Un viaje creativo

Un viaje creativo

"El arte y el viaje inventan una forma de ver el mundo"

CATAMARÁN en CAÑONES del SIL: embarcaderos, precios 2024

agosto 3, 2023

Uno de los principales atractivos que hay que ver en la Ribeira Sacra es el cañón del Sil, cuyos miradores ofrecen vistas únicas de su accidentada figura. Sin embargo, hay otro método que, aunque no tan escénico, permite entrar en contacto directo con el río: los catamaranes de la Ribeira Sacra (para mí, uno de los lugares más espectaculares que visitar en Galicia ). En este artículo vamos a ver todas las opciones de excursión en catamarán en cañones del Sil y la ubicación del embarcadero de Santo Estevo , entre otros.

Catamaran en los cañones del Sil Ribeira Sacra embarcaderos

Índice de contenidos

  • Consejos para navegar en catamarán por el cañón del Sil

Mapa de embarcaderos de la ribeira sacra y los cañones del Sil

¿cuándo ir a la los cañones del sil, qué ver cerca del embarcadero de santo estevo:, qué ver cerca del embarcadero de abeleda:, qué ver cerca del embarcadero de ponte do sil:, qué ver cerca del embarcadero de os chancís:, excursiones a la ribeira sacra desde ourense, lugo o santiago (con excursión en catamarán por el cañón del sil), ¿dónde dormir en la ribeira sacra, más artículos de galicia por provincias, catamarán en ribeira sacra y cañones del río sil: embarcaderos, horarios , precios.

En mi artículo con los miradores de Ribeira Sacra ya hice una breve mención a la navegación en catamarán por los cañones del río Sil. En este artículo voy a centrarme exclusivamente en la información de interés sobre los distintos embarcaderos, sus horarios y el precio de los paseos (o cruceros) en barco por el cañón del Sil (sobre el cañón del Miño hablo de forma extensa en este otro artículo).

Consejos para navegar en catamarán por e l cañón del Sil

A la hora de realizar el paseo en catamarán por los cañones del río Sil hay que tener en cuenta algunas circunstancias, sobre todo dependiendo de la época en que nos encontremos:

  • En ocasiones, aunque la previsión sea soleada en la zona (e incluso en verano), en el cañón se acumula la niebla durante la mañana. Esta niebla suele levantar a partir de media mañana, cuando el sol comienza a calentar, pero en ocasiones pueden ser las 11 y que aún haya resquicios de niebla.
  • Dentro del barco puede hacer frío, así que es recomendable llevar ropa de abrigo. En los catamaranes de la Ribeira Saca, según las propias empresas, la sensación térmica puede descender hasta 10 grados.
  • Dependiendo del lugar de salida, la duración de la travesía es mayor. En general, los catamaranes que están más al este de la Ribeira Sacra, Abeleda y Ponte do Sil, suelen tardar cerca de dos horas en hacer el recorrido, mientras que los más al oeste hacen el recorrido en una hora.

Catamarán cañones del Sil Ribiera Sacra embarcaderos opiniones precios

Antes de nada, para situarnos, voy a poner este mapa de la Ribeira Sacra (en él hay bastante iconos, es el mismo que usé en el artículo que mencioné antes sobre qué ver en la Ribeira Sacra). El icono azul con un barquito señala los cuatro embarcaderos de catamaranes que hay en la Ribeira Sacra. Hay que tener en cuenta que hay dos a cada lado del río, unos en la provincia de Ourense (al sur) y otros en la provincia de Lugo (al norte).

Los embarcaderos que hay en los cañones del Sil son los siguientes:

Al oeste del cañón del Sil:

  • Embarcadero de Santo Estevo (Nogueira de Ramuín, en la orilla de Ourense). Este es el embarcadero más conocido de la Ribeira Sacra y una muy buena opción para hacer el paseo por el cañón del Sil en catamarán.
  • Embarcadero de Os Chancís (Sober, en la orilla de Lugo). Si el embarcadero de Santo Estevo es el más conocido de la Ribeira Sacra, el de Os Chanchís es el más famoso, gracias a su aparición en la serie El desorden que dejas.

Al este del cañón:

  • Embarcadero de Abeleda (Castro Caldelas, en la orilla de Ourense)
  • Embarcadero de Ponte do Sil-Deputación de Lugo (Monforte de Lemos, en la orilla de Lugo).

Es importante puntualizar que son distintas empresas las que realizan los cruceros en barco por la Ribeira Sacra, dependiendo del embarcadero.

Catamaranes Ribiera Sacra cañon del Sil embarcadero Santo Estevo

Cualquier momento del año es bueno para visitar la Ribeira Sacra, pero si hay que elegir una época, esa sería o primavera u otoño (de hecho me parece uno de los destinos más top para una escapada otoñal por España y lo recomiendo entre mis lugares donde viajar en octubre y noviembre ) . En verano, las altas temperaturas pueden jugar una mala pasada y en invierno la lluvia y el mal tiempo pueden entorpecer las vistas. Por esta misma razón, verano sea, quizá, el mejor momento para gozar de la visita más completa del cañón del Sil.

Si quieres mi opinión personal sobre el mejor momento para visitar la Ribeira Sacra, te diría mediado el otoño , porque la variedad de colores que ofrece el cañón del Sil es bestial.

Catamarán en cañones del Sil: empresas y embarcaderos

A continuación voy a presentar brevemente los datos de cada embarcadero y de las empresas de catamarán que navegan por los cañones del Sil.

Embarcadero de Santo Estevo (el más conocido de la Ribeira Sacra)

El embarcadero de Santo Estevo es el más popular de todos los embarcaderos del Sil. Se encuentra en la orilla de Ourense, frente al embarcadero de Os Chanchís y muy cerca del mirador El mejor banco de la Ribeira Sacra .

Los catamaranes que recorren la los cañones del Sil desde este embarcadero pertenecen a la empresa Viajes Hemisferios (su recorrido principal es ida y vuelta desde Santo Estevo, aunque también se puede realizar viaje de solo ida desde cualquiera de los dos embarcaderos).

No se permiten animales ni tampoco comer ni fumar (aunque en el catamarán hay bar donde se pueden degustar vinos de la D.O. Ribeira Sacra).

Catamarán cañones del Sil Ribiera Sacra embarcadero Santo Estevo

  • Duración: La duración de la actividad con ida y vuelta desde el embarcadero de Santo Estevo es de 1 hora y 15 minutos.
  • Adultos entre 18 y 65 años: 12,00 €
  • Niños entre 13 y 17 años:  6,00 €  Cada menor debe ir acompañado de un adulto
  • Niños menores de 13 años: Gratis  Cada menor debe ir acompañado de un adulto
  • Mayores de 65 años: 10 euros
  • Los horarios de salida de los catamaranes desde el embarcadero de Santo Estevo son variables según el mes y el día elegido, pero los más habituales suelen ser 12 y 16:30; y en agosto, 12:00 -13:30 -15:00 -16:30 y 18:00.

Nota: Los precios y horarios son susceptibles a cambio por parte de la propia empresa, por lo que recomiendo confirmar con ellos a través de los teléfonos de contacto que indico a continuación.

INCISO: ¿Viajas a Galicia? Mira estos dos artículos:

VIAJAR a GALICIA en verano sin ir donde va «to kiski»
QUÉ VER en GALICIA en 7 días (mi CASA❤️) + MAPA

Embarcadero de Santo Estevo catamarán Ribeira Sacra

Los lugares más interesantes que ver cerca del embarcadero de Santo Estevo son:

  • Los miradores de Pe de Home, El mejor banco de la Ribeira Sacra, As Escadas, Vilouxe, la Columna y Cabezoás.
  • La presa de Santo Estevo
  • Monasterio de Santo Estevo de Ribas de Sil (aquí se localiza el Parador de Turismo).
  • Monasterio de San Pedro de Rocas (este está algo más alejado pero este embarcadero es el más cercano).
  • El Bambán do Solpor o Columpio del Atardecer

CURIOSIDAD en Instagram y Tiktok: En estas publicaciones en mis redes sociales muestro una cara muy especial de este mirador… ¡desde el avión entre Madrid y Vigo!

Ver esta publicación en Instagram Una publicación compartida de Dani Keral – periodismo de viajes por España y el mundo (@danikeral)
@danikeral El otro día, volviendo a casa desde Madrid, el avión pasó justo por encima del cañón del Sil y pude ver esta imagen de uno de sus puntos más emblemáticos, el que se observa desde el mirador de Vilouxe (entre otros). #ribeirasacra #cañondelsil #cañonesdelsil #ourense #Galicia #galiza #paisajesdegalicia #viajestiktok #viajestiktoker #galiciatiktok #ribeirasacratiktok #queverengalicia #miradoresribeirasacra #miradordevilouxe ♬ La Dolce Vita – Fausto Papetti

Embarcadero de Abeleda

El embarcadero de Abeleda se sitúa en la zona este del cañón, en la orilla ourensana, cerca de Castro Caldelas. De él salen varias compañías.

Los catamaranes que recorren la Ribeira Sacra desde este embarcadero son los de Adegas Agueira y los de Viajes Pardo.

El catamarán de Adegas Algueira recorre los cañones del Sil en una embarcación de hasta 30 plazas. Es una de las actividades que ofrece la bodega Algueira. El tiempo total de la actividad es de 1 hora y media. No se permiten mascotas salvo en viajes privados.

  • Duración: 1 hora 30 minutos
  • 20€/persona.
  • Niños de 2 a 12 años: 10 €,
  • Bebés hasta 2 años, GRATIS.
  • Todos los días salvo miércoles: a las 11, 13, 16:30, 18:30 (en temporada baja se recomienda consultar)
  • 982410299 o en [email protected]

Catamaranes Ribiera Sacra cañon del Sil embarcadero Santo Estevo (3)

Otra de las empresas de catamaranes que recorren los cañones del Sil desde este embarcaderos es Viajes Pardo . Esta empresa realiza viajes en catamarán por la Ribeira Sacra que tienen una duración de 1 hora y 45 minutos.

  • Duración : 1 hora y 45 minutos.
  • 13€ adultos
  • Niños hasta 12 años gratis
  • 10€ con carnet joven, niños de 13 a 17 y mayores de 65 años
  • A partir del 1 de julio,  11.00, 13.15, 16.00 y 18.15

Nota: estos son datos son de 2023. Los precios y horarios son susceptibles a cambio por parte de la propia empresa, por lo que recomiendo confirmar con ellos a través de los teléfonos de contacto que indico a continuación.

Los lugares más cercanos que ver cerca de este embarcadero son:

  • Los miradores de Peña de Matacás, el Duque, Peña do Castelo y Souto Chao.
  • El monasterio de San Paio de Abeleda
  • El columpio del cañón del Sil de la Bodega Terra Brava
  • El pueblo de Castro Caldelas (con su imponente castillo).
  • Las pasarelas del río Mao y la ruta del cañón del río Mao.

Embarcadero de Ponte do Sil – Deputación de Lugo

Desde el embarcadero de Ponte do Sil (frente al de Abeleda, en la orilla de Lugo) salen los catamaranes por la Ribeira Sacra gestionados por la Deputación de Lugo . No se permite el embarque de mascotas.

Catamarán cañones del Sil Ribiera Sacra embarcaderos opiniones

  • Duración: 2 horas
  • Ordinario: 9 euros
  • Reducido (mayores de 65 años): 5 euros
  • Reducido (niños de 3 a 12 años o carnet joven): 5 euros
  • Gratuito (menores de 3 años): 0 euros
  • Horarios: Operativos a partir de mediados de marzo.
  • Contacto: 982 260 196 o en [email protected]

Los lugares más cercanos que ver cerca de este embarcadero de la Ribeira Sacra son:

  • Las pasarelas del río Mao
  • Monforte de Lemos (en este artículo cuento todo lo que ver en Monforte de Lemos y alrededores )

Catamarán cañones del Sil Ribiera Sacra embarcaderos opiniones-6

Embarcadero de Os Chancís

El embarcadero de Os Chancís (conocido por ser el que aparece en la serie El desorden que dejas) se sitúa frente al embarcadero de Santo Estevo, en la orilla de Lugo. Desde aquí salen los catamaranes que recorren la Ribeira Sacra a cargo de la empresa Siltrip, la cual no admite mascotas.

  • Duración: 1 hora
  • Bebés de 0 a 12 meses, gratis.
  • 11:00   horas: Sólo sábados y domingos en marzo y octubre. Todos los días de abril a septiembre.
  • 12:00 horas: Disponible sólo sábados y domingos en el mes de marzo. Todos los días en resto de temporada.
  • 13:00 horas: Todos los días de marzo a octubre.
  • 16:00 horas: Todos los días de marzo a octubre.
  • 17:00 horas : Viernes y sábados en marzo y octubre. Todos los días de abril a septiembre.

ATENCIÓN: pinchando en este enlace puedes reservar el catamarán en los cañones del Sil que gestiona Siltrip a través de la empresa Civitiatis (esta excursión incluye recogida en cualquier hotel ubicado en Monforte de Lemos ).

  • Los miradores de Xabrega, Cividade, O Boqueiriño y Santiorxo
  • Los muiños del Xábrega

Para aquellos que no tengan la posibilidad de tener un coche para desplazarse por la Ribeira Sacra, existen  excursiones de un día desde Santiago, Lugo, Ourense y Vigo  

Puedes leer más pinchando a los enlaces:

  • Excursión a la Ribeira Sacra desde Santiago 
  • Expedición a la Ribeira Sacra desde Lugo .
  • Excursión a la Ribeira Sacra desde Ourense. 

Si se va a recorrer la Ribeira Sacra y el cañón del Sil en catamarán , mi recomendación es pernoctar por la zona para poder aprovechar al máximo la experiencia.

En el blog ya tengo un artículo específico (con mapa y cuadro comparativo) sobre los alojamientos donde dormir en la Ribeira Sacra y los cañones del Sil y el Miño. También he escrito sobre la visita al Monasterio-Parador de Santo Estevo de Ribas de Sil . En este artículo de cabañas en el bosque en Galicia hablo de un par de ellas en Ribeira Sacra.

Si se quiere ir directamente a los enlaces de Booking, a continuación pongo la información por zonas:

En la zona hay un único camping, el Camping de Cañón do Sil , de segunda categoría, cerca de Parada de Sil. El lugar tiene tanto bungalows como espacio para tiendas de campaña y autocaravanas. Cuenta con un bar-restaurante y las instalaciones están muy cuidadas. Lo mejor, su situación, en mitad del cañón y a pocos metros del mirador de A mirada máxica  y el buen rollo que transmiten la pareja que regenta el camping. 

En Parada de Sil hay algunos alojamientos interesantes, como

  • los Apartamentos Ribeira Sacra ,
  • Casa O Torgal ,
  • o el capricho de Reitoral de Parada .

Para los que busquen opciones más lujosas:

  • El Parador de Santo Estevo (puse la foto algo más arriba), construido en un antiguo monasterio y a los pies del cañón.
  • El Pazo de Turbisquedo , ubicado en un antiguo pazo del siglo XVII

Para ver todas las opciones de alojamiento en la Ribeira Sacra, pincha aquí o mira en este mapa (en ocasiones no visible desde el móvil):

*Código ético: En este artículo existen enlaces de los cuales percibo una pequeña comisión (por ejemplo, en los de Booking o Civitatis, donde me llevo parte de la comisión que se lleva la propia plataforma).

Tus reservas tendrán el mismo precio  e incluso, en algunas ocasiones, obtendrás un descuento como en los seguros de viaje (nunca pagarás más).

Me dedico de forma profesional a la creación de contenido cultural y turístico y esta es una de las formas que tengo de crear ingresos (aparte, de esta forma me ayudas a poder seguir contándote historias en el blog), por lo que agradecería enormemente que hicieses tus reservas a través de uno de los enlaces de mi blog.

Estos enlaces los puedes encontrar por el artículo (Booking, Civitatis, seguro de viaje…) pero, para facilitarte la cosas, los vuelvo a poner a continuación :

  • 🛌 Alojamiento con Booking
  • 🎢 Actividades con Civitatis
  • 🩺 Seguro de viaje con HeyMondo (con descuento sobre el precio final)
  • 🚗 Alquiler de coche
  • 🛒 Productos de Amazon

Si, aparte de buscar información sobre el catamarán en cañones del Sil y Ribeira Sacra estás interesado en más lugares de Galicia, mira la siguiente sección:

Genéricos de Galicia

  • Qué ver en Galicia en 7 días o 10 días + mapa
  • Viajar a Galicia en verano sin ir donde va «to kiski»
  • Atlas de sitios curiosos de Galicia: lugares secretos
  • Paisajes de Galicia: un viaje en 30 fotos y lugares
  • Mejores termas, balnearios y hoteles con spa en Galicia (+ mapa)
  • 28 cabañas en los árboles en Galicia (cabañas en el bosque)
  • 13 cabañas del bosque en Coruña (con mapa y fotos)
  • Qué hacer en A Coruña: planes creativos
  • Arte urbano: Meninas de Canido en Ferrol
  • Trazo, la «otra Galicia» a la sombra de Compostela

Santiago de Compostela

  • Qué NO ver en Santiago de Compostela (para desperdiciar la ciudad)
  • Mejores miradores de Santiago de Compostela (mi hogar)
  • Viaje creativo por Santiago de Compostela: qué hacer
  • Mejores museos de Santiago de Compostela
  • Visitar la catedral de Santiago de Compostela: precio, entradas y visitas guiadas

Costa da Morte

  • Ruta por la Costa da Morte en coche: mapa, etapas, secretos
  • Qué hacer en Costa da Morte (turismo creativo)
  • Hoteles en Fisterra y faro de Finisterre
  • Hoteles donde dormir en Costa da Morte y casas rurales
  • Parador de Costa da Morte en Muxía
  • Qué ver en Fisterra (o Finisterre)
  • Qué ver en Muxía y alrededores
  • Playas de Finisterre y alrededores
  • Qué ver en Laxe (playa de los Cristales y mucho más)
  • Qué ver en Ribadeo y alrededores

Camino de Santiago

  • Consejos para preparar el Camino de Santiago
  • Hacer el Camino de Santiago (solo o no), por un fisioterapeuta
  • Camino de Santiago a Fisterra – Muxía: que ver y consejos
  • Qué ver en Allariz , uno de los pueblos más bonitos de Galicia.
  • Navidad en Allariz: mapa interactivo de atracciones
  • Baixa Limia – Serra do Xurés, qué ver y rutas del parque natural
  • Qué ver en Ourense ciudad y provincia (ruta en coche)
  • Qué ver en Valdeorras y Trives (Geodestino Manzaneda Trevinca)

Ribeira Sacra

  • Qué ver en la Ribeira Sacra  y los cañones del Sil
  • Cañon del Miño, cabo do Mundo y miradores desde Chantada
  • Del cañón del Sil al río Bibei: «Territorio SilBiNa»
  • Pasarelos del río Mao y ruta del cañón del río Mao
  • Catamarán en los cañones del Sil: embarcaderos, horarios, precios
  • Miradores de la Ribeira Sacra y el cañón del Sil: mapa y fotos
  • Visita al Parador de Santo Estevo, el hotel-monasterio del cañón del Sil
  • Alojamientos en la Ribeira Sacra
  • Qué hacer y qué ver en Monforte de Lemos y alrededores
  • Qué ver en A Guarda y alrededores
  • «Río Minho», Galicia y Portugal unidas en la frontera
  • Campo Lameiro y su parque arqueológico de petroglifos
  • 6 Cabañas del bosque en Pontevedra (y frente al mar)

Rías Baixas

  • Qué ver en las Rías Baixas en 5 días de ruta
  • Qué hacer en las Rías Baixas: 66 planes de turismo creativo
  • Hoteles con encanto en Rías Baixas alojamiento con piscina, spa…
  • Ruta por las Rías Baixas en 7 días: 6 itinerarios

Vigo y Cíes

  • Qué ver en Vigo en un día
  • Qué visitar en Vigo en 2 días + Cíes
  • Qué ver cerca de Vigo
  • Hoteles donde dormir en Vigo barato, con piscina, spa, para ver las luces de Navidad…
  • Visitar islas Cíes por tierra, mar y aire
  • Barco a las islas Cíes, precio, horarios y navieras autorizadas
  • Qué hacer en Vigo: 7 experiencias únicas
  • Luces de Navidad de Vigo: guía y mapa
  • Miradores de Vigo y alrededores

Donde viajar en octubre en España, Europa y el mundo 2024

Sitios que ver en lanzarote en 4 días o 5 días de ruta.

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Redactor y fotógrafo en revistas Yorokobu , Revista Salvaje y Condé Nast Traveler ◆ Ganador en 2023 del I Premio Nacional de Periodismo en el Medio Rural Ainhoa Camino ◆ Finalista, en 2022, del XXXV Premio de Periodismo Turístico Mañé i Flaquer ◆ Premio Internacional de Comunicación Turística 2017 al mejor blog revelación de viajes ◆ Creador del podcast El Vuelo Sonoro de Radio Viajera ◆ Más info en mi perfil de LinkedIn

16 comentarios en «CATAMARÁN en CAÑONES del SIL: embarcaderos, precios 2024»

El mejor blog y con mejor detalle que he leído para mi próximo viaje a la Ribera Sacra, imagino que todos los que has escrito estarán igual y por eso los iré leyendo. Muchas gracias por tus comentarios y por las explicaciones dadas. Lo único que no he podido localizar en google maps es el “mejor banco de la Ribera Sacara”, no lo encuentro.

Hola, Amparo, perdona la tardanza (he estado de viaje desde hace un mes). Gracias por tu comentario, me alegra que te haya sido útil. Respecto al banco, creo que no aparece así en Google Maps, pero lo puedes encontrar en el mapa de mi artículo. ¡Un abrazo!

Hola Dani! Excelentes los artículos que he leído sobre Ribeira Sacra. Desde qué embarcadero, con qué empresa recomiendas tú hacer la ruta…. Nos vamos a alojar unos días en Parada de Sil y otros en Chantada (para tener perspectiva desde las dos provincias…) Gracias.

Hola, Pilar, muchas gracias por tu comentario. Cualquiera de los itinerarios merecen la pena, si yo tuviese que elegir, haría el de Santo Estevo con Hemisferios o el que gestiona la Deputación de Lugo que sale desde Ponte do Sil (aunque, en realidad, depende de la disponibilidad que tengas, en verano se saturan bastante).

Hola, me ha encantado el articulo, entiendo k la visita en Catamaran no ofrece visitar ninguna bodega, verdad? Qué bodega nos recomiendan ver, y si alguna ofrece oferta gastronómica. Nos aljamos en Santo Estevo.

Hola, Maruchy, gracias por tu comentario. Quizá el Catamarán de Adegas Algueira sí que combine este tipo de visita, lo mejor es que te pongas en contacto con ellos. De no ser así, la verdad es que hay muchísimas bodegas a las que puedes visitar (hay hasta 94, si no me equivoco). Entre ellas podrían estar Regina Viarum o Ponte da Boga, pero si os alojáis en Santo Estevo podéis preguntar en el Parador, que seguro que conocen muchas recomendaciones. Por si queréis más información de qué ver en la zona, os dejo este otro artículo que he elaborado de mis varios viajes por allí: https://unviajecreativo.com/ribeira-sacra-y-los-canones-del-sil-galicia-ourense/

Hola, Dani. Cual crees que es la mejor hora para hacer el recorrido en catamarán desde Sto Estevo en junio? Gracias

Hola, Ignacio, perdona la tardanza, en fin de semana no entro apenas al blog. Respecto a tu pregunta, yo consideraría tres factores: la bruma mañanera, la luz para las fotos si eres muy fotero y el planning que tengáis para ese día. Respecto al primero, yo lo veo el más limitante, porque a veces la bruma no sale del cañón hasta las 12 del mediodía. Respecto al tercer, depende de dónde vayas a pernoctar y los puntos que quieras ver, hacer el recorrido puede romper mucho el ritmo. Respecto a las fotos, en torno a las 2-3, el cañón está con luz cenital, por lo que apenas tienen sombras, lo cual viene bien para fotos desde el interior del cañón (el problema, obviamente, es que pilla en plena hora de la comida XD).

Hola Dani, de escoger uno y solo uno de los viajes en barco, ¿cuál elegirías? 😉 Nos vamos a alojar en Monforte de Lemos. Gracias miles!!

Hola, Ali, qué lindo leerte 🙂 🙂

Pues depende mucho del itinerario que vayáis a hacer, de los días que paséis por Ribeira Sacra y de lo que tengáis planteado para ese día. En general, los embarcaderos de Abeleda y el de la Diputación (al este del cañón) son los que se encuentran más cerca de Monforte. Los otros dos llevan más tiempo llegar hasta ellos aunque si planteas hacerlo por la tarde, lo mismo daría, porque por la mañana te daría tiempo a hacer ruta de miradores y monasterios y llegar a la salida del catamarán. En cuestión de disfrute, cualquiera es espectacular, porque recorre los mismos tramos del cañón, así que yo elegiría el más óptimo en función para la ruta que tenga planteada.

Queria preguntarte, estabamos pensando en hacer la ruta de Santo Estevo con Hemisferios y luego hacer una ruta por alguna bodega. Hemos podido ver que la ruta en barco es a las 1200 y a las 1600hrs. Entiendo que el total es 1hr y 15min ida y vuelta, ¿verdad? Entiendo que en ningún momento te bajan del barco.

Por otro lado, nos recomendaron la bodega de Regina Viarum, ¿crees que nos daría tiempo cogiendo el tour de la bodega a las 1600hrs y la ruta en barco de Santo Estevo a las 12:00hrs?

Muchísimas gracias

Hola, Luis, perdona la tardanza, días complicados. Respecto a tu pregunta, sí, la ruta que trazan por el cañon del Sil es de hora y cuarto. Si coges el de las 12 creo que irías bien de tiempo (sobre las 13:15 estarías libre y desde el embarcadero de Santo Estevo hay como 50 minutos- 1 hora hasta la zona de Regina Viarum. Eso sí, para comer tampoco te puedes extender mucho, porque a poco que tarden, irías algo justico.

Hola Dani Quisiera saber si hay cascadas o saltos de agua q desemboquen en el río y si es así…cual es la mejor ruta para verlas.muchad gracias

Hola, Rosa, perdona la tardanza en contestar. En el Sil hay pequeños regos que desembocan, pero en el Miño sí que hay una muy famosa, la fervenza de Augacaída. En este artículo hablo de ella y cómo llegar: https://unviajecreativo.com/canon-del-mino-mirador-cabo-do-mundo-chantada/

cuanta información. muchas gracias.

Saludos, Nuria, ¡muchas gracias por tu comentario!

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Guarda mi nombre, correo electrónico y web en este navegador para la próxima vez que comente.

He leído y acepto la Política de privacidad *

Cómo llegar

Operado por la Diputación de Lugo. Cañón del Sil

Paseos en barco

Embarque: Embarcadoiro de Ponte do Sil (Monforte de Lemos, Lugo) Duración del viaje: 2 horas Plazas: 107 + 52

SERVICIO LANZADERA VERANO 2024 : Los espacios de estacionamiento en los embarcaderos son muy limitados. Se recomienda hacer uso del servicio de traslado gratuito a Ponte do Sil  y Abeleda. Información y reservas aquí.

A través del siguiente cuadro está accediendo directamente a la web de reservas de la empresa operaria del servicio. Toda relación comercial es con dicha empresa.

El recorrido comienza al pie de los afamados viñedos de Amandi (subzona de la D.O. Ribeira Sacra), donde el viajero podrá sorprenderse con sus vertiginosas pendientes. Tras atravesar esa zona, el catamarán se adentra en la parte más rocosa del cañón. Con la ayuda de un guía acompañante podrán descubrir algunas de las curiosidades y peculiaridades del cañón del Sil.

Esta ruta llega a su punto medio a la altura del Monasterio de Santa Cristina de Ribas de Sil (Parada de Sil), lugar donde da la vuelta para retornar al punto de origen, el embarcadero de Ponte do Sil (Monforte de Lemos).

Responsable gestión: Deputación Provincial de Lugo.

Barcos: Mencía (107 prazas) y Cañón do Sil (52 prazas).

Ribeira Sacra

¡No te lo pierdas!

Para los amantes del vino, son numerosas las bodegas que podéis visitar en la zona. Os recomendamos también la visita a los artesanos de Gundivós , una de las olerías típicas de Ribeira Sacra.

Catamarán Deputación de Lugo - Cañón del Sil

Catamarán Deputación - Canón do Sil (3).jpg

Información y contacto


Embarcadero Ponte do Sil

Monforte de Lemos

Teléfono contacto

¿Cómo llegar?

Escriba una dirección de salida:


Ruta Ribeira Sacra

La zona de Ribeira Sacra ofrece algunos de los paisajes más impresionantes de Galicia, ¡que ya es decir! Déjate cautivar por los bosques y viñedos centenarios, los monumentos románicos y los espectaculares cañones formados por la fuerza de los ríos.

Esta ruta por Ribeira Sacra no deja a nadie indiferente. Además de la belleza sobrecogedora de los paisajes, hemos incluido algunas actividades para redondear la experiencia. Mira, mira…

Sigue estos tres pasos para completar tu reserva

65,00 €

/ por persona

Hora de salida

Lunes, miércoles y viernes 08:15

Hora de vuelta

Punto de encuentro.

Oficina de Toxo Travel. Rúa dos Bautizados, 12 (Santiago de Compostela)

Guía oficial de turismo acreditado durante toda la jornada, transporte y seguros obligatorios

No incluido

Almuerzo, propinas

Que hay que llevar

Calzado cómodo y ropa adecuada a las condiciones meteorológicas

Inglés, español (consulta disponibilidad de portugués, italiano y francés)

Información importante

Consulta la posibilidad de transportar sillas de bebés, silla de ruedas y maletas

1 Catamarán cañones del Sil

2 mirador de cabezoás, 3 monasterio de san pedro de rocas, 4 ciudad monumental de ourense.

Esta ruta por Ribeira Sacra te enamorará desde el principio. La aventura empieza con un paseo de hora y media en catamarán para contemplar los cañones del Sil .

Durante todo el recorrido podrás disfrutar de la impresionante belleza del paisaje. Curiosas formaciones rocosas que el río ha ido excavando con el tiempo se mezclan con viñedos y bosques centenarios. La navegación es muy tranquila y relajante. Además, podrás degustar el vino típico de la zona, elaborado con uvas de variedad Mencía y con denominación de origen propia.

Después subiremos hasta el mirador de Cabezoás , uno de los más altos de la zona. ¡Está a 850 metros de altura! Este mirador nos ofrece una espectacular panorámica sobre una de las zonas más profundas del Cañón del río. Te quedarán unas fotos preciosas para el recuerdo.

A continuación nos adentraremos en el corazón de la Ribeira Sacra para descubrir el increíble Monasterio de San Pedro de Rocas, que se cree que fue fundado en el S. VI. Por eso se dice que es uno de los más antiguos de Galicia. Vale la pena ver su iglesia horadada en la roca y los singulares y variados elementos arquitectónicos que acoge.

La última parada de esta ruta por Ribeira Sacra es la visita a Ourense, capital termal de Galicia. Tendremos tiempo libre para comer y dar un paseo por su impresionante casco histórico. Te sorprenderán sus calles empedradas, salpicadas de rincones con encanto y monumentos históricos. Además, descubrirás por qué se llama la ciudad de los puentes.  

Desde Orense regresamos a Santiago, donde tenemos previsto llegar sobre las 19h.

viaje catamaran ribeira sacra

Catamarán Ribeira Sacra ®

viaje catamaran ribeira sacra

Apreciados visitantes:

Un año más publicamos nuestra nueva página web dedicada a la Ribeira Sacra. Posiblemente Uds. tengan ya un conocimiento formado de los extraordinarios paisajes y vistas de este lugar tan especial y que por diversas circunstancias estuvo oculto durante larguísimos años, para abrirse, desde tan solo hace unos pocos, al visitante ávido de nuevos conocimientos y entornos naturales.

En los Cañones del Sil pueden observarse desde cualquier lugar las enormes masas rocosas, agrestes, difícilmente suavizadas por la erosión y el cauce del Río Sil. También pueden apreciarse los imposibles viñedos plantados por los romanos en el Siglo I y, posteriormente, mimados por los monjes de los diferentes monasterios que dan nombre a esta zona de la geografía ourensana y lucense.

Desde estas páginas nos sentimos orgullosos de poder ofrecerles una vista previa de lo que podrán ver y apreciar en su visita.

Esperamos poder saludarles a bordo de nuestro catamarán o bien en alguna de las excursiones que a través de estas páginas les ofrecemos y, como no, durante su estancia en nuestro HOTEL o almorzando en nuestro RESTAURANTE.

Viajes Pardo.

viaje catamaran ribeira sacra

Un lugar desconocido que oculta uno de los mayores tesoros de Galicia


Ruta en Catamarán.


Mayor Concentración de Románico de España.


Miradores espetaculares del cañón del Sil.


Pueblos y villas con encanto que no se puede perder.


Viñedos en bancales, bodegas, vinos D.O. Ribeira Sacra.


Rutas de senderismo

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Viajes Pardo, S.A. Juan XXIII, 1 32003-OURENSE


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La Ribeira Sacra en catamarán

  • septiembre 18, 2017
  • por Carmen Delia Díaz
  • 11 Comentarios

La Ribeira Sacra en catamarán

(ACTUALIZADO 2024) Seguro que muchas veces os habéis planteado realizar esta ruta en barco por el cauce del Miño o Sil para conocer la Ribeira Sacra en catamarán. Muchas webs os hablan de recorridos parciales, aquí os hemos recopilado toda la información actualizada, que conocemos sobre el terreno. Os dejamos por tanto mapa, consejos y muchos datos de interés, por ejemplo si queréis hacer el catamarán con niños o en familia.

El otoño o la primavera son la estación perfecta si queréis ver los matices de color de los bosques en las laderas de Chantada, Pantón, Sober o Parada do Sil. También al final del verano, durante la vendimia, cuando podrás ver gran actividad en los cultivos en terrazas tan característicos en esta parte de Galicia.

Los paisajes abruptos y rocosos de las laderas del Sil, o el cauce más abierto del Miño, lleno de pueblos y de historia, también bajo las aguas, son una experiencia absolutamente única que merece la pena vivir con calma si pasas unos días por la Ribeira Sacra.

Experiencia en el catamarán de la Ribeira Sacra

Todos hemos oído hablar de la ruta del catamarán de la Ribeira Sacra. Aunque técnicamente no podamos denominar así a todos los barcos que cubren este recorrido, sí queremos aprovechar este post para dejar claro cuál es la oferta de embarcaderos y rutas en su totalidad.

Las rutas, y los tipos de embarcación, así como la modalidad de contratación, son diferentes. También porque la oferta se extiende en diferentes provincias, así que trataremos de explicarlo todo minuciosamente. Para ello tiramos del conocimiento que tenemos sobre el terreno tras hacer travesías en los diferentes barcos que conforman la oferta fluvial del catamarán de la Ribeira Sacra.

Dónde coger el catamarán de la Ribeira Sacra

Hay varios puntos de la Ribeira Sacra donde puedes hacer la ruta en catamarán, en función de la provincia en la que quieras tomar el barco o el río (Sil o Miño) que quieras recorrer. De excursión o viviendo en la zona, hemos tenido la oportunidad de realizar muchas de estas rutas en catamarán por la Ribeira Sacra, así que podemos contároslas de primera mano.

De entrada el tema nos parecía un poco lioso así que contactamos con Alexandra Seara , gerente del Consorcio de Turismo Ribeira Sacra , que nos fue aclarando todos los puntos de salida y rutas existentes en la actualidad. Después, fuimos complementando esta información subiéndonos a cada una de las embarcaciones para contároslo y aportar fotografías.

Mapa catamarán Ribeira Sacra

Mapa del catamarán de la Ribeira Sacra

Quizá si lo vemos sobre el mapa nos podemos aclarar mejor. Los puntos donde coger el barco, tanto en la orilla ourensana como en la lucense, cuál es la oferta público o privada en cada zona, y qué servicios ofrecen cada una de las embarcaciones.

Sobre este esquema, basado en uno editado por la Deputación de Lugo, encontramos resaltados en amarillo los embarcaderos que podemos encontrar en el Miño. Básicamente en la zona de Belesar y Cabo do Mundo. Y en el Sil, junto al puente que nos lleva hasta la carretera de Monforte a Castro Caldelas o más cerca del embalse de Santo Estevo.

viaje catamaran ribeira sacra

Catamarán por el Miño

Para navegar por el Cañón del Miño , debes optar por Belesar (O Saviñao, Lugo) si buscas rutas regulares, o bien contratar un paseo privado con un recorrido a medida. Más abajo os hablaremos de esta modalidad privada. Con rutas regulares funciona en temporada el catamarán de la Deputación de Lugo y la empresa Sacra Activa .

Este barco zarpa del Club Náutico de Belesar y va hasta cerca de la isla de A Maiorga para luego regresar al punto de partida. Puedes consultar horarios y comprar entradas en la web de la Deputación de Lugo o en Sacra Activa Rutas organizadas .

Catamarán por el Sil

Para recorrer el Cañón del Sil hay varios puntos de partida. En Lugo tendrías la opción de Doade (ahora se llama embarcadero de Ponte do Sil) , que también gestiona la Deputación de Lugo . Y Os Chancís (Sober) que es una ruta de Siltrip , gestionada por una empresa privada. Pero también puedes tomar el catamarán en la provincia de Ourense , en Santo Estevo (Nogueira de Ramuín) en barcos de Viajes Hemisferios . O Viajes Pardo y el embarcadero de Abeleda (A Teixeira) que también gestiona Viajes Hemisferios . También hay la opción, sobre todo si buscáis enoturismo, de hacerlo con Bodegas Algueira .

Todas las rutas están sujetas a variaciones en el horario y según la temporada, así que te recomiendo que te informes bien antes de hacer planes. También en función del caudal de agua y otros factores que pueden afectar.

En general estas rutas de la Ribeira Sacra en catamarán suelen parar entre diciembre y marzo, se amplían en verano, y se mantienen activos en los periodos intermedios en fin de semana o vacaciones. Puedes consultar la información del Consorcio de Turismo de Ribeira Sacra o en la web de la Xunta de Galicia.

El catamarán de la Ribeira Sacra con niños

Experiencia por el sil.

Si vais con niños muy pequeños os recomendamos la ruta del Cañón del Sil que cubre el catamarán de la Deputación de Lugo. Son barcos más grandes, puedes ir sentado con mesa y mirando por la ventana, o arriba al aire libre. Llevan aseo y en general son más confortables para un niño pequeño.

La duración es de unas dos horas, así que puedes llevarle algún juguete o dispositivos electrónicos si crees que no aguantarán. Además tienen más espacio para moverse y caminar. Hay un guía que va contando durante la ida (1 hora aproximadamente) las particularidades de la Ribeira Sacra en esta zona.

También hay la opción de Os Chancís , que cubre la empresa Siltrip, con embarcaciones para unas 10 personas. Pero requiere que sean niños que puedan estar quietos en los asientos pues son lanchas más abiertas. El Sil además es un trayecto más contemplativo y más cultural, pues no hay la opción de desembarcar y ver algún otro punto como pasa en el Miño.

Esta zona tiene un trayecto más impresionante, con paredes casi verticales de roca, viticultura heroica y bodegas, la desembocadura del río Mao, alguna fervenza, los miradores, etc.

La ruta del Miño la cubren embarcaciones más pequeñas. Los peques tendrían que ir más quietos en los asientos y además, aunque lleva toldo, es un viaje al aire libre por lo que puedes pasar algo de frío. También hay embarcaciones de alquiler que hacen este trayecto pero son igualmente más reducidas. Así que la ruta del Miño, del catamarán de la Deputación de Lugo, la recomendaríamos más para adultos que para ir con peques.

Dura dos horas e igualmente lleva un guía que nos va narrando el paisaje y su historia. En esta zona hay más cosas que ver, vemos laderas más suaves con viñedos, muchos pueblos, románico, rutas, etc. y la historia de los pueblos que quedaron bajo las aguas del embalse.

La Ribeira Sacra en barco privado

Existe aún otra posibilidad a mayores de las rutas comerciales que hemos ido describiendo arriba, y es contratar una ruta privada. En el Miño hay dos empresas que realizan estos recorridos y son Sacra Activa , Turismo Pantón y Quinta Sacra . De este modo podéis planificar una ruta privada adaptada la edad de los niños que lleváis, por ejemplo, incorporando paradas que a ellos les interesen. Una opción sería conocer la isla de Maiorga , o con niños mayores o personas que caminen bien se puede ver también la fervenza de Augacaída .

La primera es el proyecto de Martín Martínez, con raíces familiares en Pantón y Sober y que ha trabajado duro para habilitarse como patrón y transportar pasajeros. Su proyecto como emprendedor nace vinculado a una bodega, Ecosacra , y ofrece también opciones de enoturismo y tiene su base en Portotide y Belesar. Te contamos la experiencia en esta ruta aquí.

Quinta Sacra lleva ya algunos años realizando rutas por la zona del Miño y conforma un proyecto vinculado al bienestar y a un estilo de vida enraizado en el territorio. Luisa Rubines y su equipo suelen llevar grupos grandes entre Belesar y Maiorga, pudiendo parar en esta isla o en la cascada de Augacaída. Su embarcadero está en Pincelo .

Turismo Pantón es una empresa familiar que también realizar rutas por el río Miño en la temporada turística. También ofrecen rutas en 4×4, visitas a bodegas y otras actividades.

Consejos para ver la Ribeira Sacra en catamarán

  • Planifica bien qué zona de la Ribeira Sacra quieres visitar , pues es un entorno que incluye el curso fluvial de los ríos Miño, Sil y Cabe, dos provincias como son Lugo y Ourense y más de veinte concellos. Una vez definido esto, elige tu punto de partida y busca información sobre los barcos que operan en ese embarcadero.
  • Elige el tipo de travesía que buscas, pues la oferta es variadísima, desde barcos que incluyen el trayecto sin más, hasta paquetes que incorporan catas de vino, visitas guiadas, o comida a bordo.
  • Equipamiento : recuerda que la sensación térmica a bordo puede ser de unos diez grados menos y la verdad es que me lo creo, porque nosotros pasamos mucho frío a pesar de hacer la ruta en verano en la parte del Miño, y en algún tramo del Sil. Es importante saber esto para llevar ropa de abrigo y calzado y equipamiento adecuado.
  • Las rutas son bastante monótonas y largas (de 1 a 2 horas) por lo que yo no las recomendaría con niños muy pequeños. Y también por un tema de seguridad, ya que con peques inquietos hay que extremar la vigilancia para estar tanto tiempo con ellos a bordo. Si optáis por una con niños os recomendamos el Cañón del Sil, pues son barcos más grandes.
  • Los trayectos llevan guía e irás conociendo de primera mano todo tipo de curiosidades sobre la zona. Puedes hacer fotos chulas y video si te mueves un poco por el barco para captar los diferentes ángulos.
  • Los catamaranes pequeños del Miño no llevan aseo ni servicio de bar a bordo, las rutas por el Sil, operadas por barcos más grandes, sí pueden incorporar estos servicios y además tienen parte cubierta.
  • Las entradas para estos servicio deben comprarse en la web o reservarse previamente por teléfono. Si no has tenido esta previsión, puede que al llegar al embarcadero ya no quede sitio.

Dónde aparcar para coger el catamarán

Si vas a coger el catamarán de la Ribeira Sacra en Belesar deberás aparcar en el arcén de la carretera en las inmediaciones del embarcadero, pues no hay aparcamientos habilitados en esta zona. Lo ideal es llegar con tiempo, y en todo caso dar un paseo o tomar algo en el bar belesar en las temporadas en que está abierto.

Para bajar al Club Fluvial Ponte do Sil , en el concello de Monforte de Lemos, hay que tomar la carretera que va a Castro Caldelas y, delante del propio embarcadero, hay una zona de aparcamiento en batería.

Se suele llenar, así que puedes cruzar el puente y hacer un cambio de sentido ya en la parte ourensana, y volver sobre tus pasos para ocupar el aparcamiento un poco más lejos y más arriba. Fíjate bien porque el navegador podría llevarte a otro Ponte do Sil que hay en Quiroga, y este no es el del catamarán.

Para tomar el barco en Abeleda , provincia de Ourense, hay un arcén de aparcamiento habilitado en la carretera. No es muy grande así que también os recomendamos llegar con tiempo.

El aparcamiento de Os Chancís , el embarcadero de Sober es más amplio y después se baja caminando por un mirador precioso. Los barcos aquí son más pequeños así que no hay tanta afluencia de coches.

Buses lanzadera para el catamarán de la Ribeira Sacra

En la temporada de verano el Consorcio de Turismo Ribeira Sacra suele sacar unas rutas de buses lanzadera para acceder a diferentes puntos críticos de este territorio condicionado por su difícil orografía. No solo los puntos de embarque sino lugares como la Praia da Cova, el monasterio de Santo Estevo de Ribas de Sil o Santa Cristina.

De este modo, lugares como el embarcadero Ponte Do Sil, donde opera el catamarán de la Deputación de Lugo; el de Abeleda, también en la ruta del catamarán del Sil; o Belesar, de donde sale el que recorre el Miño, también de la Deputación, son accesibles dejando nuestro vehículo aparcado en zonas habilitadas. Esto es necesario porque si no puede que lleguemos y no tengamos donde dejar el coche.

viaje catamaran ribeira sacra

Comer cerca del catamarán de la Ribeira Sacra

Otro de los puntos clave para organizarse en un viaje a esta escarpada geografía es la logística de comer, y más si vais con niños. Si optáis por el bocata no descartéis buscar alguno de los mejores miradores de la Ribeira Sacra pues casi todos tienen mesa y bancos para comer.

Para comer de restaurante en la zona del Miño podéis optar por el propio bar del embarcadero de Belesar o también por Adega do Veiga , con vistas espectaculares desde el comedor y muy cerca de la bodega Vía Romana .

Para comer cerca de Ponte do Sil o Abeleda , en esta zona está la bodega Regina Viarum , está muy a mano la Cantina de Doade , con parque infantil y zona exterior. Y para Os Chancís cualquiera de los bares o restaurantes de Sober. Si vais con niños en el Bar Cultural tenéis juegos para los más pequeños y está cerca del parque infantil.

Qué ver en la Ribeira Sacra

El castillo de los caballos salvajes en A Peroxa Escapada a Castro Caldelas, con niños Trenes y torreones en Monforte de Lemos, con niños La ciudad de Ourense, con niños Magia y murciélagos en Santa Cristina La cicatriz ferroviaria de Os Peares Ferreira de Pantón con niños Un lugar llamado Belesar

Qué hacer en la Ribeira Sacra con niños

Por el Camino de Invierno en O Saviñao

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  • Ribeira Sacra

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Carmen Delia Díaz

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25 rutas por Pontevedra provincia

Lo mejor de a coruña provincia, lo mejor de ourense provincia, lugo y provincia con niños.

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Billete Catamarán por el Sil

  • Localización
  • Reserva el tour
  • Actividades en barco

Nuestros viajes regulares en catamarán entre los Cañones del Sil duran una hora y se adentran en las gargantas tectónicas más profundas de todo el norte de España. El catamarán dispone de 11 plazas más el patrón.

El pequeño calado de nuestro barco nos permite acercarnos  todo lo posible a la orilla para mostrarte especies únicas de nuestra flora y hasta avistar a algunos de los animales salvajes que pueblan estas orillas del Sil: corzos, miñatos, garzas reales, jabalís…

Durante el viaje escucharás leyendas casi olvidadas, verás viñedos que solo el ojo experto de nuestro capitán te permitirá descubrir. También podrás ver el campanario de el monasterio de Santa Cristina de Ribas de sil desde el agua, castaños centenarios, antiguas construcciones a pie de río y un sinfín de curiosidades, como las formas caprichosas de las rocas.

Salidas garantizadas con un mínimo de 6 personas. Si no se llega al mínimo exigido, os damos la posibilidad de navegar en otro horario y/o fecha o bien proceder al reembolso de la reserva.

La sensación térmica al navegar baja al menos 10 grados. Recomendamos calzado plano y ropa de abrigo

¡No permitimos mascotas a bordo !  Hay publicaciones externas en internet desactualizadas que dicen que si, porque hace años sí las aceptábamos .

Si viaja con niños, recuerde que deben permanecer en su asiento todo el trayecto. No está permitido el consumo de comida a bordo.


Navegamos de marzo a octubre.  Precio: 20 € persona  Duración: 60 minutos . Bebés hasta 11 meses gratis.

RESERVAS: 982460714 de martes a domingo de 10:00 a 13:30 y de 15:30 a 17:30 horas . Lunes cerrado.

¿Quieres hacer un viaje por el río Sil a tu manera?  Reserva 10 plazas, te regalamos la onceava y disfruta del río de forma privada por 200€/h . Despedidas de soltero/a, un viaje con los amigos, celebra un cumpleaños o, simplemente alquílalo para tomar el sol en medio del Cañón del Sil. El precio incluye una botella de vino para disfrutar a bordo o en cualquier otro momento.

Embarcadero de Os Chancís, Sober. Lugo.
horas: Sólo sábados y domingos en abril y octubre. Todos los días de mayo a septiembre.

horas: Disponible sólo sábados y domingos en el mes de marzo y octubre. Todos los días en resto de temporada.

horas: Todos los días de marzo a octubre.

horas: Todos los días de marzo a octubre.

horas : Viernes y sábados en marzo. Todos los días de abril a septiembre.


Calzado plano,
Billete de barco
Charla explicativa en idioma castellano y vino a bordo
1 hora de viaje

Additional information

PUNTUALIDADPor respeto a los demás pasajeros, por respeto al patrón y porque tenemos que cumplir los horarios, exigimos puntualidad inglesa. Es necesario presentar su reserva en el embarcadero, al menos quince minutos antes de la hora de salida para poder embarcar. El no cumplir con la puntualidad conlleva la pérdida de la reserva y del viaje.

Salida del Embarcadero de Os Chancis

Visión de los primeros viñedos, solo accesibles desde el agua. viticultura heroica, o cereilloto do demo y su leyenda, mirador y viña de cividade. formación geológica, identificación de la flora y fauna del cañón, casetas de viñas, antiguas bodegas a pie de rio, monasterio de santa cristina, viñedos de a somoza y santiorxo, embarcadero de os chancís.

Salimos desde el embarcadero de Os Chancís (Sober), y te recomendamos estar allí al menos 15 minutos antes de la hora prevista de salida, ya que en caso de no embarcar a tiempo perderías el importe de la reserva.

Para llegar hasta el embarcadero deben tomar en Sober la carretera que indica «Embarcadero de Os Chancís», o buscarlo en Google Maps a través de éste enlace. Es la misma carretera de las «Piscinas Municipales» de Sober, que también están indicadas. El embarcadero está a unos 5 km, y esta carretera termina en él, por lo que deben seguirla sin desviarse nunca.

Antes de llegar al embarcadero verán nuestra publicidad en un bar que abre por las tardes en verano, continúen bajando con el coche hasta llegar a una pequeña cascada. En esta zona deben aparcar en batería, y después bajar caminando por las escaleras hasta el embarcadero. Hay seis tramos de escaleras para llegar al río, por lo que, muy a nuestro pesar, el acceso no está adaptado para personas con movilidad reducida.

viaje catamaran ribeira sacra

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Day Trip "Ribeira Sacra"

Day Trip "Ribeira Sacra"

The Ribeira Sacra , known for having the largest concentration of Romanesque churches and monasteries in Europe, is located in the interior of Galicia and is undoubtedly a place that will surprise you.

Crossed by the Miño and Sil rivers , its banks have been shaped over the years by mankind to obtain a unique use of the land, transforming slopes of up to 70% in a succession of small terraces where different varieties of grapes are grown, which will give some of the best Galician wines.

The oenological resource together with the abundance of heritage and landscapes such as the spectacular Sil River Canyons justify the candidacy of the area to World Heritage.


- Adults: 60€ per person

- Children up to 12 years old: 30€ (50% discount)

- Children up to 3 years old: free

*The price includes transportation, official guide and a 1 hour and a half catamaran ride through the Sil River canyons, with a drink included. 


- 08.20: Iglesia del Pilar (Avenida de Xoan Carlos l), at the bus stop in front of the gas station. 

- 18:30 approx.

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Day Trip

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Image ofAntón Lamazares. Inda é día

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Así es navegar en el catamarán por el Sil: una inmersión en la majestuosa naturaleza de la Ribeira Sacra

Uxía Carrera Fernández

OURENSE · Exclusivo suscriptores

Entramos en un tour en barco, una de las mejores maneras de apreciar la flora, fauna o viticultura del cañón.

El embarcadero de Santo Estevo, uno de los cinco de la Ribeira Sacra, descansa frente a una amplia zona del embalse que crea la presa de la central hidroeléctrica. El cauce del Sil sigue aguas

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Paseos en barco por Galicia

Paseos en barco por Galicia Collage Galicia

10 paseos en barco en Galicia para relajarse este verano 2024

Disfrutar del atardecer en velero, degustar los mejillones de las rías baixas a bordo de un catamarán o recorrer los impresionantes paisajes de los cañones del sil son algunas de las experiencias a bordo más especiales.

Desde su costa entrecortada hasta el interior más verde y montañoso, Galicia conforma un auténtico paraíso natural que merece mucho la pena recorrer y descubrir con calma. Y es que el territorio gallego es sinónimo de arenales paradisíacos, islas vírgenes, miradores de ensueño y hasta de una gastronomía capaz de conquistar a los paladares más exigentes.

Una de las experiencias más especiales para sumergirse dentro de la riqueza natural y cultural de Galicia es hacerlo a través los innumerables paseos en barco que tienen como escenario sus principales rías y ríos, surcando los parajes más impresionantes que se alzan desde las Rías Baixas hasta el litoral coruñés o incluso la Ribeira Sacra. Lo cierto es que casi todo pedacito de mar o curso fluvial en Galicia esconde sus propias excursiones a bordo, ya sea en velero, catamarán o embarcación tradicional . Es por ello que en esta pequeña guía hemos querido seleccionar 10 de las experiencias más recomendadas en barco para relajarse y disfrutar de esta recta final del verano 2024.  

Paseo en barco por la costa de A Coruña

Paseo en barco por la costa de la ciudad herculina

Paseo en barco por la costa de la ciudad herculina Civitatis A Coruña

Descubrir la ciudad herculina desde una perspectiva totalmente diferente es posible de la mano del Punta Pragueira, un antiguo velero tradicional que ofrece salidas en barco desde la Marina de A Coruña . La excursión se oferta en Civitatis desde los 35 euros por persona, en un mágico viaje de dos horas que incluye una bebida (vino o cerveza artesana) y snack, así como guía turístico en español. El itinerario del velero descubre desde el mar rincones de gran valor histórico y paisajístico como en el caso del Castillo de San Antón y su muralla o la mítica isla de la Marola . Además, durante la experiencia también se harán varias paradas en puntos estratégicos de enorme valor ecológico para el avistamiento de aves que sobrevuelan este punto del litoral coruñés, entre ellas cormoranes y garzas reales. 

Puesta de sol en velero desde Sada

Paseo en velero para contemplar el atardecer desde Sada

Paseo en velero para contemplar el atardecer desde Sada Yumping Sada

Disfrutar de un atardecer de ensueño a bordo de un velero es una experiencia que todo amante del mar y las puestas de sol debería vivir al menos una vez en la vida. En la localidad coruñesa de Sada encontramos varias empresas que ofrecen esta actividad con salida desde la Marina, descubriendo la ría de Betanzos y Sada antes que contemplar sobre el cielo los últimos rayos de sol del día . En portales online como Yumping encontramos un paquete partir de los 50 euros  por persona con el que podremos disfrutar de esta experiencia de tres horas de navegación; mientras que desde los 290 euros para dos personas, la travesía privada incluye una botella de cava para brindar y una caja de bombones para poner el broche de oro al atardecer desde el mar. 

De Caión a las islas Sisargas en barco

Vista aérea de las islas Sisargas

Vista aérea de las islas Sisargas Concello de Malpica de Bergantiños Costa da Morte

Las islas Sisargas conforman un pequeño paraíso natural en plena Costa da Morte y un importante refugio para las aves marinas y zona de paso para aves migratorias , algunas de ellas incluso en peligro de extinción. Esta experiencia náutica disponible en el catálogo en Yumping ofrece una ruta en barco de una hora y media de ida y vuelta desde la playa de Caión hasta el entorno de este pequeño archipiélago, incluyendo una visita guiada de otra hora y media por los puntos más emblemáticos de la isla, desde sus playas hasta el pfaro pasando por la casa de la Sirena. La actividad está pensada para grupos de hasta seis personas más el patrón y el precio total ronda los 300 euros. 

Barbacoa a bordo por la ría de Ares

Barbacoa a bordo por la ría de Ares o Betanzos

Barbacoa a bordo por la ría de Ares o Betanzos Yumping Rías Altas

Una barbacoa con amigos o en familia es uno de los planes imprescindibles del verano gallego, y en la ría de Ares y Betanzos es posible disfrutarlo también a bordo de un barco. Esta experiencia en el velero Hanse y con salida desde el puerto deportivo Marina Sada en A Coruña permite a los viajeros pasar un día diferente con comida incluida mientras se realiza una travesía por altamar . La actividad se encuentra disponible en Yumping desde los 141 euros y está pensada para grupos de entre 4 y 10 personas y tiene una duración de unas seis horas.   

De comida en barco por la costa de Esteiro

Sardiñada a bordo frente a la Playa Aguieira en Portosin.

Sardiñada a bordo frente a la Playa Aguieira en Portosin. O Chivo Ría de Muros e Noia

En la ría de Muros e Noia, O Chivo Turismo Náutico ofrece varias experiencias en altamar a las que merece mucho la pena prestar atención. Una de estas actividades a bordo consiste en un paseo en barco con aperitivo (Mejillones o empanada), parrillada de pescados y vino albariño incluido. La travesía avanza desde el Puerto de Muros hasta el litoral de Esteiro , y siempre que el tiempo lo permita, los viajeros tendrán la oportunidad de darse un chapuzón antes de regresar divisando la isla da Creba y con el Monte Louro por proa. La actividad está pensada para grupos de entre 4 y 10 personas, tiene una duración de 4 horas (con salida a las 14:00 horas) y ronda los 75 euros por persona. 

En velero por la ría de Vigo 

Salida en velero por la ría de Vigo

Salida en velero por la ría de Vigo Sailway Rías Baixas

Un paseo en velero para disfrutar de la tranquilidad del mar y los paisajes más increíbles de las Rías Baixas tiene que tener como escenario la ría de Vigo y las islas Cíes. Lo cierto es que son muchas las empresas que ofrecen esta actividad para grupos pequeños, con horarios flexibles y, en ocasiones, también con pincho y bebidas incluidas. Sailway, por ejemplo, oferta una completa experiencia de cuatro horas de navegación por la ría de Vigo,  disponible desde los 70 euros por persona. Según el viento, en esta travesía el patrón pondrá rumbo hacia el interior de la bahía, el puente de Rande o la preciosa costa del Morrazo, pero siempre con las Cíes como telón de fondo. La actividad también incluye asimismo una pequeña parada cerca de las playas de Limens o Borna así como la opción de darse un chapuzón.   

Experiencia Starlight desde el mar

Rumbo a las Cíes para disfrutar de la actividad astronómica

Rumbo a las Cíes para disfrutar de la actividad astronómica Mar de Ons Ría de Vigo

En los últimos años se han popularizado las experiencias starlight a bordo de un barco, disfrutando de la plenitud del cielo nocturno y las estrellas desde la tranquilidad de altamar. En las Rías Baixas, Mar de Ons es una de las navieras que ofrece esta completa y especial actividad de turismo astronómico . El barco en cuestión se aproxima a las aguas del Parque Nacional Marítimo-Terrestre das Illas Atlánticas de Galicia, ya sea Cíes u Ons, para poder disfrutar desde este escenario único del espectáculo del firmamento. La tarifa general ronda los 25, 50 euros por persona y los 10 euros para menores de hasta 12 años. 

Las rutas del mejillón en las Rías Baixas

Ruta en catamarán con visión submarina en las Rías Baixas

Ruta en catamarán con visión submarina en las Rías Baixas Shutterstock Rias Baixas

El viaje en catamarán por las rías gallegas para descubrir los entresijos del cultivo del mejillón es una de las experiencias más míticas del verano gallego, especialmente si la llevamos a cabo en las Rías Baixas. Y es que desde la ría de Vigo y Pontevedra hasta la de Arousa, son varias las navieras que ofrecen rutas en catamarán para dar a conocer las particulares de cada ría y mostrar al visitante el funcionamiento de las bateas y la cría del mejillón. Además, estas travesías suelen incluir dentro del precio degustaciones a bordo de mejillones al vapor acompañados de un vino albariño o un refresco. El paseo en este tipo de barco tiene una duración aproximada de entre una y dos horas, con precios para adulto que oscilan entre los 15 y los 20 euros en función del municipio o la ría de partida . 

Paseo en barco tradicional por el Miño desde Tui

Paseo en barco tradicional por el río Miño

Paseo en barco tradicional por el río Miño Civitatis Tui

En la frontera entre Galicia y Portugal, el río Miño se convierte en el escenario perfecto para una experiencia mágica a bordo de una embarcación tradicional de madera . La actividad tiene como punto de partida el puerto de pescadores de Tui, desde donde emprende una tranquila travesía que bordea también el litoral del municipio portugués de Valença do Minho. A bordo de este pequeño galeón los visitantes tendrán la oportunidad de divisar de una forma muy especial l a Catedral de Santa María, el Puente Internacional de Tui y hasta la famosa fortaleza medieval de la localidad lusa. La experiencia en cuestión se oferta en Civitatis desde los 12,50 euros por persona y tiene una duración de unos 45 minutos. 

Ruta fluvial por la Ribeira Sacra

Ruta en catamarán por la Ribeira Sacra

Ruta en catamarán por la Ribeira Sacra Civitatis Ribeira Sacra

En las tierras verdes bañadas por los ríos Sil, Miño y Cabe, la Ribeira Sacra se alza como uno de los grandes tesoros naturales del interior de Galicia. La riqueza natural y paisajística de este rincón del territorio se abre paso entre sus ríos, los milenarios viñedos dispuestos en bancales y la abundancia de monumentos del románico en forma de monasterios o iglesias. Con este escenario como telón de fondo, las rutas fluviales en catamarán entre los cañones de la Ribeira Sacra son uno de los mejores planes para descubrir la magia y los secretos de este geodestino a medio camino entre Lugo y Ourense. De hecho, son varias las empresas que operan en la zona y ofrecen a los visitantes la posibilidad de recorrer estos ríos en barco e incluso disfrutar de un vino de Denominación de Origen durante el trayecto . En función del recorrido, el tiempo y las prestaciones, el precio general de este tipo de paseos por la Ribeira Sacra oscila entre los 12 y los 20 euros para adultos. 

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Write a Good Travel Essay. Please.

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Kathleen Boardman

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Editor’s Note: We know that many of you are looking for help writing travel experience essays for school or simply writing about a trip for your friends or family. To inspire you and help you write your next trip essay—whether it’s an essay about a trip with family or simply a way to remember your best trip ever (so far)—we enlisted the help of Professor Kathleen Boardman, whose decades of teaching have helped many college students learn the fine art of autobiography and life writing. Here’s advice on how to turn a simple “my best trip” essay into a story that will inspire others to explore the world.

Welcome home! Now that you’re back from your trip, you’d like to share it with others in a travel essay. You’re a good writer and a good editor of your work, but you’ve never tried travel writing before. As your potential reader, I have some advice and some requests for you as you write your travel experience essay.

Trip Essays: What to Avoid

Please don’t tell me everything about your trip. I don’t want to know your travel schedule or the names of all the castles or restaurants you visited. I don’t care about the plane trip that got you there (unless, of course, that trip is the story).

I have a friend who, when I return from a trip, never asks me, “How was your trip?” She knows that I would give her a long, rambling answer: “… and then … and then … and then.” So instead, she says, “Tell me about one thing that really stood out for you.” That’s what I’d like you to do in this travel essay you’re writing.

The Power of Compelling Scenes

One or two “snapshots” are enough—but make them great. Many good writers jump right into the middle of their account with a vivid written “snapshot” of an important scene. Then, having aroused their readers’ interest or curiosity, they fill in the story or background. I think this technique works great for travel writing; at least, I would rather enjoy a vivid snapshot than read through a day-to-day summary of somebody’s travel journal.

Write About a Trip Using Vivid Descriptions

Take your time. Tell a story. So what if you saw things that were “incredible,” did things that were “amazing,” observed actions that you thought “weird”? These words don’t mean anything to me unless you show me, in a story or a vivid description, the experience that made you want to use those adjectives.

I’d like to see the place, the people, or the journey through your eyes, not someone else’s. Please don’t rewrite someone else’s account of visiting the place. Please don’t try to imitate a travel guide or travelogue or someone’s blog or Facebook entry. You are not writing a real travel essay unless you are describing, as clearly and honestly as possible, yourself in the place you visited. What did you see, hear, taste, say? Don’t worry if your “take” on your experience doesn’t match what everyone else says about it. (I’ve already read what THEY have to say.)

The Importance of Self-Editing Your Trip Essay

Don’t give me your first draft to read. Instead, set it aside and then reread it. Reread it again. Where might I need more explanation? What parts of your account are likely to confuse me? (After all, I wasn’t there.) Where might you be wasting my time by repeating or rambling on about something you’ve already told me?

Make me feel, make me laugh, help me learn something. But don’t overdo it: Please don’t preach to me about broadening my horizons or understanding other cultures. Instead, let me in on your feelings, your change of heart and mind, even your fear and uncertainty, as you confronted something you’d never experienced before. If you can, surprise me with something I didn’t know or couldn’t have suspected.

You Can Do It: Turning Your Trip into a Great Travel Experience Essay

I hope you will take yourself seriously as a traveler and as a writer. Through what—and how—you write about just a small portion of your travel experience, show me that you are an interesting, thoughtful, observant person. I will come back to you, begging for more of your travel essays.

Take Notes in a Cute Journal

my family trip essay

Keep track of all the crucial details- and even the ones you might forget, in a durable and refillable journal.

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Essay on Trip With Family – Short Essay & Long Essay upto 1500 Words

Short Essay on Trip With Family

Essay on Trip With Family: Traveling with family can be a wonderful experience filled with laughter, bonding, and unforgettable memories. Whether it’s a road trip to a nearby destination or a grand adventure to a far-off land, the time spent exploring new places and creating shared experiences can strengthen the bonds between family members. In this essay, we will delve into the joys and challenges of embarking on a trip with family, and how these experiences can shape our relationships and create lasting connections.

Table of Contents

Trip With Family Essay Writing Tips

1. Start by brainstorming and outlining your essay. Think about the key moments and experiences from your trip with your family that you want to highlight in your essay.

2. Begin your essay with a captivating introduction that sets the scene for your trip. You can start with a descriptive anecdote or a memorable quote to grab the reader’s attention.

3. Use vivid and descriptive language to paint a picture of your trip for the reader. Describe the sights, sounds, and smells of the places you visited with your family.

4. Share personal anecdotes and stories from your trip to make your essay more engaging and relatable. Talk about the funny moments, the challenges you faced, and the lessons you learned during your time with your family.

5. Reflect on the impact of the trip on your relationship with your family. Did you bond over shared experiences? Did you learn something new about each other? How did the trip strengthen your family ties?

6. Include details about the destinations you visited, the activities you did, and the people you met during your trip. This will give your essay depth and provide context for your experiences.

7. Use transitions to connect your ideas and ensure a smooth flow between paragraphs. This will help your essay to be well-organized and easy to follow.

8. Conclude your essay by summarizing the key points you discussed and reflecting on the overall significance of the trip with your family. Consider how the trip impacted you personally and how it brought you closer to your family.

9. Edit and revise your essay to ensure clarity, coherence, and correctness. Check for grammar and spelling errors, and make sure your writing is concise and focused.

10. Finally, consider sharing your essay with your family members to get their feedback and perspective on the trip. Their insights may help you to further refine your writing and capture the essence of your shared experience.

Essay on Trip With Family in 10 Lines – Examples

1. Family trips are a great way to bond and create lasting memories with loved ones. 2. Planning a trip with family involves choosing a destination that appeals to everyone’s interests. 3. It is important to set a budget for the trip and plan activities that fit within that budget. 4. Packing essentials such as clothing, toiletries, and any necessary medications is crucial for a successful trip. 5. Researching the destination and creating an itinerary can help maximize the enjoyment of the trip. 6. Family trips provide an opportunity to explore new places, try new foods, and experience different cultures. 7. It is important to involve all family members in the planning process to ensure everyone’s preferences are taken into account. 8. Family trips can also be a time to relax and unwind from the stresses of everyday life. 9. Creating fun and engaging activities for the whole family to participate in can make the trip more enjoyable. 10. Overall, family trips are a wonderful way to strengthen relationships and create cherished memories that will last a lifetime.

Sample Essay on Trip With Family in 100-180 Words

Last summer, my family and I went on a trip to the mountains. It was a much-needed break from our busy lives and a chance for us to bond and create lasting memories together. We spent our days hiking through the lush forests, exploring hidden waterfalls, and enjoying picnics by the riverside.

One of the highlights of our trip was when we visited a local farm and learned how to milk cows and make cheese. It was a fun and educational experience that we all enjoyed. In the evenings, we would gather around the campfire, roast marshmallows, and share stories.

The trip brought us closer together as a family and allowed us to disconnect from the stresses of everyday life. We laughed, we explored, and we made unforgettable memories that we will cherish for years to come. Traveling with family is truly a special experience that I will always treasure.

Short Essay on Trip With Family in 200-500 Words

Going on a trip with family is always a special experience. It is a time to bond, create lasting memories, and explore new places together. Recently, my family and I went on a trip to the mountains for a weekend getaway, and it was an unforgettable experience.

The trip started with an early morning drive to the mountains. As we drove through winding roads and lush green forests, we were all filled with excitement and anticipation for the adventures that awaited us. The scenic views along the way were breathtaking, and we couldn’t help but stop at various viewpoints to take in the beauty of nature.

Upon reaching our destination, we checked into a cozy cabin nestled in the heart of the mountains. The cabin was spacious and well-equipped, providing us with all the comforts of home. We spent the first evening relaxing by the fireplace, playing board games, and enjoying each other’s company. It was a simple yet joyful time spent together as a family.

The next day, we set out to explore the surrounding area. We went on a hike through the forest, following a trail that led us to a stunning waterfall. The sound of rushing water and the sight of the cascading falls left us in awe of nature’s beauty. We spent hours exploring the area, taking photos, and enjoying a picnic lunch by the waterfall.

In the afternoon, we visited a local village market where we sampled delicious homemade treats and shopped for souvenirs. The vibrant colors, lively atmosphere, and friendly locals made the experience even more enjoyable. We tried local delicacies, bought handmade crafts, and learned about the culture and traditions of the region.

As the day came to a close, we returned to our cabin for a cozy evening by the fire. We cooked a delicious meal together, shared stories and laughter, and reflected on the day’s adventures. It was a time of togetherness and connection that brought us closer as a family.

On the final day of our trip, we visited a nearby wildlife sanctuary where we had the opportunity to see various species of animals up close. We marveled at the beauty of the creatures and learned about the importance of conservation efforts. It was a humbling experience that reminded us of the wonders of the natural world.

As we packed our bags and prepared to leave, we were filled with a sense of gratitude for the time spent together as a family. The trip had been a perfect blend of adventure, relaxation, and bonding moments that we would cherish forever. It was a reminder of the importance of family and the joy that comes from exploring new places together.

Essay on Trip With Family in 1000-1500 Words

A family trip is always a special and memorable experience. It is a time when loved ones come together to create lasting memories and bond over shared experiences. Recently, my family and I embarked on a trip to the beautiful city of Paris, France. This trip was not only a chance to explore a new destination but also an opportunity to spend quality time together and strengthen our family bonds.

The planning for our trip began months in advance. We researched the best places to visit, the most delicious foods to try, and the most convenient modes of transportation. We booked our flights, accommodations, and tours well ahead of time to ensure a smooth and stress-free trip. As the departure date approached, excitement and anticipation grew among all family members.

Finally, the day arrived when we set off on our journey to Paris. The flight was long but comfortable, and we were all eager to land and start exploring the city. As we stepped out of the airport, the cool breeze and the bustling streets of Paris welcomed us. We checked into our hotel, which was conveniently located near the Eiffel Tower, one of the most iconic landmarks in the city.

Our first day in Paris was dedicated to exploring the Eiffel Tower. We took a leisurely stroll along the Seine River, admiring the beautiful architecture and charming cafes along the way. As we approached the Eiffel Tower, its towering presence took our breath away. We decided to take the elevator to the top to get a bird’s eye view of the city. The panoramic views of Paris from the top of the Eiffel Tower were simply breathtaking. We spent hours taking in the sights and capturing memories through photographs.

The next few days were filled with visits to famous landmarks such as the Louvre Museum, Notre Dame Cathedral, and the Palace of Versailles. We marveled at the stunning art collections, intricate architecture, and rich history of these iconic sites. Each day brought new adventures and discoveries, and we were grateful to experience them together as a family.

One of the highlights of our trip was a day trip to the charming village of Montmartre. We wandered through the cobblestone streets, visited the famous Sacre-Coeur Basilica, and enjoyed delicious crepes at a local cafe. The quaint atmosphere of Montmartre was a welcome change from the bustling city life of Paris, and we cherished the peaceful moments we spent together in this picturesque village.

Another memorable experience was a boat cruise along the Seine River. As we glided past the historic buildings and landmarks of Paris, we were mesmerized by the beauty of the city. The gentle sway of the boat, the soft music playing in the background, and the laughter of my family members created a sense of peace and contentment that I will always cherish.

Throughout our trip, we indulged in the delicious French cuisine, from buttery croissants and flaky pastries to savory crepes and rich cheeses. We dined at cozy bistros, elegant restaurants, and charming cafes, savoring each bite and relishing the flavors of France. Food has always been a central part of our family gatherings, and sharing meals together in Paris brought us even closer as a family.

As our trip came to an end, we reflected on the memories we had created and the experiences we had shared. From the awe-inspiring sights of the Eiffel Tower to the peaceful moments in Montmartre, each day had been filled with laughter, love, and togetherness. Our family trip to Paris had brought us closer together, strengthened our bonds, and created memories that we will cherish for a lifetime.

In conclusion, a family trip is a precious opportunity to create lasting memories, strengthen bonds, and experience new adventures together. Our trip to Paris was a magical journey that brought us closer as a family and allowed us to explore the beauty and charm of one of the most iconic cities in the world. I am grateful for the time we spent together, the laughter we shared, and the memories we created on this unforgettable trip with my family.

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Tips for Writing a "What I Did on Vacation" Essay

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  • M.Ed., Education Administration, University of Georgia
  • B.A., History, Armstrong State University

Are you required to write an essay about your summer vacation or your holiday break? This can be a tough assignment to tackle at first glance. But if you think about it, there are lots of interesting things that happen on your vacation that others might enjoy reading about. The key to success is to zero in on the experiences, people, or situations that made your vacation unique.

Summer vacation can be busy or lazy, funny or serious. You may have traveled with your family, worked every day, fallen in love, or coped with a difficult situation. To start your essay, you'll need to choose a topic and tone.

Family Vacation Essay Topic Ideas

If you traveled with your family, you may have some great stories to tell. After all, every family is crazy in its own way. Want some proof? How many Hollywood films have themes about family holidays or trips? Those films are popular because they enable us to glimpse inside the crazy family lives of others. Alternatively, you may have a more serious story to tell.

Consider these funny topics:

  • Why I'll Never Go Back to (insert place name)
  • How (insert name) Drove Me Crazy in Five Days
  • Traveling to (insert city) Then and Now
  • The Hazards of Traveling With a (person or thing)
  • Why You Shouldn't Take a Dog to (insert place)
  • I Left (insert city) But My (lost item) Stayed
  • Why I Couldn't Sleep in (place name)

If your family vacation involved something more serious, think about one of these topics:

  • The Love I Left Behind in (insert place)
  • Saying Good-Bye to (insert person or place)
  • Exploring (place's) Secrets
  • An Emotional Trip

Summer Job Essay Topic Ideas

Not everyone gets to spend the summer having fun; some of us have to work for a living. If you spent your summer at a job, chances are you met a lot of interesting characters, dealt with complicated situations, or even saved the day once or twice. Here are some ideas for summer job topics:

  • The Boss's Day Off
  • The Customer From Hell
  • What I Learned from My Customers
  • Why I'll Never Go Into the ___ Business
  • Six Things I Learned on the Job

How to Write the Essay

Once you've chosen your topic and your tone, think about the story you want to tell. In most cases, your essay will follow a typical story arc:

  • The hook (the funny, sad, or scary sentence that grabs the reader's attention)
  • The rising action (the beginning of your story)
  • The climax (the most exciting moment in your story)
  • The denouement (the aftermath or ending to your story)

Start by writing out the basic outline of your story. For example, "I started cleaning a guest's room and found that they'd left behind a wallet with $100 in cash. When I turned it in without taking a single dollar for myself, my boss rewarded me with a $100 gift certificate and a special award for honesty."

Next, start fleshing out the details. What was the room like? What was the guest like? What did the wallet look like and where was it left? Were you tempted to just take the money and turn in the wallet empty? How did your boss look when you handed her the wallet? How did you feel when you got your reward? How did others around you react to your honesty?

Once you've told your story in all its detail, it's time to write the hook and conclusion. What question or thought can you use to grab your reader's attention? For example: "What would you do if you found a wallet loaded with cash? That was my dilemma this summer."

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Bali Island in Family Trip Experience Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment


Bali is an island off Indonesia’s archipelago. The culture of the people who inhabit this island and its unique natural beauty endear it to the hearts of holiday lovers who prefer life away from booming city life. Its geographical location makes it an ideal location for a vacation. Bali Island boasts of the worlds’ longest sandy beaches, blue warm waters, and crashing surf. The inhabitants of this island are warm and very receptive and it is no surprise that the island has been nicknamed ‘The Island of God in Paradise.’ This descriptive essay is going to capture the central role that Bali Island has played in bringing together my family (Herbst, 1997). We chose it as our number one vacation destination and it did pay dividends. The time we spent together as a family unit made us closer than ever before.

I know this is a matter of taste, but then, I normally ask my friends where they would love to spend their holidays. I receive many different answers, but certainly, for me, I would prefer a place that is comfortable, calm, and relaxing. Tranquility tops the list of my priorities.

The place should be a destination where I can get away from all my troubles and command the spectacular sights of the world’s nature, invoking my childhood memories. It should be a place that can disconnect me from the hustles and bustles of the world, reconnect with my inner self, and be able to meditate about my undertakings, thereby identifying my strengths and weaknesses. That is indeed Bali Island.

I have always harbored a thought of going with my entire family for a summer vacation and have kept corresponding with many travel agencies. However, it never occurred to me that summer was just a doorstep away and no substantive arrangements had been made. I had read many travel journals, all of which mentioned how wonderful Bali Island was for holiday lovers. I had no choice but to jump to that option. It was one chilly morning when my entire family boarded a taxi to JF Kennedy International Airport and chartered a plane to Jakarta, Indonesia.

The journey was supposed to take 30 hours but because of flight delays, we ended up reaching our destination four hours later. Fatigue weighed down on us but at least the following day we were on the beautiful sandy beaches of Bali Island. The horizon was dotted with beautiful blue seawaters waiting for the daybreak to begin. The deep blue sea was so expansive and dotted with happily looking holidaymakers. The breeze was so gentle and the sea tranquil.

This soothing atmosphere endeared me so much to this island. As the sun’s rays lit the horizons, it occurred to me that morning had arrived. As we gracefully worked along the Island’s sandy beaches barefooted, we could feel the soft sands that kept sinking under the siege of our weights. The tide kept on hitting the shores thereby splashing water on our sunburnt faces. It felt like taking a very cold shower in the scorching summer sun. Fatigue from the grueling journey gave way to a feeling of true happiness. As I set my foot into the waters, the coldness of the water embraced my feet. The day rushed to the end without us noticing and we could not wait for tomorrow.

Bali Island is an unrivaled vacation destination. The experiences that we went through made our family closer than ever before. The time we spent together, the candid discussion we had on those things that dog our family, and being able to forget all the troubles that you go through in everyday life makes it my number one destination.

Herbst, E. (1997). Voices in Bali: Energies and Perceptions in Vocal Music and Dance Theater . Hanover: University Press of New England.

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IvyPanda. (2020, December 28). Bali Island in Family Trip Experience. https://ivypanda.com/essays/bali-island-in-family-trip-experience/

"Bali Island in Family Trip Experience." IvyPanda , 28 Dec. 2020, ivypanda.com/essays/bali-island-in-family-trip-experience/.

IvyPanda . (2020) 'Bali Island in Family Trip Experience'. 28 December.

IvyPanda . 2020. "Bali Island in Family Trip Experience." December 28, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/bali-island-in-family-trip-experience/.

1. IvyPanda . "Bali Island in Family Trip Experience." December 28, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/bali-island-in-family-trip-experience/.


IvyPanda . "Bali Island in Family Trip Experience." December 28, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/bali-island-in-family-trip-experience/.

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My Family Trip to Miami

How it works

A significant trip with my family was when we visited Miami, Key West, and The Bahamas. My family and I usually take three to four trips per year. We like to travel to places where you can explore and have fun, but mostly we like to travel to places with beautiful beaches. Traveling with my family helps me to overcome stress from the daily routine. This significant trip I will talk about has marked me with many unforgettable moments because of all the places we visited, and the enjoyment I spent with my family.

To start this fun adventure, we had to take a flight from Houston to Miami. The first place we visited was South Beach which was in Miami. There we explored the most visited attractions in South Beach and experience the fun activities they have for the tourist, for example, we took a helicopter ride which, was a ride that drove us along the beach and gave us the opportunity to see the bay from a higher level (Miami, FL Helicopter Tours).

Also, we took a tour boat that took us around the beach and showed us many interesting attractions and the different places you could visit while being in Miami, they also drove us to see the multimillion-dollar homes located around South Beach. Another fun activity we had was when we visited The Everglades National Park. There, we spotted crocodiles and alligators on an airboat safari (Miami Combo Tour). The Second place we visited was Key West. For us to get there, we had to aboard a plane which took us about 55 minutes to get to the island.

There, my family and I explored the fun attractions. We visited the famous Southernmost Point of the continent U.S, which is considered the lowest latitude land of the North American States. The fun started when we headed out for a full day of water sports. The first thing we did while being in the tropical waters of the coast of Key West was, jet-skiing this activity was fun and interesting because you could drive anywhere and witness wildlife in their natural environment (Key West Jet Ski Tours). The other fun activity we did while being out in the water was parasailing.

This activity was the best because we parasail high above the sparkling waters of Key West, enjoying breathtaking panoramic views. Also, while we were parasailing we spotted dolphins and tropical birds (Parasailing Key West). After one week of adventures in Florida, it was time for us to board a cruise from Miami, and head out to the last stop of the trip: The Bahamas. There we stayed in one of the most famous resorts called The Atlantis, which I now consider one of my favorites because it has everything you could imagine.

This resort offers us Water parks, Marine exhibits, Golf, and other enjoyable activities. The water park we visited was Aqua-Venture. This water park offered an extreme level of excitement and adventure because of the non-stop aquatic playground that offered high-speed water slides, a mile-long river ride with rolling rapids and wave surges. One of the best adventures in this resort was Snorkeling, because we got the opportunity to learn about marine conservation, coral reefs, and the marine life that inhabited them.

Also, this resort had the best customer service, because of the good conditions, and how well they attended the customers (Things to Do). After one week of fun and amazing activities in The Bahamas, it was time for us to head back to Florida and then back home. To summarize, the significant vacation I spent with my family has indelible me, with something that I will remembrance. This trip has marked me with many unforgettable moments because traveling with my family helps me to overcome stress from the daily routine and all the fun activities I did on this trip were something that I would like to repeat, because of the amazing time I spent with my family.


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Personal Narrative Essay a Trip on Vacation

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Published: Mar 13, 2024

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The journey begins, immersing in balinese culture, exploring the natural beauty, reflection and growth.

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Summer Vacation with My Family essay

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Essay on Memorable Trip With Family

Students are often asked to write an essay on Memorable Trip With Family in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Memorable Trip With Family


A family trip is like a magic time where fun and joy fill the air. Last year, my family and I went to the mountains. It was a trip I will never forget.

Planning the Adventure

The journey.

The car ride was full of singing and games. We stopped to eat at a small diner. The food tasted like home. We laughed a lot and the hours passed quickly.

Reaching the Destination

When we got to the mountain, it was cold and quiet. We wore our jackets and started walking up. The path was steep, but we helped each other.

Cherishing Moments

That family trip was memorable because we shared love and happiness. It showed me that being with family is the best adventure of all.

250 Words Essay on Memorable Trip With Family

A trip with family is like a magic box full of surprises and joy. It gives us time to be with our loved ones and make memories that we keep in our hearts forever. I will tell you about a trip that I took with my family that was very special to me.

Before the trip, we sat together to choose a place. We decided on a hill station filled with green trees and cold air. My little sister was excited about seeing monkeys, and I was looking forward to the long walks and beautiful views.

The Journey Begins

We packed our bags with warm clothes and snacks. The car ride was long, but we sang songs and played games. When we reached, the sight of the tall mountains made us all smile. Our hotel was cozy, and we could see the whole town from our window.

Exploring Together

Each day, we went to different places. We walked through forests and heard birds singing. One day, we had a picnic near a crystal-clear lake. We ate sandwiches and played frisbee. My parents told us stories, and we laughed a lot.

Unforgettable Moments

The best part was when we went to the top of a hill to watch the sunrise. The sky changed colors, and it felt like we were touching the clouds. We took lots of pictures, but the feeling of being there with my family was the best picture in my mind.

When we came back home, we were tired but happy. That trip with my family was not just fun; it taught me that being together is the most important thing. I will always remember those days as the best days of my life.

500 Words Essay on Memorable Trip With Family

Introduction to a special journey.

Once in a while, we all go on trips that stay in our hearts forever. I want to share a story about a very special journey I took with my family. It was not just a trip to a place but a trip filled with laughter, fun, and love that brought us all closer.

Planning Our Adventure

The excitement began weeks before we left. My parents, my little brother, and I sat around the dining table, looking at maps and pictures of the mountains. We decided to visit a hill station where we could see the snow. The idea of playing in the snow made my brother and me very happy. We packed our warmest clothes, some snacks, and a camera to capture every moment.

Starting the Trip

First impressions.

When we reached the hill station, it was like stepping into a picture. Everything was so beautiful and peaceful. The mountains stood tall, covered in a blanket of white snow. We could see our breath in the cold air, and the tips of our noses turned pink. We checked into a small hotel with a view of the snowy peaks.

Fun in the Snow

Apart from playing in the snow, we explored the local market and tried new foods. We met friendly people who told us stories about life in the mountains. One night, we sat under the stars, wrapped in blankets, sipping hot chocolate. It was quiet except for the sound of the wind. We talked about everything and nothing, and it was perfect.

Unforgettable Memories

On the last day, we didn’t want to leave. We took a lot of photos, but the best pictures are the ones in my mind. I remember the feel of the cold snow in my hands, the sound of my family laughing, and the warmth of the hugs we shared.

Conclusion: The Journey Home

The trip home was quiet as we were all a little sad it was over. Yet, there was a sense of joy because we had made memories that would last a lifetime. This trip with my family was more than just a holiday; it was a treasure chest of moments that I will always hold dear. Every time I think about it, I smile, and it reminds me of the love we share and the fun we had together. It was, indeed, the most memorable trip with my family.

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Essay on My Trip for Students

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  • Feb 3, 2024

Essay on my trip

Everybody enjoys traveling and exploring the outside world, the beautiful valleys, beaches, waterfalls, and other wonders of nature. School students are often required to write an ‘essay on my trip’, especially after their long vacations or school trips. The essay on my trip is an opportunity for you to relive those cherished memories once again. The only difference is that you have to explain it in your own words. 

Writing an essay is a great way to effectively communicate your ideas and express your thoughts. When writing an essay on my trip or any school-level topics, you need to understand your audience, to whom you are addressing your essay. It’s time for you to hold a pen and paper in front of you and follow the essay on my trip samples discussed below. Here we go!

  • 1 Essay on My Trip for Class 3
  • 2 Essay on My Trip for Class 5
  • 3 My Favourite Trip Essay in 250 Words
  • 4 10 Lines on My Trip

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Essay on My Trip for Class 3

‘My trip started with me and my family making a list of necessary items and packing our stuff. Me and my family went on a 4-day trip to Udaipur, the city of lakes. This city has a total of 7 lakes, out of which, Lake Pichola is the most beautiful one. My father booked a suite for us, where we stayed. 

As always, my restless sister and I started exploring the hotel. We saw the beautiful swimming pool, played water sports, and ate a lot of Indian food. I enjoyed the Dal Bhaati Churma.

Then we visited the Jagdish temple, which was located just outside the royal palace. It is an architectural marvel and is listed among the top monuments in India. 

Last but not least, we went boating on Lake Pichola, which was the most beautiful moment of my entire trip. We rented a motor boat, where our guide told us everything about the city, its history, and how it has because a tourism hub. 

My trip to Udaipur was a magical experience. Every moment of my trip is a cherished memory that I will never forget. Traveling with my family was so much fun.’

To improve your essay writing skills, here are the top 200+ English Essay Topics for school students.

Essay on My Trip for Class 5

‘When I was in Class 5, we went on a school trip to Rishikesh, the famous hill station. My mother packed all my important things and told me to follow everything my teacher told me. It was a 3-day trip, where we had a lot of fun, ate delicious food, played games on the riverside, did rafting, bonfire and jungle-adventure.

We visited the hotel in the early morning and were served with delicious breakfast. After breakfast, we visited the famous Lakshman Jhula, located on the Ganges River. This Jhula is used by pedestrians to cross the river and visit the other side of the city.

The next thing we did was rafting. There were rafting boats, and we were provided with life jackets, helmets, and wetsuits. We were given clear instructions not directly to jump into the river and stay in the boat. It was really fun and a completely different experience for me.

Then we had our lunch and sat down near the river, where we talked with locals. We learned about the history of this beautiful city. Our guide took us to the nearby waterfall, where we played water sports and enjoyed a lot. 

Lastly, we all sat in a circle around a bonfire and listened to the beautiful stories from our teachers and guides. 

While we were packing our stuff and leaving the hotel, we were offered souvenirs and holy prasad by the hotel staff. This trip was full of adventure, spirituality, and beautiful moments with my friends.’

My Favourite Trip Essay in 250 Words

‘My favorite trip was to Kashmir, called ‘Paradise on Earth’. It is an Indian Union Territory, located in Northern India. There were breathtaking views, serene lakes, and snow-capped mountains. It was like I was in heaven.

We traveled by train, where we enjoyed the winding green valleys and beautiful waterfall. Firstly, we explored the Mughal Gardens. There were terraces arranged near the water channel, fountains lined, and various types of flowers and trees planted. 

We explored the famous Dal Lake, which is a natural wetland with floating gardens. My father rented a houseboat, locally known as ‘Shikhara’ where we had our lunch and enjoyed the boating experience. It was like a fairy world, where everything was calm as a bright blue sky.

Our next destination was Gurmarg, which is famous for its snow-covered landscapes. The scenic beauty of the Himalayan Mountains in the backdrop was like an additional adventure to our trip. Me and my brother enjoyed Skiing at the Apharwat Peak. My father is a golf fan, so he played golf at the Gulmarg Golf Course, close to our hotel.

After skiing, we were so hungry that my brother and I ate a hearty meal to recover our exhausted energy. We were so exhausted that we slept for 4 hours. When we woke up, we witnessed snow for the first time. We made a snowman and played Tic-Tac-Toe using sticks.

‘My trip to Kashmir was a life-changing experience, and I wish I could travel there again to relive those cherished memories once more.’

10 Lines on My Trip

Here are 10 lines for my trip. Feel free to add them to your essay or any academic topics.

  • My trip was full of adventure and fun. 
  • Me and my family did rafting and hiking.
  • We made new friends and learned about different cultures on our trip.
  • We explored different landscapes and enjoyed the natural beauty of the nature.
  • My trip was a new experience for me and my family.
  • I visited the snow-capped mountains and played in the snow with my friends.
  • We stayed in tents in the middle of the jungle, and at night, we could hear the sound of wild animals.
  • I have a lot of pictures from our last camping trip, where we all had a lot of fun.
  • We visited the beach on our trip, where we enjoyed the sea breeze and played sand volleyball.
  • My last trip was to the National Zoological Park, where we saw different kinds of animals, like lions, tigers, elephants and giraffes.

Ans: ‘My trip started with me and my family making a list of necessary items and packing our stuff. Me and my family went on a 4-day trip.’

Ans: ‘My trip started with me and my family making a list of necessary items and packing our stuff. Me and my family went on a 4-day trip to Udaipur, the city of lakes. This city has a total of 7 lakes, out of which, Lake Pichola is the most beautiful one. My father booked a suite for us, where we stayed. As always, my restless sister and I started exploring the hotel. We saw the beautiful swimming pool, played water sports, and ate a lot of Indian food. I enjoyed the Dal Bhaati Churma.’

Ans: ‘When I was in Class 5, we went on a school trip to Rishikesh, the famous hill station. My mother packed all my important things and told me to follow everything my teacher told me. It was a 3-day trip, where we had a lot of fun, ate delicious food, played games on the riverside, did rafting, bonfire and jungle-adventure. We visited the hotel in the early morning and were served with delicious breakfast. After breakfast, we visited the famous Lakshman Jhula, located on the Ganges River. This Jhula is used by pedestrians to cross the river and visit the other side of the city’

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Essay Samples on Vacation

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Best topics on Vacation

1. My Unforgettable Summer Vacation: a Tapestry of Memories

2. Personal Vacation Experience of Unveiling the Wonders of Asia

3. Miraculous Vacation on the Beach: a Serenade of Sun and Sea

4. My Favorite Vacation with Grandparents: Timeless Bonds and Memories

5. My Best Vacation: a Memorable Experience That I Won’t Forget

6. My Dream Vacation – the Escape to the Enchanting Maldives

7. Ideal Vacation: Celebrating Brotherhood with My Brothers

8. Perfect Vacation in Winter: a Journey to Snowy Wonderland

9. My Unforgettable Vacation: a Personal Journey Etched in Time

10. Memorable Vacation with Family: a Journey of Joy and Togetherness

11. How to Plan a Vacation Trip: Correct Navigation of the Process

12. The Most Memorable Vacation in My Life: Visting Costa Rica

13. Beach Vacation with Friends in Italy: Sun, Sand and La Dolce Vita

14. Reasons Why Implementing Year-round Schooling Is A Bad Idea

15. Finding The Appropriate Vacation Place For Spring Break

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Dear Abby

Dear Abby: I’m scared my husband might kick me out of the house

Worried couple feeling frustrated while have to pay their bills

DEAR ABBY: My husband and I have been together for nine years (married for seven). I moved into his house with him, and I’m still not on the mortgage. I work full time in the medical field and contribute to all the bills. We did meet with an attorney, and if, God forbid, something happens to him, we have a quitclaim deed, and I wouldn’t have to leave. However, he has said to me several times, “If you do this or that, you can’t live here anymore.” 

I’m on eggshells a lot. My concern is that he could tell me to leave at any time, and I wouldn’t have a say in it. I love him with all my heart, but he makes me feel like I’m disposable. It makes me sad and uneasy. What do you think? — TENTATIVE IN MICHIGAN

DEAR TENTATIVE: Your husband should not be threatening you. You live in a state in which assets are decided by a judge “on an equitable basis.” For your peace of mind, schedule an appointment with an attorney and discuss where you would be financially if your marriage should not work out. Then plan accordingly.

DEAR ABBY: My best friend has an aging father who will not bathe more than twice a month. Even then, it’s usually just one five-minute shower about every three weeks. Her dad changes clothes at about the same frequency. My friend has tried everything — asking nicely, nagging, pleading, etc. He continues to ignore her. What, if anything, can my friend do? — LOYAL SUPPORTER IN IOWA

DEAR SUPPORTER: Sometimes as people age, their olfactory sense diminishes. Was your friend’s aging father always this way, or is this relatively new behavior? If it’s new and he has a doctor, he may need to be neurologically evaluated. If more is going on, and he can no longer take care of himself (i.e., do laundry, clean his home, etc.), someone should do it for him on a regular basis. If he refuses to allow that, suggest she visit with him in well-ventilated surroundings. 

DEAR ABBY: My longtime neighbor has stopped speaking to me. I’ve reached out to her, but she doesn’t respond. We raised our children together. Her son is getting married out of state, and my son will be in the wedding party. The groom has sent us a “save the date” card. I would love to see him be married, but I don’t want to spoil the day for his mother. Have you any advice about how to proceed? — WONDERING IN COLORADO

DEAR WONDERING: I wish you had given me a clue about why your longtime neighbor no longer speaks to you. This is not her wedding. Her son would not have sent a “save the date” card if he didn’t want you to be part of this special day. If you would be comfortable attending under these circumstances, then go. But don’t expect that the breach will be healed. If not, send your regrets and a small gift to the happy couple.

Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby at http://www.DearAbby.com or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

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I was upset my friend was getting married. Then I toppled her wedding cake

“Where does the cake go?” I asked a bow-tied bartender, my voice tight and panicked. I was in my best cocktail dress and heels, trying to keep my grip on a box roughly the size, and weight, of a bear cub.

I’d been late getting ready, late picking up the cake, and now I was late to my friend Stephanie’s wedding . I’d missed the ceremony completely and it was already cocktail hour. I just wanted to get the cake through the crowd and onto the dessert table before the bride noticed.

The bartender pointed me toward the reception tent on the other side of the winery. As I shuffled forward, I grumbled to myself: Why did I have to volunteer to transport the cake? Why, I wondered, was I going to this wedding at all?

Stephanie was my next-door neighbor. Her getting married meant she and her 4-year-old daughter were moving, which meant both my toddler and I were losing our best, and closest, friends. Of course, I knew I was supposed to be happy for Stephanie, who’d finally found true love. And on the outside, I was. I smiled, I celebrated, and I put on heels. But on the inside, I was drooping like a day-old bouquet.

When I eventually placed the box on the dessert table, I sighed with relief. I even gave a wink and two thumbs up to a waiter, who was putting out the last of the silverware. Finally, my task was complete. Maybe now I could find a glass of wine and try to enjoy myself.

wedding cake

But my joy turned to horror when I opened the box and found the cake, a two-tier confection with white buttercream frosting, decorated with greenery, was almost completely horizontal: smushed up against the side of its cardboard box.

I stood, frozen, staring at the cake. Frosting was everywhere, sections of yellow cake popping out. I had the scary thought that somehow, subconsciously, I might have done this on purpose.

It all started when Stephanie began dating her husband-to-be.

She and I sat on my front patio, sharing a bottle of wine and a cheese plate my husband had prepared for us. Our toddlers were taking turns going down a plastic slide.

“There’s just something about him,” my friend said. “I can see myself with him. I think he’s the one.”

I congratulated her, poured more wine, and assured her that her new boyfriend seemed like a great catch. I was genuinely happy for her.

As the months passed, when we’d chat over our garden wall or meet for toddler playdates, Stephanie would mention marriage more and more. I was excited, asking when she thought he was going to propose. I always told her how fun married life could be and was looking forward to watching her be a bride. But eventually, she started mentioning the new home she and her bigger family would need. He wanted more space than her two-bedroom townhome and she wanted a place where they could start fresh together. “Neither his place nor my place — our place,” she told me.

I hated the idea.

Ever since I’d moved into the neighborhood two years before, Stephanie and I had been fast friends. I could always depend on her if I needed a last-minute babysitter and she could always count on me to bring over pizza and dessert on days she had to work late. Whenever one of us unexpectedly ran out of baby wipes, the other was always ready to pass a package over the garden wall.

It meant so much to have a mom friend next door, especially when I felt unsure of my skills as a parent. Stephanie had a teenager as well, so as the more experienced parent, she’d give me valuable advice and introduce me to the best local toddler activities and classes. When I complained about a hard parenting day, she commiserated. It always made me feel better. She was one of the first people I told after I found out I was pregnant with my second, and there were many days when she came over to hold my newborn so I could shower or take a nap.

One day, Stephanie texted me a picture of an engagement ring. “He proposed! I can’t believe it,” she wrote.

I couldn’t believe it either, or maybe I didn’t want to.

After that, things moved fast. Wedding plans were made, a date was set, and soon, Stephanie started packing. Her fiancé had found them a beautiful home in the next city over.

I started dreading the wedding. Stephanie’s friendship had meant so much to me. Without her next door, I didn’t know what I’d do.

On the day of Stephanie’s wedding, I woke up feeling off. I was distracted, thinking about a close friend who had moved out of state in middle school and another friend who had transferred out of our college. People say they’ll keep in touch, but it’s always hard.

I stomped around all morning as I got ready, got the kids dressed and finally picked up the cake. It wasn’t until later that day, when I opened the cake box and found the frosting covering the inside of the box, that I finally snapped out of my mood.

My friend’s wedding cake was splattered like a pie in a “Looney Tunes” cartoon. And it was all my fault.

I was shocked. My friend’s wedding cake was splattered like a pie in a “Looney Tunes” cartoon. And it was all my fault. Had this happened when I turned off the freeway? Had I tilted it too much while walking through the venue? Did the air conditioning not reach my car’s hatchback, causing the cake to simply melt onto itself? I wasn’t sure.

wedding cake

I stood there, frustrated, sad and on the verge of tears. I’d missed my friend’s wedding ceremony, missed her finally saying “I do,” and now I was ruining the reception, delivering a mess of a cake. Stephanie had been there for me, supported and encouraged me often over the last two years, and I’d let her down on her big day. I wanted to step away from the table, get to my car and drive away as fast as I could. But I knew I had to, somehow, try to fix this.

The guests were still at cocktail hour, which meant Stephanie was busy taking photos on the other side of the venue. But I knew I was quickly running out of time.

I gently pulled the cake up and out of the box, letting the top half rest on my forearm as I kept the two layers somewhat together. When a waiter walked by, I shouted, “Get me a knife!” like a surgeon in a medical drama. He handed me a myriad of utensils and I got to work, trying to push the cake right-side up and level the frosting. Another woman, who I later learned was the caterer, offered a pitcher of water. “A wet knife will work better,” she said. She dipped a knife in the water and covered a patch of exposed cake with ease. “Don’t worry, I’ve seen a lot worse,” she said before getting back to preparing the buffet food. 

wedding cake

I was grateful for help from this apparent frosting whisperer, but from the smell of rosemary chicken she was now uncovering, I knew I was running out of time.

Now on my own, and with seconds to finish, I tried my best to smooth the final sections. I even stole greenery from the table centerpieces to cover the hopeless sections. In the end, I had frosting on my hands, on my dress and in my hair, and the cake still leaned slightly to one side — but I thought it looked OK. Almost normal.

When the first wedding guests started arriving at the reception tent, I took that as my cue to head to cocktail hour and find my husband and kids. Together, we walked to our table.

As we mixed in with the other guests, chatted with some of Stephanie’s other friends and eventually found our table, I kind of felt like that cake. I’d been a droopy mess before, but now I felt pieced together and ready for a party.

Sure, I was losing a great neighbor, but at the same time, there was so much to be thankful for, so much to celebrate. Of course I wanted to be there. I wanted to stand tall and celebrate my friend.

In the end, everyone seemed to enjoy the cake, even though it was a little off. When I took a break from dancing to get a slice, it was already gone.

wedding cake

I saw Stephanie outside the next morning. She was on her way to the airport, ready for her honeymoon. When I apologized for the cake, she just laughed and said it wasn’t a big deal. Still, I found myself apologizing again and again. I knew I was sorry about more than just the cake. “When you get back, let me know how I can help you finish packing,” I said, giving her a big hug.

In the past six months since Stephanie moved, I have to admit, we’ve only seen each other a handful of times. Maybe she and I will figure out how to keep in touch better than I have with other friends who have moved. Maybe we won’t. But I’m so lucky I had Stephanie for a next-door neighbor when I did. Now, we might not be as physically close, but I hope we’re friends for a long time.

And while Stephanie said the cake wasn’t a big deal, I still feel bad. Every so often, I wonder about my first thought when I first opened the box, if I really did wreck it on purpose. But the more I think about it, the more I’m sure it was an accident. Things happen: Cakes fall, we run late, friends move. We just have to try to do our best and, when we’re down, hope someone will help build us back up and smooth the edges.

Jillian Pretzel is a California-based writer and mom of two. You can find her on Instagram or at www.jillianpretzel.com .

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Husband Says He Left Family Behind on European Vacation Because His Mother-in-Law Used His Toothpaste

The man sparked debate after revealing that he left his family behind on a European vacation after his mother-in-law shared products with his wife, including shampoo, face wash and the couple's shared toothpaste

Charlotte Phillipp is a Weekend Writer-Reporter at PEOPLE. She has been working at PEOPLE since 2024, and was previously an entertainment reporter at The Messenger.

my family trip essay

A man who stormed out on his family's vacation after accusing his mother-in-law of invading his family's privacy is facing major backlash.

In a post on Reddit's popular "AITA" [Am I The A------?]  subreddit shared on Thursday, Aug. 8, a 38-year-old man wrote that he and his wife, 35, had been planning on taking a vacation to Venice, Italy with their five-year-old daughter. "Venice has always been my wife's idea of a romantic city, so it's been her dream to go there," he wrote.

However, his wife's mother soon found out about the trip and said "it was her dream to visit too," so she was invited to join as well. "My wife was very supportive of this idea, but I was more reluctant," he said.

To the user's "dismay," his wife booked just one room for the group of four with two queen beds, setting off a series of conflicts.

The redditer argued that because of the room setup, his mother-in-law was "constantly in my space" because she was sharing his wife's "expensive" products, such as face wash, shampoo and lotion, and sitting on their bed.

"It is very unhygienic to me and I don't like that she was sitting on the bed that me and my wife share, as I am a very private person," the user wrote. "She also rummaged through our suitcase looking for a hair tie, and it really irked me that she did so without asking me. I don't like the thought of her looking through our stuff when we're gone, so I locked it."

The moment that the user called his "final straw" was when he realized that his mother-in-law had been using his and his wife's toothpaste, which he claimed made him feel "ill."

"I don't like the thought of her putting her tooth brush close to (or even on) the toothpaste nozzle...," he continued. "I asked [my] MIL if the only reason she came was to freeload off of me and my wife, as she didn't pay for any of the expenses (hotel, amenities, food), only her own plane tickets. I said that I've asked her politely several times to stop using my wife's stuff, especially because I share it with her and it's very inappropriate."

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According to the user, his mother-in-law told his wife about the incident, and she, in turn, screamed at him. At the time, he noted, he felt "very angry" because he paid for the trip "with MY OWN MONEY" and it was now "ruined."

"I changed the date of my plane ticket and went straight home. My wife has called me several times afterwards, screaming at me and saying that our daughter is upset," he finished the post, noting that his wife had her own bank card and could pay for herself to either get home or stay in Italy. He also added that he had been ignoring his wife's calls "to take some time for my own mental health."

"I feel bad that our daughter was caught in the situation, but it was really not acceptable what my MIL did and I had to set some boundaries before it gets worse," he finished.

The "AITA" community immediately declared that this user was, indeed, "the a------," arguing that he wasn't clear about what he wanted from both his mother-in-law and his wife, and that he had unrealistic expectations for cleanliness.

"Wow," one commenter wrote in the replies, "Your wife books the wrong hotel room so your solution is to abandon her on her dream vacation, forcing her to care for your high-maintenance kindergartener on her own? Couldn’t you have booked a separate room for your MIL instead of abandoning your wife and child?"

Another chimed in that some of the husband's grievances "are just wild,"

"Sharing toothpaste gives him cooties? And MIL sitting on the bed is bad because it's unhygienic? Why does [he] even care that MIL is sharing wife's face wash, shampoo etc."

Another user argued in the post's replies that the husband's communication skills left something to be desired, and that ignoring his wife's phone calls was harming their relationship, not saving his mental health.

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"You are actively harming your marriage by continuing to ignore her calls. All of this happened because you couldn't communicate like an adult (how hard is it to say 'let's go buy another toothpaste so you don't have to use ours' for example?) and now you're doing the opposite of damage control by avoiding her on purpose and claiming that it's for your mental health." the commenter wrote.

After the post gained traction on Reddit, receiving over 650 replies and more than 800 upvotes, the original poster wrote out a reply to his critics, thanking them for the advice and noting that he "realized my mistakes."

"I'm taking tonight to write a sincere apology and I will be calling my wife first thing in the morning tomorrow. Thank you again," he finished. "I love her more than anything and I want to make amends."

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Frequently Asked Questions About Keeping Families Together

ALERT: On Aug. 19, 2024, DHS posted for public inspection a Federal Register notice implementing the Keeping Families Together process for certain noncitizen spouses and stepchildren of U.S. citizens. Additional information on eligibility criteria, the application process, and examples of required documentation is available on the  Keeping Families Together page, this FAQ page, and in the Federal Register notice .

Q. What is Keeping Families Together?

A. Keeping Families Together is a process that allows certain noncitizen spouses and stepchildren of U.S. citizens to apply for parole in place to enable them to apply for lawful permanent resident status without having to be separated from their families by leaving the United States for processing. Parole is an exercise of DHS’s discretionary authority under section 212(d)(5)(A) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) to allow certain noncitizen “applicants for admission” to be present in the United States on a temporary, case-by-case basis for urgent humanitarian reasons or a significant public benefit. The INA defines an “applicant for admission,” in relevant part, as a noncitizen “present in the United States who has not been admitted.” Noncitizens who are present in the United States without admission or parole may be considered for parole in place under this process because they remain “applicants for admission.” Parole in place is available only for noncitizens who are present in the United States. Those who receive parole are eligible to apply for work authorization for the period of parole

Q. Which form should I file to apply for Keeping Families Together? Can I file online?

A. Requestors must file Form I-131F, Application for Parole in Place for Certain Noncitizen Spouses and Stepchildren of U.S. Citizens , under this process. The form can only be filed online. Paper-based applications sent to USCIS by mail will be rejected (not accepted or receipted). We have created a  Filing Guide for Form I-131F (PDF, 8.91 MB) to help individuals as they prepare to file a request for parole in place through the online process.

Q. What fee is required to file a request under Keeping Families Together (Form I-131F)?   Can I obtain a fee waiver or fee exemption for this process?

A. The fee to apply is $580. No fee waivers or fee exemptions are available for this process at this time.

Q. Someone told me if I pay them a fee, they can expedite my Form I-131F or guarantee that it will be approved. Is this true?

A. No. While an attorney or accredited representative may charge a fee to prepare your request, anyone who guarantees faster processing or a positive outcome by USCIS if you pay them a fee may be trying to scam you. Visit our  Avoid Scams  page to learn how you can protect yourself from immigration scams.

Please also remember that USCIS will begin accepting requests for this process on Aug. 19, 2024. Any filings received before this date will be rejected by USCIS (not accepted or receipted) .

Q. If my Keeping Families Together request is granted, how long will my parole period last?

A. In general, if you are granted parole as a noncitizen spouse or noncitizen stepchild of a U.S. citizen under this process, your parole period will be valid as of the date USCIS approves your Form I-131F and will expire 3 years from that date. However, parole terminates automatically if you depart the United States. Parole may also be terminated at any time in DHS’s discretion upon a determination that parole is no longer warranted, for example, following the commission of criminal conduct.

As long as your parole remains valid (that is, is not expired or terminated), you will be considered in a period of authorized stay. As a parolee, you may apply for any immigration status for which you may be otherwise eligible, including adjustment of status to that of a lawful permanent resident.

Q. What are the eligibility criteria for Keeping Families Together?

A. To be considered for this process as a noncitizen spouse of a U.S. citizen, you must:

  • Be present in the United States without admission or parole;
  • Have been continuously physically present in the United States since at least June 17, 2014, through the date of filing your request;
  • Have a legally valid marriage to a U.S. citizen on or before June 17, 2024;
  • Have no disqualifying criminal history and otherwise not deemed to be a threat to public safety, national security, or border security; and
  • Submit biometrics and undergo required background checks and national security and public safety vetting.

To be considered for this process as a noncitizen stepchild of a U.S. citizen, you must:

  • Have been under the age of 21 and unmarried on June 17, 2024;
  • Have been continuously physically present in the United States since at least June 17, 2024, through the date of filing your request;
  • Have a noncitizen parent who entered into a legally valid marriage with a U.S. citizen on or before June 17, 2024, and before your 18th birthday;
  • Have no disqualifying criminal history and otherwise not deemed to be a threat to public safety, national security, or border security*; and

*NOTE:  Consistent with the Sept. 30, 2021,  Guidelines for the Enforcement of Civil Immigration Law (PDF) , a noncitizen who poses a threat to border security will be generally disqualified from receiving parole in place pursuant to this process. However, there is an exception for stepchildren who entered the United States unlawfully after Nov. 1, 2020, and who otherwise meet the criteria for parole in place under this process.

All such requests for parole in place are considered on a case-by-case basis for urgent humanitarian reasons or a significant public benefit, in the exercise of discretion, taking into account the totality of the circumstances of each individual request.

Q. If I meet the criteria listed above, will I be guaranteed to have my Form I-131F approved under this process?

A. No. All requests under this process are considered on a case-by-case basis in the exercise of discretion, taking into account the totality of the circumstances of each individual request and evaluating whether parole is warranted as a matter of discretion for significant public benefit or urgent humanitarian reasons.

Q. If I entered the United States on a nonimmigrant visa or was admitted in another status and overstayed, am I eligible for Keeping Families Together?

A. No. Parole in place is only available to an “applicant for admission,” which the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) defines, in relevant part, as a noncitizen “present in the United States who has not been admitted.” This means that noncitizens who were last admitted on valid nonimmigrant visas or were admitted in another status but have remained in the United States beyond their authorized period of stay cannot request parole in place under this process. However, a noncitizen who was previously “inspected and admitted” to the United States may be eligible under the law to apply for adjustment of status as an immediate relative of a U.S. citizen, if they are the beneficiary of an approved immigrant visa petition. For more information, please visit the  Adjustment of Status webpage.

Q. I have already departed the United States for an immigrant visa interview appointment at a U.S. embassy or consulate abroad. Can I make a request for Keeping Families Together?

A. No. This process is only available to noncitizens who are present in the United States without admission or parole. Noncitizens who have already departed the United States may be eligible for consular processing abroad.

Q. I have Deferred Action under Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) or Temporary Protected Status (TPS). Am I eligible to make a request for Keeping Families Together?

A. If you are a current DACA recipient or TPS beneficiary, you may request parole in place under this process if you are currently present in the United States without admission or parole and you are otherwise eligible. However, if you previously departed the United States and re-entered with a TPS Travel Authorization Document or an Advance Parole Document, you are not eligible for parole in place under this process because you have already been admitted or paroled into the United States.

If you are in a valid period of parole at the time your DACA renewal request is adjudicated, USCIS will deny your DACA renewal request as a matter of discretion.

Q. I once had Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) or Temporary Protected Status (TPS), but my DACA or TPS has lapsed. Am I eligible to make a request for Keeping Families Together?

A. If your DACA or TPS has lapsed, you may request parole in place under this process if you are currently present in the United States without admission or parole. However, if you previously departed the United States and re-entered with a TPS Travel Authorization Document or an Advance Parole Document, you are not eligible for parole in place under this process because you have already been admitted or paroled into the United States.

If you submit a DACA renewal request while in a valid period of parole or are in a valid period of parole at the time your DACA renewal request is adjudicated, USCIS will deny your DACA renewal request as a matter of discretion.

Q. Will I be able to request re-parole (a new period of parole) and renew my employment authorization when the duration of my parole under Keeping Families Together ends?

A. DHS is not planning a re-parole process. If you do not apply for adjustment of status or receive another immigration status before your period of parole expires, you may begin to accrue or resume accruing  unlawful presence . Any parole-based employment authorization granted by USCIS (category (c)(11)) will also generally expire at the same time your parole period expires.

However, if you file for adjustment of status, you may request employment authorization on the basis of your pending adjustment application, Form I-485 (category (c)(9)). If approved, you can receive employment authorization with a five-year validity date under category (c)(9). If your parole under this process is granted, you should not delay in filing their subsequent I-130 petition and I-485 application.

Q. How do I make a request under Keeping Families Together?

A. You must submit Form I-131F, Application for Parole in Place for Certain Noncitizen Spouses and Stepchildren of U.S. Citizens , online with the applicable filing fee of $580. You may not file for this process using a paper form. Any paper filing received by USCIS will be rejected (not accepted or receipted) and you will have to file again to have your request considered.

You must submit with your online request documentation establishing that you meet all eligibility criteria and evidence of any additional factors you would like USCIS to consider. Each requestor, including stepchildren, must have their own USCIS online account to prepare and file the Form I-131F individually.

A parent or legal guardian may create an online account for their minor child if the purpose is to submit a form on behalf of the minor. If a parent or legal guardian is not available, a primary caregiver or legal assistance provider may also help a child create their own USCIS online account.

For information on creating a USCIS online account, visit our  How to Create a USCIS Online Account page .

Examples of Documents to Submit to Demonstrate You Meet the Criteria

Documents that are not in English must be accompanied by a certified translation of the entire document into English.

 You may provide expired documents in conjunction with other documents.

Proof of identity

Foreign civil documents must be issued by the official issuing authority in the relevant country and meet other requirements in the  .

Proof of your (or your parent’s) legally valid marriage on or before June 17, 2024
Proof of spouse’s (or stepparent’s) status as a U.S. citizen
Proof of continuous physical presence in the United States during the required time period (since at least June 17, 2014, through the date of filing, if requesting parole in place as the spouse of a U.S. citizen, or from June 17, 2024, through the date of filing, if requesting parole in place as the stepchild of a U.S. citizen)
Proof of your qualifying relationship to your U.S. citizen stepparent (for stepchildren only)
Evidence to demonstrate that you merit a favorable exercise of discretion for parole based on a significant public benefit or urgent humanitarian reasons

USCIS will examine the totality of the circumstances to determine whether your request should be granted based on a review of all positive and negative factors in your case.

If you have a final unexecuted removal order, non-disqualifying criminal history, or other derogatory information in your case, you may provide additional documentation that you believe demonstrates your parole is warranted based on a significant public benefit or urgent humanitarian reasons, and that you merit a favorable exercise of discretion. Such documentation may relate to, but is not limited to:

This is a non-exhaustive list of factors; we may consider any relevant factors in our discretionary case-by-case analysis.

Q. Is there a deadline after which USCIS will no longer accept requests for Keeping Families Together?

A. There is no filing deadline for this process.

Q. What evidence can I submit to show my continuous physical presence in the United States since June 17, 2014 (if I am the spouse of a U.S. citizen), or since June 17, 2024 (if I am the stepchild of a U.S. citizen)?

A. If you are making a request for this process as the spouse of a U.S. citizen, you must submit documentation that shows you have been continuously physically present in the United States from June 17, 2014, up until the time of filing your request, to meet the continuous physical presence requirement.

If you are the stepchild of a U.S. citizen, you must submit documentation that shows you have been continuously physically present in the United States from June 17, 2024, until the time of filing your request.

You should provide documentation to account for as much of the period as reasonably possible, but there is no requirement that every day or month of that period be specifically accounted for through direct evidence.

It is helpful to submit evidence of your physical presence during at least each year of the required period. We will review the documentation in its totality to determine whether you have established by a preponderance of the evidence that you were continuously physically present in the United States for the required period.

If gaps in your documentation raise questions about whether you were continuously physically present in the United States for the required period, we may issue, at our discretion, a Request for Evidence to allow you to submit additional documentation that supports your claimed continuous physical presence.

Q. What evidence can I submit to show I merit a favorable exercise of discretion for this process?

A. Our decision whether to grant your request is a discretionary, case-by-case determination. Even if you establish that you have met all the criteria for eligibility, we will examine the totality of the circumstances in your individual case to determine whether your request should be granted based on a significant public benefit or urgent humanitarian reasons and whether you merit a favorable exercise of discretion based on a review of all positive and negative factors present in your case. If there are negative factors that outweigh the positive factors presented by the evidence, we may deny your request. If you have a final unexecuted removal order or non-disqualifying criminal history, you may provide additional documentation that you believe demonstrates that you merit a favorable exercise of discretion. Such documentation may relate to, but is not limited to:

  • Community ties;
  • Your particular vulnerability related to advanced or young age;
  • Length of presence in the United States;
  • Existence of a mental or physical condition or illness requiring care or treatment in the United States;
  • Your status as a parent or caregiver of a U.S. citizen child, or elderly parent or in-law;
  • Your status as a caregiver for an individual with disabilities, including a U.S. citizen parent, in-law, or sibling;
  • Your status as a victim or witness of a crime, or civil rights violation, or labor rights violation under investigation by a labor agency;
  • Effect on other family members, including family members who are U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents; or
  • Other positive factors about which you wish to provide information.

This is a non-exhaustive list of factors; we may consider any relevant factors in the discretionary analysis, including mitigating factors that relate to the specific criminal conduct or prior removal order at issue.

Q. Will USCIS verify documents or statements I provide to support my request?

A. USCIS has the authority to verify documents, facts, and statements provided to support immigration requests, including requests under this process. We may contact relatives, educational institutions, other government agencies, or other entities to verify information. In addition, USCIS will conduct background and security checks. If USCIS determines you have made a material misrepresentation or engaged in fraud as part of your request, your request will be denied, and you may be ineligible or inadmissible for other immigration benefits in the future. You may also be subject to criminal prosecution.

Q. Am I required to demonstrate that I am not inadmissible in order to qualify for this process?

A. No. Parole is neither an admission to the United States nor a determination of admissibility. As a result, requestors do not need to demonstrate that they are not inadmissible as part of this process. However, USCIS may consider facts and circumstances that may give rise to one’s inadmissibility in making the case-by-case discretionary parole determination, and requestors who subsequently apply for adjustment of status will be evaluated for admissibility at that stage.

Q. Will I be subject to the public charge ground of inadmissibility when I request parole in place?

A. No. Parole is neither an admission to the United States nor a determination of admissibility. As a result, requestors do not need to demonstrate that they are not inadmissible under the public charge ground of inadmissibility as part of this process. However, requestors who subsequently apply for adjustment of status will be evaluated for admissibility, including the public charge ground of inadmissibility, at that stage.

Q. Will the information I share in my Keeping Families Together request be used for immigration enforcement purposes?

A. DHS generally will not use information contained in a request under this process for the purpose of initiating immigration enforcement action, unless DHS determines, in its discretion, that you pose a threat to national security, public safety, or border security.

This process does not preclude DHS from, in its discretionary authority, taking enforcement actions in accordance with the INA and consistent with governing policies and practices, against noncitizens who may be eligible or who have pending requests for parole under this process.

DHS may disclose information in the request to national security and/or law enforcement agencies, including ICE and CBP, for purposes other than initiation of immigration enforcement proceedings. These purposes include assistance in the consideration of parole, identification or prevention of fraudulent claims, investigation of a possible national security threat, investigation or prosecution of a criminal offense, or as otherwise needed, consistent with statutory authorities, obligations, and restrictions, as well as governing privacy and information-sharing policies.

Q. If my request is pending and I am encountered by CBP or ICE, will I be placed into removal proceedings?

A. The Sept. 30, 2021,  Guidelines for the Enforcement of Civil Immigration Law (PDF)   direct DHS to focus its limited resources on noncitizens who pose a threat to our national security, public safety, or border security.

Those  guidelines  remain in effect. Filing a request under this process, or eligibility to file a request for parole in place under this process, does not prevent CBP or ICE from taking enforcement action against an individual when otherwise appropriate under applicable law and policy.

Q. If USCIS denies my request, will I be placed in removal proceedings?

A. If we deny your request under this process, we generally will not issue a Notice to Appear (NTA) or refer your case to ICE for possible enforcement action solely based on our denial. USCIS maintains discretion to issue an NTA or refer the case to ICE for possible enforcement action consistent with governing policies and practices, including initiating immigration enforcement proceedings based on a threat to national security, public safety or border security*.

* NOTE : Consistent with the Sept. 30, 2021,  Guidelines for the Enforcement of Civil Immigration Law (PDF) , a noncitizen who poses a threat to border security will be generally disqualified from receiving parole in place pursuant to this process. However, there is an exception for stepchildren who entered the United States unlawfully after Nov. 1, 2020, and who otherwise meet the criteria for parole in place under this process.

Q. What is considered a legally valid marriage?

A. USCIS will generally recognize a marriage as valid for purposes of Keeping Families Together if it is legally valid in the place where the marriage was celebrated, the parties to the marriage were legally free to marry, and the marriage is not contrary to the public policy of the United States or of the state where the couple resides.

The place of celebration is generally where the ceremony took place or where the officiant of the ceremony was located and where the marriage certificate was issued. Even if a marriage is valid in the place of celebration, there are circumstances where USCIS may not recognize a marriage relationship as valid for the purposes of this process, consistent with existing case law and policies for family-based immigrant visa petitions and other benefits.

Examples of the types of marital relationships that USCIS generally will not recognize for the purposes of this process include, but are not limited to:

  • Civil unions, domestic partnerships, or other relationships that do not confer the same legal rights and responsibilities to the parties as a marriage recognized by a civil authority;
  • Marriages that are contrary to public policy in the United States; and
  • Marriages where one or both parties to the marriage are not legally free to marry or have not given consent to the marriage.

Q. Are common law marriages considered legally valid marriages for purposes of Keeping Families Together?

A. USCIS recognizes common law marriages in adjudicating immigration benefits in certain circumstances and will similarly recognize them for purposes of Keeping Families Together if:

  • The parties live in a jurisdiction that recognizes common law marriages;
  • The parties meet the qualifications for common law marriage for that jurisdiction;
  • The marriage is valid and recognized by the jurisdiction in which the marriage was established; and
  • The marriage was established on or before June 17, 2024.

If you live in a different state than where you entered into your marriage, you may still be eligible. Some states may recognize a common law marriage contracted in another state even if the recognizing state does not accept common law marriage as a means for its own residents to contract marriage.

If you are requesting parole in place under Keeping Families Together on the basis of a common law marriage, you should submit a copy of the statute, regulation, or case law that states the requirements in that jurisdiction for establishing a common law marriage. You should also submit evidence that demonstrates you met the requirements in the jurisdiction for establishing a common law marriage on or before June 17, 2024. USCIS will review the laws of the relevant jurisdiction on common law marriages and the evidence you submit to determine whether you and your spouse should be considered to be married for purposes of this process and when the marriage was established.

Q. If my U.S. citizen spouse has died, am I still eligible for Keeping Families Together?

A. If your U.S. citizen spouse has died and you have not remarried, you may still be eligible for the Keeping Families Together process. However, to be eligible for immigrant visa petition approval and eligible to apply to adjust status as a widow(er) of a U.S. citizen, you must meet other eligibility requirements. For more information, see FAQ under “Eligibility for Form I-485, Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjustment of Status” below.

Q. What are the age requirements to be eligible for Keeping Families Together as a stepchild?

A. To be considered for this process as a stepchild of a U.S. citizen, you must have been under 21 and unmarried as of June 17, 2024. In addition, the legally valid marriage between your noncitizen parent and your U.S. citizen stepparent must have occurred on or before June 17, 2024, and before your 18th birthday.

Q. I was under 21 and unmarried as of June 17, 2024, and am the stepchild of a U.S. citizen. Am I eligible for Keeping Families Together?

A. Yes, if you meet all other criteria. You may be eligible for this process if, as of June 17, 2024, you were under age 21, unmarried, and met the definition of a stepchild under INA 101(b)(1)(B), including being under the age of 18 at the time of your parent’s marriage to your U.S. citizen stepparent. If you pursue adjustment of status, USCIS will determine whether, at the time of the Form I-130 filing, you met the INA definition of a child or of a son or daughter of a U.S. citizen. For more information on family-based immigration processes, please refer to  USCIS resources .

Q. If I am a stepchild of a U.S. citizen, do I have to file my own individual request?

A. Yes. You must file your own Form I-131F, pay the $580 filing fee, and submit documentation establishing you meet the criteria for this process. Parents or legal guardians may sign and submit a request on behalf of a minor child under the age of 14. Children may also sign a request for themselves. If a parent is filling out the information on behalf of their child, the parent must include their information in the “preparer” section of Form I-131F.

Q. If I am making a request for this process as the stepchild of a U.S. citizen, must I have at least 10 years of continuous physical presence?

A. No. As a stepchild of a U.S. citizen, you must demonstrate continuous physical presence in the United States since at least June 17, 2024, through the date of filing. You are not required to demonstrate that you have been continuously physically present for 10 years before June 17, 2024.

Q. I am the stepchild of a U.S. citizen, and my noncitizen parent or U.S. citizen stepparent is deceased. Am I eligible under Keeping Families Together?

A. You may be eligible for this process if your noncitizen parent or U.S. citizen stepparent is deceased. However, a grant of parole does not guarantee eligibility for immigrant visa petition approval or adjustment of status.

Q. If I am granted parole in place under Keeping Families Together as a stepchild of a U.S. citizen, what will happen to me if my parent and U.S. citizen stepparent divorce before I am able to apply to adjust my status (before my parole period ends)?

A. If your noncitizen parent and U.S. citizen stepparent divorce, you may continue to be eligible as an immigrant petition beneficiary and for adjustment of status if your stepparent demonstrates an ongoing bona fide parent-child relationship to you. This might include evidence that you and your stepparent reside together or that your stepparent provides financial and emotional support for your care.

Q. Do brief departures from the United States interrupt the continuous physical presence threshold criterion? Also, if I am granted parole, will a brief, casual, and innocent absence from the United States affect my eligibility for adjustment of status?

A. No. A brief, casual, and innocent absence from the United States will not interrupt your continuous physical presence in the United States during the required period for the purpose of Keeping Families Together. For the purpose of this process, a brief, casual, and innocent absence means an absence from the United States that took place prior to June 17, 2024, and:

  • The absence was short and reasonably calculated to accomplish the purpose for the absence;
  • The absence was not because of a departure under an order of exclusion, deportation, or removal;
  • The absence was not because of an order of voluntary departure, or an administrative grant of voluntary departure before you were placed in exclusion, deportation, or removal proceedings;
  • The purpose of the absence and your actions while outside the United States were not contrary to law; and
  • You are not a threat to border security (apprehended while attempting to unlawfully enter the United States on/after Nov. 1, 2020, or apprehended in the United States after unlawfully entering after Nov. 1, 2020). See DHS’s Sept. 30, 2021,  Guidelines for the Enforcement of Civil Immigration Law (PDF) .

However, to be eligible for adjustment of status, you must be admissible to the United States. If you were unlawfully present in the United States before your departure and absence from the United States, you may be inadmissible to the United States under INA section 212(a)(9)(B) or (C) and ineligible for adjustment of status under INA section 245(a), even after a grant of parole in place, depending on certain factual circumstances, including how long you were unlawfully present in the United States before your departure and whether you departed after being ordered removed from the United States. If you were removed or departed the United States under an outstanding order of exclusion, deportation, or removal and subsequently reentered without being admitted or paroled, USCIS will not grant you parole in place under Keeping Families Together, regardless of the date of your removal, departure, or reentry.

More information concerning unlawful presence is available on the  USCIS website , including information about the availability of a waiver for inadmissibility under INA section 212(a)(9)(B) or consent to reapply for admission after spending 10 years outside the United States for inadmissibility under INA section 212(a)(9)(C). Determining if you are inadmissible after accruing unlawful presence can be complex. If you need help or legal advice on immigration matters, make sure the person helping you is authorized to give legal advice. You can find information about authorized legal services on our  Avoid Scams  page.

CAUTION:  If you need to travel during your parole period or while your adjustment of status application is pending, please carefully review the “Travel” section of these FAQs below , which refers to obtaining an Advance Parole document prior to departing the United States.

Q. I am currently in removal proceedings. Am I eligible for Keeping Families Together?

A. Yes. If you are otherwise eligible for parole in place under this process, including that you are present in the United States without admission or parole, USCIS will consider your request if you are currently in removal proceedings before an immigration judge (also called INA Section 240 proceedings), including if your case is on appeal before the Board of Immigration Appeals, or if you have a case that is administratively closed. This includes if you were released on bond or on your own recognizance.

However, USCIS will consider any relevant information related to your removal proceedings, and any other relevant factors, in determining whether to grant parole in place as a matter of discretion. If you constitute an enforcement priority based on national security, public safety, or border security* concerns/issues, USCIS will deny your request for parole in place under this process.

* NOTE:  Consistent with the Sept. 30, 2021,  Guidelines for the Enforcement of Civil Immigration Law (PDF) , a noncitizen who poses a threat to border security will be generally disqualified from receiving parole in place pursuant to this process. However, there is an exception for stepchildren who entered the United States unlawfully after Nov. 1, 2020, and who otherwise meet the criteria for parole in place under this process. 

Q. How do I find out if I am in removal proceedings or have a removal order?

A. If you do not know if you have a removal order or are currently in immigration proceedings, you can use your A-Number to look up your immigration court case status at  https://acis.eoir.justice.gov/en/ . You can also call the EOIR hotline: 800-898-7180 / 304-625-2050 / TDD: 800-828-1120. ‘A-Number” refers to the immigration file number provided to you by U.S. immigration officials. It is an eight or nine-digit number that begins with an “A” and can be found on correspondence you have received from DHS or USCIS or on immigration court records.

Q. I have a final removal order but have not departed or been removed from the United States or have not departed after a grant of voluntary departure. Am I eligible for the Keeping Families Together process?

A. You may request parole in place under Keeping Families Together if you otherwise meet the criteria, but if you have a final removal order and have not departed the United States after the entry of that order, or have not been removed from the United States—sometimes called an “unexecuted” removal order (including a removal order that resulted from failure to depart after a grant of voluntary departure)—you are subject to a rebuttable presumption of ineligibility for this process.

Q. If my removal proceedings were administratively closed, am I eligible for Keeping Families Together?

A. Yes. USCIS may grant your parole in place request, if you otherwise meet the eligibility criteria and merit a favorable exercise of discretion. However, to apply for adjustment of status, you may need to seek re-calendaring, termination, or dismissal of your removal proceedings, depending on your circumstances.

Q. I was removed from the United States with a final order of removal and reentered without being admitted or paroled. Am I eligible for parole in place under Keeping Families Together?

A. No. If you were removed or departed the United States under an outstanding order of exclusion, deportation, or removal and subsequently reentered without being admitted or paroled, USCIS will not grant you parole in place under Keeping Families Together, regardless of the date of your removal, departure, or reentry.

Q. What factors will USCIS consider in determining whether I have rebutted the presumption of ineligibility for parole in place because I have a final unexecuted removal order?

A. USCIS will evaluate, in the exercise of its discretion on a case-by-case basis, all positive and negative factors presented in your case, including the facts and circumstances underlying the unexecuted final removal order, in determining whether you overcome the presumption of ineligibility and be granted parole in place. Examples of information that may be relevant to overcoming the presumption of ineligibility include, but are not limited to:

  • Lack of proper notice;
  • Your age when the removal order was issued;
  • Lack of counsel, ineffective assistance of counsel or being a victim of fraud in connection with immigration representation;
  • Language access issues;
  • Status as a victim of domestic violence;
  • A physical or mental condition requiring care or treatment;
  • Other extenuating personal factors, such as requestor’s limited resources (for example, a lack of housing that would have affected the requestor’s ability to appear);
  • Other mitigating factors.

Q. I was granted parole in place under this process but am in removal proceedings before an immigration judge or the Board of Immigration Appeals or had my removal proceedings administratively closed. Can I apply for adjustment of status to that of a lawful permanent resident with USCIS?

A. Not immediately. If you want to file for adjustment of status with USCIS, you must ask the immigration judge to first terminate or dismiss your removal proceedings. Even if USCIS grants you parole in place, the immigration court generally retains sole jurisdiction over your application for adjustment of status (Form I-485) as long as you remain in removal proceedings, including if your removal proceedings were administratively closed.

If you are in INA section 240 proceedings, you should contact the appropriate  local ICE Office of the Principal Legal Advisor (OPLA) field office where your removal case is located and provide information about your approved parole request. You may request that ICE OPLA work with you, at their discretion, to jointly request that the court terminate or dismiss your removal proceedings, or if your case is administratively closed, to request that the court re-calendar and then terminate or dismiss your removal proceedings.

Q. I was granted parole in place under Keeping Families Together but have a final unexecuted removal order issued by an immigration judge or the Board of Immigration Appeals. Can I apply for adjustment of status to that of lawful permanent resident before USCIS?

A. No. USCIS generally will not have jurisdiction to adjudicate your application for adjustment of status (Form I-485), unless your removal proceedings are first reopened and terminated or dismissed by an immigration judge.

If you have a final unexecuted removal order, you may  contact ICE OPLA to request that they work with you, at their discretion, to jointly submit a motion asking the immigration court to reopen and terminate or dismiss your removal proceedings.

Q. What impact does having a criminal conviction have on eligibility for this process?

A. All felony offenses will be disqualifying under this process. Convictions for the following offenses are also disqualifying regardless of whether the conviction was a felony or misdemeanor. DHS reserves its discretion to determine that other offenses are disqualifying, even if not listed.

  • Murder, torture, rape, or sexual abuse;
  • Offenses involving firearms, explosive materials, or destructive devices;
  • Engaging in activities relating to peonage, slavery, involuntary servitude, and trafficking in persons;
  • Aggravated assault;
  • Offenses relating to child pornography, sexual abuse or exploitation of minors, or solicitation of minors;
  • Domestic violence, stalking, child abuse, child neglect, or child abandonment; and
  • Controlled substance offenses (other than simple possession of 30 grams or less of marijuana).

All other criminal convictions not listed above, excluding minor traffic offenses, will result in a presumption of ineligibility for this process. To overcome the presumption of ineligibility, you must provide documentation demonstrating positive factors that can be considered in overcoming this presumption and showing that you warrant a favorable exercise of discretion. You should include copies of arrest records and certified court dispositions for each arrest or criminal charge, as well as evidence that you completed your sentence, if applicable.

Even if you establish that you have met all the criteria for eligibility, and have rebutted the presumption of ineligibility, USCIS will examine the totality of the circumstances to determine whether your request should be granted as a matter of discretion for significant public benefit or urgent humanitarian reasons.

Q. If I have a conviction for a felony offense, am I eligible for this process?

A. No. If you have been convicted of a felony offense, you are not eligible for this process, and we will deny your request.

Q. What offenses qualify as felonies?

A. A felony is a federal, state, or local criminal offense punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year. A single conviction for a felony offense is disqualifying for purposes of this process.

Q. I have pending criminal charges. Am I eligible for this process while the charges remain pending?

A. No. If you have been charged with any criminal offense and the charges remain pending, we will deny your request and not refund your filing fee. You may make a request for this process once your charges are resolved. However, if your criminal charges result in a conviction, and you are convicted of a crime that renders you ineligible for this process, your request will be denied. If your charges result in a conviction and the conviction does not render you ineligible for this process, the conviction will result in a rebuttable presumption of ineligibility, which may be overcome by demonstrating positive factors that outweigh the negative factors in your case.

You should include copies of arrest records and certified court dispositions for each arrest or criminal charge, as well as evidence that you completed your sentence, if applicable. USCIS will weigh the seriousness of the conviction against the positive factors and any other relevant information in each individual case. We will consider all criminal history in determining whether you merit a favorable exercise of discretion under this process.

Q. What qualifies as a national security, public safety, or border security concern?

A. If the background check or other information uncovered during the review of your request indicates that you pose a public safety, national security, or border security concern, we will not grant your parole request. Indicators of national security concerns include, but are not limited to, participation in activities that threaten the United States. Indicators of public safety concerns include, but are not limited to, serious criminal conduct and criminal history. Indicators of border security concerns include apprehension following entry into the United States without authorization on or after Nov. 1, 2020; however, stepchildren who otherwise meet the eligibility criteria will not be disqualified if they entered on or after Nov. 1, 2020.

Q. Are dismissed, expunged, vacated, pardoned, deferred, annulled, invalidated, withheld, or sealed convictions subject to the presumption of ineligibility?

A. Yes. Convictions that were, for example, dismissed, expunged, vacated, pardoned, deferred, annulled, invalidated, withheld, or sealed will still create a presumption of ineligibility for purposes of this process, even if they may no longer constitute convictions for immigration purposes. You may be able to overcome this presumption, however, depending on the specific facts of your case, including but not limited to the fact that the conviction was expunged or vacated under state law, the reasons for the expungement or vacatur, the nature of the underlying offense, your age at the time of the commission of the underlying offense, and any other relevant facts surrounding the original conviction. In addition, USCIS may consider your entire criminal history, if any, along with other facts to determine, whether, under the totality of the circumstances, a favorable exercise of discretion is warranted.

NOTE : If you were never convicted (for example, you were only arrested), you are not subject to the presumption of ineligibility.

Q. If I have a criminal conviction that makes me presumptively ineligible for Keeping Families Together, how can I overcome that presumption?

A. The presumption may be rebutted on a case-by-case basis by providing evidence that demonstrates positive and mitigating factors that overcome the presumption. USCIS will weigh the seriousness of the conviction against mitigating factors relating to the conviction as well as other positive factors that suggest you merit a favorable exercise of discretion. The weight of the presumption will be guided by the nature and seriousness of the conviction. A less serious conviction, or a conviction that does not indicate you are a public safety concern, will carry less weight and can be more easily rebutted. In adjudicating parole in place requests on an individualized, case-by-case basis, the nature and seriousness of the conviction will determine the evidence needed to overcome it.

You should submit a detailed statement explaining the circumstances of the conviction, any mitigating factors, and any positive factors you want USCIS to consider and any other evidence you think may support your case. USCIS may request additional evidence from you if the evidence you submit initially is not sufficient to overcome the presumption of ineligibility. Examples of factors we will consider in determining whether the presumption of ineligibility based on a criminal conviction can be overcome – such as the age and nature of the conviction, as well as positive factors about the requestor – are described below.

Q. What factors will USCIS consider to determine whether I have overcome the presumption of ineligibility because of a criminal conviction?

A. Factors that can be considered in overcoming the presumption of ineligibility due to a criminal conviction may include, but are not limited to:

  • Age of the conviction(s) (remoteness in time);
  • Your age at the time of the offense and conviction, including whether you were a juvenile at the time of the offense;
  • Sentence or penalty imposed;
  • Evidence of subsequent rehabilitation;
  • Nature of the conviction, including whether the conduct at issue was non-violent;
  • Whether the conviction was an isolated offense when considered against the rest of your history, if any (including consideration of whether multiple criminal convictions were on the same date and may have arisen out of the same act, omission or scheme of conduct);
  • Existence of a mental or physical condition that may have contributed to the criminal conduct;
  • Your particular vulnerability, including any physical or mental condition requiring treatment or care in the United States;
  • Your status as a victim of criminal activity, including domestic violence, particularly if related to the criminal conduct at issue;
  • Your status, or that of your U.S. citizen spouse, as a current or former member of the U.S. military;
  • Your status as the primary caregiver for a U.S. citizen child or elderly U.S. citizen parent or in-law;
  • Your good character, such as property ties, business ties, or value and service to the community; or
  • Other factors USCIS considers in its exercise of discretion.

Q. If I have a misdemeanor conviction for driving without a license, or driving with an expired license, will it make me ineligible for this process?

A. No. Misdemeanor convictions for minor traffic offenses, including driving without a license or driving with an expired license, will not make you ineligible for this process or create a presumption of ineligibility.

Q. Are juvenile delinquency dispositions subject to the presumption of ineligibility?

A. Yes. Juvenile delinquency dispositions will create a presumption of ineligibility for purposes of this process, even if they do not constitute convictions for immigration purposes. However, the factors considered when determining whether the presumption has been overcome, such as the nature of the underlying offense, your age at the time of the commission of the underlying offense, the length of time that has passed since the adjudication, and any other relevant facts surrounding the offense may be especially relevant in such cases. In addition, we may consider your entire criminal history, if any, along with other positive factors to determine, whether, under the totality of the circumstances, a favorable exercise of discretion is warranted.

If you cannot provide the record of the disposition because it is sealed or because State law prohibits its disclosure (even to you), USCIS still may request a statement or other information from you to determine whether the presumption has been overcome and a favorable exercise of discretion is otherwise warranted.

Q. Will USCIS conduct a background check when reviewing my request?

A. Yes. USCIS will conduct biographic and biometric background checks as part of its consideration of your request.

Q. What do background checks involve?

A. You must submit biometrics at an application support center (ASC), and USCIS will conduct background and security checks. Following your submission of your request, USCIS will send you a notification via your myUSCIS account that explains when and where to appear for your biometrics collection appointment. If you are unable to attend the appointment, you can reschedule using our online rescheduling request process. For more information, see Vol. 1, Part C, Chapter 2 – Biometrics Collection in the USCIS Policy manual. 

Q. Can I appeal USCIS denial of my request under Keeping Families Together?

A. No. You cannot appeal the decision if we deny your parole in place request. However, you can file a new request, with new or additional evidence demonstrating your eligibility for parole in place, with the accompanying $580 filing fee.

Q. Can I file a motion to reopen or reconsider USCIS denial of my request under Keeping Families Together?

A. No. You cannot file a motion to reopen or reconsider the denial of your parole in place request under Keeping Families Together. However, you can file a new request, with new or additional evidence demonstrating your eligibility for parole in place, with the accompanying $580 filing fee.

Q. What will I receive if USCIS approves my request under Keeping Families Together?

A. If USCIS approves your parole in place request, you will receive a Form I-797, Approval Notice, that indicates the grant and validity period of parole in place. It will also include a copy of your Form I-94, Arrival/Departure Record, and Form I-94 number.

Q. If my request for Keeping Families Together is approved, will I accrue unlawful presence?

A. No. If you are granted parole in place under Keeping Families Together, you are in a period of authorized stay, which means you do not accrue unlawful presence while your parole remains valid (that is, not expired or terminated). Importantly, however, if you receive parole in place under Keeping Families Together, it does not erase any unlawful presence accrued  before  the start of your parole period. Furthermore, a pending request for parole in place does not stop the accrual of unlawful presence.

If your parole expires or is otherwise terminated, you will begin accruing  unlawful presence  unless you are maintaining or obtain another status during the parole period. Parole may be terminated at any time in DHS’s discretion upon a determination that parole is no longer warranted, for example, following the commission of criminal conduct. It is recommended that you apply for lawful permanent resident status as soon as possible after obtaining parole in place under this process. For more information on applying for lawful permanent resident status, please visit the  How to Apply for a Green Card webpage.

Q. If USCIS does not grant my request, will I be placed in removal proceedings?

A. If we deny your request for parole in place, we will generally not issue a Notice to Appear (NTA) or refer your case to ICE for possible enforcement action solely based on the denial, unless DHS is initiating immigration enforcement proceedings against you because you are considered a priority under the Sept. 30, 2021,  Guidelines for the Enforcement of Civil Immigration Law (PDF)   as a threat to national security, public safety, or border security.*

* NOTE:  Consistent with these guidelines, a noncitizen who poses a threat to border security will be generally disqualified from receiving parole in place pursuant to this process. However, there is an exception for stepchildren who entered the United States unlawfully after Nov. 1, 2020, and who otherwise meet the criteria for parole in place under this process.

Q. What happens if my request under Keeping Families Together is granted, but I do not apply for or receive adjustment of status during my parole period?

A. When the parole period terminates, a noncitizen returns to the same immigration status or category that they maintained before the parole in place, if any (unless that status or category has since expired or terminated), and their case will be dealt with in the same manner as any other applicant for admission, unless they obtained another immigration status or category during the parole period that is still valid beyond the parole end date. As stated above, DHS is not contemplating a re-parole process.

Q. I have a pending Form I-601A, Application for Provisional Unlawful Presence Waiver. Can I still make a request under Keeping Families Together?

A. Yes, you may make a request for this process while you have a pending Form I-601A. If you are granted parole in place under this process, you may then be eligible to apply for adjustment of status to that of lawful permanent resident by filing Form I-485, Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status, in the United States without first seeking a provisional unlawful presence waiver. If your Form I-131F request is granted and you then apply for adjustment of status with USCIS, you will no longer be eligible for a provisional unlawful presence waiver, and we will deny your Form I-601A.

Q. What will happen with my pending Form I-601A if I file a request under Keeping Families Together?

A. Your Form I-601A will remain pending and will be adjudicated in the normal course. We will not refund the fee you paid for Form I-601A if you file a request for parole in place under this process. In addition, note that if your parole in place is granted and you apply to adjust status to that of a lawful permanent resident (Form I-485), you will no longer be eligible for a provisional unlawful presence waiver, and we will deny your Form I-601A.

Q. My Form I-601A was approved, but I have not left the United States to attend a consular interview yet. May I make a request under Keeping Families Together?

A. Yes. If you are present in the United States without admission or parole, are otherwise eligible for this process, and merit a favorable exercise of discretion, we may approve your request even though we already approved your Form I-601A.

Q. I previously filed a Form I-601A and now am filing a Form I-131F. Do I have to pay the Form I-131F fee?

A. Yes. You must pay the $580 fee for the Form I-131F, even if you previously filed a Form I-601A.

Q. I previously filed a Form I-601A. Will you prioritize consideration of my Form I-131F?

A. USCIS may prioritize your Form I-131F if you have a pending or approved Form I-601A and you include your Form I-601A receipt number on your Form I-131F request. For this reason, you should make sure to include your Form I-601A receipt number on your Form I-131F.

NOTE:  For your case to be identified and potentially prioritized, you must ensure that all biographic information on Form I-131F, including your name, exactly match the information you provided on the Form I-601A you previously filed.

Q. I have a pending Form I-601A. What happens to that request if my request under Keeping Families Together is granted?

A. Your Form I-601A will remain pending and will be adjudicated in turn. However, one of the eligibility requirements for the Form I-601A is that you do not have a pending application for lawful permanent residence with USCIS. Therefore, if you are granted parole in place and file for adjustment of status with USCIS, your pending Form I-601A will be denied.

Q. If I am granted parole in place under Keeping Families Together and no longer need a provisional unlawful presence waiver, will USCIS refund the filing fee for my Form I-601A?

A. No. Keeping Families Together is voluntary and requires payment of the requisite fee even if you have filed a Form I-601A. Filing fees are final and non-refundable, regardless of any action we take on your application, petition, or request, or if you withdraw your request.

Q. If my request under Keeping Families Together is denied, does this affect the decision on my pending Form I-601A?

A. No. The denial of a request for parole in place does not affect the adjudication of the Form I-601A, but the reasons that led to the denial of a parole in place request may also affect eligibility for a provisional unlawful presence waiver, including the determination of whether you merit a favorable exercise of discretion.

Q. If my request under Keeping Families Together is denied, can I still file a Form I-601A?

A. Yes. Form I-601A has different eligibility requirements than parole in place. A denial of parole in place does not make you ineligible for a provisional unlawful presence waiver; however, you should review the reasons for the denial of your parole in place request to determine if any of those reasons also make you ineligible for a provisional unlawful presence waiver.

Q. If my request for Keeping Families Together is granted, will I be eligible to request employment authorization?

A. Yes. If USCIS approves your request for Keeping Families Together, you can apply for an Employment Authorization Document (EAD) by filing  Form I-765, Application for Employment Authorization , under eligibility category (c)(11). You can only apply for employment authorization after your Keeping Families Together request is approved. If you file your Form I-765 Employment application before USCIS approves your I-131F request under this process, USCIS will reject or deny your Form I-765.

Q. Will there be a fee to apply for employment authorization (Form I-765)?

A. Yes. If you file online through your myUSCIS account, the filing fee for Form I-765 is $470. If filing on paper and sending by mail, the filing fee for  Form I-765 is $520. If you would like to request a fee waiver, you must file your Form I-765 by mail and your filing must include a completed  Form I-912 or a written request for a fee waiver with supporting evidence of your financial inability to pay the fee. At present, you cannot request a fee waiver if you file your Form I-765 online.

Please visit our  Request for Fee Waiver webpage for additional information, guidance and tips on fee waiver requests. You can also review the  Form G-1055 for a complete fee schedule.

Q. Can I file my Form I-131F at the same time (concurrently) as an application for employment authorization (Form I-765)?

A. No, at this time, you must submit these two forms separately. If your Form I-131F is approved and you are granted parole in place, you can then file Form I-765 to apply for an EAD based on your authorized period of parole.

Q. How long will I be authorized for employment?

A. If your request for this process is approved and you are later granted an employment authorization document (EAD) under eligibility category (c)(11), your EAD will generally be valid for the same duration as your parole period, which can be up to three years under this process. Once you apply for adjustment of status to lawful permanent resident, you will then be eligible to apply for employment authorization pending adjudicating of your adjustment application under eligibility category (c)(9). You can receive employment authorization with a five-year validity under category (c)(9). If your parole under this process is granted, you should not delay in filing a subsequent I-130 petition and I-485 application.

Q. What should I do if my Employment Authorization Document (EAD) was lost, stolen, or damaged?

A. If your parole period is currently valid, and you need to replace a valid EAD because yours was lost, stolen, or damaged, please review the “Replace an EAD” section on the  Employment Authorization Document page.

NOTE: Do not  file Form I-131F with this replacement Form I-765. If you submit Form I-131F when you are filing to replace a lost, stolen, or damaged EAD, we will deny your Form I-I31F, and we will not refund the filing fee for Form I-131F.

Q. As an employer, if I provide my employee with information regarding their employment to support a request for parole in place, will that information be used for immigration enforcement purposes against me or my company?

A. An employer may, as they determine appropriate, provide individuals requesting parole in place under this process with documentation verifying their employment. This information will not be shared with ICE for civil immigration enforcement purposes under section 274A of the Immigration and Nationality Act (relating to unlawful employment of noncitizens), except in cases involving unscrupulous employers who exploit undocumented workers by engaging in illegal acts ranging from the payment of substandard wages to imposing unsafe working conditions and facilitating human trafficking and child exploitation, and who therefore may be a DHS worksite enforcement priority as described in the Oct. 12, 2021 memorandum entitled “ Worksite Enforcement: The Strategy to Protect the American Labor Market, the Conditions of the American Worksite, and the Dignity of the Individual .”

Q. How can I tell if an employer is discriminating against me because I am a parolee?

A. An employer may be engaging in discrimination if they:

  • Demand that an employee only show specific documents from the  Lists of Acceptable Documents or ask for more or different documents than are required to complete  Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification, or create an  E-Verify case; or
  • Reject documents from the  Lists of Acceptable Documents  that reasonably appear to be genuine and relate to the employee, including documentation showing employment authorization because it has a future expiration date or because of an employee’s prior unauthorized status.

The Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Department of Justice has an office dedicated to ensuring that employers do not discriminate against individuals who are permitted to work in the United States. These include parolees who have been granted work authorization. If you think your employer may be discriminating against you, contact the Immigrant and Employee Rights Section (IER) at 800-255-7688 (TDD for the deaf and hard of hearing: 800-237-2515).

Q. What happens to my employment authorization if USCIS terminates my parole before it expires?

A. If USCIS terminates your grant of parole, there will no longer be a basis for your parole-based employment authorization. USCIS may therefore revoke your employment authorization.

Q. Can I file a family-based petition (Form I-130) at the same time as my parole in place request (Form I-131F)?

A. Each form must be filed separately with their own fees, but there is no requirement to wait to file a Form I-130. The Form I-131F may only be filed online, whereas the Form I-130 may be filed online or on paper by regular mail. The timing in which you file a Form I-130 will not affect the adjudication time of your Form I-131F.

Q. USCIS granted my request under Keeping Families Together. Does my U.S. citizen spouse or stepparent need to file Form I-130 for me so that I am able to apply to adjust to lawful permanent resident status?

A. Yes, unless your U.S. citizen spouse or stepparent has already filed a Form I-130 on your behalf. To be eligible for lawful permanent resident status on the basis of your marriage or stepchild relationship to a U.S. citizen, you must have an approved Form I-130. If you requested parole as the stepchild of a U.S. citizen, you must have a separate Form I-130 filed on your behalf.

Q. What are the requirements for my U.S. citizen spouse to file Form I-130?

A. In addition to having a legally valid marriage that is valid in the place of celebration, and that is not contrary to the public policy of the United States or state in which you and your spouse reside, your petitioning U.S. citizen spouse must demonstrate that your marriage is bona fide and was not entered into for the primary purpose of seeking an immigration benefit. For additional information on requirements and filing procedures for Form I-130, please see our  Form I-130, Petition for Alien Relative page.

Q. What are the requirements for my U.S. citizen stepparent to file Form I-130?

A. To be a beneficiary of a Form I-130 as a stepchild, and eligible to apply to adjust status, the child’s stepparent must demonstrate that their marriage to the child’s noncitizen parent was bona fide. For additional information on requirements and filing procedures for Form I-130, please see our  Form I-130, Petition for Alien Relative page.

Q. What additional documents can I provide to demonstrate that my marriage is bona fide for purposes of the Form I-130?

A. At the time of filing the Form I-130, your U.S. citizen spouse, as the Form I-130 petitioner, will need to provide evidence that your marriage is bona fide. Such evidence may include but is not limited to:

  • Documentation showing joint ownership of property or evidence that you and your spouse reside together;
  • Documentation showing that you and your spouse have shared financial resources;
  • Birth certificates of children born to you and your spouse;
  • Affidavits from others who have personal knowledge of your marriage; and
  • Any other documentation to establish that there is an ongoing marital union.

Additionally, your marriage must not be contrary to the public policy of the United States or state where you and your spouse reside.

Q. What are the requirements for widow(er)s and what do I file?

A. If you are a  widow(er) , you must have a pending or approved Form I-130 filed prior to your spouse’s death, which will be converted to a  Form I-360, Petition for Amerasian, Widow(er), or Special Immigrant . If a Form I-130 was not already filed on your behalf, you may file a Form I-360 petition as a self-petitioner but must do so within two years of your spouse’s death. You also must not have been legally separated from your spouse at the time of death and you must not remarry prior to the adjudication of your Form I-360.

Q. Can I apply for adjustment of status (Form I-485) concurrently with my Keeping Families Together request (Form I-131F)?

A. No. You must first be granted parole in place before applying for adjustment of status.

Q. If USCIS grants my request under Keeping Families Together, does this mean I will be eligible to adjust my status to that of a lawful permanent resident (LPR)?

A. This process does not change the eligibility criteria for LPR status but provides an opportunity for eligible noncitizen spouses and children of U.S. citizens to adjust their status under existing legal authorities without having to depart the United States to seek an immigrant visa at a U.S. embassy or consulate. To qualify for adjustment of status under  INA 245(a) , an applicant must prove that they have been inspected and admitted or paroled into the United States, among other requirements. A grant of parole in place will satisfy the parole requirement under INA 245(a). Eligibility for  Form I-485, Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status , and any related forms that might be required, including  Form I-601, Application for Waiver of Grounds of Inadmissibility , will be determined on their own merits in a distinct and separate process from the parole in place decision.

Q. If my request under Keeping Families Together is granted, am I subject to the “3- and 10-year unlawful presence bars” and the “permanent bar”?

A. If you are granted parole in place under this process and subsequently apply for adjustment of status, you will be evaluated for admissibility at that stage. For more information about how unlawful presence impacts the determination of inadmissibility, please visit  Unlawful Presence and Inadmissibility .

Determining if you are inadmissible after accruing unlawful presence can be complex. If you need help or legal advice on immigration matters, make sure the person helping you is authorized to give legal advice. You can find information about authorized legal services on our  Avoid Scams  page.

Q. If I have previously worked in the United States without employment authorization, am I ineligible for adjustment of status under INA section 245(c)(2) and 245(c)(8)?

A. The bars to adjustment of status at INA section 245(c)(2) and INA section 245(c)(8), which are related to accepting or engaging in unauthorized employment, generally do not apply to noncitizens seeking adjustment of status based on an approved Form I-130 as an immediate relative of a U.S. citizen. Spouses and children of U.S. citizens are considered immediate relatives under the INA.

Q. If my request under Keeping Families Together is granted, what will happen to me if my spouse passes away before I am able to apply to adjust my status (before my parole period ends)?

A. If your U.S. citizen spouse has died, you may still be eligible for  adjustment of status if you meet the eligibility requirements. To qualify, you must not have been legally separated from your spouse at the time of death and you must not remarry before USCIS adjudicates your adjustment application.

If you qualify as a widow(er), and you have a pending or approved Form I-130 filed before your spouse’s death, it will be automatically converted to a Form I-360, Petition for Amerasian, Widow(er), or Special Immigrant.

If a Form I-130 was not already filed on your behalf, you may file a Form I-360 as a self-petitioner, but you must do so within two years of your spouse’s death.

Q. If my request under Keeping Families Together is granted, what will happen to me if my spouse and I divorce before I am able to apply to adjust my status (before my parole period ends)?

A. Generally, you will be ineligible to adjust status as the spouse of a U.S. citizen if you and your spouse divorce before you apply to adjust status. To be eligible for immigrant petition approval or to adjust status as the spouse of a U.S. citizen, you must still be married to your spouse at the time of application and final adjudication.

Q. If my request under Keeping Families Together is granted, will I be subject to the public charge ground of inadmissibility when I apply to adjust status to that of a lawful permanent resident?

A. If you apply for adjustment of status to become a lawful permanent resident after you are granted parole under this process, you must demonstrate that you are not inadmissible under the public charge ground of inadmissibility at INA 212(a)(4) (unless you are exempt from the public charge ground of inadmissibility), as well as the other grounds of inadmissibility in INA section 212.

For more detailed information on the public charge ground of inadmissibility, please refer to  USCIS Public Charge Resources, as well as  USCIS Policy Manual, Volume 8, Part G, Public Charge Ground of Inadmissibility .

Q. If my request under the Keeping Families Together is granted, can I travel outside the United States during my period of parole?

A. A grant of parole in place through Keeping Families Together does not authorize parole back into the United States if you decide to depart. If you depart the United States after being granted parole in place, your period of parole will automatically terminate. If you depart the United States without first obtaining an Advance Parole Document, you run a significant risk of not being able to return to the United States and you may also be ineligible for future immigration benefits.

CAUTION: Travel outside of the United States, even with advance parole, may have severe immigration-related consequences, including with respect to potential inadmissibility or execution of an outstanding order of removal. Parole into the United States is not guaranteed even if you have been granted advance parole prior to leaving the country. You are still subject to immigration inspection at a U.S. port of entry to determine whether you may be paroled into the United States and whether you are eligible for the immigration status you seek. For further information, see  Travel Documents | USCIS . Consultation with a qualified attorney or accredited representative is strongly advised prior to any travel outside of the United States.

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Guest Essay

My Beloved Italian City Has Turned Into Tourist Hell. Must We Really Travel Like This?

An illustration of caricatures eating and snapping photos on a sidewalk.

By Ilaria Maria Sala

Ms. Sala is an Italian journalist. She wrote from Bologna, Italy.

A little more than 10 years ago, Bologna, my Italian hometown, was not really considered a big tourist destination. Group tours would come, but the city was primarily known for being the place with one of the oldest universities in Europe. Its cuisine — dishes like tortellini and tagliatelle — was an attraction, too, but in a subdued way.

Budget airlines, short-term rentals and social media changed everything. These days Bologna is on its way to becoming a full-blown, must-avoid-the-main-roads kind of tourist city. Some of the effects of this have been typical, like the landlords who have converted apartments to short-term rentals, which has raised rents and sent students farther from the university and into the smaller towns on the periphery. But one result has been very particular to Bologna: the consumption of mind-numbing, heart-stopping amounts of mortadella.

If you are not already familiar with it, mortadella is a cold cut made of finely ground, light-pink pork dotted with white cubes of fat and, occasionally, pistachios. It and Bologna go way back . The slow eating of our city by mortadella shops started before Covid but accelerated when, as in many cities, lots of Bologna’s independent shops, cafes and restaurants went out of business during the pandemic. Many of those in the center of town were bought up by chains with deep pockets and a singular vision: to sell mortadella to foreigners.

Downtown has changed completely. In the streets around the historic main square there used to be many old stationery shops — a favorite sold fountain pens, inks in every color and all the hand-bound notebooks one could dream of. It had been there for as long as I can remember, but was recently turned into an “Ancient cold cuts butcher.” It’s part of a chain. Just across from it, in what I think used to be a jewelry store, is a second self-styled ancient butcher from the same chain. When I asked the shop assistant how ancient they were, she replied that they had been open for three months.

Also just off the main square is a little maze of streets where the ancient food market used to be. Many shops are still there, looking picture perfect and trying to sell their fruit and vegetables, though presumably not to the throngs of people marching behind leaders with microphones and little flags held aloft. Those groups usually stop in front of the old shops that have given in and now exhibit rounds upon rounds of mortadella in the windows.

There are also endless representations of pigs. In front of one shop I saw statues of happy pigs holding the knives with which they’ll presumably butcher themselves into mortadella. Pig snouts on the logo of another. Naturalistic, stylized and smiling pigs gaze benignly on the waiters below, who cart trays piled high with fluffy pork arranged like clouds and ribbons.

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Fact-checking claims about Tim Walz’s military record

my family trip essay

Democratic vice-presidential candidate Tim Walz's military record has been under scrutiny since he was announced as Kamala Harris's running mate.

Historic accusations made by some veterans have been revived by his opposite number, Republican JD Vance, who himself served in the military.

Mr Vance says that Mr Walz intentionally avoided combat in Iraq by resigning shortly before his unit was deployed there, and that he has been dishonest about his role in the military.

We’ve looked into his record and the military service of Mr Vance.

Why did Walz retire from the military?

Mr Vance claimed: “When Tim Walz was asked by his country to go to Iraq, you know what he did? He dropped out of the army and allowed his unit to go without him.”

Several former National Guard colleagues have previously publicly voiced frustrations at Mr Walz’s decision to leave their unit before deployment to Iraq - but others have rejected assertions that he retired to avoid combat duty.

Mr Walz served for 24 years in the Army National Guard, a military force which is usually deployed within the US to respond to events such as natural disasters, but is also part of the US Army’s reserve.

In February 2005, while he was still in the National Guard, Mr Walz filed an application to run to be elected as a member of Congress from Minnesota.

The following month it was announced that there would be “a possible partial mobilisation of roughly 2,000 troops from the Minnesota National Guard” to Iraq within the next two years, according to a 2005 press release from Mr Walz’s congressional campaign.

In the statement, Mr Walz said: “I do not yet know if my artillery unit will be part of this mobilisation.”

He added: “I don’t want to speculate on what shape my campaign will take if I am deployed, but I have no plans to drop out of the race."

Mr Walz then retired from the National Guard in May 2005, which he later said was so he could focus fully on running for Congress.

It’s unclear exactly when he submitted his resignation notice. We’ve asked both the National Guard and the Harris campaign when this was.

His National Guard unit received orders to mobilise for Iraq in July 2005, and was sent there in March 2006, according to the battalion’s history page.

Getty Images Kamala Harris and Tim Walz in Pennsylvania

Did Walz ever experience combat?

Mr Vance also says Mr Walz made “dishonest” claims about serving in combat.

He referred to a video promoted by the Harris campaign of Mr Walz talking about gun control.

In the clip , from 2018, he said that he "carried weapons in war".

On 9 August, the Harris campaign issued a statement saying that “in making the case for why weapons of war should never be on our streets or in our classrooms, the Governor misspoke”.

Mr Walz went to Italy with the National Guard in 2003 as part of support for the US war in Afghanistan - but he was never deployed to an active war zone.

On 13 August, Mr Walz responded directly to his critics, recalling that he'd joined the National Guard aged 17: "I served for the next 24 years for the same reason all my brothers and sisters do, we love this country. Then in 2005 I felt the call of duty again, this time giving service to my country in the halls of Congress."

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Did he mislead about his rank.

The Trump campaign says Mr Walz “continues telling the lie that he retired as a Command Sergeant Major”.

His official biography on the Minnesota state website says “Command Sergeant Major Walz retired from the 1-125th Field Artillery Battalion in 2005.”

He did reach the rank of command sergeant major near the end of his service, but he officially retired one rank below as a master sergeant.

A national guard spokesperson told the BBC that “his rank reverted to master sergeant on May 15th, 2005, for benefit purposes because he did not complete additional coursework at the US Army Sergeants Major Academy. He retired the following day.”

What's Vance's military record?

Getty Images JD Vance speaking in Pennsylvania

Mr Vance served for four years in the US Marine Corps.

He was deployed to Iraq for about six months in 2005 as a military journalist, although he didn't experience combat.

“I was lucky to escape any real fighting,” he said in his 2016 memoir.

He left the Marine Corps in 2007 as a corporal to attend Ohio State University.

This article, first published on 8 August, was updated to reflect a statement on 9 August from the Harris campaign on Mr Walz's comment that he carried weapons "in war". It was further updated to add a response on this issue from Mr Walz on 13 August.

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my family trip essay

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A Reddit user revealed that he left his family behind on a European vacation after his mother-in-law shared products with his wife, including shampoo, face wash and their shared toothpaste.

Q. How do I make a request under Keeping Families Together? A. You must submit Form I-131F, Application for Parole in Place for Certain Noncitizen Spouses and Stepchildren of U.S. Citizens, online with the applicable filing fee of $580.You may not file for this process using a paper form. Any paper filing received by USCIS will be rejected (not accepted or receipted) and you will have to file ...

Ms. Sala is an Italian journalist. She wrote from Bologna, Italy. A little more than 10 years ago, Bologna, my Italian hometown, was not really considered a big tourist destination. Group tours ...

Walz's military record has been under scrutiny after a series of claims made by veterans and leading Republicans.


Rutas fluviales

Catamarán de la Ribeira Sacra: preguntas y respuestas

Catamarán de la Ribeira Sacra: preguntas y respuestas

15 / Febrero / 2022

¿Qué es el catamarán de la Ribeira Sacra?

Bajo esta denominación genérica encontramos diferentes barcos que se mueven por distintas zonas de la Ribeira Sacra. Lo cierto es que el Miño y el Sil son navegables en buena parte de su curso, y concretamente en las zonas integradas en la Reserva de la Biosfera Ribeira Sacra, Serras do Oribio e Courel podemos encontrar diferentes tipos de catamaranes turísticos.

¿En qué época del año circula el Catamarán de la Ribeira Sacra?

El Catamarán de la Ribeira Sacra lleva pasajeros habitualmente todo el año salvo los meses de enero a marzo. Aunque cada vez más las diferentes embarcaciones que recorren el Miño o el Sil adaptan la temporada turística a la demanda, funcionando en verano todos los días y en invierno solo los fines de semana.

¿Cuántos barcos turísticos existen en la Ribeira Sacra?

Además de los operados por entidades oficiales como la Deputación de Lugo, con barcos en el Sil y el Miño, existen embarcaciones que prestan el servicio de modo privado, tanto en rutas regulares como en paseos privados a demanda.

¿Cómo reservar el catamarán de la Ribeira Sacra?

Lo primero que hay que definir es si queremos una ruta regular, en grandes embarcaciones, o si preferimos un tour privado, parando en los rincones que nos apetezca conocer, e incluso con la posibilidad de incorporar comida o degustación de vinos en una bodega.


¿Cuál es la mejor época del año para hacer el Catamarán de la Ribeira Sacra?

La época más bonita para visitar esta zona es el final de verano, cuando los viñedos están ya en la gama cromática de marrón, rojo o tonos ocre, y aún no hace frío pero ya no salen días tan calurosos. Además, coincide con el momento de la vendimia por lo que vemos los campos llenos de actividad y podemos aprovechar para una escapada de gastroturismo o enoturismo.

¿Es más bonito el Sil o el Miño?

Eso ya depende de gustos, pero las rutas por el Sil o el Miño son completamente diferentes y habría que hacerlas en viajes distintos. En general podemos decir que el Cañón del Sil es más abrupto y rocoso, con laderas casi verticales y cultivos de viticultura heroica, con gran inclinación, y el Miño tiene un perfil más suave y abierto, y está salpicado de pueblos e iglesias de la Ruta del Románico.

¿Por dónde navega el catamarán del Sil?

El tramo navegable del Sil en los catamaranes que funcionan a día de hoy abarca desde el embarcadero de Ponte do Sil, en el concello de Monforte de Lemos, hasta el último tramo del Sil, próximo al embalse de Santo Estevo.

¿Cómo es la ruta del catamarán del Miño?

El catamarán de línea regular que recorre el río Miño tiene su base en el pueblo de Belesar y navega  hacia el sur doblando Cabo do Mundo. Normalmente no va más allá de la isla de Maiorga, aunque en rutas privadas o regulares gestionadas por otros operadores como Sacra Activa, con base en Belesar pueblo y Portotide se puede alargar y personalizar el trayecto.

¿Cuánto cuesta el Catamarán de la Ribeira Sacra?

Dependiendo del trayecto, tipo de embarcación y si es ruta regular o tour privado los precios pueden oscilar entre los 10 y los 20 euros por persona. Algunos operadores ofrecen degustación de vinos en bodegas o comida incluida por lo que al trayecto habría que sumarle el coste del producto y servicio contratado.

¿Se puede alquilar el Catamarán de la Ribeira Sacra para un grupo?

La oferta de catamaranes en la zona, con barcos pequeños, permite alquilar barcos privados para eventos o rutas en familia o entre amigos. El tamaño de estos barcos más pequeños suele ser de 10-12 personas. Sacra Activa es uno de los operadores que ofrece tour privados por el Miño con posibilidad de parar a comer o cenar en la bodega.

Consulta aquí presupuesto para tu tour privado

¿Que duración tienen las rutas del Catamarán por la Ribeira Sacra?

La duración habitual para realizar estos trayectos tanto si recorremos el Sil como el Miño es de 2 horas, pudiéndose alargar o contratar medio día si realizamos el viaje en tour privado previa concertación. También hay posibilidad de parar a ver recursos turísticos de los más famosos de la Ribeira Sacra como la fervenza de Augacaída, en el caso del Miño, la isla de Maiorga o el Penedo do Garabullo.

¿Son accesibles las rutas del Catamarán de la Ribeira Sacra?

El acceso a los barcos es por pasarela desde un pantalán y rampas, y se puede acceder en coche hasta el embarcadero en caso de personas con dificultades de movilidad.

¿Qué se puede ver en la ruta del Catamarán del Miño?

La ruta del Catamarán de la Ribeira Sacra por el río Miño nos deja estampas de laderas con árboles frutales o viñedos de la denominación de origen Ribeira Sacra, subzona Chantada y Ribeiras de Miño. Los pueblos de Chouzán, Belesar, Erbedeiro, A Míllara, Nogueira de Miño, Atán o la zona de Vilar de Ortelle y el Castelo de Marce están visibles en las laderas de las montañas al paso del catamarán. También la playa de A Cova, un pequeño remanso de paz y la playa fluvial más famosa de la Ribeira Sacra.

¿Qué se puede ver en el Catamarán del Sil?

El catamarán por el río Sil navega entre pendientes rocosas atravesando un paraje más salvaje con algunos viñedos de viticultura heroica. A Teixeira, los balcones de Madrid, el mirador de Cadeiras, la desembocadura del río Mao o el mosteiro de Santa Cristina de Ribas de Sil están en este tramo navegable entre otros puntos singulares o pequeñas cascadas que podemos ver por la zona.

Consejos para hacer el catamarán de la Ribeira Sacra

Los catamaranes que hacen las rutas del Miño y el Sil son barcos abiertos en su mayoría, con o sin cubierta, pero donde puedes pasar frío o calor. Es conveniente mirar bien el pronóstico del tiempo, y tener en cuenta que la sensación térmica puede bajar la temperatura a bordo si hace viento. Es recomendable llevar ropa de abrigo en invierno, y gorra o protector solar en verano.

Los billetes para estos trayectos se deben sacar previamente para asegurarnos una plaza a bordo. Se  compran o reservan online en todos los casos así que no os confiéis a una venta in situ si queréis aseguraros un pasaje en día y hora concretos.

Aparcar puede ser complicado en días de mucha afluencia personas, por lo que lo mejor es ir con el menor número de vehículos posibles y con tiempo suficiente para dejar estacionado el coche en las inmediaciones del embarcadero.

Y por último, respeta todo el entorno que visites, ya que esta zona fue declarada Reserva de la Biosfera por la UNESCO y preservarla es un deber de todos, y es un patrimonio natural que quedará para futuras generaciones.

Rutas regulares en catamarán


Gala dinner by the Catalan Tourist Board in Moscow


Viajes Olympia was invited to the gala-dinner organized by the Tourism Board of Cataluña in Building Oko, situated in the commercial&buiseness district Moscow City.

There were about 60 Catalans businessmen, 60 national tour operators and media representatives.

During the dinner we were pleased with a speech of New Consul of Spain ms. Itziar Taboada, giving warm welcome for the development of business for the both part.


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    Catamarán en Ribeira Sacra y cañones del río Sil: embarcaderos, horarios, precios. En mi artículo con los miradores de Ribeira Sacra ya hice una breve mención a la navegación en catamarán por los cañones del río Sil. En este artículo voy a centrarme exclusivamente en la información de interés sobre los distintos embarcaderos, sus horarios y el precio de los paseos (o cruceros) en ...

  3. Catamaranes de la Ribeira Sacra-Diputación de Lugo

    Déjate sorprender por el apacible paisaje de la Ribeira Sacra del Miño a bordo del catamarán de la Diputación de Lugo. Desde el miércoles 17 de julio al sábado 31 de agosto, estará disponible el servicio de autobús lanzadera desde Monforte de Lemos al embarcadero de Ponte do Sil Es aconsejable realizar reserva previa. +info.


    EL MIÑO. Sacra Activa hace los paseos en catamarán por el río Miño, en la cola del embalse de Os Peares, donde hay más de 24 Km navegables. El recorrido atraviesa los municipios de Chantada, O Saviñao, Pantón y Carballedo, todos en la provincia de Lugo. Os Peares, cuyo nombre lleva también el embalse, es un pueblo que pertenece a 2 ...

  5. Paseos en catamarán

    Teléfonos: (+34) 620 900 265. (+34) 6 26 793 228. (+34) 699 542 354. [email protected]. CATAMARANES RIBEIRA SACRA. . Te invitamos a descubrir la magia de los cañones del río Sil y la belleza de la Ribeira Sacra. Ofrecemos paseos en catamarán, excursiones, rutas del vino y más.

  6. Ribeira Sacra

    Embarcadero Ponte do Sil. Monforte de Lemos. 27400 Lugo. 982 260 196. catamaranes.turismo@deputacionlugo .org. Operativo a partir del 1 de abril Consultar horarios en "RESERVA ESTE LUGAR" ACTUALIZADO MARZO 2023. 9€ adulto; niños de 4 a 12 años, mayores de 65 anos y carnet joven 5€; niños 0-4 anos gratis (preciso reservar para ellos ...

  7. Ruta Ribeira Sacra con catamarán por los cañones del Sil

    Esta ruta por Ribeira Sacra te enamorará desde el principio. La aventura empieza con un paseo de hora y media en catamarán para contemplar los cañones del Sil. ... Toxo Travel, S.L. Agencia de viajes (XG-693). Empresa de Turismo Activo (TD-LU248). Gestionar el Consentimiento de las Cookies.

  8. SilTrip

    La Ribeira Sacra es un vasto territorio repartido entre el sur de la provincia de Lugo y el norte de la de Ourense. Es una tierra de ríos: el Sil y el Miño, el Cabe, el Lor, el Mao… y una tierra donde el vino se cultiva en laderas vertiginosas que han dado origen a una viticultura catalogada de heroica. Entre esas laderas verticales navega ...

  9. Catamarán Ribeira Sacra. Recorridos turísticos por los Cañones del Sil

    Rutas Catamaran; El Cañon del Sil; Contactar; PULSE PARA RESERVAR EMBARCADERO DE ABELEDA. Apreciados visitantes: Un año más publicamos nuestra nueva página web dedicada a la Ribeira Sacra. Posiblemente Uds. tengan ya un conocimiento formado de los extraordinarios paisajes y vistas de este lugar tan especial y que por diversas circunstancias ...

  10. La Ribeira Sacra en catamarán

    La Ribeira Sacra en catamarán. (ACTUALIZADO 2024) Seguro que muchas veces os habéis planteado realizar esta ruta en barco por el cauce del Miño o Sil para conocer la Ribeira Sacra en catamarán. Muchas webs os hablan de recorridos parciales, aquí os hemos recopilado toda la información actualizada, que conocemos sobre el terreno.

  11. quality catamaran ribeira sacra

    Trips by catamaran (11 Max), ensuring comfort and safety along the Ribeira Sacra of the Lugo (meaning Sacred Riverbanks, it is the name by which this region is known). Bespoke trips for groups, with a stop-off at our touristic wine cellar located on the water's edge "ECOSACRA". Also REGULAR ROUTES from Belesar and Panton.

  12. Billete Catamarán por el Sil

    RESERVAS: 982460714 de martes a domingo de 10:00 a 13:30 y de 15:30 a 17:30 horas. Lunes cerrado. ¿Quieres hacer un viaje por el río Sil a tu manera? Reserva 10 plazas, te regalamos la onceava y disfruta del río de forma privada por 200€/h. Despedidas de soltero/a, un viaje con los amigos, celebra un cumpleaños o, simplemente alquílalo ...

  13. RIBEIRA SACRA & Ruta en Catamarán

    La Ribeira Sacra, conocida por tener la mayor concentración de iglesias y monasterios románicos de Europa, se encuentra en el interior de Galica y sin duda es un lugar que te sorprenderá.. Surcado por el río Miño y Sil, sus orillas han sido moldeadas a lo largo de los años por el ser humano consiguiendo obtener un aprovechamiento único del terreno, transformando pendientes de hasta el ...

  14. Private Tours in Catamaran Ribeira Sacra

    The private catamaran tours take place in an idyllic setting of nature and vineyards, reaching the Auga Caida waterfall. You'll love it! ... ("Cabo do Mundo"), the iconic photo representing the Ribeira Sacra and that many believe to be on the River Sil, along its way. You can enjoy the views of the famous river beach "A Cova", of ...


    Precio por persona : 12.00 € adultos entre 18 y 65 años, 6.00 € niños entre 5 y 17 años, 3.00 € menores de 5 años, 10.00 € mayores de 65 años . Navega por el Cañón del Sil con salida y regreso desde el embarcadero de Santo Estevo. Experimenta un viaje inolvidable explorando la parte más impactante y abrupta de este majestuoso ...

  16. Información sobre la ruta:

    Hilo Musical: Ambienta tu viaje con música relajante mientras navegas. Megafonía: Nuestros guías te mantendrán informado y entretenido a lo largo del recorrido. Pantallas de TV: Para una experiencia multimedia enriquecedora sobre la Ribeira Sacra. Baño (WC): Mantén la comodidad en todo momento con nuestras instalaciones sanitarias a bordo

  17. Así es navegar en el catamarán por el Sil: una inmersión en la

    Hay catamaranes cada media hora con una ruta de una hora y media aproximadamente ... El viaje en catamarán por la Ribeira Sacra, en imágenes ... navegando por la parte más abrupta de la Ribeira ...

  18. 10 paseos en barco en Galicia para relajarse este verano 2024

    En función del recorrido, el tiempo y las prestaciones, el precio general de este tipo de paseos por la Ribeira Sacra oscila entre los 12 y los 20 euros para adultos.

  19. shuttleworth advantage 44 catamaran

    Latest Articles. yacht chartern mittelmeer; hire luxury yacht greek islands; sun yacht boating holidays sp. z o.o; kelly peterson 46 sailboat for sale; restaurants near best weste

  20. Catamarán de la Ribeira Sacra: preguntas y respuestas

    Catamarán de la Ribeira Sacra: preguntas y respuestas. RESERVAR. 982199656 609802485 ... pero las rutas por el Sil o el Miño son completamente diferentes y habría que hacerlas en viajes distintos. ... Consejos para hacer el catamarán de la Ribeira Sacra. Los catamaranes que hacen las rutas del Miño y el Sil son barcos abiertos en su ...


    La Ribeira Sacra es un lugar impregnado de magia y tradición, donde el verde y el amarillo pintan el paisaje, y la piedra es protagonista. Piedra en las murallas de los bancales, en los muros centenarios de monasterios e iglesias, en los puentes que cruzan los ríos y en las imponentes fortalezas y torres. Piedra que cuenta historias milenarias.


    Radisson Collection Hotel Moscow: EXCEPCIONAL - 1.945 opiniones y 1.569 fotos de viajeros, y ofertas fantásticas para Radisson Collection Hotel Moscow en Tripadvisor.

  23. Viajes a Moscú

    Completa tu viaje a Moscú con estas ofertas: Alquiler de carros en Moscú Tours en Moscú Hoteles en Moscú Vuelos a Moscú. ¡Encuentra tu paquete todo incluido a Moscú y vive el viaje de tus sueños!⛱ Los mejores paquetes baratos con vuelos + hotel en cuotas está en Despegar.

  24. Gala dinner by the Catalan Tourist Board in Moscow

    Viajes Olympia was invited to the gala-dinner organized by the Tourism Board of Cataluña in Building Oko, situated in the commercial&buiseness district Moscow City. There were about 60 Catalans businessmen, 60 national tour operators and media representatives. During the dinner we were pleased with a speech of New Consul of Spain ms.


    Catamaranes Ribeira Sacra es más que una empresa de paseos en barco; somos embajadores de un territorio que combina naturaleza y cultura de manera única. ... En Catamaranes Ribeira Sacra, estamos dedicados a hacer de cada viaje una historia inolvidable, compartiendo la magia de nuestra tierra con el mundo. Dónde estamos. Cualquier duda o ...