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Yacht help fiji.

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Yacht Help Fiji is owned and operated by ex-Superyacht Captain David Jamieson who comes consistently recommended by numerous Superyacht Captains.

Yacht Help Fiji, has been operating Fiji wide for the last for the last 16 years and has a vast experience in local logistics.

Local itinerary knowledge is key to a successful cruise and Captain David specializes in itinerary planning, ensuring that guests get the very best out of their Fiji cruise. All itineraries are supported with track and waypoint information. Yacht Help also offers access to Fiji’s most knowledgeable dive guides.

Yacht Help Fiji is able to offer Superyacht services to yachts of any size including yachts over 100m. With a strong logistical base and experienced staff, Yacht Help can supply provisions, marine stores and bunkers at wholesale prices.

Don’t hesitate to contact Yacht Help’s friendly staff for any advice or information on cruising Fiji.


Denarau Island Level 1 Port Denerau Terminal Building Nadi Fiji

: David Jamieson

: +679 6750911 , +679 7505000

: [email protected]

: www.yachthelp.com

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Port Denarau Marina, Fiji

Arriving and Departing Fiji

Explore Fiji’s Customs and Clearance Requirements for Yachts

If you’re planning a voyage to Fiji aboard your yacht, it’s essential to be familiar with the customs and clearance procedures.

To simplify the process, Fiji offers the expertise of reputable registered Yacht and Super Yacht Agents who can handle the necessary formalities on your behalf:

The four registered Yacht Agents in Fiji processing cruiser applications are:

  • Ashmita Sami
  • Phone: (679) 9983600 / 7643661
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Chase Smith
  • Phone: (679) 9996556
  • Email:  [email protected]
  • David Jamieson
  • Phone: (679) 7505000
  • Josephine Morris
  • Phone: (679) 9927986

The engagement of an agent is not mandatory unless you are on charter. If you choose not to use their services, please read through the clearance information provided below. Additionally, you can download the required clearance paperwork in advance for your convenience.

Arrival protocols into Fiji are very simple and are found on the following website  https://www.frcs.org.fj/our-services/customs/yachts-and-vessels . The Master of the vessel must submit their  inward arrival form  for each crew 48hrs prior to departure from the last port. Documents to be sent to  [email protected] . 


Most countries don’t need visas to arrive in Fiji, and will get stamped for a minimum 4 months tourist visa on arrival, however, we strongly encourage you to review individual visa requirements based on the passport holder’s country. All crew signing on or off will need to complete forms and submit them to Immigration Department and Customs:  Forms A  and  Form B  are linked. 

Ports of Entry

Immigration Act 2003 governs the entry and departure from Fiji Island as per below:

Part 3 Sec(7)  states  “ The master,the owners agent of a ship which is due to arrive in the Fiji Islands from a place outside the Fiji Islands, or which is about to depart from the Fiji Islands, must give to an Immigration officer at least 24 hours notice in writing of the expected arrival or departure date ”.

Sec (8)  If a ship is due to arrive in the weekend or holiday ,the period of notice required under sec (7) is at least 48 hours .

Send your prior arrival notification at least 24 hours before departure from last port in writing to the Immigration Officer .

According to Immigration regulations: it is mandatory to clear customs within 24 hours of arriving in Fiji waters. Do NOT ANCHOR or go ashore without first clearing into a Port of Entry. All yachts and small crafts arriving from overseas must report to a Customs Port of Entry.

Upon reaching the pilot station, contact Port Control and request entry into the port. Until cleared by Health or after receiving a radio pratique from Health, it is necessary to hoist and fly the “Q” flag on the mast. You can also seek assistance from Port Control to contact Port Health, Customs, and Agriculture Quarantine for clearance upon arrival. For further information, please visit www.frcs.org.fj .

Food stores – please review  Biosecurity requirements  below.

Cruising Permits :

Obtaining a Cruising Permit for Fiji from the iTaukei Affairs Board is a requirement. Whether you choose to visit the iTaukei offices in Lautoka or Suva personally or hire an agent or utilise the marina office, this permit allows bona fide visiting yachts to cruise the Fiji Islands.

Departing Fiji by Yacht

To depart Fiji, you must inform Customs at least 24 hours before your expected departure and berth your yacht at a port of entry/exit. Officials require you to sail your yacht to the port where you intend to apply for departure clearance. Prior notice to the Department of Immigration is also necessary to ensure they can authorize your departure. Once cleared, it is expected that you depart the port promptly.

Information for Departing Fiji by Yacht

For duty-free bunkering in Fiji, please liaise with the marina. While at sea, the RFMF Naval division assumes responsibility for maritime surveillance, representing the border control agencies.

We hope this information assists you in navigating the customs and clearance requirements for yachts in Fiji. Should you have any further questions or require additional details, please do not hesitate to reach out. We wish you a pleasant journey and enjoyable experiences while cruising the beautiful waters of Fiji.



Vessel provisions (plants and animal product ) conditions by Biosecurity of Fiji:

Frozen meat

1. Frozen POULTRY meat only allowing from New Zealand.

2. Frozen BEEF, LAMB and other ruminant products only allowing from Australia and New Zealand.

3. Frozen PORK products not allowing from any country unless prior approval from BAF with BAF’s Personal Import permit and must accompany all required documents with import permit

4. Frozen Prawns without head and shell is allowed from any country.

5. Frozen meat products apart from above will not be allowed to use during cruising.

Dairy products

1. Frozen dairy products are allowed only from Australia, NZ and France having established pathway country wide.

2. Shelf stable dairy products from approved country list are allowed to be used during cruising. (as per BAF alert)

3. Dairy products apart from above are not allowed to use during cruising in Fiji

Shelf stable products

1. Shelf stable products that have poultry products as an ingredient will only be allowed from New Zealand.

2. Shelf stable pork products such as canned pork or products contain pork as ingredients are not allowed from any country. (N.B: If importer has made prior approval from BAF for this import, it requires import permit with necessary documents accompanying the consignment).

3. Shelf stable products contain animal ingredients other than pork and poultry, are allowed from Australia. (N.B: Poultry products not allowed from Australia)

4. Shelf stable products having animal ingredients other than pork, are allowed from New Zealand.

5. Shelf stable products that have less than 10% of animal products are allowed from approved country list with BAF Import permit and Manufacture declaration (Refer BAF’s alert).

Honey from any country is not allowed to import in to Fiji. Can give options to put on hold or either incinerate thus raw honey from any country cannot be consumed during cruising around Fiji water.

Note 1:  Country of origin/ manufacturing of the product: defined as the country in which the meat and meat products, dairy and dairy products are sourced and manufactured or processed Country of export is not always the same as country of origin (please note sometimes third country origin animal products are exported by another country, therefore country of origin should not be confused).

Note 2:  If BAF cannot identify country of origin of BAF regulated article with available information and the product does not have labels in English language, these products shall be considered as high risk.

All leftover food, offcuts and ingredients must be collected on board the vessel and stored in freezers (hard frozen). These can be offloaded under direct BAF supervision upon prior arrangements with the port of arrival and if approval is granted to do so by BAF.

All animal and plant products must also comply with other border agencies’ requirements for various approvals to be granted as per this arrangement.

 BAF and its representatives shall not be responsible for any liabilities, compensations and delays in these regards.


Attendance Fees

Customs normal working hours are from 0800 – 1300 and 1400 – 1630 hrs and any clearance done outside these working hours, are subject to the following rates

FRCS Fees and Charges

  Ministry of Health and Medical Services

Will be confirmed by the Yacht Agents accordingly as fees may change due to Health Requirements that maybe required for individual yacht.

Bio-security  Authority of Fiji


  • C4-3 – Boarding and clearance of super yachts during normal working hours – per vessel – FJD$193.12
  • C4-4 – boarding and clearance of Super Yachts after hours – per vessel- $487.60
  • C4-5 – Boarding and clearance of Yachts during normal working hours – per vessel – FJD$85.02
  • C4-6 – Boarding and clearance of yachts after hours – per vessel – FJD$172.87


C1-18 – Refundable bond for animals quarantined on board vessels – FJD$1,500.98 (per clearance)

C1-22 – Monitoring and Inspection of Bonded animals on board vessels – FJD$27.25 (Per inspection)

For Payment of Bond Refund:

  • A written notice of request for payment of refund is to be submitted to the Authority ONE (1) week before departure to allow for processing


  • C2-19 – Inspection of foreign garbage and supervision of incineration during normal working hours – FJD$106.28 (per clearance)
  • C2-20 – Inspection of foreign garbage and supervision after hours – FJD$165.79 (per clearance)

[Working Hours: Monday – Friday: 0800hrs – 1700hrs]

[After Hours: Monday – Friday: 1700hrs – 0800hrs; Weekends and Public Holidays]

All crew and passengers above the age of 17years will be allowed normal passenger landing duty free allowance of the following:

  • 2.25ltrs of Spirit or
  • 4.5ltrs of Wine or
  • 4.5ltrs of Beer, and
  • 250 sticks of Cigarettes, or
  • 250g cigar or
  • 250g tobacco, or
  • (Any combination of the above provided that it does not exceed the equivalent quantity under liquor, wine and beer, cigarette, cigar and tobacco).
  • Any other personal belonging up to a value of FJD$1,000.00

Any excess to the above allowance will be subject to levy of import duty and VAT or goods being detained by Customs.

Firearms and Weapons

The importation of firearms is strictly controlled in Fiji. All firearms must be declared to the Customs Officer on arrival of the vessel from overseas. Firearms onboard will be detained and placed for safekeeping by the Fiji Police who will hold them until the vessel’s departure. Collection times for arms should be arranged with Police at least 48 hours before departure time. The importation of weapons such as flick knives, swordsticks, knuckle-dusters and any weapon designed to give the appearance of another article is prohibited. All ships and vessels travelling to Fiji need to meet a number of requirements before and on arrival to ensure Fiji’s environment, economy and people are protected from invasive pests and diseases. http://www.frca.org.fj/yachts-arrival/

 Biosecurity Authority of Fiji (BAF)

This page sets out the requirements for visiting vessels:

Yachts and pleasure crafts are welcome in Fiji. However, international yachts entering Fiji waters are considered to be of a high biosecurity risk and are closely monitored by BAF. Hence it is important for yacht owners to be aware of the clearance procedures for yachts and other pleasure crafts.

Biosecurity clearance procedures

Once in Fiji waters, the yachts should proceed to the designated port of entry. The master or captain of the yacht must declare to BAF the following:

  • the destination seaport in Fiji and the estimated time of arrival of the vessel
  • its immediate preceding port or place of call
  • the proposed itinerary of the vessel until it leaves Fiji
  • the presence of any live animal or live plant on the vessel
  • any other matter relevant to facilitating biosecurity landing clearance of the yachts that is specified by BAF

This above declaration must be made at least 24 hours before the estimated time of arrival. The vessel master must complete a Master’s Declaration Form declaring all biosecurity risk items on board that are either restricted or prohibited. Items to declare include:

  • Foods (tinned/packed), including meat, sausages, salami, ham, poultry, eggs, milk, butter, cheese, honey etc;
  • Plants or parts of plants (live or dead) including vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, bulbs, flowers (fresh or dry), mushrooms, straw, bamboo or any other articles made of plant materials;
  • Animal products including feathers, fur/skin, shells, hatching eggs.
  • Animals, reptiles, fish, birds (or parts thereof), alive or dead, stuffed or mounted;
  • Soil or equipment used with animals of any kind or that has come in contact with soil;
  • Biological specimens including vaccine cultures, blood or any other biological specimen; and
  • Domesticated pets to be bonded and kept on board the vessel at all times (cats/dogs/birds etc).

Some of these items will not be permitted to be kept aboard the yacht for the duration of the visit in Fiji. What is allowed to stay aboard will be at the discretion of the Biosecurity officer at the time of inspection, depending on the risk they represent. The yachtmaster should also ensure that no refuse containing any animal, plant, animal product or plant product is discharged from the yacht into the sea while the yacht is in Fiji. All refuse generated on the vessel is placed in a suitable leak-proof container, with a lid, and the container is securely fastened at all times and kept aboard the yacht. The refuse can only be removed from the yachts under the directions of the Biosecurity Officer.

Live animals on yachts

Yachts arriving in Fiji with live cats, dogs, pet birds etc must pay a bond as security against the dogs, cat and pet birds etc coming ashore while in Fiji’s territorial waters. The bond payment is $FJD $1,500 which is refundable upon departure from Fiji if bond conditions are not breached. In general no animals will be permitted to come ashore in Fiji and must remain on board the vessel at all times while in Fiji’s territorial waters. Cat and dogs and other pet animals may not be imported into Fiji via yachts. Cats and dogs must be vaccinated against rabies not more than 12 and not less than 6 months before arriving in Fiji. One month after the rabies vaccination of the dog, it must be subjected to the Rabies Neutralization Antibody Tire Test (RNATT) with a positive result of no less than 0.5 IU per ml.

By taking these precautionary measures visitors will enjoy traversing the pristine waters of Fiji without the worry that their pets may be posing a risk to the native fauna, flora, the environment and the friendly people of Fiji. Pet birds (e.g. parrots, finches, canaries etc) on yachts must be free Newcastle Disease without vaccination, must have been tested free of Newcastle Disease six (6) months prior to arrival in Fiji, must not have been in the waters of countries not free of Newcastle Disease without vaccination less than six (6) months prior to arrival in Fiji.

Pet birds must be in locked cages at all times, and the animal must not be brought on shore at any time. Other species of pet animals are prohibited from entry into Fiji waters via yachts. Vaccination certificates and laboratory tests results must be original and made available to Biosecurity Officers when Biosecurity Boarding Inspection are carried out at the First (1ST) Port of Entry. For further information or clarification please contact the Biosecurity Authority of Fiji on phone 3312512, fax 3305043 or by email . Enquires can also be made in person at any of the BAF office.

Intention to Bring a Yacht to Fiji

As interim or transiting tourists, they are permitted to enter Fiji with their baggage, provided they leave Fiji within the period allowed under Fiji’s visa regime. It is important to note that any person arriving in Fiji using whatever means of transportation must have a valid passport at all times and the validity of the passport must not be less than the period of stay in Fiji.

It is basic requirement under Customs laws that the master of the vessel must give a minimum of 24 hours notification to Customs prior to arrival in Fiji. This may be through Suva Radio 3DP using channels 16 and 12. A written notification may also be sent on facsimile  (679) 330 2864, if such a facility is on board. It shall also be necessary for their informing Suva Radio 3DP to direct their arrival notification request to port Health Quarantine for radio pratique or the need for physical boarding by Health authorities, depending on each traveling circumstance.

Unless and until Health Quarantine has issued the health pratique, the yacht must display the ‘Q’ flag at the main mast. The Customs and security issues in Fiji are strict and all vessels of whatsoever description must proceed directly to a port of entry (currently Denarau and Savusavu) and not to any other place in Fiji without written clearance authority from the Customs. Although there are several marina and club facilities in Fiji, none is a port of entry and any vessel or yacht found at places other than a port without Customs clearance would be prosecuted with severe fines. Serious Customs offences also include forfeiture of the yacht or vessel.

As with most countries, Fiji is taking a very hard line attitude to persons or yachts found with drugs, weapons, pornographic material or other prohibited items. Travelers to Fiji having doubts as to the legality of items on board are strongly advised to contact the relevant authorities before arrival. All such items must be declared to the Customs Officer who comes on board to inspect the yacht or other vessel. Before a vessel or yacht leaves any country bound for Fiji, the master is required by law and must obtain a valid Customs clearance from the Customs authorities of that country. This clearance certificate will be collected by Customs upon their boarding of the vessel. Under Customs laws, visiting yachts may enter and can be kept temporarily in Fiji without payment of Customs duty on the yacht, provided:

  • The yacht is the sole property of the bona fide tourist;
  • The yacht is on a bona fide cruise or participating in a yacht race;
  • The yacht is not abandoned in Fiji by master/owner; and
  • The yacht shall remain in Fiji for a period not exceeding 60 months (54 months initial period + 6 months extension period) after its first arrival.

The yacht will become liable to duty if:

  • It is put to commercial use or for other considerations while in Fiji waters (e.g. commercial charters, hiring or leasing, etc);
  • The owner is associated in any way with any entity in Fiji as an employer either before or after arrival; or
  • The yacht is not exported within 60 months  (54 months initial period + 6 months extension period)  of the date of the yacht¡¦s first arrival in Fiji.

All adults above the age of 17 will be given to enjoy landing passenger liquor and tobacco allowances and other goods as for any other arriving passenger.

Departing Fiji

Departing Fiji is slightly easier as you will require two government officials for clearing out. The two officials is Immigration and Customs. You have to scan and send the filled check out forms to [email protected] 24hrs in advance and advising them which port you would like to clear out from.

The required forms for clearing out is also on our website in the resources section .

You are required to sail to the desired Port for Clearance, you cannot anchor your vessel and travel by land to the customs office as officials will require to see the vessel following the clearance process.

The customs officer will require the receipt copies of your clearance into the country therefore please ensure that these are kept safely. Once cleared, you will need to leave Fiji waters within 24 hours. It is prohibited to stop at any island once cleared. However, if your departure is delayed for some reason, and you anticipate being in Fiji over that 24 hour time period, you need to contact the same customs officer and advise them of this  as soon as possible !

Testimonials from our clients

Thank you from sv magic dragon of dart.

Jane and Rod Halling S/v Magic Dragon of Dart

Captain of Dreamin On

One of our clients, jake reid, captain, sy thalia, visiting yacht.

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  • Coastal Navigational Warning 48/2020 Coastal Navigational Warning 48/2020Attached is Coastal Navigational Warning 4… https://t.co/yLT1IOhSGd December 21, 2020 12:33 am
  • Coastal Navigational Warning 48/2020 https://t.co/lrCyS7MeKD December 21, 2020 12:33 am
  • Marine Notice 27/2020 Attached is Coastal Navigational Warning 27/2020. You are requested to forward this to Master… https://t.co/XGZ3weQjFz December 20, 2020 8:43 pm
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Fiji Hotel and Tourism Association

The Voice of the Industry

Yacht Help Fiji

The needs of the elite are extraordinary… and Yacht Help Fiji provides clients with expert advice, innovative solutions, outstanding execution and comprehensive access to the finest things the world has to offer.

Whether our clients require foods and supplies of distinction, specialised entertainment options, custom charted adventures, consummate performance of repairs and maintenance or one-of-a-kind special requests for your superlative ocean vessel and destinations, we have the global networks and industry experience to meet your needs. Your time in Fiji should be nothing less than ‘superyacht superlative’. Every day, we utilise our intelligence, insight and global coverage to help deliver exactly what you want, exactly where you want it and exactly when you need it. We are Yacht Help Fiji and we define ‘Superyacht Services’ in the Fiji Islands and the South Pacific.

Yacht Help Fiji was formed in 1987. Its central focus is to supply professional shore support services to super yachts. The South Pacific yachting scene has grown considerably over the years. To meet this increasing demand we have opened new divisions and steadily expanded our product lines and services to cater for all types and sizes of yachts, Fiji wide.

Yacht Help is comprised of the following division’s: super yacht and yacht agency, parts supply, refit and repair, project management, chandlery, chart agency, charter and brokerage services. We provide skilled professionals with all our services. Combined with a wealth of local knowledge and experience we aim to give the highest quality and cost effective services to meet the demands of the growing number and variety of yachts visiting Fiji’s unspoiled and uncrowded waters.

Yacht Help’s main office and chandlery is located in Fiji’s newest yacht facility at Port Denarau marina. Our staff operate Fiji wide in any of Fiji’s ports of entry or anchorages.

Yacht Help also produces the Fiji Marine Guide. This annual publication provides practical and factual information to yachts about Fiji and its yacht services. Contents include Communications, Marinas, Banking and Shopping, Provisioning, Repair & Maintenance Facilities, Safety & Medical, Transportation, Island resorts, Races & Regattas, Arrival & Departure Clearance Information, Advertisers of services & products, and more.

Yacht Help has provided marine support to major film productions taking place in Fiji , and has also acted as a local liaison for these projects.

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Port Denarau Terminal Building Port Denarau Marina, Western 0 

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Denarau Island, Fiji

Denarau Island, Fiji

  • Our Management Team
  • Residential


Port Denarau Marina is the gateway to exploring the idyllic paradise that is the isles of Fiji’s famous Mamanuca and Yasawa chains.

Only 15 minutes from the airport, and with cruise boats docking right up next to the shops, supermarket and bakery, getting out the islands has never been easier.

Port Denarau Marina is also the epicentre of the booming yachting activity in Fiji.

With 52 fully serviced berths , 16 swing moorings and 20 berths capable of taking Superyachts up to 85, Port Denarau Marina is the perfect stopover for rest, restock and play, during your ocean exploration of the Fijian Islands.


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yacht help denarau


yacht help denarau


All Rights Reserved. © 2024 Denarau Island, Fiji.

+(679) 777 2330

Yacht Help Marine Supplies


If We Don't Stock It, We Will Source It. 

+679 777 2330

[email protected]

Mon-Fri:  8AM - 5PM

Sat:          8AM - 4PM

Sunday:  CLOSED

Need a supply restock?

We've got it covered.

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Polish, Cleaners

& sealants.

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Additional services.

We work closely with the local and international yacht and boat owners to ensure their vessels are equipped, safe, and shiny enough for the voyage. 

Including but not limited to crew tours and accommodations, sales, and repair & maintenance. 

yacht help denarau

Superyacht Services

Provide complete shore support plus a detailed itinerary and navigation information to ensure that your charters, guests or owners get the best out of their Fiji cruise.

yacht help denarau

Boat & Yacht Sales

Yacht Brokerage is Fiji's premier platform for boat sales.  We work with some of the biggest brokerage companies in Australasia.

yacht help denarau

Yacht Repairs

Yacht Help has a team of High-quality services the cover most marine trades, including an excellent painting capable of attaining a world class finish with Awl Grip Paint.

David and team are the absolute best when it comes to sorting out my superyacht in Fiji

John Peterson, USA

Our Expertise


A specialised marine supplier that takes care of all your yachting and sailing needs. 

Mon-Fri: 8 AM – 5 PM

Saturday: 8 AM – 3 PM

Sunday: Closed

Port Denarau Marina

1st Floor Reservations Building

Nadi,  Fiji Islands

Email: [email protected]

Phone: +679 675 0911 or   +679 750 5000

Our Locations

Port Denarau Marina

Port Denarau Marina

Welcome to Port Denarau Marina, Fiji’s premium marina facility that captures the heart of every sailor, yachting enthusiast, and island explorer. Considered a hub of the South Pacific, Port Denarau Marina serves as the central point for travelers setting sail for Fiji’s stunning Mamanuca and Yasawa Islands.

Situated on the western side of Viti Levu, the largest island in the Republic of Fiji , Port Denarau Marina lies within the integrated resort complex of Denarau Island. This strategic location, just 20 minutes away from Nadi International Airport, offers ease of access to numerous hotels, recreational venues, and shopping centers nearby.

Approach to the Marina

For those approaching Port Denarau Marina from sea, navigation is made easy by its position at the end of a well-marked, deep-water channel. The approach is straightforward from the main shipping channel, which has a maintained depth of 5 meters at zero tide. The marina is open 24 hours a day, and the entry is well-lit for secure nighttime navigation.

Port Denarau Marina

Specifications of the Marina

Port Denarau Marina boasts a wide range of berths, accommodating vessels of various sizes. The marina has 56 berths and 16 moorings, including 32 berths specifically designed for multi-hull vessels. The berths can host superyachts up to 85 meters in length and a maximum draft of 5 meters.

The well-equipped berths provide water and metered electricity (single-phase 240V AC and three-phase up to 415V AC). High-speed fuel pumps dispensing duty-free diesel are available directly on the commercial jetty. Also, the marina provides Wi-Fi service across the docks.

yacht help denarau

There are 16 mooring buoys throughout the marina basin for stay in privacy.

Infrastructure, Services, and Facilities

The marina’s infrastructure is developed with modern and high-standard facilities. It includes a boatyard with a 50-ton travel lift and hard stand, dry storage, haul-out facilities, and a range of professional marine services.

Unique to Port Denarau Marina is its cyclone management plan, offering a Sheltered Cyclone Mooring system, which has increased the safety of the vessels during the cyclone season.

Amenities in the Marina and Nearby

Within the marina complex, you’ll find a variety of amenities, including hot and cold showers, a laundromat, convenience store, and café. A short stroll will lead you to the nearby Port Denarau Shopping Centre, home to numerous restaurants, retail stores, and a supermarket.

Events in Marina

Port Denarau Marina hosts and sponsors a variety of boating events throughout the year, including the annual Fiji Regatta Week, a favorite among cruising yachts in the South Pacific. It also hosts the Musket Cove Marina Fiji Regatta and the South Pacific World ARC Rally.

How to Get There

Accessing Port Denarau Marina is convenient. By air, Nadi International Airport is a short 20-minute drive away.

If traveling by road, a modern four-lane highway connects the marina to Nadi Town.

For sea voyagers, the marina’s precise coordinates are 17°46.5S and 177°22.7E. If you’re planning a voyage to Fiji aboard your yacht, it’s essential to be familiar with the customs and clearance procedures. To simplify the process, Fiji offers the expertise of reputable registered Yacht and Super Yacht Agents who can handle the necessary formalities on your behalf. Arrival protocols into Fiji are very simple and are found on the following website  https://www.frcs.org.fj/our-services/customs/yachts-and-vessels . The Master of the vessel must submit their  inward arrival form  for each crew 48hrs prior to departure from the last port. Documents to be sent to  [email protected] .

Attractions Nearby

Port Denarau Marina in Fiji is a popular destination that offers a variety of attractions for visitors. Here are some of the top attractions and activities nearby:

  • Denarau Island : Known for its luxurious resorts, beautiful beaches, and world-class golf course, Denarau Island is perfect for relaxation and recreation.
  • Big Bula Waterpark : A fun waterpark with slides, wave pools, and activities for kids and adults alike.
  • Garden of the Sleeping Giant : Located a short drive from Denarau, this garden is famous for its collection of orchids and tropical plants, offering a serene escape into nature.
  • Sri Siva Subramaniya Temple : The largest Hindu temple in the Southern Hemisphere, located in nearby Nadi, is a colorful and architecturally stunning site to visit.
  • Mud Pool and Hot Springs : Enjoy a natural spa experience at the Sabeto Hot Springs and Mud Pool, where you can soak in therapeutic hot springs and cover yourself in healing mud.
  • Nadi Town : Explore local shops, markets, and restaurants in Nadi, which is just a short drive away from Denarau. It’s a great place to experience Fijian culture and buy souvenirs.
  • Island Day Trips : From Port Denarau Marina, you can take boat trips to nearby islands like the Mamanuca and Yasawa Islands, where you can enjoy snorkeling, diving, and beach activities.
  • Cultural Shows and Tours : Experience Fijian culture through traditional dances, music, and village tours, which are often organized by the resorts on Denarau Island.
  • Helicopter and Seaplane Tours : For a breathtaking view of the islands and the surrounding ocean, consider taking a helicopter or seaplane tour from the marina.
  • Fishing Charters : The marina offers fishing charters where you can try your luck at catching some of the local fish species.

These attractions provide a mix of relaxation, adventure, and cultural experiences, making Port Denarau Marina an excellent base for exploring the best of Fiji .

Port Denarau Marina

Port Denarau Marina Map

Port Denarau Marina

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Nadi International Airport (NAN)

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Suva Nausori International Airport (SUV)

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Port Denarau Fiji

In light of the global COVID pandemic, yachts are limited by where they can travel, how and when. Restrictions and regulations in the industry seem to change by the week.

Fortunately, Fiji took initiative and opened up their “Blue Lane”, which allows yachts and pleasure cruisers to enter the country through Port Denarau.

By following their guidelines, yachties can enter the country after their 14-day quarantine is completed (travel days included!) Fiji is an incredible place to be right now because it is COVID free and working hard to stay that way. Should your vessel decide to travel to Port Denarau, here is what you need to know before you arrive.

Table of Contents

Port Denarau Fiji

Where to provision from Port Denarau

Because Fiji cannot reap the benefits of tourist season, times are trying for this little island. Consider the impact you could have on local businesses when deciding where to provision. The first places listed are locally owned and operated and will cater to your every need to the best of their ability. Fijians want your business and are therefore happy to make you happy.


Pacific provisions.

These guys are new on the scene, but it’s a great company to have on the go for guest provisions. They will provision to Fiji, and also most of the rest of the Pacific. Pacific Provisions are run by ex yachties, so you know you are in capable hands.

They can help with produce, meats and seafoods, dry goods- even guest toiletries!

Check their website out and contact them directly for more information.

There are a few fresh produce provisioners around the port, but a crowd favourite is Farmboy. Many of the produce provisioners import their products and therefore buy massive quantities. Often they push those products even though the quality is subpar. Farmboy sources almost 85% of its produce locally. They even grow much of it on their own family farm! The quality is great and they are willing to give you Fijian produce to play with and recipes to go along should you be interested.

Address: Port Denarau Marina, Denarau Island, Fji

Phone: (679)995-1302

Email: [email protected]

Hours: Wednesday-Friday 9 AM-4 PM, deliveries anytime

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Nadi and Namaka Markets

There are two fresh food markets near Port Denarau, Nadi and Namaka. The Nadi market is located at the heart of the town behind the main street. The Namaka market is located in between the airport and the port. Both offer fresh vegetables, fruit, fish, spices, and kava. The earlier you go the better, especially on Saturdays.

Get there as close to 7 AM as you can for an eye-opening shopping trip. This is a great way to discover native Fijian produce. Don’t hesitate to ask the locals how to cook certain things. They love giving out their family recipes. Make sure you take plenty of cash as most vendors do not accept cards.

Hours: Every day 7 AM-6 PM

South Pacific Butchers

Located a short drive away from Port Denarau, right before the city of Nadi, South Pacific Butchers is an excellent purveyor of fresh, high-quality meats. They have an excellent selection of beef, chicken, and pork. They can also assist in procuring higher quality meats for charters and boss trips as long as they are given advance notice of about two weeks.

Address: Kasabias Pte Ltd, Nadi, Fiji

Phone: (679) 670-3900

Email: [email protected]

Hours: Monday-Friday 7 AM-5 PM, Saturday 7 AM-2 PM

Yeastie Boys

Yewy! The Yeastie Boys are hands down the best bakers in the area. They bake out of the ovens from Mama’s Pizza Kitchen right in Port Denarau. From sourdough to low GI to pretzel to bagel, their selection is great for such a small crew. They take orders through text and Instagram direct message & they’re happy to bake certain specialty items for all your provisioning needs.

Address: Mama’s Pizza, Port Denarau, Denarau Island, Fiji

Phone: (679)801-6965

Email: [email protected]

Hours: Tuesdays & Fridays 6 AM- 11 AM (pickup normally around 9:30 AM)

Wine, Chocolate, and Coffee

Indulge cafe.

Wine, chocolate, and coffee…what more could you want? While there is a liquor store at the Port, this spot is special because the wines are handpicked by the talented sommelier, Alex Weiss. The coffee is brewed locally and can be altered to meet your specific preferences.

They have also recently partnered with Vanua chocolate, a local chocolatier who makes bars with 100% Fijian cocoa beans. They’re also just begun selling Fiji made vodka and gin (and they swear they’re so pure you won’t get a hangover!) This is your one-stop-shop for all things indulgent.

Address: Industrial Center, Denarau Island, Fiji


Email: [email protected]

Hours: Monday- Friday 7 AM- 4 PM

South Pacific Coffee Company

This is Fiji’s only coffee roastery and @ChefAlexzandra has vouched for them, saying they are delicious!

Address: Nadi

Phone: +679 999 1166

Hours: Unsure

provisioning for a yacht


Located in Port Denarau, the XpressMart is a quick shop for bare essentials. You’ll find pasta, milk, chips, and canned goods here but their variety is limited. This is a great spot for grabbing an extra litre of milk when you run out and don’t have time to do a big store run. It gets the job done but it wouldn’t be the best place to rely on in terms of provisioning for more than a day or two.

Address: Unit S22 Port Denarau, Denarau Island, Fiji

Phone: (679)675-0425

Hours: Sunday to Thursday 9 AM- 6 PM, Friday & Saturday 9 AM-7 PM

Fresh Choice

Fresh Choice is a great little supermarket located on Denarau Island. It is small compared to the supermarket’s chefs might be used to in larger countries, but hey, it’s Fiji.

Because it is located on the island, you’ll find many New Zealand and Australian products with a few Fijian products sprinkled in. Of all of the supermarkets in Nadi, this one has the most diverse selection in terms of food from different cultures. You won’t find niche items, but you can snag some katsu curry or tamales.

Address: Denarau Industrial Center, Denarau Island, Fiji

Phone: (679)675-0294

Hours: Every day 7 AM-8 PM

New World is one of the best supermarkets nearby. If you go into the city of Nadi, chances are you will be disappointed by the selections in the stores like MaxValue. New World is about a 15-minute drive from the Port and has almost everything you need. Bread, produce, dairy products, cleaning products, you name it. If you want to limit your shopping to one store, this one will leave you satisfied.

Address: Newworld IGA Votualevu Road, Namaka, Fiji

Phone: (679)672-3553

Hours: Every day 8 AM-6 PM

Specialty Markets

If you’re looking for Italian, you’re looking for Flavio. An Italian-turned-Fijian, Flavio owns a small shop that can also be used as a private restaurant. He sells pasta, cheeses, select meats, homemade gelato, olive oils, and more. He also dabbles in his own cheesemaking. Flavio is a great contact for those who love authentic Italian cuisine.

Address: Narewa Road, Nadi, Fiji


Hours: Monday-Saturday 10AM-6:15 PM

If you prefer using provisioners, check out this list of worldwide provisioners and their contact details .

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Local Bars & Restaurants

It’s highly unlikely that anyone can visit Port Denarau and not go to Cardo’s. Owned by the beloved Cardo himself, this is a great place to grab a drink after work and maybe even a decent meal. Their fare is typical bar food with a few Fijian dishes thrown in for good measure. They offer karaoke on Thursdays, sports viewings, and live bands every weekend. They even offer breakfast! That best part? You’ll never leave the place without a smile.

Address: Port Denarau, Denarau Island, Fiji

For those looking for a bit more sophisticated, playful cuisine, head on over to Kanu. Owned by chef Lance Seeto, Kanu boasts modern Asian-Fijian fusion. They’re plant-based and vegan inspired, but they do offer meat as an addition on most dishes. They play with native Fijian vegetables and spices in ways that push the envelope and challenge the way most think of Fijian cuisine. Their drinks are more like health juices with a splash of alcohol mixed in. Between the Kama Sutra 69 and the Awake & Numb, the drink will leave you feeling a little healthier, sexier, and tipsier. Follow them on Instagram for happy hour and weekend specials. 

Address: 333 Queens Road, Nadi, Fiji

This restaurant is a newer addition to the food scene nearby. Located on Wailoaloa beach, Eat Greek rests at the top of the Ramada. Get there right before sunset for a beautiful view of BAY and delicious Greek cuisine. Enjoy spanakopita, dolmades, gyros, and baklava as well as red & white wines that you can’t find anywhere else. They’ve partnered with Indulge and pride themselves on their unique wine selection. Head there on Friday or Sunday for an extra treat- live music!

Address: Ramada Rooftop Wailoaloa

If you’re looking for good, honest, delicious Fijian food, this is your place. You’ll get traditional soups, curries, rollups, and desserts. It’s a humble establishment located on Queens Road between Denarau and Namaka. It is a staple of the community and almost everyone you meet will tell you that Tu’s is the place you want to go for the real FIjian experience.

Address: Queens Road, Martintar Challenge Plaza, Nadi, Viti Levu Fiji

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Getting around Nadi & beyond

Port Denarau is a 15 minute drive from the city of Nadi, the town of Latoka, and the airport. Feel free to walk around Denarau Island and to these destinations, but don’t doubt that a taxi driver will offer to pick you up frequently on your way.

You’ll get to know that taxi drivers by name the longer you spend at the Port. They will all give you their personal phone numbers and some might even invite you home for dinner.

Besides getting around by foot or by taxi, rental cars in Fiji are a great deal. There is a Budget rental center at the Port and at the time of writing, renting a small car for a day is about 60 bula, or 25 euro.

There is a final and very cheap option of catching the bus from the Port into the town of Nadi. It’s not super reliable because Fiji time means no rushing or scheduling. But it is cheap and it’s a good way to meet locals.

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Crew Days Off in Fiji

There is so much to do in Fiji if you’re lucky enough to have some time off. Don’t be afraid to ask locals for their advice. They love to see people interested in taking advantage of all their island has to offer. If you’ve got weekends off, try:

  • Diving trips, courses and certifications through Deep Blue Fiji.
  • Drive down to Sigatoka and visit the waterfalls & sand dunes
  • Drive to Suva and explore Fiji’s capital city
  • Spend the weekend at Musket Cove enjoying the beachfront bungalows and Sand Bar
  • Rent a small boat and explore the islands. Don’t forget to take kava to the villages you visit as a sign of respect

For those who might not have as much time, never fear. There’s plenty to do in a day or less.

  • Visit the Garden of the Sleeping Giant and go soak in the natural mud baths and sulfur springs nearby
  • Relax at the Island Day Spa and spend the day getting pampered
  • Hike the Sleeping Giant Mountain
  • Go into Nadi town and see a Fijian rugby game
  • For the daredevil, see Fiji from above and go skydiving

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Port Denarau itself

Port Denarau is slowly but surely coming back to life as more boats enter Fiji. Although it is a bit quiet these days, you’ll still be able to do some shopping, eating, drinking, and dancing. Stores in Denarau include Ripcurl, Jack’s, Harrison’s, and Cloudbreak. You can find Indian, Italian, Thai, Japanese, and of course, Fijian food. You can stock up on basic shopping items between XpressMart and the new Farmboy shop. And the night scene will always be waiting for you at Cardo’s.

Lauren Vega

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Destination Fiji

Fiji fact file.

Fiji consists of 333 islands, about 110 of which are inhabited. Territorial area 18, 272 sq km (or 4 times the area of French Polynesia).

  • The two major islands, Viti Levu and Vanua Levu account for 87% of the total population of 912,250.

2. English is Fiji's official language

    (though Fijian and Hindi are also


3. Climate: - Tropical Maritime

    Climate. 2 Seasons “Tradewind

    Season” May-October. “Monsoon

    Season” November-April.

4. Fiji was a British colony until 1970,

    when it gained independence and

    joined the Commonwealth. .

5. Marinas: - Port Denarau Marina

    (Yacht & Superyacht), Vuda

    Marina (Yacht & Superyacht),

    Nawi Island (Yacht &

    Superyacht), Royal Suva Yacht

    Club (Yacht), Copra Shed Marina


6. International Airports Nadi and

    Nausori (Suva).

7. Clearance Ports: - Suva,   

    Lautoka, Port Denarau, Vuda

    Marina, Savusavu (Nawi

    Marina), Levuka.

8. Industries by size: - tourism,

    sugar processing, clothing,

    copra, gold, silver, lumber.

Cruising Highlights

Authentic Cultural Experiences

It's easy to get off the beaten track in Fiji. Fijians are proud of their friendly welcoming culture and traditions are adhered to by all. Experience a true South Pacific welcome and relax in the gentle happy go lucky island vibe of a culture unspoiled by tourism.

When you visit a village it's customary that you bring a gift “Sevusevu” for the chief of the village. This is usually a bundle of roots taken from a Kava plant. The roots are pounded and mixed with water this is then drank in an elaborate ceremony where the chief and honoured guests are served first. The citizens of Fiji believe that the drink has numerous medicinal qualities, particularly in the treatment of insomnia, headaches, and stress. 

The Outer island villages will often put on a “Meke” traditional dance or a “Lovo” traditional feast cooked in an earth oven.

Yacht Helps friendly Fijian staff will brief captains and crew on the best etiquette when visiting outer island villages. We also keep track of the best villages to visit to enjoy cultural experiences.

Fiji has some great dive sites and is known for having some of the best soft coral gardens in the Pacific. Fiji is home to The Great Sea Reef, locally known as Cakaulevu is the world’s third-longest continuous barrier reef system.

Yacht Help can offer Fiji’s best, most knowledgeable and most superyacht-experienced dive guides. We can also set up Rendezvous diving with our network of preferred dive operators. 

The best Diving areas are:-

  • Taveuni Island. The Somosomo Straight South of Taveuni offers dive sites that include The Great White Wall, The Cabbage Patch and Rainbow Reef.
  • Vatu-i-Ra. This is the high current passage between Fiji’s two biggest Islands. Humpback, sperm and pilot whales regularly transit this passage. There are pinnacles that rise up from 1000 meters to provide some thrilling dives. Sites include Mount Mutiny, E6 and Cat’s Meow.
  • Kadavu Island. Is home to two Manta dives and a large array of drift, reef pelagic dive sites. Best known are Naiqoro Passage, Sea fan alley and The Cayon.
  • Beqa Island. This island is famous amongst divers for one of the best shark dives in the South Pacific. Allowing people to experience and appreciate the majesty of multiple species of sharks including Tigers and Bulls.
  • Gau Island. The Nigali Pass at Gua Island is often referred to as Fiji’s Rangiroa. This site offers a high adrenalin drift dive that teams with both pelagic and reef species.
  • Wakaya Island. Resident manta rays at cleaning stations and Hammerhead sharks that frequent this area are the main attractions. This very deep protected wall is ideal for submarine dives.

Forbes Magazine has listed the Lau group of islands as one of the top 12 World’s Most Beautiful Places. Forbes chose the Lau Archipelago for its “mind-blowing array of marine life and a gentle, carefree vibe.” 

This least visited group of islands has no land-based tourism and is best accessed by sea. With sprawling lagoons filled with islets of all sizes the geology in reminiscent of Raja Ampat or Palau. Strong Cultural traditions are the norm here. For the adventurous yachtsperson, these islands will reward you with truly unique experiences.

Other Highlights

  • Taveuni Island . This is the garden island of Fiji. Lavena Coastal walk offers spectacular views of lush rainforest, coastal vistas and waterfalls. The walk starts with a tender drop-off where a waterfall cascades into directly the ocean.
  • Yasawa Islands . Conveniently located near Nadi international airport. This group offers a mix of dramatic scenery, the famous Blue Lagoon, boutique resort dining and spas, and the pristine Champagne Beach.
  • Laucala Private Island Resort . Built and owned by Red Bull this island is Fiji’s ultimate luxury boutique experience. Visits by invitation only.

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Itinerary Planning

Developing the best itinerary to fit your length of cruise, guest interests, prevailing weather, and yacht dimensions is

our priority. Yacht Helps owner (Captain David Jamieson) is an ex-captain with 20 years of sailing experience in Fiji. We

specialize in tailor-made itineraries with creative solutions to en-route transfers and provisioning needs.

Tracks and waypoints

Some of the remote areas of Fiji are lacking accurate charts. Our itineraries are supported by tried and tested tracks

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We provide places of interest, Manta Ray viewing spots, Surfing Spots, Resorts, Heli landing areas, Seaplane landing areas, Resorts, Snorkeling spots, Hikes and Ferry stops all on Google Earth.

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Sunk superyacht likely to cost insurers at least $150-million, experts say

Insurers of the Bayesian superyacht that sank this month, killing tech entrepreneur Mike Lynch and six others, could be on the hook for at least US$150-million, according to the first estimates by industry experts.

The British-flagged, 56-metre-long yacht, which the experts estimated cost around US$40-million, capsized and went down on Aug. 19 within minutes of being hit by a predawn storm while anchored off northern Sicily.

The superyacht’s hull was insured against physical damage by yacht insurance provider OMAC and a consortium of insurers including Travelers Companies Inc, Navium Marine and Convex, Reuters reported last week.

Its protection and indemnity (P&I) insurance, which typically covers third-party liability claims including for environmental damage, injury and death, was provided by British Marine.

The hull was likely insured for around US$40-million, while the P&I cover would be larger, insurance sources said.

“Our understanding is that the cost of the boat was between US$40 and US$50-million, so the limit of the hull & machinery policy was probably around those values,” said Marcos Alvarez, managing director, global financial institution ratings at Morningstar DBRS.

The P&I policy would likely be “several multiples” of the hull policy, or US$200-300 million, Alvarez added, noting it would also likely cover liability payments even if the captain or crew are found to be negligent.

Prosecutors in the town of Termini Imerese, near Palermo, are investigating the captain and two other crew members. An investigation does not imply guilt or mean formal charges will follow. Prosecutors have said the probe would take time and require salvaging the wreck.

Oscar Seikaly, chief executive officer of broker NSI Insurance Group, that provides yacht insurance, estimated the hull value at US$40-70 million, but said P&I cover might not total more than US$100-million.

P&I insurance would also cover recovery of the Bayesian, said Francesco Dubbioso, country manager for Italy for insurer Alta Signa Europe, who estimated the superyacht’s value at US$30-million to US$40-million.

Reuters is the first to report the potential insurance costs. OMAC, Travelers and Navium Marine did not immediately respond to Reuters’ for comment. Convex declined to comment.

The Bayesian disaster, which has puzzled experts who said the boat would have been built to withstand a severe storm, adds to recent woes for yacht insurers, who have faced a raft of hurricane losses in the past few years.

Premium rates have risen by four to five times in the past couple of years in parts of the U.S. and the Caribbean, and yacht insurers have cut the amount of cover they provide because of the risks, Mr. Seikaly said.

As a result, insurers have increased rates and re-evaluated their guidelines and risk appetite, according to industry experts.

As well as hurricanes, insured losses have mostly stemmed from severe storms, floods, and other weather events in North America, the Caribbean, and Europe, according to a report by broker Marsh.

Mr. Seikaly said four clients had last week been ready to buy boats but changed their minds because of the high cost of insurance.

Climate change was also likely to add to yacht insurers’ worries, Mr. Seikaly added, as it throws up more unexpected events.

“Whoever thought a storm in the Mediterranean in the month of August is going to sink a ship?”

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  1. Port Denarau, Fiji, Aug 2019. Yachts at the Port Denarau Marina, Ready

    yacht help denarau

  2. Port Denarau Marina

    yacht help denarau

  3. Yacht Charters in Fiji

    yacht help denarau

  4. Fiji’s Port Denarau Marina awarded ‘International Marina of the Year

    yacht help denarau

  5. Yacht Charters in Fiji

    yacht help denarau

  6. Port Denarau, Fiji, Aug 2019. Yachts at the Port Denarau Marina, Ready

    yacht help denarau


  1. Denarau Island drive towards Sofitel

  2. Denarau Island drive towards Sofitel

  3. The BEST Document Management App for Boats

  4. Inventory Management App for Boats

  5. A brief look around Denarau Marina

  6. Denarau Island for Cruise


  1. Yacht Help Fiji

    Yacht Help Fiji provides clients with expert advice, innovative solutions, ... I highly recommend Denarau marina to any super yachts visiting the Pacific, it was one of the best marinas we have stayed in on our world cruise. Port Denarau Marina, Fiji. 2013-12-22T13:42:20+13:00.

  2. Yacht Help Fiji

    Yacht Help offers the following services: superyacht agency, yacht refit and repair, parts supply, chandlery and brokerage. We provide skilled professionals with all our services. Combined with a wealth of local knowledge and experience we aim to give the highest quality, cost-effective services to meet the demands of the growing number and variety of yachts visiting Fiji's unspoiled and ...

  3. Yacht Help Fiji

    Yacht Help Fiji was formed in 1987 to supply professional shore support services to superyachts.. Yachting in the South Pacific has grown considerably over the years, and to meet this increasing demand, Yacht Help opened new divisions and steadily expanded our product lines and services to cater to all types and sizes of yachts, Fiji-wide.. Owned and operated by ex-superyacht captain David ...

  4. Yacht Help Fiji

    Yacht Help Fiji, has been operating Fiji wide for the last for the last 16 years and has a vast experience in local logistics. ... Denarau Island Level 1 Port Denerau Terminal Building Nadi Fiji : David Jamieson : +679 6750911, +679 7505000: [email protected]: www.yachthelp.com.

  5. Yacht Help Fiji

    1 st Floor Reservation Building. Nadi. Fiji Islands. P +679 675 0911. Label as "Yacht Parts in Transit". Yacht Help Fiji provides hassle-free cruising. Our experienced team has worked with some of the finest Superyachts to visit the South Pacific and we have welcomed back many to our beautiful waters of Fiji.

  6. Arriving and Departing Fiji

    Yacht Help. David Jamieson; Phone: (679) 7505000; Email: [email protected] Yacht Partners. Josephine Morris; Phone: (679) 9927986; ... PORT DENARAU MARINA IS A PORT OF ENTRY AND ALL BORDER AGENCIES ARE AVAILABLE ON-SITE. Most countries don't need visas to arrive in Fiji, and will get stamped for a minimum 4 months tourist visa on arrival ...

  7. Yacht Help · Fiji Hotel and Tourism Association

    Yacht Help's main office and chandlery is located in Fiji's newest yacht facility at Port Denarau marina. Our staff operate Fiji wide in any of Fiji's ports of entry or anchorages. Yacht Help also produces the Fiji Marine Guide. This annual publication provides practical and factual information to yachts about Fiji and its yacht services.

  8. Marina

    Marina. Port Denarau Marina is the gateway to exploring the idyllic paradise that is the isles of Fiji's famous Mamanuca and Yasawa chains. Only 15 minutes from the airport, and with cruise boats docking right up next to the shops, supermarket and bakery, getting out the islands has never been easier. Port Denarau Marina is also the epicentre ...

  9. Parts & Service

    Yacht Help Marine provides servicing and onsite maintenance for a large range of engines and drive systems for boats and vessels of all sizes. ... Address: Head Office: Denarau Marina, Nadi. Additional locations: Nawi Island Marina, Savusavu and Vuda Marina, Lautoka . Open Hours: Mon-Fri: 8AM - 5PM. Sat: 8AM - 4PM.

  10. Yacht Help Marine Supplies

    With 3 locations at Fiji's leading marina's Yacht Help Marine Supplies provides a wide range of marine supplies including cleaning hardware, marine hardware, polish, cleaners and sealants, propseed, and charts. ... Port Denarau Marina. 1st Floor Reservations Building. Nadi, Fiji Islands. Email: [email protected]. Phone: +679 675 ...

  11. Port Denarau Marina, Fiji

    Accessing Port Denarau Marina is convenient. By air, Nadi International Airport is a short 20-minute drive away. If traveling by road, a modern four-lane highway connects the marina to Nadi Town. For sea voyagers, the marina's precise coordinates are 17°46.5S and 177°22.7E. If you're planning a voyage to Fiji aboard your yacht, it's ...

  12. The Ultimate Port Guide: Port Denarau Fiji

    The quality is great and they are willing to give you Fijian produce to play with and recipes to go along should you be interested. Address: Port Denarau Marina, Denarau Island, Fji. Phone: (679)995-1302. Email: [email protected]. Hours: Wednesday-Friday 9 AM-4 PM, deliveries anytime.

  13. Yacht Service Yacht Help Fiji

    Service company Yacht Help Fiji information, contacts. Accessories, storage, fuel station and repairs boats on Yacht Help Fiji. Global Yacht Platform. Charter; Sale; Catalog; Shipyard; Broker; ... Shop 2, Port Denarau Marina +679 675 0911 +679 675 0905; www.yachthelp.com; [email protected];

  14. Yacht Help Fiji

    Yacht Help Fiji provides a full Fiji Fact File, Cruising Highlights and Itinerary Planning for Superyacht crews and cruises. +(679) 6750911. About Us ... Marinas: - Port Denarau Marina (Yacht & Superyacht), Vuda . Marina (Yacht & Superyacht), Nawi Island (Yacht &

  15. Fiji

    The Yacht Sales Co Fiji Sales Centre is led by the experienced David Jamieson who has a wealth of local knowledge about cruising Fiji. As a yacht expert, David can show you all of our new yachts for sale, or used catamarans and trimarans for sale. ... YACHT HELP Port Denarau Marina, Nadi, FIJI. Mob: +67 9750 5000 (David Jamieson)Head Office ...

  16. Port Denarau Marina

    Marinas. Open now. 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM. Write a review. About. Only 20 minutes drive from Nadi International Airport, Port Denarau Marina is Fiji's premier marina facility. As the hub of the integrated Denarau Island Resort, Port Denarau Marina is the gateway to exploring our idyllic sun drenched tropical isles of Fiji's West Coast.

  17. Location @ Port Denarau, Nadi

    View store contact details and opening hours for The Yacht Shop located at Port Denarau, Nadi. 0. Skip to Content Home Products Brands Locations About Contact Request Quote ... Port Denarau, Nadi. Mobile: +679 999 3706. Email: [email protected]. Store Hours. Mon-Fri: 8am-5pm. Sat: 8am-1pm.

  18. Yacht Help Nadi

    Yacht Help Fiji was formed in 1987 to supply professional shore support services to superyachts. Yachting in the South Pacific has grown considerably over the years, and to meet this increasing demand, Yacht Help opened new divisions and steadily expanded our product lines and services to cater to all types and sizes of yachts, Fiji-wide.

  19. Sunk superyacht likely to cost insurers at least $150-million, experts

    The British-flagged, 56-metre-long yacht, which the experts estimated cost around US$40-million, capsized and went down on Aug. 19 within minutes of being hit by a predawn storm while anchored off ...

  20. Excellent value & arrangement!

    Flotilla Radisson Royal: Excellent value & arrangement! - See 1,118 traveler reviews, 1,517 candid photos, and great deals for Moscow, Russia, at Tripadvisor.

  21. Boat trip with a meal

    Flotilla Radisson Royal: Boat trip with a meal - See 1,124 traveler reviews, 1,520 candid photos, and great deals for Moscow, Russia, at Tripadvisor.

  22. Russian oligarch Andrey Melnichenko berths superyacht in UAE

    Marine locator services placed Motor Yacht A off the Maldives in March. The Financial Times then saw the yacht on April 18. On Saturday it remained moored opposite Ras al-Khaimah's city-centre ...

  23. Ladies' Day Evening on the River

    Flotilla Radisson Royal: Ladies' Day Evening on the River - See 1,127 traveler reviews, 1,533 candid photos, and great deals for Moscow, Russia, at Tripadvisor.