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Olbia, arriva la first lady del qatar.

Atterrata direttamente da Los Angeles all'Eccelsa Aviation del Costa Smeralda, la first lady del Qatar, Jawahen bin Hamad Suhaim Al-Thani, prima moglie dell'emiro Tamin bin Hamad Al-Thani.

La first lady ha raggiunto il suo panfilo Al Luisal, 123 metri varato dalla Lurssen, attraccato al porto di Olbia.

Con lei, una trentina di ospiti.

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first lady qatar yacht olbia

Intelligenza artificiale, Casellati: “Elaborare nuovi e più raffinati paradigmi morali"

first lady qatar yacht olbia

Mulè (FI): "Legge su diabete tipo 1 e celiachia era ed è ambiziosa"

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Open Arms, Zaia: "Non faccio difensore Salvini, ma nelle carte c'è tutta la verità dei fatti"

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Crosetto: "L'Europa deve avere una industria della difesa autonoma"

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Open Arms, Zaia: "Ho fiducia nella magistratura, basta leggere le carte"

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Lollobrigida: "Fitto vicepresidente Commissione Ue? Una vittoria per l'Italia, nonostante i gufi"

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Nomina Fitto in Ue, Conte: "Contraddizione, suo partito contrario a Next generation Eu"

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Tridico (M5s): "Draghi vuole eurobond per le armi, noi pace e lavoro"

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Cagliari, ecco gli Oscar Green 2024 di Coldiretti

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Zingaretti (Pd): “Draghi dice scomoda verità, non garantisce più crescita”

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Maltempo, bomba d'acqua a Dolianova: le immagini

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Draghi: "In ansia per futuro Europa, rischiamo di essere meno liberi di scegliere nostro destino"

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Arriva la notte della Superluna, attesa anche un'eclissi parziale

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Auto fuori strada su un albero tra Bono e Bultei: conducente sparito

L'intervento dei vigili del fuoco 

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Von der Leyen: "Ruolo di Fitto in Ue riflette l'importanza dell'Italia"

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Allarme "maniaco" a Mulinu Becciu, le ragazze molestate: "Abbiamo paura"

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Laguna di Santa Gilla, cozze distrutte dal caldo e granchio blu: pescatori in ginocchio

Le immagini e le interviste dalla laguna: video di Virginia Devoto 

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Le olimpioniche Orro, Maggetti e Sylla e il loro rapporto con la scuola: ''Ricordi emozionanti''

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Campo Largo, ''insorgono'' Psi e Sardi in Europa: «La Todde ascolta solo il Consiglio regionale»

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Giudice sportivo dopo Cagliari-Napoli, le ipotesi

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Santu Lussurgiu, le suggestioni del canto a chitarra con "Cantanne a s'antiga"

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Attentato a Trump, Biden: "Il secret service ha bisogno di più aiuti"

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“Sotto lo stesso cuore”, il 20 settembre a Cagliari l’evento per le donazioni di midollo osseo

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L’associazione Sdr: «Bene la scarcerazione di Vallanzasca, ora Mesina torni in Sardegna»

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Olbia, capolinea Arst poco sicuro: la Fit Cisl chiede lo spostamento

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Alghero ospita gli Stati Generali delle Autonomie Locali: innovazione e sostenibilità al centro

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Quartu, rinnovata la tradizionale Sfilata dell'Uva

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Coscienza ecologica e responsabilità collettiva: la lotta agli incivili coinvolge tutti noi

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  • 03 Gioele, travolto e ucciso dalla porta da calcio mentre giocava con gli amici: cordoglio da Ozieri a Olbia
  • 04 Mamma e bimba scomparse: i corpi ritrovati abbracciati su un isolotto del fiume Piave
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Sheikha Moza Bint Nasser: Inside The Life Of Qatar's Elegant First Lady

Sheikha Moza outdoors

Moza bint Nasser Al-Missned was born in the Qatari town of Al Khor on August 8, 1959. At the time, her father was a prominent business owner and politician, but the family's fate changed when he was imprisoned for speaking out against the ruling emir regarding the inequitable distribution of the country's wealth. Following his release in 1964, the family fled Qatar and lived in exile in Kuwait and Egypt.

The future sheikha returned to her country and enrolled at Qatar University when the emir's son, Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani, decided to marry her. At 18, she became his second wife and the daughter-in-law of her father's jailer. In 1995 her husband became the emir after overthrowing his father in a nonviolent coup. She is the mother of seven children and is said to be her husband's favorite wife. She is deeply involved in the financial decisions of the royal family and has captivated the world of high fashion with her flawless looks. She most recently made waves with the chic ensembles she wore to the wedding of Jordan's crown prince. 

Shockingly, she seems to have largely flown under the radar when it comes to coverage of royal families. That said, she certainly has the attention of the most discerning fashion experts. A jury member who decided Vanity Fair's best-dressed list in 2018 included her as a "Globalista" along with Meghan Markle and wrote, "Moza's wardrobe is the ultimate regal power statement — she is a modern Jacqueline Onassis."

She is highly educated

Sheikha Moza speaking at event

Sheikha Moza, who reportedly wanted to be a doctor before marrying into the royal family, ended up studying at Qatar University, where she earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in sociology. After that, she earned a master's in public policy in Islam from Hamad bin Khalifa University. She cites her father's dedication to educating himself while he was in prison as the inspiration and motivation for her to pursue her own studies. In addition to the degrees she earned, she has been presented with many honorary doctorates, including several from American universities.

Recognizing the importance of education and the doors it opens, she is devoted to ensuring that others have similar opportunities. "You need to educate people to be prudent, to be wise in terms of dealing with their ecosystem, their environment, with their health, with their sanitation ... when you educate an individual, you're really helping to bring up a healthy wellbeing," she said (via Doha News ).

Her extensive education, however, seems to fly in the face of Qatar's oppressive male guardianship system. The inequitable conditions that are enforced in Qatar inevitably returned to the spotlight when it hosted the World Cup in 2022. Human Rights Watch recognizes that the country has made some progress but decries its treatment of women in general. A recent report titled "Everything I Have to Do is Tied to a Man" details that women must still get permission from their male guardians to do just about anything, including seeking a higher education. 

Moza bint Nasser is the glamorous face of one of the world's most oppressive regimes

Sheikha Moza smiling

"Any people that want to develop their countries ... have to practice democracy. That's what I believe." These words were uttered during a 2003 interview for "60  Minutes" by Sheikha Moza's husband, the emir of Qatar at the time (via Christian Science Monitor ). This is a curious statement coming from the leader of a state that is widely documented as oppressive to women, a regular perpetrator of human rights violations, and has made same-sex relationships illegal and punishable by law, to name just a few of its abuses.

Qatar's penchant for these unsavory practices has long been protested at home and around the world. As Qatar prepared to host the World Cup, many concerns came to light regarding the employment and living conditions of migrant workers. According to The Guardian , 6,500 perished between 2010 (when Qatar was named host) and 2022, when the event finally occurred. Many of these deaths happened during the construction of several additional sports stadiums and infrastructure.

Sheikha Moza, who cuts a sophisticated and outspoken figure, is an anomaly when it comes to how her freedoms compare to the average Qatari woman. Not only is she extraordinarily independent and well-traveled, but in a region where first ladies are not often seen in public, she is a constant globe-trotter, has her hand in the family's considerable financial operations, and bucks tradition by wearing a headscarf instead of a veil.

She is a fashion icon

Sheikha Moza at Fashion Trust Arabia

If Sheikha Moza wasn't already on every fashionista's radar, she certainly is after recently attending the wedding of the Crown Prince of Jordan. She arrived at the royal palace in a showstopping Valentino coat that was part of the designer's 1989 couture collection. Having solidified her place as a fashion icon as the sole inductee into Vanity Fair's International Best-Dressed Hall of Fame in 2015, her style is sophisticated, elegant, and modest.

"She is laying out ground rules: you can be fashionable and cutting edge, but there are boundaries," one expert who is based in Doha told The Financial Times . Her wardrobe includes top designers like  Chanel , Hermès, Jean Paul Gaultier, and Valentino. She often pairs her outfits with stunning footwear by her favorite shoe designer — Christian Louboutin .

Having inspired Instagram accounts that showcase her fashion triumphs, she says that she doesn't use a stylist "because I wouldn't find anyone who understands what I want" (via The Daily Mail ). She also loves spending time alone with her collection. "It's my mental treat. When I'm exhausted, I go to my dressing room and go through my closets, and I try to mix things and fix things," she said. Brazilian designer Victor Dzenk told O Globo newspaper what it was like to work with her: "In addition to being a beautiful woman, she is very calm, she speaks in a low voice, and she knows what she wants" (via The Daily Mail).

Her jewelry and accessory collections are unmatched

Sheikha Moza smiling

In addition to her one-of-a-kind wardrobe, Sheikha Moza owns an equally impressive collection of jewelry and accessories, which she uses to great effect. Her regal looks can include everything from diamond-encrusted necklaces to dramatic chandelier-style earrings to rings bearing enormous stones. She owns stunning pieces from exclusive jewelers like Cartier, Van Cleef & Arpels, Harry Winston, Buccellati, David Webb, and Chatila.

Harold Koda, former curator of the Metropolitan Museum's Costume Institute, characterized her style: "What Sheikha Moza has mastered requires aesthetic sophistication, discipline, and a decisive point of view. She deftly balances decorous societal expectations with stylish individuality. No one else will ever look like her" (via Vogue Arabia ). 

Some of the sheikha's more spectacular pieces are a gold and coral necklace and earring set designed by David Webb, a pair of Cartier beetle brooches made in the art deco style, and a Cartier snake necklace that is covered with diamonds. Rumor has it, however, that the snake necklace was modified to match a modest J. Mendel gown during a visit to England. Sharp eyes noticed that two gigantic emeralds had been replaced with two gigantic diamonds for the occasion. Her accessorizing doesn't stop there. She is also partial to wearing magnificent statement belts that brilliantly accentuate her outfits. These include creations by Silvia Furmanovich, a Brazil-based designer well-known for her wood marquetry, an eye-catching leather piece by Bottega Veneta, and a unique metal belt by Giambattista Valli.

Moza bint Nasser is dedicated to improving education in Qatar and around the world

Sheikha Moza posing at event

Sheikha Moza has dedicated much of her public life to expanding and improving educational opportunities for Qatari citizens and people worldwide. According to UNESCO , she has served at that organization as Special Envoy for Basic and Higher Education since 2003. Her official website lists all of her initiatives, including those dedicated to social development, health care, the environment, and more. 

Despite these admirable efforts, her apparent unwillingness to address Qatar's continued oppression of women head-on has occasionally sparked controversy. She proffers carefully crafted responses to defend her country's culture when confronted on the issue. "Islam has always guaranteed the full rights of women," she said at a 2006 Carnegie-Mellon University address, "and women have always occupied a central role in Islamic civilizations. ... It is important to remember that these women were consulted in forming legislative order in Islamic societies, and they heavily influenced policies that were to govern social, political, economic, and military issues" (via Harvard Divinity School ). 

Her ability to put a positive spin on Qatar's questionable policies has undoubtedly helped her to accomplish some pretty impressive goals. One of these has been the establishment of satellite campuses of several American universities in her home state. "If you want to teach women, you have to teach men as well. If you have educated men, they will enable their women to be educated," she told The Financial Times . Hmm.

Moza bint Nasser has an impressive real estate portfolio

Sheikha Moza looking serious

It goes without saying that opulent homes are included in this family's vast real estate holdings. First and foremost is the Doha Royal Palace, which serves as Sheikha Moza's home base while in Qatar.  This is essentially a compound that is home to 15 different palaces and cost an estimated $1 billion to build. Reportedly covered in real gold accents, there is also space to accommodate parking for 500 cars.

An Italian design company called Mantellassi shared its involvement in a recent redecoration of the palace on its website. They say that their work was based on the design concept of a Tunisian architect named Walid Layouni. It is described as featuring a variety of design styles, including Baroque elements in the formal spaces and a deco glam style in the family's living spaces. 

In addition to her residence in the family palace, the sheikha has used her wealth to purchase several mansions in the toniest London neighborhoods. These include two Cornwall Terrace homes in Regent's Park that sit next right to each other. She acquired them several years ago with plans to convert them into one enormous mansion, but this project appears to be mired in legal problems. According to the BBC , it was recently discovered that the purchase was conducted through a shell company located offshore to save money.

She is often referred to as the actual ruler of Qatar

Sheikha Moza smiling with Queen Elizabeth

Sheikha Moza is the only "forward-facing" and publicity-friendly wife of the former emir of Qatar, and as such, her power has only grown since her marriage to him as a teenager in 1977. It's reported she was not only the driving force behind her husband's successful move to overthrow his father's regime in 1995, but she did an encore performance to ensure that the role would go to one of her children next.

In 2013, apparently fueled by fears of her husband's death and how it might affect her future, she is suspected of having orchestrated similar manipulations that resulted in her son Tamim conducting his own bloodless coup.  As the mother of the current emir, she has cemented her power in the family's political, cultural, and financial decisions for the foreseeable future. 

Some suspect that the sheikha was behind Tamim's rise to power for a variety of reasons. A family member named Saud bin Nasser Al-Thani has spoken out publicly about the affair, asserting that Sheikha Moza's eldest son Jassem was supposed to become emir but strangely withdrew from consideration in favor of his brother. Bin Nasser says that the reason for the change in the succession plan was that she could control her second-born more effectively. He also makes outright claims that she is the person who is truly running Qatar and has installed several of her closest relatives in important positions to strengthen her control. 

Her family is very, very, very wealthy

Sheikha Moza smiling in sunglasses

Sheikhdoms have been synonymous with extreme wealth for several decades, due to the discovery of the world's largest petroleum deposits in the Persian Gulf. Qatar entered the game in 1971 when it struck the planet's largest gas field. As such, the current monarchy of Qatar, the Al-Thani dynasty, has no shortage of cash. The collective members of the family have an estimated net worth of a staggering $335 billion.

This includes the globe-trotting Sheikha Moza's portion, which is reportedly valued at about $15 billion. In addition to owning stakes in lots of valuable real estate like the Shard skyscraper in London, the family also owns Valentino Fashion Group, Balmain, Harrods (a luxury department store in London), and many other businesses outright.

The sheikha most certainly has access to her son's assets as well. These include a super yacht named Katara, which has a helicopter pad and room for 35 people on board. The royal family also owns a private airline with a fleet of 14 jets reserved for the exclusive use of the family and other high-ranking officials. Last but not least, if she needs some sporting entertainment, the sheikha can probably get great tickets to a soccer game. Emir Tamim bought the Paris Saint-Germain club in 2011, and the family is also looking to purchase Manchester United. 

Moza bint Nasser is deeply interested in art and architecture

Sheikha Moza at art exhibit

Sheikha Moza's interests and causes are extremely diverse. For starters, she has been intimately involved in Qatar's transformation and supervises massive construction projects that are designed to meet strict environmental standards while showcasing the protecting the small state's cultural legacy. The Qatar National Convention Center, which opened in 2011, used the latest methods when it came to water conservation and energy efficiency. Another pet project was the Msheireb development, which is set on 75 acres in downtown Doha. It consists of performance venues, public spaces, retail shops, and housing. She is very committed to honoring Qatar's culture and heritage, as well as its traditional art and architectural styles — all while promoting the global engagement of its citizens.

Of course, no palace would be complete without the ability to display some of the world's most valuable and recognizable artwork. The royal family's investments range from a brooch likely made by artist Alexander Calder to paintings by famous artists that they have purchased for astronomical prices. According to India Times , their extensive collection includes Mark Rothko's "White Center" which they bought for $72.8 million, pop artist Andy Warhol's "Men in Her Life," acquired for $63.4 million, and Cézanne's "The Card Players," which broke records when they paid $250 million for it.

Sheikha Moza's daughter Sheikha Al Mayassa bint Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani has been instrumental in amassing the family's massive collection of priceless artworks. Her annual budget is estimated to be $1 billion.  


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Charter Lagoon 560 Crewed / Catamaran in Olbia, Sardinia

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Charter Saba 50 Catamaran in Cannigione, Sardinia

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Rent the Lagoon 50 Catamaran in Portisco, Sardinia

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Charter Saba 50 Bareboat / Catamaran in Olbia, Sardinia

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Dufour Catamaran 48 Catamaran in Portisco, Sardinia

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Olbia Yacht Charter

Olbia is an idyllic port town of Sardinia which lies in the north eastern section of the Gullura Region, directly facing the Italian mainland. Olbia is the northern yacht charter gateway to the whole Sardinian yachting region. Sardinia is very well known for luxury superyachts and also due to the good wind is known for its luxury sailing yachts and sailing regattas.

Major Attractions and Important Places in Olbia

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You should also head out to the section of the town where you can find the thermal baths, which is a favourite destination of yacht charter enthusiasts, and the Roman walls, or what’s left of them. Another important attraction for those who want to have a piece of the storied past of Olbia is the Archaeological Museum, which is located in the Island of Peddone.

Olbia is definitely a shopper’s delight. There are two sections of the town of Olbia where you can go for some serious shopping. The Old Town section, which includes the waterfront, features fancy boutiques and street merchants that normally sell local crafts and other products that are indigenous to the place. The other section of Olbia comprises the modern shopping centres which are located on north end and south end of the town.

Olbia is the ideal choice for those who are not keen on going with the maddening flow of tourists going to the more popular yacht charter stop offs within the region. This is the best destination if you want something different from your yacht charter holiday yet an experience that you will cherish for a lifetime.

Yacht Charter Holiday in Olbia

Olbia belong to those attractions and yacht charter holiday destinations that are off the beaten path of Italy. There is really not that significant number of tourists that come to this idyllic port town when compared to its more popular siblings like Tuscany, Calabria and Sicily, easily considered as the proverbial magnets to yacht charter aficionados. Still, Olbia has a lot of attractions and offers diverse yacht charter opportunities, making it an ideal, albeit unique, place where one can enjoy a different kind of holiday bit is still typically Italian. 

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Another alternative way of going to Olbia is by taking the ferry services that connect the town with major ports within the region. The central station of the ferry services that cover Olbia is based in Genoa. From there, yacht charter enthusiasts can take the 9-hour ferry ride to Olbia. This is an ideal option for those who have ample time and want to relish the panoramic views of the Mediterranean while sailing to Olbia. Other ferry connections to this town are based in Marseilles and Livorno.

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LADY FIRST is a 39.63 m Motor Yacht, built in Italy by Riva and delivered in 2023. She is one of 9 130 Bellissima models.

Her top speed is 22.5 kn and her cruising speed is 20.0 kn and her power comes from two MTU diesel engines. She can accommodate up to 10 guests in 5 staterooms, with 7 crew members waiting on their every need. She has a gross tonnage of 299.0 GT and a 8.0 m beam.

She was designed by Officina Italiana Design , who also designed the interior. Officina Italiana Design has designed 320 yachts and designed the interior of 249 yachts for yachts above 24 metres.

The naval architecture was developed by Ferretti Engineering Department , who has architected 614 other superyachts in the BOAT Pro database - she is built with a Teak deck, a GRP hull, and GRP superstructure.

LADY FIRST is in the top 30% by LOA in the world. She is one of 1177 motor yachts in the 35-40m size range, and, compared to similarly sized motor yachts, her cruising speed is 1.68 kn above the average, her top speed 0.63 kn above the average, and her volume 31.15 GT above the average.

LADY FIRST is currently sailing under the Cayman Islands flag, the 2nd most popular flag state for superyachts with a total of 1408 yachts registered. She has recently entered the superyacht marina Port Vauban, in France. For more information regarding LADY FIRST's movements, find out more about BOATPro AIS .


  • Name: LADY FIRST
  • Yacht Type: Motor Yacht
  • Yacht Subtype: Semi-displacement
  • Model: 130 Bellissima
  • Builder: Riva
  • Naval Architect: Ferretti Engineering Department
  • Exterior Designer: Officina Italiana Design
  • Interior Designer: Officina Italiana Design

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  • Yacht Charter
  • Mediterranean

Yacht charter in Olbia

Charter a luxury yacht in Olbia to explore the stunning Costa Smeralda, with its emerald waters and pristine beaches. Whether aboard a motoryacht, catamaran, or sailboat, the unique landscapes and sailing areas await your discovery. Explore the available yachts and set sail for an unforgettable adventure.


The best season to charter a yacht and sail in Olbia is during the summer months, when the winds are favorable and the weather is dry, making for perfect sailing conditions.


Bareboat or skippered boats for rental in olbia.


price per week from

Crewed Catamaran charter in Olbia


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Luxury Sailing Yacht charter Olbia


Motoryacht charter in Olbia



When chartering a luxury yacht in Olbia, experience the breathtaking beauty of the Costa Smeralda and the azure waters of the Mediterranean. Explore hidden coves, stunning beaches, and vibrant coastal towns aboard a motoryacht, catamaran, or sailboat.

Inland, indulge in the unique blend of Italian culture and Sardinian traditions. Visit ancient ruins, charming villages, and world-renowned restaurants.

Discover the rugged landscapes and natural beauty of the island, making Olbia the perfect destination for a luxury yacht charter experience.

Top 5 reasons to visit Olbia!

- Emerald waters, white sandy beaches

- Unspoiled natural beauty, stunning coastline

- Luxury resorts, world-class dining

- Rich history, ancient ruins nearby

- Perfect climate, ideal for sailing

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see all charter offers

Things to do on land during your yacht charter in Olbia

first lady qatar yacht olbia

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Olbia: A Hot Spot for the Super Rich

  • August 12, 2014

Olbia: A Hot Spot for the Super Rich

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Atlantis Dubai - An iconic entertainment destination comprised of two world-class resorts that bring you extraordinary experiences.

Atlantis Dubai - An iconic entertainment destination comprised of two world-class resorts that bring you extraordinary experiences.

JW Marriott The Rosseau Muskoka Resort & Spa

JW Marriott The Rosseau Muskoka Resort & Spa

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Villa Lala — Romantic Boutique Hotel in Puerto Vallarta

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Cabo Platinum - Cabo San Lucas Luxury Villas, Yachts & Concierge Services

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Villa Firenze - Costa Rica Luxury Villa Rental

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Polaris Slingshot - A three-wheeled sensation that re-ignites your love for driving

Rancho Valencia Resort & Spa - Rancho Santa Fe, California - One of the West’s most sought-after five star resorts

Rancho Valencia Resort & Spa - Rancho Santa Fe, California - One of the West’s most sought-after five star resorts

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Tuscan Dream - Immerse Yourself in the Tuscan Villa Vacation Experience

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Grand Hotel Portovenere - Cinque Terre - Discover this beautiful region of Italy!

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Dude Ranchers Association - An all-inclusive vacation experience like no other

El Encanto, A Belmond Hotel - Santa Barbara, California - Experience timeless Californian glamor.

El Encanto, A Belmond Hotel - Santa Barbara, California - Experience timeless Californian glamor.

Grand Hyatt Kauai Resort & Spa - Poipu, Kauai, Hawaii - Beachfront Resort

Grand Hyatt Kauai Resort & Spa - Poipu, Kauai, Hawaii - Beachfront Resort

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A.M.A Selections - Luxury Villa Rentals throughout Europe

Blue Waters Resort & Spa - Antigua - A hidden gem nestled in a private bay on Antigua's northwestern coast with sunset views

Blue Waters Resort & Spa - Antigua - A hidden gem nestled in a private bay on Antigua's northwestern coast with sunset views

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Live Aqua Beach Resort Cancun, Mexico - Adults Only, All Inclusive

Porto Zante Villas & Spa - Zakynthos, Greece - The leading villa resort in Europe

Porto Zante Villas & Spa - Zakynthos, Greece - The leading villa resort in Europe

Olbia, Italy (ITOLB)

Port of Olbia is located in Italy at 40.9213N, 9.5833E. 17 vessels have arrived within the past 24 hours and 11 ships are expected to arrive in the next 30 days.

Port time: Sep 17, 23:15

Weather forecast, expected ships in olbia.

ETA by AIS Vessel Dist./Time to go Last port Built GT DWT Size (m)
Sep 18, 02:00 2007 2981 3394 105 x 16
Sep 18, 04:00 2002 35736 4700 214 x 26
Sep 18, 04:00 2000 24004 7440 214 x 26
Sep 18, 04:50 2004 39798 5000 214 x 26
Sep 18, 06:00 1989 5218 938 103 x 15
Sep 18, 06:30 2005 36284 5628 175 x 28
Sep 18, 11:00 2014 21801 11630 179 x 26
Sep 18, 12:00 2022 499 - 44 x 9
Sep 18, 21:00 1994 339 77 42 x 8
Sep 27, 14:00 - - - 14 x 4
Oct 12, 21:30 - - - 44 x 8

The number of results is limited to 20. More results are available to Premium and Satellite users.

Recent ship arrivals in Olbia

Arrival (LT) Vessel Last port Built GT DWT Size (m)
Sep 17, 18:31 2009 54310 8351 225 x 30
Sep 17, 17:39 2023 70016 11956 237 x 33
Sep 17, 15:11 - - - 35 x 6
Sep 17, 14:09 - - - 10 x 4
Sep 17, 12:48 1999 18205 9741 163 x 26
Sep 17, 12:32 - - - 14 x 4
Sep 17, 09:33 - - - -
Sep 17, 09:28 - - - 15 x 4
Sep 17, 09:24 - - - 21 x 10
Sep 17, 08:22 2002 32302 6075 210 x 25
Sep 17, 07:59 - - - 36 x 8
Sep 17, 07:27 2010 54310 8351 225 x 50
Sep 17, 07:05 1996 44307 3538 172 x 30
Sep 17, 06:40 2023 70016 11919 237 x 33
Sep 17, 06:24 2021 5431 904 138 x 17
Sep 17, 06:11 2003 35736 4700 214 x 26
Sep 17, 06:00 2000 24004 7440 214 x 26
Sep 16, 21:35 - - - -
Sep 16, 18:28 2009 54310 8351 225 x 30
Sep 16, 18:14 - - - 35 x 8

Recent ship departures from Olbia

Departure (LT) Vessel Current destination Built GT DWT Size (m)
Sep 17, 22:17 2009 54310 8351 225 x 30
Sep 17, 22:09 2023 70016 11956 237 x 33
Sep 17, 21:51 2002 32302 6075 210 x 25
Sep 17, 18:44 1996 44307 3538 172 x 30
Sep 17, 18:06 2005 2132 3300 81 x 13
Sep 17, 17:11 2021 5431 904 138 x 17
Sep 17, 16:13 1999 18205 9741 163 x 26
Sep 17, 15:41 - - - 17 x 4
Sep 17, 13:41 - - - 17 x 5
Sep 17, 13:21 - - - 18 x 4
Sep 17, 12:59 - - - -
Sep 17, 12:55 - - - 15 x 5
Sep 17, 12:34 2000 24004 7440 214 x 26
Sep 17, 11:01 2023 70016 11919 237 x 33
Sep 17, 10:45 2010 54310 8351 225 x 50
Sep 17, 09:46 - - - -
Sep 17, 08:47 2021 1790 341 74 x 12
Sep 17, 06:38 - - - 14 x 5
Sep 16, 23:37 2002 35736 4700 214 x 26
Sep 16, 22:25 2023 70016 11956 237 x 33

Ships in port

Last report Vessel Built GT DWT Size (m)
Sep 17, 21:09 2003 35736 4700 214 x 26
Sep 17, 21:08 2008 699 - 50 x 10
Sep 17, 21:09 1999 359 100 30 x 10
Sep 17, 21:09 2013 236 - 35 x 8
Sep 17, 21:09 2024 211 126 24 x 12
Sep 17, 21:08 - - - 24 x 8
Sep 17, 21:07 - - - 15 x 4
Sep 17, 21:09 - - - 36 x 7
Sep 17, 21:07 - - - 30 x 6
Sep 17, 21:07 - - - 35 x 6
Sep 17, 21:09 - - - -
Sep 17, 16:57 - - - 11 x 3
Sep 17, 21:09 - - - 21 x 10
Sep 17, 21:06 - - - 19 x 9
Sep 17, 21:09 - - - 26 x 8
Sep 17, 11:19 - - - -
Sep 17, 18:15 - - - -
Sep 17, 13:41 - - - 23 x 6
Sep 17, 21:08 - - - 23 x 6
Sep 17, 09:55 - - - 24 x 6

Port of Olbia vessel arrivals, departures, scheduled arrivals and ships in port are detected by processing of AIS data. Weather data is based on GFS model (NCEP/NWS). The data is for informational purposes only and VesselFinder is not responsible for the accuracy and reliability of Port of Olbia data.

Olbia Marina

Bunker via truck and filling station.

Latitude : 40° 55' 0

Longitude : 9° 31' 32

VHF Channel : 9

Depth : 3/5m

Maximum Lenght : 60m

Mooring Places : 270


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    Superyacht LADY FIRST was built in 2023 by Riva. She is a 40m / 131'3 Riva 130 Bellissima motor yacht with exterior design by Officina Italiana Design and interior styling by Officina Italiana Design . Lady First offers accommodation for up to 11 guests in 5 cabins with additional room for her crew of 7. She features a variety of amenities to ...

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    Browse a unique selection of Olbia Catamaran Yacht Charter and embark on the most exclusive luxury retreat. The tranquillity of cruising, coupled with the warm crew's services, gourmet cuisine, and tailored itineraries, encapsulates the essence of opulence that Olbia is renowned for, creating unforgettable memories on the gentle Olbia tides.