Baudo-Class Star Yacht

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Reference Book: Star Wars Saga Edition Starships of the Galaxy

Baudo-Class Star Yacht

The Baudo -Class Star Yacht is a favorite vessel of the galaxy's wealthy. It is especially popular among the younger set of spoiled rich kids who fancy themselves as rakes and bravos. It is a good-looking ship, with smooth, organic lines that are more reminiscent of a deep sea creature than a high-tech pleasure craft.

The manufacturer of the Baudo Yacht is a small shipyard owned by a reclusive and eccentric Aqualish named Mendel Baudo. His company produces every ship he makes on a custom-order basis, implementing each customer's requirements to produce a yacht that is both functional and opulent. The basic capabilities and external appearance of each vessel remain the same, but the internal amenities can differ vastly from ship to ship.

Baudo is a difficult being to find, and he accepts contracts only from people who are referred to him by his prior customers. He takes his time in the construction of each yacht, and he has been known to spend an entire standard year on a ship in an effort to get things precisely right. It is rumored that he keeps a couple of completed ships on hand for less discerning buyers, but he almost always insists on creating each ship to order.

  • 1 Capabilities
  • 2.1 Defenses
  • 2.2 Offense
  • 2.3 Abilities
  • 2.4 Ship Statistics
  • 2.5.1 Light Laser Cannon (Pilot)

Capabilities [ ]

As far as star yachts go, the Baudo is a standard example of conspicuous consumption. No single Baudo is identical with any other one; each is built according to the requirements and specifications of it's buyer. The differences rarely affect the performance of the vessel; rather, they embellish the ship's luxury and appeal in ways that only the original owners will appreciate. One Baudo might have the internal bulkheads lined in polished hardwood and precious metals, while another might include a full bar complete with rare spirits from every system in the Core Worlds .

Though relatively fast given its size, the Baudo is more attuned to a slow and steady pace. It doesn't accelerate particularly quick at sublight speeds, and it features only a Class 2 Hyperdrive . Despite these deficiencies, Baudos are simple to operate, and even amateur Pilots find the controls easy to use. It's weapon and defense systems include only a single Laser Cannon and modest Starship Shields .

Baudo -Class Star Yacht Statistics (CL 6) [ ]

Colossal Space Transport

Initiative : -3; Senses: Perception +5

Defenses [ ]

Reflex Defense : 13 ( Flat-Footed : 11), Fortitude Defense : 22; +11 Armor

Hit Points: 60; Damage Reduction : 15; Shield Rating : 15; Damage Threshold : 72

Offense [ ]

Speed: Fly 12 Squares ( Character Scale ), Fly 5 Squares ( Starship Scale ); (Maximum Velocity 1,200 km/h)

Ranged: Light Laser Cannon +2 (See Below)

Fighting Space : 12x12 Squares ( Character Scale ), 1 Square ( Starship Scale ); Total Cover

Base Attack Bonus : +0; Grapple : +32

Abilities [ ]

Strength : 34, Dexterity : 14, Constitution : -, Intelligence : 14

Skills : Initiative -3, Mechanics +5, Perception +5, Pilot -3, Use Computer +5

Ship Statistics [ ]

Crew: 1 (Normal Crew Quality ); Passengers: 8

Cargo: 35 Tons; Consumables: 1 Month; Carried Craft: None

Hyperdrive : Class 2 (Backup Class 7), Navicomputer

Availability: Licensed ; Cost: 400,000 (250,000 Used )

Weapon Systems [ ]

Light laser cannon ( pilot ) [ ].

Attack Bonus: +2, Damage: 2d10x2

Baudo-class Star Yacht

Hyperspeed 3.0
Sublight Speed 50 MGLT
Max Speed 500 km/h
Maneuverability 2.00
Sensors 1
Escape Pods 1
Docking Bay n/a
Hangar Bay n/a
Landing Capacity Yes
Flight Grade Repulsorlifts Yes
Graviton Generators n/a
Docking Port n/a
Medical Room n/a
Storage Room {{{storageroom}}}
Recycling n/a
Weapons/Utilities Turbolasers: 1
Weight 220 T
Volume 2,500 m³
Weight Capacity 35 T
Volume Capacity 100 m³
Max Passengers 8
Party Slot Size 4.00
Length 32 m
Hull 160
Shield 110
Ionic Capacity 80
Raw Material Price 174,808
Quantum 47
Meleenium 476
Ardanium 43
Rudic 37
Rockivory 38
Tibannagas 12
Varmigio 89
Lommite 23
Durelium 30
Bacta n/a
Hibridium n/a
Varium n/a
Affiliation n/a

A yacht design which predated the Clone Wars, the Baudo-class Star Yacht is a beautiful, almost organic looking ship. Its shape is reminiscent of the deep sea creature native to the planet Ando, the homeworld of the Aqualish, as well as that of a certain Mendel Baudo, designer of this yacht. The standard design carries 8 people, and incorporates a single turbolaser, mainly for defence against pirates and other undesirables.

Ships of this class are very expensive, because they are custom made; they may look identical on the outside, but the internal amenities are custom tailored to the wishes of the buyer. While some may have internal wall plates made of Alderaan Kriin-wood and Tangdor gems, others may have a full complement of games of skill and luck including tables for Dejarik, Pazaak and Sabacc. Many of these ships are bought by wealthy sentients, quite often for their children. As such, many of these ships are seen passing close to commercial freighters, as the rich pilots within waste their time annoying the older, more grizzled pilots.

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Baudo-class Star Yacht

Manufacturer Mendel Baudo

Model Baudo-class Star Yacht

Class Luxury Sporting Yacht

400,000 credits (new)

Hyperdrive rating Class 0.9/Backup 3.0

Base Space Speed 95 MGLT

Base Atmo Speed 140 MGLT

Armament 2 Laser Canon Turrets

Minimum crew 1

Passengers 8

Cargo capacity 35 Tons

Role(s) Transport Luxury Travel Racing Smuggling

Background and History

As a sporting yacht, the ship was mostly used as a pleasure vehicle by affluent beings. Baudos were not beloved by most bulk freighter pilots, who disliked being passed on the spacelanes. The ship itself was described as having a resemblance to some sea creatures. Baudo-class yachts were equipped with a powerful sublight drive for good speed in normal space. The single laser cannon in the standard version of the yacht was not only installed for looks—several precise hits could make pirates change their minds. The Baudo-class yacht was produced by the shipyards owned by Mendel Baudo, and each ship was custom-built to the specifications of its owner. This meant that each ship was unique in some way from all others, although the underlying drive systems remained common.

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Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 9:52 pm    Post subject: Baudo Class Yacht - Deckplan
Okay guys I'm in a quandary - I've found two different deckplans that seem to be on different scales but in fact aren't - not really anyway.

Theres this one that I've become accustomed to -

And this new one by DarkestSeason on deviantart of a modified version -

now my problem is this - the modified by DarkestSeason is amazing - but is evidently slightly longer at 36meters yet seems to not have the space of the earlier version designed to carry the 8 passenger allotment of the stock version.

that didn't seem like an issue until I noticed why - the earlier version is missing something that dark included - the engine room.

The earlier version (anyone know who did this?) places passenger suites there instead. Now this wouldn't be too much of an issue if the ship had a maintenance bay on a lower level - but it doesn't by this set of plans.

I'm going to be attempting to modify Season's version to hold the 8 passenger allotment - AND attempt to reinstate the jacuzzi and lounge with their sliding viewports, all while keeping a space for a maintenance bay and engine room.

In the meantime - what are your guy's thoughts on the subject?

Heres a copy of the original design from the exterior by the weg artists for referance:
  '); //-->
Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 10:53 pm    Post subject:
I like some of the deckplans found on Colonial Chrome (the source of the first deckplan), but I have found that they have a tendency to go for quantity over quality, making relatively implausible floor plans that do not make realistic use of available internal space on a ship. The Baudo-class is supposed to be a sport yacht; high speed and performance at the cost of interior space. Think of it as the Star Wars equivalent of a cigarette yacht; it may cost a lot of money and move you very quickly from A to B, but that doesn't mean its a comfortable place to stay long term.

IMO, the two bulges on the Baudo's dorsal hull are engine housings, but all the deckplans I have seen convert them into crew quarters, lounge areas, or a swimming pool. manner of emergency escape device for all assigned passenger slots (so, if a ship like the Baudo has 1 crew and 8 passengers, it needs to have escape pod seating for 9), yet none of the three deck plans I have seen include escape pods.

Also, as a sport yacht, this ship doesn't need four staterooms with queen-sized beds. With internal space at a premium, there should be double bunks to conserve space. I don't mind a separate suite with a larger bed for the captain/owner, but this ship just doesn't have the space available for room to stretch out. That doesn't mean the bunks won't be as comfortable as money can buy, just that there isn't a lot of room to work with.

Finally (and this is the biggest issue), none of the deckplans seem to take the third dimension into account. Remember that the hull of the Baudo may start out at man-height (or at least normal room height) at the center axis, but that height drops off sharply the further out you go, so the deckplan needs to take that into account.

I have my own ideas for fixes to this deckplan that would fit well with what we know of the ship officially, so if you'd like to hear more, let me know. I'll tell you this, though; I don't think there is any way to make this ship include a pool and staterooms for everyone on board and still have it do what it is meant to do. If you want your characters to fly around in the lap of luxury, put them in a Luxury 3000 or a Starwind. The Baudo is intended to be the space equivalent of a sports car; fast and powerful and cramped.
"No set of rules can cover every situation. It's expected that you will make up new rules to suit the needs of your game." - The Star Wars Roleplaying Game, 2R&E, pg. 69, WEG, 1996.

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 10:57 pm    Post subject:
Oh, and here is the exterior image that accompanies that deckplan (courtesy of Frank Bonura's Star Wars Deckplans Alliance):

"No set of rules can cover every situation. It's expected that you will make up new rules to suit the needs of your game." - The Star Wars Roleplaying Game, 2R&E, pg. 69, WEG, 1996.

Last edited by CRMcNeill on Fri Aug 31, 2018 2:02 pm; edited 1 time in total
Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 11:39 pm    Post subject:
I suppose if nothing else, at least that floor plan illustrates that an 8 passenger with a decent engine room can be done.
It may be lacking in some features, like the lounge and galley being nothing more than a bar like area, but at least its scale on bedding and things seems plausible still.

Thoughts to consider as I attempt the redesign at least.

A question to you all - does a second level with a maintenance bay/engine room seem implausible giving the ships dimensions?
Because it seems to me that the ships height would be at least 8 meters from plating to plating.
So I was thinking a ladder down/lift to a second level to access the engine room.

baudo class yacht

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 1:55 am    Post subject:
I have always considered the escape pods to be under those buldges..
Confucious sayeth, don't wash cat while drunk!
Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 4:34 am    Post subject:
I suppose if nothing else, at least that floor plan illustrates that an 8 passenger with a decent engine room can be done.
It may be lacking in some features, like the lounge and galley being nothing more than a bar like area, but at least its scale on bedding and things seems plausible still.
A question to you all - does a second level with a maintenance bay/engine room seem implausible giving the ships dimensions?
Because it seems to me that the ships height would be at least 8 meters from plating to plating.
So I was thinking a ladder down/lift to a second level to access the engine room.
Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 4:41 am    Post subject:
I have always considered the escape pods to be under those buldges..
Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 7:44 pm    Post subject:
Duplicate post. You don't need to see this post; it's not the post you're looking for. Move along.
"No set of rules can cover every situation. It's expected that you will make up new rules to suit the needs of your game." - The Star Wars Roleplaying Game, 2R&E, pg. 69, WEG, 1996.

Last edited by CRMcNeill on Fri Aug 31, 2018 2:03 pm; edited 2 times in total
Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 7:44 pm    Post subject:
Yeah thats where I placed my escape pod access was under that dorsal hatch area.
Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 8:20 pm    Post subject:
This ship looks like the Star bridge class vessel from the game EV Nova.

Google it and you'll see.
Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 8:32 pm    Post subject:
Technically speaking, since EV Nova was released in 2002, and the Baudo was included in a book first published in 1990, it would be more accurate to say that the Starbridge looks like the Baudo, not the other way around. But that's just me being nit-picky. Thank you for the input.
"No set of rules can cover every situation. It's expected that you will make up new rules to suit the needs of your game." - The Star Wars Roleplaying Game, 2R&E, pg. 69, WEG, 1996.

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 8:41 pm    Post subject:
Yeah thats where I placed my escape pod access was under that dorsal hatch area.
Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 9:37 pm    Post subject:
I had rearranged the central walkway - removing the dejarik table and bench. And placing a cylinder for the escape pod.

I just rethought it after coming back to read while taking a break.

I noticed that I cannot find an escape pod hatch on any of the floor plans so far with the exceptions of the first one I posted which is notably unrealistic.
(and in fact may not be an escape hatch anyway.)

I'm currently sitting back and examining my work, trying to think of way to accomplish it.

I had already come to the conclusion that I would need to exclude passenger space to retain the jacuzzi present in the one floorplan.
And seeing as our version of it at the moment will not have it at the start, have excluded it from my work until I am finished with the current version.
Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 11:17 pm    Post subject:
Honestly, I think it was a mistake to put the passenger capacity at 8 for the stock ship. The Baudo just doesn't have the internal space to carry that many people comfortably. IMO, the modifications done to the Gilded Lily to give it 75 metric tons passenger space probably involved pulling, say, a lounge or a jacuzzi from somewhere (maybe even the dorsal space between the engine bulges), leaving the ship with space for 4 passengers. One of the methods described in Tramp Freighters to earn money is by passenger transport, and a yacht being converted into a transport wouldn't want to sacrifice any more useful space that absolutely necessary.

As far as the escape pods, I went more along the lines of Frank Bonura's PES-550 system:

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 3:44 am    Post subject:
my issue isn't what escape pod to use - It's finding the floor room for any at all atm.
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  • Baudo Star Yachts

Baudo-class Star Yacht

-class Star Yacht


Subcapital Ship


32 meters

Maximum Acceleration

7 MGLT/s



Atmospheric Speed

1,200 kph


65 DPF

Hyperdrive Rating

Class 2

Backup Hyperdrive Rating

Class 7


180 SBD


74 RU


1 Laser Cannon Turret





Cargo Capacity

35 Metric Tons


1 Month



The Baudo -class Star Yacht is a favorite ship of rich youngsters. It also has the ability to be easily modified, so the ship is sometimes used by smugglers. The ship itself is described as having a resemblance to some sea creatures. As a sporting yacht, the ship is mostly used as a pleasure vehicle by affluent beings. Baudos are not beloved by most bulk freighter pilots, who dislike being passed on the spacelanes.

Baudo -class yachts are equipped with a powerful sublight drive for good speed in normal space. The single laser cannon in the standard version of the yacht was not only installed for looks — several precise hits with it can make most pirates change their minds.

This unique yacht is now being produced by Hoersch-Kessel Drive , Inc.

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Baudo -class Star Yacht

Swse transport baudo


Baudo-class star yacht             (cl 6).

Colossal space transport

Initiative:  −3; Senses: Perception +5

Defenses: Fort  22, Ref  13 (flat-footed 11) ; +11 armor

Hit Points:  60;  DR:  15;  SR:  15;  Damage Threshold:  72

Speed: fly 12 squares (max. velocity 1,200 km/h), fly 5 squares (starship scale)

Ranged:  light laser cannons +2 (see below)

Fighting Space:  12×12 or 1 square (starship scale); Cover :  total

Base Attack :  +0; Grapple :  +32

Abilities: Con —, Dex 14, Int 14, Str 34

Skills: Initiative −3, Mechanics +5, Perception +5, Pilot −3, Use Computer +5

Crew: 1 (normal); Passengers: 8

Cargo: 35; Consumables: 1 month; Carried Craft: none

Hyperdrive: ×2 (backup×7), navicomputer

Availability: Licensed; Cost: 400,000 (250,000 used)

light laser cannons (gunner) Attack:  +2,  Damage:  2d10×2

Notes There may have been some modification and/or removal of text from the original text written in the book. This was done for one or more reasons including but not limited to:

  • To remove unnecessary redundancy, repetitiveness, or outright errors.
  • Because the original formatting does not lend itself well to the web/wiki environment.
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02 : 34 : 08


A yacht design which predated the Clone Wars, the Baudo-class star yacht is a beautiful, almost organic looking ship. Its shape is reminiscent of the deep sea creature native to the planet Ando, the homeworld of the Aqualish, as well as that of a certain Mendel Baudo, designer of this yacht. The standard design carries 9 people, and incorporates a single heavy laser for defence against pirates and other undesirables.

Ships of this class are very expensive, because they are custom made; they may look identical on the outside, but the internal amenities are custom tailored to the wishes of the buyer. While some may have internal wall plates made of Alderaan Kriin-wood and Tangdor gems, others may have a full complement of games of skill and luck including tables for Dejarik, Pazaak and Sabacc. Many of these ships are bought by wealthy sentients, quite often for their children. As such, many of these ships are seen passing close to commercial freighters, as the rich pilots within waste their time annoying the older, more grizzled pilots.

  • Quantum : 47
  • Meleenium : 476
  • Ardanium : 43
  • Rockivory : 38
  • Tibannagas : 12
  • Varmigio : 89
  • Lommite : 23
  • Durelium : 30
  • Hyperspeed: 3
  • Sublight Speed: 50 MGLT
  • Max Speed: 500 km/h
  • Manoeuvrability: 3
  • Weight: 220 T
  • Volume: 2,500 m³
  • Length: 32 m
  • Party Slot: 4.00
  • Weight Cap: 35 T
  • Volume Cap: 100 m³
  • Max Passengers: 9
  • Heavy Laser : 1
  • Deflectors: 110
  • Ionic Capacity: 80
  • Raw Value: 174,808 CR
  • Recommended Workers: 7
  • Recycling XP : 20 XP
  • Production Mod: 100
  • Produced by: Manufacturing
  • Produced in: Factory , Shipyard I , Shipyard II , Shipyard III , Shipyard IV , X7 Factory Station
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baudo class yacht

3/ Room Map

Floor: base.

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Baudo -class Star Yacht

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The Baudo ‑class star yacht is a favorite vessel of the galaxy’s wealthy. It is especially popular among the younger set of spoiled rich kids who fancy themselves as rakes and bravos. It is a good-looking ship, with smooth organic lines that are more reminiscent of a deep-sea creature than a high-tech pleasure craft.

     The manufacturer of the Baudo yacht is a small shipyard owned by a reclusive and eccentric Aqualish named Mendel Baudo. His company produces every ship he makes on a custom-order basis, implementing each customer’s requirements to produce a yacht that is both functional and opulent. The basic capabilities and external appearance of each vessel remain the same, but the internal amenities can differ vastly from ship to ship.

     Baudo is a difficult being to find, and he accepts contracts only from people who are referred to him by his prior customers. He takes his time in the construction of each yacht, and he has been known to spend an entire standard year on a ship in an effort to get things precisely right. It is rumored that he keeps a couple of completed ships on hand for less discerning buyers, but he almost always insists on creating each ship to order.


As far as star yachts go, the Baudo is a standard example of conspicuous consumption. No single Baudo is identical with any other one; each is built according to the requirements and specifications of its buyer. The differences rarely affect the performance of the vessel; rather, they embellish the ship’s luxury and appeal in ways that only the original owners will appreciate. One Baudo might have the internal bulkheads lined in polished hardwood and precious metals, while another might include a full bar complete with rare spirits from every system in the Core Worlds.

     Though relatively fast given its size, the Baudo is more attuned to a slow and steady pace. It doesn’t accelerate particularly quickly at sublight speeds, and it features only a class 2 hyperdrive. Despite these deficiencies, Baudos are simple to operate, and even amateur pilots find the controls easy to use. Its weapon and defense systems include only a single laser cannon and modest shields.

Baudo-class Star Yacht           (CL 6)

      Starships of the Galaxy , page 65.

Colossal space transport

Initiative:  −3; Senses: Perception +5

Defenses: Fort  22, Ref  13 (flat-footed 11) ; +11 armor

Hit Points:  60;  DR:  15;  SR:  15;  Damage Threshold:  72

Speed: fly 12 squares (max. velocity 1,200 km/h), fly 5 squares (starship scale)

Ranged:  light laser cannons +2 (see below)

Fighting Space:  12×12 or 1 square (starship scale); Cover :  total

Base Attack :  +0; Grapple :  +32

Abilities: Con —, Dex 14, Int 14, Str 34

Skills: Initiative −3, Mechanics +5, Perception +5, Pilot −3, Use Computer +5

Crew: 1 (normal); Passengers: 8

Cargo: 35; Consumables: 1 month; Carried Craft: none

Hyperdrive: ×2 (backup×7), navicomputer

Availability: Licensed; Cost: 400,000 (250,000 used)

light laser cannons (gunner) Attack:  +2,  Damage:  2d10×2

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Baudo-class Star Yacht

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An extremely known luxury starship, the Baudo-class contains a suite of facilities that are entirely designed to specifications of the buyer. Their construction is personally directed by the renowned architect Mendel Baudo.

Silhouette Speed Handling Hull Trauma


System Strain


4 4 +1 26 10








1 - - 1 1

Hyperdrive: Primary: Class 2, Backup: Class 12

Navicomputer: Yes.

Sensor Range: Short.

Ship's Complement: 1 Pilot, 1 Co-Pilot/Engineer.

Encumbrance: 60

Passenger Capacity: 8

Consumables: 1 Month.

Price Rarity HP
250000 9 6
  • Turret-mounted Medium Laser Cannon
Fire Arc Dam Crit Range Qualities
All 6 3 Close -


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Banshee ( Baudo -class)

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  1. Baudo-class star yacht

    baudo class yacht

  2. Baudo-Class Star Yacht

    baudo class yacht

  3. Dawn of Defiance: The Banshee (Baudo Class) : r/Star_Wars_Maps

    baudo class yacht

  4. Baudo Class Star Yacht 1-270 (TVN6M697T) by Gosric

    baudo class yacht

  5. Baudo-class Yacht by stargate525 on DeviantArt

    baudo class yacht

  6. Baudo-class star yacht ortho [New] by unusualsuspex

    baudo class yacht


  1. Baudo-class star yacht

    The Baudo-class star yacht was a favorite ship of rich youngsters. It also had the ability to be easily modified, so the ship was sometimes used by smugglers. As a sporting yacht, the ship was mostly used as a pleasure vehicle by affluent beings. Baudos were not beloved by most bulk freighter pilots, who disliked being passed on the spacelanes. The ship itself was described as having a ...

  2. Baudo-Class Star Yacht

    The Baudo -Class Star Yacht is a favorite vessel of the galaxy's wealthy. It is especially popular among the younger set of spoiled rich kids who fancy themselves as rakes and bravos. It is a good-looking ship, with smooth, organic lines that are more reminiscent of a deep sea creature than a high-tech pleasure craft.

  3. The Baudo-class star yacht

    About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright ...

  4. Baudo-class Star Yacht

    A yacht design which predated the Clone Wars, the Baudo-class Star Yacht is a beautiful, almost organic looking ship. Its shape is reminiscent of the deep sea creature native to the planet Ando, the homeworld of the Aqualish, as well as that of a certain Mendel Baudo, designer of this yacht. The standard design carries 8 people, and ...

  5. Baudo-class Star Yacht

    Baudo-class yachts were equipped with a powerful sublight drive for good speed in normal space. The single laser cannon in the standard version of the yacht was not only installed for looks—several precise hits could make pirates change their minds. The Baudo-class yacht was produced by the shipyards owned by Mendel Baudo, and each ship was ...

  6. Category:Baudo-class star yachts

    This category is for Baudo-class star yachts. The High Republic comics (2023) The High Republic Adventures (2023) Shadows of Starlight

  7. Baudo Star Yacht

    Baudo Star Yacht Craft: Baudo-class Star Yacht Alignment: General Era: Rise of the Empire Source: Pirates & Privateers (pages 71-72) ... Length: 32 meters Skill: Space transports: Baudo yacht Crew: 1 Crew Skill: Varies widely Passengers: 8 Cargo Capacity: 35 metric tons Consumables: 1 month Cost: 400,000 (new), 250,000 (used) Hyperdrive ...

  8. The Rancor Pit :: View topic

    The Baudo-class is supposed to be a sport yacht; high speed and performance at the cost of interior space. Think of it as the Star Wars equivalent of a cigarette yacht; it may cost a lot of money and move you very quickly from A to B, but that doesn't mean its a comfortable place to stay long term.

  9. Baudo-class Star Yacht

    The Baudo-class Star Yacht is a favorite ship of rich youngsters. It also has the ability to be easily modified, so the ship is sometimes used by smugglers. The ship itself is described as having a resemblance to some sea creatures. As a sporting yacht, the ship is mostly used as a pleasure vehicle by affluent beings. Baudos are not beloved by most bulk freighter pilots, who dislike being ...

  10. Baudo-class Star Yacht

    Baudo-class Star Yacht; If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. You may have to register before you can post: click the register link above to proceed. To start viewing messages, select the forum that you want to visit from the selection below. wiki. Main Page;

  11. Baudo-class Star Yacht

    Baudo-class Star Yacht. The Baudo‑class star yacht is a favorite vessel of the galaxy's wealthy.It is especially popular among the younger set of spoiled rich kids who fancy themselves as rakes and bravos. It is a good-looking ship, with smooth organic lines that are more reminiscent of a deep-sea creature than a high-tech pleasure craft.

  12. Dawn of Defiance: The Banshee (Baudo Class) : r/Star_Wars_Maps

    The Banshee is a Baudo-class yacht that serves as the player's main transport and a sort of base of operations for the first three acts of Dawn of Defiance. 1. Reply. Award. Share. 59 votes, 14 comments. 17K subscribers in the Star_Wars_Maps community. Community dedicated to Sci-Fi maps, tokens and props, not specifically for….

  13. ::Baudo-class Star Yacht (Light Freighters)

    A yacht design which predated the Clone Wars, the Baudo-class star yacht is a beautiful, almost organic looking ship. Its shape is reminiscent of the deep sea creature native to the planet Ando, the homeworld of the Aqualish, as well as that of a certain Mendel Baudo, designer of this yacht. The standard design carries 9 people, and ...

  14. Baudo-class Star Yacht

    Baudo-class Star Yacht. The Baudo‑class star yacht is a favorite vessel of the galaxy's wealthy. It is especially popular among the younger set of spoiled rich kids who fancy themselves as rakes and bravos. It is a good-looking ship, with smooth organic lines that are more reminiscent of a deep-sea creature than a high-tech pleasure craft. ...


    Baudo-class star yacht was a short-range interstellar cruiser built and designed by Corellian Engineering Corporation for courier missions, for light freight or as the personal runabout of a wealthy individual. 37.5 meters of length, a ship required a single pilot and had limited facilities for up to eight passengers. A small cargo hold in the mid-deck section served to contain up to 35 metric ...

  16. Baudo-class Star Yacht

    Baudo-class Star Yacht. An extremely known luxury starship, the Baudo-class contains a suite of facilities that are entirely designed to specifications of the buyer. Their construction is personally directed by the renowned architect Mendel Baudo. Hyperdrive: Primary: Class 2, Backup: Class 12.

  17. Banshee (Baudo-class)

    The Banshee was the modified Baudo-class star yacht used by Sirona Okeefe after the Clone Wars, in missions for the Alderaanian Resistance. "The Traitor's Gambit" (original article link) on (content now obsolete; backup link) (First appearance) "A Wretched Hive" (original article link) on (content now obsolete; backup link) "The Queen of Air and Darkness" (original ...

  18. Star Wars Pulsar Skate Modified Baudo class star yacht

    Discover this unit watching a 3D cinematic view and a 360º rotation. You can find more in the Alliance Rebellion Star Wars Encyclopedia https://www.firefoxcc...

  19. Satellite Images Show Russian Ammo Depot Damage After Chain of

    Satellite images have been released in the aftermath of a Ukrainian drone attack on an ammunition depot in Russia's Voronezh region. Videos and images circulating on social media on Sunday ...

  20. Category talk:Sportspeople from Voronezh Oblast

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  22. Petropavlovka, Ostrogozhsky District, Voronezh Oblast

    Voronezh Oblast. District. Ostrogozhsky District. Time zone. UTC+3:00. Petropavlovka (Russian: Петропавловка) is a rural locality (a selo) and the administrative center of Petropavlovskoye Rural Settlement, Ostrogozhsky District, Voronezh Oblast, Russia. The population was 678 as of 2010. [2] There are 11 streets.