20-foot auxiliary masthead cruising sloop

If you are a visitor to this site and would like to comment you are encouraged to do so. While we don't have a "live" comment section we'd love to hear from you about this special little ship or any other  related material. If you would like to not have your notes posted just say so. Send comments to Andrew Davidhazy,

Designed by Capt. Andrew Davidhazy in 1966 and built by Howie Renner of Howie Craft Plastics in Lake Oswego, near Portland, Oregon for many years.

The brief history is that Capt. Davidhazy traded the design of the Heritage for a hull made by Howie.

Capt. Davidhazy passed away in 2003 and you can read
Howie Renner passed away in 2011 and and you can

If the small images have a blue border around them you can click on them and see an enlarged version.



Above are 3 documents from Howie Renner to Gary Nece. One in 1999 with info about Hawaii crossings and hull numbers, one brief note in 2000 and another a price list dating back to 1982


On the left and right are photographs of Howie Renner sailing on Puget Sound with Capt. Andrew Davidhazy at the helm. In the middle two photographs the Capt. is on his own and sailing in calmer winds and seas!

Three photographs of Heritage #1 with Howie and Donna Renner on board - and Capt. Andy entertaining on the Adria at right


Two Heritages at Shilshole in early 1970s.  #3 (of Capt. Davidhazy) and #1 (2 portholes - Howie's Renner's?)
and #3s dinghy also designed by the Capt. with two of his grandchildren on board


to see a larger version.

apologies from the "webmaster" ... I have neglected updating this site and now find myself quite a bit behind  updating  old information as well as new news.


Michelle Anderson informed us on May15 that Blackfin (#12) is officially sailing on Puget Sound again. Yay!!

To see photographs of the rebuilding of Blackfin check Michelle's album at 

And the Adria (#5) is about to head out onto lake Ontario this week.

has changed hands once more. She was recently acquired by  Michelle

Hi Andrew.
I acquired Heritage #9 from Robert Hale in early June of this year.
Robert applied for a vessel title to the boat in November of 1989 (when purchasing the boat, I assume from Grant McConchie). The HIN on this title was WA 26973C1973, but was changed to WNZ38301F222 to comply with standard HIN identification when I titled the vessel. The boat remained in Robert's workshop for many years (10, 15&more?). He had renamed the vessel Ms. Willie (after his wife Willita...formerly named Bunyip?). The home port was Olympia, WA. He was working on upgrading and refitting the vessel, however health issues lead to the sale of the boat.

The vessel is now sitting on its trailer, at my home in Port Townsend, WA, where I will continue its refit/restoration.

Any advice from Heritage 20 owners would be greatly appreciated as I need to craft an engine bed, install the engine, upgrade and finish electrical work and shop for a set of sails.

Fair winds,
email: [email protected]

Andr!s Fxz

and see more here -
in addition he made several Youtube videos of the renovation project and you can get to these starting with this latest one:

arly this year and am in the process of refitting her and getting her up to speed. Would love to get involved and keep the site going!

Sincerely, Staton Apple

Andr!s Fxz updated his progress on his renovation of the Sexy II previously owned by Toth Lajos.

On August 10, 2020 Adria 20 after deck was removed and after cabin interior painting



On September 15, 2020 I'm done with the Adria 20 interiors. It was hard and lengthy work, but it was worth it. My goal was a real classic interior and to replace the old dark "coffin" feeling with a bit of white and light.


Best wishes on the restoration project! Let us know about progress and relaunch date!! Andy

to check out the difference with the Adria design, if any, look below

He says: "On August 17, 2018 the following message was received from Nicholas Ames: I am the new owner of Ellie, and I couldn't be happier! We've gone about 60nm in the past month and are spending our time mainly in West Seattle, Elliot Bay and out around Blake Island and Bainbridge. She sails like a dream and is a very easy to handle solo.

Ray and Mary were wonderful stewards and took very good care of her. She's aesthetically beautiful, and always gets comments, and Ray also made some nice functional updates to the deck gear and cockpit."

So it looks like there are several Heritages on or near Puget Sound and hopefully some of us can get together on or before Spring of 2019!

Photo of Bunyip found by Grant McConchie.

Looky here! A photo of #9 per this letter: Hi Andy, Long time since I contacted you I know, sorry about that. here is an old shot i just came across, #9 in Puget sound around 1982-3. Dark green hull. We bought the tender that is seen in your photo's from Howard Renner (we lived 1 mile from him). This hull has not been heard of since I sold it. No idea where it went. Grant McConchie.

Wonder what became of this boat ...

Latest news is that she is currently for sale.

. Cheers, Christy                                        PS: Would the owners of Drummer please step forward!

Owner: Adam S. and spouse                                         located near Seattle, WA

He said: Good to hear back from you. We really have enjoyed the boat and have loved sailing it in the summer. We dont use it for about 9 months a year and hope to store it inside on a trailer. Unfortunately, I wont be in the NY area in the foreseeable future. Do you think you could measure your boat on the trailer? Ive attached the measurement sheet. On another subject, are you aware of any documentation on how to best lower the mast by way of the tabernacle?

Adam - Andy suggested he look up this website! :)

Hi again Andy!

We have found the Heritage sight and it has been a good resource, thank you. I would be happy to share photos if you think that is of interest: the interior of the boat was kept up as well as the exterior. Drummer has a 1MD Volvo engine that and bilge that could be cleaned up better.



My father owned Heritage One starting around 1969. At least I think do. While young I learned a great deal then on that boat. Docked along the Columbia where we sailed, I remember much. He had it until the Nineties.
But I thought the pictures you posted are great. Plus the history. I guess I'm just wondering, this is the same boat?

yours, Peter Sheldon

to which I replied: Peter, Andy,

Peter, you have it right. Howie Renner  sold Heritage One in 69 to your Dad but bought the boat back and took her with him to Florida when he retired. I did not know who he sold her to in the beginning but your bit of info fills the gap. At least I think that is the history.

Might that be your Dad and Mom on Heritage One on Puget Sound? Probably not I would think as it seems that photo was taken closer to the time that she was built. But maybe?

I thought mine was number 5 by the number on the sail but have my doubts now as my Dad was sailing a black hull one with the 5 on its sail ... and Howie did not number the hulls until a bit later .... but at least no other #5 has surfaced to date!


Andy II

Recent photographs of Sexy II under sail on Lake Balaton in Hungary in July 2018 - Note that there is an owners site on Facebook simply called Heritage Owners for those of you connected to Facebook.             

     Dear Heritage friends,

Hopefully this note finds you all well and in good spirits. Also hope you all had an enjoyable Summer sailing season.

I an earlier message I raised the possibility of again getting together in the Seattle area where several of you have or had Heritage sailboats by Howie Renner and Capt. Davidhazy.

Ray and Mary Waldmann, who sail Ellie on Lake Washington and who live in Bellevue generously offered to host the group for an afternoon of wine and cheese but more importantly for getting acquainted, conversation, reminiscences and tall tales of various kinds. Hopefully some of you will be able to attend.

Ray says:

"Andy, 3 on Sunday the 29th of Oct. works just fine for us.  We look forward to seeing you again, meeting other owners, and even taking the group over to the Yacht Club next door where Ellie now lives for a little show and tell.

We always appreciate a few appetizers or small plates to share, but nothing fancy.  We can provide wine, beer, soft drinks and hard stuff.  We can also provide directions to find us for those not familiar with Bellevue.

We're easy to find, just off Lake Washington Blvd, in Bellevue, four blocks from Bellevue Way, and just above the Bellevue Marina.


Address will be provided if you send me an email or call me at number given below. Spouses and friends welcome of course.

My wife Sue and I will be attending. For exact location and Ray's contact information please touch base with me at 585-747-5422 or email at [email protected]



Andrew Davidhazy
[email protected]

Andy Davidhazy III says: This is the first of the Heritage sailboats built by Howie Renner in Lake Oswego, in the outskirts of Portland, OR. Designed by my grandfather, Capt. Andrew Davidhazy in 1965 and built in 1966. I acquired this example directly from the Renner estate last year but since I live in Austin, Texas, the opportunity to sail her is rather limited and I am thinking that she would be best under the care of someone who will enjoy this fine little ship. Several have sailed in the Caribbean, the West coast and even over to Hawaii and back.

Christy Haase says: The tarps are off, engine on, and despite the hassle of getting all the rights parts in the right place, and the exciting yet nerve wracking cruise coordinating, I'm very ready for this little ship to return to water! It's like having a dear old friend back

Next weekend (the 15th) we'll head to San Juan providing she's all ship shape.

Aeolus anchored at Spencer Spit on Lopez Island, with her unglamorous anchor bucket on the bow. How do other Heritages store anchors?? (This works but it's not ideal of course). Ideas?

This update from Lajos on June 7: The plan is clearing. Kroknai, "the" mechanic will disconnect the engine (on Saturday we couldn't even get close to it :/ ). In the meantime Csaba and P}ter (they are the  harbormasters at R}vfxlap) will install some outboard mounting, P}ter cleans the surface with the power cleaner (I'm a bit worried about the teak deck), I'll buy a 5HP Yamaha long shaft, and some life jackets. On Saturday, we'll throw the matresses away, Anita will vac and clean the interiors, just after my brother-in-law and myself took the BMW out. Hopefully the mast will hold it, we'd like to use the boom as a crane. We need to dump the water underneath the engine. (Well, that's another thing I'm worried about.) The new license will be ready on Friday. Hopefully. On Sunday, sails on and see, how is she like.

After the season (about in October) we'll move her to a workshop. Hull, cabin top, sealing, paint. Wooden parts, furniture. Wiring. And engine. I'm in a huge dilemma here: 
 First of all, she already has this cute BMW Marine D7, which  after repairing the broken cylinder head  may be perfect. Or may be not. Has been discontinued about 40 years ago, nearest fan group in Canada.
 Yanmar 1GM10: existing product, same size, reliable and perfect. I've seen that many of the Heritages has Yanmar (Kroknai said that it is impossible to fit, though :) )
 Outboard: well, I'm gonna have an outboard very soon. Temporarily. Cheap, easy to mount/dismount. Cons: ugly, no place for the ladder
 Inboard electric: I'm wondering, why are those so expensive? The cheapest variation I've found so far is about $4500. Without batteries. A perfect choice, though. Combustions are only allowed on Balaton within 300m range of the marinas, electrics are okay everywhere.

(and a couple of hours later he said) All right, I've got the Yamaha. Cs}pli Viktria answered my message and said yes, she is daughter of Dr. Cs}pli and she participated in building the boat.

- All right, finally the outboard and the sails are on, so we could take her for a ride (R}vfxlap-Badacsony, and back). First experiences: what I really liked is that she keeps moving even in the lightest breeze. With the outboard, the rudder has no effect when reversing. :/ 5.5 knots top speed, and in 15 knots wind we neded to roll the foresail back a little bit. :) One really strange thing, steering requires Force. A lot. I'm wondering if that's because of the full keel and normal? (First two on left: inboard removed and on the hard, first round around the marina with the outboard) The next four are from first real sail on the Balaton. Looks like she is performing admirably!

From:   Mark Raine <[email protected]>  Date:   Tue, May 30, 2017 8:13 am

Nutty 2311                     Nutty 2313               Nutty 2314                      Nutty 2316                     

Frustration thy name is sailboat! (There is no question why boats are referred to as "she" heehee. There, I said it so y'all don't have to) ;-)

Mid June Aeolus is scheduled to become seaborne again, fingers crossed she'll be all good to go! Ahoy and hope fellow Heritage owners are getting ready for a fun sailing season too!

Addendum from Andrew Davidhazy re: Adria on Lake Ontario:

 Adria is scheduled to go in the water tomorrow, May 28, if all goes well. Also to have her mast raised (stepped? ... it seems that the right word is raised as it is hinged at base, no?). The water in Lake Ontario is exceptionally high and we may have trouble with the dock. We shall see.

January 07, 2017 update from Kenny Hopkins and Minka #17 in Florida.
Good news regarding Minka. Some good luck has come my way and I will not be selling Minka. Also, after a lot of research I have built a single handed mast raising system for her. Mast is up and sails are hanked on. I have no genoa and was curious where you found your red and white one? I would like to find a used one in decent shape. I also have copies of Howies blue prints/ line drawings that lists all sail and build information.

All of the work I have been doing to her should be coming to an end in the next month or so. Then her/my 1st shakedown cruise. I have promised my grandsons that I will trailer her up to the Chesapeake bay in late May early June for a month, then on to North Haven, Maine to sail with friends on the island.

I'll try and get pics and video of her first trailer launch in 30 years...so stay tuned. How is progress on Gabriella coming?

Kenny Hopkins

to which Andy Davidhazy replied: Hi Kenny, Good to hear these news! sounds like you have an exciting adventure ahead this year. I would be interested in particular to see what kind of system you set up to raise the mast.

The red striped "drifter" (light weight oversized genoa) came with the boat from Steve Cassella. I don't know where he got it from. The specs for it were not with the Heritage drawings as far as I know. They did show a spinaker though if I recall. Not sure if there were specs for it.

Work on the Adria is at a standstill. I think we will not do any updates on her. Our sailing season last year was pretty good. Hopefully things will be similar this year. I'd like to be on a calmer body of water but not convinced to move to a "finger" lake ... although a few are sizeable. We are looking forward to stories and photos of you progress. You may have read that Christy is moving to San Juan island in the PNW. And taking her Aeolus with her and looking forward to sailing there.

Heritage One is in Austin in storage. My older son has great plans for her but one problem is the lack of expertise to refurbish/operate the inboard Westerbeke engine. No experienced sailboat diesel engine mechanics in Austin! So we will see what "develops" with her. Well, congratulations and fair winds be with you!!


The periodic get together of Heritage owners and friends in Seattle this year was a bit sparse but we had a fun time nevertheless going out to dinner at Ivar's Salmon House on Lake Union. Christy Haase and Sue and Andy Davidhazy as seen in attached photo. Various eventualities precluded the attendance of other locals but we will try for another occasion possibly sometime in March.

The thru hull fittings on Aeolus have odd calcium type deposits, not marine growth as previously thought. One was completely covering the cockpit drain beneath, the boatyard said they've never seen anything quite like it. Obviously caused lots of drainage issues. They joked it was a special unique little problem for a special unique little boat. They removed it before I could get a picture, but here are a couple with remnants. Has anyone else had this issue? Especially those moored in salt water? She has a few zincs that should be helping. Thanks!

If you have words of wisdom to share you can contact Christy Haase by email at:

I noticed that our windows (portholes) are leaking and after a heavy rain the drips add to a puddle and then water builds up in bilge - not enough to sink the boat but need to use bilge pump. Besides this promotes humidity in the cabin. I could use advise on how to dismantle the wood window frames and seal the windows so they don't leak. I noticed that Heritage One has aluminum framed windows. I suppose that is one solution but I've seen that most Heritages have wooden (teak?) frames. If you have suggestions I'd appreciate hearing from you. Andy at [email protected]

On the matter of seat hatch covers leaking ...
I found that a possible solution is to run a cord around the perimeter of the hatch next to the flat rubberized seal and also run it next to the hinges. So far this eems to help in preventing water from dripping into the hatch. I may glue the cord in place. More details and photosto follow.

"Many people are alive but don't touch the miracle of being alive". Thich Nhat Hanh - For me, sailing is being alive. It demands attention to the present moment, and how that moment shifts into new circumstances, new moments; changes in wind speed, two currents meeting with a choppy riptide, land formations morphing before your eyes as perspective alters on a tack. Abundant sea life above and below right where you are, possibly moving towards the same quiet cove for an evening's rest. Sailing is one of the few activities that commands my full attention, my full presence, and creates a sense there's nothing else I should be doing in that moment. (Fortunately sanding lots of teak offers almost the same). Wishing for fair winds and following seas in the upcoming boating season!

Aeolus at dock in Fossil Bay, Sucia Island which is on the northern most San Juan Islands. It was saved in the 70's from becoming privately owned by a group of dedicated boaters. Now it's a state park and while crowded sometimes in the summer, in the off season it's magical. Honestly you don't want to leave.

May 4, 2016: Andrew, I have had my Heritage (HWC 10 8 73)  since 1979.  Since I was on the bottom of a two year waiting list that turned into a four year waiting list, Howie connected me with owner Dave Campbell who wanted to sell his boat still unfinished.  I finally launched in 1984 here in Portland.

We trailered down to Florida in 1985 - 86, sailing around Florida and the Bahamas.  In 1989 we bought a Sam Morse 22' Falmouth Cutter that we also trailered to Florida.  The Heritage has not been sailed since.  It is such a beautiful boat that I planned to putter with during retirement.  However, now that I am retired I have too many boats for puttering purposes, and it should go to someone that not only loves the Heritage but would actually sail her.  In following the typical age progression from sail to power, I would trade both boats for a 26' Nordic tug.

I saw that your son bought Howie's Heritage One.  I was wondering if he also picked up a dinghy.  Howie had two tucked under his back deck down in Ft. Myers.  I used to visit Howie and Donna when I was in Florida and would occasionally take a dinghy for a row.  They are so light and easy to row.   I had forgotten that Capt. Andy designed them.

Please add me to your owners' list.  I may not do much sailing anymore, but I still enjoy hearing about it. Gregg  1590 SW 197th Ave, Aloha, OR 97003  503 642 2084  Gregg and Leah McDonald email = [email protected]

On the Facebook Heritage Group site Christy Haase (Skipper/Owner of Aeolus) replied as follows: You probably don't remember but I spoke with you on the phone many years back, I saw Wild Tangent for sale in 48 Degrees North publication, thought it was the best little boat I'd ever seen. You kindly sent a packet of materials and I knew it was the boat for me. Just took many more years to finally get one! PS Wild Tangent, as I recall, is absolutely gorgeous. Gives me Heritage envy haha

Gregg added a few comments on May 7, 2016: Andrew, As to the boat name, I'm not math connected, but "tangent" seemed to apply to a boat sailing on the ocean.  It later expanded to the phrase "off on a wild tangent"  to pretty much describe my life at the time.  Also, if I ever cruised anywhere to merit a book deal, I thought that would be an excellent title.  I'll leave it to the next owner to write that book.

As to the total number of Heritages, 18 sticks in my mind.  There was no number 13 hull, so I think #18 (or maybe  #19) was the last hull number.  I know Howie stopped doing unfinished boats at some point.  He also wanted the mold destroyed so no more could be built.  After he died, I did see the plug he used to build the hull and deck molds.  They were in the bushes at his property in Oregon.  When he sold his place in Oregon, the Pro basketball player that owns it now gave Howie and Donna a five year contract to use the house and property, which they did in summers.  That was up this spring so I'm guessing everything ended up in the burn pile, and a new mansion will be going up.

I wouldn't discourage anyone from restoring a boat.  If you love her, it's pleasure, not work, at least during the honeymoon.  I may have been with Howie the last time he motored to the marina for seasonal takeout.  The motor was running fine, but it has been sitting in his basement shop for a few years.  If your son hasn't diagnosed the problem yet, it is probably lack of compression from dry cylinder walls or lack of good fuel.  I have the same Westerbeke in my boat.  Be sure to change out the water pump impeller.  I learned the hard way.

Kudos to you for being the central communications point for the Heritage Group.  I restarted the Falmouth Cutter Newsletter back when it involved a typewriter, a copier, and postage stamps.  I'll leave it up to you as Editor to determine what is personal correspondence with you and what is of group interest.

On a personal note, can you tell me how Donna was doing?  I have not seen her in over two years, and she was having mobility and memory problems then.  I know she was saying she did not want to sell the Heritage because it reminded her of Howie.  At the same she said she wanted it to go to Andy.

I don't post on Facebook, but I would like to respond to Christy's message. Yes, Christy, I remember you very well.  I don't often receive phone messages from excited young women.  After my answering machine would cut off, you dutifully called back and continued the conversation.  I would have returned your phone call if you would have given a phone number.  As it was, I had your address, and knowing how badly you wanted a Heritage, it was a pleasure to put together those pictures for you.  The last I heard you had postponed your boat search for a trip to Italy, but Howie must have told me later that you had finally acquired your dream boat.  I have never advertised my boat for sale, so the ad you saw in 48 North (OR registration numbers 882 JH) belonged to Curt Adams. I have only talked about selling my boat to two people, you and Capt. Andy, and that was through Howie.

I'll look through my old pictures and see what might be of interest to you or the group. Thanks for including me.


Andy made a comment on the dinghy: Gregg, I did not get Howie's dinghy but did see an uncompleted one at his home that the broker gave away to a helper. I did however get the original dinghy that my Dad owned with the name of his boat still visible on its stern. Have had it out a couple of times but I don't have much need for one. It could use a bit of upkeep of trim and motor mount but otherwise  still floats!!

As for Donna ... did not get to see her. The broker was kind of elusive about this. I saw a relative by marriage lady but she could not tell me much.

Having restored Ellie to adequate (but not perfect) condition, I looked for a new boating project.  The result is a kit bashed version of a model Ellie, photos attached.  The white hull version is what I started with, the others the final product. Ray

A brief exchange with Steve Cassella's wife about the group photo at Ray and Mary Waldmann's home last year resulted in the following: "I should send you a photo I took of him on Martha just before he set sail for Hawaii. Left clean shaven with short hair, returned with long hair and a full beard. Sadly, being presmartphone and pre digital, I don't have a photo of the hairy monster on his return."

This is the photo that was received. Intrepid adventurer by all appearances that Steve!

Anyone know where to find a hull identification number on the Heritages? I've been going by the number on the mainsail but then I found two photos with a #5 on their sail. One on a black hull and other a white one. Since I have the white one with a number #5 just below the eagle logo on its main sail (as you can see in my photographs of the Adria) this then leaves me in a quandary. The other #5 is close to the leach of the sail as you can see in the photograph to the right. If you know the answer I'd be glad to know it. Write to me at [email protected]

Kenny replied to this matter as follows: On Minka the numbers are on the starboard deck at the stern, sort of underneath the raised wooden rail if that makes any sense. If you cannot find them email me back and I will take a picture of mine for you. ... and Kenny did do just that. Sent a couple of photos shown below.

This number may or may not appear on every hull. For example, on the Adria there is no number that I could find. Maybe it has to do with the year that the boat was made and early hulls were not required to have a hull number.

Kenny followed this up with: I did a quick search and apparently prior to Nov. 1972 hull id numbers were not mandatory.

After 1972 a 12 digit number was used, so in my case HWC000170379 indicates Hull # 17 made in March of 1979. I also read that prior to 1972 some manufacturers used a placard of some type inside the vessel but was not mandatory. I guess one could keep an eye out for a placard of some sort inside.

and I will post here for everyone's benefit. I can make comments anonymous if you don't want to identified.

Even though Capt. Davidhazy and Howie produced a fantastic vessel, it did have a couple drawbacks. One was the "weather helm" which is the tendency of the boat to "head up" into the wind when sailing "on the wind".  It causes you to place the tiller to windward thereby "stalling out" the rudder which in turn creates drag and slows the boat.

This is the result of too much sail area "aft" of the "combined sail area" of jib and mainsail.

Years ago I did the calculations for the Heritage; the first was the combined "center of effort" for the standard suit of sails;  the second for the "center of lateral resistance" of the hull. These two "centers" need to occur at almost the same point in order for the vessel to be balanced. When they are in excess, either to far forward (or) too far aft, the boat will not balance correctly.

From memory, the quick fix for this was to shorten the boom to about the aft face of the cabin. The mainsail would need to have the "leech" cut back to accommodate the new configuration and you would need to sheet the boom from a new location on cabin top or install a traveler on the bridge deck at the companionway.

A follow-up comment went like this: It is always preferable to have a little weather helm. A little weather helm will send the boat into the wind if the tiller is left unattended; much better than lee helm which could result in an accidental jibe where the boom could smack somebody in the head. When you have too much weather helm the rudder is acting like a brake which slows the boat and is a strain on the rudder post and tiller connection.

You can reduce weather helm by letting out on the main sheet, reefing the main, and by moving weight aft. Flattening the main sail also helps. Flattening can be accomplished by tightening the downhaul (tightening the luff of the sail) and tightening the outhaul (tightening the foot of the mainsail).  You can also adjust the rake of the mast by tightening the forestry and loosening the backstay.

Since your son is getting a new sail he should mention the weather helm problem to the sail maker and the sail maker can take that into consideration.

Personally I don't remember excessive weather helm being a problem so shortening the boom seems like an excessive solution. I could make quite a few adjustments just by moving weight around. If you shorten the boom you need a new sail so why not leave the boom the same size and let a sail maker adjust in the cut of the sail. I'm not a big racing sailor so some of the finer aspects of this are beyond me. Calculations in first comment may be right, I just don't remember it being that big an issue.

Sailing downwind to Hawaii I didn't even use the main sail. The self steering wind vane worked perfectly using two head sails wing on wing. Sailing home upwind from Hawaii I made excellent time with the main and jib until the wind stopped blowing. There were a few times on the return trip when I took all the sails down because I was so disgusted with sails slapping back and forth due to no wind. I only had light or no wind for 13 days; much better than a guy I met who was becalmed for 40 days from the  Galapagos to the Marquesas. His trip took 70 days and nearly drove him crazy.


Not about weather helm but about sails, Mark Raine, whose Heritage "Nutty" is in Ketchikan, Alaska, made this comment when asked about sails for sails for Heritage #1:

So, we are buying sails for #1. Main and jib. Got a quote from Hong Kong that is quite attractive. Fabric: 5.18 or 6.18 oz. The main would be $590 or $625 and the jib $390 or $430. The US made ones are a probably bit more expensive but I have no quotes right now. Looking for suggestions re:  5.18 or 6.18 oz - the difference in price for the set is $100.

He says: The price difference is trivial. I would suggest heavier for the main as it will last longer and it is well supported between the mast and boom.  I would get 4 battons placed.  If your thinking of off shore you want triple stitching and bolt rope edges to increase the strength and resistance to tearing out.   At least one DEEP reef.  If you have to reef,  you want it to make a difference.  I sailed Nutty with the reef in and she moved quite well.  If you can get a leach line sewn in that would be good  feature too.

How big a jib ?  Anything bigger than 85% of J length and you will be using it in lighter airs ( ie less than 12 knots  so you can use the lighter weight.  If you are using roller furling and want to roller reef you will need to have some one put in luff padding in the construction.  If your jib is smaller tan 85% you can go with heavier weight and then consider poling it out.  The Nutty actually has twin head stays and  fittings on the mast to pole out 2 head sails at the same time.  So I have a matched pair of smaller head sails. I'm not satisfied with the sheeting angles on the Heritage coming to the caprail.  I think the boat would have sailed to wind better if the headsail sheet went to the cabin top.  Next year I will be experimenting with a barber hauler arrangement.   I n very light airs a quickly deployed asymmetrical spinnaker works well and looks really cool.  That's usually 0.5 oz Nylon.

Despite the lack of sails I think Andy got a great deal for the boat.  I was admiring the photos and wished the Nutty looked as good. I have Nutty hauled out on her trailer and I am looking at a indoor garage arrangement for 4 months so I can continue fixing leaks.

And another comment from Phil Williams from Port Townsend, WA on sails and sail cloth: Good Old Boat magazine had an article with a table showing recommended weights for sail cloth.

        For sailboat  lengths 16 to 20 feet, the article  recommends a cloth weight of 5 oz .
        For boats 21 to 26 feet the recommended sail cloth weight  is 6 oz.

This is a link to the article:  

 I would opt for the 6.18 oz sail cloth in keeping with the Heritage 20's  ability to handle heavy  weather.

The editor of xxxxxx magazine contacted me a few weeks ago about writing a boat review on the Heritage 20.  We agreed to wait until spring when the weather is warmer to go out  sailing. He said information on the Heritage 20 website  would help him write the review.  I will keep you posted!

I hope that my wife and I can meet you the next time  you are in Seattle and meet with other Heritage 20 sailors. 


While picking up Howie Renner's Heritage in Fort Myers, Florida,  we acquired this photograph made of Howie returning from sailing to his home there. It was made by his sister-in-law. It is the last photograph that was made of Howie aboard his Heritage.

to see many photographs of her exterior and interior layout and appearance. This Heritage is available and is located in Rochester, NY

click on images to see them enlarged to a larger size.

HERITAGE owners group sailboats listing
Current owner/name:                                       

Andy Davidhazy  "Heritage One"
location: Rochester, NY
email: [email protected]

Previous owners:

Howie Renner   "Heritage One"
Howie Craft
Lake Oswego, OR


For more photos and text related to Heritage #01 click on this link:

- Andy Davidhazy's
Black hull  
                # 1

5 HP Westerbeke
Current owner / name                 

West Seattle at Jim Clark Marina.  
Seattle, Washington

Previous  owners / names:    

Ray Waldmann   "Ellie"
Bellevue, WA

Timothy Carman  "Ellie"

Steve Slivensky    "Ellie"

For more photos and text related to the Ellie click on this link:
Blue Hull

1GM10 Yanmar
Current owner/name:            

David Shusta        "Adria I"         
location: Arizona
email:[email protected]                   

Previous owners:

2nd owner unknown


For more photos and text related to Heritage #03 click on this link:
- David Shusta's

- Capt. Davidhazy's album
Black hull
               # 3

5 HP Westerbeke
Diesel (removed)
Current owner / name                    

Mark Raine     "Nutty"
PO Box 6484
Ketchikan, Alaska  99901

Previous  owner / name:  

R.C. Wild purchased her
from Howie Renner and sailed
her down the coast to Mexico.

Bill Francis     "Nutty"
11 Risk Road
Cathlamet, WA 98612
(360) 795-6000

Tom Suplee  "Nutty II"
Bainbridge Island
Washington 98110

For more photos and text related to Nutty click on this link:
- Mark Raine's
Black  Hull

note she has
three portholes
Current owner / name

Andrew Davidhazy  "Adria"
615 Phelps Road
Honeoye Falls, NY 14472
(585) 624-7386
web: andpph.com

Previous  owners / name:

Nick Handy      "Ran Annim"
1113 33rd Ave NE
Olympia WA 98506
(360) 352-3366 home
(360) 239-7032 cell
[email protected]

Bruce Baillie   "Ran Annim"
1120 5th Avenue W 
Olympia, WA 98502

Stephen Cassella  "Martha"
401 Lovell Avenue SW
Bainbridge Island, WA  98110
(206) 842-9991


For more photos and text related to the Adria click on this link:   
White  Hull

3.5 HP  Tohatsu  or
3 HP Torqedo
Current owner / name         

Mark ??         "Nutmeg"
Whidby Island, WA

Previous  owner / name:      

Dean Workman                
3502 Lombard Avenue
Everett, WA 98201
(425) 388-5586

For more photos and text related to the Nutmeg click on this link: 

Current owner / name                          

Christye Haase    "Aeolus"            
Anacortes, WA
(425) 507-5516

Previous  owner / name:

Fran Stephens   "Aeolus"
Seattle, WA


For more photos and text related to the Aeolus click on this link:
Green Hull

9.9 HP Mercury 
Current owner name:  Kim Matthews                  


location: Port Townsend, WA

additional details: see album          

email: [email protected]

Previous owner:s

Grant McConchie
18644 SW Kristi Way
Lake Oswego, OR 97034
(503) 639-5607 home
(503) 288-6411 office

Grant McConchie sold it in
1989 and had purchased from:

Fred Abel "Moonbeam"
3017 Sommer
Hoquim, WA 98550
(alternate) 509 W. Scott
Aberdeen, WA 98520
Registration: WN-4401-W

For more photos and text related to #9 click on this      link: 
- Kim Matthews album

Dark Green Hull
              # 9

1GM10 Yanmar
Current owner / name:

Gregg and Leah McDonald               
"Wild Tangent"
location: Aloha, OR
e-mail: [email protected]
phone: 503 642 2084

additional details:
owner would trade
this plus a 2nd
boat for
a tug boat - read his story

above or on his album page

Previous owner:

Dave Campbell

For more photos and text related to #10 click
on this link:
- Gregg and Leah's      
Black hull  
             # 10
Current owner / name              

Gary Nece       "J. Caird"
9109 31st Avenue NW
Seattle, WA 98117
(206) 783-4151 home
(206) 621-0619 office

Previous  owner / name:          

Curtis Adams, MD
91265 Cape Arago Highway     
Coos Bay, OR 97420                         

For more photos and text related to the J. Caird click on this link:
Black Hull       
1 cyl Westerbeke

located at
Winslow Wharf
Island, WA   
Current owner / name               

Michelle Anderson   "Blackfin"
Seattle, WA
e-mail: [email protected]

Previous  owners / names:

Staton Apple   "Blackfin"
Seattle, WA
e-mail: [email protected]
phone  (206)-317-7778

Phil Williams     "Blackfin"
Port Townsend, WA

Scott McCord   "Tiny Dancer"
15011 302nd Street
Auburn, WA 98092
253) 939-8680
(253) 229-7320

Black Hull

1GM10 Yanmar

Moored in
Everett, WA ?
(near Nutmeg)
Current owner / name

James Lawrence     "Minka"    
email:[email protected]

Previous  owner / name:

Kenny Hopkins    "Minka"
P.O. Box 171
Wellborn, Florida 32094

Barry Rietz     "Minka"
P.O. Box 604
Sierra Vista, AZ 85636
(520) 236-3118
(520) 220-7552 cell

For more photos and text related to the Minka click on this link:

This album also has  photographs of Minka while with Kenny Hopkin
Black Hull    #17   
8 HP Evinrude

Located in: Connecticutt

Current owner/Name

Adam S. and wife  "Drummer"
Seattle, WA

Previous owner/name:



For more photos and text related to Drummer
click on this link:

Black Hull

1MD Volvo
Current owner / name                         

Glen     "Kamikaze"            
Portland, OR

Previous owner:

Glen's brother's grandfather in
law had her built in 1976                        

For more photos and text related to Kamikaze click on this link:     

Black hull       #??

9 HP, one cylinder
Faryman diesel
Current owner/name:            

location: Los Angeles
seen by: Scot Copeland

additional details unknown

Previous owner:

Letter about location of this "find" in 2013
can be seen in General Correspondence below                                                 

Gray hull 
     # ??

Current owner / name:    

Andr!s Fxz              "Sexy II"

additional details:
This sailboat was designed by Capt. Davidhazy as Adria (possibly not to compete with the ones Howie Renner built) but while not strictly a Heritage is included here because she is certainly a close cousin!

Previous owners:

(builder) in
       Hungary build date not known

2nd Dr. Major Tam!s sr.

3rd Dr. Major Tam!s jr.

4th Lajos T th
e-mail: [email protected]
to see his photos click on this link:   - Lajos Toth's

For more photos and text related to #20      click on this link: 
- Fxz Andr!s's

Note that this sailboat is currently being extensively renovated by Andr!s.
White hull  # 20 ?

Yamaha 5hp

actually this was
Cs}pli and not
Howie Renner

the number 20 was assigned just to have
a number on her.

Nicholas Ames

[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected]
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected]
[email protected]
past owners

Ray Waldmann
Timothy Carman
Steve Cassella
Barry Rietz
Curtis Adams
Nick Handy
Grant McConchie   
Phil Williams

[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],

Fred Nammacher
Bellevue Moored at Kingston
(behind restaurant)

Maroon Hull #7


Mary Ashby-Morrison
Seattle, WA
Moored Shilshole Bay Marina 

Drummer Black Hull #___

Classified Ad 48 North
(541) 888-4059

unknown name
Black Hull #____


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Boat Research: Heritage 20 sailboat

  • Thread starter Amgine0
  • Start date Aug 23, 2004
  • Aug 23, 2004

Hi! I hope we have some boatbuilder trivia wizzes here...<br /><br />I'm looking at a fiberglass sailboat the broker says is a 1967 Heritage 20, built by Howie Craft, Inc. The design is a cutaway full keel/outboard rudder hull with a smallish cabin, probably designed as a trailerable day sailor.<br /><br />The USCG MIC database says Howie Craft was registered and building boats from 1972 to 1988 (near the start of hull plate program).<br /><br />Beyond this, I have no information. I'm interested in the general specs of the boat, including draft, displacement, and if possible details about the rig such as sail area and mast height.  

Seaman Apprentice

Re: Boat Research: Heritage 20 sailboat not to knock iboats...<br /><br />but, checkout www.trailersailor.com. Lots of really good folks that know alot about sailboats that size and vintage.<br /><br />--Hise  

  • Dec 23, 2010

Re: Boat Research: Heritage 20 sailboat I wish I could supply you with the information you requested but I wanted to respond that I worked with Howard Renner many years ago as an apprentice for about a year. He was a wonderful fellow and loved these boats. Every piece of teak was hand built by him as was the mast. He would brag and I believe it to be true that he built the only 20' ocean capable boat in the world. The only reason I saw your posting today was that I had occasion to be on the water today in a house boat marina and there was a 20 foot Heritage moored next to a home. They are beautiful boats and built to incredible standards by Howard. If you have the chance to purchase you could do a lot worse.  

  • Sep 5, 2011

Re: Boat Research: Heritage 20 sailboat I recently bought one in Seattle and had it brought to Rochester, NY. My father (Capt. ANDREW DAVIDHAZY) designed the Heritage for Howie. I have some full size drawings and could answer some questions - I was told that it had large sail area but I am not experienced enough to attest to that. The person I got it from sailed it from Seattle to Hawaii and back and said it was great. LOA is 20 feet - at waterline 15 feet - 6' 6" beam - 2 ft 9 inches draft - mast about 30 feet? - it was designed for inboard but I had to go with an outboard for now. I am 70 and never had a sailboat this size (seems good sized to me!). Anyone who sees her (as well as another little 14 ft sloop also designed by my Dad) exclaims "that is one beautiful boat!!"  

Re: Boat Research: Heritage 20 sailboat OK - I did a little (very brief) research on the web and came up with a pretty good webpage that describes the Heritage probably better than I could. Find it here: http://www.peterdanby.com/sailboats-reference/clever-design-with-her-head-in-her-bilge.html I will upload a photo of "mine" and share link if anyone is interested - don't have a copy at work.  

Re: Boat Research: Heritage 20 sailboat Forgot to mention that while previous owner sailed her from Seattle to Hawaii and back he did so single handed.  

heritage 20 sailboat


  • Sep 11, 2011

Re: Boat Research: Heritage 20 sailboat looks like a neat 20 footer  

  • Sep 8, 2012

Re: Boat Research: Heritage 20 sailboat My research has revealed that there were 18 of these built and 17 have been to Hawaii and back  

Review of Heritage 20

Basic specs..

The hull is made of fibreglass. Generally, a hull made of fibreglass requires only a minimum of maintenance during the sailing season. And outside the sailing season, just bottom cleaning and perhaps anti-fouling painting once a year - a few hours of work, that's all.

The boat is equipped with 57.0 liter fresh water capacity.

The boat equipped with a masthead rig. The advantage of a masthead rig is its simplicity and the fact that a given sail area - compared with a fractional rig - can be carried lower and thus with less heeling moment.

The Heritage 20 is equipped with a long keel. A full keel provide a better directional stability than a similar boat with a fin keel; on the other hand, better directional stability means also that the boat is more difficult to handle in a harbour with less space.

The boat can enter even shallow marinas as the draft is just about 0.84 - 0.94 meter (2.76 - 3.06 ft) dependent on the load. See immersion rate below.

Sailing characteristics

This section covers widely used rules of thumb to describe the sailing characteristics. Please note that even though the calculations are correct, the interpretation of the results might not be valid for extreme boats.

What is Capsize Screening Formula (CSF)?

The capsize screening value for Heritage 20 is 1.74, indicating that this boat could - if evaluated by this formula alone - be accepted to participate in ocean races.

What is Theoretical Maximum Hull Speed?

The theoretical maximal speed of a displacement boat of this length is 5.2 knots. The term "Theoretical Maximum Hull Speed" is widely used even though a boat can sail faster. The term shall be interpreted as above the theoretical speed a great additional power is necessary for a small gain in speed.

The immersion rate is defined as the weight required to sink the boat a certain level. The immersion rate for Heritage 20 is about 60 kg/cm, alternatively 339 lbs/inch. Meaning: if you load 60 kg cargo on the boat then it will sink 1 cm. Alternatively, if you load 339 lbs cargo on the boat it will sink 1 inch.

Sailing statistics

This section is statistical comparison with similar boats of the same category. The basis of the following statistical computations is our unique database with more than 26,000 different boat types and 350,000 data points.

What is Motion Comfort Ratio (MCR)?

What is L/B (Length Beam Ratio)?

What is a Ballast Ratio?

What is Displacement Length Ratio?

SA/D (Sail Area Displacement ratio) Indicates how fast the boat is in light wind: - Cruising Boats have ratios 10-15 - Cruiser-Racers have ratios 16-20 - Racers have ratios above 20 - High-Performance Racers have ratios above 24 Sail-area/displacement ratio (SA/D ratio): 17.30


When buying anti-fouling bottom paint, it's nice to know how much to buy. The surface of the wet bottom is about 6m 2 (64 ft 2 ). Based on this, your favourite maritime shop can tell you the quantity you need.

If you need to renew parts of your running rig and is not quite sure of the dimensions, you may find the estimates computed below useful.

Jib sheet 6.1 m(20.0 feet)8 mm(5/16 inch)
Genoa sheet6.1 m(20.0 feet)8 mm(5/16 inch)
Mainsheet 15.2 m(50.0 feet)8 mm(5/16 inch)
Spinnaker sheet13.4 m(44.0 feet)8 mm(5/16 inch)

This section is reserved boat owner's modifications, improvements, etc. Here you might find (or contribute with) inspiration for your boat.

Do you have changes/improvements you would like to share? Upload a photo and describe what you have done.

We are always looking for new photos. If you can contribute with photos for Heritage 20 it would be a great help.

If you have any comments to the review, improvement suggestions, or the like, feel free to contact us . Criticism helps us to improve.

Heritage 20

The heritage 20 is a 20.0ft masthead sloop designed by andrew davidhazy and built in fiberglass between 1967 and 1971., 12 units have been built..

The Heritage 20 is a very heavy sailboat which is a reasonably good performer. It is stable / stiff and has an excellent righting capability if capsized. It is best suited as a coastal cruiser. The fuel capacity is originally very small. There is a very short water supply range.

Heritage 20 sailboat under sail

Heritage 20 for sale elsewhere on the web:

heritage 20 sailboat

Main features

Model Heritage 20
Length 20 ft
Beam 6.50 ft
Draft 2.75 ft
Country ??
Estimated price $ 0 ??

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heritage 20 sailboat

See how Sailboatlab works in video

Sail area / displ. 17.37
Ballast / displ. 36.36 %
Displ. / length 436.51
Comfort ratio 25.52
Capsize 1.75
Hull type Monohull long keel
Construction Fiberglass
Waterline length 15 ft
Maximum draft 2.75 ft
Displacement 3300 lbs
Ballast 1200 lbs
Hull speed 5.19 knots

heritage 20 sailboat

We help you build your own hydraulic steering system - Lecomble & Schmitt

Rigging Masthead Sloop
Sail area (100%) 240 sq.ft
Air draft 31 ft
Sail area fore 0 sq.ft ??
Sail area main 0 sq.ft ??
I 0 ft ??
J 0 ft ??
P 0 ft ??
E 0 ft ??
Nb engines 1
Total power 0 HP
Fuel capacity 15 gals


Water capacity 15 gals
Headroom 0 ft
Nb of cabins 0
Nb of berths 0
Nb heads 0

Builder data

Builder ??
Designer Andrew Davidhazy
First built 1967
Last built 1971
Number built 12

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Little River Marine

The Heritage 15

Which heritage 15  is best for you.

  • Heritage 15 Classic
  • Heritage 15 Carbon
  • Heritage 15 Guide Boat
“It’s one of my all time treasured possessions. Every time I look at it, I feel good.” – Bill Parsons, former president of Palmer Johnson Yachts

 Reminiscent of the romantic rowing craft which graced the waters at the turn of the century, the Heritage 15 is as much a joy to look at as it is to row. All of our rowboats are crafted using hand-laid fiberglass.

This row boat will probably stay in your family for generations. Its timeless lapstrake hull, blue teak swooping sheer and wineglass stern give her classic good looks. At first, one just wants to look at it and imagine the quiet streams and golden sunsets where a Heritage belongs.

heritage 20 sailboat

What are her best features?

Versatility to fit your lifestyle. Take a partner to row, or pile in the kids.

Row hard or just drift. Clamp on a two-horsepower motor. Pack a lunch and go exploring. Strap it on the car for summer vacation. There are even great sailing options.

Take her anywhere. Really! Just ask the man who rowed across the Baltic Sea. Or the fellow who rowed the entire coast of Texas.

The possibilities are endless…

Built with a wider hull than rowing shells, the Heritage is terrifically stable. This allows the rower to stand while launching or even at sea. One can even stand and cast a fishing pole (pictured below). The Heritage also has a prominent bow enabling it to charge into the roughest seas. The deep-tracking keel and high stern will thrill you as you surf down-sea. This is the first truly “ocean-capable” sliding-seat rowing craft.

Designer Bill Larson has rowed in 5-foot seas, reporting not only was she dry, but she was fast and stable. The low profile sides prevents nasty windage issues, yet she is so buoyant she “bobs like a cork” in the rough stuff. There are built in passenger seats both in the bow and the stern. All Heritage’s come standard with a sliding seat monorail and a fixed seat bench, so you may row sliding seat for aerobic exercise, or traditional fixed seat just for the joy of it.

Specifications and Features

  • The most popular of all
  • Incredibly stiff (fully molded liner with nonskid)
  • Massive Positive flotation
  • Fold in oarlock arms
  • 2 HP engine capacity
  • Stable enough to stand in and cast a fishing pole
  • interchangeable from one rower to two (when ordered as a double)
  • Molded in bow seat and stern seat
  • 2 Year “bumper to bumper” Warranty, Standard factory 2 yr limited warranty included


  • Length: 15′ 3″, 4.6 m
  • Width: 40″, 101.6 cm
  • Freeboard @ ends: 25″
  • Freeboard amidships: 15″
  • Pick-Up Weight * 100 lbs. Single
  • 110 lbs. Double
  • Draft (depth in water): 3″ – 4″
  • Carrying Capacity: 431 lbs.(coast guard rating)
  • *Pick up weight equals boat without Monorails, or what you would normally pick up on your car. Monorails weigh 16 lbs and arms weigh 3lbs a pair

The Heritage Carbon 15 is now available with an ultra light carbon hull that weighs as little as 69 pounds. It’s ideal for those car topping and portaging. This is a refined, detailed high-tech rowing craft.

The Heritage Carbon 15 is now available as both a Single and Double. When ordered as a double, you automatically get the conversion kit to change it quickly into a balanced single. It’s ideal for a lightweight yacht tender, car topping and portaging. This is a refined, detailed high-tech rowing craft that is simple to use, stabe, solid with beautiful lines!

Like the Classic, it has a fully molded interior and Patented fold in riggers. This is our best gear, as in the Classic. The rowing station adds only nine pounds, and includes a comfortable oversized padded seat . The bench is also carbon fiber, and is removable. The sliding seat monorail removes with 2 hand turned knobs.

(an Ultralight monorail is available as an option: includes our lightest weight composite seat with a high tech gel pad and composite UL footrests, only 12 lbs.(+$250 )

heritage 20 sailboat

The riggers pop out instantly to make carrying on you vehicle a snap. There is also a molded complete inner liner in the Carbon to add rigidity. Standard features include a forward storage locker, self rescuing flotation, molded in non-skid, patented Fold-in rigger system (this is the only system you can fold in with the oars installed– makes docking a breeze), bow and stern eyes, drain plug and wash down plug.

If weight is an issue in handling or transporting, the Carbon is the answer. Many options and accessories are available including teak rails, ulta-light aluminum rails, covers, launch wheel system, upgradable seating, ultralight monorail and oars. There is even a sail kit and a motor mount.

The interior and exterior color is a special marine vinylester, which allows us to apply very light, but gives the same UV resistance as on a typical family runabout. Standard color is white and sand.

Approx. weights unrigged: Heritage Carbon 15 Single: 65 lbs.

  • Heritage 15 Carbon Single includes 1 sliding seat monorail with fold in outriggers, molded interior with nonskid, carbon hull, carbon deck, carbon flotation chambers, Carbon ribs, carbon sub-floor, carbon bench
  • Patented fold-in riggers
  • Massive Positive flotation, self rescuing
  • Ultra lite monorail now available for $250.00
  • Black or white rails vinyl (alum. or teak optional)
  • Available as single or double.
  • Length 15′ 3″ or 4.64 m
  • Width 40″ or 101.6 cm
  • Ultralight Carbon Hull 64 lbs. Base Single
  • 79 lbs. Base Double
  • Carrying Capacity 431 lbs. or 195.5 kg

Newest to our Heritage line is the Guideboat. It is built on the same acclaimed hull shape and design as the Classic Heritage, but is lighter and is more economical. It is a single skin boat, which means it is made from a hull mold only, similar to a canoe. The inside has a gel coat finish. The Guideboat is available in the 12, 15, and 18 sizes. The 15 and 18 can be ordered as a Single or Double, or both! This economical, lightweight 15 is an incredable little boat, having undergone many generations to achieve the right balance of weight and strength at an affordable price. The Heritage hull is famous for its stability. One can even stand in it and cast a fishing pole. Most people looking for a rowing skiff do not need it to be as tippy as an 2′ wide shell.

heritage 20 sailboat

Speed wise, the Heritage is certainly the fastest traditional design that can claim the ability to stand in. How fast is that? Between 25 and 30 feet per stroke. It’s inspiring. A recent GPS test found the 15 foot classic to be 7.9 knots top end and 7.2 knots sustained. Whether in a 15 or an 18, the Guideboat can be purchased as a single or a double. If you order the boat as a single, it can later be retrofitted into a double by ordering the seeking rowing station and adding the mounting brackets. The benches are wood for a touch of tradition without overwhelming maintenance. The sliding seat monorail sets on top of the bench just as in the Classic. One may remove the slider (or order it without a slide) to row in the traditional fixed seat way. For and aft are built in passenger seats, which function as the flotation compartments as well. The rigger design is fixed in the outboard position as in a shell. Top of the line Concept II oarlocks are standard.

With the rowing stations out, this boat can be fairly easily lifted overhead and carried to and from the car by an average man. Or it can be slid onto roof racks (never needing to lift but one end). The rowing stations can be folded (from a “t: shape to an “I” shape) to store or carry.

  • Drop-in Unit row station
  • Ideal for car-topping
  • Black or white rails
  • Sold as single but converts to a double by adding options
  • Built-in passenger seats bow and stern
  • Approx. Weight unrigged aprox 70 lbs
  • Approx. Weight for rig Add 16 lbs

Shop Heritage 15

heritage 20 sailboat

Heritage 15 Carbon Double

heritage 20 sailboat

Heritage 15 Carbon Single

heritage 20 sailboat

Heritage 15 Classic Double

heritage 20 sailboat

Heritage 15 Classic Single

heritage 20 sailboat

Heritage 15 Double Guideboat

heritage 20 sailboat

Heritage 15 Single Guideboat

Shop heritage accessories.

heritage 20 sailboat

Additional Storage Compartment

heritage 20 sailboat

Big Wheeled Dolly

heritage 20 sailboat

Build Package for In-Water Storage

heritage 20 sailboat

Carbon Fiber Oars

heritage 20 sailboat

Gel Seat Pad

heritage 20 sailboat

Hardbar Rack

heritage 20 sailboat

Heavy Duty Sling Dolly

heritage 20 sailboat

Heritage Cover

heritage 20 sailboat

Heritage Seat

heritage 20 sailboat

Keel Skid Plate

heritage 20 sailboat

Motor Mount

heritage 20 sailboat

Oar Cover Set

heritage 20 sailboat

Princess Passenger Seat

Rack system straps only.

heritage 20 sailboat

Rod Holders

heritage 20 sailboat

Seat Cover – Foam

heritage 20 sailboat

SUV or CAR Kit

heritage 20 sailboat

Teak Bench Slat

heritage 20 sailboat

Ultra Rearview Mirror

Ultralight oars.

heritage 20 sailboat


Thanks to our patented folding rigger, set up and launching is a breeze. Slide your Heritage off the dock, push off, swing out the rigger and go… it’s that simple. Little River is the only builder to offer the folding rigger system. The rigger folds in to act as a handle as you sit down. Another plus: it has a built in safety feature where the rigger will collapse should you accidentally hit something, with no damage to the oars or boat. In the Heritage, the seat is much higher than that of a shell so it is much more comfortable to sit in than shells. If you like, you can row out to your favorite quiet spot and just take in the beauty.

The Heritage 15 Choices

The Heritage 15 Classic can be ordered as a Single, or as a Double. If you get the double, it comes standard with the ability to convert it into a balanced single.

Additionally, you may choose three different Construction methods: the Classic, which we have been discussing on this page, or the ultralight classic carbon hull, or the new economical Guideboat. To see all the different construction methods at a glance click here.

The Other Heritage Models:

The Heritage comes in three sizes, the Heritage 12, the Heritage 15 and the Heritage 18. The Heritage 15 and the Heritage 18 can be rigged to row as a single or a double station. The difference is that the Heritage 15 is a lighter launch, and thus easier to handle, while the Heritage 18 has a longer water line, and thus a better rowing double. Which row boat is best for you? If you will be rowing mostly as a single, the 15 is probably best. If you plan to row mostly as a double (and occasionally as a single) then the 18 is your best bet. The Heritage 12 comes as a single only, but can carry passengers. It is a good choice where space is a concern, for to use as a tender to a big boat. Also, ladies tend to prefer it’s smaller size.

heritage 20 sailboat


10 Best Small Sailboats (Under 20 Feet)

Best Small Sailboats Under 20 Feet | Life of Sailing

Compact, easy to trailer, simple to rig, easy to maintain and manage, and affordable, the best small boats all have one thing in common: they offer loads of fun while out there on the water.

So whether you're on a budget or just looking for something that can offer ultimate daytime rides without compromising on safety, aesthetic sensibilities, alternate propulsion, and speed, the best small sailboats under 20 feet should be the only way to go.

Let's be brutally honest here; not everyone needs a 30-foot sailboat to go sailing. They come with lots of features such as electronics, entertainment, refrigeration, bunks, a galley, and even a head. But do you really need all these features to go sailing? We don't think so.

All you need to go sailing is a hull, a mast, rudder, and, of course, a sail. And whether you refer to them as daysailers, trailerable sailboats , a weekender sailboat, or pocket cruisers, there's no better way to enjoy the thrills of coastal sailing than on small sailboats.

There are a wide range of small boats measuring less than 20 feet available in the market. These are hot products in the market given that they offer immense thrills out on the sea without the commitment required to cruise on a 30-footer. A small sailboat will not only give you the feel of every breeze but will also give you the chance to instantly sense every change in trim.

In this article, we'll highlight 10 best small sailboats under 20 feet . Most models in this list are time-tested, easy to rig, simple to sail, extremely fun, and perfect either for solo sailing or for sailing with friends and family. So if you've been looking for a list of some of the best small sailboats , you've come to the right place.

So without further ado, let's roll on.

Table of contents


The Marlow-Hunter 15 is not only easy to own since it's one of the most affordable small sailboats but also lots of fun to sail. This is a safe and versatile sailboat for everyone. Whether you're sailing with your family or as a greenhorn, you'll love the Hunter 15 thanks to its raised boom, high freeboard, and sturdy FRP construction.

With high sides, a comfortable wide beam, a contoured self-bailing cockpit, and fiberglass construction, the Hunter 15 is certainly designed with the novice sailor in mind. This is why you can do a lot with this boat without falling out, breaking it, or capsizing. Its contoured self-baiting cockpit will enable you to find a fast exit while its wide beam will keep it steady and stable no matter what jibes or weight shifts happen along the way.

This is a small sailboat that can hold up to four people. It's designed to give you a confident feeling and peace of mind even when sailing with kids. It's easy to trailer, easy to rig, and easy to launch. With a price tag of about $10k, the Hunter 15 is a fun, affordable, and versatile boat that is perfect for both seasoned sailors and novices. It's a low-maintenance sailboat that can be great for teaching kids a thing or two about sailing.

Catalina 16.5


Catalina Yachts are synonymous with bigger boats but they have some great and smaller boats too such as Catalina 16.5. This is one of the best small sailboats that are ideal for family outings given that it has a big and roomy cockpit, as well as a large storage locker. Designed with a hand-laminated fiberglass sloop, the Catalina 16.5 is versatile and is available in two designs: the centerboard model and the keel model.

The centerboard model is designed with a powerful sailplane that remains balanced as a result of the fiberglass centerboard, the stable hull form, and the rudder. It also comes with a tiller extension, adjustable hiking straps, and adjustable overhaul. It's important to note that these are standard equipment in the two models.

As far as the keel model is concerned, this is designed with a high aspect keel as the cast lead and is attached with stainless steel keel bolts, which makes this model perfect for mooring or docking whenever it's not in use. In essence, the centerboard model is perfect if you'll store it in a trailer while the keel model can remain at the dock.

All in all, the Catalina 16.5 is one of the best small sailboats that you can get your hands on for as low as $10,000. This is certainly a great example of exactly what a daysailer should be.


There's no list of small, trailerable, and fun sailboats that can be complete without the inclusion of the classic Hobie 16. This is a durable design that has been around and diligently graced various waters across the globe since its debut way back in 1969 in Southern California. In addition to being durable, the Hobie 16 is trailerable, great for speed, weighs only 320 pounds, great for four people, and more importantly, offers absolute fun.

With a remarkable figure of over 100,000 launched since its debut, it's easy to see that the Hobie 16 is highly popular. Part of this popularity comes from its asymmetric fiberglass-and-foam sandwiched hulls that include kick-up rudders. This is a great feature that allows it to sail up to the beach.

For about $12,000, the Hobie 16 will provide you with endless fun throughout the summer. It's equipped with a spinnaker, trailer, and douse kit. This is a high-speed sailboat that has a large trampoline to offer lots of space not just for your feet but also to hand off the double trapezes.

Montgomery 17


Popularly known as the M-17, The Montgomery 17 was designed by Lyle C. Hess in conjunction with Jerry Montgomery in Ontario, California for Montgomery Boats. Designed either with keel or centerboard models, the M-17 is more stable than most boats of her size. This boat is small enough to be trailered but also capable of doing moderate offshore passages.

This small sailboat is designed with a masthead and toe rail that can fit most foresails. It also has enough space for two thanks to its cuddly cabin, which offers a sitting headroom, a portable toilet, a pair of bunks, a DC power, and optional shore, and a proper amount of storage. That's not all; you can easily raise the deck-stepped mast using a four-part tackle.

In terms of performance, the M-17 is one of the giant-killers out there. This is a small sailboat that will excel in the extremes and make its way past larger boats such as the Catalina 22. It glides along beautifully and is a dog in light air, though it won't sail against a 25-knot wind, which can be frustrating. Other than that, the Montgomery 17 is a great small sailboat that can be yours for about $14,000.

Norseboat 17.5


As a versatile daysailer, Norseboat 17.5 follows a simple concept of seaworthiness and high-performance. This small sailboat perfectly combines both contemporary construction and traditional aesthetics. Imagine a sailboat that calls itself the "Swiss Army Knife of Boats!" Well, this is a boat that can sail and row equally well.

Whether you're stepping down from a larger cruiser or stepping up from a sea kayak, the unique Norseboat 17.5 is balanced, attractive, and salty. It has curvaceous wishbone gaff, it is saucy, and has a stubby bow-sprit that makes it attractive to the eyes. In addition to her beauty, the Norseboat 17.5 offers an energy-pinching challenge, is self-sufficient, and offers more than what you're used to.

This is a small, lightweight, low-maintenance sailboat that offers a ticket to both sailing and rowing adventures all at the same time. At about 400 pounds, it's very portable and highly convenient. Its mainsails may look small but you'll be surprised at how the boat is responsive to it. With a $12,500 price tag, this is a good small sailboat that offers you the versatility to either row or sail.


If you've been looking for a pocket cruiser that inspires confidence, especially in shoal water, look no further than the Sage 17. Designed by Jerry Montgomery in 2009, the Sage 17 is stable and should heel to 10 degrees while stiffening up. And because you want to feel secure while sailing, stability is an integral feature of the Sage 17.

This is a sailboat that will remain solid and stable no matter which part of the boat you stand on. Its cabin roof and the balsa-cored carbon-fiber deck are so strong that the mast doesn't require any form of compression post. The self-draining cockpit is long enough and capable of sleeping at 6 feet 6 inches.

The Sage 17 may be expensive at $25k but is a true sea warrior that's worth look at. This is a boat that will not only serve you right but will also turn heads at the marina.    


Having been chosen as the overall boat of the year for 2008 by the Sailing World Magazine, the Laser SB3 is one of the coolest boats you'll ever encounter. When sailing upwind, this boat will lock into the groove while its absolute simplicity is legendary. In terms of downwind sailing, having this boat will be a dream come true while it remains incredibly stable even at extraordinary speed.

Since its debut in 2004, the Laser SB3 has surged in terms of popularity thanks to the fact that it's designed to put all the controls at your fingertips. In addition to a lightweight mast, its T- bulb keel can be hauled and launched painlessly. For about $18,000, the Laser SB3 ushers you into the world of sports sailing and what it feels to own and use a sports boat.


As a manufacturer, Fareast is a Chinese boat manufacturer that has been around for less than two decades. But even with that, the Fareast 18 remains a very capable cruiser-racer that will take your sailing to the next level. In addition to its good looks, this boat comes with a retractable keel with ballast bulb, a powerful rig, and an enclosed cabin.

Its narrow design with a closed stern may be rare in sailboats of this size, but that's not a problem for the Fareast 18. This design not only emphasizes speed but also makes it a lot easier to maintain this boat. Perfect for about 6 people, this boat punches above its weight. It's, however, designed to be rigged and launched by one person.

This is a relatively affordable boat. It's agile, safe, well-thought-out, well built, and very sporty.


If you're in the market looking for a small sailboat that offers contemporary performance with classic beauty, the Paine 14 should be your ideal option. Named after its famous designer, Chuck Paine, this boat is intentionally designed after the classic Herreshoff 12.5 both in terms of dimensions and features.

This is a lightweight design that brings forth modern fin keel and spade rudder, which makes it agile, stable, and faster. The Paine 14 is built using cold-molded wood or west epoxy. It has varnished gunnels and transoms to give it an old-time charm. To make it somehow modern, this boat is designed with a carbon mast and a modern way to attach sails so that it's ready to sail in minutes.

You can rest easy knowing that the Paine 14 will not only serve you well but will turn heads while out there.


Many sailors will attest that their first sailing outing was in a Lido 14. This is a classic sailboat that has been around for over four decades and still proves to be a perfect match to modern small boats, especially for those still learning the ropes of sailing.

With seating for six people, the Lido 14 can be perfect for solo sailing , single-handed sailing, or if you're planning for shorthanded sailing. While new Lido 14 boats are no longer available, go for a functional used Lido 14 and you'll never regret this decision. It will serve you well and your kids will probably fall in love with sailing if Lido 14 becomes their main vessel during weekends or long summer holidays.

Bottom Line

There you have it; these are some of the best small sailboats you can go for. While there are endless small sailboats in the market, the above-described sailboat will serve you right and make you enjoy the wind.

Choose the perfect sailboat, invest in it, and go out there and have some good fun!

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Daniel Wade

I've personally had thousands of questions about sailing and sailboats over the years. As I learn and experience sailing, and the community, I share the answers that work and make sense to me, here on Life of Sailing.

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  • Sailboat Guide

heritage 20 sailboat

1966 Howie Craft Heritage 20

  • Description

Seller's Description

Blue water capable 20 ft sloop. Designed by my grandfather, Capt. Andrew Davidhazy, about 18 were made by Howie Renner of Lake Oswego, OR in 1966. This was his first Heritage and is made to superior standards. Several of these sailed to Hawaii from the west coast. One of them single handed from Seattle. The inboard engine is old but was working. The mast/boom are sitka spruce. Dinghy included. A 3.5 Tohatsu included. Trailer is also included. While there are sails a new set would be nice. She is now in storage in Rochester, NY. Check out further details at my website: http://www.davidhazy.com/heritage/ and Email me at [email protected] with any questions.

Equipment: stove, head, sink

Rig and Sails

Auxilary power, accomodations, calculations.

The theoretical maximum speed that a displacement hull can move efficiently through the water is determined by it's waterline length and displacement. It may be unable to reach this speed if the boat is underpowered or heavily loaded, though it may exceed this speed given enough power. Read more.

Classic hull speed formula:

Hull Speed = 1.34 x √LWL

Max Speed/Length ratio = 8.26 ÷ Displacement/Length ratio .311 Hull Speed = Max Speed/Length ratio x √LWL

Sail Area / Displacement Ratio

A measure of the power of the sails relative to the weight of the boat. The higher the number, the higher the performance, but the harder the boat will be to handle. This ratio is a "non-dimensional" value that facilitates comparisons between boats of different types and sizes. Read more.

SA/D = SA ÷ (D ÷ 64) 2/3

  • SA : Sail area in square feet, derived by adding the mainsail area to 100% of the foretriangle area (the lateral area above the deck between the mast and the forestay).
  • D : Displacement in pounds.

Ballast / Displacement Ratio

A measure of the stability of a boat's hull that suggests how well a monohull will stand up to its sails. The ballast displacement ratio indicates how much of the weight of a boat is placed for maximum stability against capsizing and is an indicator of stiffness and resistance to capsize.

Ballast / Displacement * 100

Displacement / Length Ratio

A measure of the weight of the boat relative to it's length at the waterline. The higher a boat’s D/L ratio, the more easily it will carry a load and the more comfortable its motion will be. The lower a boat's ratio is, the less power it takes to drive the boat to its nominal hull speed or beyond. Read more.

D/L = (D ÷ 2240) ÷ (0.01 x LWL)³

  • D: Displacement of the boat in pounds.
  • LWL: Waterline length in feet

Comfort Ratio

This ratio assess how quickly and abruptly a boat’s hull reacts to waves in a significant seaway, these being the elements of a boat’s motion most likely to cause seasickness. Read more.

Comfort ratio = D ÷ (.65 x (.7 LWL + .3 LOA) x Beam 1.33 )

  • D: Displacement of the boat in pounds
  • LOA: Length overall in feet
  • Beam: Width of boat at the widest point in feet

Capsize Screening Formula

This formula attempts to indicate whether a given boat might be too wide and light to readily right itself after being overturned in extreme conditions. Read more.

CSV = Beam ÷ ³√(D / 64)

This listing is presented by SailboatListings.com . Visit their website for more information or to contact the seller.

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  1. 1966 Howie Craft Heritage 20 sailboat for sale in New York

    heritage 20 sailboat

  2. Heritage 20

    heritage 20 sailboat

  3. 1966 Howie Craft Heritage 20 sailboat for sale in New York

    heritage 20 sailboat

  4. Heritage 20

    heritage 20 sailboat

  5. 1966 Howie Craft Heritage 20 sailboat for sale in New York

    heritage 20 sailboat

  6. 1966 Howie Craft Heritage 20 sailboat for sale in New York

    heritage 20 sailboat


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  1. HERITAGE 20

    16 to 20 would indicate reasonably good performance; above 20 suggests relatively high performance. SA/D = SA (ft²) ÷ [Disp (lbs) / 64]^.666 Bal./Disp.: A Ballast/Displacement ratio of 40 or more translates into a stiffer, more powerful boat that will be better able to stand up to the wind. Bal./Disp = ballast (lbs)/ displacement (lbs)*100 ...

  2. Heritage 20

    The Heritage 20 is a recreational keelboat, built predominantly of fiberglass, with extensive wood trim. It has a masthead sloop rig; a spooned, raked stem; a raised counter, angled transom; a keel -mounted rudder controlled by a tiller and a fixed long keel. It displaces 3,300 lb (1,497 kg) and carries 1,200 lb (544 kg) of lead ballast. [1] [3]

  3. Davidhazy

    Additional Heritage 20' Sailboat owners or past owners if you can help compile a more current and accurate list that would be much appreciated! ... My interest in the Heritage 20 sloop goes back 45 years when I first met "Bill Frances" at San Diego. Bill was the owner of hull #5 if memory serves me correctly.

  4. Boat Research: Heritage 20 sailboat

    Re: Boat Research: Heritage 20 sailboat I wish I could supply you with the information you requested but I wanted to respond that I worked with Howard Renner many years ago as an apprentice for about a year. He was a wonderful fellow and loved these boats. Every piece of teak was hand built by him as was the mast.

  5. Heritage 20

    Heritage 20 is a 20′ 0″ / 6.1 m monohull sailboat designed by Andras Davidhazy and built by Howie Craft Plastics (USA) between 1967 and 1971. ... The lower a boat's ratio is, the less power it takes to drive the boat to its nominal hull speed or beyond. Read more. Formula. D/L = (D ÷ 2240) ÷ (0.01 x LWL)³ D: Displacement of the boat in ...

  6. 1966 Howie Craft Heritage 20 sailboat for sale in New York

    3'. New York. $7,000. Description: Blue water capable 20 ft sloop. Designed by my grandfather, Capt. Andrew Davidhazy, about 18 were made by Howie Renner of Lake Oswego, OR in 1966. This was his first Heritage and is made to superior standards. Several of these sailed to Hawaii from the west coast. One of them single handed from Seattle.

  7. Review of Heritage 20

    The immersion rate is defined as the weight required to sink the boat a certain level. The immersion rate for Heritage 20 is about 60 kg/cm, alternatively 339 lbs/inch. Meaning: if you load 60 kg cargo on the boat then it will sink 1 cm. Alternatively, if you load 339 lbs cargo on the boat it will sink 1 inch.

  8. Heritage 20

    The Heritage 20 is a 20.0ft masthead sloop designed by Andrew Davidhazy and built in fiberglass between 1967 and 1971. 12 units have been built. The Heritage 20 is a very heavy sailboat which is a reasonably good performer. It is stable / stiff and has an excellent righting capability if capsized. It is best suited as a coastal cruiser.

  9. 1966 Howie Craft Heritage 20

    Blue water capable 20 ft sloop. Designed by my grandfather, Capt. Andrew Davidhazy, about 18 were made by Howie Renner of Lake Oswego, OR in 1966. This was his first Heritage and is made to superior standards. Several of these sailed to Hawaii from the west coast. One of them single handed from Seattle. The inboard engine is old but was working.

  10. Heritage Yachts 20 boats for sale

    1980 Heritage Yachts 20. US$8,000. Rodgers Yacht Sales LLC | Mystic, Connecticut. Request Info. <. 1. >. * Price displayed is based on today's currency conversion rate of the listed sales price. Boats Group does not guarantee the accuracy of conversion rates and rates may differ than those provided by financial institutions at the time of ...

  11. Heritage 20 boats for sale

    View a wide selection of Heritage 20 boats for sale in your area, explore detailed information & find your next boat on boats.com. #everythingboats Heritage 20 boats for sale - boats.com Explore

  12. Heritage sailboats for sale by owner.

    Heritage preowned sailboats for sale by owner. Heritage used sailboats for sale by owner. Home. Register & Post. View All Sailboats. Search. Avoid Fraud. ... Sailboat Added 20-Feb-2021 More Details: Marlinspike Heritage Heritage11: Length: 13' Beam: 5' Draft: 3' Year: 1992: Type: daysailer: Hull: wood monohull:

  13. Heritage 15

    Freeboard amidships: 15″. Pick-Up Weight * 100 lbs. Single. 110 lbs. Double. Draft (depth in water): 3″ - 4″. Carrying Capacity: 431 lbs. (coast guard rating) *Pick up weight equals boat without Monorails, or what you would normally pick up on your car. Monorails weigh 16 lbs and arms weigh 3lbs a pair.

  14. pilothouse sailboats for sale by owner.

    pilothouse preowned sailboats for sale by owner. pilothouse used sailboats for sale by owner. Home. Register & Post. View All Sailboats. ... 37' Heritage One ton 37 Near Frankfort MI, Michigan Asking $18,900. 26' Macgregor 26S West Seattle, Washington ... 20' Ranger 20 designed by Ray Richards Polson Flathead Lake, Montana Asking $4,000.

  15. 10 Best Small Sailboats (Under 20 Feet)

    Catalina 16.5. jlodrummer. Catalina Yachts are synonymous with bigger boats but they have some great and smaller boats too such as Catalina 16.5. This is one of the best small sailboats that are ideal for family outings given that it has a big and roomy cockpit, as well as a large storage locker.

  16. 1970 Howie Craft Plastics Heritage 20

    Heritage 20 Sailboat and trailer. This is a classic sailboat and will turn heads. The new motor needs installed and some minor work on the cabin. Equipment: new Yammar 1GM10 motor, new white, tapered Aluminum mast. Sails: main, jib, storm jib, radio, stove, head. It comes with matching fiberglass tender boat. Advertisement.

  17. Heritage sailboats for sale by owner.

    Heritage preowned sailboats for sale by owner. Heritage used sailboats for sale by owner. Home. Register & Post. View All Sailboats. Search. Avoid Fraud. ... 20.75' Precision 21 Clarksville, Virginia Asking $4,500. 28' Islander 28 Seattle, Washington Asking $11,900. 26.11' Catalina 250 MK II Wing Keel

  18. Boat Dealership

    BOAT SALES. Established in 1984, Thunder Marine has been proudly serving the Gulf Coast of West Florida as an authorized dealer and brokerage for Jeanneau, Regulator, Sportsman, and Monterey boats. Our wide selection includes both new and pre-owned inventory. When you're prepared to invest in a new boat, our friendly staff is here to provide ...

  19. 1966 Howie Craft Heritage 20

    This ratio assess how quickly and abruptly a boat's hull reacts to waves in a significant seaway, these being the elements of a boat's motion most likely to cause seasickness. Read more. Formula. Comfort ratio = D ÷ (.65 x (.7 LWL + .3 LOA) x Beam 1.33) D: Displacement of the boat in pounds; LWL: Waterline length in feet; LOA: Length ...

  20. Sailboats for sale in Saint Petersburg

    2007 Sabre 426. $295,000. $2,241/mo*. Estimated monthly payment based on a 240-month loan at 6.74% APR. Saint Petersburg, FL 33701 | Private Seller. In-Stock. Local Delivery.

  21. Preowned sailboats for sale under 20 feet

    Preowned sailboats for sale under 20 feet preowned sailboats for sale by owner. Home. Register & Post. View All Sailboats. Search. Avoid Fraud. ... 37' Heritage One ton 37 Near Frankfort MI, Michigan Asking $18,900. 14' Crawford Melonseed San Antonio, Texas Asking $8,000. 26' Macgregor 26S

  22. Harborage Marina in St Petersburg, FL, United States

    The Harborage Marina is the only full-service mega yacht port on Florida's west coast, and features 1000' of protective fixed breakwater, and full length floating concrete docks. Located in downtown St Petersburg, our facility offers ample parking and easy access to boundless area attractions. Unwind by the resort-style pool, or meet up with friends for a BBQ and cocktails at our casual Tiki ...