Practical Boat Owner

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Practical Boat Owner cover

Westerly Konsort: space, security & good performance

David Harding

  • David Harding
  • January 23, 2024

One of the roomiest cruisers of her size, the Konsort is also known for her solidity, interior finish and easy manners. No wonder she’s such a popular second-hand buy, says David Harding

A Westerly Konsort being sailed under grey skies

Despite being over-powered at times, the Konsort took the brisk conditions of our test in her stride. Credit: David Harding Credit: David Harding

Product Overview

Westerly konsort.

Back in the late 1970s or early 1980s, a family looking for a new cruising yacht of just under 30ft (9m) would have been almost spoiled for choice.

Britain’s ‘big three’ builders each offered an excellent boat: Westerly were flying high with the Konsort, Moody had replaced their 30 with a new 29, and Sadler’s 29 had plugged the gap between the 25 and 32.

With alternatives including such evergreens as the Mirage 28 and Cobra 850, there was something for everyone – whether they preferred fin or twin keels .

The most popular home-grown cruisers of the day gave people the choice but invariably sold in far greater numbers with twins.

Leading the way in the smaller size range was the ubiquitous 26ft Westerly Centaur, launched in 1969 and, after well over 2,000 boats, nearing the end of her production a decade later.

Two people wearing wet weather gear in the cockpit of a Westerly Konsort cockpit

Treadmaster and non-slip paint provide the grip in the cockpit. Credit: David Harding

Come 1978, the next boats up in Westerly’s range were the 31-footers: the Renown, Pentland, Berwick and Longbow, between them offering a choice of sloop or ketch rig , twin or fin keels and aft or centre cockpits.

Like the Centaur, they sailed better than they looked but were discontinued shortly after the arrival of what was to be the last model from the drawing board of Westerly’s long-time designers, Laurent Giles.

The Westerly Konsort, introduced in 1979, was the 29-footer (8.8m) that had everything.

For a start she was enormously beamy, her 3.27m (10ft 9in) between the gunwales being 42% of her waterline length .

Together with the full bow, broad stern and plenty of freeboard, the beam gave her an interior volume that practically matched that of her 31ft sisters.

The other point about the interior was that it was nicely woody.

Two people sitting on a yacht at sea

The Westerly Konsort was launched in 1979, and was designed by Laurent Giles. Credit: David Harding

Whereas the Centaur sometimes attracted criticism for her caravan- like styling and finish, the Westerly Konsort followed the approach developed in the 31s.

No interior mouldings were used and all the woodwork was bonded directly to the outer hull. It created the feel of a hand-crafted yacht – which she was.

No Westerly cruiser of this era was offered without twin keels – even the 36-footers.

If one model was available only with a fin, a hull-sister would have two keels and a different name (as in the case of the twin-keeled Centaur and her fin-keeled sibling, the Pembroke).

The Westerly Konsort came with a choice of fin or twin, called the Konsort either way and proving most popular in twin-keel form. A few were also built with swing keels.

While giving her more beam for her length than any earlier model, Laurent Giles made sure she was still unmistakably a Westerly, incorporating the distinctive knuckle in the bow shared by everything from the 21ft 6in Warwick up to the largest models in the range.

A hawse pipe on a Westerly Konsort

The hawse pipe – a Westerly tradition. Credit: David Harding

They did, however, fit her with a transom-hung rudder . A practical and economical solution, and one that maximised space in the cockpit, it wouldn’t have worked on the Centaur or the 31s because both were available as centre- cockpit or ketch-rigged variants.

Above the straight-topped coachroof sat a conventional masthead rig of modest proportions.

As was the norm in those days, the headsail provided the bulk of the sail area although the boom was long enough to allow the mainsheet to be taken – at an angle – to a traveller across the wide transom.

Other traditional Westerly features included the trademark blue non-slip deck paint and a toerail in teak rather than the aluminium favoured by some of the competition.

The Westerly Konsort was no beauty but she hit the spot and became an instant success.

A saloon of a yacht

A saloon of the Westerly Konsort is roomy for a boat of this size. Credit: David Harding

She was never a cheap boat and still isn’t by many standards, holding her value if well equipped and maintained.

If you buy a Westerly Konsort and look after her there’s a good chance you won’t lose any money.

She’s a boat that’s always likely to be sought after by people wanting something solid, roomy, forgiving and easy to handle, and that’s why she caught John King’s eye when he was looking for his first cruiser two years ago.

John’s alternatives were smaller boats, including the 23ft Westerly Pageant and the Centaur’s successor, the Griffon.

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However, the Konsort’s extra space, combined with her reputation for being undemanding, made him think that it would make more sense to buy the larger boat rather than to start with a smaller one that he might want to switch a year or two later.

He’s happy that he made the right decision. Sarnia is a twin-keeler built in 1983, and John reckons that a boat with full standing headroom, space to relax down below in comfort and enough size, weight and power to take most conditions in her stride makes for more relaxing sailing.

I joined John for a sail from his winter base in Chichester Harbour when a good 20 knots from the north east was kicking up a lumpy sea in Bracklesham Bay.

Downwind the Westerly Konsort proved why she has a reputation for being faster than she looks, rapidly sliding through the lee of a larger cruiser and soon leaving it well astern.

A saloon in the foredeck of a yacht

A roomy forecabin is one of the reasons the Westerly Konsort is so popular. Credit: David Harding

Once far enough from land to have space for an upwind leg, we sheeted in and headed into the breeze.

With John’s consent I opted to hold on to full sail to see how Sarnia handled. You learn more about a boat when pushing her beyond the comfort zone.

Besides, the Westerly Konsort has a reputation for being stiff, under- canvassed in light airs and able to carry full sail when others need to reef .

I was about to see whether asking her to carry it upwind with 25 knots over the deck was pushing things too far.

We took all the usual steps to de-power the rig as far as possible without reefing, including tensioning both mainsail and headsail halyards , moving the genoa cars aft, flattening the mainsail’s foot and dropping the traveller well down the track.

Sarnia responded by plugging upwind remarkably comfortably, clocking between 4 and 4.5 knots most of the time depending on the size and steepness of the waves.

It was a day when being slightly over-canvassed was a help, not just from the testing perspective but also to drive through the waves.

There’s nothing worse than being under-powered, bouncing up and down in the lulls and wishing for more sail.

Lockers on a Westerly Konsort

The single, acrylic-fronted locker in the saloon later gave way to multiple lockers. Credit: David Harding

As ever when over-powered it was a matter of sailing along a fine line: a few degrees too deep and the boat would heel over before rounding up in protest, though not until the gunwale was nearly awash.

Sailed too high she would lose power and stop. In between she was quite happy, heeling no more than 15° or so and remaining nicely balanced with a beautifully light helm.

When she was pushed too hard, the weight on the tiller would increase progressively as the gunwale approached the water, giving ample warning before the rudder finally lost grip.

While reducing sail would have made life easier in some respects, this was a good test and one that proved her tolerance and capability.

For a chunky twin-keeler with a three-bladed fixed propeller it was a more-than-creditable performance.

Galley on a Westerly Konsort yacht

Work space in the galley on the Westerly Konsort is limited. Credit: David Harding

Having to power through the waves took a few degrees off our pointing so we tacked through around 90° on most occasions.

There’s no reason why the tacking angle of the fin-keeler should be any different – as you would expect, it just goes faster and makes less leeway.

The lower centre of gravity should also add a little stiffness.

During tacks on Sarnia , the only problem I found was the babystay interfering with the genoa.

Together with the genoa’s substantial overlap it would make short-tacking rather laborious and call for plenty of energy from whoever is winding the Barlow 23 primary winches.

Reaching along in a breeze is what she likes best. We clocked 7 knots at times and I could easily imagine a fin-keeler with a folding prop surfing away merrily.

Heaving-to presented no problems. The boat was reluctant to gybe around with the sheets pinned in but could just be persuaded to by some judicious rudder-wiggling to re-attach the laminar flow.

A wooden chart table on a yacht

The nav table will accommodate a folded Admiralty chart. Credit: David Harding

A relatively blunt, high-volume hull like the Westerly Konsort’s is never going to slice through the waves as cleanly and smoothly as a slimmer one.

On the other hand it does seem to keep the crew dry: only rarely during our sail did any spray find its way back to the cockpit, where the helmsman can sit either on the seat, legs braced across to the leeward side, or on the flat-topped coaming.

The upper perch is tolerably comfortable even if the guardwires are too close outboard to lean back against.

Partly thanks to the transom-hung rudder, there’s enough space in the cockpit for four without over- crowding. The absence of an aft cabin beneath also makes it nice and deep.

Having the mainsheet across the stern works well: it’s easy to reach yet clear of the cockpit.

Just take care to flick it across above head-level during a gybe.

A saloon on a Westerly Konsort

No aft cabin, means the saloon is further aft in a beamier part of the hull. The settee berths are wide and parallel. Credit: David Harding

A large locker occupies the space beneath the starboard seat and the gas bottle lives in the stern.

Treadmaster provides the grip on the coamings and cockpit sole, the seats being finished in Westerly’s distinctive blue non-slip paint that’s used on the deck as well.

Deck paint has always struck me as infinitely superior to moulded-in surfaces.

It provides an excellent grip, reduces glare and can be made to look like new – in the same or a different colour – for the price of a tin of paint. It’s extraordinary that so few other builders have done the same.

Moving forward along the Konsort’s wide deck, outside the cap and lower shrouds, is easy. On the wide foredeck is a chunky central cleat and a hawse pipe for the anchor chain.

Anyone used to modern production boats with large aft cabins and layouts based on interior mouldings will find the Westerly Konsort very different below decks.

Because there’s no aft cabin, the saloon is further aft in a beamier part of the hull and, as a result, it’s larger than on most boats of this size. The settee berths are wide and parallel.

Plenty of teak and teak-faced ply is nicely finished and bonded directly to the outer hull – still the best way to make the structure visible and easy to reach as well as to minimise wasted space.

As is traditional in boats of this era, the forecabin is separated from the saloon by the heads to port and a hanging locker to starboard.

Areas sometimes criticised on the Westerly Konsort include the quarter berth and chart table to port: because the chart table’s seat is the head of the berth, they can’t both be used at the same time. Standing at the chart table solves that problem.

Between the chart table and the galley on the opposite side is the projecting engine box.

Inside this Westerly fitted engines mainly from Bukh and Volvo. The box’s top makes handy additional work space for the galley, where it’s otherwise in short supply.

History of the Westerly Konsort

The Westerly Konsort Duo motor-sailer

The Westerly Konsort Duo motor-sailer

Introduced in 1979, Westerly’s last design by Laurent Giles remained in production until 1992.

Over 600 were sold in the first six years, after which the price rose steeply and only a further 100 left the factory.

About 150 of the 704 Konsorts built are fin-keelers.

The same hull was used for the Konsort Duo, a motor-sailer with a large deck saloon and comfortable accommodation for two people.


The Konsort’s hull is a solid laminate of chopped strand mat, reinforced with rovings in high- stress areas.

A balsa core is used in the deck. Westerly had an in-house Lloyds surveyor and all boats were issued with a Lloyds hull construction certificate.

Keels are bolted to shallow moulded stubs.

Point to look out for if buying a Westerly Konsort from Westerly specialists

Konsorts are known for having relatively few structural weaknesses. Nonetheless, some points are worth checking.

  • Like many builders, Westerly used orthophthalic resins until the mid-1980s and cases of osmosis are quite common.
  • Chainplates are prone to fatigue and corrosion where they pass through the deck but are relatively simple to replace. Worth checking too is the reinforcement in the hull that distributes the load from the keel(s). The plywood used in early boats was less robust than the chunkier, foam-cored sections used from 1981 onwards. Fin-keelers especially should be inspected because of the lack of depth beneath the floorboards and the bottom of the hull on the centreline. Boats that have grounded or been badly shored up during winter storage are most likely to have problems. Keel bolts that have been glassed in rather than simply gelled over ask for special attention: someone might have been trying to hide something.
  • Transom-hung rudders are easy to inspect but also more vulnerable to damage than inboard rudders. The Konsort’s gudgeons and pintles are joined by a rod and not especially robust. They are, however, simple to change.
  •  On deck, the gelcoat is prone to deterioration from UV degradation and star-crazing is common.
  • Below decks, the ‘Westerly droop’ is by far the most common problem, where the vinyl headliner starts separating from the deckhead.

If you want curvy lines and a double aft cabin, the Konsort’s not your boat. If, on the other hand, you want space, security, a good cockpit, surprisingly good sailing performance, positive handling under power, a roomy and nicely finished interior, structural solidity and proven resale value, she should definitely be on your list.

Yachting Monthly

  • Digital edition

Yachting Monthly cover

USED BOAT: Westerly Konsort

  • Chris Beeson
  • July 5, 2017

She’s been unfairly described as a ‘floating caravan’, yet she's nimble, lively and roomy – which is what most of us want in a boat, says Dick Durham

Product Overview

Manufacturer:, westerly konsort review, see the july 2017 issue of yachting monthly for the full test, what’s she like to sail.

The Westerly Konsort seems to be a bigger boat than she really is. At a fraction under 29ft in length, her appearance is deceptive because of her generous volume. It’s not until you take the helm that you realise you are not really sailing a 34 footer, even though it may look like it!

She is light on the helm, super responsive but by the same token she’s not directionally stable. She has a superbly secure cockpit for offshore sailing: easy to use solo, yet with buckets of room for a full crew.

She may be a little under-canvassed but her hull, which has little wetted surface, is easily driven in light airs. When the wind pipes up, reefing is not necessary until winds reach the top end of a Force 4.

Her voluminous sprayhood can take half a knot off your boatspeed upwind, so it’s often worth folding it away if you have a long beat to windward and it’s not too cold.

What’s she like in port and at anchor?

She’s a cinch to manoeuvre under power and goes astern almost as predictably as ahead – handy if you’re between the tightest of marina finger pontoons. You might want a step fender or soapbox to step off from the deck to the pontoon as her topsides are rather high, and there is no bathing platform for easy stern access.

With a single bow roller, there’s no second roller available for mooring lines, and with her anchor deployed she will sheer around in a breeze, her high windage overriding her wetted area. But as with all bilge-keel boats she comes into her own drying out up some lonely creek or settling on a half-tide beach.

Her long cockpit benches are comfortable for lounging and there’s space for sunbathing on her wide, flat cabin top. She has a transom-hung ladder for bathing.

Her big cockpit lends itself to a removable enclosure, which can offer a ‘conservatory’ for sheltered sailing in foul weather and on warm nights, two extr crew could bed down on the cockpit seats.

Would she suit you and your crew?

She’s not a fast passage-maker, but she’s lively, nimble and responsive. She’s an eminently practical boat for coastal cruising with plenty of living space and ample room for a family, or even a full crew of five adults, including oodles of stowage. Not that you’ll need a crew – she’s also an easy boat to sail singlehanded, with all sail controls to hand.

If you’re a keen cook, you may find the Konsort’s basic galley restrictive and lacking in workspace. That and the rudimentary heads are drawbacks for those seeking luxurious comfort. However, the huge volume below decks more than makes up for this. You get 6ft standing headroom pretty much throughout; comfortable, wide and long berths – even the quarter berth can take two adults at a push – and a saloon table that could hold a banquet.

Twin-keel and drop-keel Konsorts are well worth considering if you want to save money on mooring fees, as they’re ideal boats to keep on a cheap, drying mooring.


Price £12,000 to £25,000

LOA 8.78m (28ft 10in)

LWL 7.77m (25ft 6in)

Beam 3.27m (10ft 9in)

Draught 0.99m (3ft 3in)

Displacement 3,862 kg (8,516 lb)

Ballast 1,451 kg (3,200 lb)

Ballast ratio 37.6%

Sail area 47.65 m2 (513sq ft)

SA/D ratio 19.7

Diesel 67 litres (14 gal)

Water 120 litres (26 gal)

Engine Diesel 30hp

Transmission Shaft drive

Designer Laurent Giles

Builder Westerly Marine Construction

Owners’ Association

Konsort Duo 29

Sailboat specifications.

  • Last update: 20th March 2020

Konsort Duo 29's main features

Konsort duo 29's main dimensions, konsort duo 29's rig and sails, konsort duo 29's performances, konsort duo 29's auxiliary engine, konsort duo 29's accommodations and layout.

Westerly Konsort Duo 29  Picture extracted from the commercial documentation © Westerly

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  • Sailboat Guide

Westerly Konsort 29 Duo

Westerly Konsort 29 Duo is a 28 ′ 10 ″ / 8.8 m monohull sailboat designed by Jack Laurent Giles and built by Westerly Marine between 1984 and 1988.

Drawing of Westerly Konsort 29 Duo

Rig and Sails

Auxilary power, accomodations, calculations.

The theoretical maximum speed that a displacement hull can move efficiently through the water is determined by it's waterline length and displacement. It may be unable to reach this speed if the boat is underpowered or heavily loaded, though it may exceed this speed given enough power. Read more.

Classic hull speed formula:

Hull Speed = 1.34 x √LWL

Max Speed/Length ratio = 8.26 ÷ Displacement/Length ratio .311 Hull Speed = Max Speed/Length ratio x √LWL

Sail Area / Displacement Ratio

A measure of the power of the sails relative to the weight of the boat. The higher the number, the higher the performance, but the harder the boat will be to handle. This ratio is a "non-dimensional" value that facilitates comparisons between boats of different types and sizes. Read more.

SA/D = SA ÷ (D ÷ 64) 2/3

  • SA : Sail area in square feet, derived by adding the mainsail area to 100% of the foretriangle area (the lateral area above the deck between the mast and the forestay).
  • D : Displacement in pounds.

Ballast / Displacement Ratio

A measure of the stability of a boat's hull that suggests how well a monohull will stand up to its sails. The ballast displacement ratio indicates how much of the weight of a boat is placed for maximum stability against capsizing and is an indicator of stiffness and resistance to capsize.

Ballast / Displacement * 100

Displacement / Length Ratio

A measure of the weight of the boat relative to it's length at the waterline. The higher a boat’s D/L ratio, the more easily it will carry a load and the more comfortable its motion will be. The lower a boat's ratio is, the less power it takes to drive the boat to its nominal hull speed or beyond. Read more.

D/L = (D ÷ 2240) ÷ (0.01 x LWL)³

  • D: Displacement of the boat in pounds.
  • LWL: Waterline length in feet

Comfort Ratio

This ratio assess how quickly and abruptly a boat’s hull reacts to waves in a significant seaway, these being the elements of a boat’s motion most likely to cause seasickness. Read more.

Comfort ratio = D ÷ (.65 x (.7 LWL + .3 LOA) x Beam 1.33 )

  • D: Displacement of the boat in pounds
  • LOA: Length overall in feet
  • Beam: Width of boat at the widest point in feet

Capsize Screening Formula

This formula attempts to indicate whether a given boat might be too wide and light to readily right itself after being overturned in extreme conditions. Read more.

CSV = Beam ÷ ³√(D / 64)

The KONSORT 29 DUO is a Pilothouse motorsailer with the same hull as the KONSORT 29.

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Westerly Konsort 29

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Review of Westerly 29 Konsort

Basic specs..

The boat is equipped with 5 berths.

Unknown keel type

The boat can enter most marinas as the draft is just about 1.62 - 1.72 meter (5.31 - 5.61 ft) dependent on the load. See immersion rate below.

Westerly 29 Konsort is typically equipped with a diesel engine at 22 hp (16 kW)..

Sailing characteristics

This section covers widely used rules of thumb to describe the sailing characteristics. Please note that even though the calculations are correct, the interpretation of the results might not be valid for extreme boats.

What is Capsize Screening Formula (CSF)?

The capsize screening value for Westerly 29 Konsort is 2.13, indicating that this boat would not be accepted to participate in ocean races.

The immersion rate is defined as the weight required to sink the boat a certain level. The immersion rate for Westerly 29 Konsort is about 193 kg/cm, alternatively 1086 lbs/inch. Meaning: if you load 193 kg cargo on the boat then it will sink 1 cm. Alternatively, if you load 1086 lbs cargo on the boat it will sink 1 inch.

Sailing statistics

This section is statistical comparison with similar boats of the same category. The basis of the following statistical computations is our unique database with more than 26,000 different boat types and 350,000 data points.

What is L/B (Length Beam Ratio)?

SA/D (Sail Area Displacement ratio) Indicates how fast the boat is in light wind: - Cruising Boats have ratios 10-15 - Cruiser-Racers have ratios 16-20 - Racers have ratios above 20 - High-Performance Racers have ratios above 24 Sail-area/displacement ratio (SA/D ratio): 13.36


If you need to renew parts of your running rig and is not quite sure of the dimensions, you may find the estimates computed below useful.

Jib sheet 8.8 m(28.9 feet)10 mm(3/8 inch)
Genoa sheet8.8 m(28.9 feet)10 mm(3/8 inch)
Mainsheet 22.0 m(72.2 feet)10 mm(3/8 inch)
Spinnaker sheet19.4 m(63.5 feet)10 mm(3/8 inch)

This section is reserved boat owner's modifications, improvements, etc. Here you might find (or contribute with) inspiration for your boat.

Do you have changes/improvements you would like to share? Upload a photo and describe what you have done.

We are always looking for new photos. If you can contribute with photos for Westerly 29 Konsort it would be a great help.

If you have any comments to the review, improvement suggestions, or the like, feel free to contact us . Criticism helps us to improve.

Details and photographs are normally based on one specific yacht, but could be a compilation. No reliance should be placed on other yachts of the same class being identical.  Where common variations exist, we have endeavoured to indicate this in these archive details.
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Westerly Konsort

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Westerly Marine Westerly 29 Konsort

Westerly Marine Westerly 29 Konsort

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Reduction in customer calls across services over the last four years

Building a Sustainable Future

Key Accolades ICSI National Award for Excellence In Corporate Governance, 2022, presented by the Institute of Company Secretaries of India Assigned ‘CRISIL GVC Level-1’ grading Indicates Airtel’s corporate governance practices and value creation for all its stakeholders are at the ‘highest’ level ESG Excellence Award at the inaugural edition of the Dun & Bradstreet ESG Leadership Summit 2023

Risk category reduced from Medium to Low

Improved Sustainalytics ratings

‘BBB’ to ‘A

Upgrade from MSCI

CDP upgraded rating by two notches

Constructing green facility in Kolkata. Partnered with Bloom Energy to deploy low environmental impact fuel cell installation at its data center in Karnataka

presentation on airtel

About Airtel

Connecting people like never before.

We were founded with the goal of unleashing the world of possibilities and opportunities that existed in communications globally.

Over the years of our existence, we have been able to establish ourselves as one of the largest homegrown consumer brands and integrated communications provider in India.

Countries of presence

Total employees globally

Indian population covered

Among Top 3 *

Global rank in terms of consolidated mobile connections

Our strategic priorities

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Our business segments

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Highlights of FY 2022-23


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Improved Sustainalytics Ratings

Upgrade in CDP Ratings

‘BBB’ to ‘A’

Upgrade in MSCI Ratings

presentation on airtel

Chairman’s Message

Excited for what the future holds.

presentation on airtel

Dear stakeholders

I am delighted to share that Airtel achieved the highest-ever market share in India, across its segments, be it in B2C or B2B businesses. Strong operating leverage through continued focus on operational excellence has resulted in robust operating cash flow generation. This keeps us steady, and on the path towards making our balance sheet stronger.

presentation on airtel

Sunil Bharti Mittal Chairman

From the MD and CEO’s Desk

Taking strides aligned with our strategies.

presentation on airtel

If you look back, the reputation of our industry has been built on the back of the billions of dollars invested to create a digital backbone, that has enabled the country to stay connected. Airtel alone has invested USD 50 Bn+. 99 percent of India is now covered with high speed 4G networks. Whole industries have been built on the back of 4G–be it ride sharing, food delivery, e-commerce, video streaming, payments, all of them.

presentation on airtel

Gopal Vittal Managing Director & CEO

Segment-wise Performance

Significant progress across all our businesses.

presentation on airtel

Mobile Services (India)

We offer host of services including post-paid, prepaid, roaming, internet and various value-added offerings

presentation on airtel

Digital TV Services

Our Direct-To-Home (DTH) platform provides a wide range of digital TV services, including standard and high definition (HD) options with 3D capabilities and immersive Dolby surround sound.

presentation on airtel

Home Services

We deliver fixed-line telephone and broadband services to households across 1,199 cities throughout India, including our partnership with Local Cable Operators (LCOs).

presentation on airtel

Airtel Business

As India's leading and trusted provider of ICT services, we offer a diverse portfolio of services to enterprises, governments, carriers and small to medium-sized businesses. Within connectivity.

presentation on airtel

Our Capitals

Financial capital.

presentation on airtel

At Airtel, we prioritise driving sustainability and growth across our business. We are dedicated to strategically optimising operational expenditures, ensuring prudent capital allocation and fostering a resilient operating cash flow. We duly acknowledge the significance of Financial Capital as a pivotal cornerstone in our business framework.

Manufactured Capital

presentation on airtel

We rely on a robust network infrastructure that is technologically advanced and environmentally friendly. By investing in the latest technologies and innovative solutions, we ensure our infrastructure is future ready, resulting in a seamless customer experience. With India's rapid transformation into a leading digital economy, we, at Airtel, recognise the importance of expanding our infrastructure and spectrum portfolio.

Intellectual Capital

presentation on airtel

Our digital talent, technology-driven brand, strong three-layered digital foundation and strategic collaborations and partnerships with innovationdriven global players, form the key pillars of Material topics included our Intellectual Capital.

Human Capital

presentation on airtel

We, at Airtel, believe that we have best-in-class talent in our organisation. We aim to create long-term value for our people while keeping diversity, inclusivity and employee wellbeing at the core. Aligned with the business goals, our human capital development pathway focuses towards building meaningful careers, developing impactful leadership capabilities and delivering a superior employee experience.

Social and Relationship Capital

presentation on airtel

We have established and fostered strong connections with various stakeholders, including customers, communities, governments, distributors and suppliers. The strength of our social partnerships and stakeholder relationships is crucial in meeting the needs of a new generation of customers.

Natural Capital

presentation on airtel

At Airtel, we are dedicated to ethical and sustainable development while also protecting, preserving, and regenerating the environment and generating value for our stakeholders. We support and encourage the adoption of environmentally friendly and cost-effective technology and energy sources. Our commitment to implementing sustainable practices in our operations and throughout the value chain is reinforced by our environment, health, and safety policy.

presentation on airtel

Materiality Assessment and Stakeholder Engagement

Fulfilling expectations through constant engagement, airtel’s stakeholder engagement procedure.

The stakeholder engagement process has been tailored to promote a culture of ongoing engagement with every stakeholder group and build a positive relationship with them. The formal engagement process begins with identifying, analysing, and prioritising different stakeholder groups.

presentation on airtel

Stakeholder Identification And Prioritisation

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Stakeholder Engagement

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Understanding Stakeholder Concerns

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Develop Strategic Response

ESG Approach

Sustainability – our pathway to the future.

As a responsible organisation, Airtel considers ‘Sustainability’ as an integral part of its business strategy and is committed to create long-term value for all stakeholders through sustainable business practices.

…is to be a globally renowned Environmentally conscious, Socially responsible and Governance-led Company by implementing leading ESG practices and transparent reporting.

Risk and Mitigation Framework

Safeguarding against uncertainties.

presentation on airtel

Bharti Airtel has achieved global success through a culture of innovation and high performance. As we explore new markets, embrace emerging technologies, forge strategic partnerships, and introduce innovative products, we recognise the accompanying risks and uncertainties.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Making a positive impact on society.

presentation on airtel

Bharti Foundation, the philanthropic arm of Bharti Enterprises, was established in 2000 to bring forth a transformational change in the field of education and have a positive impact on the lives of children from rural parts of India. Since its inception, the Foundation has been working closely with state governments, policymakers, NGOs, corporates and communities, and has earned respect by providing equitable access to quality education for underprivileged children in India with a special focus on the girl child.

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A Comprehensive SWOT Analysis Of Airtel with Company Overview & Highlights

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By Aditya Shastri

Last time we did a thorough SWOT Analysis of the chinese mobile maker Xiaomi . This time we shall decode the SWOT analysis of Airtel, one of India’s big three telecom giants.

Bharti Airtel is one of the top multinational telecommunication companies with more than 352 million users all over India. Airtel provides various services such as prepaid, postpaid, DTH, and broadband. Airtel also has an online payment feature named Airtel Payments Bank released in January 2017 for DTH recharges, NETC FASTag, Electricity, Landline Bill payment, and many more. 

The company is ver well known for it’s youthful and quirky marketing, connecting with it’s audience on the digital platforms they spend most of their time with. Digital marketing has become more relevant than ever since businesses need to have an online business to stay in the game. If you are interested in knowing the latest marketing techniques as well, you should definitely check out IIDE’s Free MasterClass on Digital Marketing 101 by our CEO and Founder, Karan Shah. 

To better understand the company, we should study its SWOT analysis which will give us a clear idea about the present situation of the company.

So, let us study the SWOT Analysis Of Airtel. But before we begin, let us start by learning more about the company, its services, finances, brand story and competitors.

Bharti Telecom Limited was started in 1984 by Sunil Mittal. The company initially used to sell push-button phones by importing them from the Kingtel company in Taiwan. It later had a tie-up with Siemens AG of Germany for the manufacturing of push-button phones. Bharti also got into the making of Fax machines, cordless phones, and other telecom gear. Airtel was finally founded in July 1995 by Sunil Mittal. Now Airtel has a wide range of services other than mobile services such as Airtel Payments Bank, Wynk Music, Airtel Thanks App, and a wide range of other services.

Airtel has mostly developed because of its voice and network connectivity services, but it also provides various other services such as Data and Application Based Services, Data Center based services, Cloud-Based Services, and Digital Media services. Airtel has majorly impressed its customers with its customer services, it has an option to deliver a sim card for you at your doorstep.

Airtel provides their employees with regular training sessions which helps in achieving the vision of the group. Alongside that Airtel has a team of skilled professionals under the guidance of their current CEO, Gopal Vittal. It has multiple large scale headquarters spread across India, through which the company conducts its large scale operations.

Airtel's Delhi HQ - SWOT analysis of Airtel - IIDE

Quick Stats About Airtel
Founder Sunil Bharti Mittal
Year Founded 7 July, 1995
Origin New Delhi, India
No. of Employees 17,917 (2021)
Company Type Public
Market Cap $56.31 Billion (2023)
Annual Revenue (2023)
Net Loss $1.6 Billion (2021)

Servies of Airtel

Airtel is a telecommunications giant and offers the following services:

  • Mobile Network Services
  • Satellite Television
  • Payments Bank

Close Competitors of Airtel

The telecommunications market in India has heated up a lot recently and here are the major players that compete with Airtel:

  • Reliance Jio
  • Vodafone Idea (VI)

As you now know what the company does and where it stands in the market, let’s head towards the S.W.O.T analysis of Airtel in the next section.

SWOT Analysis Of Airtel

SWOT analysis is a framework for analysing and identifying a company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. It helps in identifying where a company is lacking, and what are the opportunities for a company so that it can work accordingly and minimize its risk. 

A company will not have complete control over all the factors like it can work on its weaknesses by identifying them and can grow themselves with its strengths, but opportunities and threats are not in their control as these factors are not predictable. 

To understand it in detail, let us look at SWOT analysis for Airtel

1. Strengths Of Airtel

The strengths of a company are the features that have worked towards attracting more users

  • Advertising : Celebrity brand ambassadors have boosted the brand to a great extent. Airtel also has high brand visibility in forms of social media ads, television ads, and others such as banners, etc.
  • Customer Base : Airtel is one of the most popular cellular service providers in India with more than 352 million subscribers. As of 2019, Airtel had 403 million users worldwide. Airtel also has an international submarine cable system connecting India to Singapore. Airtel also has a strong customer base in countries like Srilanka, Bangladesh, and Africa.
  • Extensive infrastructure : From its partnership with Idea and Vodafone To building the Indus, Tower Airtel has extended its infrastructure all over the country which is helping it in gaining new customers
  • Other Services : Airtel also provides users with services like Data and Application Based Services, Data Center based services, Cloud-Based Services, and Digital Media services
  • Unique marketing : Airtel as a company invests highly in marketing strategies and tries to develop creative marketing campaigns to grab the attention of consumers. The company has several other creative marketing campaigns which have left an impression on the market. They are huge in the social media marketing space and this has won them many customers. If you wish to learn social media to stay relevant as well, head on over to IIDE’s Social Media Management Course and get started.
  • Strategic Alliances : Airtel has some great companies as stakeholders, namely Sony Ericsson, Nokia, and Singtel, and even  Apple. Such strategic alliances have always proven to boost brand equity and help in developing the company.
  • Strong Hold over Rural Markets: Airtel has established a strong customer base in rural parts of India by strategically investing in network infrastructure in those areas.

2. Weaknesses Of Airtel 

Weaknesses are aspects of a business or brand that have a scope for improvement. So let’s check some of Airtel’s major weaknesses:

  • Outsourcing Operations : Outsourcing operations has helped Airtel in reducing its prices. This causes the risk of the company having to be dependent on some other companies which may affect its operations
  • African operations : Airtel had bought Zain’s African Business back in 2013 at a huge price of approximately 9 billion dollars, but airtel is yet to announce any profits from that investment.
  • High Debt : Airtel has been under huge debt. This is because their acquisitions have been turning out to be bad investments and also high credit and low margins.
  • Competitive market: Airtel faces a significant challenge due to the oligopolistic nature of the Indian telecom market, with intense competition from Jio and Vodafone Idea. The market has become cutthroat, making it challenging for Airtel to navigate.

3. Opportunities For Airtel 

Opportunities for a company are the sectors in which a company may progress considering the current market situations and weaknesses of other companies.

  • Strategic Partnership : As far as MNP (Mobile Number Portability in India) is concerned partnering with smartphone companies is going to be the smartest strategy. This guarantees fixed cash flows in the future and would also ensure an increased customer base.
  • Market development : Considering the brutal competition in the telecommunications industry & shrinking margins, venturing into new markets/developing economies will prove to be a success for the company.
  • Untapped scope of the current market : Although it currently provides 4G coverage, such networks should be provided even in rural areas. Also developing more infrastructure to provide better connectivity. The company should aim towards providing these services to most of its regions, these would, as a result, help the company to achieve higher profits and an increase in customers.
  • 5G : The current advancements in technology and 5G trials could also prove an excellent success for the company. 5G and LTE services are not yet very common in the country especially in rural cities,  Airtel can extend their services in this direction to get new customers.

4. Threats To Airtel

Threats to a company are the reasons that are causing or may cause a decrease in the number of customers.

  • Jio 5G : Jio has been providing the customers with faster network services and has also developed much more in the 5G Technology. Jio’s ethernet cable services labeled Jio Fibre has gained a lot of attraction due to its low pricing and the great internet speed with rare to no fluctuations in internet speeds
  • Government Regulatory Framework : As a result of the normal auctioning of spectrum & change in government policies, there is a possible threat to the stability of this market, as companies with deeper pockets are more likely to gain from these auctions.
  • Competition : The continuously changing prices in the Indian market and the rising margins are adversely affecting Airtel’s business by a huge amount. Reliance Jio had started free data and calling a few years back which caused a huge disruption in the telecom sector, causing other companies to reduce their prices.
  • MNP(Mobile Number Portability) : MNP is a set of rules that provides the customers with an option to change the company while keeping the number, since airtel has higher pricing in comparison to some other service providers there is a huge possibility of customers changing for cheaper service alternatives.

Now that we have done a deep dive into the SWOT analysis of Airtel, let us conclude our learnings below.

Airtel has been around for more than two decades and is a powerful brand that has received its discussion and attention. Airtel’s popularity has been sustained over time despite rapidly changing consumer needs and ever-developing technology patterns. Airtel has been on the list of the top leading firms in its industry. It is maintaining its prominent position in the telecom industry by critically analyzing and reviewing the best strategies through SWOT analysis. It has greatly improved from wired communication to wireless communication and is aiming towards providing faster and better connectivity. 

Companies such as Airtel are heavily relying on their success through marketing and are always looking for talented marketers. If this interests you, you should learn how to create impactful and targeted digital marketing campaigns by learning the up and coming field that is taking the world by storm. All you have to do is be a part of IIDE’s Online Digital Marketing Course which upskills you in all aspects of the rising digital marketing field.

Want to know more about the marketing strategies and business models of different companies? Head on over to IIDE’s Knowledge Portal to learn more!

Thank you for reading the blog. Please like and share it with your peers and leave a comment to let us know your thoughts.

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Author's Note: My name is Aditya Shastri and I have written this case study with the help of my students from IIDE's online digital marketing courses in India . Practical assignments, case studies & simulations helped the students from this course present this analysis. Building on this practical approach, we are now introducing a new dimension for our online digital marketing course learners - the Campus Immersion Experience. If you found this case study helpful, please feel free to leave a comment below.

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Aditya Shastri

Lead Trainer & Head of Learning & Development at IIDE

Leads the Learning & Development segment at IIDE. He is a Content Marketing Expert and has trained 6000+ students and working professionals on various topics of Digital Marketing. He has been a guest speaker at prominent colleges in India including IIMs...... [Read full bio]

Shivani Mishra

I read this report as an inspiration for my personal projects and I found it insightful. The content is concisely articulated and provides a good overview of the future prospects of Bharti Airtel Ltd.

salina tamang

I’ve understood more about SWOT technique through swot analysis of airtel.

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Ppt Airtel - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. Bharti Airtel is India's largest telecommunications company, providing mobile, telephone, broadband and enterprise services under the Airtel brand. It has over 75 million subscribers across its mobile, telemedia and enterprise divisions, making it India's largest ...

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     Present edition unites two parts of Catalogue of interacting galaxies by B.A.Vorontsov-Velyaminov: the first part (Part 1) containing 355 systems was published in 1959 [1] and the second one (Part 2) with 497 objects - in 1976 [2].Thus two published parts of Catalogue include 852 interacting systems. Already in the end of 70s the preparation of third part was in going but it was not finished by the author.      To regret, many errors and misprints were found at published issues. Besides, the galaxies location in Catalogues caused some difficulties to their search. As a result in 1970 the second corrected edition of the first part was appeared [3]. In the second part of Catalogue the author did not give at all the object's list in order of the coordinates.      We have decided to join both parts of the VV-Catalogue and to add the objects intended for the third part. All new of them (1162 by number) were taken from the comments to the galaxies in Morphological catalogue by Vorontsov-Velyaminov et al.[4-8]. They took the VV- designations from VV 853 to VV 2014.      So the present edition contains 2014 interacting galaxies classified as such in Morphological catalogue which has completness to 15 photographic magnitude and to the declination of >-45 degrees. A small number of more southern galaxies were included with earlier VV-designations. We did not try to separate the single galaxies with vast structural features from really double or multiple ones because it needs the additional observations.      The classification of galaxies on the interaction types was the same as Vorontsov-Velyaminov has suggested. It was in detail described at the preface to the second part of VV-catalogue. For each type we have introduced the conventional designations given below: HII-regions: H - large inner subsystems, the galaxies with vast HII- regions, M51 type - the satellite on the spiral branch of primary component: M - one satellite, MM - two satellites on the spirals, MMM - satellite lies on the bridge connecting the components, Nests: N - three or more members in a tight group, NN - disrupted nest, NNN - separated triples, NNNP - triples with a tight pair, NPNP - the pair of tight pairs, NP - nest with clear pair, Ch - chain. Pairs: PC - pair of coalescents, b - bridge PK - pair in contact, t - tail PD - distant pair. df - disruption of the facade Psevdo-Rings R - a ring without a nucleus together the non-elliptic galaxy, "Comets" K - comet-like single galaxy, Enigmatic En including Ent - a single galaxy with a tail, Enf - a single with breaking of inner structure, Enat - not tidal phenomena.      We have verified and supplemented the information given at published parts of catalogue by means of extragalactic data base NEDA-NASA/IPAC. There are now the numerous radial velocities of interacting galaxies as far as the information on IRAS and radio observations. But we did not include the colour information because it is not so extensive as that of Vr. Besides we have omitted the angular distances between the components were given in Part 1.      The galaxies are arranged in order of the increasing of right ascension. In columns from 1 to 18 there are given: 1,11 columns - VV-designation of the galaxy. Unlike the preceeding parts the new galaxies (from VV853) were nominated in order of alfa2000, 2-3 columns - equatorial coordinates of the galaxy for the equinox 2000 from NEDA-NASA/IPAC, 4 column - the total magnitude of the component or of the whole system Bt or B(mB) from NED or mpg from MCG, 5 column - the angular dimensions in units of 0.1 minutes from NED or MCG, 6-7 columns - radial velocity of the galaxy: from optical observations VRo and from radio observations VRr in according of Vaucouleurs catalogue RC3 [9]. By asterisk there were marked the data from NED but not contained in RC3. 8-9 columns - the information on IRAS and radiodata, 10 column - the morphological type of the galaxy: S - spiral, E - elliptical, I -irregular, 12 column - the type of the interaction in according of the above-mentioned code, 13-18 columns give the identification of the object with catalogues MCG, NGC, Zwicky [10], Markarjan [11], Arp [12], UGC [13].The other identifications may be found in NED.      The study on interacting galaxies was delayed dramatically about 2 decade due to the instrumental opportunites of the astronomy in 60-s. Genuine study began only in 80-s when the importance of the galaxies interaction in their evolution was come to light. Now there are many hundreds papers on the investigation of interacting galaxies. It is just what dreamed B.A.Vorontsov-Velyaminov of which memory we dedicate this catalogue. REFERENCES Vorontsov-Velyaminov B.A. // Atlas and Catalogue of interacting galaxies. Part 1. Moscow University. Moscow. 1959. Vorontsov-Velyaminov B.A. // Atlas and Catalogue of interacting galaxies. Part 2. Astron.and Astrophys. V.28. N1. 1977 Vorontsov-Velyaminov B.A. // Atlas and Catalogue of interacting galaxies. Part 1. II edition. Moscow University. Moscow. 1970. Vorontsov-Velyaminov B.A.,Krasnogorskaya A.A. // Morphological catalogue of galaxies. Part 1. Moscow University. Moscow. 1961. Vorontsov-Velyaminov B.A.,Arhipova V.P. // Morphological catalogue of galaxies. Part 2. Moscow University. Moscow. 1964. Vorontsov-Velyaminov B.A.,Arhipova V.P. // Morphological catalogue of galaxies. Part 3. Moscow University. Moscow. 1963. Vorontsov-Velyaminov B.A.,Arhipova V.P. // Morphological catalogue of galaxies. Part 4. Moscow University. Moscow. 1968. Vorontsov-Velyaminov B.A.,Arhipova V.P. // Morphological catalogue of galaxies. Part 5. Moscow University. Moscow. 1974. de Vaucouleurs G.,de Vaucouleurs A.,Corwin H.G.,Buta R.J.,Paturel G., Fouque P. // Third reference catalogue of bright galaxies. 1991. Zwicky F. // Catalogue of selected compact and post-eruptive galaxies. Zuerich. Switzerland. 1971. Markarian B.E.,Lipovetsky V.A.,Stepanian J.A.,Erastova L.K., Shapovalova A.I. // Communications of the Special astrophysical observatory. N62. 1989. Arp H. // Atlas of peculiar galaxies. Pasadena. 1966. Nilson P. // Uppsala galaxy catalogue. Uppsala Astron.Obs.Ann. V.6, 1973.

Reference Writers: Wang Ming

( ; ) was a senior leader of the early Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and a major political rival of Mao Zedong during the 1930s, opposing what he saw as Mao's nationalist deviation from the Comintern and orthodox Marxism and Leninism lines.  He was elected as Director of the Central Legal Committee of the CCP and the Central People's Government in 1949 and as Commissioner of party's Central Committee at the 8th National Congress of CCP in 1956. However, before his election to the latter post, Wang left for Moscow for medical treatment and would never return to China. 







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  2. Westerly Konsort

  3. Westerly Konsort

  4. Westerly Konsort

  5. Tutak II, Fisher 25, Humber

  6. Westerly 22



    LENGTH: Traditionally, LOA (length over all) equaled hull length. Today, many builders use LOA to include rail overhangs, bowsprits, etc. and LOD (length on deck) for hull length. That said, LOA may still mean LOD if the builder is being honest and using accepted industry standards developed by groups like the ABYC (American Boat and Yacht Council).

  2. Westerly Marine Construction Ltd.

    Westerly Marine Construction of Hampshire, England, was one of Europe's leading production builder of fiberglass composite sailboats from the mid 1960's through the 1970's. ... KONSORT 29 (WESTERLY) 28.83 ft / 8.79 m: 1979: KONSORT 29 DUO (WESTERLY) 28.83 ft / 8.79 m: 1984: LONGBOW 31 (WESTERLY) 31.00 ft / 9.45 m: 1972: MEDWAY 36 (WESTERLY ...

  3. Westerly Konsort: space, security & good performance

    The Westerly Konsort Duo motor-sailer. Introduced in 1979, Westerly's last design by Laurent Giles remained in production until 1992. Over 600 were sold in the first six years, after which the price rose steeply and only a further 100 left the factory. About 150 of the 704 Konsorts built are fin-keelers.

  4. Westerly Konsort review: a re-purchase 40 years on

    The Westerly Konsort was the last of the Laurent Giles designs before the switch to Ed Dubois. With their trademark knuckle bows and bulky coachroofs, the earlier Laurent Giles models now look very dated. With the Westerly Konsort, though, these features are softened. In boat design evolutionary terms, she represents the missing link between ...

  5. Konsort 29 westerly

    The Konsort 29 westerly is a 28.83ft masthead sloop designed by Laurent Giles and partners ltd and built in fiberglass by Westerly Marine Construction Ltd. between 1979 and 1991. ... The data on this page has been derived from different sources but a significant part is attributed to We thank them for their encouragements and ...

  6. Westerly Konsort 29

    Westerly Konsort 29 is a 28′ 10″ / 8.8 m monohull sailboat designed by Jack Laurent Giles and built by Westerly Marine between 1979 and 1991. Great choice! Your favorites are temporarily saved for this session. ... / CC BY. Embed Embed. View Demo.

  7. USED BOAT: Westerly Konsort

    The Westerly Konsort seems to be a bigger boat than she really is. At a fraction under 29ft in length, her appearance is deceptive because of her generous volume. It's not until you take the helm that you realise you are not really sailing a 34 footer, even though it may look like it! She is light on the helm, super responsive but by the same ...

  8. Konsort Duo 29 (Westerly)

    The Konsort Duo 29 is a 28'11" (8.8m) motorsailer designed by John Laurent Giles (United Kingdom). She was built between 1985 and 1988 by Westerly (United Kingdom) with 108 hulls completed. Konsort Duo 29's main features

  9. Westerly Konsort 29 Duo

    Notes. The KONSORT 29 DUO is a Pilothouse motorsailer with the same hull as the KONSORT 29. Embed this page on your own website by copying and pasting this code. Westerly Konsort 29 Duo is a 28′ 10″ / 8.8 m monohull sailboat designed by Jack Laurent Giles and built by Westerly Marine between 1984 and 1988.

  10. Review of Westerly 29 Konsort

    The l/b ratio for Westerly 29 Konsort is 2.67. Slim Wide 88% 0 50 100. Compared with other similar sailboats it is more spacy than 88% of all other designs. It seems that the designer has chosen a significantly more spacy hull design.

  11. Westerly Konsort

    The Westerly Konsort was designed by Laurent Giles as a mid-sized boat between the 26 foot Centaur and the Longbow/Berwick/Pentland 31 foot range. She was introduced in 1979, and remained in production until 1992/93, with over 800 built. The Konsort rapidly overtook the larger boats in popularity, as with 15 inches more beam she offered ...

  12. Konsort 29 duo westerly

    The Konsort 29 duo westerly is a 28.83ft masthead sloop designed by Laurent Giles and partners ltd and built in fiberglass by Westerly Marine Construction Ltd. between 1984 and 1988. ... The data on this page has been derived from different sources but a significant part is attributed to We thank them for their encouragements ...

  13. Konsort 29 (Westerly)

    Sailboat data, rig dimensions and recommended sail areas for Konsort 29 (Westerly) sailboat. Tech info about rigging, halyards, sheets, mainsail covers and more. Sailboat Data directory for over 8,000 sailboat designs and manufacturers. Direct access to halyards lengths, recommended sail areas, mainsail cover styles, standing rigging fittings ...


    The KONSORT 29 DUO is a Pilothouse motorsailer with the same hull as the KONSORT 29. Sail area:-Main: 176 ft² / 16.40 m²-Genoa (#1): 339 ft² / 31.54 m²

  15. Sailing boats

    3.29 , Diesel , 1.62 , 10125 , 0 , Jack Laurent Giles , Westerly 29 Konsort , 8.8 , 5 , Westerly Marine , Sailing boat , westerly-29-konsort , 3800.0 , 1.62 ...

  16. konsort 29 westerly Archives

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  17. Yachts for Sale

    YachtWorld contains the largest photo and video database of boats and yachts for sale. With a wide range of new boats and used boats, power boats and sailboats, YachtWorld has the largest selection of boats and yachts in the world.Boat listings on YachtWorld are provided by subscribing member yacht brokers and new boat dealers from North America and the rest of the world.

  18. Konsort 29 westerly

    The Konsort 29 westerly is a 28.83ft masthead sloop designed by Laurent Giles and partners ltd and built in fiberglass by Westerly Marine Construction Ltd. between 1979 and 1991. 704 units have been built. The Konsort 29 westerly is a moderate weight sailboat which is slightly under powered. It is stable / stiff and has a low righting ...

  19. sailboatdata westerly

    Yachting Monthly. Digital edition; Westerly Konsort review: a re-purchase 40 years on. Rachael Sprot; June 9, 2023; As families grow up they inevitably grow out of their boats. Ra

  20. The Catalogue of Interacting Galaxies by Vorontsov-Velyaminov

    1,11 columns - VV-designation of the galaxy. Unlike the preceeding parts the new galaxies (from VV853) were nominated in order of alfa2000, 2-3 columns - equatorial coordinates of the galaxy for the equinox 2000 from NEDA-NASA/IPAC, 4 column - the total magnitude of the component or of the whole system Bt or B(mB) from NED or mpg from MCG, 5 column - the angular dimensions in units of 0.1 ...

  21. The Wang Ming Reference Archive

    The Wang Ming Reference Archive. Wang Ming (王明; May 23, 1904 - March 27, 1974) was a senior leader of the early Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and a major political rival of Mao Zedong during the 1930s, opposing what he saw as Mao's nationalist deviation from the Comintern and orthodox Marxism and Leninism lines.


    LENGTH: Traditionally, LOA (length over all) equaled hull length. Today, many builders use LOA to include rail overhangs, bowsprits, etc. and LOD (length on deck) for hull length. That said, LOA may still mean LOD if the builder is being honest and using accepted industry standards developed by groups like the ABYC (American Boat and Yacht Council).

  23. Westerly Owners Association

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