Landyachtz Longboards



Landyachtz liefert seit 17 Jahren Skate- und Longboard Lebensgefühl

Du brauchst dazu in keinem Verein zu sein und keine Mitgliedskarte. Du brauchst kein anderes Fahrzeug, um irgendwohin zu kommen, wo Du Deine Passion ausleben kannst. Alles was Du brauchst ist ein Longboard und etwas Phantasie. Skating war schon immer ein guter Weg die Welt zu sehen. Egal, ob Du über den Campus cruist, die Straßen der Nachbarschaft rippst oder fette Downhill-Aktionen an besonderen Orten startest. Du wirst Dich in jeder Umgebung auf eine einzigartige Weise freuen, die andere nie erfahren werden. Seit 17 Jahren baut Landyachtz Boards, um Dir genau dieses Lebensgefühl zu geben.

Landyachtz: Eine Klasse für sich

Die Gründungsgeschichte von Landyachtz liest sich beinahe wie ein Teenie-Film. Im Jahr 1997 trafen sich die alten Schulfreunde Michael Perreten und Thomas Edstrand an der Universität von Victoria in Kanada wieder. Sie hatten sich seit Jahren nicht gesehen, verstanden sich jedoch auf Anhieb wieder blendend miteinander - das war die Geburtsstunde der Marke Landyachtz.

Perreten und Edstrand liebten das Skaten. Schon als Kinder brachten sich die beiden gegenseitig Tricks bei und jagten beim Downhill nach neuen Geschwindigkeits-Rekorden. So kam es, dass sie sich auch nach Jahren der Trennung noch immer viel zu erzählen hatten. Was dann folgte, kannst du dir sicher denken. Aus Smalltalk wurde Fachsimpelei, daraus wurde Rumspinnerei und schließlich beschlossen die beiden, ein eigenes Label zu gründen: Landyachtz

Ein Herz für Downhill

Mittlerweile, fast 20 Jahre später, hat sich Landyachtz einen festen Platz in der Longboard-Szene geschaffen. Der Name des Labels steht wie kaum ein anderer für eine ganz spezielle Longboard-Disziplin: das Downhill-Fahren .

Die Boards von Landyachtz , die für die rasanten Rennen gemacht wurden, sind unglaublich widerstandsfähig und lassen dich nicht im Stich – egal, wie hoch deine Spitzengeschwindigkeit auch sein mag.

Das wissen auch Profis der Szene. Sie schwören auf die robusten Landyachtz-Boards , die immer wieder durch Siege bei diversen Wettkämpfen auf sich aufmerksam machen. Professionelle Boarder, die das Label repräsentieren und ein Landyachtz ihr Eigen nennen, sind:

  • Dillon Stephens
  • Elena Corrigall

Mit Leib und Seele dabei

Das Geheimnis der Marke: Jeder, der bei dem Unternehmen Landyachtz arbeitet, ist selbst ein passionierter Boarder, der ganz genau weiß, was er da macht und worauf es ankommt. Egal, ob Designer oder Verkäufer – alle Mitarbeiter von Landyachtz haben das Boarding-Virus in sich. Und sie sind stolz darauf.

Diese Leidenschaft wird auf alle Produkte des Labels übertragen – und das spürt man. Die Liebe zum Detail ist an allen Ecken und Kanten zu sehen und so kommt es, dass ein Landyachtz-Longboard ein wahres Highlight ist.

Ein weiterer Anspruch des Labels: Das aktuelle Angebot stetig verbessern und noch intensiver und präziser auf die Wünsche der Longboarder eingehen. Weil die Designer von Landyachtz selbst boarden, wissen sie genau, was das perfekte Longboard mitbringen muss und sind stets darum bemüht, dem perfekten Board so nahe wie möglich zu kommen. Du wirst genau spüren, was damit gemeint ist, wenn du zum ersten Mal auf einem Landyachtz stehst.

Longboards und mehr

Das Design der Longboards von Landyachtz reicht von geradlinigen Grafiken bis hin zu expressionistischen Kunstwerken. Ob du es nun lieber einfach oder kunterbunt magst – das Label hat für jeden Geschmack etwas im Repertoire .

Neben Komplett-Boards hat Landyachtz auch einzelne Decks, Rollen und Achsen im Sortiment. Darüber hinaus bietet das Label Bekleidung, Zubehör und Accessoires an, die dein Longboarder-Herz höherschlagen lassen.

Es gibt Longboards und es gibt Longboards. Soll heißen: Du kannst dir irgendein Board aussuchen oder auf die perfektionistische Extra-Klasse von Landyachtz setzen. Die Macher hinter der Marke wissen ganz genau, worauf es beim Longboarden ankommt und liefern deshalb immer nur Ganzes – und nichts Halbes.

  •   28,5"
  •   29,6"
  •   31"
  •   32"
  •   33"
  •   34,75''
  •   35"
  •   36"
  •   36,5"
  •   36,5''
  •   38"
  •   38,5''
  •   39,9''
  •   45,5"
  •   8"
  •   8,5"
  •   8,9"
  •   8,65"
  •   8,9375''
  •   9"
  •   9,5"
  •   9,9"
  •   9,25"
  •   9,625"
  •   9,875''
  •   10"
  •   14,375"
  •   17"
  •   17,3"
  •   17,8"
  •   18,2"
  •   19,5"
  •   23,9"
  •   24"
  •   27,3"
  •   27,5"
  •   29,3"
  •   29,5"
  •   Drop Trough
  •   Topmount

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Landyachtz Dinghy Turbo Flight Complete Canada Online Sales Vancouver Pickup

Landyachtz Dinghy Turbo Flight Complete 8″ x 28.5″ Black

$ 199.95

The Landyachtz dinghy Turbo Flight Complete is ready to take flight with premium components and larger wheels!

This combination will let you roll further and carve harder while the high tech board construction provides a stiffer, stronger and snappier ride. The Titanium Polar Bear 105mm trucks offer maximum agility and decreased weight, while the 72mm 78a Plow King wheels really kick up the roll speed and let you steamroll over anything that you come across!

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Landyachtz Longboards Canada Online Sales Vancouver Pickup

The Classic Dinghy shape has been the cornerstone of our cruiser lineup for many years now and it continues to deliver good times. At 28.5″ long and 8″ wide, it’s an agile city cruiser that can go where many boards can’t. The Dinghy Turbo is pressed with 7 plies of Canadian maple and 1 layer of fiberglass weave for added stiffness. The fiberglass works to stiffen the deck, especially torsionally, and give you super-responsive riding experience.

Ready to turn on a dime and provide the responsiveness you desire are the Titanium Polar Bear 105mm trucks for maximum agility and decreased weight. Landyachtz has also strapped some 72mm 78a Plow King wheels with Bear Spaceball bearings to really kick up the roll speed and let you steamroll over anything that you come across.

Rip around town like never before with this compact cruisers. Designed and purpose-built with quality components and functional shapes to make your next urban adventure epic. Carve a hill, slash a bank, pop up a curb on your way to wherever you have to go. The perfect size for stashing.

Loads of performance jammed into a tiny package, the Landyachtz cruiser boards are some of the most fun and capable boards out there! Development of these boards is informed by years of R&D for racing and freeriding. These completes offer up the most distilled version of everything that Landyachtz has learned over the years about how skateboards should turn, roll, and feel.


  • Deck width: 8″
  • Deck length: 28.5″
  • Wheelbase: 15″
  • 100% Canadian Maple
  • Fastest mini cruiser
  • Layer of weaved fiberglass
  • Polar Bear titanium 105mm trucks
  • Bear Spaceball bearings
  • Landyachtz 72mm Plow Kings

Landyachtz Longboards Canada Online Sales Vancouver Pickup

When the sun shines then its the best time to go for a push. We explored some unknown territory on our boards which presented some great sights, fun spots, new friends ( 1:54 ​ Franny!), and some good exercise. When the sun set, we hopped on our skateboards and enjoyed the quiet streets illuminated by street lights. Also found some awesome skateparks with some real flow and butterflies!

Landyachtz Longboard Collection Canada Sale Pickup BoarderLabs Vancouver

Weight 5.0 kg
Dimensions 180 × 50 × 20 cm
Axle Width


Deck Length

Skateboard Deck Width


Wheel Size

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Landyachtz Dinghy Series Skateboard, Turbo King Complete

Landyachtz Dinghy Series Skateboard, Turbo King Complete

Ahoy matey the 2019 landyachtz dinghy series is here for endless fun.

Turbo King is the king of the Dinghy line. The deck is constructed more strongly and the trucks have a premium build. Wheels are designed to be faster with a large supportive core. If you want the best possible Dinghy build, this is it. 

The Dinghy is a board that has become so well-known and is so well-liked, that it deserves an entire series of its own. The Landyachtz Dinghy is the definition of what you want in a mini deck. At 28.5”, it’s just the right size – plenty of foot room, yet still small enough to carry, stash away, or strap on to your backpack. Great for short distance commutes, pedestrian slalom, and also a great fit for all you kick-flipping monkeys out there.

Mini Meets Functionality

There are a lot of minis out on the market. In fact, what we refer to today as a mini, replicate – more or less – old school skateboards. Skaters have been shredding decks similar to the Dinghy for years. So let’s examine a few things that sets apart the Dinghy from other minis on the market.

Wheel Well Flares

Historically, minis have been delegated strictly to 60mm wheels and smaller. With wheel wheels 65mm wheels are not an issue at all. If you are willing to add some additional risers, or want to wedge and/or de-wedege your trucks, you might even be able to get away with 68mm-70mm wheels. Don’t forget that the wheel wells on the Dinghy have some flares! Wheel flares are great for locking in your feet if you have the desire for sliding.

Functional Nose and Tail

The tail on the Dinghy has a TON of pop. Great for all the flip tricks in the book and for getting up-and-over obstacles. While not as pronounced, the nose offers plenty of room for nose-manuals and shuvits.

Just the Right Touch of Concave

Who doesn’t like some concave? Well the Dinghy has it. Concave is often overlooked in mini’s but it is extremely helpful when hopping off curbs and keeping your feet in place. The concave, in addition to the other features mentioned, also make this board great for the skate parks.

This Complete Comes Built With...

  • Trucks: Polar Bear 105mm Trucks, Raw or Black Color.  Please see image. 
  • Wheels: Landyachtz Plow King 72mm/78a
  • Bearings: Landyachtz Bearings
  • Bushings: Standard Polar Bear Bushings
  • Risers: 1/4" Hard Risers
  • Hardware: Landyachtz Hardware
  • Grip Tape: Landyachtz Grip Tape.Various models offer either foam, clear, or standard grip tape. Please see image. 


  • Length : 28.5" | 72.39 cm
  • Width : 8" | 20.32 cm
  • Wheelbase : 14.6" | 37.08 cm
  • Concave : Mild
  • Nose / Tail : Yes / Yes
  • Rocker / Camber : None
  • Construction : Maple
  • Special Features : A wide selection of graphics with various style of grip tape. Various graphics offer different grip tape styles including regular, foam, and clear grip.


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In most cases, return shipping will be your responsibility . We can offer return labels for a fee upon request. 

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Landyachtz Dinghy 28" Complete Skateboard (28" - Blunt UV Sun)

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Landyachtz Dinghy 28" Complete Skateboard (28" - Blunt UV Sun)

Brand Landyachtz
Color Black
Age Range (Description) Adult
Skill Level All
Deck Length 28 Inches
Deck Width 8.6 Inches
Material Maple Wood
Wheel Size 60 Millimeters
Shape Dinghy Blunt
Ply Rating 7 Ply

About this item

  • LIGHT AND PORTABLE - At just 28.5", the Landyachtz Dinghy is the perfect size for stashing in small areas. It can be easily carried around town or campus.
  • TOP NOTCH COMPONENTS - Landyachtz is one of the most respected names in skateboarding. They use top notch products to build a complete designed to last.
  • MAPLE DECK - Maple has been the go to choice for skateboards for decades. The Dinghy is made from 7 ply maple, making it far superior to plastics.
  • NOSE AND TAIL - The tail on the Dinghy has a ton of pop. Great for all the flip tricks in the book and for getting up-and-over obstacles. While not as pronounced, the nose offers plenty of room for nose-manuals and shuvits.
  • MINI WHEEL FLARES - The Dinghy not only has cut out wheel wells to help avoid wheel bite, but also slight wheel flares. This allows for a locked in feel and maximum wheel clearance.

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Product information

Technical details.

Brand ‎Landyachtz
Color ‎Black
Age Range (Description) ‎Adult
Skill Level ‎All
Deck Length ‎28 Inches
Deck Width ‎8.6 Inches
Material ‎Maple Wood
Wheel Size ‎60 Millimeters
Shape ‎Dinghy Blunt
Ply Rating ‎7 Ply
Wheel Material ‎Polyurethane
Durometer Hardness ‎78A
UPC ‎653829947607
Item Package Dimensions L x W x H ‎28.6 x 9 x 6 inches
Package Weight ‎2.52 Kilograms
Item Dimensions LxWxH ‎28.5 x 8 x 2 inches
Brand Name ‎Landyachtz
Manufacturer ‎Landyachtz
Part Number ‎LAN-C-DN28BLU
Size ‎28 Inch

Additional Information

Customer Reviews
3.7 out of 5 stars
Best Sellers Rank #699,628 in Sports & Outdoors ( )
#900 in
Date First Available February 13, 2020

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Landyachtz Longboard Skateboard Cruiser

Landyachtz makes longboards for all kinds of users, no matter if you are a beginner, dancer or professional downhill skater. Landyachtz has a longboard that suits you. Landyachtz is quality and is synonymous with high-quality longboards. The company stands for innovation, environmental friendliness and the highest quality from the wood to the bolts. The Canadian brand therefore also has its own wheel (Hawgs) and truck (Bear Trucks), for top quality. And they use a variety of materials in their boards, but the majority is made from Canadian maple. They choose the trees from which their skateboards are made by hand. They have developed a thorough knowledge of the fibre structure, sugar content, environmental conditions and harvesting techniques that contribute to making the best longboards possible.

Landyachtz was founded in 1997 in the basement of the Blackcomb Ski Club cabin by Tom Edstrand and Mike Perreten to provide a better way to get around campus. But the products on the market in the late 1990s were not strong enough. The city's steep and winding streets required bigger and better wheels, stronger and more responsive trucks and boards that could withstand the constant challenge of riding faster and faster.


Moreover, their sustainability mission ensures that they protect this valuable resource for future generations and the planet's well-being. They believe that maple is the best material for skateboards. To give something back to the environment, they decided that they plant a tree for every skateboard they sell. And one tree produces at least 60 boards. So with their 'One Board One Tree' program, one tree will turn into at least 60 newly planted trees. Together you make a difference!

Landyachtz stands for top-level innovation. With the high-quality Hollowtech assembly, Landyachtz replaces the excess tree with moulded glass fibre. This makes the boards stronger, more durable and lighter, and delivers great pop! You can find the Hollowtech construction in several Landyachtz longboards like in the Stratus, super light dancer board to their freestyle/cruise board, like the Drop Carve. If you are looking for a smaller and more 'everyday longboard, Landyachtz also delivers extra quality with their popular Dinghy series. These are playful but give confidence and stability. In our opinion, the best cruiser on the market!

Landyachtz is super sick, check out our range of quality longboards! #skateandexplore

  • Dancer / Freestyle Completes
  • Mini Cruiser Completes
  • Beginner Completes
  • Downhill / Freeride Completes
  • Dancer / Freestyle Decks
  • Downhill / Freeride Decks
  • Re-Issue / Old School Completes
  • Slide Gloves
  • Accessories
  • Zip Hoodies
  • Clothing Men
  • Dancing / Freestyle
  • Downhill / Freeride
  • Surf skating

Mounting of Trucks

  • Drop Through

Drop in Deck

  • Medium Drop
  • Double Kick
  • Single Kick

Deck Length (cm)

Deck width (inch).

  • Zip-Hoodies
  • Multi Color

There are 129 products.

Landyachtz Dinghy 28.5” Cruiser Skateboard Complete

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Landyachtz Dinghy 28.5” Cruiser Skateboard Complete

Landyachtz Dinghy Cruiser 29" Cruiser Longboard Complete

Landyachtz Dinghy 28.5” Cruiser Skateboard Complete

Landyachtz Dinghy Skeleton Black 29" - Cruiser Skateboard Complete

Landyachtz Dinghy 28.5” Cruiser Skateboard Complete

Landyachtz Dinghy Emboss 29" Cruiser Skateboard Complete

Landyachtz Dinghy 28.5” Cruiser Skateboard Complete

Landyachtz Dinghy Blunt UV Sun 29" Cruiser Skateboard Complete

Landyachtz Dinghy 28.5” Cruiser Skateboard Complete

Landyachtz Dinghy Classic Maze 29” Skateboard Cruiser Complete

Landyachtz Dinghy 28.5” Cruiser Skateboard Complete

Landyachtz Dinghy Synth 29” Skateboard Cruiser Complete

Landyachtz Dinghy 28.5” Cruiser Skateboard Complete

Landyachtz Dinghy Reapin 29” Skateboard Cruiser Complete

Landyachtz Dinghy 28.5” Cruiser Skateboard Complete

Landyachtz Dinghy Crown Peak 29" Cruiser Skateboard Complete

Landyachtz Dinghy 28.5” Cruiser Skateboard Complete

Landyachtz Dinghy Blunt Pinecone 28.5" Cruiser Skateboard Complete

Landyachtz Dinghy 28.5” Cruiser Skateboard Complete

Landyachtz Dinghy Shape 9 Chartreuse 28.5" Cruiser Skateboard Complete

Landyachtz Dinghy 28.5” Cruiser Skateboard Complete

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  • Reduced price

Landyachtz Dinghy 28.5” Cruiser Skateboard Complete - WF

Landyachtz Blaze PT 34" Longboard Deck

Gratislieferung ab CHF 99.–* innerhalb der Schweiz und Liechtenstein | Fragen und Anmerkungen: [email protected] *Bestellwert

Landyachtz Dinghy Turbo King

CHF 239.00

  • L: 28.5″ | W: 8″ | WB: 14.6″
  • 100% Canadian Maple
  • Low Concave
  • Sanded Wheel Wells

Nicht vorrätig

  • Beschreibung

Definitely the fastest mini cruiser we’ve ever made. Premium components and larger wheels will let you roll further and carve harder while high tech board construction provides a stiffer, stronger and snappier ride. The classic Dinghy shape has been a staple of our line-up for many years now and is still the first board we grab for a quick rip to the store or around the neighbourhood.

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June 21–30, 2024 on the road.

From June 21 to 30, 2024 will be at the Ekstremsport Veko skate event in Norway. Orders placed during this time can be processed and shipped from July 1, 2024. During this time benefit from a 10% discount from an order value of CHF 150. Simply enter the voucher code “VEKO” during the order process. Thank you and see you soon.


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Empire is a Canadian retailer of all Landyachtz longboards and cruisers.

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  • Powell Peralta
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Landyachtz Classic Fender Panda Mini Cruiser

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Pocket Knife – Watercolor

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Drop Hammer – Black Pinecone – Oops

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Nine Two Five Wolf Blue – Oops

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Dinghy Coffin – Kitty – Oops

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Dinghy Blunt – UV Sun

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Dinghy Coffin – Fish

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Ditch Life – Night Fox

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Drop Cat 33 Seeker Black – Oops

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Tugboat – Light Peak

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Dinghy Classic – Hibiscus – Oops

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Dinghy Classic Skeleton – Oops

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Flex Ratings

We’ve categorized the stiffness of our boards into 3 main groups, listed below.  The general rule is the faster you’re skating, the stiffer the deck, but this is not universal.

Flexy – Soft and supple flex profile best suited for carving and cruising on longer boards. The bouncy nature of these decks lets you turn deeper and surf your surrounds.

Medium – The do it all of our boards, a perfect balance of stability and carve. 

Stiff – From cruisers to downhill boards a stiff flex profile excels in stability and responsiveness.  Whether you’re dipping into driveways or bombing a mountain pass you’ll be down with the stiffness.


  1. Landyachtz Artikel im Online Skateshop kaufen

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  2. Landyachtz Drop Cat 38" Dune Complete uni

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  3. Landyachtz Longboards kaufen ›

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  4. Landyachtz ATV-X Ditch Life Night Fox 9.75" x 31" Black

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  5. Kaufen Landyachtz Stratus 46

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  6. Kaufen Landyachtz Evo 40 Spectrum 40”

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  1. Cruisers • Landyachtz

    $ 99.99 - $ 199.99 Shop Now This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page; Gordito - Creature $ 89.99 - $ 189.99 Shop Now This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page ... Landyachtz is skater owned and operated since 1997. Search ... Results. Flex Ratings.

  2. Landyachtz Tugboat Cruiser Skateboard

    Jetzt kaufen für 194,95 €. Dieses Landyachtz Tugboat Cruiser Board ist eine Anschaffung, die sich auszahlt, wenn du darauf.. Versand gratis. ... Dieses Landyachtz Tugboat Cruiser Board ist eine Anschaffung, die sich auszahlt, wenn du darauf brennst dein Skillset auszubauen. Es ist perfekt, um dich mit agilen Surfmoves durch lebendige ...

  3. Longboards • Landyachtz Skateboards

    Drop Hammer - Skate or Dye. $ 199.99. 1. 2. 3. →. Our Longboards are designed to get you out exploring your environment, no matter what kind of terrain you have surrounding you. The boards in this category come in two deck styles; Top mounted or Drop-through. Top mount boards give you tons of leverage over your trucks, giving you a deeper ...

  4. Landyachtz Longboards kaufen ›

    Die Macher hinter der Marke wissen ganz genau, worauf es beim Longboarden ankommt und liefern deshalb immer nur Ganzes - und nichts Halbes. Jetzt ein Landyachtz Longboard bei online kaufen. Deine Vorteile: kostenloser Versand DE günstige Preise Rechnungskauf möglich.

  5. Boards • Landyachtz

    $ 139.99 - $ 239.99 Shop Now This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page; SALE. ATV Perfecto - Raccoon $ 89.99 - $ 189.99 $ 53.99 - $ 113.99 Shop Now This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page ... Landyachtz is skater owned and operated since 1997. Search ...

  6. Landyachtz Longboards

    Landyachtz hat ein Board, das Ihren Bedürfnissen entspricht. Wenn Sie Landyachtz kaufen, wissen Sie, dass Sie Qualität kaufen. Landyachtz stellt seit 1997 Boards her. Landyachtz war schon immer eine der beliebtesten Marken in unserem Sortiment und bietet aus gutem Grund hochwertige Boards für jeden Skater zu einem top Preis.

  7. Landyachtz

    Landyachtz also promotes sustainability with their products, developing the "One Board One Tree" initiative where they pledge to plant a tree for every board sold.-38% . Landyachtz Battle Axe Complete Longboard $223.95 $139.95. Length: 38.2" (23) -38%. Landyachtz Tony Danza Complete Longboard ...

  8. Kaufen Landyachtz Tugboat

    Kaufen sie Landyachtz online oder unser Skate und Longboard Geschäft in Den Haag. Kostenlose UPS Versand: Benelux/D €100, EU €200, Reihe €300 ... Shred around town with the Landyachtz Tugboat Cruiser Skateboard Complete! This fun little ride has a Länge of 30" and a Breite of 9". Comes fully assembled with quality hardwarde so you can ...

  9. Landyachtz Dinghy Turbo Flight Complete in Black for Sale

    Landyachtz Dinghy Turbo Flight Complete 8″ x 28.5″ Black. $ 199.95. The Landyachtz dinghy Turbo Flight Complete is ready to take flight with premium components and larger wheels! This combination will let you roll further and carve harder while the high tech board construction provides a stiffer, stronger and snappier ride.

  10. Landyachtz products for sale

    Get the best deals on Landyachtz when you shop the largest online selection at Free shipping on many items | Browse your favorite brands | affordable prices. ... Landyachtz Dinghy Blunt UV Sun Complete Cruiser Orange Tie Dye Wheels. $169.95 New. Landyachtz Butter Cruiser Complete Sz 31.2in Black Lines. $231.15 New. All; Auction;

  11. Stoked Ride Shop

    The 2019 Landyachtz Dinghy Series is here for endless fun Turbo King is the king of the Dinghy line. The deck is constructed more strongly and the trucks have a premium build. Wheels are designed to be faster with a large supportive core. If you want the best possible Dinghy build, this is it. The Dinghy i.

  12. Tugboat • Landyachtz

    Tugboat - Take a Skate. $ 199.99. The Tugboat is one of our most popular skateboards due to how easy it is to ride and its versatility. An extra-large standing platform, with mellow concave, makes it an incredibly comfortable ride. Rolling on soft Hawgs wheels for a super smooth and quiet ride. Our Bear trucks give you great stability but ...

  13. Landyachtz Dinghy 28" Complete Skateboard (28"

    It can be easily carried around town or campus. TOP NOTCH COMPONENTS - Landyachtz is one of the most respected names in skateboarding. They use top notch products to build a complete designed to last. MAPLE DECK - Maple has been the go to choice for skateboards for decades. The Dinghy is made from 7 ply maple, making it far superior to plastics.

  14. Landyachtz

    Landyachtz Jammer 30" Cruiser Longboard Complete - Gravity. €219.95. Quick view. Showing 1 - 16 of 127 items. Landyachtz Longboard Quick Shipping Service By Humans Sickest Brands Quick Nice And Easy.

  15. Landyachtz Dinghy Turbo King •

    Online Skateshop, jetzt einfach Einkaufen! Alle Artikel an Lager. [email protected] SwissDownhilllongboarding BamBamSkate Landyachtz Dinghy Turbo King L: 28.5" | W: 8" | WB: 14.6"100% Canadian MapleKicktailLow ConcaveSanded Wheel Wells Definitely the fastest mini cruiser we've ever made ...

  16. landyachtz cruiser for sale

    Shop by category. Shop by category ... LANDYACHTZ Dinghy Blunt Hyena Cruiser Skateboard Complete -Rare Graphic Pattern. Opens in a new window or tab. Pre-Owned. $149.99. fresanche_5 (115) 100%. or Best Offer +$29.95 shipping. Landyachtz Dinghy Classic Skeleton Complete Cruiser.

  17. Surf Skate • Landyachtz

    Surf Life - Flippy Ultra Carve. $ 189.99. 1. 2. →. Our Surf Skateboards are our way of bringing surf style riding to anyone, regardless of whether you live near the waves or not. We wanted to make boards that give you the super-tight turning radius that you expect from a surf skate but which still had the capability to do skate tricks and ...


    Browse the wide selection of Landyachtz longboards and cruisers on the Empire Online Store. Free shipping over 98$ anywhere in Canada. Shop Now!

  19. Landyachtz Longboards

    Landyachtz Evo Spectrum Longboard Complete $289.95 $259.99 Sale Available In-Store Only. Compare. Landyachtz Ripper Watercolor Longboard Complete $189.99 Outlet: $139.99 Sale. Compare. Landyachtz Ripper Logo Longboard Complete $189.95 Outlet: $139.99 Sale. Compare.

  20. Landyachtz

    Landyachtz Dinghy Classic-Growler. $199.99. Landyachtz Dinghy Classic- Cats. $199.99. Landyachtz Dinghy Blunt-White Pinrcone. $159.99. 1 2 →. With a plethora of boards, Landyachtz Longboards make a board that fits anyone's style. From beginner longboards, to mini cruisers, as well as downhill boards, Landyachtz is the go to brand for any all ...

  21. Skate Home • Landyachtz

    SHOP BY STYLE. Find Your Perfect Ride. SCENIC CRUISE. Great for Seawalls, smooth walking paths, bike paths, and quiet streets. Embrace the Ride, Explore the Beauty! ... Buy from for a shot at one of eight Golden Dinghies. Winners get a chance at epic prizes, including a Landyachtz Bikes CB MkII! Don't miss out — order now!

  22. Looking for advice on which one to buy : r/LandyachtzBoards

    One of the few truly great boards landyachtz make. It's a small mini cruiser with decent ride height. It can take on almost anything when the terrain is bad and rolls really well with less pushing when it's good. It's incredibly sporty and fast for the kind of board it is. There's nothing else out there like it.

  23. All • Landyachtz

    $ 137.99 - $ 187.50 Shop Now This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page The options may be chosen on the product page 1