yachtservice 24

Umbau und Abnahme von Flüssiggasanlagen auf Sportbooten nach ISO 10239 bzw. DVGW Arbeitsblatt G 608

Umbau von Flüssiggasanlagen auf den Deutschen G 608 Standard beziehungsweise ISO 10239.

Wir bieten den Umbau von auf Sportbooten vorhandenen Flüssiggasanlagen auf ISO 10239 bzw. den Deutschen G 608 Standard an.

Häufig entsprechen Flüssiggasanlagen, besonders auf Schiffen, die im Ausland gebaut wurden, nicht dem Deutschen Standard und können somit im Rahmen der Prüfungen nach G 608 nicht abgenommen werden.

In diesen Fällen müssen die nicht genehmigungsfähigen Teile oder Bereiche umgebaut werden.

Meistens sind die Umbauten nicht sehr aufwendig und können an einem Tag durchgeführt werden.

Gerne schauen wir uns die Anlage auf Ihrem Boot an und machen konkrete Vorschläge für den Umbau und erstellen Ihnen einen Kostenvoranschlag.

Mallorca Marine Surveyors S.L.U.

  • C/ Joan de Saridakis 2, Marivent, Edif. Goya, Local 1, 07015 Palma de Mallorca, Spain
  • [email protected]
  • +34 619 74 90 87
  • +49 (0) 151 41 60 59 55

yachtservice 24








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Yacht Service 24

yachtservice 24

We are team of talented eletricians

Certified Victron Energy Silver Partner

We are Raymarine specilists, with 20 years of expierence

Sunpower certified dealer with more than 1000 installations

Garmin specilists for more than 15 years

We love working with yachts and happy customers

We are a yacht service company located in Preveza, Greece. We are specialised in eletrics, cooling systems and plumbing, and love what we are doing. On our team we have employees that holds high educations, such as Master in Eletronics and Pluming.

  • Speak fluently German
  • Speak fluently English
  • Speak fluently Greek

Everything we do, we do with German precision with Greek intellect and honor. We are proud of all jobs we are doing and we never leave a project before the customer is happy.

Happy Clients

Years of experience

Lithium installations

Navigation systems etc.

We are specialized in the sale and installation of chart plotters, radar antennas, echo sounders, transducers, autopilots and cameras of Raymarine and Garmin. We also represent other brands, but our primary focus is on Raymarine and Garmin.

  • Explore a wide range of chart plotters, radar antennas, echo sounders, transducers, autopilots, and cameras, carefully curated from Raymarine and Garmin's latest offerings.
  • Trust our experienced team to flawlessly install your chosen marine electronics, ensuring optimal performance and functionality.
  • Receive personalized recommendations and expert advice from our knowledgeable staff, tailored to your specific boating needs and preferences.
  • Count on us for reliable ongoing support and maintenance services, ensuring your marine electronics operate at peak performance for years to come.

yachtservice 24

Watermakers, air condition and heating systems

We are specialized in the sale and installation of air conditioning and heating systems. We do installation of desalination plants powered by 12V, 24V or 220V. We are sales representative of Aquabase and Webasto.

  • Our team ensures precise installation of air conditioning and heating systems, with optimal performance and energy efficiency.
  • We offer desalination plants powered by 12V, 24V, or 220V, providing clean and reliable water wherever you go. velit.
  • We tailor our services to meet your specific requirements, whether it's for residential, commercial, or marine applications
  • From installation to maintenance, our dedicated team is here to support you every step of the way, ensuring long-term satisfaction and peace of mind.

Lithium batteries

We specialize in revolutionizing the power source for your boating adventures. With a commitment to innovation and sustainability, we're proud to offer cutting-edge lithium battery installations tailored specifically for marine applications

  • Experience the thrill of smoother acceleration, increased range, and consistent power delivery on the water.
  • Say goodbye to frequent battery replacements. Our lithium batteries are designed to withstand the rigors of marine environments, ensuring durability and longevity.
  • Enjoy the benefits of reduced weight onboard, allowing for improved vessel performance and increased fuel efficiency.
  • Spend less time waiting and more time cruising. Our lithium batteries boast rapid charging capabilities, getting you back on the water in no time
  • Trust in the reliability and safety of our lithium battery systems, backed by industry-leading warranties and expert installation services

yachtservice 24


Magnam dolores commodi suscipit. Necessitatibus eius consequatur ex aliquid fuga eum quidem. Sit sint consectetur velit. Quisquam quos quisquam cupiditate. Et nemo qui impedit suscipit alias ea. Quia fugiat sit in iste officiis commodi quidem hic quas.

Proin iaculis purus consequat sem cure digni ssim donec porttitora entum suscipit rhoncus. Accusantium quam, ultricies eget id, aliquam eget nibh et. Maecen aliquam, risus at semper.

Saul Goodman

Ceo & founder.

Export tempor illum tamen malis malis eram quae irure esse labore quem cillum quid cillum eram malis quorum velit fore eram velit sunt aliqua noster fugiat irure amet legam anim culpa.

Sara Wilsson

Enim nisi quem export duis labore cillum quae magna enim sint quorum nulla quem veniam duis minim tempor labore quem eram duis noster aute amet eram fore quis sint minim.

Jena Karlis

Store owner.

Fugiat enim eram quae cillum dolore dolor amet nulla culpa multos export minim fugiat minim velit minim dolor enim duis veniam ipsum anim magna sunt elit fore quem dolore labore illum veniam.

Matt Brandon

Quis quorum aliqua sint quem legam fore sunt eram irure aliqua veniam tempor noster veniam enim culpa labore duis sunt culpa nulla illum cillum fugiat legam esse veniam culpa fore nisi cillum quid.

John Larson

Entrepreneur, lorem ipsum.

Voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi

Sed Perspiciatis

Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore

Magni Dolores

Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis

Quis consequatur saepe eligendi voluptatem consequatur dolor consequuntur

Modi nostrum vel laborum. Porro fugit error sit minus sapiente sit aspernatur

We are always available for a chat

Call us or send us an e-mail if you want to speak about what we can do for you and your boat.

Below you will find pictures from different projects we have made.

  • Watermakers
  • Solar power

Solarpanels on bimini


Solarpanels SunPower

SunPower Solarpanels

Victron MPPT

You are always welcome to contact us. We operate all over Greece, but we have our headquater in Preveza


[email protected]

+30 694 7094768

Yacht service: getting your sailing yacht ready for the season

Oyster Dock

A guide to luxury yacht servicing with Oyster Yachts

From water maker and sail checks to winch and engine servicing, this is our guide to yacht service and maintenance that will ensure your readiness for a great season on the water.

Maintain your yacht maintenance log

When taking delivery of their yacht, every Oyster owner receives a maintenance manual and logbook that allows them to easily track their yacht’s maintenance history. The Oyster logbook contains a weekly, monthly, bi-annual, annual, five-year and ten-year servicing checklist which ensures the timely care of the yacht.

Following these time prompts is key to maintaining a healthy and safe sailing yacht, and an updated logbook may also increase the residual value of the yacht if you decide to sell her in the future, as new buyers prioritise well-maintained boats.

We keep records of each yacht’s original plans and build logs, meaning owners can refer to the original specifications and build intentions when commissioning service and refit work.

Maintain your yacht maintenance log

What to expect from your service

No one understands Oysters better than we do, and our Global Service Network provide annual, seasonal and select service options based on your needs.

Annual services comprise in and out the water essential services unique to your yacht, depending on its current condition and plans for the season ahead. The team undertake work including a 100-point manufacturer check and report, safety equipment service and certifying, structure, thru hull fitting and deck fixing checks and more.

Hauling out allows for the application of new antifouling paint and servicing of the rudder, propeller, seacocks and thrusters, as well as being a good time to polish the hull and superstructure.

When visiting the Global Service Network, our  service team  will create a list of requirements, scoping everything from canvas work to winches, meaning you can set sail for the season confident in the knowledge you are ready to take on anything.

What to expect from your service

What to expect from your pre-season check and annual yacht haul-out

Annual pre-season checks and preparations for an Oyster may include:

  • Sails valeted
  • A visual check of your rigging or official survey of your yacht rig, if in commercial use
  • Engines and generators serviced
  • All systems checked over – e.g. air-conditioning, refrigeration, LPG, electrics, and electronics
  • Annual safety equipment checks

When she’s lifted out of the water for an annual haul-out:

  • Antifouling and polishing
  • Check of the propeller, shaft and cutlass bearings
  • Steering system checks
  • Replacement of anodes
  • Service of seacocks and thrusters

What to expect from your pre-season check and annual yacht haul-out

Where can my sailing yacht be serviced?

Oyster Service Centres are situated in the most popular sailing destinations. In the Mediterranean, Oyster Palma and Oyster Barcelona offer a range of yacht services, repairs and maintenance work.

In the US,  Oyster Yachts Newport  offers service work from general health checks to emergency repairs and more. In the UK, the  Oyster Service Centres  in Southampton and Ipswich both offer a broad range of services from refits to annual maintenance and storage.

Everything on your logbook checklist can be carried out by our dedicated teams around the world via our Service Partners in the Global Service Network. Where necessary, we can come directly to you to carry out the required yacht maintenance work.

The Oyster Difference

We understand our yachts and the build process inside out, and our Service work combines in-depth knowledge of each boat, access to trained Oyster technicians, manufacturer’s parts, warranty validation and an up-to-date maintenance log. These factors together have a profound impact on your yacht’s residual value if you decide to sell her in the future.

If you’re not part of the Oyster family, our Service centres are here for you too. Our team of experts are extremely knowledgeable and highly respectful of every kind of boat and have worked on some of the world’s best yacht brands. No matter what you sail, we will endeavour to service your yacht to the highest standards.

Every owner we work with values our trusted team, quality workmanship and unsurpassed reputation to ensure their yacht maintenance is up to date and completed.

To book your Service work, talk to the team here .

Where can my sailing yacht be serviced?

Global Service Network

No one understands oysters better than we do. whether you are planning for the voyage ahead, removing uncertainty or ensuring the value of your oyster, it has never been easier with a choice of tailored oyster service plans and our global service network., annual service.

  • In and out of the water essential services
  • Annual engine services
  • Check of structure, thru hull fittings and deck fixings
  • Safety equipment serviced and certified
  • 100-point manufacturer check and report

Seasonal service

  • Pre-cruising season preparation
  • Sea trial to test systems
  • Decommissioning at the end of the season

Select service

  • Extended warranty on equipment and systems
  • Service of engine, major equipment and systems
  • Check of structure, rigging, thru hull fittings, deck fixings and safety equipment 

More information

Find out more

Real-life adventure, sailing insights and everything Oyster Yachts.

Oyster 725.01 Intrepid Bahamas Aerial View

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Be the first to hear about new launches, exclusive events and all things Oyster


Oyster World Rally Mega Nav v2


Entries for the Oyster World Rally 2028-29 are now open. Embark on the sailing adventure of a lifetime

Oyster 565 Series II

The new 565 Series II

The pursuit of perfection continues

Oyster Yachts Sailing Charters Luxury Oyster 885 Lush

Oyster Charter

Experience exhilarating sailing, luxury and style on an Oyster charter

New 565 Series II v2

New 565 Series II

Oyster Charter Luxury Sailing Yacht Charters


Experience exhilarating sailing, luxury and style on an oyster charter. personal, exclusive and uniquely oyster.

iSNL Mega Nav D 2

Oyster 825 iSNL

Discover this exceptional late model 825 with a unbeatable spec and a bespoke layout.

Untitled design 83

oyster ownership

Personalised care, unforgettable experiences and lifelong yacht support, oyster world rally.

Oyster World Rally Mega Nav 1 v2


Embark on the sailing adventure of a lifetime. entries are now open for the oyster world rally 2028-29.

Untitled 9

Follow the Oyster World Rally 2024-25 fleet live

Winner of European Yacht of the Year 2023. She is a new breed of luxury 50 foot yacht, offering effortless shorthanded sailing capability.

Oyster 495 sailing yacht with man at helm

A magnificent, award-winning sub 60 foot sailing yacht, offering luxurious living space and outstanding shorthanded sailing capability.

Oyster 565 sailing yacht at sea in med

A beautifully proportioned 60 foot, luxury liveaboard bluewater cruiser, offering effortless shorthanded sailing capability.

Oyster 595 sailing yacht sailing at sea

A superb sub 70 foot ocean sailboat offering versatile luxury living space and impeccable sailing performance.

sailing yacht oyster 675

An inspired 75 foot yacht, offering infinite configuration options, generous luxury living space and flexible crew quarters.

Oyster 745 sailing yacht at sea with mountains 1 v2

Oyster 885SII

The remarkable, iconic 90 foot sailboat, perfect for relaxed luxury voyages of discovery.

Oyster 885 sailing yacht with crew

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yachtservice 24

OEM Yacht Service

Independent yacht support in combination with the Original Equipment Manufacturers knowledge.

Control Technology

Service & refit, yacht support.

yachtservice 24

© 2022 OEM Yacht Service | Website by eFabriek B.V.



Yacht service Mallorca

Always the best yacht management.

Mallorca: your home base this summer. And the departure point for your trips with your yacht. Your yacht that you want to be able to use every moment of the day without any worries.

Carefree use of your yacht starts with proper maintenance. And proper maintenance starts with a quality yacht service. Marinminds offers you the yacht service in Mallorca you are looking for. Our yacht management is not based on preventive maintenance once a year, but on continuous remote monitoring. If you need us, Marinminds' maritime service is always available.

Check real-time the status of your yacht and receive essential information on maintenance and needed repairs.

With the yacht service in Mallorca from Marinminds you keep your yacht healthy without hassle.


Always the best boat service at your fingertips

You sail, we take care of the rest . That’s in a nutshell how Marinminds' maritime service works .

You don't have to worry about your yacht. We continuously monitor all systems on board. If we detect an issue, we immediately investigate. We can often intervene remotely so that you can sail carefree, without having to worry about technical matters. That is why you make use of yacht service: to enjoy your yacht carefree both in Mallorca and anywhere in the world. We take care of all the maintenance that comes with a yacht.

If we need your assistance for a minor yacht repair, you will receive a notification in the app. In the same app you will have 24/7 access to all real-time data concerning your yacht.

We offer yacht service in Mallorca and surrounding area, if your yacht needs repair or maintenance you can directly share essential information with yacht service suppliers located in Mallorca. We provide advice on most frequent root cause and best practices to solve the problem. Marinminds ensures that your yacht is well taken care off and ready to sail again quickly.

Avoid costly service visits

Nothing more frustrating than on a beautiful summer day to find out in the morning that you can't leave the port of Mallorca due to a technical problem with your yacht. Our yacht service in Mallorca prevents having to cancel a day of sailing : both you and we check your yacht remotely in advance.

You can check your yacht remotely through our app, in which you will always find real-time information about your yacht. Anomalies from systems on board your yacht are immediately detected by our engineers thanks to 24/7 yacht monitoring.

We are often able to solve problems remotely: for example, incorrectly setup of equipment or connection problems can often be solved remotely. Any anomalies are thus correected before they cause a real problem. Therefor only on a few occasions a technician is needed on location, which saves time, money and hassle.

If a yacht repair is required, Marinminds will provide the necessary step by step instructions and advice. With root cause analysis and knowledge on best practices we ensure that you can enjoy the open sea in a repaired, reliable yacht in a short period of time.

We also provide the best yacht service in Monaco  and Cannes .

Yacht service unburdened.png

Choose comfort instead of the hassle


Issues are fixed before they become a problem

Logo Amsterdam Yacht Service

We are the specialist for building, repairing and refitting your yacht

The premium quality of our new build, refit and service activities can be attributed to the way local and in-house expertise is combined with the leading Dutch sub-contractors and OEM partners. Our experienced management team has an in-depth background in yachting and an excellent track record with Amsterdam Yacht Service or other top yards. They also know how to get the most on your behalf from the technical professionals and hands-on craftsmen deployed on your project.

Service & Repair for yachts

Service & Repair for yachts

Service is a mindset as much as an activity. One of the reasons why our yard has flourished for a century is that generations of workers have given their all to make sure clients are happy.

Extensive Refit for yachts and tenders

Extensive Refit for yachts and tenders

Rebuilds, refits, refurbs, upgrades and major maintenance work, Amsterdam Yacht Service covers the full gamut of activities to the highest specs.

Custom built for yachts

Custom built for yachts

Building tomorrow’s sail and motoryachts at the best price-quality level available today is our promise to clients. Focused on the market of up to 40 metres in length, we are a lean and efficient boatbuilding machine with an exceptionally transparent way of doing business and a dedication to client satisfaction

We make sure you can push your yacht to the limit

We make sure you can push your yacht to the limit

Rebuilds, refits, refurbs, upgrades and major maintenance work, Amsterdam Yacht Service covers the full gamut of activities to the highest specs. With a choice of transparent costing arrangements giving complete peace of mind (no surprises here!), we understand how successful refits require a different approach to new builds with meticulous planning and dedicated project management. As the interface between owners and yard, we ensure crew members staying near their yacht during the refit are supported with practical issues. Together we add value to your yacht while bringing her up to the very latest global standards and personal preferences.

Travel lifts for yachts

Travel lifts for yachts

Our 480-tonne crane is the largest available anywhere in the Netherlands and a prime example of the fine facilities and premium equipment available at Amsterdam Yacht Service.

Workshop for yachts

Workshop for yachts

A major refit doesn’t end when you leave the yard. Just as with our new builds, we pride ourselves on cementing long-term relationships and offering ongoing support wherever your journey takes you.

Workarea for yachts

Workarea for yachts

Whether your yacht is a regular for maintenance or enjoying a first-time service visit, you can rely on our staff to treat her like a lady.

56m | SY “Perini Navi”

56m | SY “Perini Navi”

26m | S/Y “mini-Y”

26m | S/Y “mini-Y”

37m | MY Fair Lady

37m | MY Fair Lady

21m | SY Puffin

21m | SY Puffin

28m | MY Trooper

28m | MY Trooper

26m | SY Arrabida

26m | SY Arrabida

25m | SY Ophira

25m | SY Ophira

29m | MY Raider

29m | MY Raider

70m | MY Sherakhan

70m | MY Sherakhan

23m | MY Nageira

23m | MY Nageira "Repair and Respray"

A Fantastic Union: Hull and superstructure marriage of 64m Hakvoort at AYS

A Fantastic Union: Hull and superstructure marriage of 64m Hakvoort at AYS

December 2023 marked another significant milestone for Amsterdam Yacht Service, as its highly experienced team carried out its first ever marriage of a hull and superstructure. The event took place over the course of just one day for the 64-metre Hakvoort motor yacht (build number, xxx, the shipyard’s newest project) which has a steel hull […]

Come hull and high water

Come hull and high water

A measure of a good shipyard is the range of services it can offer and the range of works it can undertake, and there’s no doubt that Amsterdam Yacht Services has those elements covered thanks to its background as a commercially orientated shipyard. The measure of a great shipyard, however, is not just the scope […]

Treasure at the end of the rainbow

Treasure at the end of the rainbow

It’s fair to say that wooden boats inspire passion like few other craft. For Robert Binnekade, that passion was sparked by a classic Dutch one-design racing dayboat that still draws ardent owners for its competitive fleet. Binnekade acquired a 1947 example of the class, number 61 name Regenbouw (Dutch for rainbow), from an old friend. […]

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It came as Italian authorities continued to search in the wreckage for the 18-year-old daughter of tech tycoon Mike Lynch .

Mr Lynch was among five people whose bodies have been recovered from the wreck of the Bayesian, which capsized during a tornado early on Monday morning.

In a statement, Mr and Mrs Bloomer’s family said: "We are grieving for our loved ones and all of those affected by the tragedy.

"We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the emergency services and everyone who helped tirelessly in this rescue operation.

"Our parents were incredible people and an inspiration to many, but first and foremost they were focused on and loved their family and spending time with their new grandchildren.

"Together for five decades, our only comfort is that they are still together now. This is an unimaginable grief to shoulder. Our only ask is that our family's privacy is respected at this time."

Tributes have also poured in from across the tech and business worlds for Mr Lynch , describing him as a “pioneer” and a “giant of a man”.

A major search operation has been underway for the six missing people since the Bayesian sank in a storm off the coast of Sicily around 5am on Monday.Four of the missing were found dead on the wreck yesterday and brought to shore, while a fifth was recovered shortly after the search operation resumed this morning.

Follow live updates below.

CEO of Luminance pays tribute to Mike Lynch

18:56 , Daniel Keane

The chief executive of legal AI company Luminance has paid tribute to its founder Mike Lynch, saying he was a "visionary unlike any other" following his death in the luxury yacht disaster off the coast of Sicily.

Eleanor Lightbody said in a statement: "I am devastated to hear the news about our founding investor, Mike Lynch, and all of those involved in this tragic accident.

"Mike was a visionary unlike any other. He had a unique ability to spot the next technological revolution and solve tomorrow's challenges before others even knew they were coming.

"Beyond that, it was his connection to people that made him special. He had a steadfast belief in the UK's technology sector, in our incredible academic institutions, and in the talent he took the time to spot and nurture, regardless of background or discipline.

"Above all, Mike was a kind man who had an impact on many and will be sorely missed. I feel honoured to have known him, worked with him and learnt from him over the years.

"The UK has lost someone with the means, authority, knowledge and drive to propel the UK into technological leadership, but his legacy will live on in all of the extraordinary businesses he built and mentored, as well as his family who are in my thoughts."

Mike Lynch 'tried to sell superyacht months before sinking which claimed his life'

18:02 , Daniel Keane

Mike Lynch considered selling his superyacht months before it sank off the coast of Sicily but changed his mind after his acquittal, according to a report.

The tech tycoon had put the £30 million yacht up for sale in March this year but withdrew it from the market in July, the  Telegraph  reported.

He had planned to spend the summer on board the boat and then review the decision to sell in the autumn, industry sources told the newspaper.

Read our full story here .

Further tributes to Jonathan and Judy Bloomer

17:25 , Daniel Keane

More tributes have been paid to Jonathan and Judy Bloomer.

The chief executive of insurance group Hiscox, Aki Hussain, said: "We are deeply shocked and saddened by Jonathan and Judy's tragic deaths.

"Our deepest sympathies go out to their family and friends at this devastating time.

"It was a privilege to have known Jonathan and to have benefited from his generosity and wisdom over the last year in his role as chair of Hiscox.

"His deep experience across our industry and in the broader business arena, combined with his personal values, made him both an excellent chair and a person I was proud to know and work with.”

Investment platform Hargreaves Lansdown, where Mr Bloomer was previously a board director, said: “We are all deeply saddened by this tragic event.

"Jonathan was a giant in financial services, and we remember him fondly at Hargreaves Lansdown as someone who made a major impact on the business with his wealth of experience when he served on the board from 2006-2013 including as our senior independent director.

"We in the Hargreaves Lansdown family will miss him and our thoughts go out to his loved ones, as well as those of the others lost in this awful disaster."

Morgan Stanley CEO pays tribute to Bloomer

16:40 , Daniel Keane

The chief executive of Morgan Stanley has paid tribute to Jonathan Bloomer, the bank's international chairman, following his death in the sinking of a luxury yacht in Sicily.

Ted Pick said: "We are deeply saddened by this tragic news.

"Our thoughts and deepest condolences are with the Bloomer family and all those affected by this tragedy.

"Jonathan's leadership and experience helped the firm manage a period of complex change for our international businesses.

"He has been a friend and mentor to many and we will all greatly miss his wise counsel and spirit of kindness."

Family of bank chairman pay tribute after deaths in Sicily

16:06 , Daniel Keane

The family of Morgan Stanley International bank chairman Jonathan Bloomer and his wife Judy have described them as "incredible people and an inspiration to many" following their deaths in the sinking of a luxury yacht in Sicily.

British Library CEO remembers Mike Lynch as 'thoughtful, perceptive and supportive'

15:33 , Lydia Chantler-Hicks

The chief executive of the British Library has also paid tribute to former board member Mike Lynch, describing him as “thoughtful, perceptive and supportive”.

Sir Roly Keating said: “Mike’s extraordinary understanding of technology, combined with his passion for the British Library’s mission to share knowledge, made him an invaluable member of our board.

“He was thoughtful, perceptive and supportive, and will be deeply missed by all of us who worked with him in his time here.”

Tech mogul Mr Lynch previously served on the board of the British Library and the BBC, and was a trustee of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. He was also a key donor to major charitable institutions.

Read more tributes, and more about his life, here .

BBC boss Tim Davie pays tribute to 'wise, generous and insightful' Mike Lynch

BBC director-general Tim Davie is the latest major figure to pay tribute after the death of technology mogul Mike Lynch.

Mr Lynch was previously on the board of the BBC, as well as other prominent institutions.

“We are deeply saddened by the awful news about the deaths of those aboard the Bayesian yacht,” said Mr Davie.

“Mike Lynch was an outstanding BBC director who made a major contribution during his time on the board, from 2007 to 2012.

“Wise, generous and insightful, he played a particularly key role in accelerating our transformation as a digital organisation.

“Our thoughts are with his family and all others involved.”

Italian interior ministry official confirms Mike Lynch's body found

15:12 , Lydia Chantler-Hicks

Massimo Mariani, an Italian interior ministry official, has confirmed to Reuters news agency the body of British tech magnate Mike Lynch was retrieved from the wreck this morning.

We have been hearing reports of this throughout the day, but this is the first time the news has been confirmed by a named official.

Mr Mariani added that Mr Lynch's daughter is the last person unaccounted for after the yacht, and said she may be inside the wreck or could have been tossed into the sea as the boat sank.

Mike Lynch was 'was a valued donor to Cancer Research UK' says charity CEO

14:33 , Jacob Phillips

The chief executive of Cancer Research UK has added to the tributes paid to Mike Lynch after confirmation of his death on Thursday.

Michelle Mitchell said: “We are deeply saddened to hear of the death of Mike Lynch and all those who have been affected by this tragedy.

“Together with his wife, Angela, Mike was a valued donor to Cancer Research UK and a member of the board for our Create the Change campaign, which funded the building of the Francis Crick Institute.

“His support has helped to bring leading scientists together under one roof to tackle the biggest health challenges faced by humankind, including cancer.

“Our sincerest condolences go out to all the families affected.”

'Nonsense' that ship sank in seconds, says CEO of The Italian Sea Group

14:16 , Jacob Phillips

The CEO of the Italian Sea Group, which built the yacht, has dismissed the idea that the boat disappeared in a few seconds as “nonsense”.

In an interview with Italian outlet Corriere della Sera he claimed six minutes passed from when water started entering the ship to when it sunk.

He has argued that the yacht’s guests should have been taken to the assembly point of the ship "as per emergency procedure".

He added: "All it took was a 40-degree tilt and those in the cabin found the door high up."

The CEO added that if the right procedures were followed, which included closing all doors and hatches before starting the engine and pulling up the anchor, then "the next morning, they would have set off again with zero damage".

Tributes pour in from across tech world to 'giant of a man' Mike Lynch

Leading figures from the business and technology sectors have been paying tribute to  Mike Lynch , whose body has reportedly been recovered from the wreck.

One of the UK’s best-known tech entrepreneurs, the 59-year-old has been remembered as “a hugely significant and pioneering figure” who will be remembered for both his “glittering” professional achievements, and for his “generosity, empathy and kindness”.

Read the tributes, and about Mr Lynch’s life and achievements, here .

Key questions facing investigators

13:21 , Lydia Chantler-Hicks

Much speculation has swirled since the Bayesian sank, with many baffled as to how the vast yacht went down in a matter of just minutes.

Here are some of the questions and challenges investigators examining the sinking may be facing:

Was the yacht’s design a factor? Bayesian has a mast measuring 72 metres, making it one of the world’s largest sailing yachts. There has been speculation the mast may have acted “like a sail" when severe weather hit the vessel, leaving it "pinned over on its side".

Were windows and doors left open? Sam Jefferson, editor of the magazine Sailing Today, told PA news agency he suspects "all the doors were open because it was hot", causing the yacht to fill with water "very quickly". Weather records show temperatures reached around 33C the day before the sinking.

Will video footage help shine a light on what happened? The Italian coastguard has reportedly visited local homes and organisations to gather footage of the sinking from CCTV cameras.

Was the keel a factor? Italian media reported that divers found the Bayesian's keel - a flat blade on the bottom of yachts that sticks down into the water to boost stability - was partially retracted. Some yacht safety experts believe that may have contributed to the sinking. But a spokesperson for Italian Sea Group, which owns the company that built Bayesian, told The Telegraph: "Even without the keel completely out, the ship is stable and only a massive entry of water could have caused the sinking."

Was the crew prepared? The weather event that sank the yacht has been described as a “black swan event”. But Giovanni Costantino, CEO of The Italian Sea Group, has claimed human errors are responsible for the sinking and that it could have been avoided. He told Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera that it is good practice to have a guard on the bridge while a ship is at anchor, to look out for storms and take necessary measures.

'Moving one metre inside wreckage can take 24 hours' says fire service as difficult search continues

A spokesperson for the Italian fire service has said search teams “would need a crystal ball” to work out when the sixth and final missing person might be found.

Four bodies were recovered from the wreck of Bayesian yesterday, while a fifth was brought to shore this morning. Of the six people rescue teams have been working to find since the yacht sank on Monday, one person remains missing.

"We would need a crystal ball to know when we'll be able to find the next body," Luca Cari of Italy’s fire rescue service, which has been leading the search operation, told Sky News.

"It's very difficult to move inside the wreckage. Moving just one metre can take up to 24 hours.”

Passages inside the wreck - which is lying on the seabed at a depth of around 49m - have been obstructed by furniture and other wreckage, making access very difficult.

No decision yet made on whether to recover yacht - coastguard

A spokesperson for the Italian coastguard has said no discussion has yet been had, regarding whether the wreck of the Bayesian will be recovered from the sea floor.

Spokesperson Vincenzo Zagarola told the PA news agency: "This is not a topic on the agenda. It will be, but not now."

The wreck of the luxury, 56-metre-long (184ft) yacht is resting on the seabed off the coast of Sicily, at a depth of 50 metres (164ft).

Who is missing Hannah Lynch?

11:36 , Lydia Chantler-Hicks

Hannah Lynch is the sixth and final missing yacht passenger who is yet to be found, according to reports.

Hannah is the 18-year-old daughter of British billionaire tech tycoon Mike Lynch. She is understood to be the youngest of two girls.

She was on board Bayesian with both her father and her mother, Angela Bacares, when it was hit by severe weather shortly before 5am on Monday.

Mrs Bacares managed to escape the yacht on a lifeboat along with 14 other people, but Mr Lynch and Hannah were among six people who were lost in the sinking.

Expert divers have spent more than three days searching the wreck, which is lying on the seabed at a depth of around 50m.

They have recovered Mr Lynch’s body along with those of four others, but are yet to locate Hannah, according to reports.

Hannah Lynch is a former pupil of prestigious west London private school Latymer Upper School. The £25,000-a-year school in  Hammersmith  counts Alan Rickman,  Hugh Grant  and Heston Blumenthal among alumni.

She is understood to be a gifted pupil, who recently completed her A-levels and secured a place to read English at the University of Oxford.

The teenager has been described by friends as a “supernova” - a gentle, kind, clever young woman who was a staunch feminist, according to The Times.Latymer Upper School said in a statement on Tuesday: “We are all incredibly shocked by the news that Hannah and her father are among those missing in this tragic incident and our thoughts are with their family and everyone involved as we await further updates.”

Read more here .

Mike Lynch 'a hugely significant and pioneering figure' in tech sector

Tech trade association TechUK has paid tribute to tycoon Mike Lynch as “a hugely significant and pioneering figure”.

A spokesperson told The Independent: “Mike Lynch was a hugely significant and pioneering figure in the UK technology sector.

“Our hearts go out to all of the families and friends who have been impacted by these tragic events.”

Royal Academy of Engineering pays tribute to Mike Lynch

10:52 , Lydia Chantler-Hicks

The Royal Academy of Engineering has paid tribute to its “mentor, donor and former council member” Mike Lynch following reports of his death.

In a statement, the academy said: “The trustee board, fellows and staff of the Royal Academy of Engineering are deeply saddened to learn of the death of Mike Lynch, and send our profound condolences to his family.

“Mike became a fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering in 2008 and we have fond memories of the active role he played in the past as a mentor, donor and former council member.

The Trustee Board, Fellows and staff of the Royal Academy of Engineering are deeply saddened to learn of the death of Mike Lynch OBE DL FREng FRS, and send our profound condolences to his family. Mike became a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering in 2008 and we have fond… — Royal Academy of Engineering (@RAEngNews) August 22, 2024

“He was also one of the inaugural members on the enterprise committee.

“Our thoughts are with his family and friends at this time.”

Bystanders solemnly watch on as search for sixth body continues

10:32 , Lydia Chantler-Hicks

Boat manufacturer CEO claims human mistakes led to sinking

10:22 , Lydia Chantler-Hicks

How the Bayesian - built by Italian high-end yacht manufacturer Perini and presumed to have top-class fittings and safety features - sank so rapidly has baffled naval marine experts who believe it should have been able to withstand the weather.

Giovanni Constantino, CEO of the Italian Sea Group , which includes Perini, has now claimed the luxury yacht was "one of the safest boats in the world".

He said he believed the disaster was caused by a chain of human mistakes and that the storm had been expected, in interviews with Italian media.

"The ship sank because it took on water, from where investigators will have to say," Mr Constantino told television news programme TG1 last night.

Citing data from the yacht's automatic tracking system and based on available footage, he said it took 16 minutes for Bayesian to sink, after it began being buffeted by the wind.

Mr Constantino said the Milan-listed group has suffered "enormous damage" to its reputation, with shares falling 2.5 per cent since the disaster.

Prosecutors have opened an investigation into the sinking, and authorities have started questioning passengers and witnesses. Captain James Cutfield was reportedly interviewed for around two hours on Tuesday.

NSPCC chair pays tribute to Jonathan and Judy Bloomer

The chairman of children’s charity the NSPCC has paid tribute to Jonathan Bloomer and his wife Judy, following news of their deaths.

Morgan Stanley International bank chairman Mr Bloomer formerly served as honorary treasurer of the NSPCC.

“We are deeply saddened that the deaths of Jonathan Bloomer and his wife Judy have been confirmed after the yacht they were on tragically sank off the coast of Sicily,” said charity chairman Neil Berkett.

“Jonathan and Judy were great supporters of the NSPCC over many years, with Jonathan joining our board of trustees in 2008 and serving as the honorary treasurer from 2009 to 2016.

“We remember Jonathan from his time with us as a very kind individual with a great sense of humour, and Judy as formidable and passionate.

“We are so grateful for everything they did for children and the NSPCC and our thoughts are with their family, friends and colleagues at this desperately sad time.”

'We were all hoping for a miracle' - friend of Mike Lynch

Brent Hoberman, a friend of renowned British tech tycoon Mike Lynch, has described news of his death as “unbelievably tragic”.

Mr Hoberman told Sky News: “We were all hoping for a miracle - we knew it was unlikely but you still hold out hope.

"It's just so unbelievably tragic for him to go through what he went through over the last 12 years, defending his name and not really living a full life, to now for his death to be confirmed is obviously incredibly sad."

Mr Lynch spent 12 years trying to clear his name after being accused by US firm Hewlett Packard (HP) of fraud and conspiracy.

The father-of-two was finally acquitted in June following a trial in the US.

The yacht trip was a celebration of his acquittal. His wife Angela Bacares and daughter Hannah, friends, colleagues, and lawyers who helped clear his name were among passengers on board.

Body of tech tycoon Mike Lynch 'recovered from yacht' - reports

09:17 , Lydia Chantler-Hicks

The body retrieved from the wreck of Bayesian this morning is that of British tech magnate Mike Lynch, a source close to the rescue operation has reportedly told news agency Reuters.

The source said Mr Lynch’s 18-year daughter Hannah Lynch is still missing.

That would mean the four bodies recovered yesterday are those of the four other missing people - Morgan Stanley International bank chairman Jonathan Bloomer and his wife, Judy Bloomer, and lawyer Chris Morvillo and his wife, Neda Morvillo.

The Italian Coastguard has confirmed to the PA news agency that the sixth and final person yet to be found is a woman.

The identities of those recovered have not yet been confirmed by authorities.

Photos show fifth body being brought to shore

Photos from photographers at the scene show the fifth body being brought to shore by rescue personnel.

The remains were recovered from the wreckage this morning, and a fire service boat with flashing blue lights returned with a blue body bag to the port of Porticello just after 8.45am local time (7.45am in the UK).

The search continues for the sixth and final missing person.

What we know so far

08:19 , Lydia Chantler-Hicks

Five bodies have been found on the wreckage of the Bayesian superyacht. Four were brought to shore yesterday, with the fifth recovered this morning.

One person remains missing . Search teams are this morning resuming efforts to find them.

The yacht is believed to have been hit by a waterspout - a tornado over the water. Eyewitnesses say it sank within a matter of minutes, but how and why it sank so quickly has yet to be established.

Search efforts have been hampered by debris that has blocked access to the yacht’s sleeping cabins. The operation has also been complicated by the angle and depth of the yacht, which is lying on the seabed around 49m (160.7ft) beneath the surface.

Authorities have been searching for six missing people : British tech billionaire Mike Lynch and his 18-year-old daughter Hannah; Morgan Stanley International bank chairman Jonathan Bloomer and his wife, Judy Bloomer; Clifford Chance lawyer Chris Morvillo and his wife, Neda Morvillo.

Italian authorities have not yet officially identified the bodies that have been found.

Fifteen of the 22 passengers and crew escaped Bayesian on a lifeboat . One man - yacht chef Recaldo Thomas - was found dead at the scene on Monday.

Fifth body recovered

A fifth body has been recovered from the wreck of Bayesian.

The body was one of five located yesterday but divers had to abandon their recovery after night fell last night.

Five bodies have now been recovered from the wreck. One person remains missing.

'The world has lost a genius' says friend of Mike Lynch

07:43 , Lydia Chantler-Hicks

David Tabizel, who co-founded software giant Autonomy with Mike Lynch in 1996, has paid tribute to him as “a giant of a man”.

Around 9.30pm on Wednesday, after news was confirmed that five bodies had been found on the Bayesian, Mr Tabizel wrote on X: “It looks like we’ve lost our dear Dr Mike Lynch. RIP. The world has lost a genius. His family have lost a giant of a man.”

It looks like we’ve lost our dear Dr Mike Lynch. RIP. The world has lost a genius. His family have lost a giant of a man. #MikeLynch #Autonomy — David Tabizel (@Tabizel) August 21, 2024

Speaking to Sky News earlier this week, Mr Tabizel described Mr Lynch as “one of the most influential, intelligent and most honourable human beings I have ever had the honour of knowing”.

In a piece for the Standard, Mr Lynch’s friend Rohan Silva recounted visiting the tech tycoon while he was under house arrest in the US awaiting his fraud trial, and wrote how after his name was finally cleared Mr Lynch had messaged him to say he was “exhausted” but that it was “so wonderful to be home” in the UK with his wife and two daughters.

Silva said Mr Lynch is “beloved by London’s tech community”, and said he will remember him not just for his “glittering academic and business achievements” but “for his thoughtfulness, generosity, empathy and kindness”.

Mr Lynch rose to become one of Britain’s most successful entrepeneurs, after founding Autonomy.

He sold the firm to Hewlett Packard (HP) for £11bn (£8.64bn), generating himself an $800m windfall. But he then spent 12 years trying to clear his name of fraud and conspiracy, after HP accused him of over-inflating the value of Autonomy.

The 59-year-old was finally cleared in June. He had organised the trip on the Bayesian - a yacht owned by his wife Angela Bacares - as a celebration of his acquittal.

Who are the six people search teams have been looking for?

Search teams have spent more than three days searching for six people who were missing after the Bayesian yacht sank before dawn on Monday.

The bodies of five people have now been found, though it has not confirmed which missing people they belong to.

The six people authorities have been searching for are British billionaire tech tycoon Mike Lynch ; his 18-year-old daughter Hannah Lynch , a former London schoolgirl ; Morgan Stanley International bank chairman Jonathan Bloomer and his wife Judy Bloomer ; Clifford Chance lawyer Chris Morvillo , and his wife Neda Morvillo .

Photos show search teams resuming operation

07:09 , Lydia Chantler-Hicks

Photos from the scene this morning show the search mission appears to have resumed.

It is now just after 8am in Sicily. The Italian fire service, which has been leading the operation, has not yet released a statement this morning but previous days have seen firefighters resume their search at first light.

Search for sixth missing person to resume

07:03 , Lydia Chantler-Hicks

Good morning, and welcome to the Standard’s live blog.

Today will see divers search the wreckage of the Bayesian yacht for the final person who remains missing after the luxury vessel sank off the coast of Porticello, in northern Sicily, in the early hours of Monday.

Rescuers have spent three full days searching for six missing passengers - four Brits and two Americans. After difficulty reaching the sleeping cabins where they believed the missing people to be trapped, divers finally managed to gain access yesterday afternoon and found five bodies.

Four of those bodies have been recovered. The whereabouts of the missing sixth person remains unknown.

We will be bringing you updates throughout the day as the operation continues.

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