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Le Catamaran pour tous les océans

c catamaran france

Le nouveau catamaran habitable C-Cat 48: Elégance et Performance

Plaisir à bord .

Le nouveau catamaran haut de gamme C–Cat 48 vous propose un vaste espace de vie et de convivialité : Cockpit, carré et cuisine sont réunis dans un même volume. Ce catamaran est conçu, pour vivre à bord. Depuis la plage de bain jusqu’ aux vitrages avant, le temps à bord se vit en mode « loft ». C-Cat 48 est un multicoque personnalisable à bord duquel la notion d’intérieur/extérieur est presque abolie, les matériaux modernes s’allient aux boiseries nobles, et les grands hublots de roof permettent à la lumière d’être omniprésente.

Dans les coques également, lumière et vue sur mer sont de règle. L’intimité et le confort des cabines est complice des grands hublots de coque, qui signent la gamme C-Cat.

Pour le plaisir de naviguer à longues distances

Dans le même esprit que le C-Cat 37 , le catamaran C-Cat 48 est conçu pour la glisse, la vitesse à la voile, et les grandes distances. Ce bateau léger et raisonnable restera facile à manœuvrer, et affiche un rapport poids/puissance prédisposant à l’accélération . Un entretien simple, un accastillage haut de gamme , un plan de pont très fonctionnel vous permettront de profiter des meilleurs moments de chaque navigation.

c catamaran france

Un Catamaran Personnalisé

Votre C-Cat 48 sera pensé à votre écoute . Comme tous nos modèles, C-Cat 48 est un catamaran sur mesure et personnalisé. Un matériau diffèrent ? un nouveau coloris ? un aménagement custom ? un équipement spécifique ? Parlons-en !

PREMIUM : 2 cabines, 2 toilettes, 2 douches à part

PROPRIETAIRE : 3 cabines, 2 toilettes, 1 douche à part

CHARTER : 4 cabines, 2 toilettes

construction du catamaran c-cat 48

Le lancement du premier C-Cat 48

Avec le C-Cat 48, le chantier C-Cat a voulu proposer à ses clients un « grand bateau », dans l’esprit du C-Cat 37 qui, malgré sa taille, est déjà capable de tous les programmes. Construction epoxyvynilester sur ame Corecell, cloisons composite et infusion sous vide , cuisson de l’ ensemble composite seront à nouveau les garanties d’ une construction légère, rigide et robuste.

Avec le C-Cat 48, les performances à la voile montent d’un cran supplémentaire, le terrain de jeu s’agrandit, les espaces de vie également. Naviguer a plus de 15 nœuds confortablement installés dans son carré devient normal !

Avec le C-Cat 48, le constructeur a aussi souhaité renouer avec la gamme de ses Comet RS (62.82 et 100 pieds), en proposant des aménagements aux finitions haut de gamme , modernes, soutenues par cet inimitable design à l’italienne. Avec C-Cat 48, l’écoute des clients prend tout son sens, plus que jamais ! Les futurs propriétaires de ce nouveau catamaran sur mesure pourront personnaliser chaque détail de C-Cat 48 : Aménagements, couleurs, matériaux, équipements, jeux de voile…

En 2023, C-CAT 48 est  élu meilleur multicoque de l’année   dans la catégorie “Voile Sportive”. 

catamaran c-cat 48 informations technique et plan de voilier

La construction

La  robuste construction  fait appel à des tissus multiaxiaux et unidirectionnels, une ame de  sandwich en mousse Corecell , l’ensemble étant construit par infusion de résines époxyvinylester. Les renforts structurels carbones sont optionnels.

Du  « cousu main » ,  à l’italienne.

Habitué à choyer ses clients, le chantier reste à l’écoute  des demandes de personnalisation, qui peuvent aller bien au-delà des choix de tissus, couleurs et équipement. C-Cat 48- le nouveau catamaran sur mesure de notre gamme.

Tout est « sur-mesure », pour que chaque C-Cat 48 soit construit à l’image de son propriétaire.

Galerie des photos du C-CAT 48

Le design extérieur du c-cat 48, le design intérieur du c-cat 48, en construction du c-cat 48, vidéo du c-cat 48, descriptif standard du c-cat 48.

  • Construction
  • Plage avant
  • Electricité
  • Composite verre infusé
  • Gelcoat blanc
  • Resine Epoxyvinylester
  • Tissus multiaxiaux et unidirectionnels
  • Ame du sandwich Corecell
  • Cloisons principale et arrière en composite
  • Cloisons intermédiare plaqués chêne
  • Deux derives avec palan de réglage
  • Deux safrans, meche inox, pelle composite
  • Transmission mécanique par biellettes
  • Barres à roues composite


  • Mat aluminium anodisé posé sur le pont
  • 1 étage de barres de fleche
  • 1 bome aluminium anodisée
  • Haubans et ridoirs inox
  • Poutre avant inox anodisée avec martingale et cadene
  • Cadenes inox de pont


  • 2 Winchs Harken (Grand Voile)
  • 2 winchs Harken (Genoa)
  • 2 blocs poulies renvoi
  • 8 bloqueurs
  • 6 poulies pied de mat
  • 1 enrouleur genois
  • 1 drisse Grand Voile
  • 1 drisse Genois
  • 1 drisse spi (option)
  • 1 balancine
  • 2 bosses de ris
  • Palan d'écoute GV 2 :1
  • Chariot Grand Voile avec palans et bloqueurs
  • 2 ensembles rail + chariots genois
  • Ecoutes Gv et Genois


  • 6 taquets aluminium d'amarrage
  • Trampoline nylon
  • 2 balcons avant, 2 balcons arriere
  • 11 chandeliers
  • 2 capots avant
  • 2 capots cabines arrière
  • 1 plexiglas en avant du rooh avec hublot ouvrant
  • 2 hublots de roof
  • 1 hublot de coque cabine avant (par côté)
  • 1 hublot de coque cabine arrière (par côté)
  • 3 bailles avec capot ouvrant
  • 2 nables gazole
  • 1 nable eau
  • Cockpit de plain pied avec le carré, porte coulissante
  • Banquette droite à babord
  • Banquette en L à tribord
  • Hard top, eclairages LED
  • Fermeture complete du cockpit par tauds et transparents (option)
  • Système de cockpit autovideur
  • Poste de barre tribord comprenant : manettes moteurs, tableaux moteurs, barre à roue, compas emplacement pour electronique
  • Poste de barre babord comprenant : barre à roue, emplacement pour electronique.
  • Safrans, axes inox, liaison, barre de secours
  • Table de cockpit
  • Coffres de rangement, emplacement radeau de survie, Coffre à gaz
  • Baille à mouillage, guindeau électrique avec ouverture sur tribord
  • Douchette sous pression à tribord
  • Echelle de bain à tribord
  • 2 x 20 cv diesel Lombardini
  • Transmission sail drive
  • 2 helices 2 pales fixes
  • Comprtiment insonorisés
  • 2 entrées d'air, 2 ventilateurs 12 V
  • 2 batteries 80 Ah
  • 2 filtres decanteurs gazole
  • 2 filtres à eau
  • Echappement avec pot de barbotage
  • 2 reservoirs polyéthylène 90 L
  • 2 reservoirs Polyethylene (2 x 165L ) +2x165L (option)
  • Eau sous pression, groupe 12 v
  • Cumulus eau chaude 20 L avec échangeur moteur
  • 2 pompes de cale 12v manuelles/automatiques actionnables au tableau electrique
  • 2 pompe de cale manuelles de cockpit
  • Tableau electrique 12 v avec coupe circuit, voltmetre, amperemetre, jauges eau et gazole
  • 2 batteries 120 Ah 12v
  • Coupe batteries
  • Eclairage Led dans les cabines, dans le carré et les toilettes
  • Feu de navigation Led

General : Planchers stratifiés, cloison CP Marine plaqué chene.

Sail Universe

Top 15 French Sailboats (and Catamarans) for 2022

top 15 French sailboats 2022

France is undoubtedly one of the homelands of sailing. Monohull or multihull, every year the French shipyards present models that are successful all over the world. This is why we decided to select our top 15 French sailboats (and catamarans) for 2022; we choose them between the new ones and the slightly older ones. And you? What’s your favorite model?

Top 15 French sailboats for 2022: monohulls

Allures 51.9.

The Allures 51.9 innovates with its full-beam aft owner’s cabin. This model disrupts the codes of the yard also outside with its cockpit of 6 meters long with sunbath and swim platform for comfort; the navigation space can be protected by a hardtop to navigate in any security. The boat has a length of 51.9 feet (15.8 meters) and a beam (width) of 15.4 feet (4.7 meters). It is equipped with a fixed keel and a composite hull, which provides good stability and seaworthiness. The Allures 51.9 is available in a variety of configurations, including a three-cabin layout with a spacious owner’s cabin and two guest cabins, or a two-cabin layout with a larger owner’s cabin and a smaller guest cabin. It is also equipped with a well-equipped galley, a large saloon, and a navigation station. The boat is designed to be comfortable and easy to handle, with a simple sail plan and a self-tacking jib. The Allures 51.9 is a popular choice for sailors looking for a high-quality, reliable, and seaworthy yacht for extended cruising. Allures official website .

Amel 50

With this 15-meter unit , the La Rochelle shipyard opens the Amel concept to a new category of clients, thanks to more accessible dimensions. While they are not abandoning the emblematic ketch design of the La Rochelle shipyard, Amel has chosen the sloop for this unit. However, this is not a new format as such, as a number of sloops have already left the shipyard in the past. Among the innovations on this new model, the choice of a straight, powerful bow is a break from the shipyard’s habits. The waterline is extended to improve performance, making the front part of the boat more spacious. The addition of a bowsprit makes it possible to tack an additional sail such as an asymmetric spinnaker or a code-0. Amel official website .

Beneteau First 36

Beneteau First 36 top 15 French sailboats

The Beneteau First 36 has a mission to bridge the gap between high-tech development in the world of racing and mainstream racer-cruisers. To be specific, even the standard version of First 36 will fully plane in a moderate breeze. Positioning six winches, steering wheels, and other deck gear was thoroughly tested on several mock-ups and a full-scale testbed sailboat to enable the sailing experience promised on the previous page.

Details like an offshore hatch on the foredeck or removable cockpit benches show the priority of sailing functionality over style used throughout the design process. Standard aluminium rig and cast iron keel were chosen to keep the boat accessible. Yet, Sam Manuard brought his experience and focused on perfecting the shape and design of these two key ingredients for a great sailing experience. The draft of 2,25 m was chosen as a compromise between performance and ease of use.  Beneteau official website .

dufour 32 sailboat top 15 French sailboats

The new Dufour 32, designed by  Umberto Felci,  has been developed in the same spirit as all the  latest models  in the Dufour range: it’s a sporty, innovative yacht that is easy to handle, both with a crew and single-handed. All the spaces have been completely redesigned to create a multitude of playful and intelligent uses. For the first time on a 32-foot  sailboat , you can now enjoy an aft sunbathing area … sheltered by a fabric shade that can be adjusted in moments. The inflatable and removable aft door of the cockpit folds down to complete this large friendly space. Dufour official website.

Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 380

Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 380 top 15 French sailboats

Designed by naval architect Marc Lombard with interior styling by Piaton Bercault, the Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 380 complete with the award-winning walk-around deck, follows the same design trend of its predecessors the Sun Odyssey 410, 440, and 490. On the interior, while the design features the hallmarks of this line, careful consideration was given to the perception of space and the simplification of lines, with the objective of creating sensations of peace and calm. Jeanneau official website .

pogo 44 top 15 French sailboats

For this fast cruising yacht , the shipyard has once again entrusted the Finot-Conq naval architecture firm to apply the very successful design of the Pogo 36 to a larger model. As for the hull, the Pogo 44 features a wide, chine hull, which guarantees high performance in planning and comfort when sailing at all speeds. The bow has a large volume, which is reminiscent of the Pogo 3. The keel of the Pogo 44, still made with a vacuum infused Monolithic Fiberglass veil and a lead ballast, receives the same hydraulic system as the Pogo 12.50 or Pogo 50. Pogo official website .

RM 970 top 15 French sailboats

The French yard is well known not only among ocean sailors but also to those who love short-handed sailing and are looking for seaworthy and easily driven boats, both safe and comfortable. This last aspect is where Fora Marine has made great progress in the last few years, shedding some of the spartan image that characterized their products for many years.

What has not changed, and what is still the RM range’s defining characteristic, is the twin-chined hull, made of Okumé plywood impregnated with epoxy resin (the deck is in fiberglass sandwich). Below the hull, the yard offers two options, a single deep keel or double shoal draft keels. The RM are designed by Marc Lombard , probably one of the architects most able to transform the fashionable chine into an important element in cruising design. A chined hull, when properly drawn, gives both better hull shape and interior volumes. RM Yachts official website .

Top 15 French sailboats for 2022: catamarans

bali 4.4

The new  Bali  4.4 offers interesting living spaces, both inside and outside. With an optimized sail plan, sailing should gain in performance. The French shipyard is constantly developing its range and, after the 5.4, the fleet’s flagship, and the recent 4.2 and 4.6, the Bali 4.4 joins this renewed family. The Bali 4.4 replaces the 4.3 and 4.5 from the Bali catamaran range. With the same origins (designer Olivier Poncin, architect Xavier Fay and Lasta Design for the interiors) the Bali 4.4 has the DNA of the last models with slender bows, a silhouette lightened by the presence of long hull portholes and vast living spaces. The latter are divided between the spacious rigid forward cockpit between the two hulls, the flying bridge with its saloon and solarium, and finally the tilt-and-turn door joining together the cockpit and saloon. Bali official website .

Excess 15 (bluewater sailing configuration)

Beneteau excess 15 catamaran top 15 French sailboats

The  bluewater  sailing configuration of the  Excess  15 consists of twin  Deep Blue  50 kW electric saildrives in cooperation with ZF, two Deep Blue high-capacity lithium-ion BMW i3 batteries, and a full energy management system for harvesting green energy and charging the boat’s batteries while underway. On the yacht’s long test sail, the hydro generation system easily provided enough electricity to power one hundred percent of the onboard hotel loads at a cruising speed of seven to eight knots. Adding solar photovoltaics, planned for phase two of the Excess 15 with Deep Blue Hybrid project , will extend the system’s range and provide even more hybrid power and comfort on board. Excess Catamarans official website .

Fountaine Pajot Isla 40

Fountaine pajot Isla 40 top 15 french sailboats

The 12m Isla 40 embodies the spirit of French yard  Fountaine Pajot  and is distinguished by invigorating lines. The catamaran features inverted bows and a particular saloon where the chart table is accessible from the entrance. Her performance is complemented by optimal liveability with the option of three or four double cabins plus the possibility of a skipper’s cabin if required. Olivier Racoupeau Yacht Design , in collaboration with the engineers at Fountaine Pajot, has designed this new model, taking inspiration from the strengths of the other models in the range, and giving this 40-foot catamaran even more space and storage. Fountaine Pajot official website .

Garcia Explocat 52

The Garcia Explocat 52 is custom made with aluminum hulls and structures and fiberglass composite deck roofs. Aluminum shipbuilding has been Garcia’s strength for over 40 years. In Normandy (France), the Garcia shipyard has built more than 300 monohulls, catamarans, and trawlers up to 102 feet in length. Garcia Explocat 52 is specially designed for owners who want to walk in high latitudes and / or in the tropics. In addition to the three versions offered, the aluminum structure allows the yard to customize the yacht to meet all the expectations of the owner. Available in 3 or 4 cabin versions, each Explocat 52 is uniquely adapted to fit your cruising dreams. Garcia Yachts official website .

Lagoon 55 top 15 french sailboats

With nearly 6,000 units produced since the French shipyard began in 1987, Lagoon remains by far the world leader in the multihull market. To celebrate this international success, the shipyard launched last year the Lagoon 55. Designed by the VPLP team on the naval architecture side, this 16.56-meter long and 9-meter wide multihull was designed by Patrick le Quément for the exterior and Nauta Design for the interior. This 55’ model is equipped with an extra-large 25 m2 (269 sq ft) cockpit, including a large dining area; two large loungers at the stern, a comfortable deck chair in the shade of the roof; as well as a bar area perfectly equipped to ensure comfort on board.  Lagoon official website .

Nautitech 40 Open

nautitech 40 open

The redesigned roof enhances the streamlined silhouette and “Open Concept” of this award-winning yacht. The remodeled structure with large windows has optimized the helmsman’s 360-degree view from both helm stations. A skylight window in the cockpit roof provides the helmsman a clear view of the mainsail’s trim. The lounge area with a U-shaped sofa can now be found on the port side. And for those who don’t want to lose touch with the office on long trips, a desk can be included in the lounge area, if so desired. Nautitech official website .

Outremer 55

outremer 55

The Outremer 55, a liveaboard catamaran, is easy to maneuver, whether short-handed or even solo. The Outremer 55 features twin helms but they can be switched from on deck in a new double helm seat with full outdoor visibility for fun sailing, or switched down into the cockpit for fully protected sailing in bad conditions. The Outremer’s design team from VPLP have used CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) to reduce drag ad forward resistance, while allowing for higher carrying capacity hen blue water cruising. At just 13.5t and combined sail area of 172 sm (Mainsail & Genoa) sailing in light winds will be a joy, but if needed the twin 60hp diesel motors are ready to engage. Outremer official website .

Windelo 50 Adventure

windelo 50 catamaran

Designed in partnership with the architects Christophe Barreau and Frédéric Neuman, this fast blue-water cruising catamaran features an electric propulsion system that includes great hydro-generation facilities, solar panels, and the possibility to work under generator when it’s a necessity. With the development of an eco-composite in basalt fiber and PET foam, this is definitely an eco-friendly boat. Behind the mast, the forward cockpit has two helm stations protected from the wind and spray, a good view of the sails and the bows, and all the running rigging at hand. At anchor, the cockpit can be well protected from the elements and opens up to the stern. The self-tacking facilitates maneuvers also with limited crew; the lifting daggerboards are placed at the center of the hull to optimize their hydrodynamic performance. Windelo official website .

So, this is the selection of our top 15 French sailboats (and catamarans) for 2022. And you? What’s your favorite model?

Beneteau Introduces the New First 30… the Planing Cruiser

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Comar Yachts

General InformationsThe C-Cat 38 represents the upgrade of the acclaimed C-Cat 37, a multihull with a sporty spirit, great comfort, and refined design. These are all ingredients of the acclaimed success of the project entrusted to Comar Yachts by Marc Lombard, an...

C-Cat 65

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C-Cat 56

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C-Cat 48

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C-Cat 40 PWF

C-Cat 40 PWF

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C-Cat 40 PWR

C-Cat 40 PWR

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See you at Cannes Yachting Festival

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C Cat 48 and C Cat 37 Test

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Cannes Yachting Festival: see you there!

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C-CAT 48 is Multihull of the Year

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c catamaran france

Dealer / Dealers / Revendeur

Italia / Italy / Italie C- Catamarans Cantiere – Ufficio Centrale / Shipyard – Central Office / Chantier - Bureau Central [email protected] [email protected] ph. +39 06 6581437

Francia / France Med’in Boats Francis Cogez [email protected] mob. +33 06 500 869 93

Cina / China / Chine Shenyang Sendian Business Co. LTD James Zhang [email protected] ITA mob. +39 331 114 0227 CHINA mob. +86 186 040 088 87

c catamaran france

COMAR Yachts V.le Traiano 27 00054 Fiumicino Roma - Italy +39 06 6581437 [email protected] C-Catamarans s.r.l. p.iva 13827751002

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c catamaran france

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Sailing catamarans for sale in France

Leopard 38

Fountaine Pajot Athena 38

Fountaine Pajot Cata Maldives 32 from Fountaine Pajot

Fountaine Pajot Cata Maldives 32 from Fountaine Pajot

Trimaran Pulsar 26 Built by the CTI Shipyard for the

Trimaran Pulsar 26 Built by the CTI Shipyard for the

CNA Tribellule 44.2

CNA Tribellule 44.2

Lagoon 380

Fountaine Pajot Lucia 40

Fountaine Pajot Lavezzi 40

Fountaine Pajot Lavezzi 40

Fountaine Pajot Maldives 32 Catamaran from the Shipyard

Fountaine Pajot Maldives 32 Catamaran from the Shipyard

Munitor Brokerage

Quorning Dragonfly 920

Fountaine Pajot Lucia 40

GO Catamaran Aventura 36

BALI Catamarans 4.8

BALI Catamarans 4.8

Mattia & Cecco 39 Catamaran Light and such fast Sailing

Mattia & Cecco 39 Catamaran Light and such fast Sailing

Passion Yachts

Sailing catamarans not only in France


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Nickel calédonien : Un repreneur en vue pour Prony Resources?

Prony Resources serait en passe d’avoir trouvé un repreneur. Il s’agirait du groupe sud-africain Sybanie-Stillwater, selon Les Nouvelles calédoniennes : “ Avec le rachat de Prony Resoruces, Sibanye-Stillwater pourrait ainsi développer une "filière intégrée " et maîtriser la chaîne de production de nickel dans sa totalité, de l’extraction à la livraison”, écrit le quotidien.

Investisseur "sérieux", selon Sonia Backès

Dimanche 8 septembre, lors d'un  entretien politique au journal télévisé de NC la 1ère , Sonia Backès avait laissé entendre que les discussions étaient sur la bonne voie : "On a la chance d'avoir a minima un investisseur à la fois sérieux et sérieusement intéressé par l'usine du Sud, qui a passé les différentes étapes. On a espoir qu'il aille au bout de la reprise", avait déclaré la présidente de la province sud, qui se disait alors “optimiste”.

Prony Resources avait annoncé être à la recherche d’un nouvel actionnaire de référence le 19 janvier dernier. Jusqu'à début mai, l 'entreprise faisait vivre environ 1 300 salariés, davantage encore que l' usine du Nord . Ses employés ont  commencé à passer au chômage partiel en juin , en raison des troubles qu'a connus le pays à partir de la mi-mai. Le complexe situé à la fois au Mont-Dore et à Yaté est coupé du reste de la Grande terre par voie terrestre.

  • Copier le lien https://la1ere.francetvinfo.fr/nouvellecaledonie/province-sud/nickel-caledonien-un-repreneur-en-vue-pour-prony-resources-1521974.html
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    C-Catamarans France, Hyères. 1,410 likes · 1 talking about this · 3 were here. Personnalisation, Performance et Perfection sont les critères de C-catamarans construits à l'unit

  5. C-catamarans boats for sale in France

    France; C-catamarans boats for sale in France. Save Search. Clear Filter Make / Model: All C-Catamarans Country: France. Location. By Radius. By Country. country-all. All Countries. Country-US. United States. Country-FR. France. All. Alles 25 km 50 km 100 km 200 km 300 km 500 km 1000 km 2000 km 5000 km. from your location. Region.

  6. C-catamarans boats for sale

    C-Catamarans. C-Catamarans is a yacht builder that currently has 6 yachts for sale on YachtWorld, including 6 new vessels and 0 used yachts, listed by experienced yacht brokers mainly in the following countries: United States and France.

  7. C Catamarans boats for sale in France

    C-Catamarans Europe France Clear All. Condition. All. New. Used. Length. Year. Price. Type. Sail (5) 1. Make. C-Catamarans (5) 539 more makes... Model. C-Catamarans. All C-Catamarans. C-CAT 37 (2) C-CAT 48 (1) C-Cat 56 (1)

  8. C-catamarans boats for sale in France

    Find C-catamarans boats for sale in France. Offering the best selection of c-catamarans boats to choose from.

  9. C-catamarans boats for sale

    C-Catamarans. There are presently 7 yachts for sale on YachtWorld for C-Catamarans. This assortment encompasses 6 brand-new vessels and 1 pre-owned yachts, all of which are listed by knowledgeable yacht brokers predominantly in United States, France and Italy.

  10. C-Catamarans for sale in France

    C-Catamarans for sale in France. View a wide selection of C-Catamarans for sale in France, explore boats details information, compare prices and find C-Catamarans best deals

  11. Catamaran sailboats c-catamarans for sale

    Find catamaran sailboats c-catamarans for sale in France, including pricing info, photos, and more. Find your boat on iNautia!

  12. C-Catamarans boats for sale in France

    View a wide selection of C-Catamarans boats for sale in France, explore detailed information & find your next boat on boats.com. #everythingboats

  13. Top 15 French Sailboats (and Catamarans) for 2022

    Garcia Explocat 52. The Garcia Explocat 52 is custom made with aluminum hulls and structures and fiberglass composite deck roofs. Aluminum shipbuilding has been Garcia's strength for over 40 years. In Normandy (France), the Garcia shipyard has built more than 300 monohulls, catamarans, and trawlers up to 102 feet in length.

  14. Catamaran c-catamarans for sale

    Find catamaran c-catamarans for sale on YachtWorld Europe's largest marketplace for boats & yachts. We connect over 10 million boat buyers and sellers each year!

  15. C-Cat

    General InformationsThe catamaran imagined to feel at home even in the middle of the Oceans, the C-Cat 65 is the result of the pencils and experience of Enrico Contreas, with Luigi Cirillo puts the seal on this project. ... Francia / France Med'in Boats Francis Cogez [email protected] mob. +33 06 500 869 93. Cina / China / Chine Shenyang ...

  16. C-catamarans boats for sale in France

    France; C-catamarans boats for sale in France. Save Search. Clear Filter Make / Model: All C-Catamarans Country: France. Location. By Radius. By Country. country-all. All Countries. Country-FR. France. Country-IT. Italy. All. Tutte 25 km 50 km 100 km 200 km 300 km 500 km 1000 km 2000 km 5000 km. from your location. Region. Region-all.

  17. Sailing catamarans for sale in France

    231 sailing catamarans in France. Your search: sailing catamaran + France. Edit search. Leopard 38. Leopard 38 Sailboat / sailing catamaran: Robertson & Caine, used boat Length x beam: 11.43 m x 6.04 m, 11.43 x 6.04 m built: 2011, cabins: 4 Engine: Yanmar 3YM30C, 2 x 29 hp (21 kW), diesel € 190,000

  18. Catamarans for sale in France

    Catamarans for sale in France on DailyBoats.com are listed for a range of prices, valued from $1,524 on the more basic models to $8,434,299 for the most expensive. The boats can differ in size from 3.76 m to 68 m. The oldest one built in 1968 year. This page features Menorquin, Outremer, Bali, Nautitech, Leopard, Lagoon, Catana and Fountaine ...

  19. C-catamarans Catamaran boats for sale in France

    Find C-catamarans Sail Catamaran boats for sale in France. Offering the best selection of c-catamarans boats to choose from.

  20. Home

    Our Shipyard. Exclusive Brokerage. Our Stories. Our Models. Gunboat 70. Gunboat 72. Gunboat 80. The Gunboat team, from its shipyard in La Grande Motte (France), build high-performance and elegant yachts made for cruising and regattas.

  21. Two hospitalized after boat runs aground near Ka'anapali's Whalers

    The Teralani catamaran, part of the popular Teralani Sunset Sail tour, ran aground in shallow waters around 7 p.m. A distress call prompted a swift response from the Maui Fire Department (MFD ...

  22. Sail Catamaran boats for sale in France

    Find Sail Catamaran boats for sale in France. Offering the best selection of boats to choose from. ... 2024 C-Catamarans C-CAT 38. US$521,112. ↓ Price Drop. US $3,959/mo. MiB Yacht Services | Hyères, 83 - Var. Request Info; Price Drop; 2024 Fountaine Pajot Samana 59. US$2,249,653.

  23. Nickel calédonien : Un repreneur en vue pour Prony Resources?

    Prony Resources serait en passe d'avoir trouvé un repreneur. Il s'agirait du groupe sud-africain Sybanie-Stillwater, selon Les Nouvelles calédoniennes : " Avec le rachat de Prony Resoruces ...