• Prenota la tua crociera con i nostri consulenti
  • Ho già prenotato una crociera

MSC Yacht club gold and white logo | MSC Cruises



MSC Yacht Club | MSC Cruises


      lusso, privacy ed esclusività.

MSC Yacht Club servizio maggiordomo 24 ore su 24 | MSC Crociere


MSC Yacht Club è un'autentica nave nella nave: ogni area di MSC Yacht Club è stata ideata per offrire ai nostri ospiti i più alti standard di comfort e privacy .

Lasciati ispirare dalla nostra selezione di aree esclusive.


Top Sail Lounge

Il Top Sail Lounge, situato nell'area di MSC Yacht Club a prua della nave, offre panorami mozzafiato insieme proposte gastronomiche e servizio eccezionali. Come parte di un'esperienza di crociera di lusso, questo lounge esclusivo è accessibile 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7 ai soli ospiti di MSC Yacht Club. Ad attenderti, un bar con bevande premium incluse e disponibili tutto il giorno, oltre a deliziosi finger food gourmet in diversi orari. Puoi goderti la musica dal vivo ogni sera e partecipare ad eventi come il momento High Tea e il cocktail di benvenuto del Comandante.

Ristorante MSC Yacht Club

Il Ristorante MSC Yacht Club è un luogo esclusivo e privato riservato solo a te con una spettacolare vista sul mare. Intraprendi un viaggio culinario e deliziati con creazioni gourmet ed un servizio a cinque stelle. Dai menu à la carte con cucina mediterranea e internazionale di alta qualità ad un team dedicato di chef internazionali che si riforniscono di prodotti locali freschi e di prima qualità, tutto è pensato per stuzzicare le tue papille gustative. Il nostro Sommelier dedicato sarà lieto di consigliarti il miglior abbinamento tra vino e pietanze e di presentarti l'ampia selezione di vini.

MSC Yacht Club Grill & Bar

MSC Yacht Club Grill & Bar è una terrazza all'aperto esclusiva, dove gli ospiti possono gustare pasti e bevande tutto il giorno. Inizia la mattina presto con un'ampia selezione di opzioni per la colazione dai cereali a omelette, french toast e uova fritte. I nostri camerieri si prenderanno cura di ogni tua esigenza al bar della piscina: deliziati con una varietà di bevande come cocktail, birre, vini e, per un tocco sofisticato per la tua esperienza serale, assapora un bicchiere di delizioso champagne.

MSC Yacht Club Grill è disponibile sulle navi di classe Meraviglia, Seaside e World

MSC Yacht Club Sundeck & Pool

MSC Yacht Club Sundeck & Pool è un'esclusiva e lussuosa area piscina con un ampio solarium e rilassanti vasche idromassaggio per una straordinaria e raffinata esperienza di crociera. In MSC Yacht Club ti viene fornito un servizio eccellente, tra cui asciugamani ed un panno per la pulizia degli occhiali mentre ti godi fantastici momenti di relax in piscina. Gazebi eleganti e riservati sono disponibili su navi selezionate.


Sperimenta una straordinaria ed elegante ospitalità durante la tua crociera di lusso con MSC Yacht Club . Scopri le suite arredate sontuosamente e progettate con meticolosa attenzione ai dettagli .

Immergiti nel massimo del comfort con servizi di lusso e tocchi di classe .

Scopri di seguito tutte le nostre suite MSC Yacht Club disponibili per la prenotazione.

MSC Yacht Club Owner’s Suite With Whirlpool Bath| MSC Cruises

  • Superficie: circa 104 mq, balcone 48 mq, ponte 16
  • Camera da letto con letto matrimoniale
  • Zona giorno separata con divano letto convertibile in letto matrimoniale
  • Finestre panoramiche a tutta altezza e porte in vetro
  • Ampio balcone privato con vasca idromassaggio, tavolo da pranzo e sedie
  • Bagno in marmo con vasca, doccia e prodotti di bellezza biologici "Med"
  • Asciugamani e biancheria da letto ricamati su misura di alta qualità 100% cotone
  • Ciabattine e accappatoio in cotone 100% per l'uso a bordo
  • Spaziosa cabina armadio
  • Angolo bar, frigorifero, macchina da caffè Nespresso, frutta fresca, regalo di benvenuto e cioccolatini Venchi ogni giorno
  • TV interattiva, telefono, cassaforte e aria condizionata

Le immagini sono a scopo illustrativo: suite di MSC World Europa Le dimensioni, la disposizione e l'arredamento possono variare (all'interno della stessa categoria di suite)

MSC Yacht club Royal suite | MSC Cruises

  • Superficie: circa 51-58 mq, balcone 42-51 mq, ponti 16-18
  • Zona living con divano letto convertibile in letto matrimoniale
  • Bagno in marmo con ampia doccia e vasca da bagno e prodotti di bellezza biologici "Med" (alcune suite dispongono solo di una grande vasca da bagno)
  • Asciugamani e lenzuola ricamati su misura di alta qualità, 100% cotone
  • Angolo bar, frigorifero, macchina Nespresso e frutta fresca, regalo di benvenuto
  • Cioccolatini Venchi ogni giorno

MSC Yacht Club Duplex Suite with whirlpool| MSC Cruises

  • Superficie circa 46 mq, balcone 28- 31 mq, ponte 16
  • Suite su due ponti situata sui ponti di prua della nave

Livello principale (ingresso suite):

  • Soggiorno separato con tavolo da pranzo e divano letto convertibile in letto matrimoniale
  • Balcone privato con vasca idromassaggio, tavolo e sedie da esterno
  • Bagno in marmo con doccia e prodotti di bellezza biologici "Med"

Secondo livello:

  • Camera da letto matrimoniale con letto matrimoniale convertibile in 2 letti singoli (su richiesta)
  • Bagno in marmo con vasca e prodotti di bellezza biologici "Med"
  • Solarium privato con lettini, accessibile dalle scale esterne
  • Armadio spazioso

Ogni suite è dotata di:

  • Angolo bar e macchina Nespresso
  • Frutta fresca, regalo di benvenuto
  • TV interattiva e telefono disponibili su ogni piano
  • Cassaforte e aria condizionata

MSC Yacht Club Grand Suite| MSC Cruises

  • Superficie: circa 46 mq, balcone 6 mq, ponte 16

Livello principale (ingresso Suite):

  • Balcone con sedie da esterno e tavolo
  • Cabina armadio
  • Minibar e macchina Nespresso

MSC Yacht Club Executive & Family Suite | MSC Cruises

  • Superficie: circa 40-53 mq, ponte 12
  • Letto matrimoniale convertibile in 2 letti singoli (su richiesta) con vetrata panoramica sigillata sul lato (senza accesso all'esterno)
  • Soggiorno separato con divani e poltrone con vetrata panoramica sigillata (nessun accesso all'esterno)
  • Asciugamani e biancheria da letto ricamati su misura di alta qualità100% cotone
  • Minibar, bollitore per tè e frutta fresca, regalo di benvenuto

Le immagini sono a scopo illustrativo: suite di MSC Fantasia Le dimensioni, la disposizione e l'arredamento possono variare (all'interno della stessa categoria di suite)


MSC Yacht Club Grand Suite | MSC Cruises

  • Superficie: circa 31-43 mq, balcone 8-21 mq, ponti 16-19
  • Letto matrimoniale convertibile in 2 letti singoli (su richiesta)
  • Balcone arredato con sedie da esterno e tavolo
  • Minibar, macchina Nespresso e frutta fresca, regalo di benvenuto

Le immagini sono a scopo illustrativo: suite di MSC Seashore Le dimensioni, la disposizione e l'arredamento possono variare (all'interno della stessa categoria di suite) NB: Alcune Grand Suite MSC Yacht Club sono adattate per ospiti con disabilità o mobilità ridotta.

MSC Yacht club deluxe suite | MSC Cruises

  • Sperficie: circa 25 mq, balcone 5 mq, ponti 15-21

Le immagini sono a scopo illustrativo: suite di MSC World Europa Le dimensioni, la disposizione e l'arredamento possono variare (all'interno della stessa categoria di suite) NB: Alcune suite deluxe di MSC Yacht Club sono adattate per ospiti con disabilità o mobilità ridotta.

MSC Yacht Club Interior Suite| MSC Cruises

  • Superficie: circa 15 mq, ponti 15-16
  • Bagno con doccia e prodotti di bellezza biologici "Med"


Dalle eleganti suite al servizio di maggiordomo 24 ore su 24 , MSC Yacht Club offre un'esperienza di crociera di lusso all-inclusive, intima ed esclusiva. Il tutto, senza rinunciare agli innumerevoli intrattenimenti e servizi offerti dal resto della nave. Scopri di più:

MSC Yacht Club priviledges | MSC Cruises

Immergiti in un viaggio di scoperte che coinvolgerà tutti i tuoi sensi. Circondati di un comfort impareggiabile a bordo delle nostre splendide navi in aree dedicate, tra cui un ristorante privato, lounge esclusivo, una piscina e un solarium, tutti con servizio bevande incluso.

  • Servizio maggiordomo disponibile 24 ore su 24
  • Concierge dedicato 24 ore su 24
  • Bevande Premium incluse: pacchetto Bevande Premium Extra in tutte le aree della nave
  • Pacchetto Internet Browse - 2 dispositivi a persona con Pacchetto Internet illimitato
  • Check-in e check-out prioritari dedicati
  • Room Service disponibile 24 ore su 24
  • Accesso gratuito all’Area Termale di MSC Aurea SPA
  • Dotazioni per il relax in ogni Suite (incluso accappatoio e ciabattine) e menù di cuscini
  • Altri tocchi dedicati come il servizio di preparazione/disfacimento bagagli, consegna del quotidiano direttamente in cabina su richiesta
  • L'esperienza più ricca per i punti MSC Voyagers Club
  • Un cambio di crociera gratuito** (si prega di consultare i Termini e Condizioni)

MSC Yacht Club exclusivity| MSC Cruises

Scopri un mondo in cui la privacy incontra il lusso, dove ogni dettaglio è meticolosamente realizzato per superare le tue aspettative. Benvenuto in una nave nella nave, dove un'atmosfera raffinata ed elegante ti aspetta.

  • Suite sontuosamente arredate situate nei ponti di prua della nave che offrono un comfort eccezionale
  • Ponte piscina privato e spazioso con vasche idromassaggio, solarium e Grill & Bar
  • Ristorante gourmet à la carte per colazione, pranzo e cena con libera scelta dell'orario.
  • Top Sail Lounge panoramico con bar, servizio di tè pomeridiano, spuntini leggeri disponibili giorno e notte
  • Musica dal vivo disponibile tutte le sere nel Top Sail Lounge
  • Esperienze su misura, dallo shopping alle escursioni (non incluse nella tariffa della crociera)

MSC Yacht Club a world of choice | MSC Cruises

Al tuo ritmo, concediti la privacy e il lusso di MSC Yacht Club oppure goditi le innumerevoli opportunità di svago, relax e intrattenimento offerte in tutta la nave.

  • Accesso a tutti i servizi della nave (bar e lounge, ristoranti tematici, piscine, ecc.)
  • Offerta pacchetti scontati
  • Buffet premium
  • Sconto del 10% su tutti i trattamenti MSC AUREA SPA acquistati a bordo
  • Ricco programma di spettacoli teatrali in stile Broadway e Las Vegas disponibili quasi ogni sera
  • Attività di animazione per adulti e bambini
  • Attività ricreative per bambini
  • Strutture sportive all'aperto
  • Palestra perfettamente attrezzata con vista panoramica


I privilegi di MSC Yacht Club si estendono anche al di fuori della nave. Esplora meravigliose destinazioni in tutto il mondo con MSC Yacht Club, godi di un servizio unico e di comfort e lusso impareggiabili. Scopri le nostre destinazioni balneari con un'area riservata MSC Yacht Club .

E non è tutto: unisciti alle escursioni di MSC Yacht Club e scopri incredibili gemme nascoste prendendo parte ad attività uniche con guide locali esperte,

appositamente realizzate per i nostri ospiti MSC Yacht Club e che coprono un'ampia gamma di esperienze e vantaggi curati in ogni minimo dettaglio.

MSC Yacht Club, Ocean Cay MSC Marine Reserve | MSC Cruises


sir bani yas island, Yas Island, Sir Bani Yas, Dubai


Una nave nella nave.

MSC Yacht Club: una nave nella nave | MSC Crociere

FAQ MSC Yacht Club

Che cos'è msc yacht club.

MSC Yacht Club è un'area esclusiva e privata interamente dedicata al lusso, alla privacy e al comfort, un'autentica "nave nella nave" dotata di eleganti suite , Servizio

Maggiordomo 24 ore su 24 , 7 giorni su 7 e una reception concierge dedicata per la tua straordinaria esperienza di lusso in crociera.

Con MSC Yacht Club avrai accesso esclusivo a raffinati spazi dedicati tra cui un ristorante, un lounge esclusivo, una piscina e un solarium, oltre a un servizio di bevande premium all-inclusive . L' accesso illimitato a Internet e un'ampia selezione di opportunità di svago e di intrattenimento , come l'Area Termale di MSC Aurea Spa e gli spettacoli teatrali in stile Broadway, arricchiscono il tuo viaggio. Per la tua vacanza in famiglia, un mondo di emozioni attende i piccoli viaggiatori a bordo delle crociere MSC, dal miniclub all' acquapark , garantendo un divertimento senza fine.

Quali tipi di suite sono disponibili con MSC Yacht Club?

Tutte le sistemazioni di MSC Yacht Club sono eleganti suite appositamente progettate per garantire massimo comfort e privacy. MSC Yacht Club dispone di una gamma di 8 tipologie di suite diverse , ognuna con il proprio tocco di classe e comfort. Anche se non tutte le tipologie di suite sono disponibili su ogni nave, sarai sempre in grado di scegliere tra una selezione di sistemazioni eleganti e confortevoli in base alle tue preferenze. MSC Yacht Club offre raffinate Suite Deluxe con balcone e ampi armadi, così come Royal Suite con accesso diretto al balcone dalla camera da letto e balcone privato. Sulle navi di classe Fantasia, è inoltre possibile scegliere tra Grand Suite con ampia zona living o Executive & Family Suite con vetrata panoramica sigillata e soggiorno separato. Concediti sistemazioni di alta classe sulle nostre navi di ultima generazione, che offrono suite innovative. Le navi di classe Meraviglia vantano Suite Duplex con vasca idromassaggio , situate sui ponti di prua della nave, con una vista mozzafiato. Le navi di classe Seaside: MSC Seashore e MSC Seascape offrono anche Owner’s Suite con ampio balcone e vasca idromassaggio privata e Grand Suite. Le Owner’s Suite sono disponibili anche sulle nostre navi di classe World, comprese le suite duplex, che possono essere scelte con o senza vasca idromassaggio. Tutte le nostre navi di ultima generazione includono anche raffinate suite interne . Dai materassi Myform Memory alla biancheria da letto e materassi in cotone egiziano , passando per il menu di cuscini Dorelan, dai bagni in marmo al minibar gratuito, ogni tua esigenza è soddisfatta per una crociera di lusso davvero eccezionale .

MSC Yacht Club cosa comprende?

Con MSC Yacht Club, puoi goderti un'esperienza di crociera di lusso all-inclusive con un'ampia gamma di privilegi esclusivi, a partire dal Servizio Maggiordomo 24 ore su 24 , check-in e check-out prioritari dedicati e Servizio Concierge dedicato 24 ore su 24. Anche le bevande sono incluse grazie al Pacchetto Bevande Premium Extra , non solo all'interno delle aree MSC Yacht Club ma anche in tutte le altre aree della nave. Ciò ti consente di gustare le tue bevande preferite in vari luoghi come le aree buffet, il ristorante principale, i ristoranti tematici e i bar di bordo. La connessione Wi-Fi è disponibile per tutta la durata della crociera con il Pacchetto Browse per due dispositivi.

Al ristorante privato MSC Yacht Club ti attende un'ampia varietà di piatti raffinati. Potrai accomodarti a tavola quando preferisci, negli orari di apertura del ristorante. Il Top Sail Lounge panoramico offre musica dal vivo serale, un bar, un servizio di tè pomeridiano e una selezione di finger food per 20 ore al giorno. Tutte le suite MSC Yacht Club sono situate sui ponti di prua della nave per garantirti un comfort eccezionale con room service disponibile 24 ore su 24 , 7 giorni su 7. Potrai beneficiare di un accesso illimitato all'Area Termale di MSC Aurea SPA per il tuo completo relax. È inoltre possibile usufruire di sconti spa, Pacchetti Ristoranti Tematici, impianti sportivi all'aperto, Kid's Club, parco acquatico e diversi programmi di spettacoli teatrali in stile Broadway e Las Vegas.

Le bevande sono incluse in MSC Yacht Club?

Sì, con MSC Yacht Club è incluso il Pacchetto Bevande Premium Extra . Questo pacchetto include tutte le bevande con un prezzo fino a 14€/16USD ed è disponibile in tutti i bar di bordo, nelle aree buffet, nei ristoranti principali e nei ristoranti tematici, nonché ad Ocean Cay MSC Marine Reserve e in altre destinazioni MSC esclusive, in base all'offerta di ciascuna destinazione. All'interno di ogni suite MSC Yacht Club troverai un delizioso minibar che viene rifornito quotidianamente. Gusta le bevande gratuite del minibar e rilassati con il tuo drink preferito nell'ambiente lussuoso della tua suite. Potrai scegliere tra un'ampia selezione di bevande, come bibite analcoliche, succhi di frutta, bibite gassate o tè freddo, acqua in bottiglia e birre.

Quale Pacchetto Internet è incluso con MSC Yacht Club?

Gli Ospiti di MSC Yacht Club beneficiano del Pacchetto Internet Browse , con dati illimitati validi per due dispositivi per tutta la durata della crociera. Questo pacchetto ti permette di:

  • Navigare sul web.
  • Inviare e ricevere email e messaggi.
  • Chattare su app di messaggistica (come WhatsApp).

Una volta a bordo, puoi anche scegliere di effettuare un upgrade del pacchetto internet Browse al Pacchetto Internet Browse & Stream , disponibile pagando un supplemento.

Cosa sono le escursioni MSC Yacht Club? Come posso prenotarle?

Le escursioni di MSC Yacht Club sono ideate esclusivamente per i nostri ospiti di MSC Yacht Club. Permettono di esplorare meraviglie nascoste, svolgendo attività uniche con esperti locali, garantendo agli ospiti di MSC Yacht Club una full immersion che unisce lusso, esclusività e privilegi premium. Le escursioni MSC Yacht Club coprono un' ampia gamma di esperienze curate in ogni minimo dettaglio per soddisfare le esigenze degli ospiti . Ti attendono visite di luoghi affascinanti, avventure di lusso, cucina autentica ricca di sapori tradizionali, paradisiache fughe in spiaggia in resort di alta classe, interessanti laboratori d’artigianato intrisi delle conoscenze locali e tour di storia e cultura per stimolare la mente. Le escursioni MSC Yacht Club sono prenotabili online tramite la sezione "My MSC Area" prima della crociera , telefonicamente attraverso il nostro Contact Center o tramite il tuo agente di viaggio. A bordo, il tuo maggiordomo o il concierge saranno disponibili ad assisterti nel processo di prenotazione, dandoti i migliori consigli in base alle tue preferenze.

Qual è il dress code per MSC Yacht Club? Ci sono feste a tema per le quali prepararsi in modo specifico?

Il dress code può variare a seconda del luogo e dell'ora del giorno.

Top Sail Lounge - Dress code

Per apprezzare appieno l'atmosfera esclusiva del Top Sail Lounge, si consiglia vivamente di vestirsi in modo appropriato.

  • Di giorno : abbigliamento casual, comprese t-shirt e top, è perfettamente accettabile, ma ti chiediamo gentilmente di non indossare costumi da bagno in nessun momento.
  • Di sera : per l’ingresso al Top Sail Lounge è richiesto un abbigliamento casual elegante. Sentiti libero di indossare abiti, gonne, pantaloni lunghi, jeans e top. Tuttavia, si prega di evitare di indossare pantaloncini e infradito.

Ristorante MSC Yacht Club – Dress Code Per preservare l'atmosfera sofisticata di questo ristorante raffinato, ti chiediamo gentilmente di vestire in modo appropriato per l'esclusività.

  • Di giorno : sentiti a tuo agio con un abbigliamento casual, tra cui t-shirt e top. Ma per mantenere un'atmosfera rispettosa, chiediamo gentilmente di non indossare costumi da bagno.
  • Di sera : ti chiediamo gentilmente di utilizzare un abbigliamento casual elegante. Ciò include opzioni come abiti, gonne, pantaloni lunghi, jeans e top. Tuttavia, si prega di evitare pantaloncini e infradito.
  • Per le serate di gala : vestiti in modo elegante e glamour per la tua foto a bordo con capi raffinati come abiti, gonne, pantaloni, jeans firmati, top eleganti, blazer o persino uno smoking.

MSC Yacht Club Grill & Bar – Dress Code Indossa costumi da bagno, t-shirt, canottiere, cappelli e occhiali da sole a tuo piacimento. Ricorda solo che il bagno in topless non è consentito in quest’area dedicata anche alle famiglie.

È possibile portare nell'area MSC Yacht Club ospiti esterni come familiari o amici che soggiornano in nave?

La franchigia bagaglio di msc yacht club è più alta rispetto a quella degli ospiti abituali, i bambini e i neonati sono ammessi in msc yacht club, msc yacht club, come iscriversi bisogna registrarsi ad msc yacht club, in qualità di ospite msc yacht club, raccolgo più punti msc voyagers club rispetto ad altre esperienze.

Sì, MSC Yacht Club è l'esperienza di crociera più ricca di MSC Crociere:

  • Per crociere inferiori a 5 notti o 6 giorni , guadagnerai 800 punti MSC Voyagers Club .
  • Se la tua crociera dura da 5 a 9 notti o da 6 a 10 giorni , guadagnerai 1.500 punti MSC Voyagers Club .
  • Se la tua crociera dura più di 10 notti o 11 giorni , guadagnerai 2.000 punti MSC Voyagers Club .

Come effettuare l'upgrade in MSC Yacht Club?

Gli ospiti che hanno effettuato l'upgrade in msc yacht club possono accumulare punti msc voyagers club allo stesso modo degli altri ospiti msc yacht club, termini e condizioni, termini e condizioni.

  • Il cambio crociera gratuito è valido sia come cambio data che cambio destinazione. La modifica deve essere effettuata entro 30 giorni dalla partenza, mentre la nuova partenza deve avvenire entro 3 mesi dalla partenza originaria. Per qualsiasi modifica della crociera, contatta il nostro Contact Center.
  • La possibilità di organizzare escursioni personalizzate dipende dall'itinerario.
  • Per maggiori informazioni sul pacchetto bevande premium extra clicca qui .

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MSC Cruises


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Experience yacht club luxury like this couple who is relaxing in the solarium pool area, attended by a dedicated butler serving refreshing drinks and ensuring a premium level of comfort and service.


Step into the MSC Yacht Club, an exclusive private sanctuary onboard only accessible by key card. Here, you can discover elegance with luxury suites offering a 24/7 butler service. Enjoy curated menus in a private restaurant and unwind on the secluded pool deck. An elevated experience awaits you on a vacation that’s a step above.

msc yacht club cosa comprende


A MSC Yacht Club butler in white gloves serves cruises guests tea and coffee with delicious pastries on a tiered.

Experience unparalleled service from the moment you check in. Gain access to priority embarkation and disembarkation, your own concierge team, a dedicated butler available 24/7, and premier room service delivered to you at any hour.

This is the private Yacht Club pool onboard MSC, featuring a spacious pool with easy-access stairs set against a vibrant blue sky with intriguing elements like a dinosaur figure, horses, and more, creating a unique and leisurely atmosphere.

Enjoy access to areas that are exclusive for MSC Yacht Club guests during your cruise vacation. Delight in fine dining at our dedicated restaurant, unwind on a private sun deck, and admire captivating sunsets from the Top Sail Lounge.

A man and woman each hold a glass of complementary champagne as they relax in their luxurious stateroom and enjoy their ocean cruise views through their balcony window.

When you choose MSC Yacht Club, you unlock unique exclusives, all-inclusive packages, and VIP access available only to you including entry to Ocean House Beach on Ocean Cay MSC Marine Reserve, our private island in the Bahamas.

Allow us to indulge you

Step into a world where your suite is just the beginning and where every detail is meticulously attended to.


Our butlers are prepared to meet your needs, whether that be bringing a late-night treat-or turning down your room. From the minute you step on board, your dedicated butler will be by your side for a memorable experience.

Ask your MSC Yacht Club concierge to secure the best reservations at all our incredible venues, including specialty restaurants, and consider it done. Revel in VIP seating for entertainment, partake in private shopping trips, and enjoy curated excursions.

Your journey with us is tailored to perfection, guaranteeing every moment is marked by exceptional comfort and convenience.

A MSC Yacht Club Butler in a distinguished black suit and white gloves serves tea with finger foods to a couple in a private yacht club area. They relax on a couch, savoring the moment while enjoying breathtaking ocean views.


Allow our dedicated MSC Yacht Club team to bring your ultimate cruise vacation to life. We prioritize every detail, from the perfect pillow selection from our exclusive Dorelan® menu to a fully stocked personalized mini bar at your fingertips.

Any questions you may have can always be answered by our 24-hour concierge service, available to you from the moment you step on board.

Young couple entering the Yacht Club's front lobby, where they enjoy the perks of luggage delivery and personalized service from the butler, catering to their cruise needs.


Immerse yourself in elegant spaces and experience elevated design in a beautiful setting.

In the private Yacht Club lounge, a couple enjoys cocktails, while in the background, a woman sips her drink while listening to a man play the piano on an MSC cruises.


The Top Sail Lounge is the ultimate place to rest and relax after shore excursions or days at sea. Throughout the day, take in crystal-clear panoramic views of the ocean while enjoying crafted drinks, gourmet finger foods, and desserts. At night, relish in exclusive access to live music and after-dinner drinks.   

When you visit the Top Sail Lounge, you'll have the time to unwind and watch the world sail by.

Experience luxury in the exclusive Top Sail Lounge, a private retreat for Yacht Club members on MSC Cruises. The lounge features plush white leather sofas, abundant natural light, and stunning panoramic views.


Recharge on a sundeck featuring dipping pools and whirlpool baths where you can cool off and lounge for total relaxation. Take in the sun and the ocean breeze with your preferred poolside beverage delivered right to your chair.

Indulge in the Yacht Club's exclusive Private Solarium on MSC Cruises, where a couple is pampered by a butler, offering personalized service for drinks, food, towels, and more. The image features a crystal-clear, elevated hot tub, epitomizing luxury and relaxation.


With a dedicated restaurant on each ship, the MSC Yacht Club offers an elevated menu. Enjoy fine dining served with five-star service and a selection of beverages and wines from around the world.  

You can savor the finest flavors in a space meant for you—no reservations needed.

An elegant moment at the Yacht Club restaurant on your luxury cruise, as a delighted woman smiles while being served a gourmet dinner with a red and white wine pairing by the attentive Yacht Club staff, epitomizing the essence of dining and indulgence in luxury.


The MSC Yacht Club experience continues on land at the private Ocean House Beach on Ocean Cay MSC Marine Reserve. A serene space with ocean views, beachfront cabanas, and complimentary amenities.


MSC Yacht Club offers guests luxurious onboard accommodations for the ultimate in comfort. Explore our wide range of staterooms to enhance your MSC Cruises luxury experience.

The Owner's Suite on World Europa offers opulent luxury with a spacious balcony featuring a sofa, hot tub, and breathtaking ocean and sunset views, providing the ultimate in privacy and indulgence aboard MSC Yachts

The Owner's Suites feature a spacious living area, a walk-in closet, a large balcony with a private whirlpool, and a panoramic glass wall. 

Step into the luxurious Royal Suite on Seascape within the Yacht Club, featuring an inviting living room adorned with green couches and a TV, offering an exclusive and opulent experience.

Every Royal Suite has a separate living area and all the comforts you would expect in first-class accommodations. 

The Deluxe Suite on Euribia, is a well-lit and stylish indoor space in varying shades of grey exudes a modern and minimalist vibe. Notable features include a staircase hinting at spaciousness, a versatile table with chairs, and ample natural light through a window, creating an inviting atmosphere for your cruise vacation.

These two-deck suites offer a separate living space with a double sofa bed, walk-in closet, and a balcony with a private whirlpool. 

This inviting indoor living room is part of the Executive Family Suite on MSC Divina. It features a warm brown color theme with two comfortable couches surrounding a central coffee table with a television for everyone to enjoy on your family cruise vacation.

These suites are ideal for families with children. They come with a separate sitting area and a bathroom with a bathtub.

The Deluxe Suite on Seashore, is a well-lit and stylish indoor space in varying shades of grey exudes a modern and minimalist vibe. Notable features include a staircase hinting at spaciousness, a versatile table with chairs, and ample natural light through a window, creating an inviting atmosphere for your cruise vacation.

These suites have also their own private balcony and all the comforts you expect in first-class accommodations. 

An interior stateroom on MSC Europa, featuring a room with a bed and a mirror, a mattress, pillows, and a grey floor with white lines, with no faces or objects detected.

Guests on our newest ships can enjoy all the comforts of the MSC Yacht Club with an interior suite.


An elegant moment at the Yacht Club restaurant on your luxury cruise, as a delighted woman smiles while being served a gourmet dinner with a red and white wine pairing by the attentive Yacht Club staff, epitomizing the essence of dining and indulgence in luxury.


Our Premium Extra Package is included as an MSC Yacht Club benefit. Delight in a wide selection of beers, cocktails, wines, top-shelf liquor, and an array of non-alcoholic beverages.

Stay connected while cruising with MSC as a passenger surfs their cell phone using an onboard internet package, ensuring seamless connectivity and convenience during the voyage.


Stay connected with a premium internet package from anywhere on board, an exclusive benefit for guests. Unlimited Wi-Fi allows you to browse on up to two devices.

Indulge in serene spa moments on MSC Cruises, as a woman in a plush spa robe sits by a window, savoring ocean views and relaxation in the tranquil spa setting.


Experience ultimate pampering at the MSC Aurea Spa, where you can enjoy complimentary access to the serene Thermal Suite, enhanced further by an exclusive 10% discount on all treatments.

explore further

Discover the best of both worlds as a guest of MSC Yacht Club. Enjoy VIP access to amenities throughout

your journey, from dining to captivating entertainment, while experiencing the personalized touch that

extends from your suite to every corner of the ship.


Savor the flavors of exquisite specialty restaurants such as Butcher's Cut, Kaito Sushi & Teppanyaki, HOLA Tacos, and Ocean Cay.

Elevate your dining experience with exclusive perks like priority reservation times, premium seating, and the luxury of a personal butler escort if you choose.

An image of a couple delighting in an a la carte sushi dining experience at the premium dining venue in the MSC Yacht Club, savoring a delectable selection of sushi dishes.


As an MSC Yacht Club guest, there’s always more to discover. Get priority access to our show-stopping Broadway and Vegas-style shows brought to you by Carousel Productions at Sea.

Plus, you can always explore the myriad of entertainment areas on board, from thrilling water parks to trying your luck at the state-of-the-art MSC Casino.

Captivating top-tier entertainment in the MSC Yacht Club, featuring an acrobatic performer executing mid-air splits while suspended by fabric, delivering a mesmerizing experience.


Unleash your active side by checking out our sports facilities, including outdoor walking tracks, basketball courts, and a fully-equipped gym boasting Technogym® equipment.  

For those seeking an even more tailored experience, indulge in specialty classes and personal training sessions, reserved by your MSC Yacht Club concierge team.

Enjoy a premium fitness experience on MSC Cruises as two individuals work out on treadmills in the well-appointed gym, offering scenic views of the ship and the expansive ocean beyond.

discover more

Journey to the ultimate destinations on board the MSC Yacht Club, whether it’s crossing places off your bucket list or delighting in quick weekend getaways.




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I tried a ship-within-a-ship cruise experience and it was worth it for the endless perks—here’s why

The MSC Yacht Club affords travelers a totally different cruising experience, but you’ll have to splurge.

Erica Lamberg

I heard tales of luxury from people about the ritzy MSC Yacht Club , the ship-within-a-ship concept where discerning passengers enjoy their own area of the cruise ship that includes a dedicated restaurant, private lounge, separate pool and sundeck as well as private butlers and concierges to take of any whim while cruising. The elevated Yacht Club boasts priority everything while sailing MSC.

I sailed on a four-night cruise on the new MSC Seashore, a glitzy ship with Italian flair intermingled with references to New York City at every turn. Although the ship was well-appointed and had amazing dining, drinking and entertainment venues, and a bountiful Top Sail main buffet, thousands of passengers made the ship feel crowded at times, elevators were slow, and as I strolled through the general pools, they were boisterous and crowded.

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Switch gears to MSC Seashore’s Yacht Club, passkey-protected for lucky guests, and is a 180 from the ship’s general spaces. Once you scan your handy Yacht Club wrist badge, or your room key, you’re instantly given entrance to a breathtaking retreat of 131 staterooms and suites. All this luxury does come at a price. Cruise fares will vary based on destination, time of year, and cabin category, but generally speaking you can expect to pay double for the Yacht Club. And from my experience, it’s worth it. Read more about why you should splurge.

You’re fast-tracked through everything

The Yacht Club’s exclusivity and impeccable service standard started from the moment I got dropped off at the Port Canaveral cruise terminal. There were hundreds of people waiting to board at 1pm on embarkation day. I saw in the distance a canopy that said MSC Yacht Club. My husband and I wheeled our carry-on luggage to the representative under the canopy. I gave her my name and within two seconds, she gave me a sticker to wear and up we ascended on the escalator to check in. Just five minutes later, I was directed to the dedicated check-in area for Yacht Club guests. To my right, I saw about 1,000 people serpentine through ropes to do general check-in. I felt a sense of relief; who wants to wait in that line? Five minutes later, a butler from the Yacht Club insisted on wheeling my luggage to board the ship and I was in my room in a total on 12 minutes from the time I stepped foot out of the car to my stateroom in the Yacht Club.

Relaxing and streamlined

In addition, Yacht Club guests have the freedom to get off the ship first for excursions. Your butler will happily escort you off the ship with a smile. Guests also can disembark on the last morning first, which is a big convenience. Your butler walks you right to the place you disembark, bypassing crowds and hassles. Port Canaveral is about an hour away from Orlando International Airport, and we took a 10 am flight home. We didn’t have to linger around until the afternoon for our flight home.

Another perk is that there’s a special seating area in the theater for shows. All the shows were excellent during my voyage. All other ship passengers have to make reservations in advance for shows but that’s not the case for the privileged Yacht Club passengers. As long as you arrive about 10 minutes before any show you choose, a crew member from the Club will allow you entry into a special roped-off section. Again, no rushing through dinner—you have the flexibility to plan your evenings your way.

MSC Seashore

Your Yacht Club package is packed with remarkable value

The price tag may sound daunting, but there’s lots of value there. All Yacht Club cabins and suites include a premium drink package that covers beverages up to $15. You can use this perk both in the Yacht Club and throughout the ship. In addition, your package includes a two-device Wi-Fi package, which worked well during my sailing. Finally, you get access to the thermal spa suite, which is a place to indulge after a day in port or a sea day. Commonly, there’s a taboo regarding mini-bars, but not in the Yacht Club. It’s stocked each day with the beverages you want; just tell your butler and consider it done.

You get perks ashore too

If your sailing includes a call to Ocean Cay, MSC’s private island, Yacht Club guests get an elevated experience there too. Yacht Club guests enjoy a private area, and a dedicated restaurant called the Ocean House. While other ship guests were hosted to a buffet of predictable fare, I enjoyed a lobster roll, and my husband chose carne asada. In my opinion, one thing that could be improved was the tram service to the Yacht Club’s private area. We were told the last tram back was 3:30pm if we didn’t want to trek a 15-minute walk in the heat. Since we were docked in Ocean Cay for the evening and weren’t sailing, I was a bit dismayed by this logistical quirk. I felt like I was keeping an eye on my phone to make sure I didn’t miss the last tram.

You have private areas with curated food and drink and outdoor spaces

Within the Yacht Club complex, there’s the Yacht Club Restaurant, Top Sail Lounge and the One Pool Buffet, which are all exclusive to Yacht Club guests. Obviously, the food and service are steps above other dining venues of the ship, I can vouch for that. Although the food is delicious, if you don’t want to pay extra to dine at the specialty restaurants or fuss in the main buffet, eating three meals a day in the Yacht Club restaurant can get a bit monotonous. The breakfast is the same daily, and lunch and dinner offer a menu with daily specials plus a few standby selections like a hamburger or pasta each day. Although the Yacht Club Restaurant concept is desirable, I would strongly suggest dining in other venues on board, especially for dinner. I thoroughly enjoyed specialty dining in Ocean Cay Restaurant, Butcher’s Cut, and Kaito Teppanyaki. I also want to mention that late afternoon high tea is offered daily at the Yacht Club Restaurant. It was one of the nicest I have experienced at sea.

MSC Seashore

Also available exclusively to Yacht Club passengers is the Top Sail Lounge, which offers panoramic water views and has chef-curated selections from morning through late night. We enjoyed popping into the lounge at all hours to try finger foods and sweets. The One Pool Buffet offers a more casual option for breakfast and lunch by the pool. The buffet has grilled fish, sandwiches and lots of delicious options if you want to dine outside.

There’s also an exclusive area with a private pool and two whirlpools for Yacht Club guests only. The sun deck loungers are very comfortable and I never had to worry about finding a lounger, there are ample. One issue I had was that there was almost no shade on the sun deck; there were shaded day beds for Royal Suite and Owners Suite guests, but beyond those, I couldn’t find any shade, which was disappointing.

You can justify the price at the end of your cruise

Overall, the best way to explain my enthusiasm for my MSC Yacht Club experience is this: it’s better to book an interior stateroom in the Yacht Club than a luxe cabin outside the Yacht Club. It’s worth the splurge and you return home feeling truly pampered and it’s money well-spent. And I make this prediction: Once you try a ship-within-a-ship concept like the MSC Yacht Club, you won’t want cruise any other way. Bon Voyage!

Been there, done that? Think again, my friend.

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Scopri l'Esclusivo Itinerario della Crociera Mediterraneo a Bordo del MSC Yacht Club

Se stai cercando un'esperienza di crociera unica e lussuosa nel Mediterraneo , non cercare oltre. L' itinerario della Crociera Mediterraneo a bordo del MSC Yacht Club offre un'esperienza di viaggio indimenticabile, con servizi di prima classe e destinazioni mozzafiato.

Il Lusso del MSC Yacht Club

Il MSC Yacht Club è un'esclusiva area riservata solo agli ospiti delle suite , offrendo un livello di lusso e servizio senza pari. Qui potrai goderti un ambiente elegante e raffinato, con un personale dedicato a soddisfare ogni tua esigenza. Con suite spa ziose e lussuose, avrai a disposizione una vista panoramica sul mar e e una vasta gamma di servizi esclusivi.

Le Meraviglie del Mediterraneo

La crociera nel Mediterraneo offre l'opportunità di visitare alcune delle destinazioni più affascinanti del mondo. L' itinerario comprende tappe in città come Barcellona , ​​ Mar siglia, Roma, Atene e Istanbul . Potrai esplorare antiche rovine, ammirare panorami mozzafiato, immergerti nella cultura locale e gustare deliziosa cucina mediterranea.

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Escursioni e Attività

Durante la tua crociera nel Mediterraneo , avrai l'opportunità di partecipare a una varietà di escursioni ed attività. Potrai esplorare le pittoresche coste della Costa Amalfitana in Italia, visitare le famose moschee di Istanbul o scoprire la storia millenaria di Atene. Inoltre, potrai anche rilassarti sulle splendide spiagge di Maiorca o gustare un bicchiere di vino nella regione vinicola della Provenza.

Cucina Raffinata e Intrattenimento di Classe Mondiale

Durante la tua crociera nel MSC Yacht Club , potrai gustare una cucina raffinata e gustosa preparata da chef di fama mondiale. I ristoranti a bordo offrono una varietà di piatti mediterranei e internazionali, con ingredienti freschi e di alta qualità. Inoltre, potrai anche goderti spettacoli di classe mondiale, concerti dal vivo e intrattenimento serale.

In conclusione, se desideri vivere un'esperienza di crociera indimenticabile nel Mediterraneo , l' itinerario del MSC Yacht Club è la scelta perfetta. Con servizi di lusso , destinazioni mozzafiato, escursioni emozionanti, cucina raffinata e intrattenimento di classe mondiale, questa crociera offre tutto ciò che desideri per una vacanza da sogno. Prenota ora e preparati a vivere un'avventura di lusso nel cuore del Mediterraneo .

escursioni crociera msc mediterraneo Suite spa

1. Crociera Mediterraneo : Itinerario , Navigazione, Destinazioni

Una crociera nel Mediterraneo offre una vasta gamma di itinerari e destinazioni da esplorare. Le navi da crociera navigano tra le varie città costiere del Mediterraneo , consentendo ai passeggeri di visitare diverse culture, paesaggi e attrazioni.

Gli itinerari possono variare a seconda della compagnia di crociera e della durata del viaggio, ma di solito includono alcune delle seguenti destinazioni:

1. Barcellona , ​​ Spa gna : Spesso punto di partenza o arrivo per le crociere nel Mediterraneo , Barcellona è una città vibrante che offre una combinazione di cultura, architettura e vita notturna.

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2. Mar siglia, Francia: Situata sulla costa francese, Mar siglia è la seconda città più grande della Francia e offre una miscela di storia, cultura e cucina.

3. Roma, Italia: La Città Eterna è una delle destinazioni più popolari nel Mediterraneo . I passeggeri possono visitare il Colosseo, il Vaticano e altri importanti siti storici.

4. Atene, Grecia : La capitale della Grecia è ricca di storia antica e siti archeologici, come l'Acropoli e il Partenone.

5. Santorini, Grecia : Questa isola greca è famosa per le sue case bianche con tetti blu, le scogliere a picco sul mar e e i tramonti mozzafiato.

6. Istanbul , Turchia : Una città che unisce l'Europa e l'Asia, Istanbul offre una combinazione unica di cultura occidentale e orientale.

7. Dubrovnik, Croazia: Questa città murata è un gioiello del Mediterraneo , con le sue strade last ricate, i palazzi storici e le viste panoramiche sulla costa adriatica.

Queste sono solo alcune delle molte possibili destinazioni che si possono visitare in una crociera nel Mediterraneo . Gli itinerari possono essere personalizzati in base alle preferenze dei passeggeri e alla durata del viaggio.

2. MSC Yacht Club : Servizi esclusivi, Lusso , Confort

MSC Yacht Club è un'esperienza di crociera esclusiva offerta da MSC Crociere . Si tratta di un'area lussuosa e riservata all'interno della nave, progettata per offrire servizi esclusivi, comfort e privacy ai suoi ospiti.

Gli ospiti della MSC Yacht Club godono di una serie di vantaggi e servizi speciali. Ad esempio, hanno accesso a un'area riservata della nave che include cabine spa ziose e ben arredate, con balconi privati ​​che offrono una vista mozzafiato sull'oceano.

Oltre alle cabine lussuose, gli ospiti della MSC Yacht Club hanno anche a disposizione una serie di spa zi dedicati esclusivamente a loro. Questi includono una reception dedicata, un lounge privato e un ristorante esclusivo, dove gli ospiti possono gustare deliziosi pasti gourmet preparati da chef di fama mondiale.

Gli ospiti della MSC Yacht Club possono anche godere di una piscina privata e di un solarium, dove possono rilassarsi e prendere il sole in totale tranquillità. Inoltre, hanno accesso a un centro benessere esclusivo, con una vasta gamma di trattamenti spa e massaggi disponibili.

Altri servizi esclusivi offerti agli ospiti della MSC Yacht Club includono un maggiordomo personale disponibile 24 ore su 24, un servizio di concierge dedicato per assistenza e prenotazioni, e accesso prioritario agli spettacoli e alle attività a bordo della nave.

In sintesi, MSC Yacht Club offre un'esperienza di crociera di lusso e comfort, con servizi esclusivi e attenzione ai dettagli per garantire una vacanza indimenticabile ai suoi ospiti.

3. Itinerario Crociera : Escursioni, Attrazioni, Esperienze

Un itinerario di crociera può includere una varietà di escursioni, attrazioni ed esperienze emozionanti. Ecco alcuni esempi di cosa potrebbe includere un itinerario di crociera :

1. Escursioni a terra: Molte crociere offrono escursioni a terra che ti consentono di esplorare le destinazioni visitate. Potresti visitare siti storici, fare degustazioni di cibo locale, fare escursioni nella natura o esplorare i centri culturali delle città.

2. Attrazioni locali: A seconda delle destinazioni visitate, potresti avere l'opportunità di visitare famose attrazioni turistiche. Ad esempio, se stai facendo una crociera nei Caraibi , potresti visitare le spiagge di sabbia bianca e le barriere coralline. Se stai visitando l'Europa, potresti avere la possibilità di visitare monumenti storici come il Colosseo di Roma o la Torre Eiffel a Parigi.

3. Esperienze culinarie: Le crociere offrono spesso una varietà di esperienze culinarie a bordo, tra cui ristoranti di specialità, cene gourmet e lezioni di cucina. Potresti avere anche l'opportunità di provare piatti locali durante le escursioni a terra.

4. Attività a bordo: A bordo della nave, ci saranno anche molte attrazioni e attività per tenerti occupato. Queste potrebbero includere piscine, casinò, spettacoli di intrattenimento, spa e centri benessere, palestre, campi da mini -golf e molto altro ancora.

5. Sport acquatici: A seconda della destinazione e delle attrezzature disponibili a bordo, potresti avere l'opportunità di praticare sport acquatici come snorkeling, immersioni subacquee, kayak o paddleboard.

6. Relax e benessere: Le crociere offrono spesso anche un'ampia gamma di servizi per il relax e il benessere. Potresti goderti massaggi, trattamenti termali, sauna o partecipare a lezioni di yoga o meditazione.

Questi sono solo alcuni esempi di ciò che potrebbe essere incluso in un itinerario di crociera . Ogni crociera avrà le sue proprie escursioni, attrazioni ed esperienze uniche, quindi è importante fare ricerche sulla compagnia di crociera e sulla destinazione per scoprire cosa è disponibile per te durante il tuo viaggio.

1. Quali sono le destinazioni principali dell' itinerario di crociera nel Mediterraneo offerto da MSC Yacht Club ?

L' itinerario di crociera nel Mediterraneo offerto da MSC Yacht Club include alcune delle destinazioni più affascinanti della regione. Tra queste ci sono città come Barcellona , Mar siglia, Genova , Napoli , Santorini e Dubrovnik. Ogni destinazione offre una combinazione unica di cultura, storia e bellezze naturali, garantendo agli ospiti un'esperienza indimenticabile.

2. Cosa significa viaggiare a bordo di MSC Yacht Club durante la crociera nel Mediterraneo ?

Viaggiare a bordo di MSC Yacht Club durante la crociera nel Mediterraneo significa godere di un'esperienza di lusso e comfort senza precedenti. Gli ospiti del MSC Yacht Club avranno accesso a cabine spa ziose e eleganti, un servizio di concierge dedicato, un'area esclusiva del ponte con piscina privata e un salone panoramico con un'ampia selezione di bevande e snack. Inoltre, avranno l'opportunità di gustare una cucina raffinata nei ristoranti dedicati e di partecipare a attività esclusive, come degustazioni di vini e massaggi nel centro benessere.

3. Quali sono i vantaggi di prenotare un'esperienza nel MSC Yacht Club durante la crociera nel Mediterraneo ?

Prenotare un'esperienza nel MSC Yacht Club durante la crociera nel Mediterraneo offre una serie di vantaggi unici. Oltre al lusso e al comfort di alto livello, gli ospiti avranno accesso a servizi personalizzati come il check-in e il check-out prioritario, l'imbarco e lo sbarco prioritari, e un servizio di maggiordomo dedicato. Inoltre, avranno anche l'opportunità di godere di esclusive attività a bordo, come spettacoli teatrali privati e cocktail party esclusivi. Tutto questo contribuisce a garantire un'esperienza di crociera nel Mediterraneo indimenticabile e di prima classe.

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Cruise with Leo

MSC Bella, Fantastica or Aurea: full comparison! (I tried them all)

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April 21, 2024

msc bella, fantastica and aurea

Hello everyone, and welcome back to my blog. If you don’t know me, I’m Leo , and I’m an Italian cruise lover. I specify that because it means I’ve traveled many times with MSC (which is an Italian company, even if it’s based in Switzerland).

Today we talk about the different experiences offered by MSC: Bella , Fantastica , and Aurea . I will explain the differences and tell you which one I prefer.

Table of Contents

What is the Bella experience on MSC?

Let’s start with Bella. It’s the basic treatment offered by the company and includes:

  • A fully equipped cabin
  • A high-quality buffet open 20 hours a day
  • Broadway-style theater shows, a different one every night
  • Outdoor pools and sports facilities (power walking track, basketball…)
  • Fully equipped gym
  • Entertainment activities for adults, teenagers, and children
  • Choice of dinner time
  • Cruise change for a fee
  • MSC Voyagers Club points

You can have access to but at an additional cost :

  • Breakfast in the cabin
  • 24-hour room service
  • Access to a private solarium
  • Special events for children

I’ve traveled with the Bella experience twice. I think it’s quite a nice option; most of the services are included except room service, which I honestly never use on a cruise. The only big problem for me is that you cannot choose the cabin number , but it will be automatically assigned.

If you’ve read one of my “cabins to avoid” articles, you should know how picky I am with cabins. I hate cabins with connecting doors, cabins at the very front or the very back of the ship…in short, I like to choose my cabin. That’s why, with all my other cruises with MSC, I’ve opted for the Fantastica experience that we will see in a minute.

What is the Fantastica experience on MSC?

The Fantastica experience is the middle choice. Perfect if you want to have some special benefits without paying too much. Things that are included with Fantastica are:

  • Choice of the cabin number
  • 1 free cruise change (under certain conditions)
  • Breakfast in the cabin (complimentary)
  • 24-hour Room Service (with a delivery fee)
  • 50% discount on fitness classes (e.g., yoga)
  • Recreational activities for children
  • Priority in choosing dinner time
  • Option to book a “Super Family” cabin for the whole family (5+ people)

As you may have guessed, the most important thing that differentiates it from the previous experience is the choice of cabin number. If it is important to you, choose MSC Fantastica; otherwise, I recommend you stay with MSC Bella.

The other benefits, at least to me, don’t matter so much. Maybe only the free cruise change can be interesting, but you must still rebook within a certain time frame . Regarding the room service, I think the standard cruise rooms are too small for eating in the cabin.

What is included in the MSC Aurea experience?

MSC Aurea is very different from the previous ones. It’s the experience you must choose if you want to book a suite, and is designed for those seeking a vacation dedicated to wellness and relaxation .

It includes all the benefits of the previous experiences plus:

  • Free access to the exclusive solarium to enjoy the sun in complete tranquility.
  • Wellness package including: sun shower, welcome cocktail, personalized wellness consultation, access to the wellness area.
  • Relaxation amenities in every cabin (bathrobe and slippers).
  • Priority boarding and luggage service (only on the day of boarding).
  • Maximum flexibility while booking (according to terms and conditions).
  • Flexible dinner time in the dedicated area of the restaurant.

I’ve traveled with the Aurea experience only once because I wanted to book a suite. It was nice, but nothing special really. If you want a totally different experience with 24-hour concierge and butler, you have to choose the MSC Yacht Club cabins.

My personal opinion is that, considering the benefits and the price, the best experience is Fantastica. Then obviously, it changes based on personal needs.

Comparison table

I have prepared a comparison table to help you choose between the three MSC experiences!

comparison table between msc bella, fantastica and aurea

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3 thoughts on “MSC Bella, Fantastica or Aurea: full comparison! (I tried them all)”

  • Pingback: MSC Room Service Menu (2024 UPDATE) - Cruise with Leo

Hi Leo hope you are well? I am travelling with the Aurea experience next month I cannot see any information of the free massage in the spa is this still included, do I need to book this when I am onboard if so?

I just checked and in fact the free massage has been removed from the list of benefits. I hope they put it back, it was something I really appreciated.

Thanks for letting me know, Leo.

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Worldwide msc international, five reasons why the msc yacht club is the ultimate way to cruise.

Geneva, Switzerland – October 19 2023 – The MSC Yacht Club ‘ship within a ship’ concept offers an exclusive holiday sanctuary on board many of MSC Cruises’ ships, providing guests an unparalleled cruise experience with complete serenity, added exclusivity and privacy within a world of choice. This privatised, key-card access area of the ship is only accessible to MSC Yacht Club guests, offering stylish facilities, lavish accommodations with a host of dedicated amenities, such as a panoramic lounge, high-end restaurant, elegant pool and secluded sun deck.

Guests staying in the MSC Yacht Club benefit from a range of privileges and personalised service, that is sure to make them feel pampered. These perks are available around-the-clock and are designed to cater to their specific needs and preferences, ensuring a seamless luxury experience at sea. The MSC Yacht Club also offers a myriad of dedicated leisure and entertainment possibilities, allowing guests to enjoy the exclusivity of a private club while also having access to the countless recreation and entertainment options available throughout the larger ship.

Whether guests are looking for a relaxing escape or a lavish holiday, the MSC Yacht Club provides an exclusive haven for guests to savour the sophistication and elegance of a luxury cruise experience, ensuring the utmost privacy and comfort where every detail is designed to surpass guests’ expectations and create memories of a lifetime.  

MSC Yacht Club is available on more than half of MSC Cruises’ modern fleet, allowing travellers to experience the same level of exceptional, personalised services across many destinations.

Highlights of the MSC Yacht Club benefits include:


MSC Yacht Club’s all-inclusive experience is fully personalised with a dedicated 24-hour butler service and concierge, making the cruising experience truly personal and tailored to each individual guest’s needs. The butler service will quickly get to know each guest’s personal preferences, providing the highest level of customised service to ensure all guests feel pampered and relaxed. From shoeshining to 3 a.m. room service, no request is too small. Meanwhile, the dedicated concierge is on hand to facilitate any request, from organising shore excursions and making reservations for the spa to arranging for the newspaper to be brought to the cabin each morning.


MSC Yacht Club is sure to exceed expectations with a host of privileges that create an effortless experience, from the moment guests step on board to the moment they depart. This luxurious cruise experience offers a dedicated priority check-in and check-out, ensuring a seamless embarkation and disembarkation, so guests can start enjoying their holidays as soon as possible. They will also receive the full VIP service with a variety of offerings including the possibility to organise a tailored shopping session in the o nboard boutiques outside regular opening hours, embark on exceptional private excursions or take advantage of the complimentary use of the Thermal Suite and MSC Aurea Spa to decompress and rejuvenate while at sea.

These private-access areas extend ashore in a number of destinations:

  • MSC Ocean Cay Marine Reserve, The Bahamas – MSC Cruises’ private island, founded on a strong commitment to the preservation of marine resources and the conservation of coral reefs and marine life. Northwest of Ocean Cay lies a private beach area exclusively reserved for guests of the MSC Yacht Club, with privileged access to enjoy sunbeds and cabanas with butler service as well as a dedicated restaurant to relax, sip a cocktail and enjoy a 3-course dedicated lunch surrounded by sea breezes.
  • Sir Bani Yas Island, United Arab Emirates – A beach lover’s paradise just off the southwest coast of Abu Dhabi, offering guests a stunning tropical oasis to unwind. The island features a MSC Yacht Club zone with premium sunbeds and dedicated transportations, barbecue lunch and bar service to ensure the utmost comfort and privacy for guests during a day ashore.

Designed to provide the utmost in service and comfort, MSC Yacht Club guests have exclusive access to a range of private and elegant spaces to enhance their cruise experience. From the dedicated Top Sail Lounge, offering panoramic views for guests to sit back and relax in a sophisticated setting while indulging in an array of gourmet finger foods, delicious drinks and high tea service, as well as enjoy live music every evening. The club’s private sundeck, complete with a private pool, whirlpool, sundeck and bar, will offer guests the chance to soak up the sun and enjoy complimentary refreshments in complete comfort while taking in the best views on board across the bow of the ship and out to sea.


Experience the finest luxury accommodation with the MSC Yacht Club’s wide variety of suites to meet all guests’ preferences. The stylish and spacious accommodations set themselves apart and include options with stunning ocean views from the cabin’s private balcony, as well as suites like the Duplex Suites, Royal Suites and Owner’s Suites, offering a private whirlpool bath on the balcony . From sumptuous Myform Memory mattresses and crisp Egyptian cotton bedding to an indulgent Dorelan pillow menu, luxurious marble bathrooms and complimentary minibars, the MSC Yacht Club offering will surely provide unparalleled comfort for an unforgettable holiday.


With a dedicated restaurant, the MSC Yacht Club offers guests the opportunity to enjoy the pleasures of an exquisite fine-dining experience with five-star service. Offering sophisticated cuisines with an à la carte menu, guests can savour an array of the finest dishes served exclusively for them from a dedicated kitchen staff, accompanied by a spectacular selection of drinks, including fine wines from around the world with a dedicated sommelier available to further enhance the food and wine pairing experience . The private restaurant is open for breakfast, lunch and dinner where guests can dine at any time that suits their needs.

This is on top of MSC Yacht Club guests having a premium drinks package included as standard. From the finest whiskey or vodka brands to glasses of champagne – toast to total relaxation.

Note to editors:

An all-inclusive experience with a host of privileges:

  • Dedicated priority check-in and check-out as well as priority departure and return on excursion days
  • 24-hour butler service and a dedicated concierge
  • Unlimited drinks throughout the ship with a Premium Extra package included as standard
  • Unlimited dining within the MSC Yacht Club
  • Inclusion of the Browse Internet package with unlimited data for two devices
  • Complimentary access to the Thermal Suite in the MSC Aurea Spa
  • Tailormade shopping experiences
  • Private excursions available with priority departures and returns to and from the ship
  • Complimentary welcome bottle of either wine, Spumante, Champagne or spirit
  • A complimentary personalised mini bar offering juices, soft drinks, water, and beer replenished daily, and complimentary snacks
  • Room service available 24 hours
  • Other personal touches such as luggage unpacking and packing service, newspaper delivered to the cabin each day and something different delivered at turn down each night - a different selection of sweet or savoury canapés each day

Exquisite private facilities :

  • A dedicated, private area of the ship accessible only to MSC Yacht Club guests
  • Suites featuring a pillow menu and Egyptian cotton sheets with memory-foam mattresses for the most comfortable night’s sleep
  • Panoramic Top Sail Lounge with bar, afternoon tea service, light bites available day and night and live entertainment in the evening
  • Gourmet restaurant with a la carte dining for breakfast, lunch and dinner where guests can dine at a time that is convenient for them
  • A private and spacious pool deck that offers whirlpool baths and sunbathing area and outdoor bar

msc yacht club cosa comprende

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itinerario Mediterraneo

Prezzo Base

E' la tariffa migliore in questo momento, più si avvicina la data di partenza più il prezzo aumenta.

Prezzo Base con Bevande

La tariffa comprende: pacchetto easy Birra alla spina Selezione di vini della casa al bicchiere Selezione di cocktail classici Bevande miste e cocktail analcolici Bevande analcoliche e succhi di frutta al bicchiere Acqua minerale in bottiglia Bevande calde classiche (espresso, cappuccino, caffè latte, tè caldo)

  • Destinazione: Mediterraneo
  • Nave: MSC Fantasia
  • Imbarco: Valencia
  • Durata: 7 notti

itinerario Caraibi

Prezzo Base Volo e Bevande

E' la tariffa migliore in questo momento con volo e bevande incluse, più si avvicina la data di partenza più il prezzo aumenta.

  • Destinazione: Caraibi
  • Nave: MSC Seascape
  • Imbarco: Miami

itinerario Caraibi

  • Nave: MSC Seashore
  • Imbarco: Port Canaveral
  • Durata: 4 notti

itinerario Nord America

  • Destinazione: Nord America
  • Nave: MSC Meraviglia
  • Imbarco: New York

itinerario Mediterraneo

  • Nave: MSC Seaside
  • Imbarco: Civitavecchia

itinerario Mediterraneo

  • Nave: MSC Seaview
  • Imbarco: Genova

itinerario Mediterraneo

  • Nave: MSC Splendida
  • Imbarco: Trieste
  • Durata: 9 notti

itinerario Caraibi

  • Durata: 3 notti

itinerario Mediterraneo

  • Imbarco: Marsiglia

itinerario Mediterraneo

  • Nave: MSC Divina

itinerario Mediterraneo

  • Nave: MSC World Europa
  • Imbarco: Barcellona

itinerario Mediterraneo

  • Imbarco: Tarragona

itinerario Mediterraneo

MSC Yacht Club

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  • MSC Cruises

Yacht Club DINNER Menus

Host Jazzbeau

By Host Jazzbeau , November 27, 2019 in MSC Cruises

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20,000+ Club

Host Jazzbeau

Thanks to some great detective work by @Beamafar  we have been able to compile an almost complete set of the dinner menus on Meraviglia as of Oct/Nov 2019 [numbered 1-14 plus '15' for Italian Night and 'E' for the everyday menu ] – note that this is missing nos. 3 and 10.

We thought that this post would be a complete set, based on the MD's statement that these are the official menus.  But I have also collected some additional YC Dinner menus [labeled x1, x2 etc.] that (a) may fill in the missing nos. 3 and 10, but (b) also seem to include variations on the other menus (at least on other MSC ships).

I suspect that there is, as always [!], a degree of variability in MSC's operations – but these menus should at least give a good sampling of what you will find on your cruise.  And – speaking only for myself [and DW] – the food delivered in the YC restaurant lives up to the promises of these menus.  Mangia!

@Beamafar  and I have now done our part.  If you would like to contribute, please feel free to post additional menus (or variations) and 'food porn' pictures.  Just please remember that this thread is for Yacht Club DINNER menus only.  See the separate threads for Yacht Club BREAKFAST and LUNCH menus.


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  • 4 yr Host Jazzbeau locked this topic

Dinner 1 [MSC F&B 0019CAR - YC - D1]

Dinner 1 [MSC F&B 0019CAR - YC - D1].jpg

Dinner 2 [MSC F&B 0019CAR - YC - D2 ELEG NIGHT 1]

Dinner 2 [MSC F&B 0019CAR - YC - D2 ELEG NIGHT 1].jpg

Dinner 4 [MSC F&B 0019CAR - YC - D4]

Dinner 4 [MSC F&B 0019CAR - YC - D4].jpg

Dinner 5 [MSC F&B 1920CAR - YC - D5]

Dinner 5 [MSC F&B 1920CAR - YC - D5].jpg

Dinner 6 [MSC F&B 1920CAR - YC - D6 ELEG NIGHT 2]

Dinner 6 [MSC F&B 1920CAR - YC - D6 ELEG NIGHT 2].jpg

Dinner 7 [MSC F&B 1920CAR - YC - D7]

Dinner 7 [MSC F&B 1920CAR - YC - D7].jpg

Dinner 8 [MSC F&B 1920CAR - YC - D8]

Dinner 8 [MSC F&B 1920CAR - YC - D8].jpg

Dinner 9 [MSC F&B 1920CAR - YC - D9]

Dinner 9 [MSC F&B 1920CAR - YC - D9].jpg

Dinner 11 [MSC F&B 1920CAR - YC - D11]

Dinner 11 [MSC F&B 1920CAR - YC - D11].jpg

Dinner 12 [MSC F&B 1920CAR - YC - D12]

Dinner 12 [MSC F&B 1920CAR - YC - D12].jpg

Dinner 13 [MSC F&B 1920CAR - YC - D13]

Dinner 13 [MSC F&B 1920CAR - YC - D13].jpg

Dinner 14 [MSC F&B 1920CAR - YC - D14]

Dinner 14 [MSC F&B 1920CAR - YC - D14].jpg

Dinner 15 [MSC F&B 1920CAR - YC - ITALIAN NIGHT

Dinner 15 [MSC F&B 1920CAR - YC - ITALIAN NIGHT.jpg

Dinner E - Everyday Menu Items

Dinner E - Everyday.jpg

Dinner x1 (Moussaka, paella, seafood, beef, BBQ, chickpea hummus)

Dinner x1 (Moussaka, paella, seafood, beef, BBQ, chickpea hummus).jpg

Dinner x2 (Vegetable risotto, trout, veal, falafel)-1

Dinner x2 (Vegetable risotto, trout, veal, falafel)-1.jpg

Dinner x3 (Glazed pluma, ravioli, risotto, tubot, prawn, beef, vegan burger)-1

Dinner x3 (Glazed pluma, ravioli, risotto, tubot, prawn, beef, vegan burger)-1.jpg

Dinner x4 (Lobster bauletti, grouper, clam, bandera, tofu)-1

Dinner x4 (Lobster bauletti, grouper, clam, bandera, tofu)-1.jpg

Dinner x5 (Tagliolini, shrip, sworfish, tortillas)-1

Dinner x5 (Tagliolini, shrip, sworfish, tortillas)-1.jpg

Dinner x6 (Moussaka, paella, sea bass, veal, chickpea hummus)-1

Dinner x6 (Moussaka, paella, sea bass, veal, chickpea hummus)-1.jpg

  • 4 yr Host Jazzbeau unlocked and pinned this topic


Thanks for all your hard work.  Much appreciated! 💗

Now with a complete set of desserts!  Happy Thanksgiving to all!

  • 1 month later...

1,000+ Club

I appreciate all the menus that are posted.   We are considering booking the Yacht Club for a November cruise.   Not sure I like all of the selections for the lunch or dinner menus.   Is it possible to order something not on the menu if you don't like what they are offering?   Would it be better to go to a regular dining room instead?  Not sure if I should book YC if I don't eat in the special dining room most of the time?  Any suggestions welcome.

50+ Club

Hello. Does yacht Club menu still have the selection of items each night at dinner that do not change? Filet mignon etc.? 

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msc yacht club cosa comprende

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  • MSC Grandiosa

Consiglio esperienza AUREA o MSC YACHT CLUB + Domande MSC Grandiosa

  • Autore discussione Didrot
  • Data d'inizio 26 Giugno 2019
  • 26 Giugno 2019

Ciao a tutti, siamo in 4 e stiamo valutando due diverse soluzioni per prenotare una crociera tra dicembre 2019 e gennaio 2020 con MSC Grandiosa. Siamo 4 amici maggiorenni e siamo indecisi sul prendere - o una SUITE DELUXE con esperienza Aurea (circa 59mq, sviluppata su due piani - un letto per piano - e vasca idromassaggio sul balcone) - o due MSC Yacht Club Deluxe Suite con esperienza MSC Yacht (28mq ciascuna, sono vicine tra loro, sebbene non siano comunicanti) La differenza a livello economico non è molta, quindi vorrei avere un vostro consiglio in primis su quale soluzione scegliereste. Inoltre, da chi ha già viaggiato con MSC o chi in ogni caso ne conosce i servizi e i trattamenti (visto che fino ad oggi ho viaggiato solo su Costa), vorrei che mi delucidaste, se possibile, su alcune differenze tra le due esperienze che non riesco a cogliere a fondo: SPA AUREA: Pacchetto benessere che include: un massaggio (fino a 60 minuti) a scelta tra quelli offerti nel menu della spa, cocktail di benvenuto, consulto benessere personalizzato, accesso all'Area Termale durante la crociera (disponibile solo per adulti) MSC YACHT CLUB: Come ospite dell’MSC Yacht Club, è incluso l'accesso alla Thermal Suite nella MSC Aurea Spa, dove troverai una stanza esclusiva MSC Yacht Club per massaggi e trattamenti. Le domande sono: Aurea include anche un massaggio, Yacth Club no? La MSC Yacht Club per massaggi e trattamenti menzionata è quindi a pagamento? BEVANDE AUREA: *Il Pacchetto Bevande Easy include consumo illimitato di bevande selezionate: una selezione dedicata di vini della casa al bicchiere, una marca di birra alla spina (Heineken *) e / o birra in bottiglia Miller Lite, liquori e cocktail selezionati, cocktail analcolici, bibite e succhi di frutta al bicchiere, acqua minerale in bottiglia, bevande calde classiche (caffè espresso, cappuccino, caffè latte, tè caldo) e delizie al caffè e al cioccolato. Le bevande sono disponibili in tutti i bar a bordo, al buffet self-service e nei ristoranti, esclusi quelli tematici. MSC YACHT CLUB: Bevande illimitate in tutte le aree MSC Yacht Club, incluso il mini-bar della suite. Selezione di bevande incluse in tutti i bar e i ristoranti di bordo, a seconda della lista dei drink disponibili nei vari locali Le domande sono: quando si parla di selezione di bevande, vuol dire che ve n'è qualcuna esclusa o semplicemente si intende la selezione relativa al menu che ogni bar/ristorante propone? Il pacchetto bevande di Aurea è illimitato o ha qualche limitazione? Comprende gli alchoolici? ALTRE DOMANDE RELATIVE ALLA NAVE - Non esiste alcuna esperienza che includa un pacchetto di escursioni, come avviene per Costa? - Per MSC Yacht Club è previsto qualche accorgimento ulteriore, non riportato sul sito? (es. cesto di frutta, bottiglia all'arrivo, ecc.) - So che MSC Grandiosa ancora deve effettuare la prima crociera, ma chi è stato su MSC Bellissima, essendo quasi della stessa classe, sa se il balcone della Suite Deluxe suite su die piani sia "chiuso" dalle vetrate? Dalle foto e dai video che ho trovato pare di sì - Visto il periodo in cui contiamo di partire, c'è almeno una piscina all'interno? Su Costa l'ho spesso trovata nell'area gym Chiedo scusa per le tante domande, ma essendo un regalo ci tengo affinché tutto sia organizzato per il meglio. Grazie in anticipo a chi dedicherà il suo tempo e presterà la sua esperienza nel rispondermi!  


Super Moderatore

Alla maggior parte di queste domande puoi tranquillamente attingere documentazioni nelle aree specifiche del forum, dove in altrettante discussioni gli argomenti sono trattati ampiamente. In questa stessa area ( dove hai aperto l'argomento) trovi ad esempio tutto ciò che riguarda i pacchetti bevande, escursioni ecc....basta armarsi di pazienza e cercare.  


Troppe domande in un colpo solo [emoji4][emoji4]  


Consiglio esperienza AUREA o MSC YACH CLUB + Domande MSC Grandiosa Consiglio esperienza AUREA o MSC YACH CLUB + Domande MSC Grandiosa Io ho fatto molte crociere in YC, e una sola in Aurea, ma sceglierei assolutamente lo YC. Lo YC ha un’area completamente riservata che comprende un Lounge bar con stuzzichini tutto il giorno, fino alle 2 di notte, un ponte sole riservato con piscina e idromassaggio ( la piscina coperta c’è, ma non nell’area riservata) una reception dedicata e soprattutto un ristorante dedicato con cucina dedicata. Il servizio del maggiordomo che ti accompagna anche ad ogni sbarco saltando la fila. Il pacchetto bibite é premium, con bevande comprese fino a 10 euro, quindi quasi tutte, mentre in Aurea é fino a 6 euro, quindi quasi nessuna, perché i principali cocktail partono da 6,50...... In cabina trovi sempre sorprese alla sera, tipo fragole con cioccolato o altri dolcetti. Non é compreso nessun messaggio, ma é compresa l’entrata alla spa Sei hai altre domande, chiedi pure Inviato dal mio iPhone utilizzando Tapatalk  

Raffa28 ha detto: Io ho fatto molte crociere in YC, e una sola in Aurea, ma sceglierei assolutamente lo YC. Lo YC ha un’area completamente riservata che comprende un Lounge bar con stuzzichini tutto il giorno, fino alle 2 di notte, un ponte sole riservato con piscina e idromassaggio ( la piscina coperta c’è, ma non nell’area riservata) una reception dedicata e soprattutto un ristorante dedicato con cucina dedicata. Il servizio del maggiordomo che ti accompagna anche ad ogni sbarco saltando la fila. Il pacchetto bibite é premium, con bevande comprese fino a 10 euro, quindi quasi tutte, mentre in Aurea é fino a 6 euro, quindi quasi nessuna, perché i principali cocktail partono da 6,50...... In cabina trovi sempre sorprese alla sera, tipo fragole con cioccolato o altri dolcetti. Non é compreso nessun messaggio, ma é compresa l’entrata alla spa Sei hai altre domande, chiedi pure Inviato dal mio iPhone utilizzando Tapatalk Clicca per espandere...

Non te ne pentirai, mi fa piacere di esserti stata utile! Inviato dal mio iPhone utilizzando Tapatalk  

  • 27 Giugno 2019

Chi ha provato YC, difficilmente potrà dire che è meglio l'esperienza Aurea. Soprattutto se la differenza di prezzo non viene considerata rilevante [emoji6]  

andreala ha detto: Chi ha provato YC, difficilmente potrà dire che è meglio l'esperienza Aurea. Soprattutto se la differenza di prezzo non viene considerata rilevante [emoji6] Clicca per espandere...

Anche io avrei voluto scegliere MSC YACH CLUB, ma sulla Magnifica è prevista solo esperienza Aurea o mi sbaglio?  

Non sbagli.  



Well-known member.

Didrot ha detto: Non lo metto in dubbio, diciamo che l'unica cosa a cui rinunceremmo con due Deluxe Suite YC è la vasca idromassaggio in camera (rispetto ad una AUREA Duplex Suite oppure rispetto a due Suite AUREA "normali"). Per il resto abbiamo in meno il massaggio (poco importa), ben più importante ed a nostro favore sarà l'avere le bevande illimitate, conoscendo la compagnia ahah Clicca per espandere...
Mandan ha detto: Anche io avrei voluto scegliere MSC YACH CLUB, ma sulla Magnifica è prevista solo esperienza Aurea o mi sbaglio? Clicca per espandere...
  • 28 Giugno 2019
nicoletta96 ha detto: Basta che sali di un piano e trovi due belle vasche idromassaggio sul ponte dedicato che sono spesso liberecon intorno dei fantastici lettini con un bel materasso, salviette a volontà, camerieri che ti portano cocktail ...... ho viaggiato sia in aurea che ultimamente in Yacht Club e........ non ci sono paragoni. Decisamente YC Clicca per espandere...
Raffa28 ha detto: Purtroppo non esiste la zona Yacht Club sulla Magnifica....... solo dalla classe Fantasia in avanti...... Inviato dal mio iPhone utilizzando Tapatalk Clicca per espandere...
Mandan ha detto: Mi chiedo allora quali sono le differenze su Magnifica per quanto riguarda le esperienze. Il top a questo punto è Aurea? Clicca per espandere...
Didrot ha detto: Nicoletta, "purtroppo" partiremo l'8 dicembre e credo che, causa meteo, le piscine/vasche idromassaggio sui ponti superiori siano inutilizzabili. Oppure sai se esiste una copertura per quanto piove o comunque per le tratte invernali? Grazie in anticipo per la tua risposta. P.S. se un moderatore può gentilmente rettificare il titolo, sebbene si tratti di una sottigliezza, gli sono grato. Ho mancato una t a Yacht, me ne accorgo solo ora. Grazie Clicca per espandere...


  • 2 Luglio 2019

Sulle nuove navi c'è una zona esterna riservata ai clienti Aurea con piscina e bar, ma YC è un'altra esperienza la crociera di Lusso, YC è superiore a Celebrity!  


  • Owner’s Suite n°16002 - Surface 78  sqm with large balcony ( 48 sqm ) and private whirlpool bath, deck 16
  • Owner’s Suite n°18001 - Surface 104 sqm with large balcony ( 65   sqm ) and private whirlpool bath, deck 18
  • Large balcony with private whirlpool bath and outdoor living area
  • Panoramic floor-to-ceiling windows and glass doors
  • Separate dining and living room area
  • Bathroom with large shower and imperial tub
  • Vanity Area with hairdryer
  • Large walk-in wardrobe with shoe rack and luggage storage
  • Comfortable double bed
  • Interactive TV, Wi-Fi connection, telephone and safe
  • Bar setup, refrigerator, and espresso coffee machine
  • Air conditioning

Discover a world of privileges with MSC Yacht Club including:

  • 24-Hour Butler service and dedicated concierge
  • Premium Extra Drink and Internet packages included
  • Complimentary Access to the Thermal Suite in the MSC Aurea SPA
  • Balinese massage package and Specialty restaurants package, available up to 2 days prior to embarkation; 10% discount on all spa treatments purchased on board..
  • 1 Free cruise change

The image is representative only; the size, layout and furniture may vary (within the same cabin category).

  • Surface 51-58 sqm with large balcony ( 42-51 sqm ) and private whirlpool bath, deck 16 and 18
  • Large balcony with private whirlpool bath and outdoor dining area
  • Walk-in wardrobe and luggage storage
  • Bathroom with large shower and tub (some cabins feature large tub only)
  • Accommodates up to 4 persons

Main feature:

  • Open living/dining room with Double sofa bed
  • Bathroom with shower and hairdryer

  Level 2:

  • Master bedroom with comfortable double bed
  • Bathroom with large tub and hairdryer
  • Spacious wardrobe

Balcony area:

  • Private Sundeck
  • Private Whirlpool bath
  • Dining table
  • Other amenities:
  • Mini bar and Air conditioning.

Main features

  • Master bedroom
  • Bathrooms with tub and hairdryer

Size, layout and furniture may vary from that shown (within the same cabin category).

The image is representative only.

  • Surface 25 sqm with private balcony approx. 5 sqm, deck 15-21
  • Bathroom with a and large shower hairdryer
  • Comfortable double bed which can be converted in two single beds (on request)
  • Surface 15 sqm, deck 15-16
  • Accommodates up to 2 persons
  • Surface 35 sqm with large balcony  ( 37-46 sqm ) and private whirlpool bath,  deck 15-16
  • Setting Area with double sofa bed
  • Interactive TV, Wi-Fi connection (for a fee), telephone and safe
  • Mini bar and Air conditioning
  • Surface 35 sqm  with private Premium Balcony  (25-35 sqm), deck 11-14
  • Surface  35 sqm with private balcony (approx. 8-9 sqm), deck 9-10
  • Sitting Area with double sofa bed
  • Surface  25 sqm with balcony 4 sqm, deck 12-14
  • Spacious wardrobes
  • Bathroom with tub and hairdryer
  • Interactive TV, telephone and safe. Wi-Fi connection available (for a fee)
  • Can accommodate up to 6 people
  • Surface 17 sqm with large private sundeck 13-17 sqm, deck 9
  • Interactive TV, telephone and safe. Wi-Fi connection available (for a fee).
  • Surface 27 sqm with private Balcony (9 sqm) overlooking the Promenade, deck 11
  • Sitting Area with double sofa bed (for double occupancy) or separate living room with double sofa bed (for quadruple occupancy)
  • Surface  20 sqm with private Balcony (7 sqm) overlooking the Promenade, deck 16

Important : this cabin will be available for cruises with departure dates starting from 13th April 2025 .

  • Surface  17 sqm with balcony (3 sqm), deck 10-16

Some cabins feature partial view

  • Surface  17 sqm with balcony 3 sqm, deck 9-10
  • Surface 17 sqm with balcony 3 sqm, deck 15-16
  • Surface  16 sqm with balcony (5 sqm) overlooking the Promenade, deck 9-15
  • Surface approx. 16 sqm with balcony (5 sqm) overlooking the Promenade, deck 10-11
  • Surface  20 sqm

Some cabins have panoramic sliding window that turns into a glass balustrade when open*

*Officers of bridge may need to keep the windows of Infinite Ocean View closed without allowing passengers to reopen them. This may be necessary for weather conditions, maintenance, safety and bunker operation. The guest will be notified directly by the on-board staff.

  • Surface 20 sqm

*Officers of bridge may need to keep the windows of Infinite Ocean View closed without allowing passengers to reopen them. This may be necessary for weather conditions, maintenance, safety and bunker operation. The guest will be notified directly by the on-board staff

  • Surface 16 sqm, deck 5-9

Some cabins have panoramic sliding window that turns into a glass balustrade when open

  • Surface  12 sqm, deck 5-14
  • Surface 15 sqm, deck 5-14
  • Surface  10 sqm, deck 11-19

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MSC Cruises Drink Packages & Prices (UPDATED)

 On a recent MSC Cruise, I booked an aft balcony with a special rate that included the “Easy Package”. I really had no idea what to expect since I never booked an MSC Cruise with a beverage package in the past.

Upon embarking, I was told by staff how the Easy Package didn’t include much and couldn’t be used at a specialty dining restaurant. With that information, I paid a nominal upgrade on the spot to the “Easy Plus” package to make sure I had more choices and that I could use the package while dining in every restaurant.

So is a drink package on MSC worth it? Let’s find out!

compare MSC Cruises Drink Packages

About the drink packages:

MSC Cruises offers a variety of drink packages for their cruises, including the “Easy” package, “Easy Plus” package, “Premium Extra” package, an Alcohol-Free package for minors, and a Minors package. The packages range in price and offerings, with the Easy Plus package allowing for more choices and access to specialty dining restaurants. Recent changes include gratuity now being included in the pricing. It’s important to understand what each package includes and excludes before making a decision.

Quick things to know:

  • MSC Cruises offers various drink packages like the “Easy,” “Easy Plus,” “Premium Extra,” Alcohol-Free, and Minors package.
  • Prices range from $19/day for the Minors package to $85/day for the Premium Extra package.
  • The Easy Plus package offers more options and includes access to specialty dining restaurants for an additional cost (best value)
  • Drink package prices include gratuity
  • Drink packages CAN BE USED on Ocean Cay
  • If your package doesn’t cover the drink cost, just pay the difference!
  • The Mini bar in the cabin is not included in any package
  • Everyone in the cabin needs to purchase the same drink package (excluding minors)

MSC Drink Package Prices

Depending on which you choose, you can get a package for as little as $19/day (Minors) – but the most popular package is the Easy Plus Package which starts at $61/day. The good news is that MSC Is running quite a few promotions that INCLUDE the Easy Plus Package ! Take a look at their promotions here.

What do the drink packages on MSC cruises cost?

Package NameCost Per Person – Purchased in Advance
Easy Package$46 /day or $49/day for short sailings
Easy Plus Package$61 /day or $64/day for short sailings
Premium Extra Package$85 /day or $88/day for short sailings
Alcohol-Free Package$28 /day (21 yrs +) / $30 for short sailings
Minors Package$19 / day (3-20 yrs old) / $21 for short sailings

We’ll be posting accurate European prices shortly, as they have also changed recently.

MSC Cruises Drink Packages Compared (NEW 2024 prices)

There are 5 drink package options that MSC Cruises offers on its ships including the “Easy” package, “Easy Plus” package, “Premium Extra” Package, and the Alcohol-Free Package (with a different price for minors and adults)

  • See : MSC Cruises Bar & Drink Menus with Prices

Easy Drink Package

The “ Easy Package ” is the most basic alcoholic beverage package on MSC Cruises with a cost of $46 per day per adult and is sometimes offered at no charge as a promotion. (This package is $49 per day on short cruises of less than 6 nights and is even more expensive if purchased onboard)

Liquor choices that go into mixed drinks are generic and sometimes off-brand.

The upside to this beverage package is that it also includes bottled water, soft drinks & juices as well as espresso, coffee cappuccino, and other hot drinks (tea, hot chocolate, etc.) With many cruise lines when purchasing a drink package, they often exclude bottled water and coffee drinks. 

So if you are a heavy coffee drinker and enjoy bottled water with a few beers throughout the day, this is likely your good choice. 

This is the package that was included on my Meraviglia cruise with the base cruise fare. Initially, this seemed like a good option as it covers the basics, but some restrictions were inconvenient enough to make me upgrade to the Premium Plus.

An important exception to the Easy Package!

  You CANNOT use the Easy beverage package in any of the specialty restaurants . So if you want a gin & tonic at dinner, you’re out of luck. Even more bizarre, bringing a beverage to dinner is specifically prohibited forcing you to purchase any drinks regardless of price for the time you are in a specialty restaurant. 

MSC Easy Drink Package Menu & What’s Included

The Easy drink package entitles you to any beverage up to $7.50 ( sort of ). For your convenience, menus throughout the ships have a section specifying what’s included in the easy beverage package. However even though some beer prices by the bottle are $7.50 or less, those are EXCLUDED from this package. Strange, right?

For beer, with the Easy Drink Package, the only option is Heineken Draft or sometimes Miller Light, and the wines are off-label or inexpensive brands only marked as “chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, Zinfandel Rose, Cabernet, or Merlot (Plus a random label of sparkling wine or Prosecco). So if you’re not picky, this package may be sufficient. 

Martini | Gin or vodka, dry vermouth, olive or lemon peel Manhattan | Whisky, red vermouth, Angostura bitters Daiquiri | Rum, lime juice, sugar syrup Cosmopolitan | Vodka, triple sec, cranberry juice, lime Sidecar | Brandy, triple sec, lemon juice Screwdriver | Vodka, orange juice Margarita | Tequila, triple sec, sweet & sour mix, lime juice Moscow Mule | Vodka, lime, ginger beer Cape Cod | Vodka, cranberry juice Mimosa | Sparkling wine, orange juice Gin Fizz | Gin, lemon juice, sugar syrup, soda Pink Lady | Gin, lemon juice, grenadine Sea Breeze | Vodka, grapefruit juice, cranberry juice Caipiroska | Vodka, diced lime, sugar Blue Hawaiian | Rum, blue curaçao, pineapple juice, coconut cream Tequila Sunrise | Tequila, orange juice, grenadine Bloody Mary | Vodka, tomato juice, salt, pepper, tabasco, Worcestershire sauce Long Island Iced Tea | Vodka, rum, gin, tequila, triple sec, sweet & sour mix, cola Mojito | Rum, fresh mint, lime, sugar, soda Piña Colada | Rum, coconut cream, pineapple juice Strawberry Daiquiri | Rum, strawberry purée, sweet & sour mix

Alcohol-free cocktails included

Nojito | Lime, fresh mint leaves, sugar, Mojito mix, club soda Magic Island | Pineapple, orange and lemon juice, grenadine, Sprite Cuddle on the Beach | Peach purée, orange juice, cranberry juice Royal Punch | Passion fruit purée, pineapple juice, cranberry juice Fruit Smoothie | Orange juice, pineapple juice, grenadine, fresh banana, guava juice, mango purée Coco Colada | Fresh pineapple, coconut cream, pineapple juice, milk Virgin Strawberry Daiquiri | Strawberry purée, sweet & sour mix, sugar syrup

Beer Included in the MSC Easy Drinks Package

Heineken draft beer (ONLY)

For this package, even though bottled beers are less than the price cap of $7.50, they’re specifically excluded. Mindblowing, right? It just adds to the confusion about the MSC Drinks packages.

Sodas Included in the Easy Package

Sodas by the glass, Fruit juices by the glass, Still or sparkling mineral water

Other beverages included

Espresso, Decaf espresso, Cappuccino, Decaf cappuccino, Caffè latte, Glass of milk, Hot chocolate, Hot tea

Is the Easy package worth it?

That really depends. If you drink basic cocktails such as Gin & Tonic, Bloody Mary, Screwdriver , etc, and aren’t picky about the liquor used, the Easy Package may work for you. 

Easy Plus Drink Package

The Easy Plus Package cost is $61 per day , ($64 for shorter cruises of 6 days or less) but you can upgrade from the Easy package for about $23/per day per person

With this beverage package, you can order drinks in specialty dining restaurants as well as anything included in the above Easy package. There are caveats, more on that later.

Any beverages up to $10 are included in this package which gets you all of the beer options, more wine options, and some frozen drink options that aren’t available in the most basic drink package.  There is also a larger range of liquor brands, cordials, and martinis available at this price point.

The Easy Plus Package is the most common drinks package because it includes just about everything that a typical drinker would order. Even better, this package can be used in specialty dining restaurants as well. With recent changes to the beverage packages, the cruise line now allows you to order a drink that is not included in the package and only pay the difference (plus gratuity)

This is what we ultimately upgraded to from our included Easy Package. It was well worth the upgrade not only for the more inclusive offering, but for the simplicity of not having to think about what we were ordering and if it was included.

In addition to the Easy Package, you can also order the following:

Cocktails included:.

Sapphire Martini Bombay Sapphire gin, Martini dry, olive or lemon peel Appletini Absolut Classic and Absolut Vanilia vodka, apple sour liqueur, sweet & sour mix Royal Manhattan Crown Royal, Martini Rosso, Angostura bitters Cuban Daiquiri Bacardi Superior white rum, lime juice, sugar syrup Absolut Cosmo Absolut Citron vodka, Cointreau, cranberry juice, Rose’s lime Spanish Sidecar Cardinal Mendoza brandy, Cointreau, lemon juice, sugar syrup Screwdriver Made in USA T ito’s vodka, orange juice Classic Margarita Jose Cuervo silver tequila, triple sec, sweet & sour mix, lime juice Dutch Mule K etel One vodka, lime, ginger beer Absolut Cape Cod Absolut Classic vodka, cranberry juice Mimosa Blossom Absolut Mango vodka, Galliano, orange juice, prosecco Bombay Fizz Bombay Sapphire gin, lemon juice, sugar syrup, soda Ultimate Pink Lady Beefeater London Dry gin, lemon juice, pomegranate syrup Caribbean Breeze Ketel One vodka, grapefruit juice, cranberry juice, lime Masters of the Sea Caipirinha Premium cachaça, diced lime, sugar Blue Hawaiian Punch Bacardi Superior white rum, Malibu coconut rum, blue curaçao, pineapple juice, coconut cream Aperol Spritz Aperol, prosecco, club soda, orange slice Jalisco Sunrise Jose Cuervo silver tequila, orange juice, grenadine Absolut Bloody Mary Absolut Classic vodka, tomato juice, salt, pepper, tabasco, Worcestershire sauce Ultimate Iced Tea Smirnoff vodka, Bacardi Superior White rum, Beefeater gin, Jose Cuervo silver tequila, triple sec, sweet & sour mix, cola Bacardi Mojito Bacardi Superior white rum, fresh mint leaves, lime, sugar, club soda Mudslide Absolut vodka, Kahlúa coffee liqueur, Baileys Irish Cream, heavy cream Baileys Alexander Baileys Irish Cream, dark crème de cacao, cream

Frozen Drinks:

Mango Tropical Trooper Cruzan mango rum, peach schnapps, triple sec, mango juice, fresh mint Rock Lobster Malibu coconut rum, banana liqueur, grenadine, fresh banana, pineapple and orange juice, Gosling’s Black Seal rum Ultimate Piña Colada Bacardi Superior white rum, pineapple juice, coconut cream, fresh pineapple B.B.C Bailey’s Irish Cream, Bacardi Superior white rum, coconut cream, pineapple juice, fresh banana Original Strawberry Daiquiri Bacardi Superior white rum, strawberry purée, sweet & sour mix Miami Vice Miami’s hottest drink: half Strawberry Daiquiri and half Piña Colada Frozen Toblerone Bailey’s Irish Cream, macadamia nut syrup, Swiss white chocolate syrup, cream

Beer Included in the Easy Plus package:

Miller Lite USA Budweiser USA Bud Light USA Coors Light USA Michelob Ultra USA Heineken Netherlands Corona Extra Mexico Dos Equis Mexico Red Stripe Jamaica Stella Artois Belgium

Samuel Adams USA Yuengling Lager USA Newcastle Brown Ale England Blue Moon USA Beck’s Germany Peroni Nastro Azzurro Italy Pilsner Urquell Czech Republic Guinness Pub Draft Ireland Angry Orchard Apple Cider USA Heineken 0.0 Netherlands

MSC Easy Plus Package Menu

This is an example of the Easy Plus menu from within the MSC mobile app. Just know that you are entitled to anything up to $10. See the complete list below.

MSC Easy Plus Drink Package Menu

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Premium Extra Package

This drinks package allows you to purchase any beverage up to $16 , however, it comes at a high cost of $85.00 / day per person (this can be as much as $104/day if you are on a short cruise and purchase onboard). You can upgrade from a lower-cost beverage package for the difference in price, i.e. if you have the easy package, for approximately $43/day you can upgrade to this Premium package.  (Note: Prices have changed as of March 1, 2023, and this information reflects the newest pricing)

While this package covers most top-shelf liquor, there are still quite a few wines and drinks that are more than $16, so it’s not as inclusive as other cruise lines’ most premium drink packages.

MSC Premium Extra Drink Menu

Most premium liquors can be purchased with this package including Grey Goose, Aviation Gin, Belvedere, etc. (see the menu below). However, there are still plenty of drinks that are strategically priced above $16, making this package far from all-inclusive. Additionally, most of the champagne and decent wine on board is significantly more than the limit allowed by this package. It’s hard to make sense of this package unless your tastes are squarely within the more premium liquor brands included.

A bonus of these drinks packages is the discounting on bottles of wine (25%), but the reality is good bottles of wine are generally only available at The Butchers Cut Steakhouse, so unless you are dining there regularly, that benefit is minimal. 

In addition to the Easy Package & Easy Plus Package, you can also order the following beverages:

Drinks included in the premium extra package:.

Aviation Martini Aviation gin, maraschino liqueur, crème de violette, fresh lemon juice Hemingway Daiquiri Zacapa 23Y rum, fresh lime juice, grapefruit juice, maraschino liqueur Santa Teresa Manhattan Santa Teresa 1796 rum, orange bitters, red vermouth Gold Rush Woodford Reserve bourbon, fresh lemon juice, honey syrup MSC Signature Martini Disaronno liqueur, Grey Goose vodka, Licor 43, lemon peel Mule Le Poire Grey Goose Le Poire vodka, fresh lime juice, ginger beer Shanghai Margarita Patrón Silver tequila, agave nectar, fresh lime juice, fresh ginger zest Chili Passion Caipirinha Premium caçhaca, lime, raw sugar, hot chili sauce, passion fruit, jalapeño

Ultimate Mai Tai Appleton Estate rum, Bacardi Superior white rum, Disaronno liqueur, pineapple and orange juice, sweet & sour mix, grenadine Purple Rain Bacardi Superior white rum, Finlandia vodka, Bombay Sapphire gin, peach schnapps, blue curaçao, sweet & sour mix, grenadine Coco Loco Bacardi Oakheart spiced rum, Malibu coconut rum, Piña Colada mix, mango purée, fruit punch Jamaican Paradise Appleton Estate rum, Malibu coconut rum, Jose Cuervo silver tequila, Midori melon liqueur, blue curaçao, sweet & sour mix Miami Beach Iced Tea Bacardi Superior white rum, Beefeater gin, Smirnoff vodka, Cuervo silver tequila, blue curaçao, sugar syrup, Sprite Sunset Beach Malibu coconut rum, raspberry liqueur, orange and pineapple juice, grenadine Tropical Tease Midori melon liqueur, Malibu coconut rum, banana liqueur, pineapple juice Emerald Mariachi 1800 Reposado tequila, blue curaçao, lime juice, passion fruit syrup, pineapple juice Mango Mojito Bacardi mango rum, mango purée, fresh mint leaves, lime, club sod a

You ONLY pay the difference in price for a beverage not included in your MSC DRINK package

You can now get a credit towards any drinks not included in your MSC Drink package!. The credit towards a drink is $8 per drink for the Easy Package, $10 per drink for the Easy Plus Package, and $16 per drink for the Premium Extra Package.

For European cruises the credit you get is 7 Euro for the Easy Package, 9 Euro for the Easy Plus and 14 Euro for the Premium Extra package on MSC.

Alcoholic-Free and Minors Package on MSC Cruises

You might be interested in the non-alcoholic package if you’re not a drinker or when traveling with children. This package offers non-alcoholic cocktails, sodas, energy drinks, juices, coffee, tea, and hot chocolate. This package doesn’t apply to specialty restaurants unless it’s for a minor whose group purchased the Easy Plus or Premium Extra alcoholic package. So be prepared to pay for your soda when dining at the Butcher’s Cut, even if you have this package.

These prices will vary if booked on the ship on the day of sailing. Usually by an additional 10% or more. Short sailings are considered anything less than 7 days.

This table of prices is pretty mind-numbing and takes the fun out of figuring out what package is right. Why there are different prices for different lengths of cruise is bizarre and just another way that MSC tends to overcomplicate everything.

  • Read : More about MSC Cruises
  • See : MSC Bar Menus

In Summary, My experience with the MSC Drink Packages

Originally, I thought the Easy package would be sufficient for our cruise, but discovering the limited beverage options and the fact that you cannot use the package in specialty dining restaurants, we chose to upgrade to the Easy Plus.

Overall this was a good choice, because of the wider variety of options and the ability to use in a specialty restaurant. However, it’s important to know – that when using the Easy Plus in a specialty restaurant like Butcher’s Cut, you must order off of the wine/drink menus in that restaurant!

If your favorite glass of wine isn’t available in the restaurant, you are forbidden to bring anything from an outside bar, which really makes no sense. This is something that they do NOT TELL YOU when upgrading from Easy to Easy Plus on the ship.

Normally this wouldn’t be a big issue except there were very few options on beverage menus that were covered by the Easy Plus package.

Drink Calculator – Are drink packages worth it on MSC?

Let’s find out if getting a drink package is worth it or not by using our handy drink calculator! Simply choose the package you plan on purchasing and estimate how many drinks per day you might consume and see if you “break even”

  • Choose the package type you are considering. We’ve entered the package price per MSC Cruises but you can adjust the daily charge if you are getting a promo on the package price.
  • Enter the number of cruise days
  • Estimate your consumption of each type of beverage. We’ve put the average beverage prices based on the Drink Menus, but you can adjust this if you know you like more expensive drink options.

Easy Package includes:

Specific drinks listed on the easy drink menu (found here).

Selection of classic cocktailsSoft drinks and fruit juices by the glass
Draught beerBottled mineral water
Selection of house wines by the glassClassic hot drinks (espresso, cappuccino, caffe latte, hot tea)
Mixed drinks and non-alcoholic cocktails

These drinks are sort of “vague” in some respect, so definitely look at the MSC Drink Menus article , where there is a unique menu for the Easy Package.

The Easy Package covers all of the above served in the bars, buffet and main restaurant as well as Ocean Cay and other exclusive destinations. This package CANNOT be used in specialty restaurants.

Easy Plus Package includes:

Bottomless beverages priced up to $10 all day long.

Popular Frozen DrinksA wide variety of draught and bottled beers

Classic CocktailsNon-alcoholic cocktails
Well SpiritsSoft drinks
LiqueursMineral water
CordialsCoffee drinks (latte, espresso, cappuccino, etc.)
Selection of wines by the glassHot chocolate and hot teas
10% discount on bottles of wines purchased on board

The Easy Plus Package can be enjoyed in the bars, buffet, main restaurant and specialty restaurants , Ocean Cay, and other exclusive destinations.

Premium Extra Package includes:

Premium beverages priced up to $16.

Extensive variety of frozen and classic cocktailsOur entire selection of draught, craft and bottled beers
Premium brand spiritsSoft drinks, fruit juices, mineral water and energy drinks
Liqueurs and CordialsCoffee drinks (latte, espresso, cappuccino, etc.)

Selection of wines and champagne by the glassHot chocolate and hot teas
25% discount on bottles of wine and champagne purchased on board

The Premium Extra Package can be enjoyed in the bars, buffet, main restaurant, and specialty restaurants as well as Ocean Cay and other exclusive destinations.

Estimate Your Daily Consumption:

Each field contains the average price found on most MSC ships in US Dollars.

Remember! Any drink not within your package limit, you pay the overage cost plus the service charge! If you tend to drink nicer wines or cocktails, you can adjust the average price of each beverage in the corresponding boxes! This helps give you a more accurate idea of your possible spending. (15% gratuities on European, Emirates, South Caribbean, Red Sea, South America (Brazil and Argentine) and Far East itineraries, and 18% gratuity on North America itineraries.)

Each field contains the average price found on most MSC ships. For the Premium Extra package, all drinks up to $15 are included. If you tend to drink nicer wines or cocktails, you can adjust the average price of each beverage in the corresponding boxes – Remember, for anything over the included price, you pay the difference plus a service charge or gratuity (15% gratuities on European, Emirates, South Caribbean, Red Sea, South America (Brazil and Argentine) and Far East itineraries, and 18% gratuity on North America itineraries.)!

You haven’t broken even on the Easy Package yet!

You BROKE EVEN on the Easy Package!

You haven’t broken even on the Easy PLUS Package yet!

You BROKE EVEN on the Easy PLUS Package!

You haven’t broken even on the Premium Extra Package yet!

Beer Lovers Need Easy Plus on MSC

Other MSC Drink Package Helpful Information

MSC Cruises Drink & Bar Menus With Prices (2024)

MSC Cruises Drink & Bar Menus With Prices (2024)

MSC Cruises Drink & Bar Menus With PriceS – UPDATED We spent a lot of time on a recent voyage with MSC Cruises trying... Read This

Phil Crane

Cruise Gear Editor

I'm a global nomad at heart, and the dedicated editor behind CruiseGear. For the past two decades, I've experienced exciting voyages across the world, discovering countless ports from the decks of dozens of ships, visiting 40+ countries (and living in some of them for years). It's been an exhilarating journey to say the least! I want to share everything I've learned and hope to make your next cruise vacation as enjoyable as possible.

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On MSc how much doe sit cost if you buy a beer or a soda pop per purchase since i do not drink much alcohol at all and maybe two sodas a day

Wayne – You can get a beer for about $7.50 and a soda for $3.00-$3.50 + gratuity. You can see the MSC drink menus here

How do you know if the drink you order is within the 10$ limit on the easy plus package? Do the bartenders tell you? I would hate to get a bill for the extra few dollars if not covered. Thanks!

Hi Robin, They are very good about telling you right away if anything you order isn’t in the package, but the menus are also scattered around everywhere, and you’ll quickly learn what types of drinks are extra. I found that the selection of drinks wasn’t incredibly huge, so I knew fast what they had that I liked, and which were going to cost a little more.

I don’t drink alcohol but would like the occasional soda. Is it possible to purchase just individual drinks without the packages?

Hi Peter, Absolutely! If you take a look at the MSC Drink Menus (here) – on the first menu, flip to the last page. You’ll see the list of sodas and other beverages. It’s definitely not worth a package with the occasional soda.

Hi! Sailing in a couple days. Just want water and maybe a MOCKtail or 2 for a day. I wasn’t clear on how much mineral water is included per day or how to access. No soda, tea or coffee for me. The calculator did not offer the nonalcoholic package so wanted your recommendations- I do need to drink alot of water. Can I bring any sealed bottled water aboard? Is there gratuities on bottled water as well and how big are the bottles? Thanks in advance!

Hi Amy – Good point on the calculator – we’ll fix that and add the non-alcoholic package! At about $28 per day for the non-alcoholic package and a water being about $3.25 + gratuities, You’d end up needing to buy about 7 bottled waters per day to “break even”. (They are the large 17 oz sizes you’d get in a restaurant, so it’s a pretty good value) The non alcoholic cocktails are included as well and are usually about $7 to my recollection, but here’s the menus for MSC Drinks . (the first menu flips through to all the non-alcoholic in the back of the menu) – About bringing water, etc. MSC Is one of the only cruise lines that literally allows no beverages to be brought on the ship. Enjoy your cruise! I hope this helps.

We are looking at doing a cruise with our teens in the spring. We don’t drink alcohol, so is it worth buying a drink package? We would like access to sodas, juices, anything non alcoholic, so wondering if you’d advise to get a drink pkg or not. Thanks!

Hi Diana – Basic tea, coffee, water is included in the fare but soda, specialty coffee and other non-alcoholic beverages aren’t included. There IS an Alcohol free package for $28/day per person +/- which is quite a bit less than the other drink packages. HOWEVER, MSC Often does a promo with the “easy” package or “easy plus” as a perk for a bit of an extra charge. Doing the math, you’ll often find that the little higher rate on a cruise that includes the drink package is far less than buying the package separately. For example, on a 7 day booking I looked and the all included fare was about $37/per person per day more expensive and the drink package was included as well as wifi and onboard credit. More benefits for less money for sure! SO be sure to check that pricing and use our drink calculator for MSC (here) to see if you even drink enough soda/non-alcoholic things to make it worth it.

Your calculator doesn’t take into account that they add a 15% gratuity to each drink, and the package includes the gratuity.

Hi Brad, thanks for the comment, we’ll make a change to the formula to include the gratuity in the calculations!

Is there a time limit in between each drink? Like a waiting period of 10/15 minutes?

Hi Sarah – There is not. We would often try a drink of the day or some specialty, hate it, and immediately order something else.

Hope this helps!

I want to get the easy drinks package but my husband cant drink due to Ill health. Do MSC take this into consideration or will we have to both buy same package.

Hi Karen – Normally with a medical notice from a doctor, the second person doesn’t have to purchase an alcohol package. HOWEVER, MSC rules change… sometimes depending on who you speak to. My experience with this is that they will request you purchase the EASY package for yourself and the NON ALCOHOLIC package for your husband. But it will have to be done by phone, and whether they ask for medical proof will likely depend on who you speak to at the time. I had friends traveling with us that were in your exact situation and they were not asked for proof but were in fact told the non drinking person has to purchase a non-alcoholic package.

Is Redbul available at no additional cost in the easy plus package?

Yes, my recollection is that energy drinks were included with the Easy Plus!

So for my wife who does not drink any alcohol is the minor package the best? Based on the menu the easy plus package covers a variety of beers is that correct vs only Heineken on the easy package.

Hi Jason, they (MSC) will likely require the Alcohol-Free Package as I believe the Minors package is truly teens and below. They’re basically the same thing, you’re just getting penalized for being a grown up 🙂 – That said, the Easy Plus package you are considering does cover all of the beers. There wasn’t a beer served that wasn’t covered by the Easy Plus. And yes, Heineken is the only thing available on the Easy Package. So if you’re a beer drinker, it’s worth looking at the Easy Plus. BUT! Keep in mind, the specials that MSC runs sometimes include the beverage packages and it may be cheaper to go ahead and book with those specials rather than cruise only and adding an Alcohol-Free Package + Easy Plus package. Even if your wife doesn’t take advantage of the alcohol, she can have all of the non-alcoholic beverages she wants and in the end the total price may be less on the promotion. Hope this helps!

If you purchase a non-alcoholic drink package, do you pay the difference for an alcoholic drink or the full price?

Hi Tom – The non alcoholic package won’t work to apply anything towards an alcoholic beverage purchase. However if you have the most basic beverage package (Easy), you can pay the difference for drinks that are more expensive than what is covered by the Easy (this is new for 2023)

Thank you, kind of what I thought. I’d have to to go easy plus since the easy package is not inclusive of some of the non-alcoholic drinks I would like.

Interesting! I’m curious about what non-alcoholic drinks you like that wouldn’t be included in the Easy Package? In our experience, everything non-alcoholic was included in the Easy Package (but there may be something I’m missing!) 🙂

What to do if one person drinks and other doesn’t on the same cabin?

Typically everyone of age in the same cabin must have the same drink package. The cruise line will make an exception for medical reasons. Mostly they don’t want one person getting the package and sharing the drinks with their cabin mate 🙁

Thank you for all of this information. It is very hard to navigate all of this from MSC website. I am not a big drinker so I wasn’t sure if the packages were necessary. Your drink calculator is very helpful . If you could answer a question: there are no frozen drinks on the easy drink menu. Does that mean there is no option for frozen margaritas?

Hi Claudia, I’m glad this information helped! We were able to get frozen drinks without a problem, as long as the liquor type was in the basic package. They didn’t distinguish between frozen or on the rocks with things like Margaritas and Daiquiris.

We are sailing to Rome from Durban 20th April and have bought 18 of the 18 unit packages, my question is does a unit mean a short and a mixer, ie, rum and coke or it that 2 units.

Hi Jennifer, we’ve done both Europe & USA cruises on MSC – and in our experience, a rum and coke was in fact a single drink. I know in Europe, it’s common to sell the mixer separate, but that does not seem to be the case on MSC Ships. I hope this helps & enjoy your cruise!

My husband and I are booked to sail from Durban in April on msc Orchestra 25 day cruise to Genoa. Please can you advise if drinks packages are on offer on the ship or if we pay per drink and are soft drinks free? If we pay per drink can you email prices so that we can work out a budget, many thanks.

Hi Ann! When you login to your MSC account you should see a way to pre-purchase the packages. If you wait until you get on the ship, they will be about 20% more expensive! We did the “easy” package which covered sodas, specialty coffee, bottled water, and quite a few basic drinks, but upgraded on another trip to the Easy Plus which gets you better beverages and allows you to use the package in the specialty restaurants (which you can’t with the basic Easy package). We put together a handy drink calculator for MSC (See the drink calculator) so you can estimate your budget based on how you normally consume. This will let you know really fast if you’re going to make the drink package worth it! I hope this helps.

Their top package used to include everything but full bottles of wine. Last time on Miraviglia it included everything on the champagne bar menu including $20 drinks. On the Seaside it used to cover the specialty chocolate drinks and gelato. Mildly disappointed. Used to be the best package. Bartenders loved it because they could make the high dollar stuff most people won’t try

I feel your disappointment! When we were on the Meraviglia , the whole drink package was so confusing that even some of the staff weren’t sure what to include or not. I had hoped they’d simplify it, but the new packages with prices were just released, and it’s still a head-scratcher.

It will be our first time on a cruise. Reading your tips is being mind and eye opening. We will make sure to have every single detail well calculated before we proceed. Thank you! Great website!

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  17. MSC Yacht Club : il lusso secondo MSC

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  18. Dettagli cabina

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  19. Yacht Club DINNER Menus

    Host Jazzbeau. Rare. 22.6k. August 24, 2011. Member Title: Cruise Critic Host & 20,000+ Club. New York. #1. Posted November 27, 2019. Thanks to some great detective work by @Beamafar we have been able to compile an almost complete set of the dinner menus on Meraviglia as of Oct/Nov 2019 [numbered 1-14 plus '15' for Italian Night and 'E' for the ...

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  21. Cabins & Suites

    MSC World Europa features new cabin designs such as cluster cabins for families and groups. The MSC Yacht Club offers a new style of suite, featuring a walk-in wardrobe including two more luxury suites with whirlpool baths and 28 more of the terraced cabins with their own private area for sunbathing. Choose your cabin find your cruise.

  22. MSC DRINK Packages & Prices

    Easy Drink Package. The "Easy Package" is the most basic alcoholic beverage package on MSC Cruises with a cost of $46 per day per adult and is sometimes offered at no charge as a promotion.(This package is $49 per day on short cruises of less than 6 nights and is even more expensive if purchased onboard) Liquor choices that go into mixed drinks are generic and sometimes off-brand.

  23. Cabin Details

    Deck 11 - Moscow, Deck 12 - Copenhagen, Deck 14 - Prague. Large balcony with private whirlpool bath and outdoor living area. Large walk-in wardrobe with shoe rack and luggage storage. Bathroom with large shower and tub (some cabins feature large tub only) 1 Million happy customers.