segelyacht charter barcelona

  • Barcelona Card
  • Parks & Plätze
  • Bildergalerien
  • Stadtteilführungen
  • Führungen in Sehenswürdigkeiten
  • Tapas- und Gourmet-Touren
  • Modernisme- und Gaudí-Führungen
  • Familien- und Kindertouren
  • Literatur- und Filmtouren
  • Barcelonas dunkle Seite
  • Touren auf eigene Faust
  • Stadtrundfahrten
  • Fahrradtouren
  • Bootstouren und Wassersport
  • Seilbahnen in Barcelona
  • Segway Touren
  • Hubschrauber-Rundflüge
  • Ferrari fahren
  • Hola BCN!-ÖPNV-Mehrtageskarte
  • Flughafen-Transfers
  • Nutzung des ÖPNV in Barcelona
  • Kreuzfahrthafen-Transfers
  • Autofahren & Parken
  • Ziele außerhalb von Barcelona
  • Flamenco Shows
  • Restaurants
  • Konzerte, Theater, Film
  • Stadtführungen und Ausflüge für Familien
  • Mosaik-Souvenir selbst basteln
  • PortAventura Vergnügungspark
  • GPS-GoCar Tours
  • Kloster Montserrat
  • Dalí und das Dalinianische Dreieck
  • Ballonfahrt über Katalonien
  • Roca Village Outlet
  • Estrella Damm Brauereiführung
  • Costa Brava
  • Freizeitpark PortAventura
  • Wein und Cava
  • Formel 1 und MotoGP Spanien
  • Pyrenäen - Vall de Núria
  • Trencadis Mosaikkurse
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  • Infos A bis Z
  • FC Barcelona

Exklusive Segelyacht-Charter (private Touren)

Mit der yachtcharter ist ihre gruppe beim segeln unter sich, skipper inklusive.

Yachtcharter mit Skipper ab Barcelona

Yachtcharter mit Skipper ab Barcelona

Mit einer exklusiven Yachtcharter haben Sie die Segelyacht exklusiv für sich. Mit an Bord ist der Skipper - Sie benötigen also keinen Segelschein.

Genießen Sie Ihren AUsflug auf das Wasser: die frische Luft, die wärmende Sonne, je nach Buchung kühle Getränke und Snacks. Chillen Sie mit einem ganz besonderen Blick auf die Skyline von Barcelona. Oder Sie gehen baden oder nehmen das Steuer selbst in die Hand. Entlang der Küste von Barcelona bekommen Sie garantiert einen ganz besonderen Blick auf die Stadt.

Highlights der Segelyacht-Charter

  • Die Yacht ist exklusiv für Sie, erfahrener Skipper inklusive
  • Segeln oder Baden gehen
  • Besondere Perspektive auf Barcelona
  • Ganzjährig - auch im Herbst und Winter - möglich

Segelyacht-Charters (private Touren)

Private Luxusyachtkreuzfahrt

  • Deutschsprachige Tour buchbar. Private Gruppe bis 11 Personen.
  • Genießen Sie ein einzigartiges Segelerlebnis an Bord einer privaten 15-Meter-Yacht entlang der Mittelmeerküste von Barcelona mit einem professionellen Skipper
  • Snacks und Getränke enthalten, Sicherheitsausrüstung, Handtuch und Decken
  • Musik an Bord
  • Dauer ca. 2 Stunden, verschiedene Startzeiten buchbar

Preise & Verfügbarkeit anzeigen

Segeltour mit Freunden auf einem privaten Boot

  • Private Gruppe bis 7 Personen
  • Sehen Sie die Skyline von Barcelona, sonnen Sie sich und genießen Sie eine Flasche Cava
  • Flasche Cava enthalten
  • Dauer ca. 3 Stunden, verschiedene Startzeiten buchbar

Private Segelbootsfahrt

  • Private Gruppe bis 9 Personen
  • Freuen Sie sich auf ein unvergessliches Erlebnis mit Freunden, Familie oder Arbeitskollegen bei einer tollen Segeltour
  • Enthalten: Cava, Weißwein, Rosé, Bier (2 - 3 pro Person), Softdrinks, Mineralwasser und Kaffee, Frisches Obst der Saison und Snacks, kostenloses Wlan, Portable Lautsprecher mit Bluetooth-Verbindung, Schnorchel-Ausrüstung

Private Segeltour

  • Private Gruppe bis 2 Personen
  • Genießen Sie eine private Luxus-Segeltour für 2 Personen. Segeln Sie auf einem Luxus-Boot mit aufmerksamem Personal und einem fantastischen Blick auf Barcelonas Skyline im Hintergrund.
  • Enthalten: Flasche Sekt

Preise & Verfügbarkeit anzeigen

Privates Segelerlebnis ab Port Olimpic

  • Private Gruppe bis 11 Personen
  • Fahren Sie von Port Vell ab und bewundern Sie die historischen Monumente und die Küste Barcelonas aus der Perspektive des Mittelmeers
  • Lebensmittel (Vorspeisen mit Cracker, Salami, Käse und Oliven)
  • Getränke (alkoholfreie Getränke, Bier, Cava, Wermut, Weißwein, Sangria)

8-stündiges exklusives Segelerlebnis

  • Genießen Sie eine private Kreuzfahrt auf einer Luxus-Segelyacht mit einem professionellen Skipper. Fahren Sie von Port Vell ab und sehen Sie die historischen Monumente und die Küste Barcelonas aus der Perspektive des Mittelmeers.
  • Dauer ca. 8 Stunden, verschiedene Startzeiten buchbar

Exklusives 6-Stunden-Segelerlebnis

  • Genießen Sie ein exklusives Erlebnis auf einer 12-Meter-Segelyacht mit einem professionellen Skipper. Entspannen Sie mit einem Getränk und Snacks, während Sie die Küste von Barcelona erkunden. Täglich ab Port Vell.
  • Dauer ca. 6 Stunden, verschiedene Startzeiten buchbar

Lassen Sie sich die kühle Brise um die Nase wehen und sich von der Sonne verwöhnen. Der Skipper geht auf Ihre Wünsche bzgl. der Fahrtroute soweit möglich ein.

Viel Spaß mit der Yachtcharter

Yachtcharter vs. offene Tour

Private Yachtcharter

  • Yacht für sich alleine
  • Meist Verpflegung enthalten
  • Charter für 2 bis 8 Stunden
  • Skipper kann auf Wünsche eingehen

Offene Segeltörns

  • Zusammen mit anderen Gästen
  • Neue Leute kennenlernen
  • Preis pro Person
  • Touren von 1,5 - 2 Stunden

Enthaltene Leistungen

  • Ein erfahrener Skipper ist immer dabei. Yachtcharter bedeutet nicht, dass Sie die Yacht mieten und dann alleine Segeln.
  • Sicherheitsausrüstung
  • Haftpflichtversicherung
  • Gebühren für Hafen etc.
  • Toiletten befinden sich an Bord
  • Je nach Leistung Getränke, Essen, Handtücher, Decken, Musik
  • Weitere Leistungen siehe auf den Buchungsseiten

Welche Yacht chartern?

Das Angebot an Yachtcharter ist riesig. Je nach Gruppengröße ist die Charter einer ganzen Yacht oftmals günstiger als für die ganze Gruppe eine offene Tour zu buchen. Welche Charter Sie buchen sollten, hängt auch von der Gruppengröße ab: es gibt Charters für 2, 7, 9 und 11 Personen. Auch bieten einige Charters einen deutschsprachigen Skipper an. Englisch können sie neben Spanisch aber alle. Und letztendlich wie lange Sie auf das Meer möchten. Die Charters fangen bei 2 Stunden an, es gibt aber auch für 3, 4, 5, 6 und 8 Stunden.

Warum eine Yacht chartern

Eine Yacht zu chartern ist ein ganz exklusives Erlebnis. Mit Motorunterstützung fährt der Skipper aus dem Hafen heraus und dann geht es mit Windkraft umweltfreundlich an der Küste vor Barcelona entlang. Bei geeigneten Bedingungen können Sie auch im Mittelmeer baden gehen.

Auf See werden Sie mit Ihrer Gruppe eine schöne und unvergessliche Zeit erleben.

Hier exklusiv eine Segelyacht chartern

(Klicken Sie auf die Produktbilder, um Preise und Verfügbarkeiten anzuzeigen)

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Barcelona Sail Yacht Charter

Sailing yachts for charter in barcelona.

Browse a unique selection of Barcelona Sailing Yacht Charters and embark on the most exclusive luxury retreat. The tranquillity of cruising, coupled with the warm crew’s services, gourmet cuisine, and tailored itineraries, encapsulates the essence of opulence that is renowned for, creating unforgettable memories on the gentle Barcelona tides.

Sunreef 80 Sail

23.99m | Sunreef | 2022

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34.2m | Royal Huisman | 2000

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38.9m | Fitzroy | 2006

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51.7m | Alloy | 2006

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162m | Brodogradevna Industrija Split | 2021

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20.36m | Fountaine Pajot | 2021

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22.7m | Sunreef Yachts | 2022

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23.28m | Lagoon | 2019

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23.6m | Baltic Yachts | 2008

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23.8m | Lagoon | 2018

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25.15m | Oyster Yachts | 2015

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31.1m | Sunreef Yachts | 2009

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88m | Perini Navi | 2006

Enquire On Barcelona Yacht Charter


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Yachtcharter Segelboot Barcelona - Segelyacht mieten Barcelona

Yachtcharter barcelona - top 10 charteryachten in barcelona:.

Segelyacht Oceanis 381 Yachtcharter in Port Olimpic Marina

Segelyacht Oceanis 381 Yachtcharter in Port Olimpic Marina

  • Oceanis 381 [Preis für die Yacht inkl. Steuer]
  • Cockpitkissen
  • Yachtversicherung
  • Endreinigung

Segelyacht Dufour 44 Performance chartern in Barcelona

Segelyacht Dufour 44 Performance chartern in Barcelona

  • Dufour 44 Performance [Preis für die Yacht inkl. Steuer]
  • Stehpaddel-Brett
  • Skipper (Verpflegung nicht inbegriffen)
  • Charter Paket (Bettwäsche, Handtücher, Küchengas, Beiboot mit Motor, Angelausrüstung, Schnorchelausrüstung)

Yacht Oceanis 30.1 Yachtcharter in Barcelona

Yacht Oceanis 30.1 Yachtcharter in Barcelona

  • Oceanis 30.1 [Preis für die Yacht inkl. Steuer]

Yacht Oceanis 381 chartern in Barcelona

Yacht Oceanis 381 chartern in Barcelona

Segelboot Oceanis 38 Yachtcharter in Barcelona

Segelboot Oceanis 38 Yachtcharter in Barcelona

  • Oceanis 38 [Preis für die Yacht inkl. Steuer]
  • Kinderrettungsweste

Segelboot Sun Odyssey 49 Performance chartern in Marina de Badalona

Segelboot Sun Odyssey 49 Performance chartern in Marina de Badalona

  • Sun Odyssey 49 Performance [Preis für die Yacht inkl. Steuer]
  • Komfort Paket (Endreinigung, Außenbordmotor für Beiboot)

Segelyacht Oceanis 43 chartern in Barcelona

Segelyacht Oceanis 43 chartern in Barcelona

  • Oceanis 43 [Preis für die Yacht inkl. Steuer]

Yacht Sun Odyssey 440 chartern in Port Balis

Yacht Sun Odyssey 440 chartern in Port Balis

  • Sun Odyssey 440 [Preis für die Yacht inkl. Steuer]
  • Standard Sicherheitsausrüstung
  • Buchungspauschale
  • Komfort Paket (Endreinigung, Bettwäsche, Handtücher, Außenbordmotor für Beiboot)

Yacht Bavaria 46 Yachtcharter in Barcelona

Yacht Bavaria 46 Yachtcharter in Barcelona

  • Bavaria 46 [Preis für die Yacht inkl. Steuer]
  • Außenbordmotor für Beiboot

Segelyacht Sun Odyssey 54 DS chartern in Port Olimpic Marina

Segelyacht Sun Odyssey 54 DS chartern in Port Olimpic Marina

  • Sun Odyssey 54 DS [Preis für die Yacht inkl. Steuer]

Segelboot Oceanis 35 Yachtcharter in Barcelona

Segelboot Oceanis 35 Yachtcharter in Barcelona

  • Oceanis 35 [Preis für die Yacht inkl. Steuer]

Yacht Oceanis 45 Yachtcharter in Barcelona

Yacht Oceanis 45 Yachtcharter in Barcelona

  • Oceanis 45 [Preis für die Yacht inkl. Steuer]

Segelboot Bavaria 46 Cruiser Yachtcharter in Barcelona

Segelboot Bavaria 46 Cruiser Yachtcharter in Barcelona

  • Bavaria 46 Cruiser [Preis für die Yacht inkl. Steuer]
  • Schnorchelausrüstung
  • Komfortpaket
  • Skipper und Hostess (Verpflegung nicht inbegriffen)

Segelboot Oceanis 46.1 Yachtcharter in Barcelona

Segelboot Oceanis 46.1 Yachtcharter in Barcelona

  • Oceanis 46.1 [Preis für die Yacht inkl. Steuer]
  • Charter Paket

Sun Odyssey 39 DS Segelyacht Charter Barcelona

Sun Odyssey 39 DS Segelyacht Charter Barcelona

  • Sun Odyssey 39 DS [Preis für die Yacht inkl. Steuer]
  • Beiboot mit Motor
  • Kautionsversicherung

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Yacht Charter Barcelona

Spain's rebellious second city, Barcelona is the major cosmopolitan and political capital of Catalonia.

ELLEN - Yacht Charter Barcelona & Boat hire in W. Med -Naples/Sicily, W. Med -Riviera/Cors/Sard., Caribbean Leewards, Caribbean Windwards, Turkey, W. Med - Spain/Balearics, Caribbean Leewards, Caribbean Windwards 2

  • Build year : 2001
  • Length : 132 ft
  • Boat type : Sailing Yacht

MARES - Yacht Charter Barcelona & Boat hire in Balearics & Spain 2

  • Build year : 2018
  • Guests : 10
  • Berths : 10
  • Length : 42 ft
  • Boat type : Catamaran

KINGFISHER V - Yacht Charter Barcelona & Boat hire in Balearics & Spain 2


  • Build year : 2021
  • Length : 67 ft

YCM 120 - Yacht Charter Barcelona & Boat hire in Riviera, Corsica, Sardinia, Spain, Balearics, Caribbean 2

  • Build year : 2006
  • Length : 120 ft
  • Boat type : Motor Yacht

FIVE STARS - Yacht Charter Barcelona & Boat hire in Balearics & Spain 2

  • Build year : 2005
  • Length : 92 ft

HAZE - Yacht Charter Barcelona & Boat hire in W. Med -Naples/Sicily, W. Med -Riviera/Cors/Sard., W. Med - Spain/Balearics 2

  • Length : 85 ft

Build your own unique trip!

Fourteen - Yacht Charter Barcelona & Boat hire in Balearics & Spain 2

  • Build year : 2007

AZURITE - Yacht Charter Barcelona & Boat hire in Balearics & Spain 2

  • Build year : 2016
  • Length : 70 ft

Harmony II - Yacht Charter Barcelona & Boat hire in Balearics & Spain 2

  • Build year : 1955
  • Guests : 14
  • Berths : 14
  • Length : 190 ft

VAJUS - Yacht Charter Barcelona & Boat hire in W. Med -Naples/Sicily, W. Med -Riviera/Cors/Sard., W. Med - Spain/Balearics 2

  • Build year : 2023
  • Length : 118 ft

LAGOON 560 S2 - Yacht Charter Barcelona & Boat hire in Balearics & Spain 2


  • Length : 56 ft

BLUE GOLD - Yacht Charter Barcelona & Boat hire in W. Med -Naples/Sicily, W. Med -Riviera/Cors/Sard., W. Med - Spain/Balearics 2

  • Guests : 11
  • Berths : 11
  • Length : 101 ft

SARAMIMI (Summer) - Yacht Charter Barcelona & Boat hire in Balearics & Spain 2


  • Build year : 2022
  • Length : 46 ft

DREAM - Yacht Charter Barcelona & Boat hire in Riviera, Cors, Sard, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Croatia, Greece 2

  • Build year : 1997
  • Guests : 36
  • Berths : 36
  • Cabins : 22
  • Length : 349 ft

CONTE STEFANI - Yacht Charter Barcelona & Boat hire in Europe (Spain, France, Italy) 2


  • Guests : 12
  • Berths : 12
  • Length : 114 ft

GRACE - Yacht Charter Barcelona & Boat hire in W. Med -Naples/Sicily, W. Med -Riviera/Cors/Sard., W. Med - Spain/Balearics 2

  • Build year : 2015
  • Length : 58 ft

Ammonite  - Yacht Charter Barcelona & Boat hire in Balearics & Spain 2

  • Build year : 2012
  • Length : 78 ft

The city, close to the base of the Pyrenees, is large enough that it has its own underground railway network, by which you can hide from the fearsome summer heat as you explore the multitude of attractions at the surface.

Some highlights worth a visit:

  • Las Ramblas, a long pedestrianised street that is best explored in the evening while nibbling on tapas and sipping sangria. What you will see and find there will remain with you for times to come!
  • The Gaudi Monument, (Sagrada Familia) a cathedral that is so complex, construction is set to be completed in 2026, over 140 years since the first stone was laid!
  • The Platja (beach) from where you can watch the world go by as you sunbathe and drink in the atmosphere of this stunning city - one of many beautiful beaches you will find on a Barcelona yacht charter.
  • Parc Güell, a monumental garden where the architect Gaudi's mind went wild and is said to have 'perfected his style' - now a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
  • And of course for those on a Barcelona yacht charter especially, the Olympic Port. This was rebuilt ahead of the 1994 Olympics and is the largest of the seven marinas in the city where you may begin your sailing holiday.

This list is far from exhaustive! As you roam the city you will get the buzz for one that never really sleeps and there's always something going on. It is one of the most popular city destinations in Spain and you will soon see why. There's something for everyone, and everyone will soon be immersed in the parts you enjoy and may want to spend just a little more time there!

Explore Barcelona By Renting A Yacht

Barcelona is the gateway to the Costa Brava, and you can also island-hop the Balearic Islands from here.

The Mediterranean Sea coast of the 'Costa Brava' literally translates to 'Wild Coast', in a large part due to the sometimes fearsome north wind, the Tramontana that can get very feisty even in the summer. The further east you head the closer to the Pyrenees you are, and this is where the cold air falls from that creates the wind. It means you need to be ready to put a double reef in, though there is accurate forecasting that will inform you whether you may need to do so.

Heading east on your chartered yacht on a tour of the Costa Brava you can get to Cadaques and the spectacular Cap de Creus. Masters of modern art Salvador Dali and Picasso used to hang out in Cadaques for its scenery and clarity of light - the light caused by the Tramontana blasting all the rubbish out of the air! On such a trip, do pay a visit to Girona - the mediaeval capital of Catalonia and still a beautiful city with its old town and university today.

Barcelona is also a gateway to the Balearic Islands. Over a couple of days sailing you can head down the coast and then out to the islands of Ibiza, Mallorca and Menorca. These three islands are part of the same island chain but are very different to one another. Ibiza is for hippies, party people and families. Majorca's capital Palma is almost as good as Barcelona. Menorca is quieter than the other two islands but has plenty of unspoilt beauty none the less.

As ever, whether on a luxury yacht charter or bareboat charter the choice is down to you. Perhaps you could go on a couple of sailing holidays and explore firstly the east and then the south-west?

How To Get To Barcelona

There are two airports you will see advertised as Barcelona. Barcelona Airport itself is an hour's train ride from the city centre (thanks to security you must now change trains midway through the journey) but Girona-Barcelona also advertises as Barcelona - this is a two hour trip by bus from Barcelona. The flights and travel often work out significantly cheaper via Girona thanks to the popularity of Barcelona Airport itself.

Barcelona Airport

This is an international airport with airlines all over the world flying into it. It has its own train station so it makes sense to take a train to Barcelona Sants train station and then take a bus or taxi onto the marina.

Girona-Barcelona Airport

Girona-Barcelona Airport has airlines from across Europe serving it, and gets busy in the summer with charter flights.

Girona is a significant distance from Barcelona, and its name is a slick piece of advertising. Even with an added few hours to your overland journey from Girona to Barcelona however you will often find that the cost of travel is significantly cheaper to the main city.

Marinas In Barcelona

There are seven marinas in the metropolitan Barcelona area, with Port Olimpic having 740 berths and Marina Badalona with 649, but the five others having around 160-250 berths each. Each marina has charter companies working into it that offer super yacht, luxury yacht charter , catamaran charter , motor yacht and monohull sailing yacht charter boats on a bareboat, skippered or crewed yacht charter basis.

Port Olimpic:

Berth Characteristics:

Max Length 35m (114.5 Feet)

Max Draught 4m (13.1 Feet)

List of additional services: Shore power, water, fuel, ATM, bar, restaurant, shipyard, waste and waste water collection.

Marina Vela Barcelona:

Max Length 100m (328 Feet)

Max Draught 6m (19.6 Feet)

List of additional services: Shore power, water, showers, WiFi, bar, restaurant.

Port Forum:

Max Length 80m (262.4 Feet)

Max Draught 8m (26.2 Feet)

List of additional services: Shore power, water, fuel, WiFi, ATM, bar, restaurant, market, shipyard, waste and waste water collection, rent-a-car.

Real Club Nautico de Barcelona:

Max Length 35m (114.8 Feet)

Max Draught 8m (36.2 Feet)

List of additional services: Shore power, water, showers, bar, restaurant

OneOcean Port Vell:

Max Length 190m (623 Feet)

Max Draught 9m (29.5 Feet)

List of additional services: Shore power, water, fuel, WiFi, ATM, bar, restaurant, pharmacy, market, shipyard, waste and wastewater collection, rent-a-car.

Reil Club Maritim de Barcelona:

Max Length 20m (65 Feet)

List of additional services: Shore power, water, bar, restaurant

Marina de Badalona:

Max Length 60m (196 Feet)

List of additional services: Shore power, water, fuel, WiFi, ATM, bar, restaurant, laundry, market, shipyard, waste and wastewater collection, rent-a-car

Suggested Sailing Routes From Barcelona

Sailing from Barcelona on your boat rental you have two main choices of popular destinations - exploring the Costa Brava or the Balearic Islands by sailing boat or motorboat. Here we look at a week-long trip up to Cadaques and then a two week trip to the Balearic Islands.

7 Days - Cadaques and Cap de Creus: Cadaques is a charming harbour with water and air so clear you could forget this is the 21st Century. The art town is the halfway point of a trip where you can explore Sitges, Girona and the Bay of Roses as you go. The scenery of the Pyrenees falling into the sea here will astound you - but do be aware of the katabatibc winds that can fall from above like bombs! Definitely a route for the more experienced sailor on a bareboat charter...

14 Days - tour of the Balearic Islands: Over 14 days heading west from Barcelona this is an opportunity to visit the important city of Valencia further down the coast before heading offshore and on to the Balearic Islands. If you spend 2-3 days per Balearic island you will have time to take in the various sights and sounds of Ibiza, Majorca and Menorca in their riot of different vibes. The winds are gentler on this route as for the best part of the trip you are out of the way of the Tramontana and can enjoy some very good sailing conditions with little in the way of the feisty north wind bothering you.

Best Times To Hire A Yacht In Barcelona

The sailing season in Barcelona is best from May to October. The major party towns heat up to full frenzy in June to August, and so do the prices. It is very much down to what you want from a sailing holiday in the region - if partying all night is on the cards, the top DJs will hit the region in that time and you will have quite a memorable time. If the quiet life is what you seek, then do try to get out during term time - the sea is still warm in September and October, though the infamous Tramontana starts to be more frequent at this time of year, as it eases off in early May.

Sailing Weather In Barcelona

The Tramontana tends to build from September and eases away in May, though this can blow fiercely for several days at a time even in midsummer.

The NE breeze common to coastal Mediterranean France dominates the Costa Brava in summer, cool relief from the summer heat. It never really gets above 17 knots or so so there will be some boisterous sailing but never more than is fun. You will see more precipitation towards the beginning and end of the sailing season (May and October) but the temperatures rarely stray below 15-17 degrees during those times. In the height of summer (July/August) it isn't as hot as mainland Spain, though you will see the odd few days in the 30+ C range. For Northern Europeans and those from other cooler climates this makes for fantastic sailing!

What should I consider when hiring a Yacht or Boat?

The main points to consider are what is your budget, have you got the necessary sailing experience and qualifications to manage the boat if it's not going to have a skipper, whom you are taking sailing, where exactly you wish to go and what will the weather be like on the proposed dates of your trip.

What are the Marinas in Barcelona?

There are seven main marinas in Barcelona, with the two largest being Port Olimpic and Marina de Badalona. The five smaller are Marina Vela Barcelona, Port Forum, Reil Club Nautico de Barcelona, OneOcean Port Veil, and Reil Club Maritim de Barcelona

When are the best times to hire a boat in Barcelona?

The high season is in July and August. Locals flee the heat of the city and tourists replace them. Things get expensive and restaurants competitive. The city and sailing destinations nearby tend to relax a bit, become more friendly and cheaper outside of the peak season. If you can take a F7 gale from time to time (or certainly run for port safely) then it may make sense to go in May or September when the air is warm and the ports less busy.

Do you have to pay a deposit when hiring a Yacht in Barcelona?

You will typically pay 50% upfront on booking the yacht hire and the balance on arrival. You will either pay a security deposit with your credit card on departure or can get insurance covering damage in advance. In some cases (such as the recent Covid situation) charter companies may be more flexible but this depends on the individual charter companies themselves.

What happens if my Yacht breaks down?

If you are at sea and in danger, call MAYDAY on VHF Ch16 or ring the coast guard on your phone if you have reception. If you have a mechanical fault and can make it to or are on a mooring you will be able to phone a help line number given by the boat charter company.

Frequently asked questions

You will typically pay 50% up front on booking the yacht hire and the balance on arrival. You will either pay a security deposit with your credit card on departure or can get insurance covering damage in advance. In some cases (such as the recent Covid situation) charter companies may be more flexible but this depends on the individual charter companies themselves.

You should consider do you have the experience to handle the yacht charter or boat hire before you book and where do you want to go along with what the weather will be like. Bring warm weather and cool weather clothing if it looks like the weather can be cool as well as warm and remember at sea it can be cool on most evenings.

If you want to sail without a skipper then you will need relevant qualifications like RYA Day Skipper/International Certificate of Competence (ICC)/ASA 104 Bareboat certificate or the US Sailing Certificate. For small 'day boats' or if you choose to have a skippered on board your yacht charter you typically don't require licences.

Logo BarcelonaSail

  • Select category
  • Catamaran 10-30 passengers
  • Large Group Tour
  • Luxury 8-12 passengers
  • Marriage Proposal
  • Photography Tour
  • Private Tours
  • Sailboat 1-11 passengers
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Yacht Charter & Superyacht charter in Spain Barcelona

  • May 2, 2022
  • Posted by Sailing Barcelona

Barcelona Luxury Yacht Charter sailing

BarcelonaSail offers high end Yacht charter and superyacht charter services in Barcelona Spain.

BarcelonaSail offers a unique opportunity for those wishing to cruise in absolute style and comfort. With huge deck spaces, an original mosaic tiled swimming pool and jacuzzi. Three public lounges. Gym.

Charter a superyacht and sail to Monaco in two days while laying on your private pool.

The yacht charter and superyacht charter is possible from 1 day. Working together with the best in the field we have access to yachts over 100 meter. Please contact us for details.

A selection of super yachts that may be available for you.

Floor map of a yacht

For short duration yacht charter tours in Barcelona check our large group boat tour page.

These yachts offer facilities which one would expect in any five star hotel. Cal us for your corporate incentives, wedding anniversaries, special birthdays, or just to cruise and relax.

Our discreet handling and transparent operations make it easy and comfortable working with us.

How much does a super yacht cost? That depends on the seize of the yacht the location of the yacht. Many yachts move around and are not always available for charter in Barcelona. Popular locations are Barcelona, Ibiza, Mallorca and Monaco.

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Charter Barcelona

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🌙 Vive una noche mágica con nuestra cena romántica a bordo. Disfruta de una navegación íntima por las aguas de Barcelona, seguida de una deliciosa cena mientras el sol se pone. 🛥️ Y cuando llegue la noche, déjate arrullar por el mar mientras duermes bajo las estrellas. ✨ Haz que tu velada sea inolvidable con una experiencia única. Reserva ahora y sorprende a esa persona especial. ❤️ #CenaEnElMar #RomanceEnElBarco #Barcelona #cenaromantica #cenaromantica❤️ #romanticdinners #romanticdinner #romanticdinnerfortwo #barcelonafood #barcelonafc

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Welcome to Boat Charter BCN

Welcome to Boat Charter BCN, the Luxury Yacht Charter specialist in Barcelona City.

The yachts range from 20m to 30m in size (60 to 100ft), are fully crewed and are available for day charters, weekends and week charters around Barcelona and Sitges, Costa Brava, Mallorca and Ibiza. They can accommodate from 8 to 10 guests for an overnight charter and up to 12 for a day charter. We offer basic packages that include anchoring off the beach in Barcelona and enjoying the boat and its toys while sunbathing, swimming off the aft, having lunch or having a small party on board.


Boat Charter BCN specializes in offering fully crewed yachts for charter based out of Barcelona year round.

Our clients are looking for a certain level of luxury and comfort on board, being served the food of their choice plus having all the amenities and toys found on any of these engineering wonders designed for sheer pleasure.


Boat Charter BCN also has a brokerage branch, please visit us at:


The Aruba Mod.38 is a brand-new day cruiser that can carry up to 10 guests for a day charter.

This beautiful boat is equipped with many features like a gyro stabilizer, 2 fridges, an ice maker, a grill, a Fusion Bluetooth stereo system with 8 speakers and a subwoofer and awnings for the bow and aft tables. The aft table can also be turned into a solarium.

The Aruba Mod.38 has one master cabin, a bathroom with shower and a coffee station in the salon, she is equipped with air conditioning as well. The cruising speed is 22 knots with a top speed of 30 knots. She comes with optional toys such as snorkeling gear, paddle boards or even a Seabob.


Our itineraries depend on the length of the charter, from half a day to a full week. We recommend staying in the Barcelona area or Sitges for a day charter, visiting the beautiful coves along the Costa Brava for a weekend charter or exploring one of the Balearic Islands for 5 days or longer. Our Concierge Services will help you plan the perfect trip, including making reservations at suggested restaurants and getting VIP tables at the best clubs in Sitges, Costa Brava and Ibiza.


segelyacht charter barcelona

Our First Class Concierge Services help you plan in advance just about any activity surrounding your charter in the location where the yacht may take you. We offer VIP Reservations for FC Barcelona matches, restaurants, designer stores, clubs, spas, vineyards, limo transfers and helicopter tours in Barcelona, Ibiza and the Costa Brava.

Our Partners

  • CDLC Barcelona - Considered one of the best Night Clubs in Europe, sponsored by Dom Pérignon.
  • Ikibana - One of the trendiest restaurants in Barcelona with a Japanese/Brazilian fusion cuisine in three different locations.
  • Velissima - This Osteria Italiana offers classic Italian food with live entertainers overlooking the yachts at the new Marina Vela near the W Hotel Barcelona.
  • Tracatrá Barcelona - Tapas, Rumbas y Flores and many more.

"Dream big and enjoy the little things"

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Barcelona guide

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Guide to Barcelona

A city that inspires artists, chef’s and discerning travellers the world over

Famed for its enchanting architecture, fabulous dining and bountiful culture, the seaside city of Barcelona is a superyacht stop-off you’ll never forget.

Barcelona’s location alone is idyllic, situated on the north-eastern coast of the Iberian Peninsula overlooking the blue of the Mediterranean Sea. It is watched over by the Serra de Collserola mountain range between the rivers Besòs and Llobregat with the towering 512 m (1,680 ft) high Tibidabo mountain providing an amazing backdrop as well as fantastic views over the city. If you need to escape the hustle and bustle of the city for a few hours then the peaks are engulfed by the beautiful Collserola Natural Park which is the biggest metropolitan park in the world.

As the capital of Catalonia and with colourful architectural treasures spanning more than 2,000 years, Barcelona is a city that needs no introduction but one where you can enjoy unlimited experiences. Magnificent temple columns allude to its ancient history while the winding lanes of its Gothic Quarter express its charismatic edge. Keep exploring and at every turn you’ll be greeted with the spectacular creations of the renowned Gaudi and his contemporaries, to make this a truly memorable yacht charter destination.

The beauty of Barcelona has long been an inspiration to artists the world over and it now hosts two museums dedicated to the works of Picasso and Joan Miró, both of whom fell in love with the city. Its masterpieces are not just confined to art and architecture however – the city’s gastronomic delights are just as celebrated and its restaurant scene is now one of the most talked about in the Mediterranean . From Galician seafood taverns, avant-garde Japanese restaurants, a full spectrum of fun and fine dining options will keep your time ashore packed full of flavour.

To find out how a superyacht vacation in this city could satisfy the needs of your family and friends, get in touch with your preferred charter broker after taking a look at all of the crewed yachts available for charter in Barcelona .

Start Planning - Speak with a Charter Expert

Our yacht charter experts will:

  • Discuss your vacation plans
  • Check availability & shortlist suitable yachts
  • Negotiate booking & prepare your itinerary

Reasons to Visit

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Our Pick Top Things to See & Do

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Basílica de la Sagrada Família

One of Barcelona's most iconic landmarks

Casa Milà (La Pedrera)

Immerse yourself in architectural splendor


A legacy of creativity


A Nightlife Extravaganza

Featured Yachts in Barcelona

To help you in your search for your perfect luxury charter yacht for your next vacation, we’ve selected some of the finest and most exclusive superyachts and megayachts that are currently available for charter in Barcelona.

RoMa yacht charter in Barcelona

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  • Carrer del Duc 10 2º2ª Barcelona 08002
  • Barcelona Spain
  • UK Telephone: (+44) 1773 766052
  • UK Mobile: (+44) 7773 593215
  • Email: [email protected]

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Hen parties, barcelona yacht charter, hire and rental, cruising the sparkling waters of the mediterranean on a luxury motor yacht.

Step on board in Barcelona harbour and feel the thrill of open water sailing in minutes. There's nothing quite like a power boat ride for sheer exhilaration. Feel the balmy breeze in your hair and the sun warm your shoulders as the sailing boat cuts through the glistening ocean effortlessly.

The Mind-Blowing Catalan Coastline

Choose between two envy-inspiring sailing boats for your trip around the mind-blowing Catalan coastline. Both come complete with plush interiors, swimming platforms and sun decks. If you want the James Bond effect, a trip on a sailing yacht is the way to go.

An Experienced skipper will be at the helm for your entire journey

Sailing boat charter is the perfect precursor to a big night out in Barcelona. Do the ocean by day and rock the restaurants, bars and clubs of La Ramblas by night. Alternatively, chill out on the sundeck of a sailing yacht and recover in style.

Motor yacht charter is easy to arrange

We handle the booking and all arrangements. All you have to sit back and enjoy the ride.

Reason's why to book a Yacht Charter in Barcelona

Sailing along the sparkling Mediterranean waters, with the sun-kissed cityscape of Barcelona as your backdrop, is an experience like no other. A yacht charter in Barcelona is a sublime adventure that combines luxury, relaxation, and exploration in one captivating package. If you're looking for an unforgettable trip, here are 10 reasons why you should consider booking a yacht charter in Barcelona.

1. Breathtaking Scenery: Barcelona, with its rich history and stunning architecture, is a city that truly comes to life when viewed from the water. As you cruise along the coastline, you'll be treated to panoramic vistas of iconic landmarks like the Sagrada Familia, Park Güell, and Montjuïc Castle. The city's vibrant colours and unique skyline provide an ever-changing backdrop that's perfect for capturing stunning photographs and making cherished memories.

2. Ultimate Relaxation: A yacht charter in Barcelona is the epitome of relaxation. The gentle rocking of the boat and the soothing sound of the waves create a tranquil environment where you can unwind and escape the stresses of daily life. You can lounge on the deck, soak up the sun, or dive into the crystal-clear waters whenever you please.

3. Privacy and Luxury: Yacht charters offer the perfect blend of privacy and luxury. You can choose from a wide range of yachts, from intimate sailboats to opulent mega yachts, depending on your preferences and budget. Many yachts come equipped with amenities like sunbeds, and spacious cabins, ensuring that you'll have everything you need for a comfortable and lavish experience.

4. Professional Crew: One of the greatest advantages of a yacht charter is the dedicated and experienced crew. They handle all the details, from navigation to meal preparation, leaving you free to relax and enjoy your voyage. The crew can also provide valuable local insights, helping you discover hidden gems and the best spots for swimming, snorkelling, or fishing.

5. Customized Itineraries: Yacht charters in Barcelona allow you to create a personalized itinerary that suits your interests and desires. Whether you want to explore the picturesque Costa Brava, visit secluded coves, or dock at bustling marinas, the choice is yours. You have the flexibility to change your plans on a whim, ensuring that every moment is tailored to your preferences.

6. Culinary Delights: Barcelona is renowned for its delectable cuisine, and a yacht charter provides the perfect platform to indulge in culinary delights. Many yachts offer gourmet dining options prepared by skilled chefs who can cater to your specific tastes. Enjoy freshly caught seafood, tapas, and local wines while savouring the sea breeze and stunning views.

7. Water Sports: For the more adventurous travellers, a yacht charter in Barcelona offers an array of water sports and recreational activities. Snorkelling, paddleboarding, jet skiing, and even scuba diving are just a few of the thrilling options available. Dive into the azure waters to explore vibrant underwater ecosystems or simply have fun on the surface.

8. Sunset Magic: Barcelona is renowned for its breathtaking sunsets, and watching the sun dip below the horizon from the deck of a yacht is a magical experience. As the sky transforms into shades of orange, pink, and purple, you'll feel a sense of serenity and wonder that words can't quite capture.

9. Romantic Getaway: Whether you're celebrating a special occasion or simply want to rekindle the romance, a yacht charter in Barcelona is the perfect setting for a romantic getaway. Share quiet moments under the stars, dine by candlelight on the deck, and create memories that will last a lifetime.

10. Unforgettable Memories: Above all, a yacht charter in Barcelona promises to create unforgettable memories. The combination of breathtaking scenery, luxurious amenities, and the freedom to explore at your own pace ensures that every moment is special. Barcelona's charm, both on land and at sea, will leave a lasting impression that you'll cherish forever.

A yacht charter in Barcelona is a dream trip that offers an unparalleled blend of relaxation, adventure, and luxury. Whether you're a seasoned sailor or a first-time cruiser, the allure of Barcelona's coastline and the Mediterranean's beauty are sure to captivate you. Don't miss the opportunity to embark on this extraordinary journey and experience the magic of Barcelona from the deck of your own private yacht. Book your yacht charter today and set sail for an unforgettable adventure in one of Europe's most enchanting cities.

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Spanish Office: Carrer del Duc, 10, 2º2ª Barcelona 08002, Barcelona, Spain | UK Office: Off Limits LTD, Eastview Terrace, North Street, Langley Mill, Nottinghamshire, NG16 4DF

Experience the magic and book your cruise

Sea Barcelona

Why Choose Us

Sailing with SeaBarcelona is a convenient, safe and comfortable way to experience the best of what the sea has to offer.

Four good reasons to choose SeaBarcelona

1. Barcelona’s most Modern Fleet

The search for balance is the primary goal of the Dufour Yachts (43 foot and more). These authentic cruisers have exceptional seafaring qualities. Naturally elegant, it stands out with its sleek hull and slightly higher and rounded rear bilge to contrast with its streamlined hull recess. The deck is perfectly optimised with easy on-board movement and extensive premium equipment.

2. Awesome Skippers

The skipper is a crucial aspect of your sailing experience. You want someone who is great with people and who knows their sailing. All Sea-Barcelona instructors have ocean crossing experience and are RYA certified. They get on with pretty much everyone. And they know how to have a good time.

3. Incredible Location

Barcelona is the The Pearl of the Mediterranean.The city’s cosmopolitan international vibe makes it a favorite city for many people and is known for its architecture and art. The city vibrates with life, and there’s certainly not another city in the country to touch it for sheer style, looks or energy.

4. Our Style

Many charter companies are just there for the basic sailing. Sea-Barcelona is social. This is where sailing meets fun, professionalism and adventure. Crank the music up, have a great trip.

A bit about us

Sailing and exploration have always been in our family’s blood. It all began with a small boat in Barcelona, followed by a motor yacht in Blankenberge. Soon after, we set sail on new adventures with our tours in Palma de Mallorca and Ibiza. Today, that adventurous spirit lives on, guiding us across four different locations.

We are a small team of people who appreciate humour, good food, great people and of course travel. We have a passion for an experience that we believe really is the best in the business; SeaBarcelona.

a view of a beach

Our Friends

Sailing balearic.

Luxury yacht charter in Mallorca, Menorca and Ibiza.

Academy of Sailing

A Sailing Academy for adventurous sailors based in Palma de Mallorca.

A boat tour company offering excursions and experiences at the Belgian coast.

Luxury yacht charter in Ibiza.

segelyacht charter barcelona

Boat charters in Barcelona

Barcelona is a city spread out on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. The history and culture of the Catalan capital are closely linked with the sea. A tour of Barcelona would not be complete without a walk along the sea. If you have decided to discover the unique nautical adventure of Barcelona and take an exciting yacht trip, celebrate a birthday, wedding anniversary, business success or just relax and enjoy the unforgettable scenery of Barcelona from the sea, you can do it with us.

Boat tour or fishing is perfect for discovering Barcelona's Mediterranean coastline, taking a dip in the blue waters and diving into the sea from a yacht. Sunny weather, light breezes, beautiful sandy beaches, azure coves, many colorful villages, cold sparkling wine, strawberries and lots of fun with friends and family. Enjoy an unforgettable day at the sea!

segelyacht charter barcelona

Yacht charter (Oceanis 320)

segelyacht charter barcelona

Yacht charter (Oceanis 400)

segelyacht charter barcelona

Yacht charter (First 47.7)

segelyacht charter barcelona

Catamaran charter (BALI 4.3 MY)

segelyacht charter barcelona

Sea Fishing (Garin 800)

segelyacht charter barcelona

Sea fishing (Rodman 800)

Sea fishing in barcelona.

One of the popular activities in Barcelona is sea fishing.

We will be happy to help you diversify your holiday with a fishing trip in the sea, where you will get real unforgettable emotions and excitement.

We are waiting for you on our boats, equipped for both amateur and sport fishing. Boats go a few nautical miles from the shore, where the waters are rich with a variety of fish. You can catch mahi-mahi, bonito, barracuda and many other species of fish. There is absolutely no problem with finding fish spots. The fact that each fisherman has his own maps, which mark the places where the boat comes to within a few meters.

The cost of fishing is included: a boat with crew, fuel, tackle, bait, soft drinks.

Sea adventures are waiting for you!

Boat Party Barcelona

Yacht Charter

A luxury Yacht charter in barcelona

Experience Luxury at Sea

Dreaming of cruising the Mediterranean in unparalleled style? Our luxury yacht charter service in Barcelona is your gateway to an exquisite sea voyage. We specialize in providing access to some of the most prestigious yachts in the region, promising a journey of elegance and comfort.

Extensive Network at Your Service

Our extensive network in the yachting industry places a wide array of luxurious yachts at your fingertips. From sleek, modern vessels to opulent mega yachts, our connections ensure that we have the perfect yacht to meet your needs and preferences. Each yacht in our fleet is a testament to luxury, equipped with state-of-the-art amenities and the finest comforts.

Personalized Planning Assistance

We don’t just offer yachts; we offer personalized experiences. Our team works closely with you to understand your specific desires and requirements, ensuring your yacht charter is nothing short of perfection. Whether you’re planning a romantic getaway, a corporate event, or a lavish party, we tailor every detail to create your dream sea voyage.

Simple Booking Process

Getting started with us is as breezy as the Mediterranean wind. Just reach out, and our dedicated team will guide you through the seamless booking process. We handle all the intricacies, leaving you to anticipate the luxury and relaxation that await.

Contact Us for Unmatched Yachting Luxury

Embark on a journey of luxury and serenity with our yacht charter service in Barcelona. Contact us today to explore the finest selection of yachts and to start planning your extraordinary sea experience.

Book your event!

Please comtact us for prices and more information.

Click here to contact us.

Most Popular Boat Parties!

Barcelona Boat Party

Barcelona Boat Party

The Original Barcelona Boat Party! This is pure madness on the waves and a day you will never forget Only €55

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The Lunch & Fun Boat Party! A fun day out at Sea including a Spanish Paella Lunch! Vegies catered for! Only €65

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Got a big group to look after? We have got you covered our boat can fit 140 people! Why don’t you rent the whole thing?

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BBQ Boat Party

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BBQ, Beer, Booze and Boat parties this is a winning combination come and join our BBQ Boat Party this summer for only €65

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Pirate Boat Party

Time to set sail on the seven seas with our Pirate themed Boat party! All taking part on our wooden Pirate Ship! Only €60

Sunset Boat Party

Sunset Boat Party

Sunset and cocktails are the affair on our Barcelona Sunset Boat Party. This is a VIP experience, you only live once! Only €85

Boat Party Barcelona

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Barcelona Sailboats

Day yacht charter Barcelona

Day yacht charter Barcelona

If you want to rent a boat in Barcelona with your friends and family for a few hours or the full day you are in the right place.

We will explain you all you need to know about a day yacht charter in Barcelona :

  • Best places and best sailing routes
  • All types of boats you can rent (sailboat, catamaran or yacht)
  • Best season for yacht charter
  • Where to rent a boat
  • Tips and recommendations

      1. Best places and best sailing routes

  Barcelona is one of the best places in the world for a day yacht charter . This amazing city have the perfect scenario for sailing: good weather, good sea, beautiful skyline and beautiful beaches (if you know where to go).

We want to show you where you can go when you rent a yacht by hour in Barcelona :

Montgat beach :

This is the best place to anchor if you rent a sailboat for 4 hours or a motor yach for 2 or 3 hours. This is the better beach near Barcelona, located next to the small village called Montgat, is less crowded than the beaches of the city, the water is very blue and clear, perfect for swimming and snorkelling.

It is very easy to find, you just have to sail along the coast to the north around 1,5 hours by sailboat or 20 min by motor yacht. If you rent the boat with skipper he will know to find it very easy.

Montgat beach

Montgat beach

Badalona beach :

This will be your best option if you take a 2 or 3 hours yacht charter .

It is the first beach (sailing to the north) out of Barcelona area, the water quality is better than the Barcelona one and it is near from port olímpic (1 hours in a sailboat and 15 min in a motor yacht).

Badalona beach

Badalona beach

Skyline sailing trip:

If you rent a boat with skipper just for 2 or 3 hours and is not the warm season and you don’t want to swim, this is your best option.

Sailing from port olímpic, passing next to the W hotel and getting the north direction, you will enjoy the amazing views of the skyline of the city from the boat.

We recommend to sail until Badalona and come back to Barcelona.

skyline of Barcelona from a boat at sunset

skyline of Barcelona from a boat at sunset

      2. All types of boats you can rent (sailboat, catamaran, yacht or speed boat)

Depending on the number of people in your group and your preferences in terms of comfort, price and speed, one boat or another will be your best choice.

If you want to know all the pros and cons of every type of boat check our post:  What kind of boat should I rent in Barcelona?

Find below a quick resume of the four options you have:

The sailboats can take up to 12 people on board (11 + skipper). They are the best option if your group is 11 people or less. They are cheaper than the other options and you will be able to have the amazing feelings of sailing only with the sails without the motor.

sailboat charter barcelona

sailboat charter barcelona

Check sailboat prices  

The yachts are faster and more comfortable than the sailboats. They can sail fast from one beach to another. The bad thing they have is the price, they are more expensive due to the fuel consumption.

Yacht charter Barcelona

Yacht charter Barcelona

Check yacht prices

This type of boats has more capacity (up to 28 pax) so it will be your best option if your group is bigger than 11 people. They are more stable than the sailboats (good thing if you use to get seasick).

catamaran charter barcelona

catamaran charter barcelona

Check catamaran prices

      3. Best season for yacht charter

  The sailing season in Barcelona goes from march to October (both included). You can sail all year but we recommend to bring a good jacket with you if you rent the boat from November to February.

In summer the sea gets a little bit rough at midday (from 12pm to 4 pm), that is why we recommend to book your boat trip early in the morning around 10am or at sunset time (around 6pm depending on the month).

Tip:this amazing website shows you the weather forecast in terms of wind, waves and rain:

A good wind would be from 0 kts to 20kts.

A good waves height is from 0 mts to 1,2 mts.

      4. Prices

There is a wide range of prices for a day charter in Barcelona . We offer the best quality/price ratio in Barcelona and we will be very happy to provide you with the best boat rental with skipper in Barcelona. Find below an approx. price for the 2 hours trip depending on the boat you want. You can click the link of each boat to see the longer trips prices and more details:

Sailboats (from 290€)

Yachts: ( from 1400€), catamarans (from 600€),       5. where to rent a boat.

Barcelona has 4 marinas with yacht charter companies: Port olímpic, port vell, port forum and marina Vela but the one that have the best location and a lot of boats at your disposal is definitively Port olímpic.

You can check all our services here: Barcelona Sailboats

Barcelona Sailboats Location

  6. Tips and recommendations

  • Take seasickness pills: We recommend to take medicine against seasickness if you are not an experimented sailor. There is a medicine in the pharmacy called “biodramina” that works very well. You have to eat a tablet 1 hour before the sailing trip.
  • Things to bring with you: Swimming suit, sun screen, sun glasses, towel and drinks (there is a fridge on board). In winter: Jacket.
  • When to book: Morning or sunset in summer and at midday in winter.

We hope you enjoy your day charter in Barcelona and we hope you book it with us!!

Book a sailing charter

The Barcelona Sailboats team

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Barcelona Boat Rental

Private Yacht & Boat Rental in Barcelona

Rent a boat with a skipper for your celebration or event from the Barcelona Boat Rental company.


Barcelona Boat Rental With Private Captain

segelyacht charter barcelona

  • 2 hours min.
  • Catamaran Rental

libeccio 65 barcelona

  • 1 hour min.
  • Motorboat Rental

segelyacht charter barcelona

  • Sailboat Rental

Beneteau Oceanis 41.1

  • Yacht Rental

segelyacht charter barcelona

  • Luxury Yacht Rental, Yacht Rental

segelyacht charter barcelona

  • Big Boats Rental, Sailboat Rental

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  • 8 hours min.

manzanos 2 barcelona

  • Big Boats Rental, Catamaran Rental

segelyacht charter barcelona

  • 20 minutes min.
  • Jet Ski Rental

tur tur barcelona


Hire a boat for any occasion and events



from €100 per hour

Are you looking for a boat, yacht, speedboat or catamaran for rent for a boat trip, corporate event, private party or vacation with friends or family? Our company will help you quickly and affordably rent the best boat within your budget.




segelyacht charter barcelona

Best rental prices

Our boat rental company offers the best rental prices without sacrificing the quality of our service or the boats. We guarantee that our rental prices are the best in the market, and if you find a lower price, we'll match it.

segelyacht charter barcelona

Fast & Easy booking

With our streamlined booking process, we'll help you find the perfect boat for your budget in just 30 minutes or less, so you can get out on the water and start enjoying your day.

segelyacht charter barcelona

Safety is our top priority, which is why our entire fleet is equipped with rescue equipment and undergoes an annual technical inspection to ensure that our boats meet the highest safety standards.

segelyacht charter barcelona

The largest selection of boats in Barcelona

With over 60 boats in our fleet, including yachts, sailboats, catamarans, and speed boats, we offer plenty of options to choose from to make your time on the water unforgettable.

segelyacht charter barcelona

Complete event organization

Our boat rental company offers complete event organization services to ensure that your special occasion, such as weddings, corporate events, or private parties, is a success from start to finish.

segelyacht charter barcelona

Personal manager

We provide a personal manager to assist you in every step of the boat rental process, from choosing the right boat to planning your itinerary, ensuring that your experience with us is personalized and stress-free.


segelyacht charter barcelona

Catering services

We offer catering services to make your boat rental experience even more enjoyable. Our catering options include delicious food and beverages prepared by top chefs, customized to meet your specific needs and preferences.

segelyacht charter barcelona

Water Activities

Experience the thrill of water sports with our selection of activities, including jet skiing, flyboarding, parasailing, and more. Our professional instructors and top-of-the-line equipment ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for all skill levels.

segelyacht charter barcelona

Photographer & Videographer

We offer professional photography and videography services to capture your special moments on the water. Our experienced photographers and videographers use state-of-the-art equipment to produce high-quality images and videos that you can cherish for years to come.

segelyacht charter barcelona

Florists and Decor

Let us help you create a personalized and unforgettable experience with our florist and decor services. Our team of experts will work with you to design a custom decor package that complements your style and preferences, from floral arrangements to table settings and more.

segelyacht charter barcelona

DJ services

Keep the party going with our professional DJ services. Our skilled DJs can create a customized playlist to match your taste and preferences, ensuring a fun and memorable experience for you and your guests. From mellow background music to upbeat dance tunes, we've got you covered.

segelyacht charter barcelona

Balloon Decor

Elevate your boat rental experience with our fun and festive balloon decor options. Our creative team can design custom balloon installations, centerpieces, and other decorations to add a playful and colorful touch to your event.


Customers share their amazing experiences about boat rentals in Barcelona

Thank you very much for organizing my bachelorette party. I will never forget this day. The girls were just delighted with our party on the yacht.

segelyacht charter barcelona

I booked a yacht for a romantic dinner with my girlfriend and did not regret it, everything went just incredible, we really enjoyed the boat trip with dinner.

segelyacht charter barcelona

We celebrated my birthday on board the catamaran. Thank you very much to the crew of the yacht and the organizer for this wonderful day.

segelyacht charter barcelona

Thank you very much for your help in organizing our corporate event for 30 people. All our employees were satisfied with the event.

segelyacht charter barcelona

Pablo HR Manager

Trusted by market leaders

Trust you and we will organize an unforgettable day in your life

segelyacht charter barcelona


segelyacht charter barcelona

1. Choose a boat

Browse our extensive selection of yachts, sailboats, catamarans, and speedboats, to find the perfect vessel for your needs.

segelyacht charter barcelona

Finalize your selected boat reservation with an easy and hassle-free advance payment process.

segelyacht charter barcelona

3. Choose extra services

Enhance your boat rental with our additional services such as catering, water activities, photography, DJ, and more.

segelyacht charter barcelona

4. Welcome aboard!

Once the deposit is paid, our crew will introduce you to your yacht. From there, you can relax and fully enjoy your boat trip.

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Yacht rental in Barcelona

Barcelona is the capital of the province of Catalonia. It is located in a uniquely picturesque area south of the Pyrenees, on the border with France, next to the Mediterranean coast. Tourists from all over the world come here to spend at least a few days on an unforgettable trip. Renting a boat in Barcelona is one of the most effective ways to discover the Costa del Maresme or Costa Brava in all its splendor, get great pleasure and enjoy your holiday in this unusual and original place.

The best time to travel starts in the first days of May and ends in the last days of October. This is the most favorable season when the sun shines around the clock in Barcelona and there is almost no rain. The only thing that can overshadow the rental of a boat in Barcelona during the high season is the huge crowds of tourists. They are everywhere — on the streets of the city, on the beaches, in restaurants, in amusement parks…

However, there is a proven way to relax in privacy, and avoid crowds — hiring a boat. It will allow you to visit incredibly beautiful deserted bays and beaches, which can only be reached by water. This is only possible if you book the boat in advance. If you take care of this in advance, even before the start of the high season, you can choose a boat at a lower price from a large range of unoccupied options for the desired date and time.

Boat rental services in Barcelona by the hour will be provided by our company, and our experienced captains with their friendly team will do their best to make your vacation unforgettable. They are well-versed in the local area, so they will select the best routes, where nature is of indescribable beauty. Fuel is included in the cost of the cruise.

Do you want to book a boat for rent near you — from the place where you stayed in a hotel or rented temporary accommodation? We will select for you the best option from the many different yachts that are waiting for their passengers (from 2 to 250 people) in popular ports and marinas throughout Barcelona:

  • Port Olympic
  • Reil Club Maritim de Barcelona
  • Marina Port Vell
  • Real Club Nautico de Barcelona
  • Marina Vela Barcelona

Boat rental in Barcelona is paid by the hour. The most popular trip duration is 2-3 hours, but if you wish, you can hire a boat for the whole day and spend it on board from the first minutes of sunrise to sunset.

What events are suitable for renting a boat?

Traditionally, a boat for rent in Barcelona is rented out for any private, corporate, and business events. These services are in demand not only among tourists but also among the local population:

  • romantic walks along the sea coast with a photo session
  • family celebrations
  • friendly parties
  • stag parties
  • bachelorette parties
  • celebrating birthdays and anniversaries
  • original dates, sunrises-sunsets
  • wedding banquets
  • incendiary parties on board
  • intimate candlelit dinners
  • business meetings and corporate parties
  • team building and training
  • wedding photo shoots
  • yachting master classes
  • holding corporate regattas

Boat rental

If you hire a boat for 2 hours, you will have time to enjoy the views of the streets of Barcelona and its monuments, sailing through the oldest quarter, Barceloneta, and plunge into the Spanish sea.

A 4-hour boat rental in Barcelona will provide more opportunities — this will allow you to visit the famous Montgat beach, and swim in clean and clear water.

For an 8-hour boat trip, we recommend visiting the most outstanding and colorful places near Barcelona, such as::

  • Arenys de Mar
  • Castelldefels
  • Premia de Mar

During the break between sightseeing of the beauty of the port, you can taste specialties of Spanish cuisine in restaurants to continue this wonderful walk with renewed vigor. The length of its route and the distance from the coast depends on the type of boat. If you want to take a look at the world-famous resort of Sitges at least with one eye or walk along the chic Mediterranean coast of the Costa Brava, after visiting the progressive Blanes, hire a yacht or a motorboat — and you won’t regret it.

What services does our company offer besides yacht rentals?

To make your vacation on a yacht bright, eventful, and unforgettable, in addition to renting boats in Barcelona , our company provides the following services:

  • catering — booking food on board
  • photo and video filming
  • organization of entertainment on the water on a banana, wakeboard, flyboard, jet ski
  • decorating both the yacht itself and the deck with flowers, balls, and inscriptions, as well as its interior spaces — kitchens, cabins, halls
  • guided tours of the outstanding historical sites of Barcelona
  • host of events
  • DJ accompaniment of discos
  • invitation of popular artists for live performances
  • gift certificates for walks along the coast

Rent a boat

The ideal value, and money. The cost of their rental varies depending on the size of the yachts, the year of manufacture, and the popularity of the brand manufacturer, and is 100-350 euros/1 hour. The maximum capacity is up to 11 passengers.

Motor yachts

The rental price — 450-1200 euros/1 hour — is higher than other types of yachts. This is due to higher fuel consumption. However, this price justifies itself:

  • speed of movement, due to which visiting many places takes very little time;
  • level of comfort and a sense of luxury, because motor yachts have more space and more amenities.

The maximum passenger capacity is 20 guests.

The cost of renting catamarans is usually higher than classic sailing yachts, but cheaper than motor yachts, which is 250-550 euros/1 hour.

Depending on the dimensions, they can comfortably accommodate from 6 to 150 passengers on board.

Due to the stability of the water in any weather, catamaran trips are well tolerated even by those people who suffer from seasickness, and those who are constantly seasick on public transport.

This is a budget option for small companies of up to 9 people, with a rental price range of 100-350 euros/1 hour. In most cases, motorboats are rented by lovers of fishing, outdoor activities, and racing.

In the city of Barcelona, you can rent the following types of motor boats: speed boats with various toys and water activities, boats without a license, and luxury high-speed models.

Why hire a boat in Barcelona with us?

100% satisfaction guarantee from the first to the last minute

From the moment you receive an application for renting a boat until the very end of the trip, our team will do everything to make this event one of the brightest and most unforgettable events in your life. We value each client, and we find an individual approach to him, taking into account all the requirements and wishes.

Support and help 24/7

After making an advance payment for renting a yacht, a personal manager will interact with the client. It will be available on WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram, by phone, or by email. His responsibilities include quality control of the provision of services, answers to all questions, and resolution of disputes.

Huge range of hourly yacht rentals

Discover the best boats for rent in Barcelona: catamarans, sailboats, speedboats, and yachts. The options are endless! You decide whether you prefer to rent a boat with a skipper or, if you have the necessary qualifications, to become the captain of one of our boats!

Fixed prices

The cost of the walk and additional services is discussed at the stage of booking the yacht and is prescribed in the contract. It includes all fees and taxes. We guarantee complete transparency of the pricing policy and the absence of unpleasant surprises, such as unforeseen expenses and hidden fees.

Best rental value in Barcelona

We constantly monitor the situation in the yacht charter market and do our best to make the prices of our services acceptable and competitive.


We value our reputation. The high level and quality of service are confirmed by the reviews of our customers, who recommend us to their relatives and friends from all over the world.

Do you want to book a boat in Barcelona, but have difficulty choosing? This is no reason to give up on your dreams. Contact our specialists – they will help you make a good choice, by phone: +34 622 772 600 .

Hurry up to rent a yacht at a discounted price before the start of the high season, while there is plenty to choose from. Ideally, you need to book a yacht 3-4 weeks before the expected date of your holiday.

Boat rental prices in Barcelona

Boat type Rental cost Capacity



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