devict catamaran fishing robot

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DEVICT Fishing Robot

Black Shuttle bait boat / DEVICT fishing robot DEVC-200 200-350M Remote Range

Bait boat fish finder devc-202 orange , carp for fishing bait boats, sea fishing bait boat devc-308 camouflage devict fishing robot catamaran bait boat, rc fishing bait boat devc-103 yellow devict fishing robot radio control bait boat, gps fish finder devc-308 camouflage devict fishing robot carp fishing bait boat, sonar fish finder devc-308 camouflage devict fishing robot battery rc fishing bait boat, autopilot bait boat devc-103 yellow devict fishing robot.

Remote Control Bait Boat DEVC-310 , black bait boat 300-500 M Remote Range

DEVC-300M DEVICT Bait Boat , hull catamaran bait boat 1-2 M/S Sailing Speed OEM / ODM

DEVC-100 Black RC Remote Control Fishing Boat

DEVC-300 Remote Control Fishing Bait Boat service DEVICT or OEM Service

DEVC-308M3 sea fishing bait boat style rc model / carp bait boat 2PCS Bait Hopper

DEVC-310 sea fishing bait boat rc model radio hulls , DEVICT catamaran bait boat

DEVC-202 orange remote control fishing bait boat radio smart brushless motor

DEVC-113 hulls carp fishing bait boat Brushless energy-saving motor

DEVC-300 black carp catamaran bait boat style radio control , RC Fishing Bait Boat

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devict catamaran fishing robot

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Zavážecí loď Devict Catamaran Fishing robot

1.10.2018 - Jiří Louthan

Komerční sdělení

devict catamaran fishing robot

Rybáři mají stále více v oblibě nové technologie a také je úspěšně využívají ke zvýšení počtu svých záběrů. V posledních letech se jen v České republice prodaly tisíce nahazovacích echolotů, ale také stovky zavážecích loděk. Je evidentní, že rybáři začali klást důraz na efektivní vyhledání ryb, ale také na přesné zakrmení lovného místa, stejně jako na strategické usazení montáře s nástrahou.

devict catamaran fishing robot

Žádná ze zavážecích loděk ovšem nebyla nikdy tak kvalitně vybavená jako DEVICT Catamaran Fishing robot (případně její menší bratr DEVICT Tanker Triple Fishing robot), který je neobvyklý už tím, že je možné jej ovládat pomocí mobilní aplikace. Uživatel loďky se po spárování loďky s mobilem pohybuje v krásném barevném režimu leteckých Google map jednotlivých revírů, ale také v režimu kvalitního sonaru v v přehledném a barevném provedení. Už žádné monochromatické zobrazení jako je tomu u konkurenčních a dokonce dražších loděk.

devict catamaran fishing robot

Na displeji neustále vidíte stav nabití baterií v loďce, aktuální hloubku pod loďkou, teplotu vody pod čidlem lodi, kvalitu wifi signálu a počet satelitů, na kterých vám právě funguje GPSka.

devict catamaran fishing robot

Maximální hodnoty a vrcholná technologie navrch

Pojďme se nyní podívat, co všechno vám loďka vybavená fishing robotem nabízí v praktickém slova smyslu. Samotná loďka DEVICT Catamaran je vybavena dvěma motory a tedy i dvěma chráněnými vrtulemi. Uveze 5 kilogramů návnady, ale také naráz až 3 montáže s nástrahou. Návnada se vyváží ve dvou oddělených kontejnerech, které mají vlastní velmi citlivé ovládání. Můžete tak v klidu zakrmit i dvě místa na jednu vyvážku a navíc se rozhodnout, jestli návnadu vyklopíte naráz na jednom místě, nebo jestli si rozkrmíte pomalým otevíráním kontejneru například delší pás dna. Montáže se vyváží díky pístovým systémům na zádi a na bocích lodi, ale k vyvážce montáží můžete použít i některý ze dvou kontejnerů na návnadu, takže máte k dispozici pro své montáže širokou paletu možností vývozu.

devict catamaran fishing robot

Loďka DEVICT Catamaran zvládne vyvážet a komunikovat až na vzdálenost 500 metrů a pluje rychlostí až 2 metry za vteřinu. Tato loďka má odolonost vůči vlnám třídy 6, takže si díky síle motorů i svému tvaru bez problému poradí s vlnami vyvolanými projíždějící lodí či větrem. Velkou výhodou této loďky jsou lithiové akumulátory, kterými je loďka osazena. Vydrží po plném nabití fungovat v kuse až 4 hodiny, přičemž plné nabití zcela vybitých akumulátorů trvá přibližně hodinu.

devict catamaran fishing robot

Unikátní zařízení Fishing robot

Ale pojďme se podívat především na nejdůležitější součást, kterou je loďka vybavena - na samotného Fishing robota a na to, co všechno vám tento unikátní komponent nabízí.

devict catamaran fishing robot

K tomu, abyste mohli používat Fishing robota - tedy konkrétně jeho funkce v podobě autopilota, GPSky, sonaru a správce hotspotů, musíte si nejprve do svého mobilního telefonu či tabletu stáhnout aplikaci s názvem Fishing robot. Najdete ji zdarma v Obchodě Play či Aplle Storu. Po zapnutí loďky, jejího ovladače a bluetooth mostu proběhne spárování s vaším mobilem přibližně do půl minuty. V ten moment je loďka připravena vyrazit na vodu a začít vám mapovat revír, zakrmovat, nebo vyvážet nástrahy.

devict catamaran fishing robot

Loďku uvedete do pohybu buď manuálně pomocí klasického ovladače, nebo kliknutím na displej vašeho mobilu respektive na vámi vybrané místo na revíru, na kterém se právě nacházíte. Manuální ovládání je velice jednoduché a automatické ještě jednodušší. Klik na displej a loďka sama jede, další klik a vrátí se na vámi zvolené místo. pokud se mi špatně orientuje na mapce revíru, stačí roztáhnout dva prsty po displeji mobilu a revír se nám na něm zvětší do požadovaného rozměru. Mezi zobrazením Google map a sonaru si připínáte jediným kliknutím na pravé straně displeje mobilu, ale můžete si displej také rozdělit na dvě poloviny, kdy na jedné můžte sledovat pohyb loďky po mapě revírů a na druhé sledujete vodní sloupec, dno a samozřejmě také ryby, které se právě nacházejí pod sonarem loďky.

devict catamaran fishing robot

Přesné závozy na 500 hot spotů

Ve chvíli, kdy si najdete zajímavý hot spot, na kterém chcete lovit (koryto řeky, lavice na dně, výčnělky skály, padlý kmen atd.), uložíte si jej do paměti robota kliknutím na ikonu diskety. Kdykoliv pak budete schopni zavézt návnadu či nástrahu znovu a znovu na totéž místo (odchylka je maximálně 1 metr). Fishing robot si pamatuje celkem 500 uložených pozic, které si můžete pro větší přehlednost pojmenovat tak, aby se vám v nich v budoucnosti lépe orientovalo.

devict catamaran fishing robot

Když se rozhodnu vyrazit s loďkou na jeden z vybraných a uložených hot spotů, jednoduše si jej na Google mapě vyberu (vypadá jako špendlík zapíchnutý do mapy), podržím na něm prst a aplikace se mě zeptá, jestli chci na něj s loďkou vyplout. Svou volbu potvrdím a loďka jede přímo na hot spot. Jakmile loďka nad hot spot najede rozbliká se kolem ikony loďky soustava červených kroužků, které mi signalizují, že vjížídm nad zvolený bod. Pak je už jen na mě, jestli na daném místě vypustím jen návnadu a nástrahu vyvezu mimo zákrm, nebo zda na něj položím obojí. Můžete se tak stále držet své lovné strategie, a nebo můžete strategie libovolně měnit. Volíte si velikost i tvar krmného místa a stejně tak i usazení svých montáží. No není to dokonalý nástroj jak se dostat k vysněným úlovkům i v momentech, kdy máte na lov jen velmi málo času?

devict catamaran fishing robot

Už žádné dlouhé a riskantní náhozy

Ale přesnost zákmu a vývozu nástrah není jedinou výhodou zavážecích loděk. Nezapomeňte na to, že díky vyvážce se už nemusíte bát zamotaných montáží, což se vám při náhozu může snadno stát. Také si nemusíte pořizovat žádné speciální odhozové pruty ani navijáky. Zavážecí loďka je dokonalý parťák, který vás dostane daleko za hranice vašich náhozových a vnadících schopností. Stačí se s ní naučit pracovat, což není nic složitého.

devict catamaran fishing robot

Ptáte se, jak můžete používat Google mapy v místě, kde nechytáte signál ze sítě? To je jednoduché, stačí si do vašeho mobilu stáhnout offline mapy a signál už pak nikdy řešit nemusíte.

devict catamaran fishing robot

Loďku DEVICT Catamaran Fishing robot pořídíte za 36.900 korun a v balení najdete kromě dvou kvalitních lithiových baterií také dvě nabíječky na každou baterii zvlášť, pevný látkový obal s popruhy pro snadné přenášení loďky, ale také průhlednou pláštěnku na ovladač pro případ používání loďky v dešti. V balení je i mazací olej, držák mobilu na ovladač a samozřejmě přehledný český návod. Prostě všechno co k lodi potřebujete.

devict catamaran fishing robot

Jaké jsou parametry loďky DEVICT Catamaran Fishing robot?

Rozměr loďky: 83 x 52 x 30 cm Váha včetně baterií: 9 kg Pojistka vyměnitelná: 15A Baterie v ovládači: 8 x AA tužková baterie (vyplatí se používat dobíjecí baterie) Akumulátory v lodi: 2 x lithiový akumulátor 7,4 V / 12A (až 4 hodiny používání loďky v kuse) Doba do plného nabití akumulátorů lodi: cca 1 hodina Záruka: 2 roky loď, 6 měsíců akumulátory Frekvence dálkového ovladače: 2,4 GHz Počet nákladových prostor: 2 Maximální počet montáží pro jednu vyvážku: 3 Nosnost nákladového prostoru: 5 kg Rychlost zakrmovací loďky: 2 metry za sekundu Odolnost vůči vlnám: třída 5 - 6 (tzn. maximální odolnost) Dosah loďky respektive dálkového ovladače: až 500 metrů Počet hot spotů k uložení: 500 Hloubkové rozpětí sonaru: 0,5 až 80 metrů

Devict Catamaran Fishing robot ve videu

devict catamaran fishing robot

Autor: Jiří Louthan

Diskutujte o rybaření, n kaprařina, n muškaření, n přívlač a dravci, n sumcařina, n mořský rybolov, n dotazy začátečníků, n rco cup hruškov jednotlivci, n zprávy rybářských firem, n hlídač slev eshopů.

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Jet Fish Boilie Mystery Squid/Chilli 3 kg 20 mm

Sleva 20% 399,-

Rybářský bazar

Kde to žije - všechna témata, 14:28 n zkušenosti s woblery 3stan   13, 13:29 n lovil ryby za pomoci zmačkané plechovky (bleskovka)   16, 13:26 n satira pro všechny   922, 12:28 n čluny raptor   742, 12:26 n servis lodiček ridge monkey   17, 8:58 n poradna: sumcařina   2526, 0:52 n staré česke rybářské vybavení   133, so n rybáři a vinařství   365, so n umělá inteligence a rybaření   55, so n zanášení řek v nadjezí co s tím   36, so n bižuterie e-shop temu   72, so n anketa vágnerův sumec v udírně   199, so n poradte prosim prut 10ft, 3lb popr. 2,75lb   42, so n solar titanium swinger   763, so n starfishing spex-tex 150 2 man   3, co je nového - všeobecné.

akce, rybareni

Všestranné rybářské navijáky s přední bzdrou Daiwa 23 Revros LT jsou ideální volbou jak pro začínající, ale tak zkušené rybáře lovící na přívlač, feeder, plavanou nebo lehkou položenou.

akce, rybareni

Za 649 Kč Směs wolframových vláken pro nejlepší výkon šňury WFT Tungsten KG „Sinking“ je zcela nová, rychle se potápějící pletená šnůra WFT.

Oznámení - obecné

Na toto místo můžete sami vložit své oznámení ostatním čtenářům MRKu.

Kalendář akcí - obecné

1.9. dětské rybářské závody, 1.9. rybářské závody vlašim, 7.9. benátky evolution fishing těžba, 7.9. rybářské závody mládeže do 15..., 14.9. obsazeno podzimní rybářské..., 14.9. 11.ročník o hostákovské sele, 14.9. rybářské závody dospělých..., 14.9. podzimní malešovice 2024, 21.9. klasické pro širokou veřejnost..., 21.9. memoriál františka lorence vi.....

devict catamaran fishing robot

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Doporučujeme e-shop, rybářské centrum olomouc.

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Nejoblíbenější diskuse

Vybraná videa, můj lov - nejlepší fotky, nejlepší fotky z diskusí, naši partneři z rybaření.

devict catamaran fishing robot

Další partneři: Kempy a tábořiště ČR a SR , Počasí , , Pavel Babáček grafický designer , KOMINICTVÍ 24 , , Svatby na klíč , Zachraňme lipana a pstruha potočního

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  • Manažer projektu - Roman Čejka
  • Šéfredaktor, admin - Martin Maťák
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devict catamaran fishing robot

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  • Nákup na splátky

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Zavážecí Loďka Devict Catamaran Fishing Robot

Zavážecí Loďka Devict Catamaran Fishing Robot


Popis Zavážecí Loďka Devict Catamaran Fishing Robot

Zavážecí loďka DEVICT Fishing Robot je žhavou novinkou od roku 2018 a co se týče poměru cena výkon, jedná se o to nejlepší, co se dá v současné době na českém a slovenském trhu koupit. Tato loďka má dosah 500 metrů, je vybavena GPS modulem, sonarem, autopilotem, dokáže zavážet tři montáže najednou plus až 5 kg návnady v nákladovém prostoru. Největší devízou loďky je ale to, že se kromě dálkového ovladače ovládá pomocí aplikace v mobilním telefonu, která pracuje s podklady Google map. V aplikaci se také zapíná či vypíná zabudovaný echolot, který má stejné barevné provedení jako populární nahazovací echolot Deeper. Dvojice vyklápěcích dvířek nákladového prostoru pracuje na principu servomotorů, což je velká výhoda oproti magnetickému mechanismu, který používají zavážecí lodičky konkurenčních výrobců. Díky tomu se dají obě dvířka nezávisle na sobě otevírat či zavírat a nehrozí to, že se mechanismus otevírání zasekne, nebo nebude držet zavřený. Jaké jsou parametry loďky DEVICT Catamaran Fishing robot? Délka: 83 cm Šířka: 52 cm Výška: 30 cm Váha včetně baterií: 9 kg Pojistka vyměnitelná: 15A Akumulátory v lodi: 2 x lithiový akumulátor 7,4 V / 12 000 mAh Výdrž akumulátorů: nepřetržité používání loďky v délce až 4 hodiny (v závislosti na vlnách, větru a okolní teplotě) Napětí adaptéru: AC 110 - 240 V Doba do plného nabití akumulátorů lodi: 6 hodin Záruka: 2 roky loď, 6 měsíců akumulátory Frekvence dálkového ovladače: 868Mhz Počet nákladových prostor: 2 Maximální počet montáží pro jednu vyvážku: 3 Nosnost nákladového prostoru: 5 kg Rychlost plavby: 2 m/s Odolnost vůči vlnám: třída 5 - 6 (tzn. maximální odolnost) Dosah loďky respektive dálkového ovladače: až 500 metrů Balení obsahuje: 2x lithiový akumulátor 12 000 mAh 2x nabíječka pro lithiové akumulátory 1x lithiová baterie do dálkového ovladače (nabíjecí) 1x USB kabel pro nabíjení Wifi mostu a baterie v dálkovém ovladači transportní taška na loďku držák mobilního telefonu Wifi most český manuál

  • Zavážecí loďky
  • Čluny a echoloty
  • Kód produktu JI1202
  • Výrobce Devict
  • Záruka 24 měsíců
  • Rozměry: 83x52x30cm
  • Nosnost: 5kg
  • Hmotnost: 9kg

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6 důvodů, proč nakoupit u nás.

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Overený zákazník

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  • Rychlé a bezproblémové vyřízení objednávky
  • Rychlé dodání zboží
  • Levnější než konkurence
  • Velký výběr
  • Zboží vždy dobře zabalené
  • Cena dopravy
  • Obchodní podmínky
  • Změny v objednávce

Stylová prodejna s nejširším sortimentem v ČR.

A pokud to máte do Liberce daleko,

začněte odebírat novinky

Cena Heureky

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Zavážecí loďka DEVICT Tanker Triple Fishing Robot

Zavážecí loďka DEVICT Tanker Triple Fishing Robot je žhavou novinkou roku 2018 a co se týče poměru cena výkon, patří jednoznačně mezi nejlepší zavážecí loďky na trhu. Tato loďka má dosah 350 metrů , je vybavena GPS modulem, sonarem,...

devict catamaran fishing robot

Zavážecí loďka DEVICT Tanker Triple Fishing Robot je žhavou novinkou roku 2018 a co se týče poměru cena výkon, patří jednoznačně mezi nejlepší zavážecí loďky na trhu. Tato loďka má dosah 350 metrů , je vybavena GPS modulem, sonarem, autopilotem , dokáže zavážet tři montáže najednou plus až 3 kg návnady ve třech oddělených nákladových prostorách.

Největší výhodou zavážecí loďky DEVICT Tanker Triple Fishing robot je možnost jejího ovládání pomocí mobilní aplikace v mobilním telefonu , která pracuje s podklady Google map . V aplikaci se také zapíná či vypíná zabudovaný echolot, který má stejné barevné provedení jako populární nahazovací echolot Deeper. Loďka má v sobě zabudovaný systém autopilota, takže je možné s loďkou zavážet, nebo se s ní vracet pouhým dotykem prstu na letecké mapy. S touto zavážecí loďkou máte navíc možnost uložit až 500 hot spotů , na které můžete kdykoli vyvážet svou návnadu a nástrahy znovu a znovu s rozptylem maximálně jednoho metr u.

Tato zavážecí loďka disponuje třema komorami pro návnadu - dvě se vyklápějí okamžitě a jedna je vybavená servomotorem, takže si můžete krmení z této komory nejen vysypat na lovné místo naráz, ale také si z ní třeba usypávat a rozkrmit tak větší prostor.

Jaké jsou parametry loďky Tanker Triple Fishing robot?

Váha včetně baterií: 4,5 kg

Délka: 80 cm (včetně nádrží) 

Šířka: 55 cm (včetně nádrží) 

Výška: 31 cm (včetně nádrží) 

Akumulátor v loďce: 1 x Lithiový akumulátor, rozměr 15 x 9,3 x 5 cm, kapacita 12 000 mAh, 7,4 V

Výdrž akumulátorů: kontinuální používání loďky v délce cca 4 hodiny

Napětí adaptéru: AC 110 - 240 V

Doba do plného nabití  akumulátoru loďky: 6 hodin

Záruka: 2 roky loďka, 6 měsíců akumulátor

Frekvence dálkového ovladače: 2,4 GHz

Počet nákladových prostor: 3

Nosnost nákladových prostor celkem: 3 kg

Rychlost zakrmovací loďky: až 2 metry za sekundu

Odolnost vůči vlnám: třída 4 - 5

Dosah lodi respektive dálkového ovladače: až 350 metrů

Baterie dálkového ovladače: 8 kusů AA alkalických baterií (9,6 - 12 V), vyplatí se přikoupit akumulátor, který se dobíjí přímo přes samotný ovladač

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Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia

The capital city of Sverdlovsk oblast: Ekaterinburg .

Sverdlovsk Oblast - Overview

Sverdlovsk Oblast is a federal subject of Russia, the largest region of the Urals, located on the border between Europe and Asia in the Urals Federal District. Yekaterinburg is the capital city of the region.

The population of Sverdlovsk Oblast is about 4,264,300 (2022), the area - 194,307 sq. km.

Sverdlovsk oblast flag

Sverdlovsk oblast coat of arms.

Sverdlovsk oblast coat of arms

Sverdlovsk oblast map, Russia

Sverdlovsk oblast latest news and posts from our blog:.

26 May, 2020 / Unique Color Photos of Yekaterinburg in 1909 .

2 December, 2018 / Yekaterinburg - the view from above .

21 November, 2018 / Abandoned Railway Tunnel in Didino .

12 October, 2017 / Northern Urals: Manpupuner Plateau and Dyatlov Pass .

20 April, 2015 / Multicolored aurora borealis in the Northern Urals .

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History of Sverdlovsk Oblast

The first people settled here in the Stone Age. At the end of the 16th century, the Russian kingdom gained control of the region. In the 17th century, the most significant stage of the initial development of this area happened, when Russian settlers began a massive advance to the east. In 1598, the first settlers founded the town of Verkhoturye on the territory of the present Sverdlovsk region.

Verkhoturye became the first capital of the Urals because of its strategic location on the Babinov road - an important crossroads of trade routes. Sverdlovsk oblast acted as a transshipment base between the central part of the country and the actively developed regions of Siberia and Central Asia.

The presence of strategic reserves of iron and copper ore, as well as large forest areas, predetermined the specialization of the region (ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, wood processing, mining, etc.). Exploration of minerals in the Sverdlovsk region began at the end of the 17th century.

In the 18th century, the Demidov dynasty founded several plants in the region that turned into large production and economic complexes. The local industry was characterized by a high level of technological development. The blast furnaces of the Ekaterinburg, Nevyansk, Tagil iron-making plants were superior in performance to the best European models of that time, and their products were the leading item of Russian exports.

More historical facts…

The launch of the Trans-Siberian Railway became a landmark event in the life of the Middle Urals, allowing large-scale export of plant products. Between 1920 and 1930, the Urals was able to once again take its place as the leading industrial region of Russia by strengthening its mining industry, creating new production facilities, developing energy and mass urban construction.

In the years of the first five-year plans, along with the reconstruction of old enterprises, several new large industrial facilities were opened: Uralmashzavod, Uralelektrotyazhmash, tool and ball bearing plants in Sverdlovsk, Uralvagonzavod and Nizhny Tagil metallurgical plant in Nizhny Tagil, pipe plants in Pervouralsk and Kamensk-Uralsky, copper smelters in Krasnouralsk and Sredneuralsk, the Ural aluminum smelter in Kamensk-Uralsky and others.

On October 3, 1938, the territory of Sverdlovsk Oblast was finally formed. During the Second World War, from July 1941 to December 1942, more than 2 million people came to the Urals region, of which more than 700 thousand stayed in Sverdlovsk Oblast.

In the postwar period, Sverdlovsk Oblast continued to develop as a major industrial center of the Urals. The industry of the region was a supplier of the most important types of machinery, products of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, chemical, electric power, light, and food industries. Mechanical engineering and metalworking retained their leading place in the structure of the local industry.

Being one of the most important industrial and defense centers of the Soviet Union, the Sverdlovsk region remained closed to foreigners until 1991.

Beautiful nature of Sverdlovsk Oblast

Forest stream in Sverdlovsk Oblast

Forest stream in Sverdlovsk Oblast

Author: Vlasov Pavel

Sverdlovsk Oblast nature

Sverdlovsk Oblast nature

Author: Oleg Seliverstov

Sverdlovsk Oblast is rich in forests

Sverdlovsk Oblast is rich in forests

Sverdlovsk Oblast - Features

Sverdlovsk Oblast received its name from its administrative center - the city of Sverdlovsk (Yekaterinburg). The name appeared on January 17, 1934, together with the formation of the region. After renaming Sverdlovsk back to Yekaterinburg, the region was not renamed and retained its Soviet name.

The territory of Sverdlovsk Oblast stretches from west to east for 560 kilometers, from north to south - for 660 kilometers. The climate is continental. The average temperature in January is about minus 16-20 degrees Celsius, in July - plus 19-30 degrees Celsius.

The Sverdlovsk region, being one of the oldest mining regions of Russia, is rich in a variety of natural resources. Today, the local mineral and raw materials base provides a significant part of the production of Russian vanadium, bauxite, chrysotile-asbestos, iron ore, refractory clay. The region is the main raw source for Russian aluminum industry.

There are significant reserves of nickel ores, precious metals, mineral and fresh groundwater, practically unlimited reserves of building materials. There are deposits of stone and brown coals, chromites, manganese and certain prospects for discovering oil and gas fields. Forests cover about 80% of the territory.

Sverdlovsk Oblast is an important transport hub of Russia. The Trans-Siberian Railway passes through its territory. Koltsovo is a large international airport located in Yekaterinburg. The largest cities and towns of Sverdlovsk Oblast are Yekaterinburg (1,493,600), Nizhny Tagil (340,700), Kamensk-Uralsky (162,500), Pervouralsk (117,700), Serov (93,900), Novouralsk (79,000), and Verkhnyaya Pyshma (76,400).

Sverdlovsk Oblast is known for its traditional International exhibition of armament in Nizhny Tagil, annual Russian Economic Forum in Yekaterinburg. Yekaterinburg is the 4th largest scientific center in Russia after Moscow, Saint-Petersburg and Novosibirsk.

It is one of the most important industrial regions of Russia. The structure of the local industrial complex is dominated by ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, enrichment of uranium and iron ore, engineering.

The largest enterprises of ferrous and nonferrous metallurgy are the Nizhnetagilsky Metallurgical Combine, the Kachkanar GOK Vanadiy, VSMPO-Avisma, the Pervouralsky Novotrubny Plant, the Bogoslovsky and the Ural Aluminum Smelters, the Kamensk-Uralsk Metallurgical Plant, the Sinarsky Pipe Plant, the Seversk Pipe Plant, as well as enterprises of the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company (Uralelectromed, Sredneuralsky Copper Smelting Plant, Metallurgical Plant named after A.K. Serov, etc.).

The most important enterprises of the machine-building complex are Uralvagonzavod, Ural Heavy Machinery Plant, Uralelectrotyazhmash, Uralkhimmash, Ural Turbine Plant, Ural Civil Aviation Plant. Uralkhimplast, which produces synthetic resins, is the largest chemical plant in Russia.

Attractions of Sverdlovsk Oblast

Coniferous forests and numerous rivers make the nature of the Sverdlovsk region attractive for tourists. There is a number of reserves and nature parks: Visimsky State Nature Reserve, Denezhkin Kamen National Nature Reserve, Pripyshminsky Bory National Park, Oleny Ruchi Nature Park, Chusovaya River Nature Park, Bazhovskiye Places Nature Park, Rezhevskoy Nature and Mineralogical Reserve.

Some of the most interesting sights located outside of Yekaterinburg:

  • Nevyansk Tower - a leaning tower in the center of the town of Nevyansk, built by the order of Akinfiy Demidov, the founder of the mining industry in the Urals, in the first half of the 18th century;
  • Cathedral of the Savior’s Transfiguration in Nevyansk;
  • Battle glory of the Urals - an open-air museum of military equipment in Verkhnyaya Pyshma;
  • Automotive equipment museum in Verkhnyaya Pyshma - one of the largest collections of Russian cars, special equipment, motorcycles, bicycles;
  • Obelisk symbolizing the border between Europe and Asia in Pervouralsk;
  • Verkhoturye - a historical town with a kremlin and a lot of churches called the spiritual center of the Urals. The Cross Exaltation Cathedral of the St. Nicholas Monastery is the third largest cathedral in Russia after the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow and St. Isaac’s Cathedral in St. Petersburg;
  • Mount Kachkanar located near the border between Europe and Asia. At the top of the mountain there is the Buddhist Monastery of Shad Tchup Ling;
  • Monastery in the name of the Holy Royal Passion-Bearers on Ganina Yama standing on the site of the extermination and the first burial of the remains of the family of the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II and his servants;
  • Museum Complex Severskaya Domna in Polevskoy, 52 kilometers from Ekaterinburg - an industrial and architectural monument (1860);
  • Open-air museum in Nizhnyaya Sinyachikha - Ural wooden architecture and the richest collection of the Ural house painting;
  • Severskaya Pisanitsa - a monument with rock paintings and images of the Neolithic Age located near the village of Severka.

Sverdlovsk oblast of Russia photos

Pictures of the sverdlovsk region.

Sverdlovsk Oblast scenery

Sverdlovsk Oblast scenery

Author: Anatoliy Kislov

Bridge in Sverdlovsk Oblast

Bridge in Sverdlovsk Oblast

Author: Igor Romanov

Road in the Sverdlovsk region

Road in the Sverdlovsk region

Sverdlovsk Oblast views

Field of dandelions in Sverdlovsk Oblast

Field of dandelions in Sverdlovsk Oblast

Sverdlovsk Oblast scenery

Winter in Sverdlovsk Oblast

Author: Isupov Sergei

Churches in Sverdlovsk Oblast

Abandoned church in the Sverdlovsk region

Abandoned church in the Sverdlovsk region

Author: Timofey Zakharov

Wooden church in Sverdlovsk Oblast

Wooden church in Sverdlovsk Oblast

Orthodox church in Sverdlovsk Oblast

Orthodox church in Sverdlovsk Oblast

Author: Kutenyov Vladimir

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Sverdlovsk Oblast

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Свердловская область
Coordinates: 61°20′E / 58.700°N 61.333°E / 58.700; 61.333
Administrative center
  Total194,307 km (75,022 sq mi)
Population ( )
  Estimate  4,325,256
  Density22/km (57/sq mi)
(   )
66, 96, 196
Official languages

Natural resources

Early history, medieval history and russian expansion, rise of the mining-metallurgical era, soviet ural, post-soviet transition, administrative divisions, demographics, settlements, ethnic groups, chairmen of the oblast duma, chairmen of the house of representatives of the legislative assembly, economy and transportation, sister relationships, notable people, external links.

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Landmark indicating the border between Europe and Asia in Sverdlovsk Oblast. Yekaterinburg Border Asia Europe.jpg

Most of the oblast is spread over the eastern slopes of the Middle and North Urals and the Western Siberian Plain . Only in the southwest does the oblast stretch onto the western slopes of the Ural Mountains .

The highest mountains all rise in the North Urals, Konzhakovsky Kamen at 1,569 metres (5,148   ft) and Denezhkin Kamen at 1,492 metres (4,895   ft) . The Middle Urals is mostly hilly country with no discernible peaks; the mean elevation is closer to 300 to 500 metres (980 to 1,640   ft) above sea level. [9] Principal rivers include the Tavda , the Tura , the Chusovaya , and the Ufa , the latter two being tributaries of the Kama .

Sverdlovsk Oblast borders with, clockwise from the west, Perm Krai , the Komi Republic , Khanty–Mansi Autonomous Okrug , Tyumen Oblast , Kurgan , and Chelyabinsk Oblasts , and the Republic of Bashkortostan .

The area is traversed by the northeasterly line of equal latitude and longitude.

Rich in natural resources, the oblast is especially famous for metals ( iron , copper , gold , platinum ), minerals ( asbestos , gemstones , talcum ), marble and coal . It is mostly here that the bulk of Russian industry was concentrated in the 18th and 19th centuries.

The area has continental climate patterns, with long cold winters (average temperatures reaching −15   °C (5   °F) to −25   °C (−13   °F) on the Western Siberian Plain) and short warm summers. Only in the southeast of the oblast do temperatures reach +30   °C (86   °F) in July.

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in Russian. a machine-translated version of the Russian article. or , is a useful starting point for translations, but translators must revise errors as necessary and confirm that the translation is accurate, rather than simply copy-pasting machine-translated text into the English Wikipedia. to this template: there are already 937 articles in the , and specifying topic= will aid in categorization. provide in the accompanying your translation by providing an to the source of your translation. A model attribution edit summary is to the . .

Wooden sculpture dated to 11,500 years ago may have stood more than 5 m high Bol'shoi shigirskii idol.jpg

The territory of the region has been inhabited since ancient times. Numerous sites of ancient people were discovered, dating from the Paleolithic to the Iron Age. The Upper Paleolithic includes the Garinsky site on the right bank of the Sosva river near the village of Gari , the site in the Shaitansky grotto, and the site in the Bezymyanny cave (X millennium BC). [10] [11] In 1890, the 11 thousand years old (Mesolithic) Shigir idol was discovered. [12]

A settlement and a burial ground in the Kalmatsky Brod tract are located on the right bank of the Iset river and date back to the Sarmatian time (from the 3rd century BC to the 2nd century AD). They belong to the Kalmak archaeological culture. In the Kalmatsky Brod burial ground, the skeletal skulls were strongly deformed by tight bandaging in early childhood, which indicates the penetration of steppe ethnic elements to the north. [13]

Pictograms on the Neyva River AKUR 1.jpg

There are numerous pictograms on the Koptelovsky stone, on the Oblique stone, on the Two-eyed stone, Starichnaya, Serginskaya, the rock paintings of the Bronze Age on the Neyva River, Tagil River (villages Brekhovaya, Gaevaya, Komelskaya), rock carvings on Shaitan-Kamen on the right bank of the Rezh river tied to indigenous Ural population, possibly speakers of a Ugric language . [14] [15] The Gostkovskaya Pisanitsa refers to the Middle Ages. [12]

Before the first Russian colonists arrived to the region, it was populated by various Turkic and Ugrian tribes. By the 16th century, when the Middle Urals were under influence of various Tatar khanates, the strongest local state was the Vogul Pelym principality with its center in Pelym .

The Russian conquest of the Khanate of Kazan in the 1550s paved the way further east, which was now free from Tatar depredations (see Yermak Timofeyevich ). The first surviving Russian settlements in the area date back to the late 16th   – early 17th centuries ( Verkhoturye , 1598; Turinsk , 1600; Irbit , 1633; Alapayevsk , 1639). At that time, those small trading posts were governed under Siberian administration in Tobolsk . After the 1708 administrative reform, Verkhoturye, Pelym and Turinsk became a part of the new Siberian Governorate , in 1737 their territories were assigned to the Kazan Governorate .

Verkhoturye in 1910 Verkhoturye 1910 LOC prok 02108.jpg

During the 18th century, rich resources of iron and coal made Ural an industrial heartland of Russia. After getting control over Ural mines, the Demidov family put the region in the forefront of Russian industrialization. Yekaterinburg , Nevyansk and Tagil ironworks, founded in the 1700s to 1720s, soon joined the ranks of the major producers in Europe. Throughout the 18th and 19th century those newly founded factory towns enjoyed a status of special mining-metallurgical districts allowed to have a certain rate of financial and proprietary autonomy. During the 1781 reform middle Ural finally got its own regional administration in the form of the Perm Governorate .

When in 1812 the Russian government legalized gold digging for its citizens, Middle Ural became a center of gold mining. Entrepreneurs of the Perm Governorate also started the gold rush in West Siberia, soon Yekaterinburgers began to dominate the Russian market of precious metals and gemstones.

After the emancipation reform of 1861 , major Middle Uralian industries that were heavily dependent on serf labor entered decline, although it also allowed light industry to thrive. In 1878, Perm and Yekaterinburg were connected with a railroad, in 1888, railroads reached Tyumen , and ultimately, in 1897, Yekaterinburg joined the Trans-Siberian network . Emergence of railroad transportation helped to revitalize economy of Ural.

The Bolsheviks established their power in Yekaterinburg and Perm during the first days of the October Revolution of 1917. In early 1918 the dethroned Czar Nicholas II and his family were transferred under custody to Yekaterinburg. Local Bolsheviks decided autonomously to execute the royal family on July 17, 1918, to prevent its rescue of by the approaching White Army forces. Ten days later Yekaterinburg was captured by the Czechoslovak troops of Sergei Wojciechowski . For the next year the Anti-bolshevik forces took control over the region. On 19 August 1918, Provisional Government of Ural was formed in Yekaterinburg by a coalition of liberal and democratic socialist parties, it was supposed to serve as a buffer between the Komuch and Provisional Siberian governments. After the Kolchak coup d'état in Omsk in November 1918, the Government of Ural was disbanded.

In July 1919, in the course of the Yekaterinburg offense, Yekaterinburg and the surrounding areas were recaptured by the Red Army forces under command of Vasily Shorin . On the July 15th, the Perm Governorate was split by the Soviets and the east, for the first time in history, became a separate region, the Yekaterinburg Governorate. It was soon abolished and replaced by the Ural Oblast (1923-1934).

T-34 tanks on the conveyor belt of the Uralmash plant (1942) RIAN archive 1274 Tanks going to the front.jpg

In the 1930s many industrial enterprises were established and built with the help of forced labour. [16] Local industry received another impetus during World War II, when important producing facilities were relocated here from the European part of Russia to safeguard them from the advancing Germans (for example, IMZ-Ural , Kamensk-Uralsky Metallurgical Works ). In the postwar period much of the region was off-limits to foreigners. It was over Sverdlovsk that the American U-2 spy plane pilot Gary Powers was shot down on May 1, 1960, while on a reconnaissance mission.

In 1979, there was an anthrax outbreak caused by an accident in a facility to develop biological weapons.

In 1993, Governor Eduard Rossel responded to perceived economic inequality by attempting to create a " Ural Republic ." Sverdlovsk led the "Urals Five" ( Kurgan Oblast , Orenburg Oblast , Perm Krai , Chelyabinsk Oblast and Sverdlovsk) in a call for greater regional power. They argued that the oblasts deserved as much power as the ethnic homeland republics . The Urals Republic Constitution went into effect on October 27, 1993. Then Russian President Boris Yeltsin dissolved the Urals Republic and the Sverdlovsk Parliament 10 days later (on November 9).

Life expectancy at birth in Sverdlovsk Oblast Life expectancy in Russian subject -Sverdlovsk Oblast.png

Population : 4,268,998   ( 2021 Census ) ; [5] 4,297,747   ( 2010 Russian census ) ; [17] 4,486,214   ( 2002 Census ) ; [18] 4,716,768   ( 1989 Soviet census ) . [19]

Vital statistics for 2022: [20] [21]

  • Births: 39,958 (9.4 per 1,000)
  • Deaths: 59,316 (13.9 per 1,000)

Total fertility rate (2022): [22] 1.56 children per woman

Life expectancy (2021): [23] Total — 68.79 years (male   — 63.72, female   — 73.80)

Rank Municipal pop.

1 1,493,749

2 349,008
3 166,086
4 120,778
5 95,861
6 80,357
7 72,688
8 62,908
9 61,533
10 60,979
Historical population
Source: Census data

There were twenty-one recognized ethnic groups of more than two thousand persons each in the oblast. Residents identified themselves as belonging to a total of 148 different ethnic groups, including: [17]

  • 3,684,843 Russians (90.6%);
  • 143,803 Tatars (3.5%);
  • 35,563 Ukrainians (0.9%);
  • 31,183 Bashkirs (0.8%);
  • 23,801 Mari (0.6%);
  • 14,914 Germans (0.4%);
  • 14,215 Azerbaijanis (0.3%);
  • 13,789 Udmurts (0.3%);
  • 11,670 Belarusians (0.3%);
  • 11,510 Chuvash (0.26%);
  • 11,501 Armenians (0.3%);
  • 11,138 Tajiks (0.3%);
  • 9,702 Mordovians (0.22%);
  • 9,358 Uzbeks (0.2%);

232,978 people were registered from administrative databases, and could not declare an ethnicity. It is estimated that the proportion of ethnicities in this group is the same as that of the declared group. [24]

Religion in Sverdlovsk Oblast as of 2012 (Sreda Arena Atlas)
Other 2.1%
Other 5.8%
and other native faiths 1.3%
and 13%
Other and undeclared 5.8%

Christianity is the largest religion in Sverdlovsk Oblast. According to a 2012 survey [25] 43% of the population of Sverdlovsk Oblast adheres to the Russian Orthodox Church , 5% are nondenominational Christians (excluding Protestant churches), 3% are Muslims , 2% are Orthodox Christian believers without belonging to any Church or are members of other Orthodox churches , 1% are adherents of the Slavic native faith (Rodnovery), and 0.3% are adherents of forms of Hinduism ( Vedism , Krishnaism or Tantrism ). In addition, 36% of the population declares to be "spiritual but not religious", and 9.7% is atheist . [25]

The most important institutions of higher education include Ural Federal University , Ural State Medical University , Ural State University of Economics , Ural State Law University , Ural State Mining University and Ural State Academy of Architecture and Arts , all located in the capital Yekaterinburg.

Legislative Assembly of Sverdlovsk Oblast Zak Sobranie SverdlOblasti.jpg

The oblast's Charter, adopted on 17 December 1994, with subsequent amendments, establishes the oblast government. The Governor is the chief executive, who appoints the Government, consisting of ministries and departments. The Chairman of the Government, commonly referred to as the Prime Minister, is appointed with the consent of the lower house of the legislature , a process similar to the appointment of the federal Prime Minister . But the Governor cannot nominate the same candidate more than twice, yet he/she can dismiss the house after three failed attempts to appoint the Premier. [ needs update ]

The Legislative Assembly is the regional parliament of Sverdlovsk Oblast. Until 2011, it was a bicameral legislature consisting of the Oblast Duma, the lower house , and the House of Representatives, the upper house . [27] Before the reform, members of the legislature served four-year terms with half of the Duma re-elected every two years. The Duma (28   members) was elected in party lists. The 21   members of the House of Representatives were elected in single-seat districts in a first-past-the-post system. The Legislative Assembly was the first bicameral legislature outside an autonomous republic, and the first regional legislature in Russia to elect members based on both party lists and single-seat districts . As of 2021, the Legislative Assembly is a unicameral legislature with a total of 50 seats, with half of the members elected by single-mandate constituencies and the other half elected in party lists for five-year terms. [28] [29]

Compliance with the Charter is enforced by the Charter Court. The existence of such regional courts in Russia, formed and functioning outside the federal judiciary, although challenged, has been upheld and persisted successfully in most constituent members of the Federation where they were established.

Until President Putin 's reforms of 2004, the Governor was elected by direct vote for terms of four years. Eduard Rossel has been the only elected governor (first elected governor for an oblast in Russia) since 1995 (appointed in 1991 and dismissed in 1993 by President Yeltsin ), re-elected in 1999 and 2003.

Since 2012, the oblast's Governor is Yevgeny Kuyvashev .

Vyacheslav SurganovApril 20, 1996 – April 2000
Yevgeny PorunovApril 26, 2000 – April 2002
Nikolay VoroninApril 24, 2002 – April 23, 2003
Alexander Zaborov (acting)April 23, 2003 – July 3, 2003
Nikolay VoroninJuly 3, 2003 – March 23, 2010
Elena ChechunovaMarch 23, 2010 – December 2011
Aleksandr ShaposhnikovApril 20, 1996 – May 1998
Pyotr GolenishchevMay 14, 1998 – April 2000
Viktor YakimovApril 21, 2000 – April 2004
Yury OsintsevApril 6, 2004 – September 2007
Lyudmila BabushkinaOctober 2007 – December 2011

In the 1990s, the Oblast's population was distinguished by relatively high support for parties and candidates of the right and democratic persuasion. In the 1996 presidential election, Boris Yeltsin , a native of the region who lived in Sverdlovsk until the 1980s, won over 70% of the vote. In the regional elections in 2010 in the Sverdlovsk Oblast, United Russia received minimal support relative to other regions - only 39.79% of votes. [30]

Even though it could do with modernizing, the region's industries are quite diverse. 12% of Russia's iron and steel industry is still concentrated in Sverdlovsk oblast. Iron and copper are mined and processed here, the logging industry and wood-processing are important, too.

The largest companies in the region include Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company , UralVagonZavod , Enel Russia , Nizhniy Tagil Iron and Steel Works , Federal Freight . [31]

Yekaterinburg is a prominent road, rail and air hub in the Ural region. As the economic slump subsided, several European airlines started or resumed flights to the city. These include Lufthansa , British Airways , CSA , Turkish Airlines , Austrian Airlines and Finnair . Malév Hungarian Airlines used to be among those carriers but they had to drop their flights to SVX ( IATA airport code for Sverdlovsk) after a few months.

The Alapaevsk narrow-gauge railway serves the communities around Alapayevsk .

Terminaly A i B aeroporta Kol'tsovo.jpg

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  • Vladik Dzhabarov , Russian cyclist
  • Andrey Fedyaev , Russian cosmonaut
  • Yakov Sverdlov , a communist revolutionary after whom Sverdlovsk and subsequently Sverdlovsk Oblast were named.
  • Church of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary , a building of regional historical significance in Staropyshminsk village.

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  • ↑ Президент Российской Федерации.   Указ   №849   от   13 мая 2000 г. «О полномочном представителе Президента Российской Федерации в федеральном округе». Вступил в силу   13 мая 2000 г. Опубликован: "Собрание законодательства РФ", No.   20, ст. 2112, 15 мая 2000 г. (President of the Russian Federation.   Decree   # 849   of   May 13, 2000 On the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in a Federal District . Effective as of   May 13, 2000.).
  • ↑ Госстандарт Российской Федерации.   №ОК 024-95   27 декабря 1995 г. «Общероссийский классификатор экономических регионов. 2.   Экономические районы», в ред. Изменения №5/2001 ОКЭР. ( Gosstandart of the Russian Federation.   # OK 024-95   December 27, 1995 Russian Classification of Economic Regions. 2.   Economic Regions , as amended by the Amendment   # 5/2001 OKER. ).
  • ↑ Official website of the Governor of Sverdlovsk Oblast. Alexander Sergeyevich Misharin (in Russian)
  • 1 2 3 Russian Federal State Statistics Service. Всероссийская перепись населения 2020 года. Том 1 [ 2020 All-Russian Population Census, vol. 1 ] (XLS) (in Russian). Federal State Statistics Service .
  • ↑ "26. Численность постоянного населения Российской Федерации по муниципальным образованиям на 1 января 2018 года" . Federal State Statistics Service . Retrieved 23 January 2019 .
  • ↑ "Об исчислении времени" . Официальный интернет-портал правовой информации (in Russian). 3 June 2011 . Retrieved 19 January 2019 .
  • ↑ Official throughout the Russian Federation according to Article   68.1 of the Constitution of Russia .
  • ↑ "Russia: Impact of Climate Change to 2030" (PDF) . Retrieved 25 April 2023 .
  • ↑ Сериков Ю. Б. Новые находки раннего палеолита в Среднем Зауралье // Ранний палеолит Евразии: новые открытия // Материалы Международной конференции, Краснодар – Темрюк, 1–6 сентября 2008 г.
  • ↑ Сериков Ю. Б. Следы раннего палеолита на территории Среднего Зауралья // Вестник археологии, антропологии и этнографии, 2015 № 4 (31)
  • 1 2 Объекты культурного наследия Свердловской области (список)
  • ↑ Сальников К. В. Древнейшие памятники истории Урала , 1952.
  • ↑ Khimiya i Zhizn , 9, 1974, p. 80
  • ↑ Писаницы Урала (in Russian). . Retrieved 26 December 2010 .
  • ↑ V.A. Kravchenko: I chose freedom (1946)
  • 1 2 Russian Federal State Statistics Service (2011). Всероссийская перепись населения 2010 года. Том   1 [ 2010 All-Russian Population Census, vol.   1 ] . Всероссийская перепись населения 2010   года [2010 All-Russia Population Census] (in Russian). Federal State Statistics Service .
  • ↑ Federal State Statistics Service (21 May 2004). Численность населения России, субъектов Российской Федерации в составе федеральных округов, районов, городских поселений, сельских населённых пунктов   – районных центров и сельских населённых пунктов с населением 3   тысячи и более человек [ Population of Russia, Its Federal Districts, Federal Subjects, Districts, Urban Localities, Rural Localities—Administrative Centers, and Rural Localities with Population of Over 3,000 ] (XLS) . Всероссийская перепись населения 2002   года [All-Russia Population Census of 2002] (in Russian).
  • ↑ Всесоюзная перепись населения 1989   г. Численность наличного населения союзных и автономных республик, автономных областей и округов, краёв, областей, районов, городских поселений и сёл-райцентров [ All Union Population Census of 1989: Present Population of Union and Autonomous Republics, Autonomous Oblasts and Okrugs, Krais, Oblasts, Districts, Urban Settlements, and Villages Serving as District Administrative Centers ] . Всесоюзная перепись населения 1989   года [All-Union Population Census of 1989] (in Russian). Институт демографии Национального исследовательского университета: Высшая школа экономики [Institute of Demography at the National Research University: Higher School of Economics]. 1989 – via Demoscope Weekly .
  • ↑ "Information on the number of registered births, deaths, marriages and divorces for January to December 2022" . ROSSTAT . Archived from the original on 2 March 2023 . Retrieved 21 February 2023 .
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  • ↑ Суммарный коэффициент рождаемости [ Total fertility rate ] . Russian Federal State Statistics Service (in Russian). Archived from the original (XLSX) on 10 August 2023 . Retrieved 10 August 2023 .
  • ↑ "Демографический ежегодник России" [ The Demographic Yearbook of Russia ] (in Russian). Federal State Statistics Service of Russia (Rosstat) . Retrieved 1 June 2022 .
  • ↑ "ВПН-2010" . .
  • 1 2 3 "Arena: Atlas of Religions and Nationalities in Russia" . Sreda, 2012.
  • ↑ 2012 Arena Atlas Religion Maps . "Ogonek", № 34 (5243), 27/08/2012. Retrieved 21/04/2017. Archived .
  • ↑ Formation of the legislative body of Sverdlovsk Oblast ,
  • ↑ General information ,
  • ↑ "Свердловская область" . .
  • ↑ "Результат единороссов по Свердловской области был самым худшим для партии власти" [ The result of United Russia in the Sverdlovsk region was the worst for the ruling party ] . Archived from the original on 10 June 2010 . Retrieved 2 January 2011 .
  • ↑ "Sverdlovsk region Industries" . . Retrieved 7 November 2018 .
  • Sverdlovsk Oblast on Facebook
  • Investment portal of Sverdlovsk Oblast
  • (in Russian) Official website of the Government of Sverdlovsk Oblast
Claimed by and considered by most of the international community to be part of Ukraine. Administratively subordinated to . Administratively subordinated to .
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: •
Administrative districts
Cities and towns
  • DEVICT MONO bait boat is our classic bait boat for fishing. As a technological fishing tackle, it helped many anglers to catch big fish more easier than before. Many anglers always excited tell us how they caught a big fish in the lake or in the reservoir by our bait boat...
  • The obviously highlights of Mono bait boat is the wave resistance ability in the water. It could resist about 3-4 class wave when the boat sailing in the water.
  • The high stability and credible quality make anglers trust DEVICT bait boat could be in excellent performance in any situation when they fishing.
  • All the electronic parts including remote controller, speed controller and servo-motor are all made in China. However, they are all manufactured under international standard and very mature after long time use in market practice. It ensures stable performance and top-level quality bait boat in this industry.
  • The boat body material is made from high quality engineering plastic under moulding mass production, and design with colorful appearance which guarantee stylish and durable.
  • As a remote control bait boat for fishing, the boat is very easy to control freely go forward, backward, turning, dropping fishing line and baiting in the control range with perfect anti-jamming control signal. It could be used in the lake, river or in the sea.
  • The boat is sailing with super silent, to keep the sailing speed and ensure not disturb the fish in the water.
  • The LEDS on the front and in the rear which could visualize the boat at long distance or when you fishing at night time.
  • The digital battery level LED indicates the battery level and help people to exchange the battery in time.
  • The boat structure is designed very convenient to maintain or exchange the battery.
  • Offer a optional travel bag for the boat protection and you could bring the boat easier when you fishing outside.
  • The bait boat could install the sonar fish finder or our DEVICT Fishing Robot which with GPS and fish finder function together. With them, you will have a top level fishing tackle and fishing will be so easy!
  • Offer satisfied guarantee in different country and regions.
  • Could offer OEM or ODM service to customers all over the world.
Product Name DEVICT MONO Bait boat
Product Model DEVC-100, 102, 103,104,108
Remote Frequency 868/915MHz
Power Supply Battery of Boat: 6V/12A (1pc lead accumulator),
or 1pc 7.4V/12A lithium battery for option
Battery of standard remote control handset:
3.6-7V / 4pcs “AA” Alkaline Battery, or a lithium battery for option
Battery Using Time for boat Lead accumulator: about 2 hours (Continuously Usage)
Lithium Battery: about 4 hours (Continuously Usage)
Remote Model/ Range DE-108: 300-500M
Sailing Speed 1-2 M/S
Wave Resistance 3~4 Class
Charger Voltage

AC 110-240V

Bait Hopper 1PC
Bait Hopper Loading 1KG
  • Boat Size:750*345*305MM (1boat/carton)
  • Pallet: 6 Cartons/pallet
  • Carton Size:785*380*460MM
  • G.W.:11KG/Carton
  • Smono Baitboat
  • Mono Baitboat
  • Mono 3 Bac Baitboat
  • Catamaran Baitboat
  • DEVICT Autopilot
  • Brand Fishing Tackle
  • DEVICT Electronic Parts
  • Company Profile
  • DEVICT Culture
  • DEVICT History
  • Certificate & Honors
  • Video Center
  • Loading Center
  • Devict news
  • Fishing World
  • +86-13805889132
  • +86-86-574-63832332
  • [email protected]
  • [email protected]
  • Add:RM 2207, Building 4, NO.5, Changchunqiao Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China. (P.C.100089)
  • Skype: verashenhua


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  2. Zavážecí loďka DEVICT Catamaran Fishing robot

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  3. Devict Zavážecí loďka Catamaran Fishing robot

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  4. DEVICT Zavážecí loďka Catamaran Fishing robot 🎣 Na Soutoku

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  5. DEVICT CATAMARAN FISHING ROBOT / v testu Českého rybáře

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  2. This Bass Fishing Robot is CRAZY 😳😳😳


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  1. Promo video Devict

    Promo video of the Devict fishing boat, specifically the Catamaran Fishing robot model.WEB:

  2. Devict Catamaran Fishing Robot

    Povídání o zavážecí lodičce Catamaran Fishing Robot

  3. 1 诱饵船、钓鱼用品、声纳鱼探仪、Gps 鱼探仪组合

    BEIJING DEVICT TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD established in 2006, and the factory located in Ningbo China. It's a professional manufacturer to develop and produce high-level USV (Unmanned Surface Vessel) and intelligent bait boat with high-technology, which with rich experiences over 6 years history for USV and more than 10 years for bait boat.

  4. DEVICT Fishing Robot_1Bait boat,fishing supplies,sonar fish finder,gps

    DEVICT Fishing Robot is a brilliant intellegent product for bait boat in fishing industry which integrated the function of DEVICT AUTOpilot & DEVICT professional sonar fish-finder. "Fishing Robot" means it could act as the "robot" to help anglers or fishermen to find the fish in the water easier. With the GPS function from DEVICT ...

  5. Catamaran Baitboat_1Bait boat,fishing supplies,sonar fish ...

    The bait boat could install the sonar fish finder or our DEVICT Fishing Robot which with GPS and fish finder function together. With them, you will have a top level fishing tackle and fishing will be so easy!

  6. Devict Fishing Robot

    Zavážecí loďka DEVICT Catamaran Fishing robot - mobilní verze. Na dotaz. 45 900 Kč. Doprava zdarma.

  7. Novinka

    DEVICT Catamaran Fishing robot nabízí pamět na 500 hotspotů, 500 metrů závoz, 5 kilogramů návnady, 3 montáže, GPS, autopilot,sonar. Více na www.devic...

  8. Devict Catamaran Fishing Robot

    Devict Catamaran Fishing Robot. Loď - zavážecí, dálkové ovládání + pomocí aplikace v mobilním telefonu a Google Maps, dosah 500m, vybavena GPS modulem, sonarem, autopilotem, dokáže zavážet tři montáže najednou plus až 5 kg návnady v nákladovém prostoru, rozměry: 83 x 52 x 30cm, váha včetně baterií: 9kg. Příslušenství.

  9. Quality DEVICT Bait Boat & RC Fishing Bait Boat factory from China

    China leading provider of DEVICT Bait Boat and RC Fishing Bait Boat, Beijing Devict Technology Co.,Ltd is RC Fishing Bait Boat factory.

  10. Zavážecí loďka DEVICT Catamaran Fishing robot

    Zavážecí loďka DEVICT Catamaran Fishing robot - mobilní verze Zavážecí loďka DEVICT Fishing Robot s ovládáním přes mobilní telefon je žhavou novinkou a co se týče poměru cena výkon, jedná se o to nejlepší, co se dá v současné době na českém a slovenském trhu koupit. Tato loďka má dosah 500 metrů, je vybavena GPS modulem, sonarem, autopilotem, dokáže zavážet ...

  11. DEVICT Fishing Robot factory, Buy good quality DEVICT Fishing Robot

    DEVC-300 Remote Control Fishing Bait Boat service DEVICT or OEM Service. DEVC-308M3 sea fishing bait boat style rc model / carp bait boat 2PCS Bait Hopper. DEVC-310 sea fishing bait boat rc model radio hulls , DEVICT catamaran bait boat. Brushless Motor For Bait Boat. DEVC-202 orange remote control fishing bait boat radio smart brushless motor

  12. Zavážecí loď Devict Catamaran Fishing robot

    Žádná ze zavážecích loděk ovšem nebyla nikdy tak kvalitně vybavená jako DEVICT Catamaran Fishing robot (případně její menší bratr DEVICT Tanker Triple Fishing robot), který je neobvyklý už tím, že je možné jej ovládat pomocí mobilní aplikace. Uživatel loďky se po spárování loďky s mobilem pohybuje v krásném barevném režimu leteckých Google map jednotlivých ...

  13. Devict Catamaran Bait Boat Test

    Лодка за захранка Devict Catamaran Bait Boat with Fishing Robot R2.0 (2018 year version)

  14. Zavážecí Loďka Devict Catamaran Fishing Robot

    Popis Zavážecí Loďka Devict Catamaran Fishing Robot. Zavážecí loďka DEVICT Fishing Robot je žhavou novinkou od roku 2018 a co se týče poměru cena výkon, jedná se o to nejlepší, co se dá v současné době na českém a slovenském trhu koupit. Tato loďka má dosah 500 metrů, je vybavena GPS modulem, sonarem, autopilotem ...

  15. DEVICT Fishing Robot-1Bait boat,fishing supplies,sonar fish finder,gps

    DEVICT Fishing Robot DEVICT Fishing Robot is a brilliant intellegent product for bait boat in fishing industry which integrated the function of DEVICT AUTOpilot & DEVICT professional sonar fish-finder. "Fishing Robot" means it could act as the "robot" to help anglers or fishermen to find the fish in the water easier.

  16. Devict

    Zavážecí loďka DEVICT Catamaran Fishing robot - mobilní verze. Na dotaz. 45 900 Kč. Doprava zdarma. Zavážecí loďka DEVICT Tanker Triple Fishing Robot. Na dotaz. 39 900 Kč.


    The U.S. Consulate General in Yekaterinburg, Russia, assumes no responsibility or liability for the professional ability or reputation of, or the quality of services provided by the following persons or firms. Inclusion on this list is in no way an endorsement by the Department of State or the U.S. Consulate General in Yekaterinburg. Names are listed alphabetically and by specialty, and the ...

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    DEVICT Scata bait boat is the newest boat among DEVICT bait boats, which push to the market in 2015. The highlight of Scata is its high facility with lithium battery with supper remote control to make it as a luxury fishing tackle. The Scata is with smaller size than DEVICT Catamaran bait boat, which is more popular accepted by the anglers. However, it keeps wave resistant ability under 5~6 ...

  21. Sverdlovsk Oblast

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    The bait boat could install the sonar fish finder or our DEVICT Fishing Robot which with GPS and fish finder function together. With them, you will have a top level fishing tackle and fishing will be so easy!

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