Farrier International

Farrier International

a Division of Daedalus


A 2003 Farrier design, the original F-33 was a production design that incorporated many new and unique features.

f33 trimaran for sale

The F-33 began as a ‘one off’ project boat for Seattle’s David Miller, who was looking for a custom built F-9AX to replace his F-9A (a custom built version of the F-31). However, the time was right for something a little larger that could still be trailered, so it was decided to do a completely new design.

The F-33 was a limited volume, premium quality boat, fully trailerable via the Farrier Folding System™, and designed with an ocean going capability in mind. It was only available as a semi production boat – plans alone are not available. However, the new F-32 plans (with F-33 features incorporated) will cater for home builders who prefer to build from scratch, or from a kit.

Two models were available as follows:

F-33 Sport Cruiser The perfect high performance easily trailerable very roomy cruiser, and available in both aft cabin and aft cockpit versions.

F-33R Sport Racer A very high performance version, with a more basic interior, and taller carbon mast. Also available in both aft cabin and aft cockpit versions.


The F-33 had epoxy foam core hulls, carbon/glass fiber beams, all extensively vacuum bagged, and finished with a two pack linear polyurethane (LP) finish. The F-33R used more carbon fiber in selected structural areas, for the maximum cost/weight benefit.

Construction was controlled by the same extensive production control system that were originally developed by Ian Farrier for the Farrier F-27, but further enhanced and improved. This includes fully colorized laminate guide sheets, with every laminate color keyed, to ensure nothing is left to chance or omitted. Assembly is then guided by an extensive checklist system, coupled with many full color guide sheets, to ensure everything goes where it should, and is done correctly.

f33 trimaran for sale

Technical Details The F-33 features many technical improvements including:

An improved Farrier Folding System with a more integrated structural support system. The beam recesses (notches) in the center hull deck have been eliminated, for a cleaner deck, while also eliminating any interior intrusion. All folding system metal brackets have been replaced by special integrated carbon fiber anchors, the beam anchors now also being internal, reducing windage, weight and complexity. Folding struts are thus set higher, keeping them further away from wave tops.

Beams are of a new shape, being more streamlined to direct any water down and under the boat, while also being slimmer and higher at outer ends for less drag. The inner beam end to main hull connections are now external, for easier setup and maintenance, which also allows shorter beams for a lower trailering height (2″ or 50mm less in fact than the F-9A/F-31), and giving less windage on the road. Trailering beam is 9′ 6″ (2.9m), which is legal in most areas without any significant restrictions.

f33 trimaran for sale

The F-33 float bow tips are designed to be sacrificial, similar to a car crumple zone, and will absorb any float bow heavy impact, to help prevent more extensive damage that can result from collisions. The float will remain watertight, and still sailable in most collision situations. A new bow is simply glued on to repair.

Metal use is being minimized wherever possible, with all chainplates being carbon fiber, and all rigging will be synthetic.

The retractable bow pole has a new stop system, eliminating any pin wear problems, and enabling the bob stay to be easily tensioned. Cockpit seating area is higher to give better visibility forward, and more room underneath, but still low enough so that one still has a good sense of security from sitting more in the boat rather than on it. Daggerboard control lines are now flush, to reduce deck clutter around the mast. This also creates an easily accessible under deck area right at the mast base, and ideal for mast connector plugs, thus keeping them below deck level, drier, and eliminates any risk of damage from being walked on. An safety access hatch is standard.

f33 trimaran for sale

Specifications (may be subject to change) L.O.A…………………………… 33′ (10.06m) B.O.A…………………………… 23′ 5″ (7.14m) L.W.L…………………………… 31′ 4″ (9.55m) Folded beam…………………….. 9′ 6″ (2.9m) Approx. bare weight ……………. 2800 – 3700lbs (1270 – 1680kg) depending on model Load Carrying Capacity ……… 2900lbs to 3300lbs (1320 – 1500kg) depending on model F-33 rotating mast ……………….44.7′ (13.62m) aluminum or carbon mast F-33 sail area (main & jib)……… 673sq.ft (62.56sq.m.) F-33R rotating mast ……………..47.2′ (14.38m) – carbon mast F-33R sail area………………….717sq.ft (66.65sq.m.) Stability ………………………….59,000ft.lbs (F-9A/F-31 is 47,000ft.lbs) Draft (board up)…………………. 1′ 5″ (0.43m) Draft (board down)……………… 5′ 11″ (1.8m) Aft Cabin Cockpit length…………5′ (1.52m) Aft Cockpit length………………..7′ 7″ – 9′ 10″ (2.3 – 3m) Interior Headroom ……………….6′ 2 to 6′ 6″ (1.88 – 2m) depending on interior layout All bunks can be a minimum of 6′ 6″ (2m) long or longer if required. Auxiliary………………………… Outboard or Inboard optional

f33 trimaran for sale

Aft Cabin Interior Layouts

Aft Cockpit Interior Layouts

“The F-33 is possibly the most exciting new development for Farrier Marine since the original and now classic F-27. I still recall telling early buyers that the F-27 represented the most advanced boat they could buy, and the best value, and was proved correct over time, with many still selling for their original price, or even more. The new F-33 is another leap forward, and once the value of all the new aspects being incorporated in the F-33 are realized, ranging from structural to new easy maintenance features, I believe it will have an even greater impact on the market, and prove to be even better value than the original F-27” . – Ian Farrier

f33 trimaran for sale


f33 trimaran for sale


Like the F-27, the F-33 represents a major step forward from all my previous designs, the F-27 introducing such things as the low rocker main hull, molded carbon fiber beams, vertical joined floats, simpler parallel lower folding struts, single bar style upper folding strut, and a simplified molded beam bulkhead system. The vertical joined floats did not last on the F-27 due to difficulties in production, but these problems have now been solved, and the clean vertical joined seamless floats are back with the F-33, along with an improved beam and folding system, and this, plus some other significant innovations are detailed below.

f33 trimaran for sale


The ‘Farrier Folding System’ is now well proven, with over 2000 boats using it very successfully world wide. However, I felt there was still room for improvement and hence the F-33 beams are more advanced over what has been used before.

‘Pretty’ Open 60 or F-36 style rounded ‘gull wing’ style beams (originally developed by Australia’s Lock Crowther) have always been a good start and look good, and I have gone this way in the past, as far as could be achieved in a production beam. However, such beams can be difficult and expensive to make in their ideal form, and production versions have to have compromises, resulting in a number of drawbacks.

I thus set out to solve these problems with the F-33, with the aim of providing more practical beams that offer some real advantages such as:

1. Easier to make – which makes them more reliable, and of a lower cost. Trying to achieve the ideal rounded shape on earlier production beams, meant overlapping join flanges on the beam sides, but these proved difficult in a production environment. This is because the overlapping top sides tended to scrape the glue off the bottom sides as the beams come together, which can make the glue join somewhat unreliable at times The production process then has to be properly and very carefully supervised, and such joins frequently checked. The F-33 join flanges were thus made horizontal, and wide for simple, reliable, and easy assembly. ‘One off’ beams such as those for the F-9A/F-82/F-36/F-39 beams don’t have join flanges and they can be molded into the ideal shape with foam fairings on the front, but this is not practical with production beams.

2. Beam Recesses Eliminated – these are the notches into the main hull where the beams are normally bolted in my older designs. Drawbacks are they take up interior room, plus they can be a nuisance when the boat is folded, and they add weight. A complete rethink and redesign eliminated them altogether by moving the beams completely outside the main hull, which also made them shorter (lighter and with a lower trailering height). It is also now much easier to fit and maintain the required mounting plates and compression pads, while the only thing left in the main hull is a small slot for the upper folding strut.

f33 trimaran for sale

3. Drier – this was probably the most important aspect that I wanted to improve. The F-31 for instance is a very dry boat at normal or even above normal monohull speeds, but over 15 knots, and in a chop, then it can get rather wet at times. Main culprits are the leeward folding struts and beam outer ends, which can generate spray when they hit wave tops. This spray can be shot up vertically, and find its way into the cockpit, and also force itself through gaps under the aft beams where they connect to the main hull.

To improve matters, lower folding struts were moved higher, by anchoring inside the beams rather than below. A close look was then taken at the beam shape, particularly the aft beam outer ends near the floats, which could frequently hit wave tops and send water flying in all directions. Beam was reshaped to direct this water downwards, while the horizontal join flanges were made oversize and right above the initial contact area to catch any spray that may still head upwards, and slam it back down again.

f33 trimaran for sale

The beam to hull connection had already been moved completely outside the main hull, to eliminate beam recesses, and this had the additional benefit of eliminating any gaps between the beam and hull in the coaming area where water could force its way through into the cockpit.

4. Brackets and Bolts Eliminated – the F-33 is intended to be an ocean capable boat, and thus I wanted to eliminate all the aluminum brackets and stainless steel bolts that go into the carbon fiber beams. These have to have special treatment to ensure 100% long term reliability when bolted through the carbon fiber used in the beams, and thus require special supervision in the production environment. Eliminating these removes ninety six (yes, 96) 1/2″ stainless steel bolts and 32 aluminum brackets (heavy and labor intensive). They have been replaced by 100% integrated carbon fiber anchors, which destruct tests have shown to be enormously strong, while also eliminating any point loading and potential leak problems.

5. Compression Pads Improved – No More Creaking! A very high inwards compression force is generated in the beams while sailing, and this has to be absorbed into the main hull via compression pads. These need to be adjusted properly otherwise there can be a slight in and out movement of the beams, which, while usually harmless, can sometimes generate an annoying creaking noise. Twin compression pads are now used, both of which are easily accessible and adjustable, virtually eliminating any chance of creaking. SHADOWFAX has not creaked once since launching.

f33 trimaran for sale

6. Wingnet lashings Covered – another problem always present with earlier beams was the danger of stepping too near the beams in the wing net lashing area. One’s foot could go through this gap, if not careful, with painful results. This possibility has now been eliminated by the lashing being concealed under the beam join flanges, making it virtually impossible for a foot to slip through. The beams themselves now also offer a nice wide and safe walking area.

f33 trimaran for sale

7. Disassembly Possible – Fully integrated beams that are permanently attached to the float look nice, but they have proved to be impractical, as they make it very difficult to replace a beam or a float, raising repair and insurance costs. It is also impossible to disassemble the boat to where it can be fitted inside a container for easy shipping. Thus the F-33 beams are bolted into molded sockets in the floats, making disassembly easy and practical.

f33 trimaran for sale

8. All epoxy construction – as throughout the F-33, only epoxy resin is used in the beam construction, which is the toughest, most durable, most fatigue resistant, and most waterproof resin available.

The new beams are thus significantly better, being stronger, lighter, shorter, more reliable, and drier. They are much safer to walk on, or around, the flanges give something to hang on to while sitting, and there is no intrusion into the main hull, with the nuisance beam recesses completely eliminated.


Kick-up rudders have been used successfully for years, where the rudder blade is pivoted in the case and will swing back. But they come with one annoying problem – they are just about impossible to steer with when swung back to reduce draft for shallow water. Daggerboard rudders solve this problem by lifting vertically, and have also been around for years, but also come with a problem – they cannot kick back. Thus if one hits anything the rudder can be destroyed, or worse, ripped off the transom.

The only way to solve this was by developing a new kick up daggerboard rudder, which has now been done with the F-33.

f33 trimaran for sale

Rudder case and blade are of epoxy glass/carbon composite construction, and rudder assembly will be attached to boat with CNC machined aluminum transom brackets. Fully integrated carbon fiber transom brackets will be optional (standard on the F-33R) and these are shown. Special Teflon filled acetal rudder bearings are then fitted in embedded G10 fiberglass bushings to give a totally slop free rudder, with a very smooth feel.

f33 trimaran for sale

The F-33 mast step is another new and improved feature. There’s no need to insert any pins when attaching the mast base to the deck/step which can be an awkward and time consuming task. The mast base has two slots which instead just slide over a pin in the step. The sheaves are also in the mast base itself, so that once the mast is raised, there is no need to thread the halyards through any sheaves in the deck step, which is another awkward job eliminated, all of which makes the mast raising process faster and easier.

The mast raising pole yoke (which is now very compact) is held to the mast base by one pin. One then removes this and inserts it through the mast step to lock the mast to the deck step, to ensure the mast cannot jump off the step.

Better still, on the F-33 you can remove the daggerboard without having to unbolt the step from the deck, as with earlier designs, a process which can take some time. The F-33 mast step will also allow the mast to lean over sideways in any direction, without breaking the step, which is another important factor while folding the boat or raising the mast.

f33 trimaran for sale

The bow wing increases bow net area to make foredeck wider and safer. It also provides an external area on the side of the bow to mount or set the anchor from. Eliminates the awkward and difficult task of setting anchor forward under headsail or through pulpit, where space is very constricted, particularly with headsail lowered.

f33 trimaran for sale


F-33 interior, lightweight and roomy.

The F-33 is a true ‘designer’s boat’, and comes with a simple, practical and roomy interior. As a general guide, the interior volume is 33% larger than the F-31, 14% smaller than the new Corsair 36, and 40% smaller than the new F-39.

The F-33 interior has a very spacious feel, with full standing headroom, and comfortable seats with a great view. The optional forward galley as shown is smaller than designed, as per the owner’s requirements, who wanted a more basic ‘R’ type interior, with a portable camp stove, rather than a fitted one. The private head area (forward on port side) is surprisingly roomy, with its own private entrance in the bow compartment. It can be fitted out with full vanity, hot and cold water etc. Photos of the full standard interior will become available once boats now being built are complete.

The F-33 has restored the original F-27’s easy open access to all areas, and without gelcoated fiberglass interior liners. Such liners are very heavy and are not a good idea for any ocean capable multihull, reducing the important load carrying ability, while also covering many areas that should be readily available for easy inspection.The standard F-33 interior finish in most areas will be Frontrunner fabric, which is a very thin and light weight super tough fabric, but also one of the most expensive interior marine fabrics on the market. However, it is chosen because it works so well, is actually even lighter than paint, is warm and friendly to the touch, and looks great. A ‘wipe down’ glossy finish will still be used where needed, such as galley and head areas. SHADOWFAX’s interior is painted with a semi-gloss LP paint in a beautiful patterned finish (Option B on Price/Specification List).

The attractive glossy finish that is the main advantage of gelcoated liners will still be available (Option A), but achieved only by using an LP paint directly on the faired hull, rather than using liners. It will be a more expensive option, but only for those who prefer it, so every F-33 buyer will not need to pay the high extra cost associated with developing and making interior liner molds, or be subjected to the extra weight.

To Summarize:

The F-33 is a technically advanced new maxi-trailerable design being built to very high quality standards.

Like all Farrier designs, it is designed as a roomy and very safe true cruising design, but one that also just happens to be very fast.

It trailers at 9′ 6″ wide, which will just require a simple yearly permit in most areas, and this is usually a simple process.

f33 trimaran for sale

Download Original Full Specification and Option List

Availability – as of May, 2013

The strong Australian dollar since 2004 (up 69%) made it uneconomical to build the F-33 Down Under for export to other countries, so it had to be discontinued. However, a new 2013 F-33 has now been developed, and being built in Subic Bay, in the Philippines, it is ecomonical once more to manufacture and make available for sale world wide

The original F-33 was certainly a great boat and raised the bar far higher than earlier designs while outdating all the competition. However, the new 2013 F-33 is even better with even more new advancements.

Ian Farrier

f33 trimaran for sale

F-33 News and Race reports:

The Initial Launching Report

First F-33 Sailing in U.K.

First F-33 Launched in Florida

F-33R Wins Southampton – Poole Race

F-33R Wins The ‘Round Island Race’

F-33 Wins Inaugural Multihull Class at Cowes Week

F-33 Launched in New York

F-33 Launched in Texas

F-33, and F-33R are trademarks of Farrier Marine, Inc.

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farrier f 33 for sale

farrier f 33

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The next Trimaran Sailing Clinic hosted by Windcraft will be at the Fort Walton Yacht Club in the Florida Panhandle May 5-7, 2017. However we are completely fully booked up for that clinic. The next one with spaces available will be the weekend of October 14-15. In our clinics 16 students will see their sailing skills improve dramatically over the two days of the course which is taught by world class multihull sailor and coach Randy Smyth. Students of all levels are introduced to Randy’s highly effective techniques for optimizing sail trim, and learn how best to hoist, jibe and douse a spinnaker, as well as how to tack a screacher upwind. Call or email us  for more information.

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33′ Farrier F-33

  • Boat Name: High5
  • Current Price: US$ 169,900
  • Located in Vancouver, BC
  • Hull Material: Composite
  • Engine/Fuel Type:
  • YW# 62349-2954741

The Farrier F-33 is a technically advanced trimaran design built to very high  standards. It is a fast and comfortable cruiser, fully trailerable but yet has ocean-going capability. The F-33 trailers at 9′ 6″ wide, which will require a simple yearly permit in most areas. Advanced design construction techniques are employed to ensure the highest strength to weight ratio and efficient hull shapes, making the F-33 an exhilarating performer and among the fastest in its class to be found anywhere.

High5 was originally bought as Stage 1 Kit from Farrier Marine and completed by SN Composites, a fabricator certified by Ian Farrier. Outfitted by Precourt Systems, Trois-Rivieres. Reluctantly for sale by its original owner.


The F-33 has epoxy foam core hulls, carbon/glass fiber beams, all extensively vacuum bagged, and finished with a two pack linear polyurethane (LP) finish. The F-33R uses more carbon fiber in selected structural areas, for the maximum cost/weight benefit. Hi5 got carbon beams and carbon bulkheads.
SN Composites is a certified fabricator for the F33. Construction is controlled by an extensive production control system that was developed by the designer Ian Farrier. This includes fully colorized laminate guide sheets, with every laminate color keyed, to ensure nothing is left to chance or omitted. Assembly was then guided by an extensive checklist system, coupled with many full color guide sheets, to ensure everything goes where it should, and is done correctly.

The F-33 design utilizes an improved Farrier Folding System with an integrated structural support system. All folding system metal brackets have been replaced by special integrated carbon fiber anchors, the beam anchors now also being internal, reducing windage, weight and complexity. Folding struts are thus set higher, keeping them further away from wave tops. Metal use is being minimized wherever possible, with all chainplates being carbon fiber, and all rigging will be synthetic, many metal details are made from Titanium. The F-33 #5 “Hi5” does not contain ANY wood in any of its parts. “Hi5” carries the label “L” for an extra-long scoop at the transom, providing smooth flow for even rear heavy conditions.
Beams are of a shape, being streamlined to direct any water down and under the boat, while also being slim and high at outer ends for less drag. The inner beam end to main hull connections are external, for easier setup and maintenance, which also allows shorter beams for a lower trailering height, and resulting in reduced wind resistance when on the road. Trailering width is 9′ 6″ (2.9m), which is legal in most areas without any significant restrictions.
The F-33 float bow tips are designed to be sacrificial, and will absorb any float bow heavy impact, to help prevent more extensive damage that can result from collisions. The floats remain watertight, and still sailable in most collision situations.
The retractable bow pole has a stop system, eliminating any pin wear problems, and enabling the bob stay to be easily tensioned.

Cockpit seating area is high to give better visibility forward, and more room underneath, but still low enough so that one still has a good sense of security from sitting more in the boat rather than on it.

Daggerboard control lines are now flush, to reduce deck clutter around the mast. This also creates an easily accessible under deck area right at the mast base, and ideal for mast connector plugs, thus keeping them below deck level, drier, and eliminates any risk of damage from being walked on. “Hi5” has a specially developed trapezoidal daggerboard being taller and with a modern FX Wortmann foil shape, resulting in less drag and higher lift coefficients than more other existing trimaran daggerboards.

Porta-Potti with ventilation and holding tank
Pump manual Lavac marine toilet pump
Seating for 8 in main cabin
Single V berth forward (2.4 m long)
One king size bed in main cabin
Sink, small in head, for hand washing
Sink, large in galley area for dish washing
Stove, Origo 1-Burner alcohol with electric element / stove combination
Heater, Eberspaecher gasoline heater (to be installed)
Chart shelf, ceiling mounted Plexi-shelf above main table
Water tanks, two removable, on wheels, 80 litre each
Faucets, two manual faucet pumps

VHF Radio, Cobra 80 with voice recording / repeating
Depth sounder, Raymarine ST60
Speed Display, Raymarine ST60
Wind instrument, Raymarine ST60
Autopilot, Raymarine ST2000+
Chartplotter, Raymarine Chartplotter/GPS

All sails were made by Roger Hall in from Cuben fibre, except the Spinnaker which is made from Code 0 material.Mainsail 477 sq ft (44.32 sq m) with Luffshuttles*, 2 sets of reef points and Cunningham eye
Jib self tacking 177 sq ft (16.4 sq m)
Genoa (working) 240 sq ft (22.3)
Genoa (light wind) 392 sq ft (36.4 sq m)
Spinnaker 720 sq ft (66.89)*Luffshuttles are similar to Frederiksen cars.

Yamaha 9.9 HP 4 cycle outboard;
extra long shaft
Power Thrust Prop

Frame Pacific Crane Design, hot-dipped galvanized frame, never rusts
Brakes Kodiak stainless steel brakes
Fenders Aluminum anodized
Lighting all LED
Tires all season, + spare tire

L.O.A…………………………… 34′ (10.40m)
B.O.A…………………………… 23′ 5″ (7.14m)
L.W.L…………………………… 31′ 4″ (9.55m)
Folded beam…………………….. 9′ 6″ (2.9m)
Approx. bare weight ……………. 2500 lbs
Load Carrying Capacity ……… 3300lbs (1500kg)
Mast ………………. 47.2 ft aluminum rotating
Mast height from waterline………….52.4 ft
Boom …………………………… carbon fibre
Boom lengt……………………………..15.5 ft
Bowsprit ………………………. carbon fibre
Sail area (main & jib)……… 717 ft2 (66.65 m2)
Stability …………………………. 59,000 ft.lbs
Draft (board up)…………………. 1′ 5″ (0.43m)
Draft (board down)……………… 5′ 11″ (1.8m)
Cockpit length……………….. 9′ 10″ (2.3 – 3m)
Interior Headroom ………………. 6′ 8″ (2.05m)

Fenders: two white drums, two red balls
Power-winch: Milwaukee angle drill conversion
Mast raising equipment
Life sling
Life ring
Boarding ladder
Warning flags
Heaving line
Water pump

Walker Bay Genesis 310 tender
Yamaha 3.5 HPoutboard motor

http://www.f-boat.com/pages/news/f-33vancouver.html (exclusively Hi5 images)http://www.f-boat.com/f-33.html (Hi5 and Dangereaux images and text)http://www.f-boat.com/recentnews.htmlhttp://www.f-boat.com/f-33/f-33general.html (prototype images)

http://www.f-boat.com/f-33/f-33newfeatures.html (prototype features)

http://www.f-boat.com/f-33/f-33video.html (Ian’s own video)

http://www.f-boat.com/f-33/f-33tidbits.html (technical tidbits)

http://www.f-boat.com/pdf/F-33%20Spec.%20list.pdf (original options list)

Windcraft offers the details of this vessel in good faith but cannot guarantee or warrant the accuracy of this information nor warrant the condition of the vessel. A buyer should instruct his agents, or his surveyors, to investigate such details as the buyer desires validated. This vessel is offered subject to prior sale, price change, or withdrawal without notice.

Copyright© 2007 by Donald Wigston. All rights reserved.

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  • Sailboat Guide

F-33 (2013)

F-33 (2013) is a 33 ′ 0 ″ / 10.1 m trimaran sailboat designed by Ian Farrier and built by MultiHulls Direct Corp. starting in 2013.

Drawing of F-33 (2013)

Rig and Sails

Auxilary power, accomodations, calculations.

The theoretical maximum speed that a displacement hull can move efficiently through the water is determined by it's waterline length and displacement. It may be unable to reach this speed if the boat is underpowered or heavily loaded, though it may exceed this speed given enough power. Read more.

Classic hull speed formula:

Hull Speed = 1.34 x √LWL

Max Speed/Length ratio = 8.26 ÷ Displacement/Length ratio .311 Hull Speed = Max Speed/Length ratio x √LWL

Sail Area / Displacement Ratio

A measure of the power of the sails relative to the weight of the boat. The higher the number, the higher the performance, but the harder the boat will be to handle. This ratio is a "non-dimensional" value that facilitates comparisons between boats of different types and sizes. Read more.

SA/D = SA ÷ (D ÷ 64) 2/3

  • SA : Sail area in square feet, derived by adding the mainsail area to 100% of the foretriangle area (the lateral area above the deck between the mast and the forestay).
  • D : Displacement in pounds.

Ballast / Displacement Ratio

A measure of the stability of a boat's hull that suggests how well a monohull will stand up to its sails. The ballast displacement ratio indicates how much of the weight of a boat is placed for maximum stability against capsizing and is an indicator of stiffness and resistance to capsize.

Ballast / Displacement * 100

Displacement / Length Ratio

A measure of the weight of the boat relative to it's length at the waterline. The higher a boat’s D/L ratio, the more easily it will carry a load and the more comfortable its motion will be. The lower a boat's ratio is, the less power it takes to drive the boat to its nominal hull speed or beyond. Read more.

D/L = (D ÷ 2240) ÷ (0.01 x LWL)³

  • D: Displacement of the boat in pounds.
  • LWL: Waterline length in feet

Comfort Ratio

This ratio assess how quickly and abruptly a boat’s hull reacts to waves in a significant seaway, these being the elements of a boat’s motion most likely to cause seasickness. Read more.

Comfort ratio = D ÷ (.65 x (.7 LWL + .3 LOA) x Beam 1.33 )

  • D: Displacement of the boat in pounds
  • LOA: Length overall in feet
  • Beam: Width of boat at the widest point in feet

Capsize Screening Formula

This formula attempts to indicate whether a given boat might be too wide and light to readily right itself after being overturned in extreme conditions. Read more.

CSV = Beam ÷ ³√(D / 64)

A new version of the F-33 built in the Phillipines. Beam for F-33X: 23.83’/7.25m F-33 Folded beam………………. 8.5’/2.58m F-33X Folded beam……………. 9.5’/2.9m Approx. bare weight …………… 2800lbs-3700lbs/1270kg-1680kg depending on model Load Carrying Capacity ……… 2600lbs to 3000lbs (1180 - 1360kg) depending on model & weight F-33 rotating mast ……………….44’ 7” (13.6m) aluminum or carbon mast F-33 sail area (main & jib)…… 654sq.ft (60.5sq.m.) F-33R rotating mast …………….47’ 3” (14.4m) - carbon mast Stability …………………………….56,900ft.lbs …. F-33X - 58,400ft.lbs Draft (board up)…………………. 1’ 5” (0.42m) Draft (d/board down)………….. 6’ 4” (1.93m) Draft (centerboard down)…….. 6’ 2” (1.88m) Aft Cabin Cockpit length………4’ 10” (1.46m) Aft Cockpit length……………….7’ 7” (2.3m) Interior Headroom ……………….6’ 2 to 6’ 4” (1.88 - 1.93m) depending on interior layout

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f33 trimaran for sale

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  Multihull World Brokerage Network

f33 trimaran for sale

"Fuchur" is een van de ruim 3000 inklapbare trimarans, gebouwd naar de ontwerpen van Ian Farrier.  De F33-

"Fuchur"is one of over 3000 folding trimarans, built to the designs of Ian Farrier. The F33-

                         F- 33- R  Trimaran   "Fuchur"  # 76230   Bwjr./Launched: 2004- 2005     

f33 trimaran for sale


f33 trimaran for sale

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(26- 5- 2023)

f33 trimaran for sale

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Flag Counter

Ian Farrier,Corsair Marine trimarans,Keals Marine NSW,Farrier trimarans,PVC- sandwich trimaran trailerbare trimaran occasion,foam- sandwich folding trimaran for sale,Australian trimaran,racing trimaran ,F- 33- R trimaran for sale,10m trailerbare trimaran,33' trailerable trimaran,zeer snelle trimaran in Den Oever,Farrier trimaran mit Anhänger zu verkaufen,Faltbare Trimaran angeboten in den Niederlände,trimaran pliable à vendre en Pays- Bas.

f33 trimaran for sale

EVECOM MULTIHULLS  -   Post:  Fabrykswei 11  -   NL- 9216 WR Oudega (Sm.) -  Tel. (+31) (0)512 371999  -  

KvK Noord.: 73078476

f33 trimaran for sale

    Beam:  35'    Draft:  5-8'
    Beam:  30'    Draft:  5.5'
    Beam:  22'    Draft:  5'
    Beam:  37.7'    Draft:  2.6-7'
    Beam:  28'    Draft:  3'
    Beam:  24'    Draft:  4'6'
    Beam:  24'    Draft:  3'
    Beam:  23'    Draft:  4.5'
    Beam:  9.1'    Draft:  1.8'
    Beam:  29'    Draft:  3'
    Beam:  28'    Draft:  4'
    Beam:  31'    Draft:  3' 4'
    Beam:  18'    Draft:  3'
    Beam:  25'    Draft:  5'
    Beam:  28.5'    Draft:  3-7'
    Beam:  24'    Draft:  28'
    Beam:  24.5'    Draft:  4.5'
    Beam:  27'    Draft:  3'
    Beam:  29'    Draft:  1'
    Beam:  26'    Draft:  2.5'
    Beam:  24'
    Beam:  25'    Draft:  16'
    Beam:  27'    Draft:  3'
    Beam:  2110'    Draft:  46'
    Beam:  25' 4'    Draft:  2.5'
    Beam:  22'3'    Draft:  3'6'
    Beam:  12'    Draft:  5'
    Beam:  17'    Draft:  3'
    Beam:  20'    Draft:  4'
    Beam:  18'    Draft:  3''
    Beam:  20'    Draft:  4'
    Beam:  22'
    Beam:  15'    Draft:  2.6'
    Beam:  27'    Draft:  60'
    Beam:  24'    Draft:  1.5'
    Beam:  22'    Draft:  3'
    Beam:  24'    Draft:  2'
    Beam:  21'    Draft:  3.1'
    Beam:  20'    Draft:  1.5'
    Beam:  14'    Draft:  3'
    Beam:  21'    Draft:  3'
    Beam:  22'    Draft:  1.4'
    Beam:  18'    Draft:  2'
    Beam:  18'    Draft:  2'
    Beam:  23'    Draft:  16"'
    Beam:  18'
    Beam:  22.5'    Draft:  1-5.5'
    Beam:  21'    Draft:  2'
    Beam:  22' 6'    Draft:  16"'

f33 trimaran for sale

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Trimarans for Sale

f33 trimaran for sale

Sale Pending 2008 Corsair Sprint 750 Fort Walton Beach FL $36,500

2008 Corsair Sprint 750 for sale in Fort Walton Beach Florida. Corsair Marine has been the leader in trailerable trimarans for decades. The Sprint 750 appeals to  family day-sailors and competitive racers with its light weight, roomy cockpit, and excellent performance. The Sprint Mk I is hard to beat in light to medium air and holds its own against [...]

f33 trimaran for sale

2016 Dragonfly 32 Supreme $349,900 Destin FL

2016 Dragonfly 32 Supreme for sale in Destin FL.  Dragonfly has distinguished themselves in the sailing world in terms of craftsmanship, performance, ease of use and overall high level of quality. This particular Dragonfly 32 Supreme (Wingman) checks almost every box. She is totally "turn-key" with many recent upgrades. She has benefited from having a devoted and meticulous owner. [...]

f33 trimaran for sale

1997 Corsair F-31R trimaran San Francisco CA $74,900

1997 Corsair F-31R trimaran for sale in San Francisco CA   The Corsair F-31R is wonderfully versatile, excelling at day sailing, racing, or cruising with the family. With a long cockpit and a large main cabin this boat has room to take plenty of friends for a sail and features an interior configuration that easily accommodates overnight trips with  [...]

f33 trimaran for sale

1998 Corsair F-28R trimaran Ventura CA $54,900

1998 Corsair F-28R trimaran for sale. Corsair Marine filled a gap in the trailerable multihull market when they released their aft cockpit 28' models which immediately proved very popular. Following in the wake of the revolutionary center cockpit F-27, the more modern and lighter weight aft cockpit F-28R was designed to push speeds up to 25 knots in certain [...]

f33 trimaran for sale

2013 Corsair Sprint 750 Mk II Mary Esther FL $49,900

A very nice example of the popular Corsair Sprint 750 Mk II. Ready to go, needs nothing.   Super large cockpit for day sailing or racing convenience. Additional Specs, Equipment and Information: Dimensions LOA: 24 ft 0 in Beam: 17 ft 11 in LWL: 23 ft 7 in Minimum Draft: 1 ft 0 in Maximum Draft: 5 ft 0 [...]

Protected: SOLD 2004 Corsair F-24 Mk II $39,900

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Protected: SOLD 1997 Corsair F-31R $83,500 Cambridge, MD

Protected: sold 2016 corsair dash 750 mk ii trimaran for sale pensacola, protected: sold 2004 corsair 36 trimaran for sale in galesville md $179,900.

f33 trimaran for sale

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We are an international real estate company situated in Moscow City , and our mission is to help expats find and purchase real estate for sale in Russia. You can use our database to search for all kinds of real estate listings, including rental apartments with excellent views located at the very heart of the capital, penthouses in Moscow’s celebrated residential complexes, suburban mansions and gated community  residences .

We provide a very wide choice of residential properties in those parts of the capital which are known for the greatest prestige; most notably, in the Patriarch’s Ponds area and the Arbat, Ostozhenka and Zamoskvorechye Districts. And if you are interested in palaces , mansions and cottages , we will find for you a selection of property for sale in the most high-status and historically prestigious communities and settlements of Moscow Oblast , particularly those concentrated around the Rublyovo-Uspenskoye and Novorizhskoye shosse. Just send us a request with your requirements!

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f33 trimaran for sale

We provide visa assistance. We will help you with your migration registration and with obtaining a residence permit in Russia. We are always ready to resolve any problems you might have with obtaining a citizenship.

f33 trimaran for sale

We provide help with resolving any issues related to the maintenance of your home. We will assist you in hiring domestic help and a nanny for your child. We will find a private British, American or French school for your children.

Properties for Sale in Russia

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Luxury Moscow house

Luxury house 8290 sqft in Vnukovskoye settlement

  • Houses for Rent, Houses for Sale, Luxury Real Estate, Mansions In Russia

Moscow City apartment 50th floor

Moscow City apartment on the 50th floor

  • Apartments for Rent, Apartments for Sale, Luxury Real Estate, Moscow City apartments

Castle in Russia 9900000

Deauville Castle 10 km from Moscow

  • 13400 Sq Ft
  • Houses for Rent, Houses for Sale, Luxury Real Estate, Palaces In Russia

Elite mansion in Russia 780

Mansion 785 sqm in the most expensive place in the Moscow Oblast

  • $8,400/Monthly

f33 trimaran for sale

3-room apartment 187 sqm on the 33rd floor

  • Apartments for Rent, Moscow City apartments
  • $5,100/Monthly

f33 trimaran for sale

2-room apartment 102 sqm on the 45th floor

f33 trimaran for sale

2-room apartment 60 sqm in Dokuchaev lane

f33 trimaran for sale

5-room apartment 203 sqm on Minskaya street

  • $1,700/Monthly

f33 trimaran for sale

3-room apartment 110 sqm in the north of Moscow

f33 trimaran for sale

3-room apartment with Hyatt service

f33 trimaran for sale

5-room apartment on Leninsky prospect

f33 trimaran for sale

3-storey country house 960 sqm on Rublevka

  • 10333 Sq Ft
  • Houses for Rent, Houses for Sale
  • $6,700/Monthly

f33 trimaran for sale

3-storey house 360 sqm with 4 bedrooms

  • $15,000/Monthly

f33 trimaran for sale

Country house 1234 sqm on Rublevskoe highway

  • 13282 Sq Ft
  • Houses for Rent, Luxury Real Estate

f33 trimaran for sale

Apartment 193 sqm on the 52nd floor of Moscow City

  • Moscow City apartments

Apartment with 1 bedroom with a total area of 90 m² in the OKO Towers on the 63rd floor

Apartment on the 63rd floor in the OKO tower

  • Apartments for Rent, Apartments for Sale, Moscow City apartments

3-storey house 4090 sqft in the village of Deauville in the Odintsovo district

House 380 sqm 12 km from Moscow

Novodmitrovskaya street 2k5

Penthouse 140 sqm on the 46th floor

Office in Moscow on the 84th floor

Office 107 sqm on the 84th floor of a skyscraper in Moscow

  • Commercial Property

Apartment near Petrovsky park 203

4 room apartment 203 sqm in the house with a swimming pool

  • Apartments for Sale, Luxury Real Estate
  • $18,000,000

Ilyinskoye field in the Moscow region 2

Modern house 2000 sqm on Rublevsky highway

  • 21530 Sq Ft
  • Houses for Sale, Luxury Real Estate, Mansions In Russia, Palaces In Russia

3-room apartment with brand new renovation in Art Deco style

Apartment 193 sqm on the 52nd floor in Moscow City

  • Apartments for Sale, Moscow City apartments

Restaurant in Moscow on Tverskaya

767 sqm premises for a restaurant in the city center

Cottage village Residence Club 900

House 900 sqm 12 km from Moscow

  • Houses for Sale, Luxury Real Estate, Mansions In Russia

Penthouse 284 Zvenigorodskoe highway 11

Apartment 76 sqm on the 34th floor in NEVA TOWER

House in the village of Gorki-2 716

House 750 sqm in the village of Gorki 2

  • Houses for Sale, Mansions In Russia
  • $85,000,000

Mercedes-Benz business center on Leningradsky Prospekt in Moscow

Business center with a Mercedes showroom

  • 177410 Sq Ft

Apartment 530 Knightsbridge Private Park

Townhouse 530 sqm in the very center of Moscow

  • Apartments for Sale, Houses for Sale, Luxury Real Estate

Mansion on the Minskoe highway 5 km from the Moscow Ring Road in the village of Moskvoretsky Forest Park

English-style mansion 8 km from Moscow

  • 26900 Sq Ft

f33 trimaran for sale

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  1. Trimaran

    f33 trimaran for sale

  2. 1997 Sealine F33

    f33 trimaran for sale

  3. 1999 Sealine F33 Power New and Used Boats for Sale

    f33 trimaran for sale

  4. 2020 Fairline F33 for sale. View price, photos and Buy 2020 Fairline

    f33 trimaran for sale

  5. 2000 Sealine F33 Flybridge for sale

    f33 trimaran for sale

  6. 1999 Sealine F33 Power New and Used Boats for Sale

    f33 trimaran for sale


  1. Farrier boats for sale

    Farrier boats for sale on YachtWorld are offered at a range of prices from $53,000 on the relatively lower-priced models, with costs up to $439,172 for the most extravagant model yachts. What Farrier model is the best? Some of the best-known Farrier models now listed include: F-41, F-25C #22 and F-9A. Various Farrier models are currently ...

  2. The New F-33

    The 2015 F-33 is a new design by Ian Farrier, having evolved from the F-32, and replaces the original 2004 F-33. It is available in several formats, the F-33, F-33X (with wider center hull), or the more race orientated F-33R and F-33RX, plus all carbon versions, the F-33RC and F-33RXC. Both aft cabin and aft cockpit versions are also currently ...

  3. Inactive: Farrier F-33X Aft Cockpit Boat in Santa Cruz, CA

    Fast and clean. This FARRIER F-33X AFT COCKPIT has the wider center ...


    A 2003 Farrier design, the original F-33 was a production design that incorporated many new and unique features. Peter Wesley's F-33 SHADOWFAX (the first F-33 launched) on the beach in Sydney harbor …and sailing off the Australian coast. The F-33 began as a 'one off' project boat for Seattle's David Miller, who was looking for a custom built F-9AX to replace his F-9A (a custom built ...

  5. Farrier F 33 Boat For Sale

    Farrier marine nz Trimaran . The 2015 F-33 is a new design by Ian Farrier, having evolved from the F-32, and replaces the... Riccarton . Ask price . Detailed View. 6 Picture > ... 2005 Farrier Command 10 sailboat for sale in California. Farrier Command 10 . 33ft Farrier Command 10, If you have been looking for a Farrier 32 but cannot afford one ...

  6. » 2005 Farrier F-33 trimaran $169,900

    Current Price: US$ 169,900. Located in Vancouver, BC. Hull Material: Composite. Engine/Fuel Type: YW# 62349-2954741. The Farrier F-33 is a technically advanced trimaran design built to very high standards. It is a fast and comfortable cruiser, fully trailerable but yet has ocean-going capability. The F-33 trailers at 9′ 6″ wide, which will ...

  7. 2018 F-33

    2018 F-33 - MULTIHULLS DIRECT. CLICK. TRULY A MODERN. 'STATE O THE ART'. TRIMARAN. CLICK. Exclusively offered in the maxi wide X version with more room and better performance than any other equivalent legally trailerable folding trimaran, due to efficient design and streamline interior.

  8. Farrier Trimaran boats for sale

    Find Farrier Trimaran boats for sale in your area & across the world on YachtWorld. Offering the best selection of Farrier boats to choose from. ... All Farrier Category: Sail - Trimaran. Location. By Radius. By Country. country-all. All Countries. Country-CA. Canada. All. All 25 miles 50 miles 100 miles 200 miles 300 miles 500 miles 1000 miles ...

  9. F-33 (2013)

    LENGTH: Traditionally, LOA (length over all) equaled hull length. Today, many builders use LOA to include rail overhangs, bowsprits, etc. and LOD (length on deck) for hull length. That said, LOA may still mean LOD if the builder is being honest and using accepted industry standards developed by groups like the ABYC (American Boat and Yacht Council).

  10. F-33 (2013)

    F-33 (2013) is a 33′ 0″ / 10.1 m trimaran sailboat designed by Ian Farrier and built by MultiHulls Direct Corp. starting in 2013.

  11. Farrier sailboats for sale by owner.

    Farrier preowned sailboats for sale by owner. Farrier used sailboats for sale by owner. Home. Register & Post. View All Sailboats. Search. Avoid Fraud. ... fiberglass trimaran: Engine: 1 gas outboard; Location: Huntington Beach, California; Asking: $59,000: Sailboat Added 20-May-2022 More Details: Farrier F9-AXR:

  12. Farrier Trimaran boats for sale

    Farrier Trimaran boats for sale. Save Search. Clear Filter Make / Model: All Farrier Class: Sail - Trimaran. Location. By Radius. By Country. country-all. All Countries. Country-CA. Canada. All. Tout 25 km 50 km 100 km 200 km 300 km 500 km 1000 km 2000 km 5000 km. from your location. Condition. All. New. Used.

  13. Trimaran boats for sale

    Trimaran sailing vessels for sale on YachtWorld are offered at an assortment of prices from $24,354 on the relatively more affordable end all the way up to $1,586,942 for the most luxurious model vessels. Find Trimaran boats for sale in your area & across the world on YachtWorld. Offering the best selection of boats to choose from.

  14. Farrier boats for sale

    Farrier F9 AXR. Stellendam, Netherlands. 2003. $99,618. This is a rare version F9: Aft cabin, wide version, longer mast. The wide version makes her very roomy for a tri. She is very well built in epoxy foam core, and later tweaked bij Aeroyacht/ Gregor Tarjan.The aluminium rotating mast is 13 m and she has a carbon boom and retractable bowsprit.

  15. Used FARRIER Boats for Sale

    AU $125,000 View Listing. Farrier F-36 Lengthened to 12.1M. Under Contract. 39' 8" - 12.10m. 2001. For Sale: 2001 Farrier F36/39+ Trimaran Full price offer has been submitted, under contractual commitment. Second back-up…. Whangarei, North Island. US $250,000 Make an offer View Listing.

  16. Photopresentation of a second hand, exhilarating F-33 Farrier folding

    "Fuchur"is one of over 3000 folding trimarans, built to the designs of Ian Farrier. The F33-R is wider than the F31 and can therefor carry more sail, leading to exhilarating performances combined with a spacious interior. This F33-R is built in Australia under supervision of Ian Farrier, resulting in a strong and reliable cruiser-racer. The ...

  17. trimaran sailboats for sale by owner.

    trimaran preowned sailboats for sale by owner. trimaran used sailboats for sale by owner. Home. Register & Post. View All Sailboats. Search. ... 39' CE Ryder Southern Cross 39 - for Sale by Auction Seward, Alaska Asking $ 38' sabre 38 MKI Tarpon Springs, Florida Asking $75,000. 30' Island Packet 27 Colonial Beach VA, Virginia

  18. New and used Trimarans for Sale

    1998 Corsair F-28R trimaran for sale. Corsair Marine filled a gap in the trailerable multihull market when they released their aft cockpit 28' models which immediately proved very popular. Following in the wake of the revolutionary center cockpit F-27, the more modern and lighter weight aft cockpit F-28R was designed to push speeds up to 25 ...

  19. Yachts for Sale in Moscow

    Every yacht for sale in moscow listed here. Every boat has beautiful hi-res images, deck-plans, detailed descriptions & videos.

  20. Trimaran boats for sale

    Trimaran is a yacht brand that currently has 4 yachts for sale on YachtWorld, including 2 new vessels and 2 used yachts, listed by experienced yacht brokers and boat dealerships mainly in the following countries: United States, Netherlands Antilles and Guadeloupe. The selection of models featured on YachtWorld spans a spectrum of sizes and ...

  21. f33 trimaran for sale

    The next Trimaran Sailing Clinic hosted by Windcraft will be at the Fort Walton Yacht Club in the Florida Panhandle May 5-7, 2017. However we are completely fully booked up for th

  22. Moscow Mills MO Real Estate & Homes For Sale

    Zillow has 70 homes for sale in Moscow Mills MO. View listing photos, review sales history, and use our detailed real estate filters to find the perfect place.

  23. Real Estate in Moscow Russia & Properties for Sale

    Mansion 785 sqm in the most expensive place in the Moscow Oblast. 55.686574, 37.089623. 6. 8450 Sq Ft. Houses for Rent, Houses for Sale, Luxury Real Estate, Mansions In Russia. Details. Featured. For Rent. $8,400/Monthly.