below deck sailing yacht season 1 finale

Ginges Be Cray

Watching rad tv, below deck sailing yacht s1:e17 regatta go recap.

This is it! The season finale of Below Deck Sailing Yacht, are you excited??!! Yeah you are! Me too! I don’t know if we’ll get a reunion over Zoom, have you heard anything? I could always ask The Google… Alright, without further ado coz I feel late already, here is my BDSY S1:E17 Regatta Go ! recap!

We do a quick look back at the whole season to start, whole lotta chef Adam Glick and chief steward Jenna MacGillivray dramz, followed by the medical concerns of deckhand Chris Miller who herniated a disc in his back in the worst way right before the last charter. I thought First Mate Paget Berry flirting uncontrollably with third steward Georgia Grobler would have placed higher on the remembrance list, but what do I know?

That’s next, boy, they do show a lot of Georgia’s adorable bum, don’t they? Paget certainly seems to like it, more than his girlfriend and deckhand Ciara Duggan. Ciara just doesn’t take it seriously, which is probably the way to handle it, we’ll see how that plays out in the reunion.

Jenna came pretty close to being fired by Captain Glenn Shephard, who didn’t like her lying to him, lying down on charter and basically: being more interested in the D than her team. Third steward Madison Stalker did her best to not get involved, but he dragged her in and things would have gone all the way sideways if this wasn’t our very last charter.

Oh! And we’ve got a guest possibly high AF on our very last charter, Captain Glenn’s going to be dealing with that He wondered if perhaps the white powder around the guest’s nose was Adderal, but I checked my extensive knowledge of that drug gleaned from gossip websites and nowhere does it make you zone out and almost fall asleep like this:

Of course, that’s also true of cocaine…so? I dunno.

At the end of last episode, Captain Glenn took Primary Charter Guest Nicole Gary aside for a chat about the White Powder of Mystery. If it is cocaine, that’s the end of the charter, Primary Nicole does not want that.

(I mean, we heard loud sniffing noises. More than once)

The guest in question is called in from the water and denies there being any powder anywhere. He looks suuuuuuper high as he says that, Captain Glenn advises that he’ll need to check Billy’s luggage now.

Primary Nicole and Madison are witnesses as Captain Glenn goes through Billy’s luggage, he’s starting to get belligerent, calling the captain ‘bro’.

Captain Glenn doesn’t find anything, so the charter continues but now it’s super duper awkward. Madison and Jenna both start shoveling out the drinks, but Primary Nicole is stressed out and Billy is thinking about leaving.

This is a gross way to end a charter season, the tip is going to suuuuuuck.

Adam sends out a tonne of food for lunch with a smile on his face and everything! It doesn’t help Billy, who’s not hungry, just embarrassed and angry.

Paget picks up a couple of adorable sailboats for the guests.

Madison is working as hard as she can to make everyone happy again.

Billy does not partake in her special drinkies. He works himself into a lather and storms into Captain Glenn’s bridge to have it out with him.

Okay, he was drunk last night! But now Captain Glenn has RUINT his luxury yacht vacation! RUINT. Captain Glenn reiterates that he has to do what he has to do, Billy storms out again.

Captain Glenn calls Ciara, chief engineer Byron Hissel and Paget to the bridge to explain the plan for the regatta.

Then it’s time to race, guest Billy and Byron up against Paget and…one of the other guests who hasn’t had their belongings searched for illegal substances. And they’re off!

Deckhand Chris Miller is dying at not being able to be on these tiny little sailboats because of his back, that’s how he grew up!

Ohhhh Team Byron blows their early lead by capsizing.

Team Paget pulls off the W, wooooo!

The guests had so much fun that the mood lightens, whew. It’s time to dress for dinner! Since it’s a Greek party, the table setting is extry fancy; poured golden glitter sand and everything!

It’s Ciara’s birthday tomorrow, Paget, her boyfriend of four years, has gotten her a Leatherman multi-tool, just like every woman or person wants.

Byron and I are confused. He says it’s ONE of her presents, he just, erm, hasn’t gotten the other ones yet!

Supper time! Madison and Georgia celebrate: it’s the last turndown, woooo! Adam sends out a dozen platters of Greek food, it would be fancier if he plated, right? The guests think so.

The guests love all the lobster, plated or not, it’s kind of a quiet night for a Greek party, the guests heading to bed relatively early.

It’s 6:00 am the last day of the charter season, everyone’s up early! Guest Jeanette who won the regatta yesterday is up doing yoga on deck and I love her for that. Breakfast is served at 10:00 am, guest departure is noon. You don’t gotta go home, but you gotta GTFO.

Primary Nicole leaves a tip with Captain Glenn, he runs to blow the horn and I try to use my laser-vision on the envelope to see how disappointed everyone will be. I have to say: they were very complimentary about the service, soooo maybe it won’t be as crappy as it could be.

The boat needs to be cleaned, but first a little smoochy-smoochy in the galley between Adam and Jenna, then she wanders into the crew mess where her staff is eating. How did they think the season went? Well. I don’t think Madison’s gonna say anything, but Georgia jumps in. Jenna thinks all the joking around has been cool, everyone else?

Ohhhhhh so true and to her FACE. Respect.

Georgia’s not done, she’s got specific receipts, how about the jokes Adam and Jenna have been having at everyone’s expenses?

*Please, someone bring up the breastfeeding deckhand, PLEASE.

Jenna again defends the indefensible by saying she was making jokes with Adam because Georgia was asking stupid questions and that’s how she vented.

That’s what she says! Stupid questions. She says this to a junior crew member she was supposed to be training.

Madison and Georgia head to laundry to high five over Georgia’s awesomeness while Jenna commiserates with Byron, another salty dog of the sea. He agrees that junior staff needs to cool it, but alas: yachting is too soft now.

This is like the parents who yearn for the long lost days when they could torture their children properly and smack them whenever they liked, to keep them on their toes in case they needed them to fetch a beer or something.

Byron was the first to wish Ciara happy birthday at 6 am, I love how her whole face broke into a massive smile. That’s the truth: every single person wants to be recognised on their birthdays, everyone. Everyone wants to feel special, no matter what they say like: ‘it’s just another day’, ‘it’s really more for the kids’ ‘I stopped celebrating at 39.’ Every single person in this world should feel special on the anniversary of the day they were born, the world is a better place with them in it and you should let them know. I’m a motherhumping MONSTER on my birthday.

Ciara is super happy with her Leatherman.

*fixed smile is fixed*

(I do not like practical birthday gifts. I am never happy on my birthday because I am a MONSTER. Although this last year was good.)

Madison and Georgia hear the singing from their room and rush to make the end of happy birthday.

It’s the last Tip Time of the season!’s big! It’s $15,000, $1,660 each and that’s more than the last two charters and they didn’t even get searched for drugs! That’s awesome!

Aside from their wages, the crew of the Parsifal III made $143,000 this year! That’s over $16,000 each, which is not bad for six weeks work.

Adam and Jenna cuddle and plan in the crew mess while he thinks about using the L word with her. She’s the closest! But is she the one? Is he the one? He has a lot of rage and insecurity issues.

Georgia has decided she can’t hold her tongue any more, she’s got to say something about her feelings for Paget.

Awww yikes, lady, just leave it as an unfulfilled crush!

Oh thank the gods, she decides to tell her friend Ciara instead of Paget! Yayyyy! That’s a much better choice, but it’s still awkward. So awkward. Ciara says she knows, then doesn’t say anything else as Georgia stumbles through an explanation. “You’re fine.”

Ciara tells Paget as soon as she sees him, Byron’s listening from the crew mess.

THEN Paget asks: Georgia HAS or HAD a thing for me? As Byron and I laugh and Ciara stares at Paget. Hahahaha oh no. Wrong, wrong thing to say.

Everyone gets ready to go out or got to bed (Madison is in pajamas, but like, fancy pajamas, oh wait, she changed, never mind), time for one last crew supper!

I can’t help but compare this to the utter shambles of Below Deck this year. By the end there was repeated occurrences of blackout drinking, the threat of physical violence and no way that the whole crew could hang out together. This is a Salt Spring Island Buddhist Retreat compared to that.

Captain Glenn does a roundtable on everyone’s high point of the season, it’s so cute that Paget says the regatta when he means playing guitar and singing with Georgia. Jenna brings up the proposed threeway from so long ago, she can’t help but be an arsehole, can she?

Adam says the high point is meeting Jenna, of course.

Captain Glenn leaves his crew on the beach to stay up late and make bad choices, Ciara needs to stop literally swinging her braless breasts around, she’s going to take out an eye.

Georgia brings out her guitar, Paget asks, as her number one fan, if she can play the song in his head, fanks. She does, Ciara looks…not happy. She lays down as Paget sings along and acts out all the lyrics. Oh goodness.

Paget follows Madison and Georgia to the beach club dance floor to cut a rug, Ciara waits, then literally pushes between Paget and Georgia to separate them. More group dancing then an extremely stagey meeting in the bathroom.

Let’s break this down:

  • Georgia excuses herself to go to the bathroom
  • Paget asks Ciara where “Whatserface” went
  • Georgia leaves the bathroom door open
  • She poses, carefully taking sips from her flask
  • Paget just happens to find Georgia in the bathroom, thanks to the open door

He has something to tell her.


“Forget about it.”

*Closes door*

And that’s it! Time to go and everyone is going for good tomorrow, wooooo!

We’re doing LIFO, aka Last In First out, so g’bye Chris! I hope your back feels better! I hope we get Captions of Truth!!

Byron is next, awwww, his wife and daughter are there waiting for our huge gossip!

below deck sailing yacht season 1 finale

Madison is my favourite and she’s next to go, she learned that she’s more sensitive than she thought this season. She cries when saying goodbye to Georgia, that’s like her sister.

Ah a heartrending goodbye between Georgia and Paget, it didn’t only go one way, you guys. He was into her as much as he could be, given that he’s happily coupled up with Ciara, who’s been part of his life for four years. It was still sad. It still hurt, all the way from here because it hurts when you can’t be with someone you care about.

Georgia heads out, then Jenna and Adam together. It’s just Captain Glenn, Ciara and Paget at the end, see you next time, guys!

We getta tiny little vignette with Adam and Jenna camping in his van, but rumour has it they’ve broken up already so I hope they didn’t drive far.

Cheers and I’ll see all of YOU for Below Deck Mediterranean, back in no time! Wooooo!


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'Below Deck' Finale: Glenn's drug search goes awry, fans say Billy hid his stash and should have been tested

Bravo's 'Below Deck Sailing Yacht' returned this week with its finale episode and it was explosive to say the least. It began with a drug investigation and ended with heartbreaks and goodbyes. 

Previously, Captain Glenn Shephard was informed by his crew members — Jenna MacGillivray and Chris Miller — that they had spotted white powder under Billy's (one of the charter guests) nose. Based on their observations, Glenn had a chat with the guests and expressed an interest in searching their belongings, to which Billy readily agreed while he said: "I have got nothing to hide bro." Glenn rummaged through his luggage as Madison Stalker watched. It was already a stressful situation, which got out of hand when Glenn didn't find drugs on Billy. It put off Billy and his friends on vacation. Minutes later, Billy walked up to Glenn and confronted him for conducting the search. He made it a point to let Glenn know that he was offended. 

Sure, it's humiliating to be accused of something one hasn't done but Glenn's hands are pretty tied here because that's the protocol — any suspicion would lead to a search. And being caught in possession of drugs on the boat have serious legal implications. The yacht could be confiscated and Glenn could lose his license. So, there was a lot at stake and it would only be foolish of Glenn if he ignored Jenna and Chris' accounts. 

Meanwhile, fans think Glenn didn't find drugs on Billy because he had already snorted all of it or hid it somewhere it couldn't be found. "I think he already snorted them so Glenn would only find out if he did a drug test," a fan commented. Another shared: "We know damn well that they hid those drugs elsewhere. They wouldn’t stash them in luggage since interior goes in. They were put somewhere in that room though. That guest was snorting something at dinner the night prior. He lyin!! #BelowDeckSailing." 

One more said, "For someone who’s claiming not to have drugs on board, Billy is acting a lot like someone who may have drugs on board #BelowDeckSailing #BelowDeckSailingYacht," a viewer expressed. "The captain may not have found any drugs, but that doesn’t mean the dude wasn’t using. His behavior speaks for itself.#BelowDeckSailing." Another user tweeted, "Billy claiming he's so offended and has no drugs on board... BECAUSE HE SNORTED THEM ALL #belowdecksailing."

Below Deck Sailing Yacht: Season Five Cast and Premiere Date Announced by Bravo

by Regina Avalos, September 18, 2024

Below Deck Sailing Yacht TV Show on Bravo: canceled or renewed?

(Photo: Bravo Media)

Below Deck Sailing Yacht has its return date set. Season five of the reality series will return next month, and Bravo has announced new crew members who will join Capt. Glenn Shephard, Chief Stew Daisy Kelliher, and First Mate Gary King on board the Parsifal III this season.

Chef Cloyce Martin, Chief Engineer Davide Morosi, stews Diana Cruz and Danni Warren, and deckhands Keith Allen and Emma Crouch will join the cast for season five of the series, and they will bring some drama with them.

Bravo revealed the following about what is to come in season five:

Capt. Glenn and his expert crew set sail on Parsifal III to the luxury party capital of the world, Ibiza. While Ibiza is known for its sunny day parties and crystal-clear coast, it’s stormy waters ahead for the crew as they navigate blossoming boatmances, competitive co-workers and tense personal dynamics, all while trying to raise the bar every charter. After a distracting love triangle last season that took her focus away from work, Daisy is ready to take the reins back in the interior department with a new sense of energy and determination. However, plans for a stress-free charter season are threatened when her stews question her leadership. On deck, Gary attempts to keep his team motivated as one crew member struggles to learn the ropes. In the galley, Chef Cloyce charms the crew and guests but at only 22, he may be too inexperienced to meet the demands of the high-maintenance charter guests.

Below Deck Sailing Yacht returns on October 7th . The trailer for season five is below.

What do you think?   Have you enjoyed this Bravo series? Do you plan to watch season five?

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Parker, Madison, Ciara, and Paget on Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 1

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The first season of Below Deck Sailing Yacht has come to an end, and even though that charter guest didn’t have any drugs on him, maybe this season of the Bravo series could’ve used some. Despite the fact that Sailing Yacht was the latest addition to the proven win that is the boating franchise, including Below Deck and Below Deck Mediterranean , that didn’t stop this season from needing a bit of wind in its sails.

But let’s focus on the positive first. Sailing Yacht showed viewers a new side to the industry with these sleek sailing boats that move unlike any of the other motor yachts we’ve seen before. The way the wind would catch in those sails and the boat would be thriving, that was truly majestic to watch. There was an element of action and adventure to this series that the others can’t claim.

We also met Captain Glenn who was the perfect captain for this boat. His laid back attitude, willingness to jump up and fix a sail, and adorable admissions during his interviews made him an excellent leader for this show. He’s bringing something different to the table than Captain Lee and Captain Sandy, but he is also capable of showing the same support and sternness when necessary. He was a true delight.

And now, the waters get a little choppy. Viewers were excited to see Chef Adam return for the series after his two-season stint on Below Deck Mediterranean , but this didn’t feel like the Adam we know and love. He’s always been a self-proclaimed grump who just wants to be left alone while he makes his masterpiece meals —and the food did look incredible. But his romance with chief stew Jenna was not nearly the fairytale we hoped for. It was kind of the opposite, even. Their frustrations with each other were our frustrations watching their relationship hit several speed bumps. And the more they seemed to fall for each other, the meaner they became to their coworkers, especially Jenna, in order to have something to laugh about together. Considering how much time they spent together hugging and kissing and flirting in the kitchen, the only thing they were really cooking up was a bad taste in everyone’s mouths.

View this post on Instagram Feeling the Sunday scaries creep in. A post shared by (@deciderdotcom) on May 17, 2020 at 3:08pm PDT

The only breakout from the interior was second stew Madison. Sure, she got herself worked up under the pressure of the job at times, but she still seemed to get the work done and had funny things to say in her interviews. She let viewers in on a big part of her life, she forgot to wear a bra to a beach picnic, and had the best facial reactions of anyone. Ultimately, she had the right mix of getting the job done and still being interesting for reality TV, which no one else on the boat really captured. If there’s another season of this show, bring her back as chief stew — it’s likely that would prevent the season from ever getting boring.

Then there’s Georgia. I’d love to know the details of the deal she clearly made with producers. Was it that they promised her 10 seconds of singing time in each episode in exchange for her pushing the forced “feelings for Paget” storyline? That never made any sense for a lot of reasons. If the two were close pals, that’s great. But he was clearly committed to Ciara, and despite their typical couple bickering, the two seem to be a strong match.

Deckhand Chris was nice and the kind of person you need to balance out a group of crazies, but everyone here was unfortunately normal(ish). Oh, but remember Parker? Wow does that feel ages ago. Perhaps it was because his time coincided with Jenna and Adam’s rocky road to love, but he never felt like an overly frustrating character in this mix. His behavior wasn’t that shocking, nor was his departure. Same goes for Byron, the first time an engineer has been a main cast member. We didn’t really learn more about what his job entails, we heard some witty one-liners from him, and he seemed cool enough. But that’s it.

Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 1 was just fine — even though that’s not a great thing in the world of reality TV. We watched it because the majority of this season aired while we were all stuck inside and it wasn’t as infuriating as the male privilege displayed at the end of the last season of Below Deck . It’s great that this franchise can air all year long, with Below Deck Med picking up in the same timeslot starting next week. But it’s got to find the humor of Below Deck Med or the competence of Below Deck and, ahem, sail with it. Jenna wasn’t a Kate or a Hannah, which would’ve been okay if those weren’t two very beloved skorts to fill. The romance wasn’t charming, the drama wasn’t salacious, the guests all seemed to be fine for the most part. That sounds nice and all, but nobody wants a boring vacation.

Hopefully there is a Season 2 because there’s a lot of potential here. If they can get the boat back up and running, and really, the cameras, it would be wise to lean likable in the casting for this show. We turn to Below Deck for an escape. The high-pressure of fulfilling guest needs while holding on as the boat tips to the side, and in extremely tight quarters, will produce enough drama. When we want fights, we watch Housewives , but Below Deck shouldn’t be frustrating, let alone infuriating. It should be fun. It’s just too bad no one seemed to have any this season.

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S1 e1 - holy ship we're sailing, s1 e2 - my big fat bleak wedding, s1 e3 - rosé-fueled regrets, s1 e4 - baby on board, s1 e5 - shmexual shmension, s1 e6 - oof i did it again, s1 e7 - oooof there it is, s1 e8 - no bra, no shoes, bad service, s1 e9 - parker's big adventure, s1 e10 - big deck energy, s1 e11 - may the breast man win, s1 e12 - new chris on the block, s1 e13 - awkward, s1 e14 - the birds, s1 e15 - you snooze, you lose, s1 e16 - dope, s1 e17 - regatta go, s1 e18 - reunion, streaming, rent, or buy below deck sailing yacht – season 1:.

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Below Deck Sailing Yacht

Below Deck Sailing Yacht (2020)

Capt. Glenn Shephard and his crew set sail in a luxury sailing yacht to explore the crystal-clear blue waters of the Ionian Sea. The sailing yacht brings new challenges to these young, attra... Read all Capt. Glenn Shephard and his crew set sail in a luxury sailing yacht to explore the crystal-clear blue waters of the Ionian Sea. The sailing yacht brings new challenges to these young, attractive and adventurous yachties. Capt. Glenn Shephard and his crew set sail in a luxury sailing yacht to explore the crystal-clear blue waters of the Ionian Sea. The sailing yacht brings new challenges to these young, attractive and adventurous yachties.

  • Mark Cronin
  • Doug Henning
  • Rebecca Taylor Henning
  • Glenn Shephard
  • Daisy Kelliher
  • 36 User reviews
  • 3 nominations

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Glenn Shephard

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Did you know

  • Trivia Below Deck Sailing Yacht will introduce Parsifal III. The 177-foot yacht sleeps 12 guests at a time and typically has a nine-member crew, according to Yacht Charter Fleet. To charter the yacht, prices start at $195,000 for a week. During high season, though, a week on the yacht is expected to cost around $225,000.
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User reviews 36

  • riheg-45047
  • Feb 15, 2023
  • How many seasons does Below Deck Sailing Yacht have? Powered by Alexa
  • February 3, 2020 (United States)
  • 51 Minds Entertainment
  • Little Wooden Boat Productions
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  • Runtime 43 minutes

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Season 1 – Below Deck Sailing Yacht

Where to watch, below deck sailing yacht — season 1.

Watch Below Deck Sailing Yacht — Season 1 with a subscription on Peacock, or buy it on Fandango at Home, Prime Video, Apple TV.

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Cast & crew.

Mark Cronin

Glenn Shephard

Jenna MacGillivray

Byron Hissey

Madison Stalker

Season Info

Here’s What the Cast of Below Deck Sailing Yacht Is Currently Up to Now

Are Jenna and Adam still together?

below deck sailing yacht   season 1

After the massive success of Below Deck and its spinoff Below Deck Med , Bravo decided to test the waters on a new iteration of its hit series earlier this year. That's where Below Deck: Sailing Yacht came in, taking place on a luxury sailing boat, the Parsifal III, adrift in the Ionian Sea.

From a spontaneous proposal failing spectacularly to a joke about being breastfed as an adult, Sailing Yacht was as much a dramatic success as the other franchises. It also left fans wondering about what's happening to the crew since the show wrapped. Did chief stew Jenna and chef Adam stay together? What's going on with Georgia's music? And most important—is Captain Glenn really as cool as we think he is?

Here's what the cast of Below Deck: Sailing Yacht is up to now:

Jenna MacGillivray

When the Canadian stepped onto the Parsifal III, fans got exactly what they hoped for in a chief stew—a no-nonsense leader who also had a romantic spot in her heart for the chef in the galley. Though her relationship with Adam Glick proved to be tumultuous, the two dated for some time after the season wrapped, even taking some time to road-trip together.

These days, Jenna is enjoying some time off from yachting, but given her recent IG pics, she's excited to come back to another charter season.

Madison Stalker

Wherever Madison went, drama always seemed to follow the second stew during season one of Below Deck: Sailing Yacht . In between epic meltdowns (including a major one between her and Jenna over her lack of enthusiasm for her job), she left the boat a better person and leaving fans ready to see more from their new favorite cast member.

Judging by her Instagram account, she's taken a break from yachting (perhaps until next season of the show).

Georgia Grobler

As good of a third stew Georgia was on deck, fans were more invested in her budding music career and growing feelings for a very taken Paget. She proved she was great at her job and could make a career out of yachting.

While it's unclear whether she stayed in the yachting industry post- Sailing Yacht , Georgia's working on music, premiering new music videos on IGTV during the quarantine.

Below Deck Med fans were so excited when Adam joined the crew as the chef for Sailing Yacht . While he abided by the preference sheets this time around, he also began a rocky romance with chief stew Jenna, making most of the crew members wonder if he was there for his job or the girl.

Since the show wrapped, Adam's busy onshore, cooking, and traveling with his adorable puppy. Oh, and Adam has a web series, Stoked , where he travels across the country to meet with local chefs and learn about their regions... all while over a campfire.

Paget Berry and Ciara Duggan

If there was any couple to root for from the entire Below Deck franchise, it's Paget and Ciara. The duo made a great team on deck, and mostly kept their relationship to a minimum on cameras—a first for Bravo! As they were the most familiar with the Parsifal III, the couple was the most reliable, and fans loved seeing their relationship continue blossoming post-filming.

These days, the couple has a lot to be excited about—they're now engaged. While they're soaking up their romantic bliss, they're also still working in yachting, although it's sadly on separate boats.

Byron Hissey

As the chief engineer of Parsifal III, Byron was clearly there to just do his job. But, given how he was the only cast member to have a wife and child back home, he also became the dad of the group, taking care of the other crew members.

Since filming wrapped, it looks like Byron is back on a boat doing exactly what he does best—fixing and making sure the engines run smoothly.

Parker McCown

Relatively new to the yachting industry, fans are more likely to remember the deckhand for his enraged rant about being breastfed by his mother. While he didn't necessarily have all the skills to make it as a deckhand, he definitely had a soft spot for his ex-girlfriend Kaiti, whom he eventually left Parsifal III to go back to at home.

It looks like the decision to leave the show worked out for Parker, as he's now engaged to Kaiti and writing some tunes while onshore.

Chris Miller

As Parker's replacement for the latter half of the season, Chris proved a great deckhand and an asset to the team, all while battling an injury.

These days, Chris seems to be taking some time off from yachting to travel across Europe.

Captain Glenn Sheppard

Captain Glenn was tough, fair, and not afraid to have a good time, which both crew and guests very much appreciated.

Thankfully, his reality TV experience hasn't turned him off yachting forever. Glenn is still the captain for Parsifal III and traveling through the Mediterranean.

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'Below Deck Sailing Yacht' Is Returning for Season 5 After Gary's Scandal

Below Deck Sailing Yacht is coming back for season 5 after Gary King's sexual misconduct scandal.

Bravo announced on Monday, September 16, that the next season reunites Captain Glenn Shephard , chief stew Daisy Kelliher and Gary as they spend their charter season in Ibiza. The rest of the cast includes chef Cloyce Martin , chef engineer Davide Morosi , stews Diana Cruz , Danni Warren and deckhands Keith Allen and Emma Crouch .

The upcoming installment comes more than one year after Below Deck Sailing Yacht wrapped up its fourth season on Bravo in July 2023.

Gary's future as a cast member has been up in the air, however, since a production assistant from the show accused him of making unwanted advances while filming season 4.

Below Deck Sailing Yacht's Biggest Drama Through the Years

In a Rolling Stone exposé, which was published in October 2023, Samantha Suarez and other former employees, who asked to remain anonymous, accused Bravo of allegedly helping cover up Gary's inappropriate behavior.

"It was insane. There were multiple incidents of sexual harassment in front of multiple producers after this person had been given verbal warnings multiple times," one of the accusers alleged. "I had to promote and make this guy who just assaulted someone look awesome. That was my job, to make this person look cool, capable and exciting."

Samantha recalled being asked to look after Gary when he allegedly got drunk. Once filming wrapped, Samantha remained with Gary in his hotel room before he tried to stop her from leaving by pressing himself against her. Samantha alleged that Gary refused to let her leave until she started to fight back.

According to Samantha, she alerted producers about the incident , who told Gary to sleep on the boat on days when the crew wasn't filming as a way to keep him out of the hotel.

Former 'Below Deck Sailing Yacht' Stars: Where Are They Now?

Bravo addressed the allegations in a statement to Rolling Stone , saying, "Bravo is committed to maintaining a safe and respectful workplace for cast and crew on our reality shows. We require our third-party production companies to have appropriate workplace policies and trainings in place and a clear process on how to report concerns. The concerns Ms. Suarez raised in July 2022 were investigated at that time and action was taken based on the findings."

Gary has maintained his innocence since news broke about the claim. "I know [that I did nothing wrong], and I know the truth but it still hurts when people will tell lies to bring you down," he replied to a fan via Instagram one month later.

In the aftermath, Gary didn't appear at BravoCon in November 2023 despite initially being announced as a guest. He has since stated that he wasn't ruling out a Below Deck Sailing Yacht return.

A Guide to 'Below Deck' and Its Many Spinoffs

Gary replied to several Instagram users in December 2023 who reminded him there's a "life after" Below Deck .

"I hope so, will have to see but will definitely be trying to stay on peoples tv screens ," Gary wrote back. In a separate comment, Gary maintained that he would return to reality TV, adding, "I will do and hopefully be back on your screens, everyday I'm trying to better myself so hopefully if they ask me back you'll see this."

Below Deck Sailing Yacht Is Returning for Season 5 After Gary King Scandal

Below Deck Sailing Yacht Seaon 5 trailer teases a Daisy romance, less Gary, no Colin, major firing, and more

Daisy Kelliher on Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 5

Finally, after months of waiting for Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 5 news, we have it, and it’s good.

Bravo released the highly anticipated trailer for the sailing show, along with a premiere date.

The last season fractured the friendships of Daisy Kelliher , Gary King, and Colin MacRae, who all helped make Below Deck Sailing Yacht a mega-hit show.

Colin isn’t back for another season, but Gary and Daisy are, with the past season impacting their working environment.

Aside from the Gary and Daisy drama, we see Captain Glenn Shephard, like never before, losing his s**t on the crew more than once for very good reasons.

The Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 5 trailer

Daisy is the focal point of the trailer, as it seems the powers that be are making her the star in the aftermath of the sexual misconduct scandal allegations against Gary.

The chief stew finds herself hooking up with a deckhand that could be more than just a boatmance.

It seems that the new chef is going to be a major problem on Season 5. Daisy and the chef butt heads when she refuses to serve his food because, well, it looks like crap.

The party vibe of Ibiza brings many challenges for Captain Glenn and his crew. Not only with unruly guests but also the crew crossing the line by partying with guests.

Captain Glenn sets ground rules for the crew, which are ignored, leading to him unleashing his fury on them. The captain even wakes up the crew at one point after a disastrous crew night out.

Other teasers include another near-boat crash for Parsifal III that makes it seem like Gary may be the one who saves the day. Speaking of Gary, he’s in the trailer, but there’s definitely less of him, and not a single Gary hook-up is featured.

What is featured is a fire, a bloody nose, plenty of drunk falls, and Captain Glenn firing someone. The way it’s set up, too, the teaser definitely wants us to think Captain Glenn fires Daisy or Gary.

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When does Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 5 premiere?

Below Deck Sailing Yacht fans will have to tune into Season 5 to find out who Captain Glenn fires, as well as if Daisy what happens with Daisy’s budding romance.

The good news is that the sailing show is back in less than a month. Season 5 of Below Deck Sailing Yacht premieres on Monday, October 7 at 9/8c.

Below Deck Med Season 9 wraps on Monday, September 23, which means we are either getting a reunion or a Captain Sandy Yawn wedding special on Monday, September 30.

Are you ready for Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 5?

Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 5 premieres on Monday October 7 at 9/8c. Seasons 1-4 are streaming on Peacock.


No one wants this drunk on TV! @BravoTV let him continuously get drunk and sexually harass women! He even tried to get one of the girls on Project Runway drunk so he could take advantage of her! He’s a predator & he does not belong on TV reaping all the benefits with free booze! So Bravo has put in place safeguards to protect others from sexual harassment, abuse, etc. but is going to let that drunk predator Gary King stay on? NO!!! He’s gotten away with this for a few years and he needs to be stopped!!! Do Better Bravo!!! I won’t be watching! He’s whining & crying on social media.

Below Deck Sailing Yacht

Next on TV: Fri 20 Sep, 8pm

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below deck sailing yacht season 1 finale

Screen Rant

Below deck sailing yacht season 5 trailer leaves fans disappointed with gary king’s involvement.


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Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 5’s trailer has finally arrived, and with Captain Glenn Shephard’s crew including First Officer Gary King, fans are disappointed in the show’s return . While Below Deck viewers have been impatiently awaiting news about Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 5 for over a year, the trailer has finally been released, and has many concerned about what the season is going to look like. While the trailer reveals the return of some familiar faces, the storylines that appear to be part of the season left viewers feeling uneasy. After Gary’s sexual misconduct allegations, his involvement seems overwhelming.

In the Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 5 trailer, the crew’s chartering guests around Ibiza in a new sailing adventure. With Gary showing up early in the trailer after Daisy Kelliher makes her grand entrance, things get dicey quickly. “That’s right, we have a f****** job and I’m not carrying this f****** season on my own you f****** prick,” Daisy shouts at Gary in one moment of the trailer as he lays in his bed, looking dismayed. The rest of the trailer shows the genuine chaos of the season, featuring Gary heavily much to the surprise of Below Deck viewers .

What Gary’s Involvement In Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 5 Means

He’s part of the show more than ever.

Throughout the Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 5 trailer, it was clear that Gary will be a focal point of the exterior team’s story. Being shown on the deck with some of the exterior team, pushing Deckhands to their limits and critiquing their work, Gary’s presence on the sailing yacht may be odd during Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 5 . While he appears to be getting along with Daisy , he may not even have her in his corner by the end of the charter season. His heavy involvement in the trailer may not indicate the same throughout the whole season.

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Although Gary has been a part of Below Deck Sailing Yacht since the early days of the series, seeing him as a member of the crew after his sexual misconduct allegations came to light is tough. While Bravo filmed Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 5 before the allegations were revealed, they came to light during the filming of the season and it appears that the network didn’t choose to remove Gary from later episodes or take action at all. Though it remains to be seen if production did anything about Gary , it’s disappointing to some to see him on screen.

Our Take On The Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 5 Trailer

It could be chaotic fun, but gary leaves a stain on the show.

Although the trailer for Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 5 makes it seem like one of the most exciting, dramatic seasons of the series we’ve ever seen, the mess may not be worth it if Gary’s involved. By ignoring the sexual misconduct allegations lodged against Gary and leaving him on the series, seemingly without explanation, Bravo is allowing it to seem like what he may have done is okay. Though nothing has been proven, taking no action on Below Deck Sailing Yacht could be a misstep that may taint the entire season of the sailing spin-off for once excited viewers.

Below Deck Sailing Yacht premieres Monday, October 7 at 9 p.m. EDT on Bravo.

Source: Below Deck /Instagram

Below Deck Sailing Yacht

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Below Deck Sailing Yacht is a spin-off of the Below Deck reality television series. Premiering on Bravo, the show follows the life of a Yacht crew as they attempt to navigate a busy Charter season in which many customers make use of a 177-foot sailing yacht. Over the first three seasons, the yacht has been to Greece, Croatia, and Spain.

Below Deck Sailing Yacht

below deck sailing yacht season 1 finale

Your First Look at Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 5

Captain Glenn Shephard and his crew are taking over Ibiza, where there are plenty of boatmances, competitive co-workers and tense personal dynamics waiting.

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Below Deck Sailing Yacht Exes Daisy Kelliher and Gary King Have Explosive Reunion in Season 5 Trailer

Below deck sailing yacht 's daisy kelliher confronts "pr--k" gary king following their failed boatmance in e news' exclusive first look at season five. plus, meet the new yachties..

Below Deck Sailing Yacht 's new season will be anything but smooth sailing.

That's because returning costars Daisy Kelliher and Gary King are anything but friendly after their failed boatmance in E! News' exclusive first look at the Bravo series' fifth season.

Following Daisy, Gary and BDSY alum Colin MacRae 's messy love triangle , Daisy is still reeling from the complicated and dramatic fallout from last season.

"Going into this season, I got rid of some dead weight," the newly single Chief Stew says in the trailer. "The breakup did a number on me last year. I felt very broken. But now, I'm coming back in more focused, full of energy and I'm f--king good at my job. And I'm taking back the reigns."

Despite her initial confidence about returning to the Parsifal III , Daisy adds, "It's gonna be a s--t show."

Cut to the Ireland native yelling at Gary, "Guess what? We have a f--king job to do and I'm not f--king carrying this season on my own, you f--king pr--k!"

But luckily for Daisy, the preview teases her quickly moving on with new Deckhand Keith Allen , who tells Gary, "Daisy would make a very good wife. No?"

As for Gary's response, he bursts out laughing at the crewmember's declaration.

However, Daisy feels the same about Keith and tells him, "You're the kind of person I've never met before."

And when it comes to this season's charter guests, the yachties have too much of a good time with one group on shore.

After a night out, Captain Glenn Shephard warns the team, "You guys went out with some guests, I set some ground rules. Two drinks maximum. You knew the rules, you broke the f--king rules, and now you're here getting upset."

Check out the trailer above for a preview of all the drama to come. And keep reading to meet new yachties Chef Cloyce Martin , Chief Engineer Davide Morosi , Stews Diana Cruz and Danni Warren and Deckhand Emma Crouch .  

Below Deck Sailing Yacht premieres Monday, Oct. 7, at 9 p.m.   on Bravo. Episodes will be available to stream next day on Peacock. 

Captain Glenn Shephard

Capt. Glenn and his expert crew set sail on Parsifal III to the luxury party capital of the world, Ibiza. While Ibiza is known for its sunny day parties and crystal-clear coast, it’s stormy waters ahead for the crew as they navigate blossoming boatmances, competitive co-workers and tense personal dynamics, all while trying to raise the bar every charter.   

Chief Stew Daisy Kelliher

After a distracting love triangle last season that took her focus away from work, Daisy is ready to take the reins back in the interior department with a new sense of energy and determination. However, plans for a stress-free charter season are threatened when her stews question her leadership. 

First Mate Gary King

On deck, Gary attempts to keep his team motivated as one crew member struggles to learn the ropes. 

Chef Cloyce Martin

In the galley, Chef Cloyce charms the crew and guests but at only 22, he may be too inexperienced to meet the demands of the high-maintenance charter guests.

Deckhand Keith Allen

Stew Diana Cruz

Deckhand Emma Crouch

Stew Danni Warren

Chief Engineer Davide Morosi

(E!, Bravo ad Peacock are all part of the NBCUniversal family)

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Below Deck Med’s soul-sucking boat drifts toward its finale

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It’s the last charter on Below Deck Mediterranean season 9: yes, we’re on the penultimate episode, also known as the episode where absolutely nothing happens because the editors are saving everything good for next week’s finale.

With Below Deck Med ending, Bravo just announced the next in the franchise: Below Deck Sailing Yacht will return. Bravo’s press release mentions the return of Captain Glenn, Daisy, and Gary (ugh), though the preview that ran during the commercials excluded Gary entirely. Is that because of what reportedly happened during season four ?

Alas, Gary is in this extended trailer . I just don’t know if I can take a season of that fucking guy, so I hope it minimizes him and/or he falls overboard and has to swim to shore, because the rest looks fun, from a naked person falling on Glenn to Drag Race alum Detox on board as a guest. That starts Oct. 7.

Today, we’re starting the last charter, with guest Stacey Jennings his husband Brad Driver, who you may remember from Below Deck Down Under . I barely did; I barely will. Is it too much to ask for some drunk guests to throw a chair in the water or something?

First, though, Gael recovers from her breakdown about Nathan planning to have Joe visit him. “I’m okay. I just had a moment of weakness,” Gael said, trying to smile so hard I thought her head might actually pop.

“Go and have cuddles,” Aesha said, putting Gael in Nathan’s bed. Nathan asked her what’s wrong and she said “nothing.” Ah, communication. This relationship is going to last, what, one or two days beyond this season?

Later, Gael told Nathan, “I still don’t really know you,” and he said “shut up.”

Nathan said, “I love you more and more,” and Gael said, “Okay, just show it.” Then Joe came in and Nathan crawled down in his bunk and showed Gael how much he loves her.

Meanwhile, Joe is still salivating over Carrie, but says, “I don’t even want to go there.” Nathan told us that is “utter bullshit” and said “that is what he does.” Yep, your bro is a fuckboy.

In real love news, Captain Sandy’s girlfriend is on the way to visit and either get engaged or reject Captain Sandy on national TV. Aesha is producing this event, and shares that they all live in Colorado together, hang out, and compare poop, or at least I assume they would if Aesha had her way.

A person talks to another person on a mobile phone

For this Sandy wants just a simple, casual moment, like a flower-lined dock leading to a table where there’s a violinist and “peach tea in a champagne glass,” and all of that has to be flawless. “I just want it to be perfect,” she says, “absolutely perfect.”

Well, okay then, as long as you don’t set impossibly high standards for one five-minute period in your life that will be orchestrated in part by your crew of incompetent dummies. (A preview for next week shows Joe getting a line wrapped up in the tender’s propeller, so that’s exciting.)

Sandy is worried about her mortal enemy, wind. “I hope the weather’s going to be great,” she says.

In the funniest moment, Sandy asks Aesha if she thinks Leah will know what’s happening. Aesha’s like, um, yeah, once she sees the fact that you’ve stage managed the dock so much it looks like a Bachelorette finale.

She’ll probably also know because Sandy is basically spoiling it: “I have a special treat for you tomorrow,” Sandy says, and her girlfriend said, “You and your surprises.” I expected Sandy to be like, You’ll never guess what it is! Definitely not a proposal!! What is your ring size?

The episode’s major drama, if you can call it that, involves Ellie, who’s still quite insecure about Carrie’s presence on the boat. She’s constantly seeking reassurance from Aesha (DO WE DROP CARRIE OFF AT DOCK AND LEAVE HER NOW?) and micromanaging the other stews (PUT BALLOON THERE YOU STUPID COW!).

During their stew meeting, there’s a fleeting moment when Aesha praises Bri for the laundry, which has miraculously not been delivered to the crew of Below Deck Sailing Yacht , and then praised Ellie’s table decorations, and says, “you’re nailing it.”

But then Aesha shares that Carrie is much faster at all the tasks, and Ellie’s face sinks and I think she may have tried to dig her eyes out with her fingers:

A person puts their finger in their eye

Aesha’s so over Ellie that she’s being overtly hostile, which for Aesha equals sarcasm. Ellie is in her cabin when provisions arrive, and when she finally arrives on Deck, Aesha says, “Oh, thanks for coming up right at the end. We finished.”

Ellie tries to help Bri in cabins, and Aesha is like, “No. Just do what I’ve said.” Then she notices Ellie hasn’t wiped down the walls, and calls for Ellie because “there’s finger marks everywhere,” probably from Joe trying to hit on the wood paneling.

But Ellie is dancing in the crew mess and having fun—which, honestly, it’s nice to see Ellie not trying to destroy everyone with laser eyes, but also Aesha is pissed that Ellie’s ignoring her.

Carrie doesn’t mind Ellie bossing her around, noting that it’s “nice to not have a lot of responsibility” after her last job, when “I went from chief stew to caregiver” when the boat’s owner’s wife died. Yikes.

The guests arrive and Iain, awake from a nap, does the shocker and yells “it’s the last charter,” and I was embarrassed for him and everyone in that interview room.

Iain does manage to get the boat out of the dock without ramming it into another boat, prompting one of the gaggle of gays to say “they pulled out clean.” That’s about the level of entertainment these guests bring: gay sex jokes.

Down in the galley, Jono is thrilled for “a group of guests that are all queer” because “I haven’t met many gay or Black people in the industry,” and he makes a valid point about diversity in yachting that I ignored because I was too busy trying to make a joke out of “I haven’t met many…” …other chefs? YouTube recipes that weren’t from someone’s grandma? charter guests who I haven’t killed?

Jono wants to “make sure they’re extra happy,” and thus plans on, and I quote, “flavor flavor okurrr.”

For an example of how much the editors stretched to fill this episode and save the actual content for next week’s finale, they included this actual exchange:

Sandy: “How’s it going?” Jono: “Wonderfully. How are you?” Sandy: “Good.”

Ellie is confused about why the guests want a party themed to “Swedish pop music. We’re in Greece.” But ultimately she doesn’t care, because, as she says, “Table decor at this point is the only thing bringing me any sort of joy on this soul-sucking boat.”

Below deck, Nathan’s in tighty whities showing off his penis to the world while trying to get into costume. Gael asks, “How’s anyone fit this?” She’s apparently talking about the costume, a leotard that seems designed for a child, because it fits about up to Nathan’s mid-torso. Aesha sees him and says, “Well-done. That’s quite large.”

In a joint bro interview, Joe called it “very questionable” and Nathan said, “when me granddad sees me in that, I’ll lose me surname.”

In Iain news, he put the Progress Pride flag up , and hung it correctly. He also asks to go on the excursion to Posideon’s Temple with the guests. Sandy agrees, probably because having her bosun off the boat is safer than having him on it.

Aesha decided to send Bri as a reward for not putting all of their clothes in the trash, or trying to wash their laundry using champagne. Bri was so thrilled that she hugged Aesha through tears.

A person points while other people listen

Iain told us that, “in my role, I find I’m sometimes more behind the scenes, making everything run,” which must be what he’s doing in bed all the time.

“I’ve always been an entertainment kind of person,” he says, and that comes in the form of facts about temple he shares with the guests. Hilariously, Bri tells us, “Iain and I really aren’t the best entertainers on the boat.” Oh, you’re entertaining, just for your incompetence.

Oh, I kid Bri and Iain. Seriously, Iain seems—pretty great with the guests? He’s laughing, they’re having fun, he has facts, they seem interested. I mean, this is just a few moments of screen time, but maybe he’s in the wrong job? The same might be true for Bri, too. She offers the guests ice water instead of, say, motor oil. Impressive!

The trip seems fine and the guests seem happy and there’s just nothing happening. Back on board, Sandy tells Iain, “go and get the drag queens,” and he says, “Joe and Gael will go,” because of course he’ll have others do the work. Joe is somehow not a monstrous dick to Gael on the boat ride, and Gael wonders why he can’t be like that all the time.

Aesha asks Carrie about Ellie, who says, “If I had to do a whole season like this, I’d be really struggling to bite my tongue.” Aesha finally snaps when Ellie starts clearing the table without radioing, I think, and then it’s time for the big confrontation!

“I feel like you have been overstepping as the second,” Aesha tells Ellie, the line we’ve already heard in the preview for the episode and the teasers during the breaks. “The job as the second is to delegate when I’m not around.”

But wait: the credits are starting. What?! “I would never disrespect you like that,” Ellie says, and instead of Aesha, say, firing her, we get a flashback to all of Ellie’s bad second stew behavior, like when she screamed at Bri, “SINCE YOU DON’T KNOW HOW BOATS WORK SECOND STEW OUTRANKS YOU.”

The preview for the finale shows Ellie saying, “Fuck that. I’m not taking shit.” But based on how this season has gone, I’d guess that Ellie does, in fact, not receive any actual shit. But a firing in the finale would certainly be dramatic!

About the writer

Andy Dehnart

Andy Dehnart is a writer and TV critic who created reality blurred in 2000. His writing and reporting here has won an Excellence in Journalism award from NLGJA: The Association of LGBTQ+ Journalists and an L.A. Press Club National A&E Journalism Award.

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