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Yachtsport Eckernförde Nielsen

Marina near Eckernförde (Borby)

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In our small private harbour you are well protected. Our sailing shop is only a few meters away and you are centrally located in Eckernförde.

The fishing boats are quickly reached and also the market on Wednesday and Saturday are within walking distance.

NV Cruising Guide

The approach to the harbours of Eckernförde is unproblematic day and night. One runs 310° towards the church of Borby. To the marina of the SCE one turns to the north, however, only if one has kept free enough from the mole of the naval port. At night the entrance is illuminated. Immediately west of the marina is the anchorage area of the SVAOE. To the town harbour one continues towards the church of Borby until the eastern pier head is passed. From here one either steers into the "Jaichhafen" or past the Handelskai to the inner harbour. At night one steers towards the Eckernförde light in the leading sector until the white sector of the harbour light (Oc.4s) is visible and then steers towards the harbour light with 295°. If you can make out the northern, illuminated pier head well, you keep towards it, pass it and run into the harbour from here by sight.

There are several berthing facilities for guest yachts (see both plans). The Eckernförde marina (water depth: 2-3 m) is a modern facility in the Borby district with the clubhouse of the Sailing Club Eckernförde (SCE). Guests report to the harbour master at the SCE office. The mooring area of the Segelvereinigung Altona Övelgönne (SVAOE) is another mooring possibility. The mooring buoys are private property. Only for the takeover of equipment etc. the sports skipper can moor at the head of the club mooring for a short time. The water depth there is about 1.2 m. The "Jaichhafen" in the city area is also suitable for larger yachts (5-7 m water depth). Free berths are marked in green. There are further yacht moorings to the east and west of the bascule bridge. For opening the footbridge you have to contact the harbour master. Bridge openings are on weekdays between 7 am and 4 pm.


The beautiful small town with pedestrian zone offers all possibilities of supply. However, the SCE marina (with wifi connection) is 1.5 km from the center.

NV Land Guide

As the "Day of Eckernförde" a battle was to go down in the history of Schleswig-Holstein, in which Danes and Schleswig-Holsteiners clashed on April 5, 1849. One of the largest sailing ships of the time was in Eckernförde Bay among the seven attacking Danish sailing and steam ships: the "Christian VIII"'. She carried 84 guns.

Let's face it, the victorious Danes offered the German gunners a firm target for a long time. On the 48-gun-carrying "Gefion" and the "Christian VIll." the anchors were weighed too late, and the sailing ships, soon shot out of manoeuvre by the two batteries from Eckernförde, could not be towed out of the danger zone in time by the Danish steamships called in to help, because they too were under heavy fire from the entrenchments. At 1 p.m. the commander-in-chief of the "Christian VIII," Paludan, planted the parliamentary flag and tried to negotiate a free withdrawal. He threatened otherwise to shell the town.

Despite the threats, the engagement continued after a brief lull in the firing, and the Danes were finally forced to admit defeat towards evening. But before the ship was handed over to the Schleswig-Holsteiners, a harrowing experience occurred, according to surviving eyewitness accounts. The "Christian VIII", which had been driven onto the beach, caught fire and exploded in a huge fireball while the Danish prisoners were still leaving the ship. Schleswig-Holstein soldiers and fishermen from Eckernförde, who had tried to save the Danish soldiers still on the ship from the imminent explosion, also lost their lives. The fallen were buried in a mass grave in the Eckernförde cemetery. Nearly 1000 Danish soldiers became prisoners.

In detail, the Heimatbuch des Kreises Eckernförde (2nd edition 1928, 3rd edition 1972) by Willers Jessen and Christian Kock describes an event that hit the people of Eckernförde with particular hardship: the great storm tide of 1872. A storm on November 12 of that year turned into a hurricane the following day, driving huge masses of water into Eckernförde Bay. Streets were flooded and houses collapsed. But all at once - although the storm had not abated - the water level dropped again. The water had found an outlet for a short time because the dam to Windebyer Noor had broken. A newspaper report at that time describes the situation: "With terrible speed the initially narrow opening widened, and the water shot down into the Noor in a mighty torrent. The terrible force of the current now irresistibly carried the boats away, and with great suspense one followed the way of them, asking oneself whether they would come past the dam or would be smashed. One was almost breathless when a boat with two people followed the dreadful current. Fortunately, in due time the men jumped out and were saved. Later a larger boat with two fishermen went through and that too cost no lives. In an hour and a half the whole dam was gone and the grey waves with white crests went over it."

When the Noor was filled the water in the streets rose so high that houses could only be reached by boat. Many people drowned or were killed by collapsing houses. Individual fates like the following were described in detail in the newspaper reports: On the beach of Sophienruhe stood a croft in which the worker Wegener lived. The tide rose so high that Wegener and his wife had to take refuge on the floor of the house. From here they both looked fearfully into the wild element. The floods pushed the panels out of the half-timbered walls and the furniture floated away. As the armchair floated by, Wegener leaned out of the floor hatch, fell and drowned, the woman was rescued."

No other Baltic town has been hit by disasters as often as Eckernförde. Storm surges, famines, town fires and the plague, which claimed the lives of over 500 Eckernförde residents during the 30 Years' War, were among the blows of fate for the town in the area of conflict between German and Danish interests. While in Aabenraa under German occupation the singing of Danish folk songs was forbidden with severe penalties (see Aabenraa), around 1855 in Eckernförde under Danish rule the singing of the Schleswig-Holstein song was punished with at least ten days in prison. On both the Danish and German sides, however, such bans tended to incite national sentiment.

Eckernförde today is not a prime example of a place with much medieval architecture. It has been hit by storm surges and fires too often for that. But what remains of the old town is certainly worth seeing. Kattsund, Rosengang, Fischerstraße, Pastorengang and Rektorgang have a number of listed houses. However, those who moor in the marina have to walk almost two kilometres to get here. If you are moored in the outer harbour near the old town, you save the walk, but you also have to do without all the amenities of the marina in front.

Furthermore, if you walk along the outer harbour, you approach the city from its chocolate side. The way into the city leads over the wooden footbridge that separates the inner and outer harbours. When merchant or traditional ships "squeeze" through the opening of the picturesque bascule bridge, there is not much space between the ship's sides and the bridge - a spectacle for which many a person leaves the bridge to be on the safe side. Before entering the footbridge, one passes the monument of the Great Elector in the green area along the shore of Borby. The statue, cast in bronze, was originally based in Pillau, a sponsor town of Eckernförde, and has stood at Vogelsang for over 33 years.

Here, on the northern shore of the harbour, was the fortress on what is now Petersberg, under whose protection the little town on the firth developed. The castle is first mentioned in 1197 in the name of the knight Godescaceus de ekerenvorde and in Waldemar's earth book (Ykernaburgh = squirrel castle). But in the war between King Erich of Pomerania and Henry IV, Duke of Schleswig-Holstein, the castle was completely destroyed in 1416. If you want to know more about the history of the town, you should not miss a visit to the local history museum at the Rathausmarkt. In the rooms of the former town hall of Eckernförde, the naval battle of Eckernförde is also dealt with in detail. And because fishing was one of the most important livelihoods of the people of Eckernförde, the history of this occupation is shown by means of fishing gear. From the 19th to the first half of the 20th century, the heyday of fishing and fish processing, there were over 40 (!) smokehouses in Eckernförde, which also processed the catches of other Baltic Sea towns. The Kiel sprat actually comes from Eckernförde, and how the people of Eckernförde turned silver into gold can be seen in the smokehouse museum in Gudewerdtstraße.

The emerging "fashion" of bathing in the Baltic Sea and exposing oneself more and more "indecently" in the eyes of some contemporaries made the Eckernförde coffers ring from the middle of the last century onwards. However, in the early years of this bathing life it was usually very mannerly. This was ensured by proper clothing, bathing trolleys and cabins, as well as the bathing attendants who strictly observed the separation of the sexes. The historic bathing costumes are on display in the local museum. The town was officially declared a Baltic seaside resort in 1923, and has remained a tourist attraction during the summer months.

One of the town's sights is St Nicolai's Church on Kieler Straße, an elongated pedestrian street. The rather plain building holds a wealth of art treasures inside. The painting of the vault dates back to 1578, the bronze baptismal font was made ten years later. Hans Gudewerdt the Younger, an important woodcarver of the Baroque period, created the altar in 1640. The famous alchemist St. Germain found his final resting place under the tiles of this church after a life full of adventures all over Europe (see also Fleckeby). The plague, which cost the lives of more than 500 people from Eckernförde, is commemorated by the "Sündflutbild"' in the southern aisle of St. Nicolai's church, made in 1632.

The oldest part of Borby's church at Fischerkoppel was built in the 12th century. The relief carved in granite above the south portal dates from the same period. A special feature is the 13th-century Romanesque baptismal font from Gotland.

A replica of the figurehead of the Danish frigate "Gefion"' commemorates the naval battle of Eckernförde in the spa park between Preußerstraße and Südstrand. Here you will also find the covered seawater wave pool. Next to the town hall, which is situated a little north of the indoor swimming pool and where numerous music and theatre performances take place in summer, stone slabs in a chessboard pattern have been laid out for the Game of Kings. Oversized chess pieces are moved by the players on the large chess fields. Those who feel the need to sit in an armchair and read for a while will find the spa rooms provided for this purpose in the town hall. Numerous seating areas in the spacious library rooms make it possible to select books in peace.

Directly on the beach south of the town harbour is the Baltic Info Centre 'OIC', where not only the little crew members can dive into the exciting world under water. From the coastal landscape to the depths, the diverse life in the sea is presented here in a vivid and tangible way in the large touch tank and other aquariums. You can also hear directly how the Eckernförde Bay "sounds" under water. In addition, further experience programmes are offered under the motto "experience the sea...". From the wooden bridge in the direction of the city centre, you should also not miss a visit to the "Bonbon-Kocherei", where you can directly experience the production process up to the finished sweet.

The hiking trail at Windebyer Noor to the west of the harbour is suitable for walks. Via the Noorstraße, which leads to the federal road 76 at the end of the inland harbour, you can reach this walking path. Here it is worth visiting the squirrel sanctuary, where visitors can get up close to the animals in their enclosure. In addition, a hike to the Altenhof cliff located on the southern shore via the shore promenade and the southern beach is recommended. The SCE marina is a convenient starting point for the hike to Hemmelmark beach on the north shore of the bay.

Marina Information

Max Depth 5 m
Berth Width 4.8 m
Berth Length 18 m

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Places nearby

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Traditionsschiffe Eckernförde

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Jaich Yachthafen

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Eckernförde - Yachthafen SCE

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Missunder Noor

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Fleckeby Sportboothafen

Marina near Fleckeby

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Fleckeby WSF

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Eckernförde Bojenfeld

Anchor near Eckernförde (Borby)

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Hemmelmark Anchorage

Anchor near Schnellmark

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Aschau Anchorage

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Anchor near Kosel

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Liebesinsel / Kieholm

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Stauertwedt Anchorage

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Schlei - Norderhaken

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Flemhuder See - NOK Liegestelle für Sportboote

Anchor near Krummwisch

17.21 km away from here

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Boat Repair & Marine Equipment near Eckernförde (Borby)

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Eckernförde - Restaurant "Ecke Kumpir"

Restaurant near Eckernförde

0.09 km away from here

Eckernförde - "Die Feinschmeckerei"

Grocery & Restaurant near Eckernförde (Borby)

0.1 km away from here

Bonbonkocherei Hermann Hinrichs

Grocery near Eckernförde

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Eckernförde - Tankstelle

Fuelstation near Eckernförde (Borby)

0.21 km away from here

Eckernförde - Biomarkt

Grocery near Eckernförde (Borby)

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Eckernförde - Restaurant "Miral"

Restaurant near Eckernförde (Borby)

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Eckernförde - Restaurant "FISCHDEEL" Land & Meer

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Eckernförde - Nicolai Apotheke

0.29 km away from here

Eckernförde - REWE

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Eckernförde - Hagebauzentrum Siemsen

Marine Equipment near Eckernförde (Borby)

0.68 km away from here

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Land in Sicht -Brauhaus Eckernförde

0.79 km away from here

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NOK, Rader Insel - Diesel Tankstelle Schreiber

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Tankstelle Regatta-Verein Rendsburg

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SB Tankstelle

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Flensburg Straßentankstelle Shell

Fuel near Flensburg (Blasberg)

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Marina Flensburg Tankstelle

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Yaroslavl: What to see in the Golden Ring 'capital'

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How to get there: from Moscow (Yaroslavsky railway station): 3.5-5.5 hours, depending on the train

On a picturesque spit at the confluence of the Volga and Kotorosl rivers lies the ancient heart of Yaroslavl, now a UNESCO World Heritage site. At the very tip of the spit, there stands a monument dedicated to the millennial anniversary of Yaroslavl. Few Russian cities boast such a venerable age.

'Strelka' park

'Strelka' park

To-do list:

  • Find out who the city was founded by and named after
  • Learn to pronounce “Kotorosl” correctly, the name of the other river
  • Stroll along the Volga embankment and take a selfie in the rotunda
  • Find at least one bear-with-ax figure, the symbol of the city
  • Visit the Yaroslavl Museum Reserve, and see the city’s main places of worship
  • Go to the Church of Elijah the Prophet (the city was founded on Elijah’s Day) 

Yaroslavl is the largest city on the Golden Ring. It was founded in 1010 by Prince Yaroslav the Wise, one of Russia’s most venerated rulers, and is the second oldest city on the Golden Ring after Rostov Veliky (Vladimir could also lay a claim, but its founding year is not known exactly).

Furthermore, Yaroslavl was the first Russian city to be sited on the Volga. What about Kazan, you ask, that was founded five years before Yaroslavl! Yes, but it became part of Russia only under Ivan the Terrible in the mid-16th century, and so does not qualify as a city of Old Rus. 

Why was Yaroslav considered wise?

The man in whose honor the city is named deserves a special mention. Yaroslav was the son of Prince Vladimir, who baptized Rus. Under Yaroslav, many churches were built and society and culture blossomed. He drafted the first legal code in Russia, and established relations with Byzantium and many European states as well.

Park on the spit dedicated to the millennial anniversary of Yaroslavl

Park on the spit dedicated to the millennial anniversary of Yaroslavl

His biography reads like that of a high-flying top manager. He began with North-East Rus (north-east with reference to Kiev), the capital of which was Rostov Veliky. Hence, this period is known as the “Rostov reign,” during which he founded Yaroslavl (about 60 km from Rostov). Later, his father granted Yaroslav the title of prince of the Novgorod lands, which were far richer – ancient Novgorod was a large trading city, and even part of the Hanseatic League.

Yaroslavl, 1878

Yaroslavl, 1878

On learning that his father wanted to appoint Yaroslavl’s younger brother as heir to the throne in Kiev, the wise prince was displeased (he considered his own CV to be stronger) and rebelled against his father (though the latter died before he had time to act). After a long struggle with his brother, Yaroslav became the prince of Kiev, and hence the main ruler in all of Rus. There in Kiev, he built the famous St. Sophia Cathedral, and also liberated the country from the marauding Pechenegs, a semi-nomadic people of Turkic origin.

Monument to Yaroslav the Wise

Monument to Yaroslav the Wise

The city of Yaroslavl is featured on the 1,000 ruble banknote

The city of Yaroslavl is featured on the 1,000 ruble banknote

Incidentally, Yaroslav was married to the daughter of the Swedish king, and his own daughter, Anna Yaroslavna , married Henry I and became queen of France! 

Yaroslavl Museum Reserve

As in any old Russian city, Yaroslavl contains a huge number of churches and several monasteries. You can try to visit all of them, of course, but be warned that even enthusiasts risk culture fatigue.

The one place you definitely need to visit in Yaroslavl is the museum reserve. This high-walled fortress on a steep bank of the river may look like a kremlin, but no, it is the former Transfiguration Monastery of 13th-century vintage. It was turned into a museum in 1865, when the cloister shut up shop.

The former Transfiguration Monastery is not the Yaroslavl Museum Reserve (often called Yaroslavl kremlin)

The former Transfiguration Monastery is not the Yaroslavl Museum Reserve (often called Yaroslavl kremlin)

Enter through the Holy Gates, and make sure to go to the main Transfiguation Cathedral, built in the 16th century and the oldest edifice in Yaroslavl to have survived intact to this day. A large collection of icons is on display in the chambers, and there is also an exposition dedicated to the history of the region and the main work of ancient Russian literature,  The Tale of Igor’s Campaign .

Also on the territory is an enclosure where the real-life city symbol, Masha the bear, lives and receives visitors. 

The Church of Elijah the Prophet

Besides the fortress, we recommend a visit to the Church of Elijah the Prophet. According to legend, it was here that Yaroslav the Wise founded the first church in honor of Elijah the Prophet, since that particular day was a church holiday in memory of this saint. In the Orthodox tradition, it is now celebrated on Aug. 2.

The Church of Elijah the Prophet

The present church was built much later, in the 17th century, and is a striking example of the church architecture of that time and the dominant trend – the Yaroslavl school. A distinctive feature is the tall conical bell tower and the high basement level on which the church itself stands. 

The Assumption Cathedral

Today, this building is the city’s metropolitan cathedral, yet it is a replica, built to mark the 1,000th anniversary of Yaroslavl in 2010. But it was on this site that the first stone church in Yaroslavl was founded back in 1215. The entire surrounding territory, which resembles a triangle, is known as Rubleny Gorod (Chopped Town), and was originally the administrative center of the city.

The Assumption Cathedral

Over the centuries, the cathedral burned down and was rebuilt several times. During the Soviet era, it was even demolished to make way for a park. 

What to see around Yaroslavl

Besides the other Golden Ring cities, including Rostov Veliky, Pereslavl-Zalessky, and Kostroma (which we will write about separately), around Yaroslavl there are several fascinating places that would be worthy of the name Little Golden (or at least Silver) Ring.


First off,  Rybinsk  deserves special attention for its location on the shore of Rybinsk Reservoir, which is so large it is known colloquially as a sea. Here you can feel the atmosphere of the wealthy merchant lifestyle, since Rybinsk was once a trading hub for fish sellers (the city’s name is derived from  ryba , meaning “fish”). Unsurprisingly, there is a Rybinsk Fish Museum. Today, the historical center has been restored – there is a beautiful promenade and a delightful Red Square, which, despite the Lenin monument, smacks of a pretty European provincial town.

Two interesting stories are linked to Rybinsk. Did you know that the famous Alfred Nobel, the inventor of dynamite and the founder of the Nobel Prize, actually came from a Russian-Swedish family of entrepreneurs? His father and grandfather both did business in Russia, and he himself with his brothers founded an oil shipyard in, yes, Rybinsk. The city could not fail to dedicate a museum to the noble Nobel brothers.

Rybinsk also spawned another pair of world-famous brothers by the name of Schenk, who went on to found Hollywood!

The Mouse House in Myshkin

The Mouse House in Myshkin

Be sure to travel by ferry across the Volga to the town of  Myshkin . This is a cute little place whose center is made of wood. Locals do a roaring trade off the back of the city’s name (which comes from the Russian word for “mouse”), and mice (mostly of the toy variety) are everywhere. There is a special museum dedicated to mice, and mousy souvenirs of all flavors are sold at every step. Locals believe that if you buy a small clay mouse and put it in your wallet, it will make you rich (at least according to sellers of small clay mice). Also on the main square, where the large Volga cruise liners dock, you can buy enough fresh smoked fish to last a lifetime.

Hydroelectric power station in Uglich

Hydroelectric power station in Uglich

You can continue your circular route via  Uglich  (if traveling by river, you will go through the sluice gates and under the beautiful bridge of Uglich hydropower station; but you can’t stop there for a photo, so just enjoy the view).

Borisoglebsky Monastery

Borisoglebsky Monastery

Uglich is the topic of a separate article, but right on the road to Yaroslavl through Rostov Veliky stands the incredibly beautiful Borisoglebsky Monastery , founded back in 1363. Few tourists make it here, so you can enjoy a quiet stroll around this peaceful yet magnificent monastery – and listen to the bell-ringing.

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Yaroslavl Oblast

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Yaroslavl Oblast is a region in Central Russia , which borders Moscow Oblast to the southwest, Tver Oblast to the west, Vologda Oblast to the north, Kostroma Oblast to the east, Ivanovo Oblast to the southeast, and Vladimir Oblast to the south.


  • 57.616667 39.85 1 Yaroslavl — the capital is a UNESCO World Heritage Site , nearly 1,000 years old, full of major cultural monuments — you haven't seen the Golden Ring if you haven't seen Yaroslavl
  • 56.738133 38.856153 4 Pereslavl Zalessky — a small city full of important monasteries, cathedrals, and even the church where Alexander Nevsky was baptized
  • 57.183333 39.416667 5 Rostov Veliky — this town has way more than its fair share of Russian culture, with an inspired kremlin and several of Russia's most important monasteries
  • 57.533333 38.333333 8 Uglich — a 1,000-year-old town with a kremlin and the Alexeyevsky and Resurrection Monasteries

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After the great success of the Saare 38.2, which was presented as a special 2-person yacht at the Boot in Düsseldorf in 2019, the Saare 41.2 will follow in 2023.

The Saare 38.2 thrilled many sailors and customers, as well as the specialist audience and the press. The praise and comments were overwhelming and interest was high right from the start.

Never before have the demands of a two-person crew or a single-handed sailor been implemented so consistently and demandingly. The development of this concept was based on the observations of the Saare development team and took place in close consultation with the first clients.

Customer inquiries and our own considerations have led to the great Saare 41ac being further developed in this direction and rebuilt as the Saare 41.2.

By the way, Addition 2 does not apply as Version 2 or Mark 2 or something similar, as is often the case with other shipyards, but is a clear indication of the optimal crew size on board. As the Saare 41.2, probably the best cruising yacht for 2 people.

During an intensive test season with our Saare 41ac in the summer of 2022, some new developments were tried out in practice and optimized a bit. Now the Saare 41.2 is coming onto the market as, on the one hand, a very tried and tested yacht with first-class, safe and uncomplicated sailing and maneuvering properties and, on the other hand, as a further developed, extremely contemporary and innovative yacht.

Everything is available for a demanding 2-person crew. The owner’s cabin in the foredeck is very spacious, offers a huge bunk and lots of closet and storage space. The saloon is cozy and practical in port and at sea. The sofa berths can be used excellently as sea berths.

A classic card table is available and the large pantry leaves nothing to be desired. The wet room next to the companionway offers space for a toilet (installed lengthwise and can therefore also be used at sea), a large washbasin with a wall cupboard and a comfortable, separable shower area.

The Saare 41.2 is particularly impressive because of its many, very large and perfectly usable storage spaces. On deck there is a large sail storage space in the foredeck aft of the anchor locker. Closed with a waterproof hatch, you can store 3 to 4 sails, a dinghy or bicycles here. There is a special storage space on the transom for the liferaft (optional), as well as 2 stern lockers. There are 2 shallow lockers in the cockpit for the usual mooring line needs. The special highlight are the two large, walk-in storage spaces in the rear part of the yacht. The room on the starboard side is accessed through the shower. From here, many technical units, the electrical system, the autopilot drive, the on-board heater, charger and inverter, etc. are easily accessible.

Aft of the pantry, the second large storage space offers a shelf with storage boxes and plenty of space for other things such as an oilskin cupboard, a freezer box and other individual solutions.

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No two Saar yachts are the same. We offer many different options and variants. Our customers very often have very special wishes and ideas, which we then implement individually for them. The following photos also show the implementation of optional and very personal wishes and special equipment.

The high-quality construction, using exclusively vinyl ester resin for the hull and deck, the vacuum infusion process and the first-class wooden interior are well known. Only the best components from the respective world market leaders for the rig, fittings, engine and navigation electronics are used on the Saare yachts. The lead keel is a quality feature that is rarely seen anymore and the extremely solid floor assembly, which extends into the deep bilge, is something unique in this form.

On deck, the new Saare 41.2 has some special features that make life on board much easier, even for single-handed sailors or older crews. A central halyard winch is electrified as standard and also helps with setting and reefing the mainsail.

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The new Saare 41.2 offers a very comfortable owner’s cabin in the foredeck. The very large double berth (length 2.10 m, 2.25 m wide aft and 1.20 m wide at the bow) is equipped with a particularly good Flexima Nautic mattress (18 cm thick). There is plenty of cupboards and storage space, as well as storage space under the bunk.

2 deck hatches and 2 windows in the superstructure as well as 2 hull windows allow light and air into the interior.

The side paneling can be covered with vinyl-covered, white surfaces or made with solid wooden strips as a path. In both cases, the cladding insulates and is ventilated.

The interior is usually made of fine Khaya mahogany or light European oak (grained horizontally or vertically).

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The new Saare 41.2 also offers a real card table. The sofa berths can also be used as real sea berths. There are water and diesel tanks under the sofas. Amidships, deep down, is the best place for the tanks.

The table is available in different versions, with two folding side wings or as a modern folding table with or without an additional cool box.

If desired, a retractable television can be installed behind the backrest on the starboard side.

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The already excellent wet room with a large, separable shower area has been revised and now offers even more comfort.

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On the port side you can access the large storage space through a door next to the galley. There are various expansion options with storage boxes, a heated oilskin cabinet or large storage cupboards. Optionally, a guest cabin with a double berth can also be installed in this area.

The new floor covering in the cabins is visually beautiful and, above all, very practical. The design floor is non-slip, scratch-resistant, hard-wearing and long-lasting. It is harmless to the environment and health and is also suitable for humid environments.

We offer different decors to match the types of wood and upholstery used.

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  2. H-Boat

    With over 5,000 units constructed, H-boats boast an impressive legacy. Ongoing refinement and production by esteemed shipyards like Saare Yachts OÜ in Estonia ensure top-tier quality and cutting-edge sailing technology in the years ahead. Helmed by Thomas Nielsen, Yachtsport Eckernförde Nielsen GmbH & Co. KG has emerged as a premier purveyor ...

  3. About

    Yachtsport Eckernförde Thomas Nielsen, the owner of Yachtsport Eckernförde, has represented the Estonian shipyard's yachts in Central Europe as a dealer since 2008. The Eckernförde company made the Saare yachts well-known in Europe and quickly achieved great success. Saare yachts enjoy a very good reputation among sailors, owners, experts ...

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    Show all ads by Yachtsport Eckernförde. Arcona 370 EUR 214.000,-Dehler 47 EUR 178.000,-C-Yacht 11:50 EUR 297.500,-Saare Paat Saare 41ac EUR 298.000,-Saare Yachts 38.2 ; X-Yachts Xp 38 EUR 244.000,-Saare 41ac EUR 395.650,-Jeanneau Sun Odssey 32i EUR 64.700,-Saare Yachts 41ac ; Saare Yachts 38 ; Saare Yachts 41cc ; Saare Yachts 46

  10. Über uns

    Yachtsport Eckernförde Thomas Nielsen, der Inhaber von Yachtsport Eckernförde, vertritt seit 2008 die Yachten der estnischen Werft in Zentraleuropa als Händler. Das Eckernförder Unternehmen hat die Saare Yachten in Europa bekannt gemacht und recht schnell große Erfolge verzeichnet. Saare Yachten genießen bei Seglern, Eignern, Fachleuten ...

  11. Builders

    Yachtsport Eckernförde GmbH & Co. KG. Thomas and Niels Nielsen Vogelsang 20 24340 Eckernförde Germany. phone +43 (7612) 63655-0 fax +49 (4351) 752734 eMail [email protected] URL www.yse.de. Ott Yacht GmbH. Torenstrasse 10 88709 Meersburg Germany. phone +49 (7532) 7145 fax +49 (7532) 1836

  12. Impressum

    Impressum Die Homepage Saare-Yachts wird betrieben von: Yachtsport Eckernförde Nielsen GmbH & Co. KG Vogelsang 20 24340 Eckernförde Germany Handelsregister Amtsgericht Kiel Nr. HRA 10459 KI Sitz der Gesellschaft: Eckernförde Geschäftsführer: Nielsen Verwaltungs GmbH Umsatzsteuer ID Nr. DE 326 022 863 Persönlich haftende Gesellschafter: Nielsen Verwaltungs GmbH Handelsregister Nr.

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    Yachtsport Eckernförde. 94 likes. Segelsportfachgeschäft ~ Maritime Mode und Deko ~ Yachthandel ~ Hafen ~ Winterlager ~ Vollservice

  14. Yachtsport Eckernförde Nielsen GmbH & Co. KG

    Discover Yachtsport Eckernförde Nielsen GmbH & Co. KG on Implisense, the B2B company information portal. Profile, contact details, news - everything at a gla...

  15. Yachts

    The Saare 38, a classic aft cockpit yacht, was the second development in our model series. It followed the 41cc in the summer of 2011 and was extremely successful from the start. This yacht quickly found many enthusiastic owners, especially in Finland and Germany. The first three Saare 38s were sold in Finland before construction of the first ...

  16. Administrative divisions of Yaroslavl Oblast

    Gavrilov-Yamsky ( Гаврилов-Ямский ) Towns under the district's jurisdiction: Gavrilov-Yam (Гаврилов-Ям) with 9 rural okrugs under the district's jurisdiction. Lyubimsky ( Любимский ) Towns under the district's jurisdiction: Lyubim (Любим) with 8 rural okrugs under the district's jurisdiction.

  17. Yaroslavl: What to see in the Golden Ring 'capital'

    Find at least one bear-with-ax figure, the symbol of the city. Visit the Yaroslavl Museum Reserve, and see the city's main places of worship. Go to the Church of Elijah the Prophet (the city was ...

  18. Yaroslavl Oblast

    Russian [7] Official website. Yaroslavl Oblast (Russian: Ярославская область) is a federal subject of Russia (an oblast). Its administrative center is the city of Yaroslavl. In 2010, 1,272,468 people lived in the oblast. [5]

  19. Saare Yachts

    Saare sailing yachts are elegant cruising yachts that are at home on all seas. Our owners come from 16 European countries and sail the Baltic and North Seas, the Atlantic and the Mediterranean. Perfect craftsmanship in a real, small yacht shipyard, the very best materials, sensible and practical equipment and an open, trusting cooperation with ...

  20. Yaroslavl Oblast

    Yaroslavl Oblast is full of magnificent destinations for onion dome loving travelers on the Golden Ring circuit. The region has benefited from trade throughout Russia's history as it lies on the Volga River and is relatively close to both Moscow and Saint Petersburg.Under Stalin's rule, a massive dam was built at Rybinsk, creating the Rybinsk Reservoir, which is about the size of Brunei, and ...

  21. Saare 47

    The aft third of the new Saare 47 belongs solely to the owners. Here you will find your very own realm, separated from the other sailors. The owner's cabin of the new 47 offers exceptional comfort with plenty of space, a large bed, lots of closet space and a spacious bathroom. The bunk is 2 m long and 1.60 m wide throughout.

  22. Saare 41.2

    The new Saare 41.2 offers a very comfortable owner's cabin in the foredeck. The very large double berth (length 2.10 m, 2.25 m wide aft and 1.20 m wide at the bow) is equipped with a particularly good Flexima Nautic mattress (18 cm thick). There is plenty of cupboards and storage space, as well as storage space under the bunk.