Manatee Queen Logo

 (561) 744-2191

Catamaran Cruises & Private Charters

Cruising for a cause, popular seasonal cruises.

Manatee Queen above and below water photo

Palm Beach Island Day Cruise

Palm Beach Island Day Cruise Details

Manatee Queen pontoon passing Jupiter Island lighthouse

Jupiter Island Day Cruise

Jupiter Island Day Cruise Details

View to the Jupiter lighthouse on the north side of the Jupiter Inlet at sunset.

Jupiter Island Sunset Cruise

Jupiter Island Sunset Cruise Details

Palm Beach sunset with sailboat silhouette

Palm Beach Island Sunset Cruise

Palm Beach Island Sunset Cruise Details

Boat Cruises

Girl snorkeling with a school of Jack Sig Fish

Catamaran Snorkel Trip

Catamaran Snorkel Trip Details

Beer taps and bar with people talking

Beer and Wine Cruise

Beer & Wine Cruise Details

Sweet 16 colorful logo

Sweet 16 Cruise

Sweet 16 Cruise Details

Private Charters

Red rose on boat dock

Ashes at Sea Cruise

Ashes at Sea Cruise Details

Young girl birthday party and cake

Birthday Party Cruise

Birthday Party Cruise Details

Girls in Pink Suits at Bachelorette Party

Bachelorette Party Cruise

Bachelorette Party Cruise Details

4 dudes taking a selfie

Bachelor Party Cruise

Bachelor Party Cruise Details

White wedding flowers on a dock

Wedding Rehearsal Charter

Wedding Rehearsal Charter Details

People site seeing on Manatee Queen

Corporate Event Charter

Corporate Event Charter Details

Holiday Cruises

Halloween pumpkins

Halloween Costume Party Cruise

Halloween Cruise Details

Group enjoying Christmas lights on the Manatee Queen

Christmas Lights Cruise

Christmas Lights Cruise Details

Manatee Queen pontoon with Christmas light passing Jupiter Island lighthouse

Holiday Boat Parade

Holiday Boat Parade Details

Fireworks over Palm Beach Florida area

New Years Eve Cruise

New Years Eve Cruise Details

Fireworks in the dark sky

4th of July Fireworks Cruise

4th of July Fireworks Cruise Details



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DWE ミッキーメイト ブルーレイメイト+子ども用リモコン

DWE ミッキーメイト ブルーレイメイト+子ども用リモコン



Victor P-3030 3系統PHONO入力のプリアンプ メンテナンス済み

Victor P-3030 3系統PHONO入力のプリアンプ メンテナンス済み

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Sailing Life on Jupiter: Learn More About Princess (2023)

Everything you always wanted to know.

Joshua Smith

Founder and Editor at Cruising Freedom

This is the definitive guide on Sailing Life on Jupiter for 2023.

Over the last 3 years, I have spent many hours watching and researching everything I could about Sailing Life on Jupiter to learn more about their story and their unique boat.

(You could definitely say I’m a little obsessed with Jamie and Princess 😃)

If you wanted to know:

➜ How Life on Jupiter afforded their boat

➜ How they make their money today

➜ What boat do they have and its upgrades

➜ Where is Princess from and does she have a sister? 😉

➜ How you can start crossing oceans

Then you’ve definitely come to the right place.

Before we start, a quick introduction from me…

The Cruising Freedom Author

Ahoy, Matey! I’m Joshua from Australia.

I’ve built the perfect business to sail the world.

A business model which can allow me to:

➜ Own a catamaran debt-free

➜ Go for weeks without WIFI

➜ Create semi-passive income

➜ Inspire others to dream big

But more on that later… 🙂

Sailing Life on Jupiter FAQs (April 2023)

S/V Jupiter²

Crew Members

Jamie (age 38) who is originally from Australia.

Princess (age 32) who is originally from Manila, Philippines. She was a singer in China.

I couldn’t find their last names anywhere, but I do know that Princess is her real name.

They met at a hotel in China (2018) and quit their jobs in early 2019 to sail around the world.

Sailing Life on Jupiter has a 2019 Mumby Cyber 48 catamaran.

Unlike many YouTubers, their choice of a catamaran is quite unconventional. Jamie has owned boats before so he was after a particular type of build.

It was designed by Tim Mumby from Australia who has a small-scale builder that most of us haven’t heard of, but the design is as smart as it is functional.

What work have they done to make their catamaran ocean-capable? Quite a bit actually:

➜ They have upgraded their solar panels

➜ Jamie created a DIY watermaker similar to what Sailing Sunday did

➜ They had to fix their furler from the screecher

They also had to demast their catamaran to do the ICW. This is because their mast is higher than the height clearance of 56 feet.

Sailing Jupiter is in Panama.

They are currently around a few months behind on their videos.

Past Cruising

Over these last 3 years, they have sailed in:

➜ United States

➜ The Caribbean

They are no strangers to crossing oceans, having now done the South Atlantic and Indian Oceans.

Affording It

Jamie worked hard for years as a pilot and saved up enough to purchase his first boat, which he flipped and eventually purchased his dreamboat in the Philippines.

Princess equally worked hard and traveled to foreign countries and entertained guests at hotels with the beautiful sound of her voice.

Princess was already keen to get out of her daily grind so the timing was perfect. Together, they hired a boat builder to construct their catamaran and the rest is history.

Sailing Life on Jupiter has a net worth of $450,000.

Making Loot

Jamie talks more about the journey to becoming a world cruiser and digital nomad here:

They treat their YouTube channel as an online business, but only make around $1,400/month by:

➜ Running ads on their channel occasionally

➜ Getting donations via Patreon and PayPal

➜ Selling their own Life on Jupiter merchandise

Unfortunately, they don’t use affiliate links to Amazon or eBay, referral links to other sailing suppliers nor do they accept sponsorships. They could potentially double their income overnight if they took upon some of these strategies. I’d certainly support them if they did this as I already do by watching many of their episodes.


I haven’t seen them on any other YouTube channels. However, there is another Australian who sails with his Asian wife called Sailing Luckyfish although they haven’t uploaded for a while.

Big Moments

Memorable moments in their YouTube journey include:

➜ Getting stuck on a collision course with oil rigs

➜ Having a big drama on Jupiter through almost having a crash in the marina, and where Jamie suffered disc problem in his back. An ambulance was later called while they were in the Philippines.

➜ Being denied entry into several ports during international border closures

➜ Getting snagged on a power cable

➜ Discovering a sunken drug plane (they dove on it!)

➜ Launching a rocket from their boat

➜ Having their catamaran haulout aborted

➜ Avoiding disaster on more than one occasion

➜ Jamie had to go to the hospital too:

They have as much fun as they have drama. Fortunately, they both work well together on the boat with each taking an equal role.

From my experience (I dated a Filipina and yes, she was beautiful!), most don’t want to go in the sun or sailing, but Princess is clearly keen to get out there and explore. She’s a rare exception 🙂

Future Plans

Where to next? They’re planning on going through the ICW and then the Bahamas. Eventually, they’ll work their way to Australia over the next several years, and I certainly can’t wait to welcome them!

Key Takeaways

What can we learn from this beautiful couple?

➜ Plan your journey ahead

➜ Be willing to make some changes

➜ Roll with the drama and punches

➜ Be willing to work on your boat

➜ Don’t be afraid to shop around

Most importantly – you don’t need a boat that is made by one of the major boat builders. By choosing your own design, you can find a boat that you can work on yourself so easily.

Sailing Life on Jupiter has a saying:

“I hope that our videos inspire other dreamers to reach out, focus and achieve their dreams. Hopefully some inspiration to – “Quit Job Go Sailing”. Life is not supposed to be about just getting by. I find it ridiculous to spend your life paying off a mortgage just so that at the end of it you have somewhere to live. You’ve only got one shot this life, as far as I can tell…. so make it special. Dream big. Live “NOW”. Make every moment count…. towards your dreams.” – Captain Jamie

And I totally agree! Provided you’re fully prepared first.

If you’re planning to quit your job and sail a few years from now, then I have an exciting opportunity…

Create Your Own Cruising Freedom

Hey! 😃 it’s Joshua again…

Clearly, I’ve been very inspired by Jamie, Princess and their travels…

Some say I’m obsessed, but sailing the world is my childhood dream.

They’re living the dream, but that dream isn’t actually that far away.

I mentioned earlier about discovering the #1 cruising business model.

With this exciting opportunity, I’ll be able to:

➜ Generate a sustainable full-time income through learning basic skills

➜ Fund the purchase of my first sailing catamaran without any loans

➜ Do it without selling to friends and family (I found a better solution!)

➜ Share my lifetime passion for sailing, cruising and global adventures

Keen to discover more? Jump on the free training right now. 👨🏻‍💻

(I share more about it on the next page…🙂)

jupiter catamaran

Get Wet Watersports colored logo

Jupiter Island Day Cruise

Looking for the perfect afternoon outing? Look no further, this Jupiter Day Tour is the perfect afternoon activity for you to enjoy with your friends and family on the water. Our catamaran boat cruises along the intracoastal waterway while you learn about the history of the area. We cruise right past the iconic Jupiter Lighthouse for the perfect picture spot as we head up north along Jupiter Island. This is a cruise that you will not soon forget, and leave you wanting more!

A Little Bit About Our Boat

Our catamaran cruisers have a nice open concept, allowing out guests to walk around the boat as we are underway. There is ample cushioned seating to make ensure all of our guests have a comfortable experience. Our bar on board is stocked with an array of wines, beers, and sodas so our guests can relax with a nice cold beverage as they soak in the beautiful views Jupiter has to offer. With all of our beverage options, our boat comes fully equipped with a bathroom as well! Theres not a bad seat on the boat when you’re admiring all of the beautiful homes and nature preserves, our captain and crew will point out the beautiful wildlife like the Ospreys, Blue Herons and maybe even a dolphin or manatee if we’re lucky!

Our Jupiter Cruise Pick Up Location

Our boat is located under the Indiantown bridge just south of Harbourside. The address is 25 N. Coastal Way Jupiter Florida 33458. When you get to the address listed above, you will see a parking lot under the bridge. This is the parking lot is considered public parking. This is also known as the ( Riverwalk )

Once in this parking lot you want to start walking towards the water. On your far right hand side you will see a green fence, that is the area you will need to walk towards. As you get closer to that green fence you will realize there is a green gate with a sign that says water taxi dock. That dock will lead you to the area where the Manatee Queen will be pulling to 15 minutes prior to your tour time.

PLEASE NOTE: We do not keep our boat there, we only pick up and drop off at that location.

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Mumby aluminum catamaran - Q & A - Building an aluminum performance cruising catamaran

video thumbnail

After releasing our videos on the Building and Fitting out of an aluminum performance cruising catamaran, we were inundated with questions and queries. Here, we answer the most common of those questions. SUPPORT US HERE 👇: Join our "Prime" crew on Patreon for early video releases, weekly video updates, private facebook group, video calls , consulting and even come sailing with us! ONE TIME CONTRIBUTIONS : Paypal : Or just buy us a coffee : 0:00 What Q's? 01:52 Q1. How come i can't find anything online or a website? - SPECS 07:14 Q2. Are they still making these boats? 08:30 Q3. How long would it take to finish? 09:18 Q4. Why did yours take 4 years? 09:27 Q5. What is the current price of this build? 10:02 Q6. Is the builder able to customize? 11:10 Q7. Are there any other sizes available? 12:12 Q8 What's with that wiring in the ceiling? 13:48 Q9 Hobby horsing? 15:37 Q10 How fast does it go? Do you have a polar diagram? 19:30 Q11 How do they make that fibreglass lining? 21:23 Q12 Can i use electric motors 22:00 Q13 Is there any electrical system requirements for an ally boat? 27:15 Q14 Is there anything you would differently? SOCIALS: Like & Follow us on FACEBOOK: Follow us on INSTAGRAM: ABOUT US: Jupiter² was built in the Philippines by an Australian designer for Jamie. During his time away from work, Jamie lived on board and cruised South East Asia. One of his life dreams is to sail around the world. His plans came together at the end of 2018 when he met a Filipina lounge singer in China. Princess was yearning for a vacation since she had been working many years to support her family. Finally, her siblings got their own jobs and she decided to join Jamie on Jupiter² and go sailing. It was a wild decision for her because she had never sailed before. For the first time, they sail for two weeks around Phuket, Thailand. She began to see what Jamie love about the sea. They both resigned from their jobs in early 2019 and began cruising full time. Hopefully some inspiration to "Quit Job and Go Sailing". THEME SONG CREDITS: Song: Ikson - New Day (Vlog No Copyright Music) Video Link: MUSIC: All music from CAMERA GEAR : GoPro Hero 8 GoPro jaws flex clamp GoPro 3-way camera stick & tripod mount GoPro Dome GoPro Polar Pro Filters Iphone X- (dropped to sea Nov. 15) Zoom H1N handy recorder Boya BY-MM1 microphone DJI Phantom 3 standard - (we crashed it recently 😂) Software Editor : IMovie / Davinci Resolve 17 Laptop use for editing : MacBook Pro 15inch Touch Bar 2017 MacBook Pro Retina 15inch 2015 If you like this video, give us a THUMBS and please don't forget to SUBSCRIBE to our channel! We’ll see you on our next sailing and travelling videos. For private messages or business affiliation contact us on : [email protected] #aluminumcatamaran #performancecruisingcatamaran #mumby48 #limitededition

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SY JUPITER, 100ft (30.48m) Giorgetti & Magrini

JUPITER Giorgetti&Magrini 100

LOCATION Charleston, SC – USA


PRICE 950,000 USD

JUPITER Giorgetti&Magrini 100

The 100-foot (30.48m) luxury sailing yacht JUPITER is a proven world cruiser ready for her next adventure on the seven seas.

JUPITER offers accommodations for up to eight guests in four inviting staterooms. These accommodations include a lovely master, a VIP and two twins — each stateroom is complete with its own en-suite bath with shower stall.

The sailing yacht showcases classic exterior styling and outstanding deck spaces for guests to enjoy. JUPTIER ‘s large covered cockpit provides the perfect spot to dine alfresco while underway or at anchor and her large aft sunpad allows one to become sun kissed while enjoying the scenery.

From 2017 into 2018, the sailing yacht received a refit that included new Navtec rod rigging, Stac Pac systems replaced, its genoa furler rebuilt, new generators, new batteries, interior update and much more.

100′ 0″ (30.20m)
22′ 0″ (6.71m)
Max 11′ 0″ (3.35m)
Giorgetti & Magrini
Giorgetti & Magrini
Cruising Ketch
Mercedes OM423, 10 Cylinder – 355hp
Max: 10kt

Dean 440, Used Catamarans for Sale - The Multihull Company

(215) 508-2704

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Jupiter | 2003 Dean 440

Panama city, fl, us.

jupiter catamaran

Jupiter | Dean 440 44ft

Us $199,900.

Stunning Dean Catamaran, strong, fast and huge.  You can travel anywhere in the world on this amazing vessel.  Four staterooms, three heads, one of the heads is a Raritan Electrascan, well appointed galley... complete your circumnavigation in this off-the-grid ready multi-hull yacht.

Standing and running rigging are recently replaced, sails are in exceptional shape, genset and engines are good to go, paint is 10 out of 10, the solid hard top is strong enough to hold three large men.  The electronics are a little dated but work perfectly.  

This vessel will take you wherever you want to go in the world.


  • Length: 44ft
  • Beam: 24' 6"
  • Draft: 5' 2"
  • Hull: Fiberglass
  • Status: Active

View More Specs


  • Length Overall: 44 ft
  • Max Draft: 5' 2"
  • Beam Measure: 24' 6"
  • Range Measure: 575.39 mi
  • Total Power: 78
  • Engine Brand: Yanmar
  • Year Built: 2003
  • Engine Model: Y3Y4A
  • Engine Type: Inboard
  • Engine/Fuel Type: Diesel
  • Engine Hours: 700
  • Engine Power: 39 hp
  • Fresh Water Tanks: 2 (150 Gallons)
  • Fuel Tanks: 1 (150 Gallons)


  • Number of cabins: 4
  • Number of heads: 3

Disclaimer The Company offers the details of this vessel in good faith but cannot guarantee or warrant the accuracy of this information nor warrant the condition of the vessel. A buyer should instruct his agents, or his surveyors, to investigate such details as the buyer desires validated. This vessel is offered subject to prior sale, price change, or withdrawal without notice.

The Multihull Company is pleased to assist you in the purchase of this vessel though the vessel may be listed with another brokerage company.

jupiter catamaran

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We take pride in our happy customers

Andrew, and Andrew are both fantastic. Transaction was smooth and professional highly recommend the team over at Multihull.

— Paul Fosler

I just purchased my first large boat (my dreamboat) and Michael Streng and the rest of TMC was amazing! I really felt like I was a VIP customer because they were fast and easy to communicate with and worked ahead of me. It really was a treat and I would use them again any day!

— Collin Simmons

Andrew Hodgdon and The Multihull Company have done an extraordinary job facilitating the sale of our catamaran. There were a couple of challenges (geography and timing) that made this sale a little tricky, but, as usual, Andrew was amazing. I’ve been buying and selling cruising boats for over 12 years and Andrew is, without a doubt, the best broker I’ve worked with.

— Mort Orlov

Andrew Hodgdon at TMC-St. Augustine kept us thoroughly informed during the sale of our boat and took the extra steps necessary to complete the deal. His knowledge of the process made a complex deal very easy. Needless to say, we are extremely happy and satisfied with the job that Andrew did.

— David Baxter

A shout out to Andrew Holland at the TMC main office, who handled the closing transaction of the sale of our boat. Very professional and thorough. Thank you!!

Trust & Expertise About Us

Successful relationships cannot exist without it. At The Multihull Company we base every relationship on a firm commitment to earning and retaining our client’s trust.

Advice of any kind is valuable only when grounded in hard-won expertise. It too, must be trustworthy. Trust and expertise define the heart and soul of The Multihull Company. We are a team of skilled professionals who thrive on providing expert, trustworthy advice and service to catamaran and trimaran sailors around the globe.

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Trip duration, multiple days (less than 1 week), weekly trip show boats that have weekly prices. most weekly boats outside of the us are available only saturday to saturday., boat length: 5ft -, manufacturer, boat build year: -, weekly trip, price: $ - $, 70 boat rentals & yacht charters in jupiter, fl.

🔥 10% off week days!! 🔥 51' Sea Ray Luxury Yacht Charter in Jupiter

In addition to the best offers we have for boat and yacht charters in Jupiter, FL, see also options available for rent in these nearby locations:

  • 71 boat rentals in Pine Gardens South, Jupiter, FL
  • 71 boat rentals in Jupiter, FL
  • 71 boat rentals in Inlet District, Jupiter, FL
  • 71 boat rentals in Eastview Manor, Jupiter, FL
  • 71 boat rentals in Jupiter Inlet Colony, FL
  • 71 boat rentals in Tequesta, FL
  • 72 boat rentals in Abacoa, Jupiter, FL
  • 72 boat rentals in Juno Beach, FL
  • 72 boat rentals in Riviera Beach, FL
  • 75 boat rentals in Palm Beach Gardens, FL

Rent a Boat Charter in Jupiter, FL with Sailo!

Well known for its stunning location, Jupiter is just crying out for you to discover its hidden gems with a sailboat, catamaran or motor yacht rental. Rent a boat with Sailo in Jupiter, and you’ll be able to enjoy the local scenery at its best. Take your time and unwind on the deck of your own private boat with captain, or take the helm and enjoy the thrill of being on the water on a bareboat charter in Florida.

Our premium selection of private boat rentals in Jupiter, FL

There are currently 5 Sailo yacht charters waiting for you in Jupiter, FL. From a day trip on the water, to a week exploring (or more), it’s easy to find the perfect boat for you on Sailo. Our inventory includes several beautiful sailboats waiting to take you away. You’ll find numerous catamarans to charter in Florida. If you prefer, in Jupiter, Florida you’ll also have the choice of 5 motor yachts for an unforgettable trip. Throw the party of the year in Florida on the deck of your own party boat rental suitable for more than 13 guests: search the various options in Jupiter with Sailo and book the one for you.

How to find a yacht charter in Jupiter, FL?

Sailo has the most advanced filters to help you find the perfect boat rental for an amazing experience on the water in Jupiter, FL. Start your search by choosing your start trip date, duration and number of guests. For a great day trip with your family or friends, you have the option to select 2, 4 hours or full day rentals. Depending on your preferences and budget, you may narrow your results by boat type and price range. The 'crew' filter allows you to check the boat rentals with the captain included in the price, skipper optional (paid as extra) or bareboats that you’ll captain yourself (boating resume required). Once you have laid your eyes on a boat you like in Florida, click on it to read the description, reviews and see more pics. We also recommend using our direct 'Message Owner' feature that allows you to start a conversation with the boat representative to ask away everything you want to know before you submit a booking request.

How much does it cost to charter a boat in Jupiter, FL for a day?

Whether you are looking to rent a yacht for a city sightseeing tour, a romantic sunset cruise or an active day on the water with your family or friends, we're confident you’ll find the best one for you on Sailo. The average starting price to charter a yacht in Jupiter is $1100. You can however find excellent affordable rentals from $250 and also elegant yacht charters that can go up to $6500 (service fee and mandatory extras not included).

Can I rent a yacht in Jupiter with a captain?

When you rent a Sailo boat with captain, you set yourself and your guests for a relaxed, worry-free trip, with a professional skipper making sure that you all have an amazing experience on the water. Currently we offer 5 boat and yacht rentals with captain in Jupiter.

Sustainable yachting tips

If you’re looking to explore our beautiful planet, a yacht charter is a great place to start. Explore coral reefs with your snorkel, discover hidden bays and islands and generally enjoy the view of nature. Remember, that sailing motto:  'Take only photos, leave only wake'  (OK, so we paraphrased). To be a responsible sailor, remember:

  • Don’t disturb coral or sealife
  • Take your trash home (and don’t throw anything in the sea)
  • Respect the locals and their customs wherever you go

Read more about responsible boating.

Popular locations to rent a boat in Florida :

  • Miami yacht rentals
  • boat rentals Fort Lauderdale
  • boat rentals in Key West
  • Key Largo boat rentals
  • boat rental in Marathon, FL
  • rent a boat in Islamorada
  • Marco island boat rental
  • boat rentals in Tampa, FL
  • boat rentals in Miami Beach
  • boat rental in Cape Coral, Florida
  • boat rental in Fort Myers
  • boat rental Naples, FL
  • boat rentals in St. Petersburg, FL
  • boat rentals in West Palm Beach
  • boat rental in Hollywood, Florida
  • boat rentals in Miami, South Beach

Popular boat types in Florida among renters:

  • party boat rental in Miami, FL
  • catamaran rentals in Miami, FL
  • sailboat rentals in Florida
  • catamaran charter in Key West
  • sailboat rentals in Miami
  • sailboat rentals in Fort Lauderdale
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  • British Virgin Islands
  • La Paz, Mexico
  • Cabo San Lucas, Mexico
  • Key Largo, FL
  • St. Vincent and Grenadines

Catamaran Charter in Jupiter - Catamaran Rental

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Can't find what you want? Talk to our holiday planners today.

Frequently asked questions.

Once we receive your request, we will confirm the availability of the boat, as well as check for alternative ones. To ensure your experience is the best it can be, we may contact you to discuss your request in detail. Let us do the research for you - free of charge.

You can get in touch with the captain as soon as you’ve completed your booking. Our captains are highly qualified and knowledgeable about their locality.

The Charter Fee is an additional, obligatory cost, which typically includes the end cleaning of the boat, home port fees, and linen & towels. The details of the charter fee differ depending on the boat, location and charter partner.

There are marina fees and fuel costs which vary depending on the type, duration and location of your sailing holiday. Marina fees need to be paid at each marina you choose to dock overnight - the amount varies but you may be able to find this information in advance by contacting the marinas directly. Fuel costs depend on whether you’re sailing a motorboat or a sailboat. You can estimate fuel costs by double-checking your chosen boat’s engine, and the expected distance you aim to sail.

Discover Borrow A Boat

  • United States Catamaran
  • Caribbean Catamaran
  • Florida Catamaran
  • South Florida Catamaran
  • Jupiter Speedboat
  • Riviera Beach Catamaran
  • West Palm Beach Catamaran

Can't find what you want?

Our site took part in the All-Russian contest of the Internet projects New reality 2006 and took first place in the Federal Volga region.

On a gentle slope to Sviyaga - one of three rivers of the city- surrounded by green trees raises a small wooden temple…

The Museum of Civil Aviation was opened in 1983 and is now situated at the territory of Ulyanovsk higher aviation college.

"Our country, our native land, our home", - so people of different ages, which were born here, call Ulyanovsk. Somebody remembers it carved and wooden, somebody knows the city only like many-storied, built up with modern buildings.

Culture life of Ulyanovsk - is a part of biography of whole Russia, its achievements in the fields of art, literature, philosophy. Among our countrymen are thousands of famous people: poets and writers, politicians and actors, sportsmen and art workers.

Historical facts and present-day fulfillments once more prove how rich and unique our land is. And there are many important discoveries, which will make ineffaceable vestige in descendants' memory and the name of Ulyanovsk will be put down in gold letters into the splendid history of Russian state…

© 2006 Internet-project "Welcome to Ulyanovsk"
Rights for all materials, presented on this website, reserved by the company
Full or partial use of photographs, illustration and information is
possible only with written agreement of the Organizational committee of the project.

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  6. #aluminum #boatlife #catamaran #sailing #sailingaroundtheworld #sailboat #sailors #worldtour


  1. Sailing Life on Jupiter

    During his time away from work, Jamie lived on board and cruised South East Asia. One of his life dreams was to sail around the world. His plans started coming together at the end of 2018 when his dream boat had been built and tested, some savings in the bank and now had a committed travel partner. Princess was yearning for a vacation since she ...

  2. Manatee Queen Intracoastal Waterway Cruises in Jupiter, Florida

    Catamaran Cruises & Private Charters. Jupiter | Palm Beach Island. Cruising for a Cause. Click to Learn More. Popular Seasonal Cruises. Palm Beach Island Day Cruise. Book Now. Palm Beach Island Day Cruise Details. Jupiter Island Day Cruise. Book Now. Jupiter Island Day Cruise Details.

  3. Jupiter Marine

    Quality Craftsmanship, Proudly Built in the USA, since 1989. Jupiter is committed to building a quality vessel that will last a lifetime. With decades of experience, our team is dedicated to producing your dream boat. Jupiter's unmatched performance is due primarily to its exclusive Posi-Stern™ Hull Pad Bottom design.

  4. Jupiter boats for sale

    Jupiter boats for sale on YachtWorld are available for a variety of prices from $29,824 on the lower-cost segment, with costs up to $1,178,463 for the most advanced and biggest yachts. What Jupiter model is the best? Some of the most iconic Jupiter models now listed include: 30, 34, 31 Center Console, 38 HFS and 38 Fs. Various Jupiter models ...


    It seems 95% of the catamarans available were charter designs, which although, comfortable, and would make a fantastic apartment on the water were certainly not good "blue water" designs. Some friends who had already cruised the world on their catamaran mentioned to Jamie, a design which he'd never heard of. A design by Australian Tim Mumby.

  6. Jupiter 26

    26'5" Length Overall. 8'8" Beam. 6.4K Weight. 20" Draft. 150g Fuel Capacity. BUILD MY 26. Dreaming big doesn't mean settling for less. The 26 offers the style, performance, and yacht-level quality you expect from Jupiter in a model. Factor in angling essentials plus family-friendly features and the choice is even easier.


    Jamie takes us on a tour of design features of Jupiter² both inside and out. Design is a Cyber 48 (Mumby 48) performance cruising catamaran and is construct...

  8. Sailing Life on Jupiter

    Sailing Life on Jupiter. Sailing Life on Jupiter. 1,029 likes · 108 talking about this. "Join us on our adventure aboard our floating home Jupiter² as we sail around the world".

  9. Mumby48

    Mumby48 — Sailing Life on Jupiter. Designed and built by Australian, Tim Mumby. The Cyber 48 is constructed of 5083 Marine Grade Aluminum. Tough and stiff for blue water sailing, yet aluminum is flexible enough to withstand impacts without rupture, more so than steel and definitely more than fibreglass. Designed for bluewater performance and ...

  10. Sailing Life on Jupiter: Learn More About Princess (2023)

    The Boat. Sailing Life on Jupiter has a 2019 Mumby Cyber 48 catamaran. Unlike many YouTubers, their choice of a catamaran is quite unconventional. Jamie has owned boats before so he was after a particular type of build. It was designed by Tim Mumby from Australia who has a small-scale builder that most of us haven't heard of, but the design ...

  11. Sailing Life on Jupiter

    When locked down in Cape Town South Africa we had the spare time to start putting together some videos that we wanted to share with our family and friends. C...

  12. Jupiter Island Day Cruise

    Look no further, this Jupiter Day Tour is the perfect afternoon activity for you to enjoy with your friends and family on the water. Our catamaran boat cruises along the intracoastal waterway while you learn about the history of the area. We cruise right past the iconic Jupiter Lighthouse for the perfect picture spot as we head up north along ...

  13. Mumby aluminum catamaran

    Owner: Sailing Life on Jupiter Mumby aluminum catamaran - Q & A - Building an aluminum performance cruising catamaran. 2 2.23 M Sailing Life on Jupiter ... Published: 7 May 2021. After releasing our videos on the Building and Fitting out of an aluminum performance cruising catamaran, we were inundated with questions and queries.

  14. New!! Half Day Private Yacht Charter in Jupiter with Crew.

    1. Jupiter. Stop: 4 hours. Explore the Jupiter waterways with 5* Service on your private 52' Yacht Charter View the impressive Estates that line the waterways. Wave to other happy boaters along the way. Enjoy a cocktail and sunbathe on the huge pads at the front of the boat, relax at the seating area on the back of the boat or perhaps the ...

  15. SY JUPITER, 100ft (30.48m) Giorgetti & Magrini

    The 100-foot (30.48m) luxury sailing yacht JUPITER is a proven world cruiser ready for her next adventure on the seven seas. This custom-built world-cruising luxury sailing yacht was designed by the renowned naval architecture firm Giorgetti & Magrini as one of the first sailing yachts capable of continuous circumnavigation while providing the utmost comfort on board.The luxury sailing yacht ...

  16. Dean 440, Used Catamarans for Sale

    Jupiter | 2003 Dean 440 Panama City, FL, US. Jupiter | Dean 440 44ft US $199,900 ... Josie brings over 25 years of experience in the marine industry, with a strong focus on catamarans.Josie's career began in France with Dufour Yachts, where she honed her sales and marketing skills. She then transitioned to the US,...

  17. Aussies appreciate the AWESOME MUMBY CATAMARAN

    What's a Mumby? A little known, but awesome aluminum performance catamaran designed by Australian Tim Mumby. Check out our other vids on our boats design.If ...

  18. Boat Rentals & Yacht Charters in Jupiter, FL

    Whether you are looking for a sailboat, motor boat or catamaran rental, choose our yacht charters in Jupiter, FL to enjoy a day or a week-long sailing vacation! ... You'll find numerous catamarans to charter in Florida. If you prefer, in Jupiter, Florida you'll also have the choice of 5 motor yachts for an unforgettable trip. Throw the ...

  19. Catamaran Charter in Jupiter

    Catamaran charter Jupiter at best prices Rent a Catamaran online quick & easy Crewed yachts Flexible cancellation ☎ +44 20 3318 3641

  20. Welcome to Ulyanovsk

    Culture life of Ulyanovsk - is a part of biography of whole Russia, its achievements in the fields of art, literature, philosophy. Among our countrymen are thousands of famous people: poets and writers, politicians and actors, sportsmen and art workers. Historical facts and present-day fulfillments once more prove how rich and unique our land is.

  21. Transfer from Ulyanovsk to Samara

    Answer 1 of 7: Will be travelling to Samara in June but I will arrive at Ulyanovsk Baratayevka Airport. Need a transfer to Samara but I´m getting trouble to book as all websites are in russian. Any suggestion? I would like to have my transfer arranged in advance...

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    Noblesse, Ulyanovsk: See 45 unbiased reviews of Noblesse, rated 4.0 of 5 on Tripadvisor and ranked #56 of 305 restaurants in Ulyanovsk.

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    Ratatui, Ulyanovsk: See 15 unbiased reviews of Ratatui, rated 4.5 of 5 on Tripadvisor and ranked #53 of 305 restaurants in Ulyanovsk.