. you just need to choose where you want to sail. small and big lakes, full-flowing rivers, warm and cold seas — all this is available to those who want to try sailing in this country..

Sailing schools and courses (ISSA, RYA, IYT) in Russia

Practical yachting

You will be able to master the skills of sailing; learn to feel the boat, approach and leave the pier, learn about the safety measures on the water and much more.

Vladimir K

There are places in 1 team

International Bareboat Skipper (IYT) Course

International Bareboat Skipper (IYT) Course

Having received the International Bareboat Skipper Certificate, you can independently charter a yacht on a charter and operate it in the waters of any country.


More details

ISSA Offshore Skipper course

ISSA Offshore Skipper course

The certificated confirms the skills sufficient to sail the yacht in light and dark hours at a distance from a sheltered port up to 100 sea miles.

IYT International Crew course

IYT International Crew course

This is a certificate of excellence for those candidates who wish to train to become an active crew member on a power or sailing yacht. It includes Introduction to Boating for power and sail yachts.

IYT Introductory Sailing Skills course

IYT Introductory Sailing Skills course

This course is great for groups of friends or like-minded people to get together for a few days of fun sailing while learning skills to better help as crew onboard.

IYT Try Sailing Course

IYT Try Sailing Course

It’s a fun hands-on course to enjoy being on the water while learning basic sailing skills.

Yacht management training in the Moscow region

Yacht management training in the Moscow region

In three hours of training, you will learn the basic techniques of managing a yacht, learn some of the specifics of working with a yacht, a helm, sails.

Konstantin P

RYA Coastal Skipper course

Advanced skippering techniques for yachtsmen with considerable knowledge of sailing and navigation, wanting to undertake coastal passages by day and night.

RYA Competent Crew course

RYA Competent Crew course

This course is for beginners and those who would like to become active crew members rather than just passengers.

RYA Day Skipper course

RYA Day Skipper course

A course for aspiring skippers with some yachting experience and basic navigation and sailing skills.

RYA Start Yachting course

RYA Start Yachting course

A short introduction to sailing for complete beginners.

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Divers make major finding that could solve mystery behind sinking of yacht that killed British billionaire Mike Lynch

Divers make major finding that could solve mystery behind sinking of yacht that killed British billionaire Mike Lynch

The 19 august bayesian yacht sinking saw seven people out of 22 on board die, including british businessman mike lynch.

Britt Jones

Divers travelling to the wreck of the Bayesian yacht have retrieved a vital component which could possibly help explain why it sank, it has been reported.

Seven of the 22 passengers and crew on board the gigantic 56-metre luxury yacht died after the ship sank at around 5.00am local time on 19 August.

According to reports, this was after the boat encountered a tornado approximately half-a-mile off the coast of Porticello.

British businessman , Mike Lynch, his 18-year-old daughter Hannah, Morgan Stanley International bank chairman Jonathan Bloomer, his wife Judy Bloomer, Clifford Chance lawyer Chris Morvillo, his wife Neda Morvillo and chef Recaldo Thomas were all confirmed to have died in the sinking.

Lynch, who was known as the 'British Bill Gates' after founding software company Autonomy in 1996, was reported to have been celebrating after being cleared of conducting fraud on an £8.64 billion sale to US firm Hewlett Packard.

As of now, three crew members, which include the ship’s captain James Cutfield, are all currently under investigation by Italian authorities for manslaughter.

In a press conference, prosecutor Ambrogio Cartosio said that his office had opened the investigation as 'behaviours that were not perfectly in order' could have been the reason why seven people died, but added that all possible lines of inquiry were being considered.

Divers have been visiting the wreck of the yacht which sank on 19 August off the coast of Sicily (ALBERTO PIZZOLI/AFP via Getty Images)

Under Italian law, being under investigation also doesn't imply any guilt or that further charges will be issued - and there may be more people under investigation.

Since then, divers from the Italian Navy have been visiting the wreck on behalf of the prosecutor's office, with a source telling Reuters that they have discovered video surveillance cameras fixed to the wreckage which could possibly help explain the reason for the sinking.

According to a report on Friday (13 August), a team of divers from the Italian Navy retrieved parts of the deck along with video surveillance equipment, which includes hard drives and computers.

This evidence will now be analysed in specialised labs outside of Sicily to recover any potential data, the source further claimed.

The divers made several 40 minute dives down to the yacht via a hyperbaric chamber, Coast Guard official, Daniele Governale, said, Reuters reports.

Seven out of 22 passengers perished during the sinking (ALESSANDRO FUCARINI/AFP via Getty Images)

The Coast Guard has also taken underwater images with a remotely operated vehicle to sketch up a plan to raise the wreck, the outlet also says.

CCTV footage from the night of the sinking showed a clip of the yacht before it 'vanished in 60 seconds'.

And passenger Matthew Griffiths also spoke about what happened the day the ship went down.

According to Italian news agency Ansa, he said: "I woke up the captain when the wind was at 23 mph. He gave orders to wake everyone else.

"The ship tilted and we were thrown into the water. Then we managed to get back up and tried to rescue those we could.

"We were walking on the walls [of the boat]. We saved who we could, Cutfield also saved the little girl and her mother.”

The little girl in question were the surviving passengers, Charlotte Golunski and her one-year-old daughter.

LADbible reached out to the Palermo Coast Guard and the Italian Prosecutor’s Office for comment.

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People 'stomped' to death in migrant boat crush, says survivor who saw son die

The Kurdish migrant says the boat was massively overloaded and the victims did not drown, but died in an on-board crush.

Monday 16 September 2024 16:17, UK

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The damaged boat. Pic: AFP via Getty Images

A man has said his son and seven others died after being "stomped on" in a packed migrant boat as people became trapped just minutes into the journey.

Kameran Mohammad told Sky News his son, Dyari, was among at least eight killed in Sunday's incident in the Channel .

A 10-month-old baby with hypothermia was taken to hospital with five others, as 51 people were rescued.

Dyari, 24, died in the overloaded boat

Mr Mohammad said they boarded at night but - like many crossings - the boat was packed with far too many people.

"When we boarded, within five minutes we found ourselves at the feet of other passengers... We carried on for around half an hour," he said.

"There was water in the boat but I am not sure if there was a hole in the boat or it was the water from the waves."

Mr Mohammad described a situation that rapidly deteriorated for those on board - who he said included Kurds, Vietnamese, East Africans, Afghans and Persians.

"I was aware that my son was screaming but we could not move because we were under the people's feet," he said.

"It was not just us, there were other passengers under people's feet. Those eight people who died were stomped on and did not drown."

Mr Mohammad said the crossing was abandoned after the crush and the boat tried to return to France.

However, officials said the boat "tore apart on the rocks" off Ambleteuse in the Pas-de-Calais region - and that only one in six people on board had a life jacket.

"I was unconscious and they poured water in my face to come round," said Mr Mohammad.

"They removed eight bodies and I saw one of them was my son. He died under people's feet."

Pictures of the wreck show several black rubber rings that appear to be children's toys and French authorities have not yet confirmed how the migrants died.

Mr Mohammed said there were 24 people in his group and that he was one of four Kurds.

However, he told Sky News he met someone in hospital who said they were part of another group of 68 on the same boat - suggesting around 90 people were on board.

"If there were 50 people, it would be fine," he said. "Half of the passengers were at the feet of other passengers here."

He said he had been told the boat was 9m (29ft) long.

The deaths come less than two weeks after at least 12 people, including 10 women and girls, died after another boat tore apart in the Channel.

Some 801 people migrants in 14 boats made it to the UK on Saturday - the second-highest this year - and 292 people in six boats crossed on Sunday.

French authorities also rescued about 200 people off the coast of Calais over a 24-hour period between Friday and Saturday night.

At least 45 people have died in Channel crossings this year.

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More than 21,000 people arrived in the UK in small boats between January and September, according to government figures.

Labour has pledged to tackle the migrant crisis by focussing on the criminal gangs behind the operation.

Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer is in Italy today to meet his counterpart, Giorgia Meloni , and has promised "a new era" of cooperation to dismantle the people smuggling networks.

Migrants attempting to cross the English Channel to reach Britain get on an inflatable dinghy as the French police and gendarmes officers patrol on the beach of the Slack dunes in Wimereux, France, September 4, 2024. REUTERS/Benoit Tessier TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY

Italy has experienced a 60% drop in illegal migration across the Mediterranean Sea in the past year and has recently signed a controversial deal with neighbouring Albania.

Sir Keir said he was "interested" in how the arrangement worked but he's more interested in "work around organised immigration crime, the smuggling, the trafficking gangs, because that's delivering results straight away".

The government has said it will increase deportation flights and use money saved from the Tories' Rwanda scheme to help tackle the crossings.

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News analysis

Chinese man enters taiwan on inflatable boat, raising concerns about island’s defence.

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TAIPEI – A Chinese man tried to illegally enter northern Taiwan on Sept 14 on an inflatable rubber boat that went undetected by radar systems, raising alarm bells about gaps in the island’s coastal defence capabilities amid heightened cross-strait tensions.

While the 30-year-old man surnamed Wang, who was eventually spotted by anglers in Taiwan, claimed that he had fled China to seek a new life, analysts are not ruling out the possibility that the incident could be a part of Beijing’s grey-zone tactics against the island.

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  1. Skippered Yacht Charters

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    Recreational sailing yacht skipper of vessels up to 78 feet. Issued documents Bareboat Skipper 10 days live aboard course on power or sailing yacht. The key objective of the course is to teach candidates to become a recreational sailing yacht skipper and be able to charter and handle big cruising yachts on their own.

  17. Kefalonia Sailing Charters

    Kefalonia sailing holidays, sailing boat and yacht charters, bareboat or skippered. Catamaran charters. Rent a sailing boat in Kefalonia, sail & explore Ionian +30 6937031331. [email protected]. F; G; L; English. Home; Yachts; Price List; ... Sail in Kefalonia with a skipper. Relax and enjoy the cruise. Swim, and discover all the nature ...

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  26. People 'stomped' to death in migrant boat crush, says ...

    The deaths come less than two weeks after at least 12 people, including 10 women and girls, died after another boat tore apart in the Channel.. Some 801 people migrants in 14 boats made it to the ...

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    Prosecutors in Italy are seeking a six-year jail term for deputy prime minister Matteo Salvini over a decision in August 2019 to stop a migrant boat from docking. The ship, operated by the Open ...

  28. Chinese man enters Taiwan on inflatable boat, raising concerns about

    The boat had reportedly gone undetected by radar systems, as it was too small and was travelling at a low speed. PHOTOS: SCREENGRABS FROM SET NEWS/YOUTUBE. Updated. Sep 16, 2024, 07:54 PM.

  29. Tankride

    We also offer yachts of premium and business class. Our company provide luxury and comfort. Renting a luxury yacht for your cruise you will give you an unforgettable experience and a high-level service. Each mega yacht is served by a professional team of skipper, hostess and chef, who perform their work efficiently and quietly for vacationers.

  30. Four charged after suspected cocaine found on boat off Newquay

    The National Crime Agency has estimated about a tonne of cocaine was seized from the boat Four men have been charged with drugs offences after they were arrested in a fishing boat off the coast of ...