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Address: 20650 Lakeshore Road
Baie d'Urfé
H9X 3L4
Phone: (514) 457-3382
Fax: (514) 547-3994



37th AC Store 2024 - 300x250



Yacht Club de Baie D’Urfé

BDYC is a SAILING CLUB which is known as the best small yacht club on the Lakeshore. This easily accessible location offers ample parking, a waterfront clubhouse, and affordable, protected mooring for up to 70 sailboats. Our facilities also include a boat launch, dry sail area for dinghies and winter storage.

Contact Info

20650 Lakeshore Rd, Baie-D’Urfe, Quebec H9X 2Z4, Canada

Phone: +1 514-457-3382

Email: [email protected]

Website: sites.google.com/bdyc-ycbd.org/bdyccom

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Yacht club de Baie d'Urfé

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baie d'urfe yacht club

Baie D'Urfé Yacht Club

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Welcome Known as the best little yacht club on the Lakeshore, this easily accessible location offers ample parking, waterfront club house, and protected affordable moorage for up to 70 boats.

Products and Services

baie d'urfe yacht club

Opening Hours *Holiday hours

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Yacht Club de Baie d'Urfé

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baie d'urfe yacht club

General informations

Current services.

  • Indoor storage


Approach and navigation aids, approaches, launching ramps and haul-out equipment, climatic conditions.

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Recreation and activities

  • Sailing school


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Baie-d’Urfé Junior Squadron

Baie d’Urfe Yacht Club [email protected]

You will not be able to checkout until your total is more than $11.

L'inscription en ligne pour l'École de Voile de Baie d'Urfé est maintenant ouverte! Online Registration for the Baie d'Urfé Yacht Club Sailing School is now open! *IMPORTANT* Le payement doit être reçu pour confirmer l'inscription.



In the situation where we are unable to run the junior sailling program due to covid and/or governmental restrictions, refunds will be given.

Dans le cas où nous ne pouvons pas exécuter le programme junior sailling en raison de restrictions covid et / ou gouvernementales, des remboursements seront accordés.

Veuillez prendre note de notre politique de remboursement. Please take note of our reimbursement policy.

Live registration picture

Processing your order...

email: [email protected]

Please enter your information (the person who is paying) below. This information will appear on your receipt.

Make sure you agree with Baie d’Urfe Yacht Club's terms of service before submitting your order:

DÉCHARGE En acceptant les termes de service de BDYC, je décharge le club de voile de Baie d'Urfé ainsi que son école, ses administrateurs, ses employés et ses membres, de toutes responsabilités résultant directement ou indirectement des activités du participant dans ce programme. L'école de voile de Baie d'Urfé se réserve le droit d’imputer aux parents/tuteurs des participants les frais des dommages dus à la négligence ou à l’insouciance, jusqu’à concurrence de 500 $ par membre d’équipage par incident. Notez également que 50% du coût d'équipement perdu/cassé/endommagé sera facturé à l’étudiant. Je permets à l’école de voile de Baie d’Urfé de prendre et d’utiliser toutes les photos prises de mon enfant au cours de la saison. Je m’engage à suivre LE CODE DE CONDUITE ET LA POLITIQUE D'ÉQUIPEMENT et j'accepte la responsabilité financière pour la participation de mon enfant à l'école de voile de Baie d'Urfé. L'école de voile de Baie d'Urfé se réserve le droit d’annuler ou de modifier le calendrier des cours si le nombre d'inscriptions est insuffisant. En sélectionnant «J'accepte», vous acceptez sans réserve la décharge. * LE CODE DE CONDUITE Les élèves qui désirent participer au programme de voile de l'école de voile de Baie d'Urfé s'engagent à faire ce qui suit: * Réussir un examen de natation avec veste de flottaison (PFD) approuvée * Porter le PFD, souliers appropriés (pas de sandales), protection solaire (casquette/t-shirt/crème solaire) en tout temps sur et hors de l'eau * Avoir entre 6 et 18 ans au 1er juin, 2017 * Suivre les règles du club de voile de Baie d’Urfé * Être responsable pour l'équipement qui lui est confié * Débarrasser leurs déchets correctement, ne pas fumer, ne pas utiliser de langage grossier, ne pas flâner * Arriver à l'heure et quitter à 17h. (Les amis non-inscrits au programme ou non membre ne sont pas autorisés sur la propriété du club de voile de Baie d'Urfé) * Traiter leurs équipiers, participants, instructeurs, les membres du comité de direction et les membres du club de voile avec respect et courtoisie * Respecter toute propriété privée * Respectez l'attribution des bateaux et des équipages qui se fait à la discrétion des instructeurs à tout moment. LA POLITIQUE D’ÉQUIPEMENT L'école de voile de Baie d'Urfé s’engage à offrir les meilleurs programmes d’entraînement tout en maintenant l’accessibilité à tous ainsi qu’une structure de prix abordables. En retour, les responsables de l'école de voile de Baie d'Urfé s’attendent à un engagement de la part de tous les participants. Chaque participant devra manipuler les biens et les équipements du Club avec soin, comme s’il s’agissait de leurs propres biens ou équipements, et faire preuve d'un comportement adéquat en tout temps. Le club de voile de Baie d'Urfé se réserve le droit d’imputer aux parents/tuteurs des participants les frais résultant de dommages dus à la négligence ou à l’insouciance jusqu’à concurrence de 500 $ par membre d’équipage par incident. À la fin de chaque journée de voile, chaque étudiant aura la responsabilité obligatoire de démonter son bateau et de ranger les voiles ainsi que les pièces d'équipement avant de quitter les lieux. Les étudiants doivent fournir leur propre veste de flottaison (PFD) LA POLITIQUE D’ANNULATION A cancellation fee of $250 per child will be charged for all cancellations prior to the start date of the classes, with the exception off illness or injury at the discretion of the Junior Sailing Director. Once the session has begun, there will be no refunds. The reason for this is that BDYC hires its instructors in advance at great expense and based on the number of registrations it has for each session. Un frais fixe de $250 par enfant sera applicable pour toutes annulations avant la date de début des cours, à l'exception de blessures et ou maladies et ce à la discretion du directeur du programme. Une fois que les sessions auront débutés, aucun remboursement ne sera applicable. La raison pour ceci est que BDYC engage ses instructeurs pour chaque session à l'avance et prévoit leurs horaires en ligne avec le nombre d'inscriptions d'élèves. *En sélectionnant «J'accepte», vous acceptez sans réserve toutes les conditions exprimées ci-dessus. * Waiver I hereby hold harmless the Baie d'Urfé Yacht Clubs, their officers, directors and members, The Baie d'Urfé Junior Squadron Volunteer Committee from any liability whatsoever arising directly or indirectly from the activities of the Baie d'Urfé Junior Squadron program and hereby undertake to indemnify the foregoing in respect to any claims which may be made against them arising out of such activities. The Baie d'Urfé Junior Squadron reserves the right to charge parents/guardians of participants for damage resulting from negligence, carelessness or irresponsible actions up to a maximum of $500.00 per boat crew member per incident. Also, note that 50% of the cost of lost/broken/damaged equipment will be charged to the sailor. I agree to allow any pictures taken of my child to be used by the Baie d'Urfé Junior Squadron Program for promotional purposes only. I agree to abide by the RULES OF CONDUCT AND THE EQUIPMENT POLICY and accept financial responsibility for my child's participation in The Baie d'Urfé Junior Squadron program. We reserve the right to cancel/reschedule courses if there are insufficient applicants. By selecting "I agree," you are unconditionally agreeing to the waiver above. * Rules and Policies Rules of Conduct: Children taking the course must: * Be able to pass a lifejacket assisted swim test * Wear PFD's, shoes (no flip-flops), sun protection (hats/shirts/lotion) at all times on and off the water * Be a least 6 years of age and not over 18 as of June 1st, 2017. * Abide by the rules of the Baie d'Urfé Yacht Club * Be responsible for Squadron boats and equipment. * Not litter, smoke, use foul language or loiter * Arrive on time and leave by 5:00 pm. (Do not bring friends to squadron that are not registered in the program) * Respect others - friends, instructors, Club and Committee members * Respect private property * Respect the assignment of boats and crews which will be at the discretion of the instructors at all times Equipment Policy: The Baie d'Urfé Junior Squadron is committed to providing the best possible training programs while maintaining accessibility to all, and affordable pricing structure. In return we expect a commitment from all participating students. Each student is expected to treat the Junior Squadron equipment and the property of the Baie d'Urfé Yacht Club with care, as if it was his or her own, and to exhibit appropriate behavior at all times. If through carelessness and/or irresponsible action, boats, equipment or property are damaged or lost, the sailor and his/her parents will be held accountable. The Baie d'Urfé Junior Squadron reserves the right to charge parents/guardians of participants for damage resulting from negligence, carelessness or irresponsible actions up to a maximum of $500.00 per boat crew member per incident. All participants must provide their own PFD (Life jacket) Cancellation Policy: A cancellation fee of $250 per child will be charged for all cancellations prior to the start date of the classes, with the exception off illness or injury at the discretion of the Junior Sailing Director. Once the session has begun, there will be no refunds. The reason for this is that BDYC hires its instructors in advance at great expense and based on the number of registrations it has for each session. * By selecting "I Accept", you agree unconditionally to all of the terms and conditions outlined above. *

First Name mandatory

Last Name mandatory

Email mandatory

Member Number mandatory

You will need to pay $0.00 cash to Baie d’Urfe Yacht Club.

You will need to deliver a cheque for $0.00 to Baie d’Urfe Yacht Club.

You will need to send an e-transfer for $0.00 to Baie d’Urfe Yacht Club.

Your Baie d’Urfe Yacht Club membership account will be charged $0.00 .

Nothing Receibable By submitting these details, you are authorising Baie d’Urfe Yacht Club to charge your card at if/when space becomes available in any of your waitlisted products. Refer to Baie d’Urfe Yacht Club 's terms above for details


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  • Community Life

Baie-D’Urfé distinguishes itself by its unique town spirit. Numerous organizations contribute to citizens’ sense of belonging to their community. No matter the season, activities are offered year round to satisfy all possible tastes and interests.

Baie-D’Urfé Aquatic Club

baie d'urfe yacht club

We offer swimming lessons, aquafitness, water polo, synchronized swim and diving classes. More advanced training is also available to obtain lifesaving certification in any emergency situations.

For each discipline, competitive programs and Master classes are offered. 

20613 Lakeshore Road Baie-D’Urfé, Québec, H9X 2Z4

514 457-1901

View on map

Baie-D’Urfé Boating Club

baie d'urfe yacht club

Baie-D’Urfé Curling Club

baie d'urfe yacht club

New to the game? Our passionate, qualified instructors are ready to get you started!

63 Churchill Road Baie-D’Urfé, Québec, H9X 3N4

514 457-5900

Baie-D’Urfé Tennis Club

baie d'urfe yacht club

Day or night, our six Har-Tru clay courts and full-service clubhouse welcomes players of all levels ranging from weekly Round Robins , Tournaments, Junior Development, Interclub Competition, Private Instruction and multiple Social Events. Come join us for a lifetime!

20617 Lakeshore Road Baie-D’Urfé, Québec, H9X 2Z4

514 457-2131

Baie-D’Urfé Yacht Club

baie d'urfe yacht club

20650 Lakeshore Road Baie-D’Urfé, Québec, H9X 2Z4

514 457-3382

Permits and certificates

Waste collections.

TOWN HALL 20410 Lakeshore Road Baie-D’Urfé, Qc H9X 1P7 Tel. : 514 457-5324 [email protected]


  • Contract management



  1. Yacht Club de Baie d'Urfé

    baie d'urfe yacht club

  2. Baie d'Urfe Yacht Club

    baie d'urfe yacht club

  3. Baie d'Urfe Yacht Club

    baie d'urfe yacht club

  4. Town of Baie-D’Urfé

    baie d'urfe yacht club

  5. Club de yacht de Baie-D’Urfé, 20650, chemin Lakeshore (Bai…

    baie d'urfe yacht club

  6. Baie d'Urfe Yacht Club

    baie d'urfe yacht club


  1. Dubai Marina Yatch

  2. Driving Senneville St-Anne-de-Bellevue Baie-D'Urfe Beaconsfield 4K UHD ASMR DJi Osmo Action 3 60FPS

  3. Attessa IV


  1. Baie d'Urfe Yacht Club

    Baie d'Urfe Yacht Club Yacht Club de Baie d'Urfe. BDYC est un CLUB DE VOILE qui est connu comme le meilleur petit club de yacht sur le Lakeshore. Cet endroit facilement accessible offre un grand parking, un club house au bord de l'eau et un amarrage abordable et protégé pouvant accueillir jusqu'à 70 voiliers. Nos installations comprennent ...

  2. BDYC

    BDYC, Baie-d'Urfé, Quebec. 78 likes · 660 were here. The best little yacht club on the Lakeshore. This easily accessible location offers ample parking, waterfront club house, junior sailing school...

  3. BDYC (Baie D'urfé Yacht Club)

    Being part of this group requires mutual trust. Authentic, expressive discussions make groups great, but may also be sensitive and private. What's shared in the group should stay in the group. This is the official group for BDYC. Post your annotated photographs of races and events at the Baie d'Urfé Yacht Club.

  4. Baie d'Urfe Yacht Club

    The area. 20650 Lakeshore Road Baie d'Urfe, QC, Baie-D'Urfe, Quebec H9X 2Z4 Canada. Neighborhood: Baie-D'Urfe. Read more. Reach out directly. Visit website. Call. Full view. Best nearby.

  5. BDYC.com

    Please note: The Baie d'Urfe Yacht Club is a SAILING club, we do not accept applications for motor boats. Attention : Le Yacht Club de Baie d'Urfé est un club de VOILE, nous n'acceptons pas les candidatures pour les bateaux à moteur. ... First, let us mention that the BDYC is indeed a club, and not a marina. Members must participate in club ...

  6. Baie d'Urfé Yacht Club

    Baie d'Urfé Yacht Club: Address: 20650 Lakeshore Road Baie d'Urfé Quebec H9X 3L4 Phone: (514) 457-3382 Fax: (514) 547-3994 E-mail: [email protected]

  7. Baie d'Urfe Yacht Club (Baie-D'Urfe): All You Need to Know

    Hotels near Baie d'Urfe Yacht Club: (2.50 km) Courtyard Montreal West Island/Baie D'Urfe (15.04 km) DoubleTree by Hilton Montreal Airport (7.06 km) Chateau Vaudreuil Hotel & Suites (10.32 km) Embassy Suites by Hilton Montreal Airport (14.46 km) Montreal Airport Marriott In-Terminal Hotel; View all hotels near Baie d'Urfe Yacht Club on Tripadvisor

  8. Baie d'Urfé Yacht Club

    Baie d'Urfé Yacht Club. The BDYC is in the heart of the West Island, less than 30 minutes from downtown Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Baie d'Urfé Yacht Club. www.bdyc.com. Your club news. Find out how to send Baie d'Urfé Yacht Club news to YachtsandYachting.com here. Add your Upcoming Events. Find out how to add Baie d'Urfé Yacht Club events to ...

  9. Yacht Club de Baie D'Urfé

    The Yacht Club de Baie D'Urfé page on YachtsandYachting.com - the first place to stop for reports, results, fixtures & photographs from racing sailing

  10. BDYC.com

    The Baie-D'Urfé Yacht Club was founded in 1959 by Frank Booth and Miles Wisenthal when they discovered that many citizens were interested in forming a club in order to develop a harbour for small sailing boats in the Berthold Park area. The Club's aim was to encourage sailing races among the residents of the community. The first harbour ...

  11. Yacht Club de Baie D'Urfé

    BDYC is a SAILING CLUB which is known as the best small yacht club on the Lakeshore. This easily accessible location offers ample parking, a waterfront clubhouse, and affordable, protected mooring for up to 70 sailboats. Our facilities also include a boat launch, dry sail area for dinghies and winter storage.

  12. Baie d'Urfe Yacht Club

    per adult. The area. 20650 Lakeshore Road Baie d'Urfe, QC, Baie-D'Urfe, Quebec H9X 2Z4 Canada. Neighbourhood: Baie-D'Urfe. Read more. Reach out directly. Visit website. Call. Full view.

  13. Marina Yacht club de Baie d'Urfé on Navily

    Discover more information about Yacht club de Baie d'Urfé such as contact information, maximum draft in the port, number of boat slips, services available... You can also calculate the price and book a boat slip at Yacht club de Baie d'Urfé directly from Navily

  14. Baie d'Urfé Yacht Club

    The Baie d'Urfé Yacht Club page on YachtsandYachting.com - the first place to stop for reports, results, fixtures & photographs from racing sailing

  15. Baie D'Urfé Yacht Club

    Baie D'Urfé Yacht Club - Baie-d'Urfe - phone number, website, address & opening hours - QC - Clubs. Welcome Known as the best little yacht club on the Lakeshore, this easily accessible location offers ample parking, waterfront club house, and protected affordable moorage for up t... Please enter what you're searching for.



  17. Yacht Club de Baie d'Urfé

    Yacht Club de Baie d'Urfé 20 650, rue Lakeshore, Baie d'Urfé, Québec H9X 1R5 Phone : 514-457-3382 Email | Website General informations

  18. Baie d'Urfe Yacht Club

    C$99.00. per adult. The area. 20650 Lakeshore Road Baie d'Urfe, QC, Baie-D'Urfe, Quebec H9X 2Z4 Canada. Neighbourhood: Baie-D'Urfe. Read more. Reach out directly. Visit website. Call.

  19. Baie-d'Urfé Yacht Club

    Baie-d'Urfé Yacht Club Baie-d'Urfé Yacht Club is a marina in Baie-D'Urfé, Urban agglomeration of Montreal, Quebec located on Chemin Lakeshore. Baie-d'Urfé Yacht Club is situated close to the park Parc Bertold and the sports venue Club Aquatique Baie d'Urfé.

  20. THE 10 CLOSEST Hotels to Baie d'Urfe Yacht Club, Baie-D'Urfe

    This is one of the most booked hotels in Baie-D'Urfe over the last 60 days. This is the closest accommodation to Baie d'Urfe Yacht Club. 20000 Trans Canada Highway, Baie-D'Urfe, Quebec H9X 0B3 Canada. Stayed for 5 nights. Hotel is located on the highway with easy access.

  21. Baie d'Urfe Yacht Club

    Get more information for Baie d'Urfe Yacht Club in Baie D'urfe, Qc. See reviews, map, get the address, and find directions.

  22. Baie-d'Urfé Junior Squadron

    Your Baie d'Urfe Yacht Club membership account will be charged $0.00. Nothing Receibable By submitting these details, you are authorising Baie d'Urfe Yacht Club to charge your card at if/when space becomes available in any of your waitlisted products. Refer to Baie d'Urfe Yacht Club 's terms above for details

  23. Town of Baie-D'Urfé

    Baie-D'Urfé Clubs. For more than 50 years, the Baie-D'Urfé Tennis Club has been promoting health, well-being and competition through the sport of tennis.. Day or night, our six Har-Tru clay courts and full-service clubhouse welcomes players of all levels ranging from weekly Round Robins, Tournaments, Junior Development, Interclub Competition, Private Instruction and multiple Social Events.