The Top Sailboat Manufacturers (According to Sailors)

Whether you are buying or chartering a boat, or whether you simply want to stay informed, you might be asking the question: who are the top sailboat manufacturers? As is the case with most 'who's the best' questions, the answer isn't simple. So this article takes a stroll among the crowds and asks - “who's your favorite?” .

largest production sailboat

What are the top sailboat manufacturers?

Groupe beneteau.

This is the ultimate all-star list. Now let’s see why.

First of all - I want to make this lineup relatively short. There are tens of names that bounce around when you ask about favorite manufacturers, and if I had made this a long list, in the end, it wouldn’t represent the famous all-stars that really stand out in the eyes of the people. If you want a longer, less detailed list, check out our article about 50 popular sailboat brands . This time though, we are looking only at the manufacturer champions of the ‘popular choice’ contest.

“This is a loaded question!”, the internet forums yell, “there are thousands of options!”, they cry, enraged, “it’s not about the boat, but about the crew!” they scream. But we don’t give up and continue, determined to find out who you all like the most.

Cover Image : Bavaria Cruiser 55 - Copyright BavariaYachtbau under CC BY-SA 4.0

I know, I know, I hear you. Let’s start with the cons of these boats to quench the thirst of the bloodthirsty critics. Yes, Wallys are very costly, they go all the way up to tens of millions of dollars and so won’t be more than a bedroom poster for most of the readers.

That’s about it when it comes to the negatives, though. The reason they made it on this list despite their price tag is that they are pioneers in many aspects. Visually they are beyond gorgeous, and their price allows for exquisite build quality. The cost of these hi-end racer/cruisers means they aren’t particularly user friendly since most users won’t be able to use them, but just as Rolls Royce belongs on the list of the best cars, Wally belongs on the list of the best boats. They are the brainchild of Luca Bassani, founder and chief of the brand, a stylish Italian man who knows what’s right.

And it is this poster worthiness that gained them popularity among the crowds. A video of a simple Atlantic crossing on a 100 foot Wally has millions of views not necessarily because that particular journey would be exciting, in fact, it is quite an uneventful one, but because it is on a boat that makes the design junkies salivate. The Wally designs alone were the reason these boats made it into Hollywood feature films and series, and if you look at one, you’ll understand why. This is what happens when extravaganza meets good taste and has all the money in the world to realize the idea.

What do they make in terms of sailboats? Superyachts around 100 ft long, each focused on sporty cruising, design, and comfort. They only make custom sailboats, no factory models here. Buying a used one is a safe situation, they hold up even after a long time both in terms of quality, performance as well as design. During their existence, Wally only made a handful of boats, so if you ever stumble upon one, take a selfie. It is like meeting a celebrity.

largest production sailboat

To level the scales, let’s now jump at the opposite side of the spectrum and have a look at Catalina, the people pleaser. If Wally was the Rolls Royce of the boating world, Catalina is the Ford, making, as they say, “honest, sturdy boats that hold up to real-world conditions, perform well and cost less to maintain”. The mission of this company then seems to be to make boats as practical as possible for the common folk. That means: a practical interior layout, practical handling, and last but definitely not least, a practical price.

And this strategy has worked out well - according to experiences of hundreds of thousands of sailors, Catalinas stand up to their reputation of a boat that’s got your back. It is one of the largest boat producers in the world, with over sixty thousand of its boats sailing the world. Boat manufacturers oftentimes go through quite a lot of rough patches, that turn into bankruptcy for many, it isn’t an easy business to be in, but Catalina has been on a roll for decades. And this success has come with its perks - the business stability allowed for some impressive manufacturing facilities, which helps mass production, which in turn helps drive the price down. So with Catalina, you’ll likely be getting more bang for your buck than from their competition.

They make boats ranging from tiny daysailers all the way to 50-foot seaworthy vessels. What made them the most famous though are their mid-sized cruisers - the staple of the classical American sailing fan. Whether you like it or not, slow and steady is the name of the game when it comes to mainstream, and that is precisely what Catalina understands so well. They don’t take large risks. Their models are long-running with slight tweaks and facelifts, concepts that don’t surprise or insult, but offer stability. This conservativeness has been what some sailors hold against Catalinas, which is easy to understand when looking at many other brands that offer more in terms of fanciness, but this is the Catalina way, and it has worked out splendidly for them.

The long years of experience make for a great manufacturer that makes boats which won’t be the fastest, won’t be the prettiest or the boldest in terms of design or technological innovation, but they will do precisely what they are made to do - their job.

largest production sailboat

Bavaria is to Europe what Catalina is to the United States. Affordable, practical, nothing special, but does what it’s supposed to. It is the main diet of many Mediterranean sailors. To stay with the cars equivalent, just because I like it so much, if Catalinas were the Ford, Bavarias would be the Volkswagen. They are generally cheaper than Catalinas but don’t see that as an indicator, sailors can’t seem to find one or the other significantly worse or better in build quality. There are of course a few voices rooting for one or the other, but that can be assigned to fandom rather than to actual benefits. The price difference is there partly due to a different manufacturing process, the Bavaria factories are more efficient (they are German after all), and the production is more streamlined, allowing cutting costs without cutting corners.

Reliability, ease of use, and affordability are aspects that lead the design decisions here - which is what makes them so prevalent in charter companies. Even a nonexperienced sailor can get on a Bavaria and operate it with relative ease. But as I’ve been told by the boss of an unnamed charter company, after five or so years, you will start to feel the lower price tag as their reliability starts to go down unless money is put into repairs. With an older Bavaria, you will feel its age more than with other manufacturers. As one owner puts it, they tend to get “quite exhausted”.

So in case you belong among the Bavaria fans and have your eye on a used one, keep the above sentences in mind and when shopping, make sure you understand the ‘health’ of the boat in question. Moreover, be aware of the difference between a boat that was used by a handful of sailors over the years versus one that was chartered to more people than you could count. In other words, you wouldn’t want to buy a few-year-old rental car because who knows what the poor thing had to suffer, - especially since you can bet that many of the clients weren’t particularly good sailors due to generous sailing license policies in Croatia, which allows virtually anybody to ‘become a sailor’ within hours for a friendly fee.

What can you expect when you get on one? Good things - the manufacturers know what their products are used for, and that is why Bavarias are designed as easy comfortable cruisers. Everything you need to have within reach will be within reach, to the point of you having something to hold on almost all the time wherever you go through the boat - Bavaria knows well that many of its users won’t have their ‘sea legs’ and act accordingly. Even smaller models have generous amounts of space because it is the smaller models that are charter kings - Bavaria gives a lot of attention to them. The layouts will be comfy, so Bavarias make good boats for longer voyages - pair that with reliability and price and you will understand why the vox populi speaks so fondly of them.

largest production sailboat

The reason I am mentioning the name of the parent company here is that they own both Beneteau and Jeanneau, brands that are distinguishable on the surface, but if you look close enough, you will find them pretty similar, down to the fact that they are produced in the same factory. So since both Beneteau and Jeanneau are very popular sailor’s choices, both deserve a place on this list, but dedicating a subchapter to each would feel like making a duplicate.

By the way, Groupe Beneteau also owns Lagoon, a renowned catamaran maker, Prestige, luxury yacht manufacturer, Monte Carlo Yachts, CNB Yacht builder, the semi-custom sailboat maker, Four Winns, Glastron, Scarab, Wellcraft, Excess, and Delphia… some of these make motor yachts only, but if you combine fans of all of these, you get a sizable crowd. This company has figured out what people of various tastes want and serves quite a few of these niches.

largest production sailboat

Business aside, let’s see how this French company managed to find its way into the hearts of so many. Well, first of all, they are French. So chic style is to be expected. And with this, fans come. Image wise (and design-wise to a bit) Jeanneau is the sporty one that sails better, while Beneteau aims at the family comfort market. But on both, you will feel loved by the designer. They are made to make you feel good when you use them, and they’ll spoil you with luxury that fits within the specific price tag.

Comfort is a big deal here. On Jeanneaus for instance, you will sometimes find quite unique layouts, often different from the traditional ones, to really pamper the sailors - such as their two master bedroom setup, with the stern one being under the cockpit. A lot of them come with the 360 docking system, which allows you to move the boat around with a joystick and makes maneuvering in marinas so easy you feel like you are cheating. Or consider their decision to make the hull finer to cut through the water better, resulting in less movement - something that helps with comfort. All of this comes for a price but less so than you would expect since the buying power of the enormous Groupe Beneteau helps with shaving off dollars where smaller manufacturers couldn’t. This is, for instance, the reason why they can afford to use wood on their crafts to an extent you wouldn’t expect from a production boat for that price - again, buying volume allows for this even without you necessarily having to pay the expected premium.

Of course, you will mostly find them in Europe, where they are plentiful in marinas, though the aforementioned Bavarias dominate as far as numbers go. But that is mostly because of charters, since last year, over 80 percent of chartered boats were Bavarias. As personal boats, products of Groupe Beneteau belong among the top choices.

largest production sailboat

Now, this is a bit of a tricky one. The manufacturer doesn’t exist anymore, in fact, it produced boats from 1960 to 1989, making it over thirty years old, but despite that, the Cal models are still a favorite and worthy member of the cruising as well as performance world.

During the company’s existence, almost twenty thousand boats were built, partially because they were one of the first brands to mass-produce fiberglass sailboats. That, along with Cal models winning impressively in races, helped them to make a name for themselves, a name that still sounds to this day.

largest production sailboat

Why is it on this list? Partially because of its prevalence on the seas, partially because of its prevalence in internet forums and pub talks. Cal sailboats are loved by their owners mostly for their responsiveness when under sail, good build quality, (even though many say the interior could have been done way better) as well as reliability even after long years of use. Many of the design features have indeed been improved since, so if thirty years ago you could dominate races with Cals, today you won’t be on the lightest and most up to date boat around anymore. But you won’t be sailing a cruiser either. The boat might not be a pureblood racer, but it was built with racing in mind. Which might give the more sporty ones of your peace of mind that no Bavaria or any traditional cruiser will provide.

Quite a few owners say though that the success from the sixties gained Cal a name that you will pay for when buying one. If you are one of those who want to make sure they are paying for physical value rather than reputation, this might be a dealbreaker for you. There is a certain portion of slight arrogance that comes with racing success, one that shows in later models. But given the brand’s popularity, this is not too big of a deal.

So if cruising is your goal, if long crossings are what you desire, if you simply want a boat that was built with honesty and can take you basically anywhere you want, Cals are a safe bet. You’ll be joining a big, happy and an old family. And an affordable one at that.

In conclusion

To sum it all up, it seems that practicality, affordability, and reliability are the main factors that influence whether a sailboat manufacturer will become popular among sailors or not. As well as extravagant design and beauty, but that’s another story.

There have been many shipyards throughout the ages, some long-lasting, some surviving but a couple of years. Each tried to come up with an angle to sell well. Sometimes it was quirky design, and sometimes it was an intriguing feature, sometimes it was the use of new technology. Sometimes it worked out quite well, other times it did not. But in the end what sailors seem to want is a boat that will not fail them when they need it the most, a boat that is well built enough to cross oceans, because that gives one a sense of freedom and a boat that is built with the user-friendliness in mind. Simply, a boat that is your good friend.

A road to a sailor’s heart is simple, after all.

Daniel O'Connell

Really good article. I was enlightened.

Dan O’Connell

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40 Best Sailboats

  • By Cruising World Editors
  • Updated: May 24, 2024

the 40 best sailboats

Sailors are certainly passionate about their boats, and if you doubt that bold statement, try posting an article dubbed “ 40 Best Sailboats ” and see what happens.

Barely had the list gone live, when one reader responded, “Where do I begin? So many glaring omissions!” Like scores of others, he listed a number of sailboats and brands that we were too stupid to think of, but unlike some, he did sign off on a somewhat upbeat note: “If it weren’t for the presence of the Bermuda 40 in Cruising World’s list, I wouldn’t even have bothered to vote.”

By vote, he means that he, like hundreds of other readers, took the time to click through to an accompanying page where we asked you to help us reshuffle our alphabetical listing of noteworthy production sailboats so that we could rank them instead by popularity. So we ask you to keep in mind that this list of the best sailboats was created by our readers.

The quest to building this list all began with such a simple question, one that’s probably been posed at one time or another in any bar where sailors meet to raise a glass or two: If you had to pick, what’re the best sailboats ever built?

In no time, a dozen or more from a variety of sailboat manufacturers were on the table and the debate was on. And so, having fun with it, we decided to put the same question to a handful of CW ‘s friends: writers and sailors and designers and builders whose opinions we value. Their favorites poured in and soon an inkling of a list began to take shape. To corral things a bit and avoid going all the way back to Joshua Slocum and his venerable Spray —Hell, to Noah and his infamous Ark —we decided to focus our concentration on production monohull sailboats, which literally opened up the sport to anyone who wanted to get out on the water. And since CW is on the verge or turning 40, we decided that would be a nice round number at which to draw the line and usher in our coming ruby anniversary.

If you enjoy scrolling through this list, which includes all types of sailboats, then perhaps you would also be interested in browsing our list of the Best Cruising Sailboats . Check it out and, of course, feel free to add your favorite boat, too. Here at Cruising World , we like nothing better than talking about boats, and it turns out, so do you.

– LEARN THE NAVIGATION RULES – Know the “Rules of the Road” that govern all boat traffic. Be courteous and never assume other boaters can see you. Safety Tip Provided by the U.S. Coast Guard

moore 24 sailboat

40. Moore 24

pearson vanguard sailboat

39. Pearson Vanguard

dufour arpege 30 sailboat

38. Dufour Arpege 30

Alerion Express 28

37. Alerion Express 28

Mason 43/44 sailboat

36. Mason 43/44

jeanneau sun odyssey 43ds sailboat

35. Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 43DS

nor'sea 27 sailboat

34. Nor’Sea 27

freedom 40 sailboat

33. Freedom 40

beneteau sense 50 sailboat

32. Beneteau Sense 50

nonsuch 30 sailboat

31. Nonsuch 30

swan 44 sailboat

30. Swan 44

C&C landfall 38 sailboat

29. C&C Landfall 38

gulfstar 50 sailboat

28. Gulfstar 50

sabre 36 sailboat

27. Sabre 36

pearson triton sailboat

26. Pearson Triton

– CHECK THE FIT – Follow these guidelines to make sure your life jacket looks good, stays comfortable and works when you need it. Safety Tip Provided by the U.S. Coast Guard

islander 36 sailboat

25. Islander 36

gozzard 36 sailboat

24. Gozzard 36

bristol 40 sailboat

23. Bristol 40

tartan 34 sailboat

22. Tartan 34

morgan out island 41 sailboat

21. Morgan Out Island 41

hylas 49 sailboat

20. Hylas 49

contessa 26 sailboat

19. Contessa 26

Whitby 42 sailboat

18. Whitby 42

Columbia 50 sailboat

17. Columbia 50

morris 36 sailboat

16. Morris 36

hunter 356 sailboat

15. Hunter 356

cal 40 sailboat

13. Beneteau 423

westsail 32 sailboat

12. Westsail 32

CSY 44 sailboat

– CHECK THE WEATHER – The weather changes all the time. Always check the forecast and prepare for the worst case. Safety Tip Provided by the U.S. Coast Guard

Alberg 30 sailboat

10. Alberg 30

island packet 38 sailboat

9. Island Packet 38

passport 40 sailboat

8. Passport 40

tayana 37 sailboat

7. Tayana 37

peterson 44 sailboat

6. Peterson 44

pacific seacraft 37 sailboat

5. Pacific Seacraft 37

hallberg-rassy 42 sailboat

4. Hallberg-Rassy 42

catalina 30 sailboat

3. Catalina 30

hinckley bermuda 40 sailboat

2. Hinckley Bermuda 40

valiant 40 sailboat

1. Valiant 40

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Top 10 largest sailing yachts in the world

The list of the top ten largest sailing yachts in the world is not easily disrupted. In fact, it had remained unchanged since the launch of the 106.7-metre Oceanco Black Pearl in 2018, which swiped the top spot from Lürssen 's 93-metre Eos . For four years, Black Pearl remained the largest yacht in the world until early in 2023 when Oceanco sent a new flagship down the slipway, the mighty 127-metre Koru . Read on to discover our official list of the largest sailing yachts in the world. 

1. Koru | 127m

Leading this list is a new entry: Oceanco 's record-breaking 127-metre sailing yacht Koru . Commissioned by Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, Koru has been the subject of much speculation for years but was revealed in all its glory in 2021. Not only is she the largest sailing yacht in the world, she is also the largest superyacht ever to be built in the Netherlands. Her name, Koru, is the Māori word meaning "new beginnings" and she is accompanied by a 75-metre support vessel named Abeona . She was delivered in 2023 and is over 20 metres longer than the former title-holder Black Pearl.

  • Builder: Oceanco
  • Country of build: Netherlands
  • Delivery year: 2023
  • Length Overall: 125.82 m
  • Beam: 16.95 m
  • Gross Tonnage 3493 t

More about this yacht

More stories, 2. black pearl | 106.7m.

Instantly recognisable with her black sails and Dynarig set-up, Black Pearl is the second-largest sailing yacht in the world. Delivered during the same year as 142.81-metre Sailing Yacht A (officially designated as a sail-assisted motor yacht), Black Pearl spent five years in development at Dutch yard Oceanco . Dykstra Naval Architects , Ken Freivokh , Nuvolari Lenard , BMT Nigel Gee and Gerard P Villate all contributed their expertise to this monumental project, which looks set to turn heads the world over for decades to come. She is often compared to Maltese Falcon , the first Dynarig superyacht, but boasts a number of technological advancements. She flies 25 per cent more sail area with hinging spars that fold down to allow her to pass through the Panama Canal, but it is what lies beneath that really counts. Two variable pitch propellers harness kinetic energy while she is under sail, which can run the hotel or recharge the batteries, allowing her to cross oceans without expending a drop of fuel. 

  • Delivery year: 2018
  • Length Overall: 106.7 m
  • Gross Tonnage 2700 t

3. Eos | 92.93m

Eos was built in Germany under a cloak of secrecy for her American media and movie mogul Barry Diller. Eos is a three-masted Bermuda rigged schooner and was refitted at Royal Huisman in 2011. After emerging from her refit the yacht caught fire in Norway and had to return to the yard to be repaired.

  • Builder: Lurssen
  • Country of build: Germany
  • Delivery year: 2006
  • Length Overall: 92.93 m
  • Beam: 13.5 m
  • Gross Tonnage 1500 t

4. Athena | 90m

Athena was built by the Royal Huisman in Holland for US software developer Jim Clark. Athena's advanced engineering means that she is able to sail in relatively light airs, while still offering the interior space typically only found on motor yachts. In stronger winds, Athena has been credited as attaining 19 knots under sail. The yacht's three closed decks include a large owner's suite, four guest suites, a saloon and dining room on the main deck and a sky lounge on the upper deck. Her clipper-bow and three-masted schooner sprung from the boards of Pieter Beeldsnijder (exterior styling) and Dykstra Naval Architects (naval architecture).

  • Builder: Royal Huisman
  • Delivery year: 2004
  • Length Overall: 90 m
  • Beam: 12.2 m
  • Gross Tonnage 1103 t

5. Maltese Falcon | 88m

Maltese Falcon  was built for the late American venture capitalist Tom Perkins. The iconic three-masted schooner is the fifth-largest sailing yacht in the world. Maltese Falcon's rig is made up of three unstayed, 'weapons-grade' carbon fibre masts, with a fully computerised sail and rotating mast system. The system has been dubbed a triumph of design, development and engineering and Maltese Falcon has topped an impressive 24 knots under sail. The Ken Freivokh interior is a marriage of industrial chic and high tech. It features leather, glass, wood and steel as well as a modern art collection. The yacht has accommodation for 12 guests and is available for charter.

  • Builder: Perini Navi
  • Country of build: Turkey
  • Length Overall: 88 m
  • Beam: 12.47 m
  • Gross Tonnage 1112 t

Yachts for charter

6. aquijo | 85.9m.

The highly anticipated Aquijo was the result of a collaboration between Vitters and Oceanco. Both Dutch yards worked closely with the owner's representative to create a highly complex, performance-driven sailing machine that became the third largest sailing superyacht when launched. Aquijo is an aluminium ketch-rigged yacht, and features a custom steering system. Aquijo's interior layout provides clear sight lines thanks to her high-volume superstructure.

  • Builder: Vitters | Oceanco
  • Delivery year: 2016
  • Length Overall: 85.9 m
  • Beam: 14.48 m
  • Gross Tonnage 1538 t

7. Sea Eagle II | 81m

Delivered in 2020, Sea Eagle II is the most recent addition to the top ten largest sailing yachts in the world. Built by Royal Huisman, Sea Eagle II features exterior styling by Mark Whiteley and naval architecture penned by Dykstra Naval Architects . Sold in summer 2016 by  Northrop & Johnson  as Project RH400,  Sea Eagle II  is the largest yacht ever built by the Dutch yard. 

  • Delivery year: 2020
  • Length Overall: 81 m
  • Gross Tonnage 1150 t

8. M5 | 78.4m

Built by Vosper Thorneycroft in Southampton, England, M5  was launched as the iconic yacht Mirabella V in 2004. She remains the world’s largest sloop to date. M5 was designed by Ron Holland for American yachtsman Joe Vittoria, who enjoyed sailing her for seven years before she was sold on. The new owner renamed her M5 and she was extended by 3.2 metres in a refit at  Pendennis  before her relaunch in 2013. Her most recent refit , however, in 2019, saw M5 emerge from the sheds with all new paint-work, composite biminis, a reinforced mast and a new bow-thruster.

M5 has a displacement of 780 tonnes (165 tonnes of which is the keel). The carbon fibre mast is an amazing 88.3 metres tall and can carry approximately 3,700 square metres of sail.

  • Builder: Vosper Thornycroft
  • Country of build: United Kingdom
  • Length Overall: 78.4 m
  • Beam: 14.8 m
  • Gross Tonnage 1009 t

9. Badis | 70m

The second largest Perini Navi sailing yacht to date, Badis was built for the multiple superyacht owner Bill Duker and launched in 2016 as Sybaris . The name comes from a Greek settlement in ancient Italy that was famed for its hedonism, feasts and excesses. Featuring naval architecture and sailplan optimisation by Philippe Briand, this all-aluminium ketch can host up to 12 guests across six cabins. Interiors are by PH Design with a total internal volume of 870GT, while the crew quarters allow for a staff of up to 11. Under power, Badis's twin MTU 16V 2000 M72 diesel engines generate a total of 3,860hp, resulting in a top speed of 17.5 knots and a maximum cruising range of 5,000 nautical miles at 12.5 knots.

  • Country of build: Italy
  • Length Overall: 70 m
  • Beam: 13.24 m
  • Gross Tonnage 887 t

10. Atlantic | 69.3m

Atlantic might have the looks of an old classic but don't be fooled, this modern three-masted schooner was delivered in 2010 to an owner with a penchant for classic sailing yachts. She was built from scratch as a replica of the famous 64.5-metre Townsend & Downey schooner by the same name built in 1903. The sailing yacht made history when she set the record for the fastest Atlantic crossing in 1905 - a record that remained unbroken for nearly 100 years - but she was sadly scrapped in 1982. Inspired by its legacy, owner Ed Kastelein built a replica as a tribute to the record-breaking classic at the Van de Graaf shipyard in the Netherlands. The new Atlantic 's three masts stand 50 metres high and support 1,700 square metres of sails with 36 winches in bronze built specially by Harken.

  • Builder: Van der Graaf
  • Delivery year: 2010
  • Length Overall: 69.31 m
  • Gross Tonnage 268 t

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World’s fastest monohull: Malizia-Seaexplorer IMOCA 60

Yachting World

  • August 17, 2023

The IMOCA 60 Malizia-Seaexplorer is the world’s fastest monohull, having set a blistering 24-hour record of 641.08 nautical miles while competing in The Ocean Race transatlantic leg

largest production sailboat

Followers of the IMOCA 60  fleet will know that two names have dominated the class over the past two generations when it comes to design: VPLP and Verdier. So, it’s no surprise that all five of the IMOCAs competing in The Ocean Race come from those same drawing boards (and in the case of the oldest boat in the fleet, the 2015-launched Guyot Environnement, a VPLP/Verdier partnership).

Of the four designs, three are by Verdier – 11th Hour Racing Team , Holcim-PRB , and Biotherm. This leaves Boris Herrmann ’s Malizia-Seaexplorer as the sole latest generation VPLP IMOCA in the race, but the differences in its design concept run much deeper. Malizia-Seaexplorer was, uniquely among the fleet, designed from the outset for both the 2023 Ocean Race and the 2024 Vendée Globe . The result is a distinctively different looking IMOCA.

VPLP explains that the design differs markedly from previous iterations of IMOCA, particularly in the shape of the hull. Much of this was the result of lessons learned during the 2020 Vendée Globe . The main aim of the hull studies VPLP undertook was to optimise Malizia-Seaexplorer’s performance in the heavy seas of the Southern Ocean without compromising its ability to perform in the more moderate conditions expected on the Atlantic stages of both The Ocean Race and Vendée Globe.

largest production sailboat

Damage to the original L-shaped foils proved fortuitous – the replacement C-shaped ones actually performed better. Photo: Ricardo Pinto/Team Malizia

German skipper Herrmann had made three laps of the planet before the Ocean Race start and had specific ideas he wanted to incorporate into the design. Malizia-Seaexplorer has noticeably full bow sections, a higher freeboard and more curved sheerline. Co-skipper Will Harris explained that the boat’s bow shape and volume are two of its key design features.

“The first 3.5m of the bow were cut off, in effect giving us a scow bow,” Harris said while showing me around the boat in the Newport stopover. “It means we’re less likely to catch the bow as we plough into the wave in front of us. And the added volume up front helps lift the boat back out of the water. You look at a boat like Biotherm, it has a bullet nose. Once it digs in a wave it’s hard to get it back out.

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largest production sailboat

Extraordinary Boats: the new 11th Hour Racing IMOCA 60

For decades the whole point of designing an IMOCA 60 has been to win the Vendée Globe solo round the…

largest production sailboat

Extraordinary boats: the new radical PRB IMOCA 60

As if the new PRB IMOCA 60 were not eye-catching enough, the story behind it is truly remarkable. The reason…

“We really thought about this design for the Southern Ocean, and it really pays off in the heavy conditions. It might not be so good in other conditions, in lighter winds the extra volume means it’s heavier, but in the rough conditions it pays off for us.”

Among the Verdier designs, overall race leader Holcim-PRB seems the most similar in terms of bow shape, though it lacks the volume of Malizia. Not surprisingly, the two designs were clearly superior in the arduous 12,000-mile Southern Ocean Leg 3 of The Ocean Race. Holcim-PRB and Malizia-Seaexplorer were 1st and 2nd through the mid-leg scoring gate. Approaching the gate at longitude 143 East, Malizia-Seaexplorer overtook 11th Hour Racing Team in strong north-westerly winds of 20-25 knots to earn 2nd place.

largest production sailboat

Malizia-Seaexplorer’s notably high freeboard translates to greater headroom inside the cockpit. Photo: Antoine Auriol/Team Malizia

11th Hour’s onboard reporter Amory Ross ruefully described Malizia’s superiority in the sea state as they went past: “After working our way through Biotherm it was Malizia’s turn to do the same to us this afternoon. They seem to be able to carry more sail and keep their bow up, presumably with the shape of their hull, and while we struggled in the waves to keep from nose diving, they were able to sail at the same speed but lower.

“We watched as they sailed down to us, around our bow, and then continued on in a more southerly direction.”

Malizia kept that pace up in heavy conditions on the approach to Cape Horn and rounded the iconic landmark ahead of Holcim-PRB.

largest production sailboat

Racing at full bore in the Southern Ocean during Leg 3 of The Ocean Race. Photo: Antoine Auriol/Team Malizia

Banana boat

Another design feature Harris credited to their success is the boat’s rocker, the curvature of the hull from bow to stern. Harris said that because the rocker rises up in the stern, it also aids the bow in staying out of the water.

“The rocker continues well into the back of the boat, so the whole boat is like a banana,” Harris said. “The idea behind the rocker rising in the stern is to help lift the bow up even more. By having the stern high we can stack more gear, people and equipment in the back of the boat so the bow comes out even more, so it’s less likely to dig into the waves. The tradeoff is it’s less efficient in marginal planing conditions, it’s a little harder to get on a plane just before foiling, but we feel it’s a very small difference.”

The added freeboard also has multiple benefits, including the boat’s ability to self-right. All IMOCAs must be able to self-right after passing 110° of heel angle. “The higher freeboard means more volume at the front. So, when the bow digs in a wave, there’s a lot of buoyancy to help lift it out of the water. Higher freeboard also means more volume for life onboard. And in the IMOCA rules, a high freeboard means more form stability so we can have a lighter ballast bulb for the 110° test,” Harris adds.

largest production sailboat

The new borrowed c-shape foils were something of a blessing. Photo: Antoine Auriol / Team Malizia

Foil changes

However, it’s Malizia’s foils that have proven to be an unexpected benefit – especially since they’re not the intended foils, but rather a spare set the team had to switch to after Malizia-Seaexplorer’s version one foils were damaged beyond repair before the race start.

The team’s original set suffered damage on the delivery from Guadeloupe at the end of the Route du Rhum to Alicante for the start of The Ocean Race. Harris said that they experienced some rough conditions on the passage and that when the boat nosedived the loads on the foils were counter to the designed loads. There’s a shaft inside the foils around which the carbon fibre is laid, but the carbon wasn’t strong enough to support the huge loads the foils undergo.

An ultrasound check revealed internal damage, and was followed by a frantic search for a replacement set – the team was fortunate to be able to use a set from designer Sam Manuard, similar to those built for Sam Davies’ new Initiatives Coeur.

“To be honest, it’s been a bit of a blessing,” Harris said. The original foils were L-shaped in profile, whereas the replacements are C-shaped. Harris says the biggest benefit is the way the foils regulate the boat’s motion through waves.

largest production sailboat

There are 54 separate control lines running into the enclosed cockpit. Photo: Antoine Auriol/Team Malizia

“The C-shaped foils are more polyvalent, they’re good in all conditions,” said Harris. “They’re more vertical in profile, which means there’s more righting moment, more of a daggerboard effect. And when the boat starts to lift out of the water the foil comes out in a natural way and helps stabilise the flight of the boat. It doesn’t leap as much. The L-foils are not as good at managing those leaps, you must play more with their extension. With the C-foils, if they’re extended a bit too much in a gust it’s OK. They allow the boat to lift over the wave and not jump so much that it ventilates.”

The C-shape foil versus L-shape played out dramatically on Leg 5 of The Ocean Race, when 11th Hour Racing Team, Holcim-PRB and Malizia-Seaexplorer all took turns blowing through the race and outright monohull 24-hour records (previously standing at 602 and 618 miles respectively, the latter set by the 100ft Comanche back in 2015). During what’s been dubbed the ‘North Atlantic Speed Sailing Seminar’ Malizia-Seaexplorer ended up with the top number, setting a new record of 641.13 miles in 24 hours on 26 May, having maintained a breathtaking average speed of 26.71 knots.

largest production sailboat

By IMOCA standards, Malizia’s living quarters are comfortable, with curtained bunks. Despite how snugly the crew are wedged in, Rosalind Kuiper was thrown from her bunk and suffered a head injury in Leg 3, due to the foiling IMOCA’s extreme motion in rough seas. Photo: Antoine Auriol/Team Malizia

“We had exceptional conditions with a flat sea, the wind steady from the right direction, the right angle for such a long time,” said Herrmann.

“No sail changes – actually, we took a reef in and out, so we slowed down for these two moments, but apart from that nothing slowed us down for a longer time. Sometimes, the waves got a little bit shorter and we’d slow down to 18 knots and get a bit stuck in the sea. But most of the time the boat would pass the sea perfectly and fly at 27-34 knots, it felt really relaxed.”

Bulletproof IMOCA 60

Regardless of the foil shape, Malizia-Seaexplorer is a beast of a boat. Harris noted that the boat has 30% more structure than the other IMOCAs. The hull is solid carbon fibre, no foam core, up to 16 layers thick in some places. The trend among the IMOCA class is to eliminate the foam cores and use a monolithic construction process that eliminates the possibility of core failure. Given the 30-knot speeds these boats are capable of, their skippers must have confidence that the machine will not break.

“This is a very good boat for the Vendée Globe, it is very good for the overall campaign,” said Herrmann. “I don’t foresee broken stringers or a delamination after a cold front. We have a monolithic very strong hull, a little heavier but when we are up on the foils we perform very much like the pack.

“We are seeing sensational performances downwind and upwind, a few knots quicker than the old boat, the ergonomics are so much better than the old boat. There are so many good things about this boat.”

largest production sailboat

Extensive solar panels from Solbian on the side decks and coachroof produce 60% of required power, the rest being generated from two hydro-generators. Photo: Antoine Auriol/Team Malizia

Malizia-Seaexplorer specifications

LOA: 18.28m / 59ft 11in LOA inc bowsprit: 20.12m / 65ft 5in Beam: 5.70m / 18ft 3in Draught: 4.50m / 14ft 8in Displacement: N/A Mast height: 27.24m / 88ft 9in Sail area upwind: 270m2 / 2,906ft2 Sail area offwind: 550m2 / 5,920ft2 Design: VPLP Builder: Multiplast

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OceanWave Sail

A Comprehensive List of the United States Sailboat Manufacturers of the last 100 Years!

Published by sail on march 18, 2023 march 18, 2023.

Here are some of the most notable United States sailboat manufacturers of the past 100 years, along with a brief description of each:

Catalina Yachts –

Founded in 1970, Catalina Yachts is one of the largest sailboat manufacturers in the United States. Their boats range from 12 to 50 feet in length and are popular among both recreational sailors and serious cruisers.

Hunter Marine –

Hunter Marine was founded in 1973 and has built a reputation for producing high-quality sailboats that are both comfortable and seaworthy. Their boats range from 15 to 50 feet in length and are popular among cruisers.

Beneteau USA –

Beneteau is a French boat manufacturer with a strong presence in the United States. They produce a wide range of sailboats, from small day-sailers to large ocean-going cruisers.

J/Boats –

J/Boats is a racing-oriented sailboat manufacturer that was founded in 1977. Their boats are known for their speed and performance, and are popular among both amateur and professional sailors.

Pearson Yachts –

Pearson Yachts was founded in 1957 and produced a range of popular sailboats, including the Pearson Triton and Pearson 30. They went out of business in 1991, but many of their boats are still sailing today.

Tartan Yachts –

Tartan Yachts has been producing high-quality sailboats since 1960. Their boats are known for their classic design and seaworthiness, and are popular among both cruising sailors and racing enthusiasts.

Island Packet Yachts –

Island Packet Yachts was founded in 1979 and has built a reputation for producing high-quality cruising sailboats that are comfortable and seaworthy. Their boats range from 26 to 52 feet in length.

O’Day Yachts –

O’Day Yachts was founded in 1958 and produced a wide range of sailboats, from small day-sailers to large cruising boats. They went out of business in 1989, but many of their boats are still sailing today.

Cape Dory Yachts –

Cape Dory Yachts was founded in 1963 and produced a range of popular cruising sailboats, including the Cape Dory 25, Cape Dory 30, and Cape Dory 36. They went out of business in 1991, but many of their boats are still sailing today.

C&C Yachts –

C&C Yachts was founded in 1969 and produced a range of high-performance sailboats, including the C&C 35, C&C 41, and C&C 44. They went out of business in 2003, but many of their boats are still sailing today.

Here are additional United States sailboat manufacturers from the past 100 years:

Bristol yachts –.

Bristol Yachts was founded in 1966 and built high-quality cruising sailboats, including the Bristol 32, Bristol 35.5, and Bristol 41.1. The company went out of business in 1997.

Hinckley Yachts –

Hinckley Yachts was founded in 1928 and is known for its high-quality, custom-built sailing yachts, including the Hinckley Bermuda 40, Hinckley Sou’wester 51, and Hinckley Picnic Boat. The company continues to produce boats today.

Sabre Yachts –

Sabre Yachts was founded in 1970 and produces a range of high-quality sailing yachts, including the Sabre 34, Sabre 42, and Sabre 48. The company continues to produce boats today.

Ericson Yachts –

Ericson Yachts was founded in 1963 and produced a range of popular sailboats, including the Ericson 27, Ericson 35, and Ericson 38. The company went out of business in 1990, but many of their boats are still sailing today.

Cal Yachts –

Cal Yachts was founded in 1956 and produced a range of popular sailboats, including the Cal 25, Cal 40, and Cal 48. The company went out of business in 1989, but many of their boats are still sailing today.

Columbia Yachts –

Columbia Yachts was founded in 1958 and produced a range of popular sailboats, including the Columbia 22, Columbia 34, and Columbia 50. The company went out of business in 1986, but many of their boats are still sailing today.

Tartan C&C –

Tartan C&C was formed in 2003 when the Tartan and C&C brands were merged. They produce a range of high-performance cruising sailboats, including the Tartan 3700, Tartan 4300, and Tartan 4700.

Pacific Seacraft –

Pacific Seacraft was founded in 1976 and produced a range of high-quality cruising sailboats, including the Pacific Seacraft 34, Pacific Seacraft 37, and Pacific Seacraft 44. The company went out of business in 2018.

Islander Yachts –

Islander Yachts was founded in 1956 and produced a range of popular sailboats, including the Islander 28, Islander 36, and Islander 40. The company went out of business in 1987, but many of their boats are still sailing today.

Cheoy Lee Yachts –

Cheoy Lee Yachts was founded in 1870 and produced a wide range of boats, including sailboats. They are known for their high-quality craftsmanship and innovative design. The company continues to produce boats today.

Island Packet Yachts was founded in 1979 and is known for producing high-quality cruising sailboats, including the Island Packet 31, Island Packet 38, and Island Packet 420. The company continues to produce boats today.

J Boats –

J Boats was founded in 1977 and produces a range of high-performance racing sailboats, including the J/22, J/24, and J/111. The company continues to produce boats today.

Morris Yachts –

Morris Yachts was founded in 1972 and is known for producing high-quality custom-built sailboats, including the Morris M36, Morris M42, and Morris M52. The company continues to produce boats today.

Shannon Yachts –

Shannon Yachts was founded in 1975 and produces a range of high-quality cruising sailboats, including the Shannon 28, Shannon 38, and Shannon 53. The company continues to produce boats today.

Swan Yachts –

Swan Yachts was founded in 1966 and produces a range of high-end racing and cruising sailboats, including the Swan 45, Swan 60, and Swan 115. The company continues to produce boats today.

Tayana Yachts –

Tayana Yachts was founded in 1973 and produces a range of high-quality cruising sailboats, including the Tayana 37, Tayana 42, and Tayana 52. The company continues to produce boats today.

TPI Composites –

TPI Composites was founded in 1968 and is known for producing high-performance racing sailboats, including the J/22, J/24, and J/105. The company also produces components for wind turbines and other industries.

Vanguard Sailboats –

Vanguard Sailboats was founded in 1964 and produces a range of sailboats, including the Laser, Sunfish, and Vanguard 15. The company also produces kayaks and other watercraft.

Westerly Marine –

Westerly Marine was founded in 1956 and produced a range of popular sailboats, including the Westerly Centaur, Westerly Renown, and Westerly Oceanranger. The company went out of business in 2000, but many of their boats are still sailing today.

W.D. Schock Corporation –

W.D. Schock Corporation was founded in 1946 and produces a range of sailboats, including the Santana 20, Schock 35, and Harbor 20. The company continues to produce boats today.

O’Day Corporation –

O’Day Corporation was founded in 1958 and produced a range of popular sailboats, including the O’Day 22, O’Day 27, and O’Day 40. The company went out of business in 1989.

Cal Boats –

Cal Boats was founded in 1957 and produced a range of popular sailboats, including the Cal 20, Cal 25, and Cal 40. The company went out of business in 1989.

Pearson Yachts was founded in 1959 and produced a range of popular sailboats, including the Pearson Triton, Pearson Ensign, and Pearson 30. The company went out of business in 1991.

Columbia Yachts was founded in 1958 and produced a range of popular sailboats, including the Columbia 26, Columbia 29, and Columbia 45. The company went out of business in 1987.

Tartan Yachts was founded in 1960 and produced a range of high-quality cruising sailboats, including the Tartan 27, Tartan 37, and Tartan 4400. The company continues to produce boats today.

Hinckley Yachts was founded in 1928 and is known for producing high-quality custom-built sailboats, including the Hinckley Bermuda 40, Hinckley Sou’wester 42, and Hinckley Talaria 55. The company continues to produce boats today.

Wauquiez Yachts –

Wauquiez Yachts was founded in 1965 and produced a range of high-end cruising sailboats, including the Wauquiez Centurion 32, Wauquiez Pretorien 35, and Wauquiez Pilot Saloon 48. The company went out of business in 2020.

Hunter Marine was founded in 1973 and produced a range of popular cruising sailboats, including the Hunter 25, Hunter 33, and Hunter 45. The company went out of business in 2012.

Catalina Yachts was founded in 1969 and produces a range of popular cruising sailboats, including the Catalina 22, Catalina 36, and Catalina 445. The company continues to produce boats today.

Com-Pac Yachts –

Com-Pac Yachts was founded in 1974 and produces a range of compact cruising sailboats, including the Com-Pac 16, Com-Pac Horizon Cat, and Com-Pac Eclipse. The company continues to produce boats today.

Precision Boat Works –

Precision Boat Works was founded in 1979 and produces a range of small sailboats, including the Precision 15, Precision 18, and Precision 23. The company continues to produce boats today.

Ericson Yachts was founded in 1963 and produced a range of popular cruising sailboats, including the Ericson 29, Ericson 35, and Ericson 38. The company went out of business in 1990.

Newport Boats –

Newport Boats was founded in 1945 and produced a range of popular cruising sailboats, including the Newport 30, Newport 41, and Newport 46. The company went out of business in the 1990s.

Bristol Yachts was founded in 1966 and produced a range of high-quality cruising sailboats, including the Bristol 27, Bristol 32, and Bristol 45.5. The company went out of business in 1997.

Allied Boat Company –

Allied Boat Company was founded in 1962 and produced a range of sturdy, ocean-going sailboats, including the Allied Seawind, Allied Luders 33, and Allied Princess. The company went out of business in the 1980s.

C&C Yachts was founded in 1969 and produced a range of high-performance racing sailboats, including the C&C 27, C&C 30, and C&C 44. The company went out of business in 2008.

Columbia Yachts (Modern) –

Columbia Yachts (Modern) was founded in 2007 and produces a range of modern cruising sailboats, including the Columbia 32, Columbia 45, and Columbia 50. The company continues to produce boats today.

For a complete picture, please use our free searchable database here!

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Catalina 27

The catalina 27 is probably the most popular 27-footer ever built. though cheaply made, owners love them..

Catalina 27

Catalina Yachts is a strange company. The builder does no advertising—it’s left up to the local dealers. The operation is owned and run by Frank Butler, who designs the boats, decides on who the dealers will be, sometimes answers his own phone, and for all we know sweeps up at the end of the day. He is probably one of the few people in the marine industry who has made money from building sailboats.

Catalina probably produces more pounds of sailboats every year than any other US builder, and has done so for a long time.

The Catalina 27 has been in production since 1971, and well over 6,000 of them have been built.

This is undoubtedly the largest production run of any 27′ sailboat in US history, and probably the biggest anywhere.

The flip side of the coin is that Catalinas are known as cheaply built boats, with lots of corners cut

in places they shouldn’t be cut. According to owners, Catalina dealers have what may be the worst track record in the business in providing warranty service. Yet the owners keep coming back for more, and they love their boats.

The Catalina factory, by contrast, has a pretty good record for solving customer complaints. It is quite common for Frank Butler himself to return owners’ calls, making that owner a Catalina customer for life.

Because the Catalina 27 has been in production for so long, there have been numerous changes in the boats over the years. Most of these are small, but as a rule they have represented a steady stream of improvements. For this reason, more recent models are usually more desirable as used boats than earlier models.

At the same time, Catalina 27 owners seem to be inveterate tinkerers, constantly changing and improving small details in the boat. It is not unusual to see an older Catalina 27 meticulously upgraded with many of the changes that are standard on newer models.

Sailing Performance

The variety of options that significantly affect the performance of the Catalina 27 means that you must carefully evaluate the individual boat when determining how she is likely to sail. Most Catalina 27s are the standard keel, standard rig model. About half of these have optional inboard engines, while the others have outboards mounted in an awkward cockpit well. The outboard-powered versions are slightly faster than the inboard boats, since they have less weight to drag through the water.

There is also a shoal keel model, and a tall rig model. The shoal keel has a less-efficient foil, and is heavier than the deep keel to give the boat comparable stability.

The tall rig is favored in light air areas. Boats with the standard rig are generally equipped with 150% genoas to give them additional power in light air.

The standard keel, standard rig boat with inboard has a typical PHRF rating of 208. This puts the

Catalina 27 at the fast end of the fleet of boats of its size and type, such as the Hunter 27, Ericson 27, and O’Day 27. Tall rig and outboard versions are slightly faster.

Because of the large number of Catalina 27s built, you are likely to find good racing for the boat in many areas all around the country, from southern California to the Great Lakes and Chesapeake Bay. A boat that is actively raced may have upgraded sail handling equipment—bigger winches, reinforced chainplates, better mainsheet traveler, more and better sails, etc. This could be a real plus in a used boat.

Because of the differences in rig, ballasting, keel, and engines, the various versions of the boat can’t fairly race against each other as one-designs. The fastest version of the boat is the tall-rig, deep keel boat with outboard; the slowest, the short rig, shoal keel with inboard. You pays your money and takes your choice.

You can find everything from a beat-up 15-year-old outboard to a brand new diesel pushing the Catalina 27. Originally, you could have your choice of outboard or Atomic 4 gasoline inboard power. The Atomic 4 is twice as much power as the boat needs, but it was one of the most compact inboards made.

Catalina 27

All the inboard engines are tucked away under the cockpit, and owners uniformly condemn the installation for its lack of access for service. On a scale of 1 to 5, with one being awful and five being great, the installation is typically rated one or less. Forewarned is forearmed.

At the same time, the outboard well doesn’t win any points for accessibility either, and remote controls in the cockpit are a must for ease of operation. Getting the engine in and out of the well is a chore.

A 10 horse outboard is just about the right size for the boat, and should push her at hull speed in any conditions in which you would care to motor.

Inboard powerplants have been another story. In the late 1970s, a single-cylinder Petter diesel of about 6 hp was offered as an option. Owners report that the boat is grossly underpowered with this engine. In addition, parts are likely to be hard to find. We would definitely avoid the Petter diesel. Far more desirable is either the 11 or 14 horsepower Universal diesel offered in more recent models.

The Atomic 4 presents a dilemma. Though it has been discontinued, parts are readily available. On the other hand, access to the engine is so poor—oil changes require major contortions—that routine maintenance may have been neglected by the owner, shortening the engine’s life. If service access is bad, we suspect that access to replace the engine would be abominable. Some owners report that service access has been improved by cutting holes in the bulkhead between the quarterberths and the engine.


The Catalina is the Volkswagen of the boat market. It’s basic, but it will get you where you want to go. Originally, there were no backing plates on stanchions, rails, or deck hardware. This means that you’re likely to find gelcoat cracks around these fittings on older boats. Many owners have chosen to upgrade this aspect of their boats, so you may find an older boat that has been conscientiously brought up to higher standards.

The through hull fittings on older boats are simply gate valves screwed onto pipe nipples glassed into the hull—a poor practice. Many owners have replaced these with proper seacock installations. Another problem with through hulls is the placement of the skin fitting for the icebox drain—it allows water to run back into the box when the boat is heeled.

“Minor” complaints from owners include gelcoat voids, deck delamination, leaking chainplates, leaking ports, and leaking hull-to-deck joints. Not all

owners report these, of course, and the number of complaints may simply be a function of the huge number of Catalina 27s built.

Ironically, many of those with complaints love the boat, and say they would buy it again. While a number of Catalina buyers are first time boat owners, others buy the boat knowing the reputation for mediocre workmanship, but recognizing that they can get more boat for their dollar with Catalina than withalmost any other boat built. They are willing to either accept the limitations, or do themselves the upgrading that they feel is required.

This results in a much higher level of satisfaction with the boat than you would expect with a lowpriced product.

While some of the complaints about construction details are minor, others deserve immediate attention. In older boats, check the lower shroud U-bolt chainplates to see if they have been upgraded. A number of the original fittings have failed, causing the rig to go over the side.

Another rig weakness is the cast aluminum spreader sockets originally used on the mast. They should be replaced with the later stainless steel fabrications. Failures of the cast sockets have cost several rigs.

While the best location for a mainsheet traveler would be the forward end of the cockpit, there’s no bridgedeck there for mounting it, so you’re stuck with either the original location in the aft end of the cockpit, or the newer location over the companionway hatch. Unfortunately, there are several drawbacks to the latter spot: it wipes out the possibility of a companionway dodger, which would be a good idea due to the huge opening the hatch makes in the deck. Owners report that the forward location results in so much friction and additional sheet load that the mainsheet is hard to trim. In addition, the traveler in this position partially blocks off the main companionway opening.

Catalina hardware has never been much to write home about. Almost everything on the boat beyond the barest necessity is an option—and by “option” we mean, if you want it, you do it yourself. But of course if you like to fiddle with your boat, this can be seen as a plus.

There are few pieces of exterior trim: handrails on the cabin top, trim around the companionway. Trim takes time to put on, and teak costs money. Remember, this is a Volkswagen.

A big plus in later model boats is a seahood over the sliding companionway hatch. The old hatch design leaks badly if heavy spray or solid water comes aboard.

Later models also have a molded-in foredeck anchor well, a significant improvement.

The Catalina 27 has gradually gotten heavier over the years. The original displacement of the deep keel, outboard model was 5,650 pounds, with the shoal keel model about 500 pounds heavier. With the addition of a more sophisticated interior, inboard engine, fuel tanks, more interior trim, and many other improvements, displacement has crept up to about 6850 pounds for the deep keel versions, and 7,300 pounds for the shoal draft boat. This helps explain why a number of owners complain that the boat floats with her waterline submerged. It also means that if you want to race, you might want to consider an older, lighter model.

The Catalina 27 has more headroom than most 27- footers, and the huge companionway makes the interior seem exceptionally spacious when the hatch is open.

There have been two interiors: a traditional, aft galley layout, and a midships galley/dinette version. Although owners tend to prefer whichever layout they have, there is some consensus that the traditional layout offers better storage and a more reasonable use of space. With the dinette made up into a double berth, that version has six berths—at least two more than you really want on a boat this size. On the aft galley model, the starboard settee makes up into a double, once again giving you six berths. Unfortunately, not all the berths are very usable. Most owners report that the forward V-berths are too short and too narrow to be comfortable for two people, so try it out before deciding on the boat. The quarterberths are the only decent size berths on the boat.

Although there’s a fair amount of storage space under the main cabin settees, it’s hard to get to. A common owner modification is to add access doors to the settee faces, making it unnecessary to lift the seat cushions to get to the storage below.

A lot of owners consider the Catalina 27 a twoperson boat, despite the number of berths. Six close friends on a boat this size could become bitter enemies on a rainy cruise that lasted a week or more, but that’s a characteristic of 27-footers in general, not the Catalina 27 in particular. Nominal headroom is 6′ 1″. This is on the centerline at the aft end of the main cabin. It’s less everywhere else, but still more than you expect in a boat this size.

Originally, the boat’s electrical panel was on the face of the port quarterberth—a poor location, vulnerable to spray through the companionway or water from the bilge. That rudimentary switch panel has been replaced on newer models with a good circuit breaker panel located in the starboard quarterberth— well-protected and reasonably accessible. We’d relocate the electrical panel on an older boat.

Icebox insulation on older boats is non-existent for all practical purposes. It’s better on newer models, but it’s still a far cry from a good icebox.

You are unlikely to find the Catalina 27 equipped with anything more sophisticated than a two-burner alcohol stove. As long as you don’t do a lot of cooking this will be adequate, but longer cruises could turn into a grim test for the conscientious cook who wants to do much beyond heating up cans of stew or boiling water for coffee.

Ventilation of the interior ranges from poor to excellent, depending on either the age of the boat or the amount of upgrading done by the owners. In old boats, the forward cabin is stifling in hot weather. Newer boats have two aft-facing ventilation hatches over the head and passageway, as well as a hatch in the forward end of the cabin trunk. Unless added by owners, there is no provision for foul weather ventilation. Several cowl vents in dorade boxes would be a good addition for this boat.

All in all, the Catalina 27 has about as much interior room as it’s possible to cram into a boat with a waterline of less than 22′. There is reasonable headroom without ungainly height of topsides something a lot of small-boat designers have yet to accomplish.

Catalina 27


Although there are smaller boats in the Catalina line, the 27 is a popular entry level daysailer and coastal cruiser. It’s a good-looking boat, and it sails well.

There are many trade-offs inherent in buying an inexpensive boat, and the Catalina 27 is no exception. You won’t find a lot of varnished teak or fancy systems in a Catalina 27. Unless upgraded by the owner, deck hardware and sail handling systems are likely to be rudimentary.

Because so many Catalina 27s have been built, there’s usually a number of them on the market at any one time. Careful shopping should result in finding a vintage and level of equipment that match your taste and pocketbook.

Despite the fact that the Catalina 27 was designed and built as a coastal cruiser-racer, several have actually made circumnavigations. We don’t recommendusing the boat this way, but it goes to show that good preparation and seamanship may be more important than your boat when it comes to successful offshore voyaging.

There have been so many minor changes made to the Catalina 27 over the years that we doubt if anyone has kept up to date on all of them. Some of these upgrades are structurally important, such as the modification of the shroud attachments and the change in spreader fittings. Others, such as the foredeck anchor well, make the boat more useful.

If you get seriously interested in a Catalina 27, get a normal marine survey, and in addition, look for a knowledgeable Catalina 27 owner to go over the boat with you to point out specific potential problems. This may be one case in which the amateur surveyor has some advantages over the professional.

Don’t buy a Catalina 27 thinking you’re going to get Mercedes quality at a Volkswagen price. This is basic sailing transportation, an entry level boat. But if you recognize the boat for what it is, you probably won’t be disappointed. Catalinas are always in demand, and they hold their value better than you would expect. Remember, however, that price will vary substantially with age, engine, and equipment. A new Catalina 27 costs several times the price of the original, 6,000 boats ago.

A lot of owners move up from the Catalina 27 to the Catalina 30. The boats are like peas in a pod in design, styling, and construction; anyone who is happy with the Catalina 27 is likely to be happy with the Catalina 30.

We’re sure that fact is not lost on Frank Butler. He has a good record with the Catalina 27, and we suspect he’s smiling all the way to the bank.


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Perfect for me!!!!

Les commentaires donnés sur le Catalina 27 s’avèrent concluant comme description. J’en possède un C27 1974 et acheté en 2016, dévêtu de ses accessoires électronique, avec un équipement minus de base. La cuisinière intérieur arrière bâbord retirée ainsi que la glacière et l’approvisionnement en eau potable. Il ne reste qu’un évier inutilisable, sauf pour y verser l’eau grise…

Pour le compartiment à batteries, via l’accès au moteur: 1- J’ai dû découpé un accès au moteur dans le mur de la cage bâbord, en passant de l’accès coque au moteur. 2- Pour les batteries, l’espace minable pour une banque est presqu’impensable, sauf si on est un peu bricoleur. J’ai refait des réparation sur le pont avant de repeindre et repeint l’extérieur. J’ai changé les encrages de haubans car une m’a lâché en naviguant.

J’ai ajouté de l’équipement de navigation électronique et un peu accessoires …

Si je songe le vendre je ne sais combien il vaudra. Merci pour votre résumé de commentaires.

Puis refaite avec des renforts résinés et des boulons de fixation.

Would a Catalina 27 be suitable for blue water sailing, say to cross the Pacific?

‘capable’, barely. “suitable’ not really. By the time you brought it up to standards to be considered a “Blue Water Cruising” boat you might as well have spent the money on a better boat. Search ‘traits of a blue water boat’. You will find things like deck to hull joint construction, Are the chainplates accessible and mounted to the hull not the bulkheads. Stoutness of the rigging. Comfort Ratio (how it handles big seas). Capsize screening formula (how easily will the boat right itself if knocked over) What navigation equipment does it have? Does it have a water maker? Some questions are about comfort and convenience, some about safety. Can it carry a life raft? Does it have davits? Or do you have to lift the dinghy on/off the foredeck? Solar charging? Enough battery power for off grid for 3 weeks at a time? Heck, Sam Holmes Sailing went to Hawaii on a Ranger 23 (YouTube). It can be done. Boats float. The trick is keeping afloat!

Like the article said, it can be done with good planning and more importantly good seamanship. I wouldn’t do it but I’m a novice sailor.

I just did discovered this personally…

“ Another problem with through hulls is the placement of the skin fitting for the icebox drain—it allows water to run back into the box when the boat is heeled.”

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Boat of the Week: Inside ‘Galactica,’ the World’s Largest All-Aluminum Superyacht

Heesen's behemoth has a high-tech "backbone" running its length to provide enough rigidity for the boat to reach a blistering 30 knots., julia zaltzman, julia zaltzman's most recent stories.

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Heesen's Galactica is the largest-ever all-aluminum yacht

What has an aluminum-plate backbone, more than one head, and runs faster than Usain Bolt? Heesen ’s superyacht Galactica— or “Project Cosmos,” as it was formerly called by the yard. The largest boat built by the Dutch shipyard to date is getting ready for its spring debutante ball. Fast, sporty and 262 feet long, the owner refers to Galactica as his “ultimate superyacht.”

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Hundreds of yachts around the world are larger than Galactica . None of them are built entirely out of aluminum. For the owner who likes to make a statement with his custom new builds, Galactica had to be his largest and fastest one yet. The owner decided he wanted a 30-knot top speed—greased lightning for a yacht this size and a conundrum for the shipyard.

A 262-ft. steel-hulled boat with conventional propulsion wouldn’t be able to reach that 30-knot mark. But an all-aluminum boat might, though that metal doesn’t provide the type of structural support that heavier steel does. Such a yacht had never been built, even by an aluminum specialist like Heesen. It would take serious creative engineering.

Heesen's Galactica is the largest-ever all-aluminum yacht

Galactica on her maiden journey through small Dutch villages.  Courtesy Galactica

The owner has history when it comes to these types of requests. His previous two yachts, Galactica Star and Galactica Super Nova are both all-aluminum with top speeds nearing 30 knots. At 230 feet in length, the latter was Heesen’s largest-ever build when delivered in 2016. Galactica is 30 feet longer, and while that doesn’t sound like much in the scheme of things, the technical ingenuity required to make it work had Heesen’s top engineers scratching their heads. The answer lay outside the boating industry, in the construction industry’s I-beam.

“Everyone knows the I-beam where you have the material on the outer veins of your structure,” Peter van der Zanden, Heesen’s general manager of design, development and engineering, told Robb Report . “That’s where our inspiration for the backbone came from, where we have the majority of materials in the bottom of the boat and on the main deck—our ‘outer veins’.”

The name “backbone” suggests a spine or something with flex, but the patented box-shaped structure is anything but. Composed of 15-mm aluminum plate, it’s lightweight and strong, running almost the full length of the yacht.

Heesen's Galactica is the largest-ever all-aluminum yacht

Glass was a main priority for the owner’s third boat in the Galactica series.  Courtesy Heesen

“We knew the design would work, our only concern was if it would work well enough,” says Van der Zanden.

Heesen created a scale model of the boat in water, divided into four segments, and simulated the pressures and forces at sea. When the results exceeded the requirements set out by Lloyd’s, the yard patented the design.

Of course, there’s more to Galactica than its hidden backbone. Key defining features of the Winch Design exterior include large sweeping panes of glass that trace the arching line of the superstructure. A bow helipad doubles as a cinema with seating and a screen that folds away into the deck. The glass-bottomed pool on the main deck reflects sun rays on the beach club below. Increasing the amount of light—both natural and artificial—throughout the boat was a chief request in this latest version of Galactica.

Heesen's Galactica is the largest-ever all-aluminum yacht

On its journey from the Oss shipyard to North Sea sea trials, the clearance between the top deck and some bridges was less than six inches.  Courtesy Heesen

“The owner’s previous experience has certainly influenced the way Galactica looks,” James Russell, exterior designer at Winch, told Robb Report . “It takes time to learn what you love, and particular focus has been paid to areas where more time will be spent, such as the beach club.”

Inside, an interior by Sinot Yacht Design & Architecture includes a central glass elevator, brushed oak and marble finishes, and in the main deck lounge, hand-cut glass ceilings. Galactica ’s windows incline at 45 degrees, rather than the standard 90 degrees, to give the illusion that the panes of glass are larger than they are.

Glass is a recurring theme, from the glass detailing in the straw marquetry and stainless-steel wall located in the main deck lounge, to the drinks display cabinet on the bridge deck with bespoke-sized backlit glass cubes sized to fit individual bottles. But glass is heavy. For the yacht to be fast, it needs to be light.

Heesen's Galactica is the largest-ever all-aluminum yacht

The helipad converts into an open-air cinema, with a screen that rises from the deck.  Courtesy Heesen

On a yacht of Galactica ’s size, everything is large, from the four MTU V20 engines (12 tons each) and the two gearboxes (13 tons each), to the air-intakes and the fuel tanks. But everything was made as lightweight as possible. The boat totals only 1,700 gross tons. The owner’s 30 knots will come from the MTUs’ 19,320 horsepower as well as the variable-pitch propellers.

Nothing has come easy with this yacht build. Its January journey from Heesen’s shipyard in Oss to the port of Harlingen where the boat is undergoing final testing in the North Sea was a game of inches. It passed through villages and squeezed beneath canal bridges with less than half a foot to spare, a hair-raising exercise for an undelivered superyacht. It will be turned over to its owner in April.

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These are the Top 10 Largest Sailing Yachts in the World

By Thom Esveld

Updated on December 3, 2021

In the world of the rich and famous, large, expensive, luxury and yacht are common words which often come together to form what’s probably one of the biggest dreams rich people have: to spend much of their leisure time away at sea on a luxurious superyacht.

Modern or classic looking, with white sails, sleek lines and superb interiors, the yachting world has plenty of options to offer. For some though, a yacht is not really a yacht if it’s not one built for sailing, raising its sails into the winds and thrusting towards the infinite blue horizon.

Now, we’ve done some digging into the sailing realm and came up with the top 10 largest sailing yachts in the world right now:

  • 10. Atlantic (69.2 meters)


Now long gone, the original 69.24 meter long Atlantic was designed by William Gardner and built back in 1903 by Townsend & Downey in Shooter Island, New York.

The actual one is only a replica of the original, build by following the drawings of the first shooner, found in various archives across the United States. One of them, the MIT Museum in Massachusetts, had digitized them with the help of Doug Peterson, a consulting naval architect who has guaranteed the authenticity of the lines and flotation.

  • 9. Badis (70 meters)


Once known as Sybaris, the 70 meter long Badis is one of the largest yachts build by the Italian naval company Perini Navi in the latest years. The yacht was finished in 2016, with Phillipe Briand as a consultant for the naval architecture, PH Design shaping the stunning wood veneer interior, and the exterior designed by Perini Navi.

Badis has room for a total of 12 guests, offering a master suite and five double rooms, complete with en-suite bathrooms and entertainment centers.

  • 8. Enigma (75 meters)


Enigma is a 75 meter long single handed race yacht, designed specifically for participating in the Observer Single-Handed Trans-Atlantic Race. It was previously called Phocea and managed to cross the Atlantic in 1976, after which it was converted to a cruise ship by the French shipyard DCAN.

Over two decades later, it had a major interior and exterior overhaul at the Lürssen shipyard in Germany and was sold in 2010 to its present owners. Enigma now has a master suite, a VIP room, two double and two twin cabins and room for 12 guests and 23 crew members.

  • 7. M5 (77.5 meters)


M5 is a 77.5 meter yacht designed by Ron Holland Design and built by Vosper Thornycroft in the United Kingdom. The vessel underwent some exterior and interior modifications. The stern section was redesigned and extended by 3 meters.

The yacht got a side boarding platform as well and the interior was also refitted to change the looks and style of the main and lower decks. The main deck is going to look completely different once all the joinery will be replaced.

  • 6. Aquijo (86 meters)


Aquijo is an 86 meter long Dutch sailing yacht designed by Bill Trip’ and constructed by Vitters and Oceanco. It was launched in 2015 and at once became the largest ketch-rigged sailing yacht in the world, with its mainmast rising to 88.4 meters above the sea level.

  • 5. Maltese Falcon (88 meters)

Maltese Falcon

The Maltese Falcon with its 88 meters is one of the most recognized and appreciated yachts of all time. The reason for that is its revolutionary DynaRig, an automated square rigged sail plan, with three carbon fiber rotating masts rising high into the sky, and holding the 15 square sails which amount to no less than 25,800 sq ft of canvas.

The system delivers outstanding performances, with hard to match speed and maneuverability. Constructed by Perini Navi, the Maltese Falcon was purchased in August 2009 by the current owner and is often seen competing in superyacht regattas.

  • 4. Athena (90 meters)


Athena is a 90 meter long super sailing yacht constructed by the Dutch Royal Huisman shipyard back in 2004. The exterior design was conceived by Pieter Beeldsnijder Design, the naval architecture by Dykstra & Partners and the interior was envisioned by Rebecca Bradley Interior Design.

The performances of this super yacht, a match to its name, Athena, make it one of the fastest sailing superyachts, reaching a top speed of 19 knots. Its length makes it also one of the largest sailing yachts launched after the 1930’s.

  • 3. EOS (93 meters)


EOS is a 1500 GRT three masted schooner with a length of 93 meters, placing it on the third place in our list of the 10 largest sailing yachts in the world right now. It was launched in 2006 by Lürssen, but there’s not much to know about it ever since due to its owners big love for privacy, making it one of the most private vessels on the seas.

  • 2. Black Pearl (106 meters)

Black Pearl

The Black Pearl is considered by many to be the largest sailing yacht in the world so far. It’s a 106 meter long vessel made to cross any ocean by harnessing the power of wind alone. It was built by the Oceanco shipyard in the Netherlands and got to meet its owner in 2018.

The Black Pearl features a modern and complex energy generation system and a top notch DynaRig setup made by Dykstra Naval Architects, making it one of the most advanced yachts of its kind. The overall design was made by its owner in close collaboration with a distinguished design team.

  • 1. Sailing Yacht A (142.8 meters)

Sailing Yacht A

Number one on our list is the impressive Sailing Yacht A, a controversial vessel in this category due to its combination of sail power and motor yachting, many people disregarding it when it comes to talking about pure sailing yachts. The official category it comes into is sail-assisted motor yacht, making the best of the two worlds.

In our opinion though, its 142.8 meters length and its grand 100 meter high carbon fiber masts make it fit enough for the first place as the largest sailing yacht in the world. Sailing Yacht A was constructed by Nobiskrug and delivered to its owner in 2017.

Aquijo sailing yacht

About Thom Esveld

Thom has over 7 years of experience writing content about subjects such as travel, cars, motorcycles, tech & gadgets, and his newly discovered passion, watches. He’s in love with two wheeled machines and the freedom and the thrills that motorcycle travel provides. Learn more about Luxatic's Editorial Process .

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Biggest Trailerable Sailboats

Biggest Trailerable Sailboats | Life of Sailing

Many sailboats up to about 27 feet in length can be trailered safely on American roads. These vessels are limited by weight, beam, and overall height.

In this article, we'll go over ten of the best large trailerable sailboats on the market. These vessels feature comfortable cabins, excellent sailing characteristics, and they all meet the requirements for towing on U.S. highways.

The best and largest trailerable sailboats are the Cal 20, the Catalina 22, the O'Day 240, The Islander 24, the Moore 24, the Cal 25, the Helms 25, the MacGregor 26, and the Nor'Sea 27. Most of these vessels can be towed behind a well-equipped truck or SUV.

We sourced information and vessel specifications for this article from sailboat manufacturers and record books. We also considered the opinions of sailors who own these vessels and sail them regularly.

Table of contents

What Makes a Sailboat Trailerable?

Trailerable sailboats must meet certain requirements in order to operate on American roads. The primary limitations are width (beam), as the vessel and its trailer must fit in regular traffic lanes and through tunnels. Another consideration is weight, as the vessel should be light enough to be towed by a 3/4 ton or 1-ton pickup truck.

Generally speaking, there's not a specific limit to boat weight in order to be towed. That said, most single and tandem-axle trailers can't exceed about 3,300 pounds per axle. With that in mind, the upper limit for a trailerable sailboat is around 7,000 to 8,000 pounds.

Keel type is an important factor to consider, as it determines how high off the ground the boat has to ride on the trailer. The majority of trailerable sailboats have a centerboard or swing keel that retracts for towing and beaching. Some vessels have shorter displacement keels or fin keels.

The maximum allowable for a trailerable sailboat is 8 ft 6 in. This is because these dimensions are the maximum limit for standard trailers on American roads. A larger boat can be transported on the road, but only as an oversize load.

In practice, very few trailerable sailboats have a beam of exactly 8 ft 6 in. The majority of large trailerable sailboats have a beam of between 7 1/2 ft and 8 ft 3 in. This makes it easier to negotiate tunnels and tighter traffic lanes.

Overall Length

The maximum trailer length for standard trailers is 65 ft, but it's nearly impossible for a trailerable sailboat of this length to meet the width requirements. In practice, the longest trailerable sailboats are around 30 ft in length or shorter. The average is about 20 to 25 ft.

In most states, the maximum height for a trailer load is 14 ft. This necessitates that the mast folds down and that the keel and vessel height combined doesn't exceed 14 ft. You must also take into account the height of the trailer, as a tall boat may not be able to clear highway overpasses.

10 Largest Trailerable Sailboats

Trailerable sailboats come in all shapes and sizes, including some large and roomy configurations. The vessels we chose range in length from 19 ft to 27 ft, and they offer the best accommodations on the market. Here are ten of the best large trailerable sailboats.

1. West Wight Potter 19

It's impossible to write an article about trailerable sailboats without mentioning the West Wight Potter 19. This vessel is perhaps the best and most capable in its class, and it offers surprisingly comfortable accommodations for a lightweight trailerable sailboat.

The West Wight Potter 19 is easy to sail fast and features a roomy cabin with a sink and space for a head. It's considered a pocket Cruiser, and it is very popular in coastal areas. Due to its lightweight construction, this fiberglass sailboat is trailerable behind an SUV or half-ton pickup.

The West Wight Potter 19 has positive buoyancy material throughout the whole, making it effectively unsinkable. Additionally, the mast and rigging collapse and set up in minutes. These vessels were produced up until recently, so they're common on the used market.

  • Lightweight
  • Rigs up fast
  • Roomy cabin
  • Relatively slow

The Cal 20 has been around for decades, and this capable racing boat is ideal the coastal cruising and sailing in semi-protected waters. That said, it's also quite seaworthy, as several have participated in TransPac races between San Francisco and Hawaii.

The Cal 20 is known for its low-profile cabin and easy trailering. At 20 ft in length overall, the Cal 20 is well within limits for trailering on American roads. While not the lightest trailerable sailboat on the list, a well-equipped pickup truck should tow it without issues.

The Cal 20 isn't the boat to choose if you're looking for the most spacious accommodations. That said, the cabin is functional, and the boat excels in handling. It's fast, safe, and agile, thanks to its long and thin profile. It's also a joy to sail in all kinds of weather conditions.

  • Easy to sail
  • Stable in high winds
  • Spartan cabin
  • Deep draft from the fixed keel

3. Catalina 22

The Catalina 22 is one of the most famous large trailerable sailboats ever built. It's one of Catalina's most popular models, and it was a big hit in the 1970s and 1980s. The Catalina 22 has a spacious and thoughtfully designed cabin with a wide companionway and a comfortable V-berth.

The Catalina 22 is a centerboard boat. This means that the keel retracts into the hull for trailering and lowers down easily using a system block-and-tackle or a crank. The vessel is 7.67 feet wide, making it easy to tow on typical American highways.

The vessel is still produced today, and over 15,000 have been built since 1969. This makes it one of the most popular sailboats ever, and hundreds are available on the used market for reasonable prices. Thanks to its superior handling and excellent design, the Catalina 22 is one of the best large trailerable sailboats available.

  • Well-designed cabin
  • Affordable iconic sailboat
  • Minimal headroom
  • Finicky companionway hatch

4. O'Day 240

The O'Day 240 is one of the more seagoing trailerable sailboats on our list. It's beamy and stable, and it handles well in rougher weather conditions. It has a surprisingly comfortable cabin for its size and measures just 24 feet in length overall.

The vessel's wide beam contributes to its stability. However, with a width of 8 ft 3 in, the O'Day 240 approaches the upper limit of trailerable dimensions. The vessel weighs more than comparably sized boats, so you'll need a more powerful vehicle to tow it.

The cabin of the O'Day 240 stands out. It features a V-berth, berthing aft, a galley, and space for a head. There's ample headroom throughout the cabin, which makes the O'Day 240 ideal for extended coastal cruising.

  • Stable Spacious cabin
  • May be too wide for comfortable trailering
  • Unusual cabin design

5. Islander 24

Islander is known for its larger sailboats (28 feet and larger), though it has produced a few excellent trailerable models. We chose the trailerable Islander 24, as it's known in the sailing community for its speed, comfort, and easy handling.

The phrase "they don't build them like they used to" applies to the Islander 24. When this vessel was designed in the early 1960s, boat manufacturers used more fiberglass and produced thicker hulls. This practice is costlier and made the boat weigh more. But it produced stronger vessels that last much longer than their flimsier contemporaries.

This fiberglass sailboat is thoughtfully designed and is well-suited for coastal cruising in the 21st century. It features stronger construction than similar models, and its keel design encourages stable and comfortable sailing.

  • Strong hull and deck
  • Stiff sailing
  • Great windward performance
  • Small cabin
  • Heavy trailer weight

6. Moore 24

The Moore 24 was the first in a new class of vessels called the ultralight displacement sailboat. It has the handling characteristics have a large keelboat but the dimensions of a coastal cruising trailer-sailer.

From the outside, the flush deck of the Moore 24 looks like it couldn't possibly accommodate a cabin. Closer inspection reveals that the vessel has a roomy cabin that resembles that of much larger boats. It features a galley, a head, a V-berth upfront, and attractive paneling throughout.

The Moore 24 is a pocket cruiser by all definitions. It's

an excellent choice for those looking for a trailerable and seaworthy sailboat. Though a bit taller than some other models, the vessel is still well within limits for on-road transportation.

  • Excellent handling
  • Large cabin
  • Heavier than many other 24-foot sailboats

The Cal 25 is essentially a stretched version of the Cal 20. It features the same basic hull design with the iconic flush deck and streamlined cabin. However, it's faster, offers superior accommodations, and it's more seaworthy.

The Cal 25 is known for its stiff handling characteristics in high winds. This is primarily due to its 1,700-pound lead keel, which keeps it upright and tracking straight. However, this does increase the overall weight of the vessel, which is an even 4,000 pounds dry. Thankfully, this is within the towing capacity of most standard pickup trucks.

The interior of the Cal 25 resembles the cabins of larger boats. In other words, it doesn't feel cramped. There's a large sitting area across from the galley and partitions separating the V-berth from the rest of the cabin. Overall, the Cal 25 is an excellent compact sailboat for racing or cruising.

  • Good accommodations
  • Marginal headroom in some areas

8. Helms 25

The Helms 25 is a compact vessel with a true swing keel. Unlike a centerboard, which descends through the hull straight down, a swing keel swings down on the hinge and occupies less space inside of the vessel. With the removal of the centerboard trunk, the Helms 25 retains its trailerable properties while freeing up living space in the cabin.

The Helms 25 is long and fast but not particularly tall. It fits well on a trailer, and its rounded hull doesn't pound in choppy water. The cabin is comfortable and features a small but usable galley, a table with two seating areas, a V-berth, and additional berthing aft.

Some versions of the Helms 25 also feature a separate head area between the V-berth and the central living spaces. The Helms 25 strikes the perfect balance between comfort, seaworthiness, and trailerability. It's safe and fun to sail and sells on the used market for affordable prices.

  • Spacious cabin
  • Long, narrow, and shallow
  • Not ideal for offshore sailing
  • Too long for some trailers

9. MacGregor 26

The MacGregor 26 is larger and more modern than most of the sailboats on our list. As a result, it takes advantage of recent design developments that make it an excellent large trailer-sailer. At 26 ft overall, the MacGregor 26 is also one of the fastest vessels on our list.

At first glance, the dimensions of the MacGregor 26 seem unusual. The hull shape resembles a bathtub, and the vessel's high profile is notable. These characteristics make it stable and easy to handle, and they also give it exceptional headroom in the cabin.

The McGregor 26 came in numerous configurations, which are designated with letters such as '26D' and '26M.' These include various cabin window orientations, colors, accessories, and interior layouts. Some versions of the MacGregor 26 came with a dual rudder setup, which is uncommon in its size range.

  • Modern design
  • Excellent headroom
  • Unusual shape

10. Nor'Sea 27

The final trailerable sailboat on our list is also the most capable. The Nor'Sea 27 is a true offshore sailboat with accommodations that rival any mid-size cruising sailboat. the Nor'Sea 27 is a full-keel displacement sailboat that's designed for stability and motion comfort. It's one of the beefiest sailboats that still fits on a trailer.

The Nor'Sea 27 features standing headroom throughout the cabin. It has a head, galley, and berthing area forward that converts into a table. The cabin is lined with attractive wood paneling, and the entire vessel has a very high level of fit and finish.

The Nor'Sea 27 is built for cruising, and it's ideal for longer voyages and offshore passages. If you're looking for a true cruising sailboat that stores well on a trailer, you can't go wrong with the NorSea 27. Due to its size and capabilities, you'll need a larger vehicle to trailer this vessel safely.

  • Biggest cabin
  • Full-size accommodations
  • Offshore capable
  • Too large for SUV towing
  • Slow to rig and disassemble


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Daniel Wade

I've personally had thousands of questions about sailing and sailboats over the years. As I learn and experience sailing, and the community, I share the answers that work and make sense to me, here on Life of Sailing.

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