Yachthafen Laboe

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Herzlich Willkommen im yachthafen laboe

Festmachen und wohlfühlen.

In Laboe ist es einfach, immer etwas Neues zu entdecken. Wir helfen Ihnen dabei - mit dem Yachthafen Ostseebad Laboe, an der reizvollen Kieler Außenförde, bequem erreichbar über die A 215 und B 502.

Der Hafen des Ostseebades Laboe ist eine schöne Mixtur aus gewachsenem Fischereihafen und moderner Marina. Der Ortskern von Laboe ist mit wenigen Schritten zu erreichen. Dort findet man alle Annehmlichkeiten eines modernen Urlaubsortes. Das sehr reizvolle Hinterland, die „Probstei“ bietet eine einmalige ländliche Atmosphäre. Vielfältige Möglichkeiten laden ein zu einer Landpartie und zum Verweilen.

Durch seine exponierte Lage am Scheitelpunkt von Kieler Förde und offener See bietet sich der Hafen von Laboe als bester Startpunkt für Törns in die Dänische Südsee. In entspannten Tagesrouten erreichen Sie von hier aus zahlreiche Häfen der westlichen Ostsee. Die vielfältigen Serviceangebote vor Ort schaffen alle Voraussetzungen, damit Ihr Törn gut gelingt. Sie kommen „sicher“ sicher zurück.

Yachthafen Ostseebad Laboe. – EINFACH GUT!


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Yachthafen Laboe

yachtzentrum laboe

festmachen und wohlfühlen

In Laboe ist es einfach, immer etwas Neues zu entdecken. Wir helfen Ihnen dabei - mit dem Yachthafen Ostseebad Laboe, an der reizvollen Kieler Außenförde, bequem erreichbar über die A 215 und B 502.

Der Hafen des Ostseebades Laboe ist eine schöne Mixtur aus gewachsenem Fischereihafen und moderner Marina. Der Ortskern von Laboe ist mit wenigen Schritten zu erreichen. Dort findet man alle Annehmlichkeiten eines modernen Urlaubsortes. Das sehr reizvolle Hinterland, die „Probstei“ bietet eine einmalige ländliche Atmosphäre. Vielfältige Möglichkeiten laden ein zu einer Landpartie und zum Verweilen.

Durch seine exponierte Lage am Scheitelpunkt von Kieler Förde und offener See bietet sich der Hafen von Laboe als bester Startpunkt für Törns in die Dänische Südsee. In entspannten Tagesrouten erreichen Sie von hier aus zahlreiche Häfen der westlichen Ostsee. Die vielfältigen Serviceangebote vor Ort schaffen alle Voraussetzungen, damit Ihr Törn gut gelingt. Sie kommen „sicher“ sicher zurück.

Yachthafen Ostseebad Laboe. – EINFACH GUT!


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Radio | Remembering the original KRLA radio on its 65th…

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Radio | remembering the original krla radio on its 65th birthday.

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So let’s look back at 65 years of KRLA.

Known as KPAS when the station launched in 1942 and then KXLA in 1945, the change to KRLA and a new top 40 format came about when the station was sold by Pacific Coast Broadcasting — run until 1945 by John Franklin Burke, co-publisher of the Santa Ana Register —  to Eleven-Ten Broadcasting Corporation.

The transfer to Eleven-Ten Broadcasting is somewhat convoluted and would take up an entire column (or more) to explain fully, but suffice it to say that the station had some license problems.

Called “modern radio” at its launch, the station didn’t have regular programming at all for its first three days. Broadcasting Magazine wrote of the station’s debut, described as “three days in which it broadcast call letters, no programs, no news, no music — only continual stream of announcements.”

Then something changed: “‘Radio Eleven-Ten’ was identified as KRLA and regular programming began with ‘KRLA’s top 50’ tunes, Rocket News (chiefly one-sentence bulletins, delivered in high-pitched staccato and separated by wailing whistles) and ‘electric time’ signals.”

While that doesn’t sound like much, it did get attention. One report said that these announcements — part of which included the first contest in which a key was buried somewhere in Southern California, and designed to bring attention to the station’s new higher transmitter power  — attracted a lot of hype.

Once the format settled down, KRLA became the city’s second full-time top-40 station, competing against the formidable KFWB (980 AM), which had adopted the format one year earlier.

Top-40 radio in those early days was vastly different from what was to come later when stations such as KHJ (930 AM) would set the pace. The early 1960s were a time in which DJs often selected their own music, talked much more conversationally, and included “jingles” that were often seemingly as long as the songs played. KRLA was a little tighter than was KFWB, especially as time went on. Soon, KRLA overtook KFWB in the ratings and for a time was the number one station in town.

KRLA included many great personalities over the years, including Wink Martindale , Dick Moreland, Jimmy O’Neill, Sam Riddle, Bob Eubanks, “Emperor” Bob Hudson, Reb Foster, Dave Hull, Casey Kasem, Shadoe Stevens, B. Michell Reed, Dick Biondi, Art Laboe, Dave Diamond, Russ O’Hara, Ed Perry, Ted Quillin, Charlie O’Donnell, Gary Mack, Jimmy Rabbitt, Johnny Hayes, and The Real Don Steele, among so many others.

Eubanks and KRLA brought The Beatles to the Hollywood Bowl when Eubanks mortgaged his house to secure the funding. Kasem perfected his on-air style at KRLA prior to launching “American Top 40.” The Credibility Gap brought satire and politics to the station via station personalities, newscasters, and staffers Lew Irwin, Richard Beebe, John Gilliland, Thom Beck, and Len Chandler. The amazing voice of one of the very first female radio DJs, Sie Holliday, was heard on KRLA.

The station even produced a full-scale newspaper dedicated to music, artists and other items of interest to listeners. I am told that The KRLA Beat is one of the few such radio station newspapers to actually make a profit.

In 1969, the station started playing more album cuts and tried a progressive rock approach. This lasted a few years and was well-received. The writing was on the wall though, as FM stations took on album and progressive rock. Thus in the mid-1970s, Art Laboe and Johnny Hayes launched HitRadio 11, a combination of oldies and current music that took the city by storm, especially in East Los Angeles where the signal was strong.

All Oldies came in 1984 as new management arrived; proving once again that AM can compete when the programming is right, KRLA actually outperformed KRTH (101.1 FM) for a time in the ratings.

Eventually, a revolving door of program directors and an inconsistent sound with little promotion did in the station; an ill-fated talk format that arrived when Dick “Huggy Boy” Hugg played the last song on KRLA in late November 1998. Ratings never recovered.

I asked Mike Wagner, who programmed and was a personality on KRLA during part of the all-oldies era if he had any memories he wanted to share about the station.

“I just flashed back on the 30th anniversary (in 1989)!” he exclaimed. “ What a party it was both ON and OFF the air!

“One of the best parts for me on air was the recreation of the transition from KXLA to KRLA with the one and only Cal Worthington, a DJ at KXLA at the time. I was so excited when I picked up his tape at Worthington Dodge (or was it Worthington Ford?) off the 405 Freeway and rushed it back to the station to listen to it before broadcasting it on the air over our special 30th birthday weekend.

“Plus, we had a big reunion on air with all the old jingles and promos of KRLA’s greatest decade.

“Off air, we cruised to Catalina Island, built a stage on Descanso Beach for Dick Dale to perform, floated over the In-N-Out Burger mobile kitchen to fry up hamburgers for all attendees, and then featured The Turtles in concert in the Catalina Casino Ballroom!”

Like so many other stations of the past, KRLA has a storied history and legions of fans. During the HitRadio and all-oldies days, it was not unheard of for three generations of the same family to be fans of the music; throughout its history, the station was always tremendously creative.

Oddly, though the failed talk format was never popular, the call letters were picked up to be used on another station — for another talk format. You can find KRLA today at 870 AM, also known as The Answer.

True fans know KRLA as what it was, though — one of the trendsetting, creative music stations of our past. Happy 65th birthday to the real, original, KRLA!

Richard Wagoner is a San Pedro freelance columnist covering radio in Southern California. Email [email protected]

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Richard Wagone writes each week about radio in Southern California.


Radio | why southern california radio in the ’70s was a goldmine for listeners.

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NBC10 Philadelphia

Harris opposes US Steel's sale to a Japanese firm during joint Pennsylvania event with Biden

Vice president kamala harris and president joe biden will attend pittsburgh’s labor day parade on monday. it will be the first time the two have shared a political stage since the surprising election shakeup, by colleen long, erin b. logan and will weissert • published september 2, 2024 • updated on september 2, 2024 at 8:45 pm.

Vice President Kamala Harris used a joint campaign appearance with President Joe Biden in the critical swing state of Pennsylvania on Monday to say that U.S. Steel should remain domestically owned — concurring with the White House's monthslong opposition to the company's planned sale to Japan's Nippon Steel.

Her comments came during a rally before cheering union members marking Labor Day in the industrial city of Pittsburgh, where Harris said U.S. Steel was "an historic American company and it is vital for our country to maintain strong American steel companies."

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"U.S. Steel should remain American-owned and American-operated, and I will always have the backs of America’s steelworkers,” she said.

That echoes Biden, who repeated Monday what he's said since March — that he opposes U.S. Steel's would-be sale to Nippon, believing it would hurt the country's steelworkers. It also overlaps with Republican former President Donald Trump. It's little surprise that Harris would agree with Biden on the issue, but it nonetheless constitutes a major policy position for the vice president, who has offered relatively few of them since Biden abandoned his reelection bid and endorsed his vice president in July.

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Biden took the stage first and was met with chants of “Thank You, Joe” as he and Harris appeared in an International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers hall.

The president called Harris the only “rational” choice for president in November. He said choosing her to be vice president was the “single best” decision of his presidency and told the union members that electing her will be “the best decision you will ever make.”

Biden also started to say, “Kamala Harris and I are going to build on this” as if he were still running and she was his running mate — but he corrected himself. It underscored just how much the race has changed and how Harris has been careful to balance presenting herself as “a new way forward” while remaining intensely loyal to Biden and the policies he has pushed.

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Her delivery is very different — and in some cases she's pushed to move faster than Biden's administration — but the overall goal of expanding government programs to buoy the middle class is the same.

“We know this is going to be a tight race till the very end,” Harris told the Pittsburgh crowd.

The joint rally with Biden was Harris' second of the day and followed Pittsburgh's Labor Day parade, one of the country's largest. It was their first joint appearance at a campaign event since the election shakeup six weeks ago.

Harris opened her Labor Day campaigning solo with an event in Detroit, where hundreds of audience members wore bright yellow union shirts and hoisted “Union strong” signs. The vice president said “every person in our nation has benefited” from unions' work.

"Everywhere I go, I tell people, ‘Look, you may not be a union member, you’d better thank a union member,” Harris said, noting that collective bargaining by organized labor helped secure the five-day work week, sick pay and other key benefits and solidify safer working conditions.

“When unions are strong, America is strong,” she said.

The 81-year-old Biden has spent most of his lengthy political career forging close ties with organized labor. The White House said he asked to introduce Harris in Pittsburgh — instead of the usual other way around — because he wanted to highlight her record of supporting union workers.

In addition to opposing the Nippon Steel sale, Biden has endorsed expanding tariffs on imported Chinese steel — another area of policy agreement with Trump, who has cheered steeper foreign tariffs on many imports. Still, in a statement Monday, U.S. Steel said it remains “committed to the transaction with Nippon Steel, which is the best deal for our employees, shareholders, communities, and customers.”

“The partnership with Nippon Steel, a long-standing investor in the United States from our close ally Japan, will strengthen the American steel industry, American jobs, and American supply chains, and enhance the U.S. steel industry’s competitiveness and resilience against China,” the company said, noting that it employs nearly 4,000 people in Pennsylvania alone.

Nippon Steel reacted to Harris' comments by saying it was confident that its “acquisition of U. S. Steel will revitalize the American steel rust belt, benefit American workers, local communities, and national security in a way no other alternative can.” The Harris campaign released a statement countering that sentiment from David McCall, president of the United Steelworkers union, who said Harris' opposition to the sale “once again made it clear that she will always stand up for steelworkers.”

The 59-year-old Harris has sought to appeal to voters by positioning herself as a break from former president Trump's acerbic rhetoric while also looking to move beyond the Biden era. Harris events feel very different from Biden's, which usually featured small crowds. But the vice president's agenda includes the same issues he's championed: capping the cost of prescription drugs, defending the Affordable Care Act, growing the economy, helping families afford child care — and now her position on the sale of U.S. Steel.

The vice president has promised to work to lower grocery store costs to help fight inflation. She's moved faster than Biden in some cases, calling for using tax cuts and incentives to encourage home ownership and ending federal taxes on tips for service industry employees. But she's also offered relatively few specifics on major policies, instead continuing to side with Biden on top issues.

Harris appeared onstage with Biden after the president addressed the opening night of last month's Democratic National Convention, but they had not shared a microphone at a political event since Biden himself was running against Trump. At that time, the campaign was using Harris mostly as its chief spokeswoman for abortion rights, an issue they believe can help them win in November as restrictions grow and health care worsens for women following the fall of Roe v. Wade.

For more than 3 1/2 years, Harris has been one of Biden's chief validators. Now the tables are turned, as Harris looks to lean on Biden — a native of Scranton, Pennsylvania — to help win the potentially decisive state.

Although the vice president has appeared more forceful in speaking about the plight of civilians in Gaza, as Israel's war against Hamas there nears the 11-month mark, she also has endorsed Biden's efforts to arm Israel and bring about a hostage deal and ceasefire. Before she left Washington for Detroit, Biden and Harris met in the White House Situation Room earlier Monday with the U.S. hostage deal negotiating team.

“History will show what we here know: Joe Biden has been one of the most transformative presidents," Harris said in Pittsburgh. “And as we know Joe still has a lot of work to do.”

When that event was over, Biden and Harris rode back to the airport together in the presidential limo. Air Force One and Air Force Two subsequently took off within moments of each other to return to suburban Washington — though the president and vice president never travel on the same plane for continuity of government reasons, just in case of an air emergency.

Weissert reported from Washington.

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  5. Schiffswerft Laboe GmbH & Co. KG

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  12. Yachthafen Laboe

    In Laboe ist es einfach, immer etwas Neues zu entdecken. Wir helfen Ihnen dabei - mit dem Yachthafen Ostseebad Laboe, an der reizvollen Kieler Außenförde, bequem erreichbar über die A 215 und B 502. Der Hafen des Ostseebades Laboe ist eine schöne Mixtur aus gewachsenem Fischereihafen und moderner Marina. Der Ortskern von Laboe ist mit ...

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    When is Labor Day in 2024? In 2024, Labor Day falls on Monday, Sept. 2. Why do we celebrate Labor Day? Rooted in the the labor movement of the 19th century, the holiday originated during a dismal ...

  21. Canal Winchester, Pickerington communities have Labor Day festivities

    The 102nd annual Canal Winchester Labor Day Festival will begin with the opening ceremonies on the festival main stage at noon Saturday. The fun continues on Saturday until 11 p.m.; from 10:30 a.m ...

  22. 2023 Saffier Se 27 Leisure Daysailer for sale

    Yachtzentrum Baltic Bay, Laboe, 24235, Germany. View phone number. Name. Email Phone (optional) Contact Broker. ... The Saffier SE 27 is here in indoor storage in Laboe on the Kiel Fjord and can be viewed any time by appointment. Contact Information. Please contact Dines Pontoppidan at +49(0)4343/42 27 0. Other Details.

  23. Schiffswerft Laboe

    Today's focus is on ship and boat conversions, repairs, maintenance services, engine replacements, specialized welding in MIG, MAG, and TIG, as well as wood and fiberglass work on all technical levels for marine authorities, professional and recreational boating.

  24. Restaurants Open on Labor Day 2024

    From fast food joints like Wendy's to casual sit-down eateries and take-out spots, here is a list of restaurants open for business on Labor Day, Monday, Sept. 2.

  25. 27 best Amazon Labor Day sales and deals

    Amazon has deals up to 60% off on the latest tech, in-house Echo gear, home goods and more ahead of Labor Day weekend.

  26. 2010 Moody DS 45e Deck Saloon for sale

    Yachtzentrum Baltic Bay, Laboe, 24235, Germany. View phone number. Name. Email Phone (optional) Contact Broker. Personalized yacht financing. Seasoned financing experts. ... Laboe/Kiel Bay, Schleswig-Holstein. Broker Information. More from this Broker Visit Website. Payment Calculator. Purchase Price.

  27. Schiffswerft Laboe

    Thank you for your request! Your request has been submitted. We will reach out to you as soon as possible.

  28. Harris and Biden join to attend Pa. Labor Day parade

    Harris opposes US Steel's sale to a Japanese firm during joint Pennsylvania event with Biden Vice President Kamala Harris and President Joe Biden will attend Pittsburgh's Labor Day parade on Monday.

  29. 2014 Nimbus 405 Coupé Cruiser for sale

    This Nimbus 405 Coupé is a young, well-maintained owner's yacht built in 2014 sold by her second owner. Extensive specification incl. diesel generator, bow and stern thruster, diesel heating, yacht controller (radio remote control for engines and both thrusters), inverter, TV with electric lift and satellite antenna etc. Blue hull, teak deck ...